人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions单元词汇复习课件(共27张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions单元词汇复习课件(共27张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-20 16:39:29



新人教版高中英语选择性必修四Unit2 Iconic Attractions
1.foundation n.创建;基础;地基→found vt.创立;建立;创办
2.political adj.政治的→politics n.政治→policy n. 政策→politician n. 政治家
3.located adj.位于→location n.位置→locate vt.把……设置在;把……建造在
4.bakery n.面包(糕饼)店;面包厂→bake n.烤;烘烤食品 vt.烤;烘焙
5.butcher (n) 肉贩;屠夫 →butchery (n) 残杀;屠杀.
6 herb (n) 药草;香草;草本→herbal (adj) 香草/药草的
7.breathe (v) 呼吸→breath (n)呼吸→breathless (adj) 气喘吁吁的→breathtaking (adj) 激动人心的;惊人的
8.entitle (v) 给……命名;使享有权利→entitlement (n) 权利,资格
9.vibrate vt.& vi.(使)振动→vibration n.振动;心灵感应
10.iconic /a k n k/ adj.符号的;图标的 icon n.图标;偶像
11.equator / kwe t (r)/ n.赤道→equal adj. 相等的→equation n. 等式
12.joint /d nt/ n.公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所);adj. 联合的;共同的 →jointly adv. 共同地
13.straightforward / stre t f w d/ adj.坦率的;简单的 → straight adj. 直的,坦率的
14.frog /fr ɡ/ n.蛙;青蛙 → froggy adj. 蛙的,不好的,讨厌的
15.dive /da v/ vi. & n. ( dived/dove, dived ) 潜水;跳水;俯冲;暴跌 →diver n. 潜水者
16.freedom / fri d m/ n.自由;不受……影响的状态
→free adj. 自由的,免费的,随心所欲的 adv. 免费地,自由地 v. 释放,使免于(-freed-freed)
17.liberty / l b ti/ n.自由 (The Statue of Liberty)→liberal adj. 自由的
→liberally adv. 自由地→liberate v. 解放
18.distribution / d str bju n/ n.分布;分配;分发 →distribute v. 分发,分配→distributed adj. 分开的,分配的
19.temporary / tempr ri/ adj.暂时的;短暂的 →temporarily adv.→permanent adj.永久的
20.violent / va l nt/ adj.暴力的;猛烈的 →violence / va l ns/ n.暴力暴行
21.biology /ba l d i/ n.生理;生物学 →biological adj. 生物的 (biological clock/ diversity)→.biologist n. 生物家
22.capacity /k p s ti/ n.能力;容量; 能力;才能,智能,职责pl. → capable adj. 才能的
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1. 拜访一个朋友 _____________
2. 在学校放假期间__________________
3. 记录我的见闻_________________
4.做调查 _________________
6. 迫不及待干某事_________________
7. 主修 _________________
8. 对...感兴趣_________________
9. 与...分享 _________________
10. 特色澳大利亚美食_________________
11. 另一方面_________________
12. 出生于;源于..的_________________
13. 与...保持密切联系_________________
major in
record my experiences
do some research
visit a friend
refer to sb./sth. as sth
can't wait to do
on the other hand
over the school holidays
be interested in
be native to
typical Australian food
in close contact with
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14. 由...制成_________________
15. 改变...的形状 _________________
16. 目的是;为了 _________________
17. 吸气 _________________
18. 呼气 _________________
19. 享受时光 _________________
20. 组成 _________________
21. ...对...有一个...样的态度 _________________
22. 据说_________________
23. 就个人而言 _________________
24. 在...扮演 _________________
25. 让某人宾至如归 _________________
26. 同意 _________________
change the shape of
breath in
breath out
enjoy one’s time
have a...attitude towards
make up
It is said that...
in order to
be made from
personlly speaking
play a part in
make sb. feel at home
agree with
1. 位于赤道以南,并在地球上很多国家的下方,它常被非正式地称为“down under”。(过去分词短语作状语)
Located to the south of the equator__, below many other countries on the globe, it’s often informally referred to as “down under”.
2. 就我个人而言,关于澳大利亚我最喜欢的是澳大利亚人。(what引导主语从句)
Personally speaking, _what I like most about Australia__ is the people themselves.
3. 他们绝大多数的乐器其实就是地上找到的树枝,其中就有一种令人惊叹的、叫作迪吉里
Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground, among which there is an amazing instrument called the didgeridoo
4. 它们制造的噪音能够吵醒死人。(修辞之夸张手法)
The noise they make could _wake the dead_.
 1.straightforward adj.坦率的;简单的
【教材回顾】 They have a straightforward and free-and-easy attitude towards life.
It’s quite straightforward to get here. 来这相当容易。
He is a dependable, straightforward boy.他是一个可靠,坦率的男孩。
They have a simple and free-and-easy attitude towards life.
put it more straightforwardly 说得更直截了当一些
a straightforward question 一个简单的问题
straightforward operation 操作简单
The questions he asked me were fairly _________________(straightforward).
That straightforward and honest girl made a deep impression on me.
2.entitle vt. 给...命名(或题名);使享有权利
【教材回顾】Ethnic minority groups in China are often entitled to special funds from the government to help protect their cultural heritage.
Ethnic minority groups in China often have the right to use special funds from the government to help protect their cultural heritage.
You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65.
He read a poem entitled ‘Salt’.
1.She just read a book _________(entitle) The Apple Tree.
2.This may affect your ___________(entitle) to compensation.
Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion.
entitle sb. to 让某人有权利/资格
sb. be entitled to (某人)有权利/资格...
a book/play/poem entitled ...(命名)题名为...的书/剧/诗
entitlement n.(拥有某物或做某事)的权利/资格
3.freedom n.自由;不受...影响的状态
【教材回顾】Special parks have been set up to protect their safety and freedom.
He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail.
I was given the freedom of the whole house.
Special parks have been set up to protect their safety and liberty.
1.One cannot choose ___________(free) for oneself without choosing it for others.
2. I want to have a happy life and be __________(freedom)
Freedom of expression is a basic human right.
with freedom 自由地
freedom of action/choice 行动/选择自由
freedom from fear/pain/hunger 免于恐惧/痛苦/饥饿
freedom of speech/thought/expression/worship
4.sponsor vt.倡议;赞助;主办 n.(法案等的)倡议者;赞助者
【教材回顾】Visitors can see these amazing creatures in their natural domain, and sponsor an elephant to preserve its health and liberty.
Visitors can see these amazing creatures in their natural domain, and aid an elephant financially to preserve its health and liberty.
The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors.
He is the sponsor of the new immigration bill.
Will you sponsor me for a charity walk I’m doing.
be sponsored by 由...提交的
1.The bill was _____________(sponsor) by a Labour MP.
2.I’m collecting _____________(sponsor) for next week’s charity run.
She found a company to sponsor her through college.
The company is the major sponsor of the party.
5.distribution n.分布;分配;分发
It has to be the kangaroo, as it has a wide distribution throughout the country.
It has to be the kangaroo, as it exists in a wide range throughout the country.
They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.
The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.
The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven.
the unfair distribution of wealth 财富分配不公
the distribution of food 分发食品
1.They studied the geographical ____________(distribute)of the disease.
2.The newspaper is _____________(distribute) free.
The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.
distribute sth. to sb./sth. 分发/分配...给...
6.frequency n. 发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率
They are handled for only a limited time and on a limited frequency of occasions.
Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.
Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency.
They are handled for only a limited time and on a limited number of times.
frequent adj.频繁的
frequently adv. 频繁地
a high/low frequency 高频率/低频率
1.The sounds had a low _______________(frequent).
2.He is a _____________(频繁的)visitor to this country.
3.Buses run ______________(frequent) between the city and the airport.
Dogs can hear very high frequency sounds.
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1.This kind of ticket does not entitle you __________(travel)first class.
2.My sister took a role in the movie ____________(entitle) Love.
3.Susan’s idea of __________(free) was to have variety in her life.
4.__________(sponsor) by the National Department of Education, the project attractions many students.
5.We will take the charge of the _____________(distribute) of food and clothing to the flood victims.
to travel
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I am going to visit my friend in Australia over the school holidays. Having already done some research on the country, I know Australia I ____________ (locate) to the south of the equator. There are some iconic sites and unique animals, __________what interests me most is meeting people there and experiencing ________ (they ) culture, food, and way of life.
Since I arrived, I have tasted many _____________ (difference) kinds of food with my friend, so my first __________ (impress) of Australia have been all about food! In Katherine, a town in Australia’s Northern Territory, I have learned about the life and I customs of the Aborigines, ___________are native to Australia and witnessed their influence on the country s culture.
is located
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After __________ (stay) here for some time the complicated mix of peoples and cultures that make up the nation leaves the____________ (deep)impression on me. Immigrants contributed a lot to the new cultural influences.
___________(personal)speaking, the straightforward and free-and-easy attitude towards life, and their friendliness and warmth are _________ I like most.