2023-2024学年浙江省高二上学期期中联考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版,有听力音频有听力原文)


名称 2023-2024学年浙江省高二上学期期中联考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版,有听力音频有听力原文)
格式 zip
文件大小 13.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-20 22:46:50


第Ⅰ卷 选择题部分
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What did the boy do last night
A. He competed in a match.
B. He went to the stadium with Lucy.
C. He met his favorite athlete.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why does the woman speak highly of the boy
A. He is a modest student.
B. He tries to protect the Earth.
C. He has done well in a presentation.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the man complain about
A. He received many messages. B. He couldn’t contact Mona. C. He lost his computer.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How much should the man pay
A. $10. B. $20. C. $30.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Mother and son. B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student.
6 What does the man plan to do on Sunday
A. Buy household appliances. B. Move house. C. Wash clothes.
7. What does the woman think of buying a new refrigerator
A. It’s a pure luxury. B. It’s a real bargain. C. It’s a basic necessity.
8. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a bank. B. In the street. C. In the post office.
9. What will the man do next
A. Take money out. B. Get his accounts. C. Post a letter.
10. Which city is the woman’s destination
A. Detroit. B. Toronto. C. Shanghai.
11. What will the woman do on Tuesday
A. Fetch her luggage. B. Attend a meeting. C. Catch a flight.
12. How does the woman sound in the end
A. Grateful. B. Worried. C. Encouraged.
13 Why does the woman call the man
A. To apply for a job. B. To discuss his schedule. C. To make an appointment.
14. Who is the man
A. A professor. B. A doctor. C. A clinic clerk.
15. What do we know about Mrs. Anderson
A. She is off duty.
B. She is occupied now.
C. She has cancelled the booking.
16. When will the woman see Mrs. Anderson
A. On August 20th. B. On August 30th. C. On September 20th.
17. What do we know about the speaker
A. He moved to Poland. B. He is an expert in math. C. He majored in English.
18. What did the speaker do to learn English at first
A. He studied in the library. B. He learned from his father. C. He listened to English songs.
19. At what age did the speaker start to read books in English
A. 6. B. 13. C. 15.
20. What does the speaker think of reading math materials in English now
A. Easy. B. Challenging. C. Boring.
第一节:(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Hong Kong is the gastronomical capital of the Asian mainland with about 69 Michelin starred restaurants in 2023. Here are some recommended for travelers.
Super Luxurious Lung King Heen Restaurant
If you can afford the best Cantonese cuisine and service, then this one in the Four Seasons Hotel might be the best in the world and has excellent scenery too.
Price per person: 1,200 to 2,000 HKD
Tel: 3196 8888
Ming Court Restaurant
It was selected as a Michelin 2-star restaurant for 2010, and retained the rating in 2016. It is a luxury Chinese restaurant featuring Cantonese cuisine in the 5-star Cordis Hotel.
Price per person: HKD 700
Tel: 3552 3028
Tim Ho Wan
It is internationally distinguished as one of the cheapest 1-Michelin star restaurants in the world. It is ideal for most tourists and backpackers who want to taste excellent Cantonese food, but pay less.
Price per person: HKD 75
Tel: 2332 3078
Bo Innovation
Bo Innovation is surprising because the food isn’t traditional Chinese, but it is rated 3-Michelin stars. Some diners give low marks perhaps because their meal didn’t fit their expectations about what Cantonese Chinese food should be like. But experts rate the “extreme cuisine” highly for the creativity, surprises, and fun as well as for the delicious, sometimes novel, flavors.
Price per person: above 800 HKD
Tel: 2850 8371
21. If you are on a low budget, which number should you call while visiting Hong Kong
A 3196 8888 B. 3552 3028 C. 2332 3078 D. 2850 8371
22. Why does Bo Innovation receive low marks
A. The price is too high. B. The location is surprisingly far.
C The food is too novel for traditional style. D. The experts are not fond of the extreme cuisine.
23. What do the four restaurants have in common
A. They are located in hotels. B. They provide Cantonese food.
C. They are rated 3-Michelin stars. D. They charge extra tip for service.
As we know, Benjamin Franklin made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of electronics. He invented both battery (the word) and batteries (the thing) and came up with the concept of “positive” and “negative” charges. But this comes second to Franklin’s true electrical vocation: practical jokes.
Picture the scene: It’s summer 1749 and you’ve been invited to a party at your good pal Ben’s house. You sit down, pick up your wine glass to take a sip ... and are hit with an electric shock straight to the mouth. This was a typical risk of being friends with Benjamin Franklin. Not only did his guests put up with electrified wine glasses, but they were also frightened by dancing spiders made from wood and string, and invited to send sparks of electricity between one another through air kisses.
The father of electricity first encountered its wonders after witnessing an experiment-slash-vaudeville show in 1743, and was electrified by the experience, to say the least. “I never was before engaged in any study that so totally engrossed my attention and my time as this,” he wrote to fellow electrician Peter Collinson.
Collinson had just sent Franklin an exciting gift: a Leyden jar. Physicists had been able to generate electricity. But the Leyden jar allowed them to store and use it on demand. It would take nearly 7 trillion jars to store the amount of electricity in a single AA battery today. But for physicists of the time, a whole new world of experiments had opened up. Exactly what those experiments were, Franklin left to the imagination.
24. What can we know about Franklin
A. He discovered the field of electronics. B. He designed some new terms in electronics.
C. He separated positive charge from negative one. D. He invented the concept of practical jokes.
25. What happened to the people at the party
A. They couldn’t put up with the electric shock. B. They witnessed three tricks at the party.
C. They tasted the wine made from real spiders. D. They didn’t appreciate Franklin’ sense of humor.
26. Why is a single AA battery mentioned in paragraph 4
A. To introduce Franklin’s great achievement. B. To illustrate the functions of Leyden jars.
C. To explain the store amount of Leyden jars. D. To show Franklin’s creative imagination.
27. What kind of person is Franklin according to the text
A. Playful and curious. B. Friendly and humorous.
C. Intelligent and reliable. D. Committed and helpful.
A growing number of psychologists are getting out the message that anxiety has a positive role to play in our lives. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, who recently published Future Tense: Why Anxiety Is Good for You (Even Though It Feels Bad), thinks our culture goes too far in demonizing (妖魔化) the difficult emotion.
Psychologist Todd Kashdan, director of the Well-Being Lab at George Mason University in Virginia, is a critic of what he calls happyology. We don’t always have to be smiley and calm, or worry there’s something wrong with us. Sometimes, he says, worry itself is what is right. Fear of heights Good, because you’re not going to be the person who falls off a cliff while taking a selfie.
These experts wonder if the natural role that anxiety plays in our lives is somehow being forgotten. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced in March 2022 that the prevalence of anxiety had increased globally by 25% over the previous year. The WHO called the finding “a wake-up call to all countries to step up mental health services and support”. Do we know for certain that this data represents a public health crisis Or could it mean that millions of folks are quite rightly feeling uncertain, stressed out and afraid
We can experience healthy, often completely valid periods of anxiety without being categorized as mentally ill, according to behavioral psychologists. Anxiety is an adaptive strategy in human evolution. It helps us to prepare for the uncertain future. Anxiety helps us solve unknowns by planning and imagining, by plotting out possible ways.
According to Alice Boyes, who has a PhD in clinical psychology, coping with anxiety by avoiding them just reinforces your insecurity, because you’re not getting better at solving the problem. “Over time, you will feel less and less capable,” she warns.
The key is to manage anxiety before it overtakes us, like tending a garden so the weeds don’t spread. How do you do that Solutions include meditation, exercise, compassionate connection such as volunteering, access to nature and mentally reframing what we’re experiencing.
28. Which statement is Kashdan’s opinion
A. Fear may prevent you from taking dangerous actions.
B. Happyology is quite popular among the young nowadays.
C. Being smiley can stop us from worrying something wrong.
D. Difficult emotions such as anxiety should not be demonized.
29. What is the author’s attitude toward WHO’s announcement
A. Unclear. B. Disapproving. C. Objective. D. Positive.
30. What does the underlined word “reinforces” in paragraph 5 mean
A. Resists. B. Increases. C. Adjusts. D. Reveals.
31. What is the best title of the text
A. The upside of anxiety. B. The key to manage anxiety.
C. The origin of difficult emotions. D. The right attitude to negative emotions.
Generative A.I., the software engine behind ChatGPT, is seen as an exciting new wave of technology. But companies in every industry are mainly trying out the technology and thinking through the economics. Widespread use of it at many companies could be years away.
Generative A.I., according to forecasts, could sharply boost productivity and add trillions of dollars to the global economy. Yet the lesson of history, from steam power to the Internet, is that there is a long lag between the arrival of major new technology and its broad adoption — which is what transforms industries and helps fuel the economy.
The investment craze is going on right now. In the first half of 2023, funding for generative A.I. start-ups reached $15.3 billion, nearly three times the total for last pany technology managers are sampling generative A.I. software from a host of suppliers and watching to see how the industry develops.
In November, when ChatGPT was made available to the public, it was a “Netscape moment” for generative A.I., said Rob Thomas, IBM’s chief commercial officer, referring to Netscape’s introduction of the browser in 1994. “That brought the Internet alive,” Mr. Thomas said. But it was just a beginning, opening a door to new business opportunities that it took years to create.
In a recent report, a timeline for the widespread adoption of generative A.I. application was presented. It assumed steady improvement in currently known technology, but not future break-throughs. Its forecast for main-stream adoption was neither short nor precise, a range of 8 to 27 years. The broad range is explained by plugging in different assumptions about economic cycles, government regulation, company cultures and management decisions. “We’re not modeling the laws of physics here; we’re modeling economics and societies, and people and companies,” said Michael Chui, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute. “What happens is largely the result of human choices.”
32. How are the companies reacting after the introduction of generative A.I.
A. Adopting the new technology widely. B. Making a high profit from the technology.
C. Staying cautious about the new technology. D. Postponing generative A.I.’s wide adoption.
33. What will transform industries
A. The arrival of major new technology. B. The broad adoption of new technology.
C. The lag between the major technologies. D. The invention of steam power in history.
34. What is the purpose of writing paragraph 4
A. To show the Internet came alive in the 1990s.
B. To mention A.I. has brought important benefits.
C. To explain the present situation is just a beginning.
D. To prove the new business opportunities are enormous.
35. What do we learn about the wide adoption of generative A.I.
A. It needs steady improvement instead of break-throughs.
B. It should model the laws of physics and economics.
C. It will be widely adopted in over 3 decades.
D. It is influenced mostly by human factors.
Being a good friend isn’t always easy. Nevertheless, taking the time to develop a lasting friendship is worth every ounce of effort. ___36___ Here are a few things you can do to be a good friend to others.
Make time for each other
___37___ The mark of a good friend is someone who makes time for you and makes spending time with you a priority. A good friend will also look for opportunities to maximize the time you have together by seeking fun and unique experiences that strengthen and maintain your bond.
Open up and allow each other to be vulnerable
A good friend is someone genuine, someone with whom you can be yourself and they can be themselves around you. A good friend allows you to be vulnerable with them and vice versa, meaning you can expose your emotions and circumstances with each other and trust one another to listen, be supportive, and have each other’s best interests at heart. ___38___ If your friend hurt you, don’t be afraid to talk about it.
It is one of the most important aspects of being a good friend. Your friend will need you for support, especially in hard times. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who actually isn’t interested in them. It’s hard to rely on a person who doesn’t behave in a trustworthy way. We all know well-intentioned people who say, “Okay, I will...” but never follow through. If that’s you, be aware that you’re destroying your friends’ trust. Eventually, they’ll stop believing what you say.
Apologize when you’ve made a mistake.
If you want your friends to trust you, then you can’t act like you’re perfect. If you know you’ve made a mistake, own up to it instead of denying. Though your friends won’t be happy that you made a mistake, they’ll be very pleased that you’re mature enough to admit it instead of just pretending that nothing is wrong, or worse — blaming it on someone else. ___40___ Let your friends hear the sincerity in your voice.
A. Be dependable.
B. Be a good listener.
C. When you do so, you should mean it.
D. A good friend is willing to stick their neck out on behalf of their friends.
E. It will contribute to direct lines of communication between both of you.
F. Friendships grow through shared experiences and quality time together.
G. Because good friendships provide a sense of belonging and security, knowing you are loved.
33 years ago, I was on the early morning ride from the suburbs.
We were a crowd of silent passengers, one of whom was a small gray man to the centre for senior citizens regularly. He ___41___ the bus with a stoop (弯腰) and sat down alone behind the driver.
One day, a(n) ___42___ occurred. That morning, the elderly smiled ___43___ down through the bus and greeted the driver with a “good morning” ___44___ he sat down. The driver nodded cautiously. The next day, he smiled energetically and said in a ___45___ voice: “And a very good morning to you all!” Some of us looked up, astonished, and ___46___ “Good morning”.
The following days we began to nod and talk to each other. One morning he held a bunch of wild flowers. Smilingly, the driver ___47___, teasing “Have you got a girlfriend, Charlie ” He nodded shyly. The others ___48___ and clapped at him. Every morning after that, some of the women began to bring him ___49___. The men enjoyed light-hearted jokes and ___50___news.
The summer drifting away, autumn ___51___. However, one morning Charlie was absent. We started wondering if he was sick or ___52___, on holiday somewhere. Arriving at the centre, we held our breaths when one passenger went to the door to ask. The staff said one of his very close friends had died, so we anticipated his ___53___ on Monday.
The following Monday Charlie awaited us at the stop, his stoop more ___54___, and his hair grayer. Inside the bus was a ___55___ again. We sat with our eyes brimming with tears, bouquets of flowers in our hands.
A. took B. checked C. rode D. boarded
A. conversation B. change C. accident D. argument
A. slightly B. unwillingly C. hardly D. constantly
A. before B. after C. while D. since
A. shy B. weak C. sad D. cheerful
A. yelled B. smiled C. murmured D. mourned
A. turned over B. turned up C. turned in D. turned around
A. whistled B. applied C. bowed D. applauded
A. money B. cards C. flowers D. newspapers
A. read B. made C. shared D. announced
A. approached B. drew C. dragged D. closed
A. hopefully B. fortunately C. amazingly D. gratefully
A. favor B. protest C. return D. entertainment
A. crucial B. ugly C. different D. distinct
A. loneliness B. silence C. hesitation D. security
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题部分
Cats meow more when they’re accustomed to staying with people. But does the cat feel friendly Or is it ___56___ (anger) Is something blocking its way Is the cat afraid or distressed Or , does it just want food
In a psychology study, professor Nick Nicastro recorded hundreds of cat meows in those five situations. Then humans listened to the sounds through headphones. Those ___57___ were more familiar with cats or often dealt with their own cats at home ___58___ (do) better at interpreting the meows, especially ___59___ cats made several meows in a row.
___60___, even the cat-loving group got the right answers only about 30 percent of the time—slightly better than ___61___ 20 percent they’d score if ___62___ (pick) answers at random. Nicastro thinks that people would ___63___ (probable) do better with video, because they’d have more clues. Indeed, individual cats vary ___64___ how they meow in different situations and they communicate a lot with postures, head positions and even tail ___65___ (move). “I think that we do miss a lot of cat communication because we don’t get all of that,” says McDaniel.
66. 假定你是Li Hua,你的美国朋友David在上一封信中得知你因为高考选科而纠结,很想知道你现在的选科情况,请你给他回信,分享你的近况。
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My father had been a sales trainer who taught presentation skills. He traveled across the world for work and competed in tennis tournaments on the weekends. “Life is good,” he would always say, with a twinkle in his eyes.
Everything changed during my second year of high school. A sudden stroke (中风) left my dad with severe physical and neurological deficits. He was unable to move the right side of his body. But the most serious problem, amidst so many others, was his loss of speech.
The stroke resulted in a disorder called aphasia, which damages someone’s ability to communicate and understand language. It was like my father was a prisoner in his own body, unable to do and say exactly what he wanted.
The aphasia also caused my dad to say things he did not mean. He would sometimes cry in the middle of a funny movie and laugh when something tragic happened. I found myself going through embarrassment whenever we were in public. My father would wave his cane like a weapon and shout incoherent yet harmless phrases at passersby. It upset me. I hated the stares and hushed comments, even though he did not notice.
One afternoon, I came home to find my dad watching an old video. It was a video of my father and me playing tennis. What used to be such a simple pleasure was now impossible. We watched in silence until I couldn’t hold my grief any longer. I found myself shaking and crying. At any time, he could have another stroke. There was no promise of tomorrow. I felt overcome by fear, both for my family and for my father.
Father’s lips moved while he watched me cry. He clearly wanted to say something, but was powerless. I wondered what he wanted to say to inspire me to face up to the darkness we were going through.
I finally found my answer when one day I took my dad to the park, rowing a boat as we did a few times before. “You …and… me!” he managed to say.
Paragraph 1:
Shocked, I wanted to hear more.
Paragraph 2:
“Yes. Life is good.” I whispered back, completing it for him.
第Ⅰ卷 选择题部分
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What did the boy do last night
A. He competed in a match.
B. He went to the stadium with Lucy.
C. He met his favorite athlete.
【原文】M: Hey, Lucy. I saw you at the stadium last night.
W: You were there too
M: Yes, my parents took me there to watch the game. You know what My favorite athlete signed my T-shirt!
W: Wow, you’re so lucky!
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why does the woman speak highly of the boy
A. He is a modest student.
B. He tries to protect the Earth.
C. He has done well in a presentation.
【原文】M: This is a model of a volcano. In a real volcano, pressure builds up below the surface of the Earth and forces the molten rock to erupt. Molten rock and ash can be shot even thousands of feet into the air.
W: You’ve done well, Bill. Go back to your seat please.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the man complain about
A. He received many messages. B. He couldn’t contact Mona. C. He lost his computer.
【原文】M: Hey, it’s Ryan. What are you doing, Mona I’ve sent you about twenty messages, but you didn’t reply.
W: Oh, sorry. I posted a message to give my old computer away yesterday. I’ve been flooded with messages since then, so I haven’t had time to read them all.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How much should the man pay
A. $10. B. $20. C. $30.
【原文】M: Excuse me, how much are these chocolates
W: They’re $10 per box. But if you buy two, you can get the third one for free.
M: Great. I’d like to take three boxes then. My sister loves them.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Mother and son. B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student.
【原文】W: Hurry up with your oatmeal, Zack. I’m going to be late for work. I don’t want to be blamed by Mr. Green.
M: Just a minute. Don’t worry. You still have twenty minutes.
W: I’ll take your schoolbag and wait for you at the garage.
6. What does the man plan to do on Sunday
A. Buy household appliances. B. Move house. C. Wash clothes.
7. What does the woman think of buying a new refrigerator
A. It’s a pure luxury. B. It’s a real bargain. C. It’s a basic necessity.
【答案】6. A 7. C
【原文】M: I’m going to move into a new apartment this Saturday. And I decided to get some new household appliances on Sunday. Do you have any recommendations
W: I went to an appliance retailer with my mom last week, which is not too far from my house. It has a wide range of brands.
M: What did you buy then
W: We bought a refrigerator. It was a bit expensive. The old one was out of order. You know, I really can’t live without one because I have to keep the food cold or frozen. We also bought a washer-dryer to clean and dry our clothes.
M: I usually wash my clothes by hand, but having a washing machine can make life easier.
8. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a bank. B. In the street. C. In the post office.
9. What will the man do next
A. Take money out. B. Get his accounts. C. Post a letter.
【答案】8. A 9. B
【原文】M: Hello. I’d like to open an account.
W: Hello, sir. What kind of account would you like to open We have two main types of bank accounts: checking accounts and savings accounts.
M: Well, I’d like the first one.
W: And would you also like to open a savings account I think it can provide you with convenience if you have one.
M: Why not
W: Okay. Your ID card, please.
M: Oh, I forgot to take it with me, but I have my driver’s license.
W: We also need something with your home address on.
M: I have a gas bill with my home address and my name on it.
W: Okay. You need to deposit a minimum of $50 each in order to open these accounts.
M: No problem. That’s fine.
W: I’ll open the accounts for you right now. The account details will be sent to you by post each month.
M: Thanks a bunch.
10. Which city is the woman’s destination
A. Detroit. B. Toronto. C. Shanghai.
11. What will the woman do on Tuesday
A. Fetch her luggage. B. Attend a meeting. C. Catch a flight.
12. How does the woman sound in the end
A. Grateful. B. Worried. C. Encouraged.
【答案】10. C 11. B 12. A
【原文】W: Hi. I’m a visitor from Detroit, and I’m leaving today. But I was delayed by traffic on such a snowy day. I’m looking for my flight. Here’s my ticket.
M: Your flight has left at 8:00 p.m.
W: Oh no, I’m supposed to be on that flight.
M: Don’t worry. There are other flights that can take you to Shanghai.
W: Do I have to buy another ticket
M: No, I’ll help you reschedule your flight. Hmm … It means a couple of transfers. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat
W: Window seat please. How long does the journey take
M: The whole trip takes about 25.5 hours with stops in Toronto and Taipei. You are going to touch down in Shanghai at 12:05 p.m. on Monday.
W: Good. In that case, I won’t miss the conference on Tuesday morning. Do I have to have my luggage checked at the other two airports
M: No, you needn’t. You can wait for your luggage in Shanghai.
W: Thank you. You really saved my life.
M: It’s my pleasure. Here is your ticket. Enjoy your trip.
13. Why does the woman call the man
A. To apply for a job. B. To discuss his schedule. C. To make an appointment.
14. Who is the man
A. A professor. B. A doctor. C. A clinic clerk.
15. What do we know about Mrs. Anderson
A. She is off duty.
B. She is occupied now.
C. She has cancelled the booking.
16 When will the woman see Mrs. Anderson
A. On August 20th. B. On August 30th. C. On September 20th.
【答案】13. C 14. C 15. B 16. B
【原文】M: Hello. What can I do for you
W: Hi there. I’m calling to ask if there are any doctors who are seeing new patients now.
M: Yeah, we have Mrs. Anderson, the only doctor available during this period. It will take you a bit long to wait for her. We accept bookings for late August and early September, if that’s okay with you.
W: Yes.
M: Just give me one moment. Do you prefer morning or afternoon
W: Afternoon please.
M: Okay, so August 30th sounds okay. Would you like to come over at 3:00, 4:20 or 5:40
W: Let me have a check on my schedule. So you said August 20th, oh, 30th. Sorry. I think 5:40 would work the best for me.
M: What’s your name please
W: Michelle Wright.
M: Perfect. It’s done. If there are any cancellations, please let us know in advance.
W: Thank you very much.
17. What do we know about the speaker
A. He moved to Poland. B. He is an expert in math. C. He majored in English.
18. What did the speaker do to learn English at first
A. He studied in the library. B. He learned from his father. C. He listened to English songs.
19. At what age did the speaker start to read books in English
A. 6. B. 13. C. 15.
20. What does the speaker think of reading math materials in English now
A. Easy. B. Challenging. C. Boring.
【答案】17. B 18. C 19. C 20. A
【原文】Good afternoon! My name is Michal Wójcik. I live in Poland and Polish is my native language. I am a mathematician and an enthusiast of English. Now I want to share my experience. I had my first contact with English when I was six. My dad inspired me to listen to The Beatles. I listened to them every day for the next seven years. In the beginning, I could understand nothing of what they were singing. But soon I started to understand individual words. When I was 13 years old, I started reading science fiction books. All of them were American books. But I read in Polish, because I did not know English so well. Two years later, somehow I felt that the books in English would be even more interesting. So I decided to read books in English. Soon I finished reading my first book in English. Currently, I study mathematics. Most of the books I use in my math institute’s library are in English. Without English, I would be limited to the few books which are in Polish, and there are really few of them. My knowledge of English is very important for my learning mathematics. Over a year ago I started to use only English in mathematical notes. Like most professional mathematicians, I can read math materials and publish my own materials now, with no language barriers. I feel free!
第一节:(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Hong Kong is the gastronomical capital of the Asian mainland with about 69 Michelin starred restaurants in 2023. Here are some recommended for travelers.
Super Luxurious Lung King Heen Restaurant
If you can afford the best Cantonese cuisine and service, then this one in the Four Seasons Hotel might be the best in the world and has excellent scenery too.
Price per person: 1,200 to 2,000 HKD
Tel: 3196 8888
Ming Court Restaurant
It was selected as a Michelin 2-star restaurant for 2010, and retained the rating in 2016. It is a luxury Chinese restaurant featuring Cantonese cuisine in the 5-star Cordis Hotel.
Price per person: HKD 700
Tel: 3552 3028
Tim Ho Wan
It is internationally distinguished as one of the cheapest 1-Michelin star restaurants in the world. It is ideal for most tourists and backpackers who want to taste excellent Cantonese food, but pay less.
Price per person: HKD 75
Tel: 2332 3078
Bo Innovation
Bo Innovation is surprising because the food isn’t traditional Chinese, but it is rated 3-Michelin stars. Some diners give low marks perhaps because their meal didn’t fit their expectations about what Cantonese Chinese food should be like. But experts rate the “extreme cuisine” highly for the creativity, surprises, and fun as well as for the delicious, sometimes novel, flavors.
Price per person: above 800 HKD
Tel: 2850 8371
21. If you are on a low budget, which number should you call while visiting Hong Kong
A. 3196 8888 B. 3552 3028 C. 2332 3078 D. 2850 8371
22. Why does Bo Innovation receive low marks
A. The price is too high. B. The location is surprisingly far.
C. The food is too novel for traditional style. D. The experts are not fond of the extreme cuisine.
23. What do the four restaurants have in common
A. They are located in hotels. B. They provide Cantonese food.
C. They are rated 3-Michelin stars. D. They charge extra tip for service.
【答案】21. C 22. C 23. B
细节理解题。由文章Super Luxurious Lung King Heen Restaurant部分中“Price per person: 1,200 to 2,000 HKD (每位港币1,200至2,000元)”、Ming Court Restaurant部分中“Price per person: HKD 700 (每人价格:港币700元)”、Tim Ho Wan部分中“Price per person: HKD 75 (每人票价:港币75元)”、Bo Innovation部分中“Price per person: above 800 HKD (每人价格:港币800元以上)”可知,Tim Ho Wan价格最低,且Tim Ho Wan部分中“Tel: 2332 3078 (电话:23323078)”。故如果预算很低,那么在访问香港时应该拨打23323078。故选C。
细节理解题。由文章Bo Innovation部分中“Some diners give low marks perhaps because their meal didn’t fit their expectations about what Cantonese Chinese food should be like. (有些食客给的分数很低,也许是因为这顿饭不符合他们对广东菜应有的样子的期望。)”可知,Bo Innovation得低分是因为这种食物对于传统风格来说太新颖了。故选C。
推理判断题。由文章Super Luxurious Lung King Heen Restaurant部分中“If you can afford the best Cantonese cuisine and service, then this one in the Four Seasons Hotel might be the best in the world and has excellent scenery too. (如果你能负担得起最好的粤菜和服务,那么四季酒店的这家粤菜可能是世界上最好的,而且风景也很好。)”、Ming Court Restaurant部分中“It is a luxury Chinese restaurant featuring Cantonese cuisine in the 5-star Cordis Hotel. (这是位于五星级康得思酒店内的一间以粤菜为主的豪华中餐厅。)”、Tim Ho Wan部分中“It is ideal for most tourists and backpackers who want to taste excellent Cantonese food, but pay less. (这里是大多数游客和背包客的理想之选,他们想要品尝美味的广东菜,但费用较低。)”、Bo Innovation部分中“Some diners give low marks perhaps because their meal didn’t fit their expectations about what Cantonese Chinese food should be like. (有些食客给的分数很低,也许是因为这顿饭不符合他们对广东菜应有的样子的期望。)”可知,这四家餐馆有共同点是它们提供粤菜。故选B。
As we know, Benjamin Franklin made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of electronics. He invented both battery (the word) and batteries (the thing) and came up with the concept of “positive” and “negative” charges. But this comes second to Franklin’s true electrical vocation: practical jokes.
Picture the scene: It’s summer 1749 and you’ve been invited to a party at your good pal Ben’s house. You sit down, pick up your wine glass to take a sip ... and are hit with an electric shock straight to the mouth. This was a typical risk of being friends with Benjamin Franklin. Not only did his guests put up with electrified wine glasses, but they were also frightened by dancing spiders made from wood and string, and invited to send sparks of electricity between one another through air kisses.
The father of electricity first encountered its wonders after witnessing an experiment-slash-vaudeville show in 1743, and was electrified by the experience, to say the least. “I never was before engaged in any study that so totally engrossed my attention and my time as this,” he wrote to fellow electrician Peter Collinson.
Collinson had just sent Franklin an exciting gift: a Leyden jar. Physicists had been able to generate electricity. But the Leyden jar allowed them to store and use it on demand. It would take nearly 7 trillion jars to store the amount of electricity in a single AA battery today. But for physicists of the time, a whole new world of experiments had opened up. Exactly what those experiments were, Franklin left to the imagination.
24. What can we know about Franklin
A. He discovered the field of electronics. B. He designed some new terms in electronics.
C. He separated positive charge from negative one. D. He invented the concept of practical jokes.
25. What happened to the people at the party
A. They couldn’t put up with the electric shock. B. They witnessed three tricks at the party.
C. They tasted the wine made from real spiders. D. They didn’t appreciate Franklin’ sense of humor.
26. Why is a single AA battery mentioned in paragraph 4
A. To introduce Franklin’s great achievement. B. To illustrate the functions of Leyden jars.
C. To explain the store amount of Leyden jars. D. To show Franklin’s creative imagination.
27. What kind of person is Franklin according to the text
A. Playful and curious. B. Friendly and humorous.
C. Intelligent and reliable. D. Committed and helpful.
【答案】24. B 25. B 26. C 27. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“He invented both battery (the word) and batteries (the thing) and came up with the concept of “positive” and “negative” charges.(他发明了“电池”(这个词)和“电池”(这个东西),并提出了“正电荷”和“负电荷”的概念)”可知,富兰克林设计了一些电子学的新术语。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Not only did his guests put up with electrified wine glasses, but they were also frightened by dancing spiders made from wood and string, and invited to send sparks of electricity between one another through air kisses.(他的客人们不仅忍受了带电的酒杯,还被木头和绳子做成的跳舞的蜘蛛吓坏了,他还邀请他们通过飞吻来相互传递电火花)”可知,聚会上的人在晚会上目睹了三种恶作剧。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第四段“But the Leyden jar allowed them to store and use it on demand. It would take nearly 7 trillion jars to store the amount of electricity in a single AA battery today.(但莱顿罐允许他们储存并按需使用。今天,一块AA电池需要将近7万亿个罐子才能储存足够的电量)”可推知,第4段提到了一节AA电池是为了解释莱顿罐的储存量。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第二段“This was a typical risk of being friends with Benjamin Franklin. Not only did his guests put up with electrified wine glasses, but they were also frightened by dancing spiders made from wood and string, and invited to send sparks of electricity between one another through air kisses.(这是和本杰明·富兰克林做朋友的典型风险。他的客人们不仅忍受了带电的酒杯,还被木头和绳子做成的跳舞的蜘蛛吓坏了,他还邀请他们通过飞吻来相互传递电火花)”以及第三段“The father of electricity first encountered its wonders after witnessing an experiment-slash-vaudeville show in 1743, and was electrified by the experience, to say the least. “I never was before engaged in any study that so totally engrossed my attention and my time as this,” he wrote to fellow electrician Peter Collinson.(1743年,这位电之父在观看了一场实验性的歌舞杂耍表演后,第一次遇到了电的奇迹,至少可以说,他被这次经历惊呆了。他在给电工同事彼得·科林森的信中写道:“在此之前,我从来没有像这样全身心地投入过任何研究。”)”可推知,富兰克林是爱开玩笑且充满好奇心的人。故选A。
A growing number of psychologists are getting out the message that anxiety has a positive role to play in our lives. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, who recently published Future Tense: Why Anxiety Is Good for You (Even Though It Feels Bad), thinks our culture goes too far in demonizing (妖魔化) the difficult emotion.
Psychologist Todd Kashdan, director of the Well-Being Lab at George Mason University in Virginia, is a critic of what he calls happyology. We don’t always have to be smiley and calm, or worry there’s something wrong with us. Sometimes, he says, worry itself is what is right. Fear of heights Good, because you’re not going to be the person who falls off a cliff while taking a selfie.
These experts wonder if the natural role that anxiety plays in our lives is somehow being forgotten. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced in March 2022 that the prevalence of anxiety had increased globally by 25% over the previous year. The WHO called the finding “a wake-up call to all countries to step up mental health services and support”. Do we know for certain that this data represents a public health crisis Or could it mean that millions of folks are quite rightly feeling uncertain, stressed out and afraid
We can experience healthy, often completely valid periods of anxiety without being categorized as mentally ill, according to behavioral psychologists. Anxiety is an adaptive strategy in human evolution. It helps us to prepare for the uncertain future. Anxiety helps us solve unknowns by planning and imagining, by plotting out possible ways.
According to Alice Boyes, who has a PhD in clinical psychology, coping with anxiety by avoiding them just reinforces your insecurity, because you’re not getting better at solving the problem. “Over time, you will feel less and less capable,” she warns.
The key is to manage anxiety before it overtakes us, like tending a garden so the weeds don’t spread. How do you do that Solutions include meditation, exercise, compassionate connection such as volunteering, access to nature and mentally reframing what we’re experiencing.
28. Which statement is Kashdan’s opinion
A. Fear may prevent you from taking dangerous actions.
B. Happyology is quite popular among the young nowadays.
C. Being smiley can stop us from worrying something wrong.
D. Difficult emotions such as anxiety should not be demonized.
29. What is the author’s attitude toward WHO’s announcement
A. Unclear. B. Disapproving. C. Objective. D. Positive.
30. What does the underlined word “reinforces” in paragraph 5 mean
A. Resists. B. Increases. C. Adjusts. D. Reveals.
31. What is the best title of the text
A. The upside of anxiety. B. The key to manage anxiety.
C. The origin of difficult emotions. D. The right attitude to negative emotions.
【答案】28. A 29. B 30. B 31. A
推理判断题。由文章第二段“Psychologist Todd Kashdan, director of the Well-Being Lab at George Mason University in Virginia, is a critic of what he calls happyology. We don’t always have to be smiley and calm, or worry there’s something wrong with us. Sometimes, he says, worry itself is what is right. Fear of heights Good, because you’re not going to be the person who falls off a cliff while taking a selfie. (弗吉尼亚州乔治梅森大学幸福实验室主任、心理学家托德·卡什丹是他所谓的幸福学的批评者。我们不必总是面带微笑,保持冷静,或者担心自己有什么问题。他说,有时候,担心本身就是对的。恐高?很好,因为你不会是那个自拍时从悬崖上摔下来的人。)”可知,卡什丹的观点是恐惧可能会阻止你采取危险的行动。故选A。
推理判断题。由文章第三段中“For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced in March 2022 that the prevalence of anxiety had increased globally by 25% over the previous year. The WHO called the finding “a wake-up call to all countries to step up mental health services and support”. (例如,世界卫生组织(WHO)在2022年3月宣布,全球焦虑症的患病率比前一年增加了25%。世界卫生组织称这一发现“为所有国家加强精神卫生服务和支持敲响了警钟”。)”和第四段“We can experience healthy, often completely valid periods of anxiety without being categorized as mentally ill, according to behavioral psychologists. Anxiety is an adaptive strategy in human evolution. It helps us to prepare for the uncertain future. Anxiety helps us solve unknowns by planning and imagining, by plotting out possible ways. (根据行为心理学家的说法,我们可以经历健康的、通常完全有效的焦虑期,而不会被归类为精神疾病。焦虑是人类进化过程中的一种适应性策略。它帮助我们为不确定的未来做好准备。焦虑帮助我们通过计划和想象,通过规划出可能的方法来解决未知的问题。)”可知,作者对世界卫生组织的声明是不赞成的。故选B。
词句猜测题。由文章第五段中“Over time, you will feel less and less capable (随着时间的推移,你会觉得自己越来越无能。)”和空后的“your insecurity”可知,作者想表达使不安全感增加。A. Resists抗拒;B. Increases增加;C. Adjusts调整;D. Reveals揭示。故选B。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段中“A growing number of psychologists are getting out the message that anxiety has a positive role to play in our lives. (越来越多的心理学家发出这样的信息:焦虑在我们的生活中扮演着积极的角色。)”可知,文章主要介绍了焦虑在我们的生活中的好处。故选A。
Generative A.I., the software engine behind ChatGPT, is seen as an exciting new wave of technology. But companies in every industry are mainly trying out the technology and thinking through the economics. Widespread use of it at many companies could be years away.
Generative A.I., according to forecasts, could sharply boost productivity and add trillions of dollars to the global economy. Yet the lesson of history, from steam power to the Internet, is that there is a long lag between the arrival of major new technology and its broad adoption — which is what transforms industries and helps fuel the economy.
The investment craze is going on right now. In the first half of 2023, funding for generative A.I. start-ups reached $15.3 billion, nearly three times the total for last pany technology managers are sampling generative A.I. software from a host of suppliers and watching to see how the industry develops.
In November, when ChatGPT was made available to the public, it was a “Netscape moment” for generative A.I., said Rob Thomas, IBM’s chief commercial officer, referring to Netscape’s introduction of the browser in 1994. “That brought the Internet alive,” Mr. Thomas said. But it was just a beginning, opening a door to new business opportunities that it took years to create.
In a recent report, a timeline for the widespread adoption of generative A.I. application was presented. It assumed steady improvement in currently known technology, but not future break-throughs. Its forecast for main-stream adoption was neither short nor precise, a range of 8 to 27 years. The broad range is explained by plugging in different assumptions about economic cycles, government regulation, company cultures and management decisions. “We’re not modeling the laws of physics here; we’re modeling economics and societies, and people and companies,” said Michael Chui, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute. “What happens is largely the result of human choices.”
32. How are the companies reacting after the introduction of generative A.I.
A. Adopting the new technology widely. B. Making a high profit from the technology.
C. Staying cautious about the new technology. D. Postponing generative A.I.’s wide adoption.
33. What will transform industries
A. The arrival of major new technology. B. The broad adoption of new technology.
C. The lag between the major technologies. D. The invention of steam power in history.
34. What is the purpose of writing paragraph 4
A. To show the Internet came alive in the 1990s.
B. To mention A.I. has brought important benefits.
C. To explain the present situation is just a beginning.
D. To prove the new business opportunities are enormous.
35. What do we learn about the wide adoption of generative A.I.
A. It needs steady improvement instead of break-throughs.
B. It should model the laws of physics and economics.
C. It will be widely adopted in over 3 decades.
D. It is influenced mostly by human factors.
【答案】32. C 33. B 34. C 35. D
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了ChatGPT背后的软件引擎生成式人工智能(Generative ai),新技术的广泛采用将改变工业,人工智能的广泛采用主要受人为因素的影响。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Generative A.I., the software engine behind ChatGPT, is seen as an exciting new wave of technology. But companies in every industry are mainly trying out the technology and thinking through the economics. Widespread use of it at many companies could be years away.(ChatGPT背后的软件引擎生成式人工智能(Generative AI)被视为令人兴奋的新一波技术。但每个行业的公司主要都在尝试这个技术,并从经济角度考虑问题。它在许多公司的广泛使用可能需要数年时间。)”可知,每个行业的公司主要都在尝试这个技术,这项技术在许多公司的广泛应用可能还需要数年时间,可得出每个行业的公司对新技术保持谨慎。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Yet the lesson of history, from steam power to the Internet, is that there is a long lag between the arrival of major new technology and its broad adoption — which is what transforms industries and helps fuel the economy.(然而,从蒸汽机到互联网的历史经验告诉我们,重大新技术的出现和广泛应用之间存在着一段漫长的滞后,而广泛应用正是改变工业和推动经济发展的关键)”可知,新技术的广泛采用将改变工业。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“In November, when ChatGPT was made available to the public, it was a “Netscape moment” for generative A.I., said Rob Thomas, IBM’s chief commercial officer, referring to Netscape’s introduction of the browser in 1994. “That brought the Internet alive,” Mr. Thomas said. (去年11月,当ChatGPT向公众开放时,IBM首席商务官罗布·托马斯(Rob Thomas)说,这是生成式人工智能的“网景时刻”,他指的是网景在1994年推出的浏览器。“这给互联网带来了生机,”托马斯说)”以及“But it was just a beginning, opening a door to new business opportunities that it took years to create.(但这只是一个开始,打开了一扇通往新商业机会的大门,而这些机会需要数年时间才能创造出来)”可知,第4段的目的是来解释现状只是一个开始。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“The broad range is explained by plugging in different assumptions about economic cycles, government regulation, company cultures and management decisions. “We’re not modeling the laws of physics here; we’re modeling economics and societies, and people and companies,” said Michael Chui, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute. “What happens is largely the result of human choices.”(这个广泛的范围可以通过对经济周期、政府监管、公司文化和管理决策的不同假设来解释。“我们不是在模拟物理定律;我们正在为经济和社会、人和公司建模,”麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinsey Global Institute)合伙人迈克尔·崔(Michael Chui)说。“发生的事情很大程度上是人类选择的结果。”)”可知,对于该技术,研究人员需要为此为经济和社会、人和公司建模,而这很大程度上是人类选择的结果,可得出人工智能的广泛采用主要受人为因素的影响。故选D。
Being a good friend isn’t always easy. Nevertheless, taking the time to develop a lasting friendship is worth every ounce of effort. ___36___ Here are a few things you can do to be a good friend to others.
Make time for each other
___37___ The mark of a good friend is someone who makes time for you and makes spending time with you a priority. A good friend will also look for opportunities to maximize the time you have together by seeking fun and unique experiences that strengthen and maintain your bond.
Open up and allow each other to be vulnerable
A good friend is someone genuine, someone with whom you can be yourself and they can be themselves around you. A good friend allows you to be vulnerable with them and vice versa, meaning you can expose your emotions and circumstances with each other and trust one another to listen, be supportive, and have each other’s best interests at heart. ___38___ If your friend hurt you, don’t be afraid to talk about it.
It is one of the most important aspects of being a good friend. Your friend will need you for support, especially in hard times. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who actually isn’t interested in them. It’s hard to rely on a person who doesn’t behave in a trustworthy way. We all know well-intentioned people who say, “Okay, I will...” but never follow through. If that’s you, be aware that you’re destroying your friends’ trust. Eventually, they’ll stop believing what you say.
Apologize when you’ve made a mistake.
If you want your friends to trust you, then you can’t act like you’re perfect. If you know you’ve made a mistake, own up to it instead of denying. Though your friends won’t be happy that you made a mistake, they’ll be very pleased that you’re mature enough to admit it instead of just pretending that nothing is wrong, or worse — blaming it on someone else. ___40___ Let your friends hear the sincerity in your voice.
A. Be dependable.
B. Be a good listener.
C. When you do so, you should mean it.
D. A good friend is willing to stick their neck out on behalf of their friends.
E. It will contribute to direct lines of communication between both of you.
F. Friendships grow through shared experiences and quality time together.
G. Because good friendships provide a sense of belonging and security knowing you are loved.
【答案】36. G 37. F 38. E 39. A 40. C
根据上文“Being a good friend isn’t always easy. Nevertheless, taking the time to develop a lasting friendship is worth every ounce of effort.(做一个好朋友并不总是那么容易。然而,花时间发展一段持久的友谊是值得付出一切努力的)”可知,本句应该说明值得花时间发展持久友谊的原因,故G选项“因为好的友谊会给你一种归属感和安全感,知道你被爱着”符合语境,故选G。
根据后文“The mark of a good friend is someone who makes time for you and makes spending time with you a priority. A good friend will also look for opportunities to maximize the time you have together by seeking fun and unique experiences that strengthen and maintain your bond.(好朋友标志是他会为你腾出时间,并把和你在一起的时间放在首位。好朋友也会寻找机会,通过寻找有趣和独特的经历来最大限度地延长你们在一起的时间,从而加强和维持你们的关系)”可知,后文主要说明了好朋友会为彼此腾出时间,通过经历来维持关系,即通过共同经历来发展友谊。故F选项“友谊在共同经历和共度美好时光中成长”符合语境,故选F。
根据上文“A good friend allows you to be vulnerable with them and vice versa, meaning you can expose your emotions and circumstances with each other and trust one another to listen, be supportive, and have each other’s best interests at heart.(一个好朋友允许你在他们面前脆弱,反之亦然,这意味着你可以在彼此面前暴露你的情绪和情况,信任彼此,互相倾听,支持彼此,并把彼此的最大利益放在心上)”可知,上文提到了有好朋友的各种好处,故本句承接上文说明这么做的好处:有助于你们双方之间的直接沟通。故E选项“这将有助于你们双方之间的直接沟通”符合语境,故选E。
根据本段内容“It is one of the most important aspects of being a good friend. Your friend will need you for support, especially in hard times. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who actually isn’t interested in them. It’s hard to rely on a person who doesn’t behave in a trustworthy way. We all know well-intentioned people who say, “Okay, I will...” but never follow through. If that’s you, be aware that you’re destroying your friends’ trust. Eventually, they’ll stop believing what you say.(这是成为好朋友最重要的方面之一。你的朋友需要你的支持,尤其是在困难时期。没有人想和对自己不感兴趣的人做朋友。很难依赖一个行为不值得信赖的人。我们都认识一些善意的人,他们会说:“好吧,我会……”但从不坚持到底。如果你是这样的人,你要意识到你正在破坏你朋友的信任。最终,他们会不再相信你说的话)”可知,本段的主旨是要成为一个值得信赖的人,即可靠的人。故A选项“成为可靠的人”符合语境,故选A。
根据上文“If you want your friends to trust you, then you can’t act like you’re perfect. If you know you’ve made a mistake, own up to it instead of denying. Though your friends won’t be happy that you made a mistake, they’ll be very pleased that you’re mature enough to admit it instead of just pretending that nothing is wrong, or worse — blaming it on someone else.(如果你想让你的朋友信任你,那么你就不能表现得很完美。如果你知道自己犯了错误,就承认而不是否认。虽然你的朋友不会因为你犯了错误而高兴,但他们会很高兴看到你足够成熟地承认错误,而不是假装什么都没有错,或者更糟的是,把它归咎于别人)”以及后文“Let your friends hear the sincerity in your voice.(让你的朋友听到你声音中的真诚)”可知,后文提到了听到声音中的真诚,说明承认错误要认真,真诚,故C选项“当你这样做的时候,你应该是认真的”符合语境,故选C。
33 years ago, I was on the early morning ride from the suburbs.
We were a crowd of silent passengers, one of whom was a small gray man to the centre for senior citizens regularly. He ___41___ the bus with a stoop (弯腰) and sat down alone behind the driver.
One day, a(n) ___42___ occurred. That morning, the elderly smiled ___43___ down through the bus and greeted the driver with a “good morning” ___44___ he sat down. The driver nodded cautiously. The next day, he smiled energetically and said in a ___45___ voice: “And a very good morning to you all!” Some of us looked up, astonished, and ___46___ “Good morning”.
The following days we began to nod and talk to each other. One morning he held a bunch of wild flowers. Smilingly, the driver ___47___, teasing “Have you got a girlfriend, Charlie ” He nodded shyly. The others ___48___ and clapped at him. Every morning after that, some of the women began to bring him ___49___. The men enjoyed light-hearted jokes and ___50___news.
The summer drifting away, autumn ___51___. However, one morning Charlie was absent. We started wondering if he was sick or ___52___, on holiday somewhere. Arriving at the centre, we held our breaths when one passenger went to the door to ask. The staff said one of his very close friends had died, so we anticipated his ___53___ on Monday.
The following Monday Charlie awaited us at the stop, his stoop more ___54___, and his hair grayer. Inside the bus was a ___55___ again. We sat with our eyes brimming with tears, bouquets of flowers in our hands.
A. took B. checked C. rode D. boarded
A. conversation B. change C. accident D. argument
A. slightly B. unwillingly C. hardly D. constantly
A. before B. after C. while D. since
A. shy B. weak C. sad D. cheerful
A. yelled B. smiled C. murmured D. mourned
A. turned over B. turned up C. turned in D. turned around
A. whistled B. applied C. bowed D. applauded
A. money B. cards C. flowers D. newspapers
A. read B. made C. shared D. announced
A. approached B. drew C. dragged D. closed
A. hopefully B. fortunately C. amazingly D. gratefully
A. favor B. protest C. return D. entertainment
A. crucial B. ugly C. different D. distinct
A. loneliness B. silence C. hesitation D. security
【答案】41. D 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. D 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. C 51. A 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他弯着腰上了公共汽车,独自坐在司机后面。A. took拿;B. checked检查;C. rode骑;D. boarded登上。根据后文的“the bus with a stoop (弯腰) and sat down alone behind the driver.”可知,他独自坐在司机后面,可推知他上了公共汽车。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一天,变化发生了。A. conversation对话;B. change改变;C. accident事故;D. argument论点。根据前文的“We were a crowd of silent passengers”和后文“greeted the driver with a “good morning” ”可知,前面说是一群沉默的乘客,后面有人说话,故变化发生了。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:那天早上,老人微笑着穿过巴士,在司机坐下之前向他打招呼说“早上好”。A. slightly轻微地;B. unwillingly不情愿地;C. hardly几乎不;D. constantly不断地。根据前文的“the elderly smiled”可知, 老人微微一笑。故选A项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:那天早上,老人微笑着穿过巴士,在司机坐下之前向他打招呼说“早上好”。A. before之前;B. after在……后;C. while虽然;D. since自从。根据前文的“greeted the driver with a “good morning” ”和后文“he sat down”结合常识可知,坐下之前向他打招呼。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第二天,他精力充沛地微笑着,用愉快的声音说:“祝你们大家早上好!”我们中的一些人惊讶地抬起头,低声说:“早上好。”A. shy害羞;B. weak虚弱的;C. sad悲伤的;D. cheerful令人愉快的。根据前文的“smiled energetically”可知,他精力充沛地微笑,故他说话的声音也是愉快的。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,他精力充沛地微笑着,用愉快的声音说:“祝你们大家早上好!”我们中的一些人惊讶地抬起头,低声说:“早上好。”A. yelled喊;B. smiled微笑;C. murmured低语;D. mourned哀悼。根据前文的“We were a crowd of silent passengers”和“Some of us looked up, astonished”可知,车上的人们不习惯打招呼,故说话声音不大。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:司机笑着转过身,揶揄道:“查理,你有女朋友吗?”A. turned over翻转;B. turned up出现;C. turned in上交;D. turned around转身。根据前文的“the driver”结合常识可知,司机是坐在车的最前面,故他转身 和人说话。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:其他人吹着口哨,向他鼓掌。A. whistled吹口哨;B. applied应用;C. bowed鞠躬;D. applauded鼓掌。根据前文的“Smilingly, the driver 7 , teasing “Have you got a girlfriend, Charlie ” He nodded shyly.”可知,大家得知他有女朋了,故其他人很高兴,于是吹口哨。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那以后的每天早晨,一些妇女开始给他送花。A. money钱;B. cards卡片;C. flowers花;D. newspapers报纸。根据前文的“One morning he held a bunch of wild flowers. Smilingly, the driver 7 , teasing “Have you got a girlfriend, Charlie ” He nodded shyly. ”可知,人们知道他有女朋友了,而且看到他拿着一束野花,故一些妇女开始给他送花。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:男人们喜欢轻松愉快的笑话,分享消息。A. read读;B. made 制成;C. shared共享;D. announced宣布。根据前文的“The following days we began to nod and talk to each other.”可知,人们开始点头交谈,故会分享消息。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:夏天渐行渐远,秋天来临了。A. approached走近;B. drew绘制;C. dragged拖动;D. closed关闭。根据前文的“The summer drifting away, autumn”可知,夏天走后,秋天来临了。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们开始怀疑他是否生病了,或者希望是在某个地方度假。A. hopefully有希望地;B. fortunately幸运的是;C. amazingly令人惊奇的是;D. gratefully感激地。根据前文的“on holiday somewhere.”可知,人们希望他是在某个地方度假。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:工作人员说他一位非常亲密的朋友去世了,所以我们预计他周一会回来。A. favor赞成;B. protest抗议;C. return返回;D. entertainment娱乐。根据前文的“However, one morning Charlie was absent.”和“The staff said one of his very close friends had died”可知,人们预计他周一会回来。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:接下来的星期一,查理在车站等着我们,他的驼背更加明显,头发也更灰白了。A. crucial关键的;B. ugly丑陋的;C. different不同的;D. distinct明显的。根据前文的“The staff said one of his very close friends had died”和后文的“and his hair grayer”可知,他很伤心,故似乎他的驼背更加明显,头发也更灰白了。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:车内又是一片寂静。A. loneliness孤独;B. silence沉默;C. hesitation犹豫;D. security安全。根据前文的“We sat with our eyes brimming with tears, bouquets of flowers in our hands.”可知,人们很伤心,故车内又是一片寂静。故选B项。
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题部分
Cats meow more when they’re accustomed to staying with people. But does the cat feel friendly Or is it ___56___ (anger) Is something blocking its way Is the cat afraid or distressed Or , does it just want food
In a psychology study, professor Nick Nicastro recorded hundreds of cat meows in those five situations. Then humans listened to the sounds through headphones. Those ___57___ were more familiar with cats or often dealt with their own cats at home ___58___ (do) better at interpreting the meows, especially ___59___ cats made several meows in a row.
___60___, even the cat-loving group got the right answers only about 30 percent of the time—slightly better than ___61___ 20 percent they’d score if ___62___ (pick) answers at random. Nicastro thinks that people would ___63___ (probable) do better with video, because they’d have more clues. Indeed, individual cats vary ___64___ how they meow in different situations and they communicate a lot with postures, head positions and even tail ___65___ (move). “I think that we do miss a lot of cat communication because we don’t get all of that,” says McDaniel.
【答案】56. angry
57. who 58. did
59. when 60. However##Nevertheless
61. the 62. picking
63. probably
64. in 65. movements
考查副词。句意:然而,即使是爱猫的一组也只有大约30%的时间得到正确答案——略高于随机选择答案的20%。根据空前的“Those 2 were more familiar with cats or often dealt with their own cats at home 3 (do) better at interpreting the meows, especially 4 cats made several meows in a row.”和空后的“even the cat-loving group got the right answers only about 30 percent of the time”可知,两句为转折关系,故空处缺少的意思是“然而”,且空后有逗号,故用副词However或Nevertheless,作状语。故填However或Nevertheless。
考查冠词。句意:然而,即使是爱猫的一组也只有大约30%的时间得到正确答案——略高于随机选择答案的20%。根据空后的20 percent they’d score可知,此处表示强调,故用定冠词the。故填the。
考查介词。句意:事实上,每只猫在不同的情况下喵喵叫的方式是不同的,它们通过姿势、头部位置甚至尾巴的运动来交流很多信息。结合句意可知,此处使用介词in,vary in“在……方面变化,在……方面有差异”。故填in。
66. 假定你是Li Hua,你的美国朋友David在上一封信中得知你因为高考选科而纠结,很想知道你现在的选科情况,请你给他回信,分享你的近况。
【答案】Dear David,
Knowing that you have been concerned about my problem with subject choosing, I can’t feel too grateful to you, so I’m writing to share my choice and views about it with you.
Now I have chosen Physics, Chemistry and History as my selective subjects. Physics and Chemistry are science-based subjects, which I think can equip us with knowledge of the mechanics of our world as well as scientific skills to unlock mysteries. On the other hand, History helps me have a better understanding of our roots, which is also where my interest lies.
Anyway, I’m confident about my choice and hope everything goes well for you too.
Li Hua
关心:be concerned about→ show solicitude for
感激的:grateful→ appreciative
看法:view→ opinion
自信的:confident→ assured
原句:Knowing that you have been concerned about my problem with subject choosing, I can’t feel too grateful to you, so I’m writing to share my choice and views about it with you.
拓展句:Because I know that you have been concerned about my problem with subject choosing, I can’t feel too grateful to you, so I’m writing to share my choice and views about it with you.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Knowing that you have been concerned about my problem with subject choosing, I can’t feel too grateful to you, so I’m writing to share my choice and views about it with you.(运用了现在分词Knowing作状语)
【高分句型2】Physics and Chemistry are science-based subjects, which I think can equip us with knowledge of the mechanics of our world as well as scientific skills to unlock mysteries.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My father had been a sales trainer who taught presentation skills. He traveled across the world for work and competed in tennis tournaments on the weekends. “Life is good,” he would always say, with a twinkle in his eyes.
Everything changed during my second year of high school. A sudden stroke (中风) left my dad with severe physical and neurological deficits. He was unable to move the right side of his body. But the most serious problem, amidst so many others, was his loss of speech.
The stroke resulted in a disorder called aphasia, which damages someone’s ability to communicate and understand language. It was like my father was a prisoner in his own body, unable to do and say exactly what he wanted.
The aphasia also caused my dad to say things he did not mean. He would sometimes cry in the middle of a funny movie and laugh when something tragic happened. I found myself going through embarrassment whenever we were in public. My father would wave his cane like a weapon and shout incoherent yet harmless phrases at passersby. It upset me. I hated the stares and hushed comments, even though he did not notice.
One afternoon, I came home to find my dad watching an old video. It was a video of my father and me playing tennis. What used to be such a simple pleasure was now impossible. We watched in silence until I couldn’t hold my grief any longer. I found myself shaking and crying. At any time, he could have another stroke. There was no promise of tomorrow. I felt overcome by fear, both for my family and for my father.
Father’s lips moved while he watched me cry. He clearly wanted to say something, but was powerless. I wondered what he wanted to say to inspire me to face up to the darkness we were going through.
I finally found my answer when one day I took my dad to the park, rowing a boat as we did a few times before. “You …and… me!” he managed to say.
Paragraph 1:
Shocked, I wanted to hear more.
Paragraph 2:
“Yes. Life is good.” I whispered back, completing it for him.
Shocked, I wanted to hear more. Seized by eagerness and excitement, I leaned forward, inclining my ear to his lips. I tried to pretend not to be waiting though I knew Dad was struggling for his voice. My dad looked at me with a familiar expression. “Life… good.” The words came in a mumble, but I got them. Maybe because of his bright smile, or a rush of warm air, in that precious moment, I understood exactly what he meant.
“Yes. Life is good.” I whispered back, completing it for him. That was what he would always say before his stroke. I couldn’t imagine how tirelessly he had worked to recover what he had lost or to regain a fair amount of his speech. I could comprehend now he had always been trying to inspire me to move forward in the face of the darkest times. I used to love the light for it showed me the way; yet now I appreciate the darkness for it shows me the stars.
①抓住:seize/ grasp
②假装:pretend/ feign
③理解:understand/ figure out
①渴望:eagerness/ desire
②兴奋:excitement/ exhilaration
【点睛】【高分句型1】 Seized by eagerness and excitement, I leaned forward, inclining my ear to his lips. ( 运用了过去分词Seized作原因状语和现在分词inclining作伴随状语)
【高分句型2】 Maybe because of his bright smile, or a rush of warm air, in that precious moment, I understood exactly what he meant. ( 运用了what引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型3】 I used to love the light for it showed me the way; yet now I appreciate the darkness for it shows me the stars. (运用了for引导的原因状语从句)