2023-2024学年云南省开远市高二上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版 含听力音频)


名称 2023-2024学年云南省开远市高二上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版 含听力音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 12.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-20 22:02:33


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where did the woman probably go on vacation
A. In a town. B. In the mountains. C. On some beaches.
【原文】W: Hey, Bill. Did it feel great to travel somewhere warm
M: Oh, yes. I love New Year’s celebrations in the city, but visiting small island beaches was perfect.
W: That sounds great. I left town to go skiing — the weather in the mountains was so snowy and cold!
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Put on safety equipment. B. Ride her bike more slowly. C. Drive to another park.
【原文】M: To ensure your safety, please wear protective equipment when riding bicycles in this park.
W: You’re right. I’ll put on something to protect my head and knees.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will the speakers probably do next
A. Visit the woman’s mother. B. Learn to cook noodles. C. Go to a restaurant.
【原文】W: I miss the food in my hometown. My mom cooks noodles and dumplings very well.
M: There are some pretty good restaurants in Chinatown. Why don’t we try the dishes there
W: Good idea! I’ll book a table! Let’s go now!
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why does the woman apologize to the man
A. She lost his bags. B. She ran into him. C. She forgot his name.
【原文】W: Oh, my. I almost made you drop your bags! I didn’t see you turning the corner — I’m so sorry for crashing into you!
M: That’s all right, Miss. Accidents happen. At least no one is hurt!
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to treat others. B. How to support a family. C. How to find a great job.
【原文】W: Tim, never consider anyone as an enemy. Whether they’re your friends, family or even strangers, forgiving others is always better.
M: That’s a great lesson. I first learned this at my job. I learned never to hold things against co-workers.
W: Exactly!
6. How does the woman suggest the man travel
A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.
7. Why will the man go to the city center
A. To find a job. B. To take a class. C. To meet his friend.
【答案】6. C 7. C
【原文】M: This afternoon, I must get to Jacob’s house on 14th Street in the city center. But I don’t want to drive in the rush hour.
W: Oh, it’s easy! Go to the 96th Street station and take the subway downtown. You’ll arrive at the 14th Street station in 20 minutes. And you won’t even have to change to a bus.
M: That’s the new subway line.
W: Indeed. Was Jacob your friend from school
M: Yes. He was my classmate in high school. Now, he wants to tell me about his new job.
W: Cool Have fun!
8. Where are the speakers
A. In the man’s house. B. In a clothing store. C. In a design company.
9. What does the woman say about her business
A. It focuses on personal needs. B. It only provides formal clothing. C. It attracts mainly young customers.
10. When will the wedding take place
A. In one week. B. In four weeks. C. In one year.
【答案】8. B 9. A 10. B
【原文】M: Excuse me. I need formal clothing for an event. Can you help me select something
W: Of course, sir. We have a wide range of clothing for you to choose from.
M: OK. I’ve heard your clothing store is the best one in the neighborhood!
W: We’ve been in business for only one year. We can’t serve as many customers as large companies, but we care more about individual needs.
M: Great. I’m invited to my younger brother’s wedding. And I’ll be on stage at the party.
W: I see — this suit looks perfect. But it could take a week to make some changes to fit you.
M: That’s fine. They are going to have the wedding in a month, so I’ll have plenty of time.
11. Who is the man
A. A manager. B. A secretary. C. An interviewee.
12. Which line of business is the company in
A. Clothing. B. Education. C. Electronics.
13. How does the woman respond to the man’s lack of work experience
A. It might be an issue. B. It won’t be a problem. C. She needs more information.
【答案】11. C 12. C 13. B
【原文】M: Good morning, madam. I have an interview at 9:00 a.m. with Ms. Thompson.
W: Oh, yes. She’s the hiring manager for our company. I’ll call you into her office when she comes back a few minutes later. For now, please wait in this seating area.
M: Great, thanks. By the way, is there any person like me interviewed for this position today
W: Not really. Our company carefully chooses new staff members to interview. We look closely at their education and work history.
M: I only worked in clothing stores and restaurants when I was in college. This would be my first job after graduation and my first position at an electronics company. Would this be an issue
W: Oh, no. We accept many recent graduates. Unfortunately, the other secretaries and I can’t offer much more specific information on this subject.
M: I see. Thanks for your advice.
14. Why is the woman nervous about meeting the man’s sister
A. Because his sister doesn’t invite her.
B. Because she’s never met his sister before.
C. Because she doesn’t know how to talk to strangers.
15. What does the man offer to do for the woman first
A. Introduce her to others. B. Prepare some food for her. C. Show her around the room.
16. What is the man’s attitude towards the people at the party
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Indifferent.
17. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.
【答案】14. B 15. A 16. A 17. A
【原文】M: Thanks for accepting the invitation to my sister’s birthday party, Melissa. Would you like to go and wish her a happy birthday
W: Sure. But she might be surprised to see me since we’ve never met before. So, I feel slightly nervous about talking to her.
M: Relax. She has heard a lot about you from me. She’s really looking forward to seeing you.
W: Oh, that’s so sweet.
M: Let me introduce you to everyone first. Then I’ll show you around the room and we’ll get some food.
W: Great. So, could you introduce me to your sister first
M: Absolutely! She’s just over there with my dad. I know it’s a little crowded here and it might be hard to talk as the music is being played loudly. But don’t worry, everyone will love you!
W: I hope so.
M: Trust me. By far, the best thing about this party is the people here. Everyone is so nice and friendly!
18. What does the man give the speech for
A. To introduce the sales and marketing director.
B. To congratulate the employees on their achievement.
C. To express his gratitude for everyone’s hard work.
19. What will the listeners receive today
A. More vacation days. B. Three new products. C. An extra payment.
20. What is the speaker most proud of
A. The teamwork of the employees. B. The development of their product. C. The performance of the team.
【答案】18. B 19. C 20. A
【原文】May I have your attention, please I know it’s the end of the day, and everyone is eager to begin your holiday. But I want to give a short speech about the past year. Since the summer, we all have been focusing our efforts on the goal of creating three new products by Chinese New Year. Now, it’s just before Christmas, and we’ve already achieved this goal. So, as this office’s general manager, I’d like to congratulate you all first.
Second, I’ve communicated with the board members over the last few days, and we have decided that everyone will be going home with a holiday gift. I still remember the extra vacation days we got last year. But by the end of today, everyone will receive a significant holiday bonus. It will be twice as much as last year. We all should be proud of our product development and sales figures. This extra payment is given for your excellent performance. But more than the money, my greatest honor was watching everyone work well together as a team.
So, before we all leave for the day, our sales and marketing director will say a few words. Please, put your hands together for her.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Europe is one of the best travelling options for everyone. It’s rich in culture, and every country is distinct in beauty. Plus, the cuisine is not to be missed. Here are the best four European cities to travel to!
The capital of Austria, Vienna, is the largest city in the country, and it’s also a cultural, economic and political center. It is known as the city of music and the city of dreams, being an important place for Beethoven and Sigmund Freud. It’s also considered one of the cities in the world which is suitable for living and where the quality of life is high.
Berlin is the capital of Germany and is the place of culture, politics, media and science. It holds a strong history, and you can learn many things about the city’s contributions to the whole world. Travelling to Berlin is quite easy, given that it’s an accessible city and you have plenty of affordable options such as trains, trams, buses and the metro.
Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark and is known to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world. It’s full of Michelin-starred restaurants, has plenty of museums and holds the Copenhagen Fashion Week, which is the largest fashion event in Northern Europe.
The capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, is known for the number of canals that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. These are also the main attraction of the city, but that’s not all. The good thing about Amsterdam is that you can visit it by bike, as it has one of the best networks of cycle routes in the world.
21. Which is not a reason for traveling to Europe
A. Yummy food. B. Natural scenery. C. Adequate culture. D. Good transportation.
22. If you are a fashionable icon, which city will you choose to visit
A. Vienna. B. Berlin. C. Copenhagen. D. Amsterdam.
23. Which statement is true according to the passage
A. Vienna wins a reputation for being livable.
B. Berlin is less influential compared to others.
C. Copenhagen is modern but not eco-friendly.
D. Transportation can be an issue in Amsterdam.
【答案】21. D 22. C 23. A
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Europe is one of the best travelling options for everyone. It’s rich in culture, and every country is distinct in beauty. Plus, the cuisine is not to be missed. (欧洲是每个人最好的旅游选择之一。它有丰富的文化,每个国家都有独特的美。此外,美食是不容错过的。)”可知,美食,自然风光和丰富的文化是去欧洲旅游的原因。D项“便利的交通”文章没有提及。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Copenhagen中的介绍“It’s full of Michelin-starred restaurants, has plenty of museums and holds the Copenhagen Fashion Week, which is the largest fashion event in Northern Europe. (这里到处都是米其林星级餐厅,有很多博物馆,还举办了哥本哈根时装周,这是北欧最大的时尚活动。)”可知,如果你是时尚达人,你会选择去哥本哈根。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Vienna中的介绍“It’s also considered one of the cities in the world which is suitable for living and where the quality of life is high. (它也被认为是世界上最适合居住的城市之一,生活质量很高)”可知,维也纳赢得了宜居的美誉。故选A。
The European Patent Office (EPO) on 4th July 2023 announced that Maasai inventor, Richard Turere, won first place in the Young Inventor Prize at the European Inventor Award 2023.
Turere invented the Lion Lights system at age 11. As a young Maasai boy, Turere was entrusted with the vital responsibility of protecting his family’s cattle from predators (捕食者). He recognised the need for a solution to prevent lions and other predators from attacking livestock (牲畜), which led him to develop the innovative light system that has since gained global recognition.
Lion population in Africa is estimated to have declined by 43% in the past 20 years. Many lions are killed to stop them from eating precious livestock, significantly impacting the lion population, the area’s biodiversity and tourism. Known as Lion Lights, Turere’s invention is based on a simple concept: visually reproducing the human presence that keeps lions away. With changing sequences (序列) of flashing lights which are fixed on fences, the lions cannot become comfortable with the patterns and are discouraged from hunting livestock.
As word of Turere’s technology and its success spread, other community members began requesting the system for their properties, and now over 2,000 homes in Kenya use Lion Lights. The system typically runs on solar energy but can also be coupled with wind power when the weather is cloudy or there is little sun.
In 2013, Turere founded the Lion Lights organization, which now cooperates with more than 50 young people in his native village. Turere’s commitment and resourcefulness have attracted international attention. His invention has been adopted in several other countries. “I want this story to inspire the young kids so that they too can do something.
24. What motivates Turere to invent Lion Lights
A. To win an award. B. To protect livestock.
C. To maintain lion population. D. To shoulder family responsibility.
25. How does the Lion Lights system work
A. It controls electric fences to trap lions.
B. It operates on a single energy source.
C. It patterns the human existence using lights.
D. It uses strong flashing lights to scare lions away.
26. Which of the following best describes Turere
A. Creative and devoted. B. Intelligent and modest.
C. Brave and disciplined. D. Ambitious and outgoing.
27. In which column can the text be found in a newspaper
A. Profiles. B. Entertainment. C. Health. D. Adventure.
【答案】24. B 25. C 26. A 27. A
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了马赛的发明家Richard Turere发明了“狮子灯”系统,在防止狮子袭击牲畜的同时也避免伤害狮子,这一发明获得了全世界的认可。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He recognised the need for a solution to prevent lions and other predators from attacking livestock(牲畜), which led him to develop the innovative light system that has since gained global recognition.(他认识到需要一种解决方案来防止狮子和其他捕食者攻击牲畜,这促使他研发了创新的照明系统,该系统后来获得了全球认可。)”可知,Turere发明“狮子灯”系统是为了保护牲畜。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Known as Lion Lights, Turere’s invention is based on a simple concept: visually reproducing the human presence that keeps lions away.(Turere的发明被称为‘狮子灯’,它基于一个简单的概念:在视觉上再现人类存在,这让狮子远离。)”可知,“狮子灯”系统通过用灯来模仿人类的存在,从而让狮子远离。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第一段“The European Patent Office(EPO) on 4th July 2023 announced that Maasai inventor, Richard Turere, won first place in the Young Inventor Prize at the European Inventor Award 2023.(欧洲专利局,即EPO,于2023年7月4日宣布,马赛发明家Richard Turere在2023年欧洲发明家奖青年发明家奖中获得第一名。)”可知,Richard Turere因其发明而获得了青年发明家奖第一名,由此可推测出,他非常有创造性。根据最后一段中的“Turere’s commitment and resourcefulness have attracted international attention.(Turere的投入和智谋引起了国际社会的关注)”可知,Turere是一个做事投入的人。故选A。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段“The European Patent Office(EPO) on 4th July 2023 announced that Maasai inventor, Richard Turere, won first place in the Young Inventor Prize at the European Inventor Award 2023.(欧洲专利局,即EPO,于2023年7月4日宣布,马赛发明家Richard Turere在2023年欧洲发明家奖青年发明家奖中获得第一名。)”可知,本文主要介绍了马赛的发明家Richard Turere发明了“狮子灯”系统,在防止狮子袭击牲畜的同时也避免伤害狮子,这一发明获得了全世界的认可,由此可推测出,本篇文章最有可能出现在报纸的人物简介栏目。故选A。
Most of us know what it’s like to get presents. Whether it’s for a birthday or other celebration, it’s hard to beat the excitement of opening a carefully wrapped box to find something that’s both unexpected and suits you perfectly. Now, imagine if you could get the same feeling when you go shopping for yourself. That’s the feeling that mystery boxes hope to reach.
Mystery boxes are not a new idea—they were a feature of department stores in Japan in the early 20th Century. They contain different products sold at a lower price than their combined value. The key thing is that customers don’t know what’s in the box before they buy. All kinds of mystery boxes are available: fashion boxes, food boxes, beauty boxes, even loot boxes, which are virtual items for video games.
The pleasant surprise is not the only attraction of mystery boxes. They also allow people to try things that they otherwise wouldn’t. Seasonal vegetable subscription(订购)boxes might lead people to learn to cook new meals. They can also potentially offer great savings—as the recommended selling price of the contents is often far higher than the purchase price. For sellers and suppliers, the benefits are clear- it allows them to sell unwanted things for a profit. British fashion mystery box businessman Mario Maher highlights how mystery boxes can help reduce the amount of waste in the fashion industry. People might discover product ranges that would otherwise be thrown away.
There is an obvious disadvantage to mystery boxes -when you buy them, you don’t know what you’ll get! It may be that the goods inside are not to your taste, but there is also the potential for cheats to use the unpredictability of mystery boxes to send items that have a much lower value than the price of the box.
So, are mystery boxes a fun way of reducing waste and making shopping more exciting, or more an opportunity for disappointment, or worse—tricks
28. What do loot boxes probably contain in Paragraph 2
A. Something unwanted. B. Gifts received from friends.
C. Virtual prizes for game players. D. Something best suitable for you.
29. What is the effect of mystery boxes according to Paragraph 3
A. Helping throw away plenty of waste. B. Bringing down the prices of products.
C. Encouraging people to try new things. D. Leading people to gather unwanted things.
30 What is the author’s attitude toward mystery boxes
A. Subjective. B. Objective.
C. Concerned. D. Indifferent.
31. What can we learn about mystery boxes
A. They can be invaluable. B. They are a modern trend.
C. They can change our lifestyle. D. They are a double-edged sword.
【答案】28. C 29. C 30. B 31. D
细节理解题。根据第二段中“All kinds of mystery boxes are available: fashion boxes, food boxes, beauty boxes, even loot boxes, which are virtual items for video games.(各种各样的神秘盒子都有:时装盒,食品盒,美容盒,甚至是战利品盒——这些都是视频游戏的虚拟物品。)”可知,战利品盒可能包含游戏玩家的虚拟奖品。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“They also allow people to try things that they otherwise wouldn’t. Seasonal vegetable subscription(订购)boxes might lead people to learn to cook new meals.(他们还允许人们尝试他们本来不会尝试的东西。时令蔬菜订购盒可能会引导人们学习烹饪新的食物。)”可知,神秘盒子鼓励人们尝试新事物,故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“The pleasant surprise is not the only attraction of mystery boxes. They also allow people to try things that they otherwise wouldn’t. Seasonal vegetable subscription(订购)boxes might lead people to learn to cook new meals. They can also potentially offer great savings—as the recommended selling price of the contents is often far higher than the purchase price. For sellers and suppliers, the benefits are clear- it allows them to sell unwanted things for a profit. British fashion mystery box businessman Mario Maher highlights how mystery boxes can help reduce the amount of waste in the fashion industry. People might discover product ranges that would otherwise be thrown away.(令人愉快的惊喜并不是神秘盒子的唯一吸引力。他们还允许人们尝试他们本来不会尝试的东西。时令蔬菜订购盒可能会引导人们学习烹饪新的食物。它们还有可能带来巨大的节约——因为内容的建议销售价格往往远高于购买价格。对于卖家和供应商来说,好处是显而易见的——它允许他们出售不想要的东西以获取利润。英国时尚神秘包装盒商人马里奥·马赫强调神秘包装盒可以帮助减少时尚行业的浪费。人们可能会发现产品范围,否则会被扔掉。)”和倒数第二段中“There is an obvious disadvantage to mystery boxes -when you buy them, you don’t know what you’ll get!(神秘盒子有一个明显的缺点——当你买它们的时候,你不知道你会得到什么!)”可知,作者既提到神秘盒子的优点又提到了缺点,由此可推知,作者对神秘盒子的态度是客观的,故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“So, are mystery boxes a fun way of reducing waste and making shopping more exciting, or more an opportunity for disappointment, or worse—tricks ( 那么,神秘盒子是一种减少浪费、让购物更刺激的有趣方式,还是一种让人失望的机会,或者更糟糕的技巧?)”以及第三段讲了神秘盒子的优点,第四段讲了神秘盒子的缺点可推知,神秘盒子是一把双刃剑。故选D。
Artworks get dirty. Art that has been around for centuries gets even dirtier. If any art is cleaned too often or with some harmful chemical materials, it can be ruined in an instant. In Italy, some scientists were tasked with cleaning status by Michelangelo at the Medici Chapels. They knew that just using soap and water wasn’t going to work because there were too many layers of dirt on them. So, what did they do They made bacteria, which have traditionally been viewed as a threat to art, do the dirty work.
Michelangelo’s marble statues have been stained since the 16th century. Experts could not use a common chemical cleaner because it would easily cause great damage to or even destroy the details of the valuable pieces. Luckily, scientists developed a substance with bacteria that could eliminate the dirt without damaging the marble. The scientists tested several kinds of bacteria on small pieces of marble before finding the one that worked best to swallow the dirt. After seeing positive effects, they later applied the bacteria to whole statues. In the end, the substance turned out to be very effective. It is now considered the best way to get such statues to look new again.
After the special treatment the statues began to glow again and visitors were impressed when admiring them. While the works will never look exactly the same as they did 500 years ago when they were first made and brand new, at least they now look much better.
32. Why weren’t water and soap used to clean the statues
A. Because the artworks could fade.
B. Because the statues might be broken.
C. Because the stain was too old to clean up.
D. Because the material was too fragile to clean.
33. What does the underlined word “eliminate” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Eat away. B. Tidy up. C. Blow away. D. Wrap up.
34. What can be learned from the passage
A. The statues were thoroughly cleaned.
B. Some bacteria are the “natural enemies” of dust.
C. The cleaned artworks are identical to what they used to be.
D. The cultivated bacterium is the best cleaner to the artworks.
35. What is the best title for the passage
A. A Special Substance Works Best on Marble.
B. A New Cleaning Bacterium Catches Our Eye.
C. Bacteria Rescue Priceless Works of Italian Art.
D. Ancient Italian Artworks Take on a New Look.
【答案】32. C 33. A 34. B 35. C
细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Art that has been around for centuries gets even dirtier. (已经存在了几个世纪的艺术变得更加肮脏)”和第五句“They knew that just using soap and water wasn’t going to work because there were too many layers of dirt on them. (他们知道仅仅用肥皂和水是没用的,因为他们身上有太多的污垢层)”可知,不用水和肥皂来清洁雕像,是因为污渍太旧太多了,洗不掉。故选C项。
词句猜测题。根据空后的the dirt和第二段第四句“The scientists tested several kinds of bacteria on small pieces of marble before finding the one that worked best to swallow the dirt.(科学家们在小块大理石上测试了几种细菌,然后找到了一种最能吞下泥土的细菌)”可知,细菌是把泥土“侵蚀、吃掉”了。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第二段最后三句“After seeing positive effects, they later applied the bacteria to whole statues. In the end, the substance turned out to be very effective. It is now considered the best way to get such statues to look new again.(在看到积极效果后,他们随后将细菌应用于整个雕像。最后,这种物质被证明非常有效。现在,这被认为是让这些雕像重新焕发新生的最佳方法)”可知,有些细菌能够把灰尘清理地非常干净,即这些细菌是灰尘的天敌。故选B项。
主旨大意题。通读全文尤其是第一段第一句“Artworks get dirty.(艺术品会变脏)”,第二段最后一句“It is now considered the best way to get such statues to look new again.(现在,这被认为是让这些雕像重新焕发新生的最佳方法)”和第三段第一句“After the special treatment, the statues began to glow again and visitors were impressed when admiring them.(经过特殊处理后,这些雕像重新开始发光,游客们在欣赏它们时留下了深刻的印象)”可知,本文主旨是细菌帮助有效清洁艺术品。C项“Bacteria Rescue Priceless Works of Italian Art.(细菌拯救无价的意大利艺术品)”作为标题,可以概括全文。故选C项。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Every new exercise routine comes a new risk of injury, whether it’s injuring a muscle from lifting or developing knee pain from running. Some people are unwilling to exercise for fear of injury.____36____There are estimated 8.6 million sports-related injuries each year in America. However, with the right methods, you can develop a well-rounded exercise routine, one that enlarges the benefits while reducing the risk of injury.
____37____One very common issue in runners is knee pain, which is often called “runner’s knee.” To prevent it, for some people, it’s useful to warm up before running. Another common overuse injury among runners is stress fractures (骨折). This often happens when a runner tries to add too many miles too quickly, without taking enough rest days.
Both of these injuries tend to happen because runners did something out of the ordinary compared to what they were trained to do. Take rest days, build up your mileage (里程) gradually and combine regular strength training.____38____
As with other injuries, the risk increases toward the end of a workout. It’s very essential to listen to your body.____39____When it comes to making progress in a workout routine, continuous exercise with a gradual progression is strongly recommended.
Exercise can put someone at risk of injury.____40____There should be a balance between pushing yourself to get better and pushing yourself toward an injury. So encourage yourself to do something that you are confident in doing.
A. These fears are based on facts.
B. Turn to a mixture of sports doctors.
C. This type of exercise can increase the risk of injury.
D. Therefore, the risk of hurting yourself will decrease.
E. But not exercising puts someone at risk of poor health.
F. Adjust in time, especially when tiredness starts to affect your form.
G. Runners may come across two main sorts of injuries related to overuse.
【答案】36. A 37. G 38. D 39. F 40. E
上文“Some people are unwilling to exercise for fear of injury. (有些人因为害怕受伤而不愿意锻炼)”讲人们对锻炼会受伤的恐惧,下文“There are estimated 8.6 million sports-related injuries each year in America. (据估计,美国每年有860万人因运动受伤)”讲这种恐惧是有事实依据的。由此可知,人们的担心是有理可循的。A选项“这些恐惧是基于事实的。”切题。故选A项。
下文“One very common issue in runners is knee pain, which is often called “runner’s knee.”(跑步者的一个非常常见的问题是膝盖疼痛,这通常被称为“跑步膝”)”和“Another common overuse injury among runners is stress fractures (骨折). (在跑步者中,另一种常见的过度使用损伤是应力性骨折)”推知,跑步主要会造成两种伤害,G选项“跑步者可能会遇到与过度使用有关的两种主要损伤。”切题。故选G项。
由上文“Both of these injuries tend to happen because runners did something out of the ordinary compared to what they were trained to do. Take rest days, build up your mileage (里程) gradually and combine regular strength training. (这两种伤害都会发生,因为跑步者所做的事情与他们所接受的训练不同。休息几天,逐步增加里程数,并结合常规力量训练)”可知,跑步可能会有伤害,但通过正确合理的运动方式,伤害会降低,D选项“因此,伤害自己的风险会降低。”与上文是因果关系,讲明正确合理运动方式产生的好的结果——降低伤害的风险。故选D项。
由上文“As with other injuries, the risk increases toward the end of a workout. It’s very essential to listen to your body. (与其他损伤一样,在训练结束时,风险会增加。倾听你的身体是非常重要的)”可知,避免受伤的方法之一就是倾听你的身体,承接上文,F选项“及时调整,尤其是当疲劳开始影响你的状态时。”讲明如发现自己身体不对劲之后你应该采取的策略——调整运动量或方式。故选F项。
根据上文“Exercise can put someone at risk of injury. (运动会使人有受伤的危险)”和下文“There should be a balance between pushing yourself to get better and pushing yourself toward an injury. So encourage yourself to do something that you are confident in doing. (应该在促使自己变得更好和促使自己受伤之间取得平衡。所以鼓励自己做一些你有信心做的事情)”可知,虽然运动有让人受伤的风险,但还是要运动,关键是做好平衡。E选项“但不锻炼会使人面临健康不佳的风险。”切题。故选E项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
William Kamkwamba lives in Malawi, Africa, where most people have no electricity or running water. Only two percent of Malawians can ___41___ electricity. Life there is difficult. In 2001, when William was 14 years old, life in Malawi became even ___42___.
Because of the ___43___, William’s family couldn’t afford to send him to school any more. So one day William went to the ___44___ near his home and found a science book called Using Energy. It included ___45___ for building a windmill. Windmills can be very ___46___ sources of electricity, and they can bring water ___47___ from underground.
William didn’t know much English, but most of the book was full of ___48___. Looking at them, William thought he could ___49___ a windmill for his family. When William went home and started to do it, a lot of people ____50____ him, including his mother. They didn’t think he could do it, but William was confident. William was also ____51____. He looked for parts in junkyards to build the machine.
William changed and improved his design little by little. First, the windmill powered only one lightbulb. Then there was ____52____ electricity for four lights and a radio. No one laughed at William. Later, William built ____53____ second windmill. This one brought water up from underground. Because of his success with the windmills, William was able to go back to school. ____54____, he uses his website, movingwindmills.org, to educate and give hope to people. Trust yourself and believe. ____55____ happens, don’t give up.
41. A. afford B. produce C. power D. deliver
42. A. easier B. tougher C. better D. more different
43. A. flood B. drought C. snow D. illness
44. A. store B. market C. factory D. library
45. A. parts B. materials C. instructions D. cost
46. A. rare B. efficient C. cheap D. important
47. A. up B. to C. down D. above
48. A. knowledge B. words C. numbers D. pictures
49 A. build B. draw C. borrow D. buy
50. A. caught up with B. laughed at C. looked after D. followed up
51. A. hardworking B. determined C. creative D. fortunate
52. A. no B. less C. more D. enough
53. A. a B. the C. other D. another
54. A. In addition B. Instead C. Luckily D. By contrast
55. A. What B. Whatever C. However D. How
【答案】41. A 42. B 43. B 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. A 50. B 51. C 52. D 53. A 54. A 55. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:只有2%的马拉维人能买得起电。A. afford买得起;B. produce生产;C. power驱动;D. deliver递送。根据后文“Life there is difficult.”可知,马拉维的生活很艰难,由此可知,因为贫困,只有2%的马拉维人能买得起电。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:2001年,威廉14岁时,马拉维的生活变得更加艰难。A. easier更容易的;B. tougher更艰难的;C. better更好的;D. more different更与众不同的。根据上文“Life there is difficult.”和空格前“even”可知,马拉维的生活本来就很艰难,在2001年,生活变得更加艰难了。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于干旱,威廉的家人再也负担不起送他上学的费用。A. flood洪水;B. drought干旱;C. snow雪;D. illness疾病。根据上文“where most people have no electricity or running water”可知,马拉维缺少电和自来水,由此可知,这个地区正在遭遇干旱。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:于是有一天,威廉去了家附近的图书馆,找到了一本科学书,名叫《利用能源》。A. store商店;B. market市场;C. factory工厂;D. factory图书馆。根据句中“found a science book”可知,能够找到一本科学书的地方应该是图书馆,由此可知,威廉去了家附近的图书馆。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:它包括建造风车的说明。A. parts部分;B. materials材料;C. instructions用法说明,操作指南;D. cost费用。根据下文“Looking at them, William thought he could _____ a windmill for his family.”可知,威廉认为根据这本书,他可以为家人做一个风车,由此可知,这本书包括建造风车的说明。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:风车是非常有效的电力来源,它们可以从地下取水。A. rare稀有的;B. efficient有效的;C. cheap便宜的;D. important重要的。根据句中“they can bring water _____ from underground”可知,句中介绍的是风车的用处,再结合生活常识可知,风车是非常有效的电力来源,有助于从地下取水。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:风车是非常有效的电力来源,它们可以从地下取水。A. up向上;B. to关上;C. down向下;D. above在上面。根据下文“This one brought water up from underground.”中的“up”可知,句中指把水从地下取上来,“up”意为“向上”,符合语境。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:威廉不太懂英语,但书中大部分都是图画。A. knowledge知识;B. words单词;C. numbers数字;D. pictures图画。根据句中“William didn’t know much English”可知,威廉不太懂英语,但却能根据这本书建造风车,由此可知,书中大部分都是图画,威廉可以看懂图画。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:看着它们,威廉认为他可以为家人建造一个风车。A. build建造;B. draw画;C. borrow借;D. buy买。根据下文“He looked for parts in junkyards to build the machine.”中的“build”可知,威廉正着手建造一个风车,由此可知,威廉认为他可以为家人建造一个风车。故选A项。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当威廉回到家开始做这件事时,很多人都嘲笑他,包括他的母亲。A. caught up with赶上;B. laughed at嘲笑;C. looked after照顾;D. followed up追查。根据下文“They didn’t think he could do it”可知,人们认为威廉不能建造风车,由此可知,很多人都嘲笑他异想天开。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:威廉也很有创造力。他在废品场寻找零件来制造这台机器。A. hardworking努力的;B. determined坚定的;C. creative有创造力的;D. fortunate幸运地。根据句中“He looked for parts in junkyards to build the machine.”可知,威廉利用在废品场找到的零件来制造风车,由此可知,他是有创造力。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后就有了足够的电力来点亮四盏灯和一台收音机。A. no没有;B. less更少的;C. more更多的;D. enough充足的,足够的。根据上文“First, the windmill powered only one lightbulb.”可知,这里描述的是风车提供的电力越来越多,起初,风车只能为一个灯泡供电,然后就有了足够的电力来点亮四盏灯和一台收音机。故选D项。
考查冠词/代词词义辨析。句意:后来,威廉又建造了一台风车。A. a一(个);B. the这个;C. other其他;D. another另一个。根据空格后“second windmill”可知,句中指威廉又建造了一台风车,“a second+可数名词单数”意为“又一个……”。故选A项。
考查副词/固定短语词义辨析。句意:此外,他还使用自己的网站movingwindmills.org去教育人们,给人们带来希望。A. In addition此外;B. Instead反而;C. Luckily幸运地;D. By contrast相比之下。根据句中“he uses his website, movingwindmills.org, to educate and give hope to people”可知,空格后是除了用风车供电外,他对人们的其他帮助,“In addition”意为“此外”,符合语境。故选A项。
考查从属连词词义辨析。句意:信任并相信自己。无论发生什么事,都不要放弃。A. What什么;B. Whatever无论什么;C. However无论如何;D. How怎样。根据句意可知,句子为让步状语从句,告诉我们无论发生什么事,都不要放弃,“Whatever”意为“无论什么”,引导从句做主语,符合语境。故选B项。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Chinese products shine among Hangzhou Asian Games participants
Chinese products won the admiration of many foreign participants at the 19h Asian Games, which ___56___ (conclude) in Hangzhou, the capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province, on Oct. 8th.
Oksana Chusovitina, ___57___ 48-year-old Uzbek gymnast, expressed her admiration for the training ___58___ (facility) and comfortable accommodations. She even inquired about where ___59___ (purchase) the same mattress she used in the Asian Games Village. To her delight, the mattress manufacturer gifted her one after hearing about her interest. In ___60___ (add) to the athletes, former NBA player Shaquille O’Neal, who came to Hangzhou to watch the Games, bought a pair of stylish sunglasses at the market. Some international athletes also visited the Wulin Night Market, ___61___ they bought items like handmade silver jewelry, Chinese-style hairpins ___62___ (feature) plum blossom patterns. Among the items was a distinctive local mask recognized ___63___ a traditional cultural item.
Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) continues to draw international visitors. An athlete from the UAE bought wormwood heating compress packs, ___64___ another packed an entire suitcase with Chinese patent medicines for his family. He explained that his mother is a TCM lover and that such medicines are ___65___ (fair) hard to come by overseas.
【答案】56. concluded
57. a 58. facilities
59. to purchase
60. addition
61. where 62. featuring
63. as 64. and##while
65. fairly
考查动词时态。句意:10月8日,在中国东部浙江省省会杭州举行的第19届亚运会上,中国产品赢得了许多外国参赛者的钦佩。分析句子结构可知,空处为定语从句的谓语动词。根据时间状语on Oct. 8th.可知,用一般过去时。主语which指代先行词“the 19h Asian Games”,与动词之间是主动关系。故填concluded。
考查冠词。句意:48岁的乌兹别克斯坦体操运动员Oksana Chusovitina对这里的训练设施和舒适的住宿表示钦佩。根据句意可知,此处为Oksana Chusovitina的同位语,表示“一个乌兹别克斯坦体操运动员”,应用不定冠词,空后为辅音音素开始的单词,应用a。故填a。
考查名词复数。句意:48岁的乌兹别克斯坦体操运动员Oksana Chusovitina对这里的训练设施和舒适的住宿表示钦佩。facility“设施”,为可数名词。根据and后面的“accommodations”可知,空处也需要该名词的复数形式。故填facilities。
考查非谓语动词。句意:她甚至询问在哪里可以买到她在亚运村用过的床垫。此处是“考查疑问词+不定式的结构”,在句中作宾语。故填to purchase。
考查名词。句意:除了运动员们,前来杭州观看奥运会的前NBA球员奥尼尔在市场上买了一副时尚的太阳镜。固定短语in addition to“除……之外”。故填addition。
考查定语从句。句意:一些国际运动员还参观了武林夜市,在那里他们购买了手工制作的银饰、带有梅花图案的中国式发夹等物品。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词为the Wulin Night Market,是地点名词,关系词在非限定性定语从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where引导定语从句。故填where。
考查非谓语动词。句意:一些国际运动员还参观了武林夜市,在那里他们购买了手工制作的银饰、带有梅花图案的中国式发夹等物品。句中已有谓语动词,所以用非谓语动词形式作定语修饰hairpins,结合feature的意思为“以……为特点”,hairpins与feature 之间为主动关系,应用现在分词。故填featuring。
考查介词。句意:这些物品中有一个独特的当地面具,被公认为传统文化物品。recognize ...as...为固定搭配,意为“承认……为……”。故填as。
考查副词。句意:他解释说,他的母亲是一位中医爱好者,这种药在海外很难买到。hard为形容词,fair 变为副词fairly,修饰hard,作状语。故填fairly。
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Robert准备参加当地举办的汉语书法比赛,但不知道如何准备,写信向你求助。请你给他写封回信,提供帮助,内容包括∶
Dear Robert,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Robert,
Knowing you don’t know how to prepare for the Chinese Calligraphy Competition, I’m writing to offer you some suggestions. They are listed as follows.
Firstly, it would be better if you buy a copybook and learn some basic knowledge about Chinese calligraphy. Secondly, what you need to do is that you can practice your handwriting by copying the strokes of the Chinese characters written in the copybook. Finally, during the process, you may come across some difficulties, but don’t give up and you should believe that your efforts will eventually pay off. I have complete confidence in your ability and I do believe you will succeed in the end.
Hope my suggestions will be practical and useful. May you have excellent performance in the competition!
Li Hua
为……作准备:prepare for→make preparations for
首先:firstly→first of all
原句:Firstly, it would be better if you buy a copybook and learn some basic knowledge about Chinese calligraphy.
拓展句:Firstly, it would be better if you buy a copybook and learn some basic knowledge which is about Chinese calligraphy.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Secondly, what you need to do is that you can practice your handwriting by copying the strokes of the Chinese characters written in the copybook.(运用了what引导的主语从句和that引导的表语从句以及过去分词作定语)
【高分句型2】Finally, during the process, you may come across some difficulties, but don’t give up and you should believe that your efforts will eventually pay off.(运用了that引导宾语从句)
第二节 (满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When Dylan was just seven years old, he moved to the United States with his mother, Khadine, and his twin younger brothers. The family hoped that their new home would allow them to start over and find success. However, their dream didn’t work out exactly as they imagined it would.
Life as a single mother supporting three kids is incredibly difficult, but Khadine had a particularly difficult time after her twin sons had been diagnosed with serious heart conditions. As a result, the boys suffered from dangerous symptoms and required 24-hour care. As Khadine had to work three jobs to support her family financially, it became Dylan’s responsibility to look after his young brothers. To relieve Mom’s stress, Dylan also found a part-time job at a recreation center.
While Dylan never considered his family to be a burden to him, seeing his mother and brothers become vulnerable (脆弱的) made him determined to plan his future out correctly. He believed education was the only way out of their struggle, so he made a promise to his mother that he would be the first one in the family to go to college.
For that promise, Dylan made use of each and every minute to study while taking care of his brothers. He soon became an honor student at Henry High School and took several advanced classes to keep his grades up. The College of New Jersey was his top choice. He was determined to put that admission letter in his mother’s hands.
However, weeks before Dylan’s college entrance exam, both his family and his determination were tested again when Khadine fell ill and was unable to work for a while. Soon, the bills became unmanageable and the landlord evicted (驱逐) Dylan’s family after Khadine couldn’t pay the rent. The family had no choice but to live in the shelter. The place wasn’t an ideal place to study. It was often noisy and crowded, and the lights would go out at a certain time after 11 p.m.
1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
But Dylan continued to follow his dream.
Weeks after his application, an envelope carrying good news arrived.
【答案】One possible version:
But Dylan continued to follow his dream. During his time at the shelter, Dylan had to go to work at the recreation center after school. He then hurried back to the shelter at 9 p.m. so that he could do his homework for two hours before the lights were off. The noise didn’t bother him as he was focused on his study and the promise that he had made to his mother. All of these had continued until he finally finished the entrance exam and submitted the application to his dream college.
Weeks after his application, an envelope carrying good news arrived. It was the admission letter from the College of New Jersey! All of Dylan’s hard work proved to be worthwhile. In great excitement, he rushed back to the shelter and handed the letter over to his mother, who cried out of joy. Going through homelessness let the family know that there will always be obstacles, but now with Dylan’s great news, the future looks much brighter than before.
①专心学习:focus on one’s study/concentrate on one’s study
③递给某人某物:hand sth. to sb./pass sth. to sb
【点睛】[高分句型1] The noise didn’t bother him as he was focused on his study and the promise that he had made to his mother. (由that引导的限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] In great excitement, he rushed back to the shelter and handed the letter over to his mother, who cried out of joy. (由关系代词who引导非限制性定语从句)开远市第一中学校2023年秋季学期高二年级期中考试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where did the woman probably go on vacation
A. In a town. B. In the mountains. C. On some beaches.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Put on safety equipment. B. Ride her bike more slowly. C. Drive to another park.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will the speakers probably do next
A. Visit the woman’s mother. B. Learn to cook noodles. C. Go to a restaurant.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why does the woman apologize to the man
A. She lost his bags. B. She ran into him. C. She forgot his name.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to treat others. B. How to support a family. C. How to find a great job.
6. How does the woman suggest the man travel
A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.
7. Why will the man go to the city center
A. To find a job. B. To take a class. C. To meet his friend.
8. Where are the speakers
A. In the man’s house. B. In a clothing store. C. In a design company.
9. What does the woman say about her business
A. It focuses on personal needs. B. It only provides formal clothing. C. It attracts mainly young customers.
10. When will the wedding take place
A. In one week. B. In four weeks. C. In one year.
11. Who is the man
A. A manager. B. A secretary. C. An interviewee.
12. Which line of business is the company in
A. Clothing. B. Education. C. Electronics.
13. How does the woman respond to the man’s lack of work experience
A. It might be an issue. B. It won’t be a problem. C. She needs more information.
14 Why is the woman nervous about meeting the man’s sister
A. Because his sister doesn’t invite her.
B. Because she’s never met his sister before.
C. Because she doesn’t know how to talk to strangers.
15. What does the man offer to do for the woman first
A. Introduce her to others. B. Prepare some food for her. C. Show her around the room.
16. What is the man’s attitude towards the people at the party
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Indifferent.
17. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.
18. What does the man give the speech for
A. To introduce the sales and marketing director.
B. To congratulate the employees on their achievement.
C. To express his gratitude for everyone’s hard work.
19. What will the listeners receive today
A. More vacation days. B. Three new products. C. An extra payment.
20. What is the speaker most proud of
A. The teamwork of the employees. B. The development of their product. C. The performance of the team.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Europe is one of the best travelling options for everyone. It’s rich in culture, and every country is distinct in beauty. Plus, the cuisine is not to be missed. Here are the best four European cities to travel to!
The capital of Austria, Vienna, is the largest city in the country, and it’s also a cultural, economic and political center. It is known as the city of music and the city of dreams, being an important place for Beethoven and Sigmund Freud. It’s also considered one of the cities in the world which is suitable for living and where the quality of life is high.
Berlin is the capital of Germany and is the place of culture, politics, media and science. It holds a strong history, and you can learn many things about the city’s contributions to the whole world. Travelling to Berlin is quite easy, given that it’s an accessible city and you have plenty of affordable options such as trains, trams, buses and the metro.
Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark and is known to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world. It’s full of Michelin-starred restaurants, has plenty of museums and holds the Copenhagen Fashion Week, which is the largest fashion event in Northern Europe.
The capital of the Netherlands Amsterdam, is known for the number of canals that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. These are also the main attraction of the city, but that’s not all. The good thing about Amsterdam is that you can visit it by bike, as it has one of the best networks of cycle routes in the world.
21. Which is not a reason for traveling to Europe
A. Yummy food. B. Natural scenery. C. Adequate culture. D. Good transportation.
22. If you are a fashionable icon, which city will you choose to visit
A. Vienna. B. Berlin. C. Copenhagen. D. Amsterdam.
23. Which statement is true according to the passage
A. Vienna wins a reputation for being livable.
B. Berlin is less influential compared to others.
C. Copenhagen is modern but not eco-friendly.
D. Transportation can be an issue in Amsterdam.
The European Patent Office (EPO) on 4th July 2023 announced that Maasai inventor, Richard Turere, won first place in the Young Inventor Prize at the European Inventor Award 2023.
Turere invented the Lion Lights system at age 11. As a young Maasai boy, Turere was entrusted with the vital responsibility of protecting his family’s cattle from predators (捕食者). He recognised the need for a solution to prevent lions and other predators from attacking livestock (牲畜), which led him to develop the innovative light system that has since gained global recognition.
Lion population in Africa is estimated to have declined by 43% in the past 20 years. Many lions are killed to stop them from eating precious livestock, significantly impacting the lion population, the area’s biodiversity and tourism. Known as Lion Lights, Turere’s invention is based on a simple concept: visually reproducing the human presence that keeps lions away. With changing sequences (序列) of flashing lights which are fixed on fences, the lions cannot become comfortable with the patterns and are discouraged from hunting livestock.
As word of Turere’s technology and its success spread, other community members began requesting the system for their properties, and now over 2,000 homes in Kenya use Lion Lights. The system typically runs on solar energy but can also be coupled with wind power when the weather is cloudy or there is little sun.
In 2013, Turere founded the Lion Lights organization, which now cooperates with more than 50 young people in his native village. Turere’s commitment and resourcefulness have attracted international attention. His invention has been adopted in several other countries. “I want this story to inspire the young kids so that they too can do something.
24. What motivates Turere to invent Lion Lights
A. To win an award. B. To protect livestock.
C. To maintain lion population. D. To shoulder family responsibility.
25. How does the Lion Lights system work
A. It controls electric fences to trap lions.
B. It operates on a single energy source.
C. It patterns the human existence using lights.
D. It uses strong flashing lights to scare lions away.
26. Which of the following best describes Turere
A. Creative and devoted. B. Intelligent and modest.
C. Brave and disciplined. D. Ambitious and outgoing.
27. In which column can the text be found in a newspaper
A. Profiles. B. Entertainment. C. Health. D. Adventure.
Most of us know what it’s like to get presents. Whether it’s for a birthday or other celebration, it’s hard to beat the excitement of opening a carefully wrapped box to find something that’s both unexpected and suits you perfectly. Now, imagine if you could get the same feeling when you go shopping for yourself. That’s the feeling that mystery boxes hope to reach.
Mystery boxes are not a new idea—they were a feature of department stores in Japan in the early 20th Century. They contain different products sold at a lower price than their combined value. The key thing is that customers don’t know what’s in the box before they buy. All kinds of mystery boxes are available: fashion boxes, food boxes, beauty boxes, even loot boxes, which are virtual items for video games.
The pleasant surprise is not the only attraction of mystery boxes. They also allow people to try things that they otherwise wouldn’t. Seasonal vegetable subscription(订购)boxes might lead people to learn to cook new meals. They can also potentially offer great savings—as the recommended selling price of the contents is often far higher than the purchase price. For sellers and suppliers, the benefits are clear- it allows them to sell unwanted things for a profit. British fashion mystery box businessman Mario Maher highlights how mystery boxes can help reduce the amount of waste in the fashion industry. People might discover product ranges that would otherwise be thrown away.
There is an obvious disadvantage to mystery boxes -when you buy them, you don’t know what you’ll get! It may be that the goods inside are not to your taste, but there is also the potential for cheats to use the unpredictability of mystery boxes to send items that have a much lower value than the price of the box.
So, are mystery boxes a fun way of reducing waste and making shopping more exciting, or more an opportunity for disappointment, or worse—tricks
28. What do loot boxes probably contain in Paragraph 2
A. Something unwanted. B. Gifts received from friends.
C Virtual prizes for game players. D. Something best suitable for you.
29. What is the effect of mystery boxes according to Paragraph 3
A. Helping throw away plenty of waste. B. Bringing down the prices of products.
C. Encouraging people to try new things. D. Leading people to gather unwanted things.
30. What is the author’s attitude toward mystery boxes
A. Subjective. B. Objective.
C Concerned. D. Indifferent.
31. What can we learn about mystery boxes
A. They can be invaluable. B. They are a modern trend.
C. They can change our lifestyle. D. They are a double-edged sword.
Artworks get dirty. Art that has been around for centuries gets even dirtier. If any art is cleaned too often or with some harmful chemical materials, it can be ruined in an instant. In Italy, some scientists were tasked with cleaning status by Michelangelo at the Medici Chapels. They knew that just using soap and water wasn’t going to work because there were too many layers of dirt on them. So, what did they do They made bacteria, which have traditionally been viewed as a threat to art, do the dirty work.
Michelangelo’s marble statues have been stained since the 16th century. Experts could not use a common chemical cleaner because it would easily cause great damage to or even destroy the details of the valuable pieces. Luckily, scientists developed a substance with bacteria that could eliminate the dirt without damaging the marble. The scientists tested several kinds of bacteria on small pieces of marble before finding the one that worked best to swallow the dirt. After seeing positive effects, they later applied the bacteria to whole statues. In the end, the substance turned out to be very effective. It is now considered the best way to get such statues to look new again.
After the special treatment, the statues began to glow again and visitors were impressed when admiring them. While the works will never look exactly the same as they did 500 years ago when they were first made and brand new, at least they now look much better.
32. Why weren’t water and soap used to clean the statues
A. Because the artworks could fade.
B. Because the statues might be broken.
C. Because the stain was too old to clean up.
D. Because the material was too fragile to clean.
33. What does the underlined word “eliminate” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Eat away. B. Tidy up. C. Blow away. D. Wrap up.
34. What can be learned from the passage
A. The statues were thoroughly cleaned.
B. Some bacteria are the “natural enemies” of dust.
C. The cleaned artworks are identical to what they used to be.
D. The cultivated bacterium is the best cleaner to the artworks.
35. What is the best title for the passage
A. A Special Substance Works Best on Marble.
B. A New Cleaning Bacterium Catches Our Eye.
C. Bacteria Rescue Priceless Works of Italian Art.
D. Ancient Italian Artworks Take on a New Look.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Every new exercise routine comes a new risk of injury, whether it’s injuring a muscle from lifting or developing knee pain from running. Some people are unwilling to exercise for fear of injury.____36____There are estimated 8.6 million sports-related injuries each year in America. However, with the right methods, you can develop a well-rounded exercise routine, one that enlarges the benefits while reducing the risk of injury.
____37____One very common issue in runners is knee pain, which is often called “runner’s knee.” To prevent it, for some people, it’s useful to warm up before running. Another common overuse injury among runners is stress fractures (骨折). This often happens when a runner tries to add too many miles too quickly, without taking enough rest days.
Both of these injuries tend to happen because runners did something out of the ordinary compared to what they were trained to do. Take rest days, build up your mileage (里程) gradually and combine regular strength training.____38____
As with other injuries, the risk increases toward the end of a workout. It’s very essential to listen to your body.____39____When it comes to making progress in a workout routine, continuous exercise with a gradual progression is strongly recommended.
Exercise can put someone at risk of injury.____40____There should be a balance between pushing yourself to get better and pushing yourself toward an injury. So encourage yourself to do something that you are confident in doing.
A. These fears are based on facts.
B. Turn to a mixture of sports doctors.
C. This type of exercise can increase the risk of injury.
D. Therefore, the risk of hurting yourself will decrease.
E. But not exercising puts someone at risk of poor health.
F. Adjust in time, especially when tiredness starts to affect your form.
G. Runners may come across two main sorts of injuries related to overuse.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
William Kamkwamba lives in Malawi, Africa, where most people have no electricity or running water. Only two percent of Malawians can ___41___ electricity. Life there is difficult. In 2001, when William was 14 years old, life in Malawi became even ___42___.
Because of the ___43___, William’s family couldn’t afford to send him to school any more. So one day William went to the ___44___ near his home and found a science book called Using Energy. It included ___45___ for building a windmill. Windmills can be very ___46___ sources of electricity, and they can bring water ___47___ from underground.
William didn’t know much English, but most of the book was full of ___48___. Looking at them, William thought he could ___49___ a windmill for his family. When William went home and started to do it, a lot of people ____50____ him, including his mother. They didn’t think he could do it, but William was confident. William was also ____51____. He looked for parts in junkyards to build the machine.
William changed and improved his design little by little. First, the windmill powered only one lightbulb. Then there was ____52____ electricity for four lights and a radio. No one laughed at William. Later, William built ____53____ second windmill. This one brought water up from underground. Because of his success with the windmills, William was able to go back to school. ____54____, he uses his website, movingwindmills.org, to educate and give hope to people. Trust yourself and believe. ____55____ happens, don’t give up.
41. A. afford B. produce C. power D. deliver
42. A. easier B. tougher C. better D. more different
43. A. flood B. drought C. snow D. illness
44. A. store B. market C. factory D. library
45. A. parts B. materials C. instructions D. cost
46. A. rare B. efficient C. cheap D. important
47. A. up B. to C. down D. above
48. A. knowledge B. words C. numbers D. pictures
49. A. build B. draw C. borrow D. buy
50. A. caught up with B. laughed at C. looked after D. followed up
51. A. hardworking B. determined C. creative D. fortunate
52. A. no B. less C. more D. enough
53. A. a B. the C. other D. another
54. A. In addition B. Instead C. Luckily D. By contrast
55. A. What B. Whatever C. However D. How
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Chinese products shine among Hangzhou Asian Games participants
Chinese products won the admiration of many foreign participants at the 19h Asian Games, which ___56___ (conclude) in Hangzhou, the capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province, on Oct. 8th.
Oksana Chusovitina, ___57___ 48-year-old Uzbek gymnast, expressed her admiration for the training ___58___ (facility) and comfortable accommodations. She even inquired about where ___59___ (purchase) the same mattress she used in the Asian Games Village. To her delight, the mattress manufacturer gifted her one after hearing about her interest. In ___60___ (add) to the athletes, former NBA player Shaquille O’Neal, who came to Hangzhou to watch the Games, bought a pair of stylish sunglasses at the market. Some international athletes also visited the Wulin Night Market, ___61___ they bought items like handmade silver jewelry, Chinese-style hairpins ___62___ (feature) plum blossom patterns. Among the items was a distinctive local mask recognized ___63___ a traditional cultural item.
Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) continues to draw international visitors. An athlete from the UAE bought wormwood heating compress packs, ___64___ another packed an entire suitcase with Chinese patent medicines for his family. He explained that his mother is a TCM lover and that such medicines are ___65___ (fair) hard to come by overseas.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Robert准备参加当地举办的汉语书法比赛,但不知道如何准备,写信向你求助。请你给他写封回信,提供帮助,内容包括∶
Dear Robert,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When Dylan was just seven years old, he moved to the United States with his mother, Khadine, and his twin younger brothers. The family hoped that their new home would allow them to start over and find success. However, their dream didn’t work out exactly as they imagined it would.
Life as a single mother supporting three kids is incredibly difficult, but Khadine had a particularly difficult time after her twin sons had been diagnosed with serious heart conditions. As a result, the boys suffered from dangerous symptoms and required 24-hour care. As Khadine had to work three jobs to support her family financially, it became Dylan’s responsibility to look after his young brothers. To relieve Mom’s stress, Dylan also found a part-time job at a recreation center.
While Dylan never considered his family to be a burden to him, seeing his mother and brothers become vulnerable (脆弱的) made him determined to plan his future out correctly. He believed education was the only way out of their struggle, so he made a promise to his mother that he would be the first one in the family to go to college.
For that promise, Dylan made use of each and every minute to study while taking care of his brothers. He soon became an honor student at Henry High School and took several advanced classes to keep his grades up. The College of New Jersey was his top choice. He was determined to put that admission letter in his mother’s hands.
However, weeks before Dylan’s college entrance exam, both his family and his determination were tested again when Khadine fell ill and was unable to work for a while. Soon, the bills became unmanageable and the landlord evicted (驱逐) Dylan’s family after Khadine couldn’t pay the rent. The family had no choice but to live in the shelter. The place wasn’t an ideal place to study. It was often noisy and crowded, and the lights would go out at a certain time after 11 p.m.
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But Dylan continued to follow his dream.
Weeks after his application, an envelope carrying good news arrived.