2023-2024学年重庆市部分学校(九校联盟)高二上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)


名称 2023-2024学年重庆市部分学校(九校联盟)高二上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)
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文件大小 79.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-20 23:06:48


1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.
1 What does the woman mean
A. Turn on the fan. B. Go out for fresh air. C. Keep the window closed.
2. What kind of bag does the woman want to take
A. A red one. B. A blue one. C. A yellow one.
3. Why is the woman moving
A. She has bought a new flat.
B. She prefers a quiet environment.
C. She wants to live near the opera house.
4. Where is Mr. Stephen
A. He is in his room. B. He is on the phone. C. He is out.
5. How does the woman feel
A. Disappointed. B. Annoyed. C. Excited.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7题。
6. Who is the woman
A. The man’s former teacher. B. The man’s former classmate. C. The man’s friend.
7. What happened to the man
A. He failed his final test.
B. He was out of work.
C. He gave the students a hard final test.
听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. What is the man going to do this summer
A. Teach a course. B. Work at a hotel C. Repair his house.
9. What will the man use the money to do
A. Hire a gardener. B. Pay for a boat trip. C. Buy books.
听第8段材料,回答第10 至 12题。
10. What did Marine share on the Internet last night
A. A photo of herself. B. Some bad comments. C. A photo of her old clothes.
11. What caused Marine’s appearance anxiety from her words
A. Expecting praise from others. B. Psychological comparison. C. Low self-respect.
12. Who is the man
A. Marine’s doctor. B. Marine’s teacher. C. Marine’s co-worker.
听第9 段材料, 回答第 13 至 16题。
13. What is the main topic of the conversation
A. A special plant. B. A journey. C. A forest.
14. How many kinds of trees are there in one square kilometer
A. About 1,500. B. About 750. C. About 400.
15. What is the woman
A. A hostess. B. A student. C. An actress.
16 What do we know from the conversation
A. Dr. Green knows a little about the forest.
B. There are various living things in the forest.
C. The woman will visit the forest.
听第10段材料, 回答第17 至 20题。
17. When does the man’s wife leave home in the morning
A. At 6:15. B. At 7:00. C. At 7:30.
18. What did the man do four years ago
A. He had a good job on a ship. B. He was a successful salesman. C. He worked for a radio station.
19. How many members are there in the man’s family
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
20. Why does the man’s wife go on working
A. She earns more than the man.
B. Her workplace is farther than the man’s.
C. She can’t do housework.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题2.5 分, 满分 37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Good Literary Podcasts (播客) for Book Lovers
Audio Almanac
The Audio Almanac’s fiction writer Lawson runs this exciting monthly podcast. Here. writers read stories written by other writers. The writers then discuss what they like about the story and what it means to them with Lawson. It is a real treat listening to writers explain their interpretation of the story to us.
Pod Pals
This inspiring podcast invites authors to bring objects that became their source of inspiration in their journey as a writer. They discuss the significance of these objects in their lives. and how it represents their struggles and successes. It is a real treat to listen to good advice from these seasoned guests.
The Starfish Podcast
For all you literary enthusiasts who have ever thought, what makes a writer click Or what was that great moment that changed their lives This podcast is for you. This relatively new podcast hosted by Edward interviews other writers about their deeply transformative experiences. They make suggestions for you to begin writing stories.
Insightful Chronicles
This literary podcast will feel right as rain for those who don’t have the patience for big books and stories. Aldridge, the former host of a popular TV show Rain Reading, thrills his audience with every episode (一集) of short story reading. Authors from all around the world from every literary genre (体裁) penned these short stories.
1. Where can you listen to the stories read by writers
A. From Audio Almanac. B. From Pod Pals.
C. From The Starfish Podcast. D. From Insightful Chronicles.
2. What do Pod Pals and The Starfish Podcast have in common
A. They talk about objects in various books. B. They deal with writers’ struggling stories.
C. They offer suggestions for some listeners. D. They are hosted by many famous writers.
3. What is special about Insightful Chronicles
A. It copies a popular TV show. B. It broadcasts pieces from big books.
C. It refers to books on the topic of rain. D. It invites hosts from around the world.
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
细节理解题。根据Audio Almanac中的介绍“Here. writers read stories written by other writers. (在这里。作家读其他作家写的故事)”可知,你可以听音频年鉴上的作家朗读的故事。故选A。
推理判断题。根据Pod Pals中的“It is a real treat to listen to good advice from these seasoned guests.(听这些经验丰富的客人的忠告真是一件乐事。)”以及“They make suggestions for you to begin writing stories.(他们会建议你开始写故事)”可知,Pod Pals and The Starfish Podcast的共同之处是他们都会为一些听众提供建议。故选C。
细节理解题。根据中的介绍“This literary podcast will feel right as rain for those who don’t have the patience for big books and stories.(对于那些没有耐心看大部头书和故事的人来说,这个文学播客就像雨一样合适。)”可知,Insightful Chronicles播放名著中的片段。故选B。
Opening the pages of Liuba Draws Beijing takes you on a fascinating visual journey through the heart of China’s busy capital city. Within its lively watercolors, traditional hutong, the grand Summer Palace, and the contemporary charm of Beijing’s Sanlitun and 798Art District all come alive through the artistic lens of Liuba Vladimirova, more famously known as Liuba Draws.
Vladimirova’s journey from the icy Siberian city of Irkutsk to the vital Beijing started during her college years, when she commenced with an academic exchange program connecting her Russian university with Liaoning University in Shenyang, in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province. It was during this transformative period that she first set foot in Beijing. Since then, her affection for the city has been undeniable.
Vladimirova’s path as an artist was far from linear (直线的). Since childhood Vladimirova has developed a love for drawing and painting. However, she pursued a different academic and professional route, studying Chinese and international trade in college and later working in trade relations between Russia and China, none of which was directly connected to the world of art. Yet, Vladimirova’s inner artist remained alive.
In 2015, Vladimirova began crafting a series of illustrations centered around Beijing, properly named “The Beijing Calendar”. What attracts Vladimirova most is Beijing’s historic hutong. These narrow alleyways, rich in history and culture, serve as a wellspring (源泉) of inspiration for her artistry.
Vladimirova’s ability to catch these hidden small differences likely comes from her unique perspective as an “outsider”—someone who didn’t grow up in Beijing. This fresh perspective allowed her to arrive in the city with fresh eyes and an eager heart, ready to embrace a new culture.
4. What do the underlined words “commenced with” mean in paragraph 2
A. Improved. B. Began. C. Resisted. D. Assessed.
5. What do we know about Vladimirova from paragraph 3
A. She gave up her dream. B. She won many art prizes several years ago.
C. She was hardworking over her childhood. D. She delayed her artistic career.
6. Why does the author mention hutong
A. To praise Beijing’s architecture. B. To show the inspiration of Vladimirova’s art making.
C. To state the main contents of an art book. D. To advise tourists to visit Beijing.
7. Which statement best summarizes Vladimirova’s success
A. Curiosity works wonders. B. Hard work pays off in time.
C. The world is diverse and lively. D. Painting has no national boundaries.
【答案】4. B 5. D 6. B 7. A
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,文章介绍了胡同里的外国艺术家俄罗斯插画师Liuba Vladimirova以及她用水彩为北京手绘的“纪念册”——《Liuba画北京》。
词句猜测题。根据第二段中划线部分所在句中的“Vladimirova’s journey from the icy Siberian city of Irkutsk to the vital Beijing started during her college years(弗拉基米罗娃从冰冷的西伯利亚城市伊尔库茨克到充满活力的北京的旅程始于她的大学时代)”可知,Vladimirova在上大学时来到北京;由划线部分所在从句“when she commenced with an academic exchange program connecting her Russian university with Liaoning University in Shenyang, in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province(当时她commenced with一个学术交流项目,将她所在的俄罗斯大学与中国东北辽宁省沈阳的辽宁大学联系起来。)”以及下文“It was during this transformative period that she first set foot in Beijing.(正是在这一变革时期,她第一次踏上了北京的土地。)”可知,她由于在大学期间来到辽宁大学开始学术交流项目而有机会去北京;“she commenced with an academic exchange program connecting her Russian university with Liaoning University in Shenyang”表达的意思为“她开始了她的俄罗斯大学与沈阳辽宁大学的学术交流项目”,“commenced with”意为“开始”,与B选项began表达意思一致。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Vladimirova’s path as an artist was far from linear (直线的). Since childhood Vladimirova has developed a love for drawing and painting. However, she pursued a different academic and professional route, studying Chinese and international trade in college and later working in trade relations between Russia and China, none of which was directly connected to the world of art. Yet, Vladimirova’s inner artist remained alive.( Vladimirova作为艺术家的道路远非直线的。Vladimirova从小就对绘画和绘画产生了热爱。然而,她追求不同的学术和专业路线,在大学学习中国和国际贸易,后来从事中俄贸易关系方面的工作,这些都与艺术界没有直接联系。然而,Vladimirova内心的艺术家仍然活着。)”可知,尽管Vladimirova从小就对绘画和绘画产生了热爱,但是她在大学学习中国和国际贸易,并从事中俄贸易关系方面的工作;由此可知,她一开始从事的是与艺术没有联系的工作,后来才从事艺术行业,她推迟了她的艺术生涯。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第四段“In 2015, Vladimirova began crafting a series of illustrations centered around Beijing, properly named “The Beijing Calendar”. What attracts Vladimirova most is Beijing’s historic hutong. These narrow alleyways, rich in history and culture, serve as a wellspring (源泉) of inspiration for her artistry.(2015年,Vladimirova开始创作一系列以北京为中心的插图,并将其命名为“北京日历”。最吸引Vladimirova的是北京历史悠久的胡同。这些历史文化丰富的窄巷是她艺术创作灵感的源泉。)”可知,最吸引Vladimirova的是北京历史悠久的胡同,历史文化丰富的窄巷是她艺术创作灵感的源泉;由此可知,作者提到胡同是为了展示Vladimirova艺术创作的灵感。故选B。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是根据最后一段“Vladimirova’s ability to catch these hidden small differences likely comes from her unique perspective as an “outsider”—someone who didn’t grow up in Beijing. This fresh perspective allowed her to arrive in the city with fresh eyes and an eager heart, ready to embrace a new culture. (Vladimirova能够捕捉到这些隐藏的细微差异,可能是因为她作为一个‘局外人’——一个不在北京长大的人——的独特视角。这种全新的视角让她带着全新的眼光和渴望的心来到这座城市,准备接受一种新的文化。)”可知,Vladimirova的展示北京的绘画之所以如此成功是她对这座城市充满好奇心,以一个“局外人”的身份带着全新的眼光和渴望的心来到北京,以全新的视角去接受一种新的文化;A选项“Curiosity works wonders.(好奇心能创造奇迹。)”能够最好地概括Vladimirova的成功。故选A。
Giant stars may be the ultimate example of “Live fast; die young”. Unlike our own sun, which will shine for billions of years, more huge stars can burn through their fuel in only a few million years before dropping off their outer parts and exploding.
This week NASA published a rare image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) of one such giant—a Wolf-Rayet star in the final stages of its life. Named WR 124, it’s found in Sagitta and lies about 15, 000 light-years away from Earth. The dying star is at least 30times the mass of our sun but is contracting itself quickly as it sends off hot gas into the cold space.
“We’ve caught it early, ” explains Anthony Moffat, a retired astrophysicist, who previously observed WR 124 using the Hubble Space Telescope and was not involved in the recent JWST measurements. Moffat has studied Wolf-Rayet stars for decades. “This is the youngest one I know of, ” he says. The colorful cloud in the image is only a few thousand years old. “Now the nebula is hugging the star, ” he says. But as time flies by, it will bloom outward in expanding shells or rings of gas and dust.
Astrophysicists created the grand image by combining data from two of JWST’s instruments, the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). The Hubble Space Telescope, which mostly gathers light at optical (视觉的) wavelengths, had captured images of WR 124 before, but JWST’s observations show the star’s disappearance in detail.
“Personally, the most exciting part of this image is that we are capturing a rare event—that is, a Wolf-Rayet star—with a level of detail that can only be achieved with JWST. ” says Macarena Garcia Marin, an astrophysicist at the European Space Agency, who works with MIRL
8. What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To lead in the topic of the text. B. To present a common problem.
C. To make the article interesting. D. To introduce a theory.
9. What can we know about WR 124 according to NASA
A. It is 10, 000 light-years away from Earth. B. It takes in cold gas from the space.
C. It is 30 times the size of the Earth. D. It is in the last period of its life.
10. What is Marin’s attitude toward the image
A. Doubtful. B. Negative. C. Satisfied. D. Critical.
11. What is the text mainly about
A. Stars actually will explode rapidly. B. Giant stars will shine for billions of years.
C. NASA has a great effect on studying stars. D. Rare dying star was revealed in new JWST image.
【答案】8. A 9. D 10. C 11. D
推理判断题。由文章第一段“Giant stars may be the ultimate example of “Live fast; die young”. Unlike our own sun, which will shine for billions of years, more huge stars can burn through their fuel in only a few million years before dropping off their outer parts and exploding. (巨星可能是“活得快,死得早”的终极典范。与我们自己的太阳不同,太阳将照耀数十亿年,更多的巨星可以在几百万年内燃烧掉它们的燃料,然后脱落并爆炸。)”可知,第一段的目的是引出正文的主题,即出现在JWST的新照片中的一颗罕见的垂死之星。故选A。
细节理解题。由文章第二段“This week NASA published a rare image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) of one such giant—a Wolf-Rayet star in the final stages of its life. Named WR 124, it’s found in Sagitta and lies about 15, 000 light-years away from Earth. The dying star is at least 30times the mass of our sun but is contracting itself quickly as it sends off hot gas into the cold space. (本周,美国宇航局发布了一张罕见的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(JWST)拍摄的照片,照片上是一颗处于生命最后阶段的巨型沃尔夫-拉叶星。它被命名为WR 124,位于人马座,距离地球约15000光年。这颗垂死的恒星的质量至少是太阳的30倍,但它正在迅速收缩,因为它向寒冷的空间释放热气体。)”可知,根据美国国家航空航天局的说法,它正处于生命的最后阶段。故选D。
推理判断题。由文章最后一段““Personally, the most exciting part of this image is that we are capturing a rare event—that is, a Wolf-Rayet star—with a level of detail that can only be achieved with JWST. ” says Macarena Garcia Marin, an astrophysicist at the European Space Agency, who works with MIRL (与MIRL合作的欧洲航天局天体物理学家Macarena Garcia Marin说:“就我个人而言,这张照片最令人兴奋的部分是,我们正在捕捉一个罕见的事件,即Wolf Rayet星,其细节水平只有JWST才能实现。”)”可知,Macarena Garcia Marin对这张照片是满意的。故选C。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由由文章第二段中“This week NASA published a rare image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) of one such giant—a Wolf-Rayet star in the final stages of its life. (本周,美国宇航局发布了一张罕见的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(JWST)拍摄的照片,照片上是一颗处于生命最后阶段的巨型沃尔夫-拉叶星。)”可知,文章主要介绍了出现在JWST的新照片中的一颗罕见的垂死之星,以及对它的研究。所以,D项“Rare dying star was revealed in new JWST image.”是适合本文的最佳标题。故选D。
Language function and the psychosocial well-being of patients and their families can be promoted with singing-based rehabilitation (康复). Group intervention provides opportunities for peer support while being simultaneously cost-effective.
Approximately 40% of stroke (中风) survivors experience aphasia (失语症). a difficulty to understand or produce spoken or written language caused by a cerebrovascular (脑血管的) accident. In half of these cases, the language damage still continues one-year post-stroke. Aphasia has wide-ranging effects on the ability to function and quality of life of stroke survivors and easily leads to social loneliness.
According to a recent study conducted at the University of Helsinki, singing-based group rehabilitation can support communication and speech production of patients and increase social activity even at the long-lasting stage of stroke. The hard work experienced among the family caregivers participating in the study also decreased remarkably. “Our study is the first where caregivers participated in rehabilitation and their psychological well-being was evaluated.” says Postdoctoral Researcher Sini-Tuuli Siponkoski.
Previous research has established that the ability to sing can be left even in severe aphasia. “Our study used a wide variety of singing elements, such as singing by a group of singers, melodic intonation treatment and tablet-assisted singing training.” clarifies Doctoral Researcher Anni Pitkǎniemi.
In melodic intonation therapy, speech production is practised gradually by using melody and rhythm to progress from singing towards speech production. In addition to speech treatment, melodic intonation treatment has been used to some extent in aphasia rehabilitation.
According to the researchers, singing-based group rehabilitation should be used in health-care as part of aphasia rehabilitation. “In addition to training in speech production group based rehabilitation provides an excellent opportunity for peer support both for the patients and their families,” says Sini-Tuuli Siponkoski.
12. Which aspect of aphasia caused by stroke is mainly talked about in paragraph 2
A. Its classification. B. Its structure. C. Its impact. D. Its process.
13. What is the finding of the study conducted at the University of Helsinki
A. Speech treatment is more effective for aphasia.
B. Sound can help improve language function in stroke survivors.
C. Social activity has no impact on the recovery of stroke survivors.
D. Singing-based group rehabilitation can reduce caregivers’ stress.
14. What does the author say about using music in aphasia rehabilitation
A. Singing is an ineffective method. B. Music treatment has been widely used.
C. Singing elements can support recovery. D. Singing alone is the only form of treatment.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. Singing-based Rehabilitation B. The Benefits of Group Interventions
C. Promoting Social Activity and Well-being D. The Role of Peer Support in Language Recovery
【答案】12. C 13. D 14. C 15. A
主旨大意题。根据第二段“Approximately 40% of stroke (中风) survivors experience aphasia (失语症). a difficulty to understand or produce spoken or written language caused by a cerebrovascular (脑血管的) accident. In half of these cases, the language damage still continues one-year post-stroke. Aphasia has wide-ranging effects on the ability to function and quality of life of stroke survivors and easily leads to social loneliness.(大约40%的中风幸存者会出现失语症。由于脑血管事故而造成的理解或产生口语或书面语的困难。在其中一半的病例中,语言损伤在中风后一年仍在继续。失语症对中风幸存者的功能和生活质量有广泛的影响,并容易导致社交孤独)”可知,第2段主要讨论了中风引起的失语的影响。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段“According to a recent study conducted at the University of Helsinki, singing-based group rehabilitation can support communication and speech production of patients and increase social activity even at the long-lasting stage of stroke. The hard work experienced among the family caregivers participating in the study also decreased remarkably.(根据赫尔辛基大学最近进行的一项研究,以唱歌为基础的团体康复可以支持患者的交流和语言生产,甚至在中风的长期阶段也可以增加社交活动。参与研究的家庭照顾者所经历的辛苦工作也显著减少)”可知,赫尔辛基大学进行的这项研究发现以唱歌为基础的团体康复可以减轻照顾者的压力。故选D。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“In addition to speech treatment, melodic intonation treatment has been used to some extent in aphasia rehabilitation.(除言语治疗外,旋律语调治疗在失语症康复中也有一定的应用)”可知,作者认为,在失语症康复中歌唱元素可以支持康复。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Language function and the psychosocial well-being of patients and their families can be promoted with singing-based rehabilitation (康复). Group intervention provides opportunities for peer support while being simultaneously cost-effective.(以唱歌为基础的康复可以促进患者及其家属的语言功能和社会心理健康。团体干预提供了同伴支持的机会,同时具有成本效益)”结合文章介绍了相关的研究以及研究发现以唱歌为基础的团体康复可以减轻照顾者的压力。可知,A选项“以歌唱为基础的康复”最符合文章标题。故选A。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
You might think that college is just a continuation of high school, but it’s not. ___16___. And college can change you and shape you in ways that you might not imagine.
Become more independent
___17___. But you’re not entirely on your own. College offers students many kinds of help to make this transition, such as giving guidance and academic advice as well as counseling(咨询) and other support.
Explore your options
One of the great things about being able to choose your own courses is that you get the opportunity to explore. You can try classes in a lot of different subjects. ___18___. You may choose to begin training for a career right away. Or you may pick a major after taking some time to check out your options. College offers classes and majors in subjects you’ve studied in high school—plus many more that you haven’t.
Explore outside the classroom
___19___. A campus is its own world, and students have the chance to experience a wide range of activities. They can publish newspapers, play sports or volunteer to improve their communities.
Thanks to all the knowledge。skills and experience you’ll gain in college, you’ll be able to adapt to a greater variety of jobs and careers. Statistics show that a college diploma(毕业文凭) can help you get a job more easily, keep a job and achieve your dream.
A. Connect with new friends
B. Unlock more job opportunities
C. You’ll encounter new ideas and challenges
D. Or you can get right into a favorite subject
E. College is about much more than just course work
F. College opens doors for you that high school doesn’t
G. College helps students develop into responsible and independent adults
【答案】16. F 17. G 18. D 19. E 20. B
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了大学的作用, 大学可以以你想象不到的方式改变你,塑造你。
根据上句“You might think that college is just a continuation of high school, but it’s not.( 你可能认为大学只是高中的延续,但事实并非如此。)”可知,设空处为大学的作用的介绍,F项:College opens doors for you that high school doesn’t(大学为你打开了高中所没有的大门)合乎题意。故选F。
本段的小标题为“Become more independent(变得更加独立)”以及根据后文“College offers students many kinds of help to make this transition, such as giving guidance and academic advice as well as counseling(咨询) and other support.(大学为学生提供各种各样的帮助来完成这个过渡,比如给予指导和学术建议,以及咨询和其他支持。)”可知,设空处为大学的作用之一就是帮助学生成长为负责任和独立的成年人,G项:College helps students develop into responsible and independent adults(大学帮助学生成长为负责任和独立的成年人)合乎题意,并和本段的小标题相呼应。故选G。
根据上文“One of the great things about being able to choose your own courses is that you get the opportunity to explore.(能够选择自己的课程的好处之一就是你有机会去探索。)”可知,设空处为探索的具体的方式,D项:Or you can get right into a favorite subject(或者你可以直接进入你最喜欢的科目)合乎题意,并和小标题“Explore your options(探索你的选择)”相呼应。故选D。
根据后文“A campus is its own world, and students have the chance to experience a wide range of activities. They can publish newspapers, play sports or volunteer to improve their communities. (校园就是自己的世界,学生们有机会体验各种各样的活动。他们可以出版报纸,参加体育运动或志愿改善他们的社区。)”可知,设空处应为大学不仅仅是课程学习,E项:College is about much more than just course work(大学不仅仅是课程学习)合乎题意。故选E。
设空处概括本段内容,为本段小标题, 设空处与上下段的首句句式保持一致,即应是祈使句。根据后文“skills and experience you’ll gain in college, you’ll be able to adapt to a greater variety of jobs and careers.(你在大学里获得的技能和经验,你将能够适应更多种类的工作和职业)”可知,设空处为大学可以帮助学生获得更多的就业的机会。B项:Unlock more job opportunities(解锁更多就业机会)概括本段。故选B。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题1分, 满分 15 分)
Several years ago, Katie Doble was diagnosed with a cancer called ocular melanoma. Doctors gave her 16 months to ____21____ . But her father who was a physician himself, felt ____22____ when he found a clinical trial that could save her life.
So after Christrias, Katie flew to New York to see if she would ____23____ the trial. As she went through a series of tests, she found herself ____24____ her mom. ____25____, she passed away when Katie was a teenager. “On tough days, my mom offered what she called an ‘energy hug’. Those were hugs that she’d ____26____ extra tight and extra long, ”Katie remembered.
As she sat in waiting room, Katie had a ____27____ for one special hug. “I see a girl who looked to be about my age and she has her head ____28____ in her mother’s lap. And her mom was moving her ____29____ gently and pushing it behind her ears. And I was very envious(羡慕的)and missing my mom and her energy hugs, ” she said.
Soon, a ____30____ came out and called the daughter in. The girl ____31____ and I watched her get her echocardiogram(超声心动图). And when I turned my head back around, the mom was ____32____ right in front of me and said to me, “You seem to need a mom’s hug. ”
With tears in her eyes, Katie ____33____ and said yes. “It was just one of those moments in life when somebody ____34____ and gave you something that you needed. ” she recalled.
In this summer, Katie and her family ____35____ her anniversary(周年纪念日) of being cancer free.
A. live B. design C. study D. integrate
A. pain B. disappointment C. doubt D. relief
A. seek B. suit C. admire D. explore
A. saving B. missing C. stopping D. appreciating
A. Naturally B. Immediately C. Unluckily D. Gradually
A. promise B. refuse C. declare D. hold
A. desire B. application C. gift D. complaint
A. washing B. cutting C. resting D. painting
A. hair B. nose C. cheek D. mouth
A. student B. nurse C. customer D. volunteer
A. agreed B. summed C. appeared D. rose
A. begging B. standing C. turning D. weeping
A. nodded B. denied C. waved D. delayed
A. looked up B. passed away C. showed up D. calmed down
A. estimated B. detected C. observed D. expanded
【答案】21. A 22. D 23. B 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. C
【导语】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了几年前,katie doble被诊断出患有一种癌症,一位陌生人给了正在治疗癌症的Katie所需的妈妈拥抱,支持Katie成功和癌症抗争。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:医生说她还能活16个月。A. live生活;B. design设计; C. study学习;D. integrate融合。根据“Katie Doble was diagnosed with a cancer called ocular melanoma.”可知,几年前,Katie Doble被诊断出患有一种叫做眼部黑色素瘤的癌症,医生诊断她还能活16个月。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但她的父亲,一位医生,当他发现一项可以挽救她生命的临床试验时,他感到如释重负。A. pain痛苦;B. disappointment失望; C. doubt怀疑;D. relief如释重负。根据“Katie Doble was diagnosed with a cancer called ocular melanoma.”可知,Katie Doble的医生父亲发现了可以挽救孩子生命的希望感到松了一口气。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,圣诞节过后,凯蒂飞往纽约,看看她是否适合这项试验。 A. seek寻找;B. suit适合;C. admire欣赏;D. explore探索。根据“when he found a clinical trial that could save her life.”可知,Katie Doble要去试试是否适合这个试验。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过一系列的检查,她发现自己很想念妈妈。 A. saving节省;B. missing想念; C. stopping停止;D. appreciating感激。根据“she passed away when Katie was a teenager.”可知,Katie Doble很想念去世的妈妈。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,她在凯蒂十几岁的时候就去世了。 A. Naturally自然地;B. Immediately马上; C. Unluckily不幸地;D. Gradually逐渐。根据“ she passed away when Katie was a teenager.”可知,Katie Doble的妈妈去世了这是不幸的事情。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“在艰难的日子里,我妈妈会给我她所谓的‘能量拥抱’。那些拥抱她会抱得特别紧,特别久,”凯蒂回忆道。A. promise答应;B. refuse拒绝; C. declare宣布;D. hold抱住,握住。根据“Those were hugs ”可知,Katie Doble的妈妈会紧紧拥抱Katie。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当凯蒂坐在候诊室里时,她渴望得到一个特别的拥抱。A. desire渴望;B. application申请; C. gift礼物;D. complaint抱怨。根据“‘And I was very envious(羡慕的)and missing my mom and her energy hugs,‘she said. ”可知,Katie Doble渴望一个拥抱。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看到一个女孩,看起来和我差不多大,她把头靠在妈妈的腿上。A. washing清洗;B. cutting剪切; C. resting休息、(被)支撑;D. painting绘画。根据“And her mom was moving her   9     gently andpushing it behind her ears.”可知,女孩头靠在那个妈妈腿上。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:妈妈轻轻地捋着她的头发,把它捋到耳后。A. hair头发;B. nose鼻子; C. cheek脸颊;D. mouth嘴巴。根据“pushing it behind her ears.”可知,那个妈妈把孩子头发捋到耳后。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,一个护士出来把女孩叫了进来。A. student学生;B. nurse护士; C. customer 顾客;D. volunteer志愿者。根据“watched her get her echocardiogram(超声心动图)”可知,在医院,护士叫那个女孩进去做心电图。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:女孩站了起来,我看着她做超声心动图。A. agreed同意;B. summed总结; C. appeared出现;D. rose起身。根据“and she has her head   8   in her mother’s lap. ”可知,那个女孩本来靠在妈妈腿上,护士叫她,她起身站起。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我转过头时,那个妈妈就站在我面前对我说:“你似乎需要一个妈妈的拥抱。”凯蒂眼里含着泪水,点了点头,答应了。A. begging祈求;B. standing站立; C. turning转身;D. weeping哭泣。根据“right in front of me and said to me”可知,那位妈妈站在Katie Doble面前。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:凯蒂眼里含着泪水,点了点头,答应了。A. nodded点头;B. denied否认; C. waved挥舞;D. delayed延误。根据“and said yes.”可知,Katie Doble向那位妈妈点点头。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:这只是人生中那些时刻之一,有人出现,给了你需要的东西。A. looked up查阅;B. passed away去世; C. showed up出现;D. calmed down冷静。根据“right in front of me and said to me”可知,有人出现给你需要的东西。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年夏天,凯蒂和她的家人庆祝她摆脱癌症一周年。A.estimated估计;B. detected检测; C. observed庆祝;D. expanded扩大。根据“ her anniversary(周年纪念日) of being cancer free. ”可知,家人们庆祝Katie Doble成功抗癌。故选C。
第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5分, 满分 15 分)
Beijing Olympic Forest Park, ____36____ lies on the northern end of Beijing’s north south central meridian (子午线), is the largest public green space ever built in Beijing. ____37____ (establish) as part of the Olympic Green for the 2008 Summer Games, the park is surrounded by an ultra-urban environment of high-density development and high-volume traffic.
The design mixes traditional Chinese landscape arts and principles that emphasize the harmony between humans and nature. At ____38____ same time, modern ecological concepts and techniques were widely employed in the park. This is a focused effort ____39____ (help) achieve goals of zero waste and zero stormwater discharge. Since completion, the park ____40____ (become) an important public green space that provides recreation, educational opportunities, and environmental benefits to Beijing ____41____ (resident) and visitors.
More than 2 million plants were installed in the park, ____42____ (include) more than 100tree species and 80 shrub species, along with grassland and wetland species. They are considered as ____43____ (incredible) important. The park animals are mainly birds, with over 176species of birds in total. What makes people ____44____ (please) is that the population is growing. _____45_____ this sense, for the landscape architects, designers and engineers who worked on the project, it provides an opportunity to renew the endangered habitats and protect local wildlife and its long-term target is to form a sustainable environment and a multi-functional public park.
【答案】36. which
37. Established
38. the 39. to help
40. has become
41. residents
42. including
43. incredibly
44. pleased
45. In
考查定语从句。句意:北京奥林匹克森林公园位于北京南北中午线的北端,是北京迄今为止建造的最大的公共绿地。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Beijing Olympic Forest Park,在从句作主语,指物,故填which。
考查固定短语。句意:同时,现代生态理念和技术在园区内得到广泛应用。短语at the same time表示“同时”。故填the。
考查非谓语动词。句意:这是一项重点工作,旨在帮助实现零废物和零雨水排放的目标。effort to do sth“努力做某事”动词不定式作后置定语。故填to help。
考查时态。句意:自建成以来,公园已成为一个重要的公共绿地,为北京居民和游客提供娱乐、教育机会和环境效益。根据上文Since completion可知为现在完成时,主语为park,助动词用has。故填has become。
考查名词的数。句意:自建成以来,公园已成为一个重要的公共绿地,为北京居民和游客提供娱乐、教育机会和环境效益。根据后文and visitors可知用复数。故填residents。
考查介词。句意:从这个意义上说,对于参与该项目的景观设计师、设计师和工程师来说,它提供了一个更新濒危栖息地和保护当地野生动物的机会,其长期目标是形成一个可持续发展的环境和多功能的公共公园。短语in this sense表示“从这个意义上说”,首字母大写。故填In。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15 分)
46. 假定你是李华,上周六下午你和交换生 Tom 去市科技馆参观了“中国科技创新成就展”。请你用英语写一篇短文,向校英语报投稿,内容包括:
1. 参观经历(听讲座,看视频等);
2. 你的感想。
1. 写作词数应为80 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
An Unforgettable Visit
An Unforgettable Visit
Last Saturday afternoon, Tom and I went to the Science and Technology Museum in our city. We visited an exhibition featuring the achievements of China’s science and technology innovation in the past several years.
At first, we attended some informative lectures and watched videos introducing major scientific and technological innovations. Then we experienced the thrilling scientific and technological equipment. Chinese people’s wisdom and inquiring mind impressed me. In bed that night, I thought a lot, determined to study some majors dealing with technology at university. I encouraged myself deep down to work hard to make contributions to our country in the future.
起初:at first→at the beginning
对……做出贡献:make contributions to→make a contribution to
原句:Chinese people’s wisdom and inquiring mind impressed me.
拓展句:What impressed me most was Chinese people’s wisdom and inquiring mind.
【点睛】【高分句型1】At first, we attended some informative lectures and watched videos introducing major scientific and technological innovations.(运用了现在分词短语作定语)
【高分句型2】In bed that night, I thought a lot, determined to study some majors dealing with technology at university.(运用了过去分词短语作状语)
第二节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Chloe Chang wasn’t sure about giving up her blue, pink, and purple mermaid (美人鱼) palace. Her twin brother Clark had packed a paper bag full of T-shirts and shorts that no longer fit him. “It’s time to go,” called their mother, Mrs. Chang.
The twins raced from their bedroom to the living room. On the floor, they saw a basket full of books and some toys. Clark emptied his bag down while Chloe held on to her mermaid palace. Their dad, Mr. Chang, packed everything into the family’s big-wheeled cart. When he reached for the palace, Chloe put out her hand and insisted on carrying it herself.
As they left their home, Mr. Chang and Mrs. Chang took turns pulling the cart to the park, with Chloe and Clark walking behind. The palace felt heavy in Chloe’s arms, but she refused to put it in the cart. A while later, Clark pointed at a banner (横幅) hanging between two trees that read in big letters: NEIGHBORHOOD GIVEAWAY. “Look! It’s right there!” Clark shouted.
Their neighborhood park was full of bags and boxes. Each family brought gently used items that they no longer needed, and everyone was invited to take what they would like at the monthly gathering. Clark’s eyes grew wide as he watched all the toys resting on picnic blankets (毯子), including baby toys, plastics and buckets, stuffed animals, and 300-piece puzzles. One puzzle showing puppy dogs playing in grass caught Clark’s attention. The dog on the box reminded him of his pet Chewie. However, he put the puzzle down, thinking of the huge number of puzzles he already had. Afterwards Clark happily jumped behind his mom.
Mr. Chang unpacked the items they had brought, placing them on a red blanket. “Why do we have to give away our things ” asked Chloe unhappily. “Honey, I know it’s hard to say goodbye to things you used to play with. But your mom and I want to give away things we don’t need anymore. Our neighbors can use them,” Mr. Chang explained.
1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly their neighbor Ms. Ruby and her daughter Penelope approached their blanket.
Chloe handed her beloved palace to Penelope.
Suddenly their neighbor Ms. Ruby and her daughter Penelope approached their blanket. Ms. Ruby, with her usual bright smile, greeted the Changs while Penelope examined the items displayed. Then Penelope looked at the mermaid palace Chloe was holding. Ms. Ruby noticing her daughter’s interest, told Chloe about how Penelope had always dreamed of having a mermaid palace but never got one. Chloe looked at her beloved palace and thought back to her mom’s words, a sense of happiness washing over her. Thinking of the happiness her toy might bring another, Chloe decided it was time to let go of her former treasure.
Chloe handed her beloved palace to Penelope. “I think it’s time for my palace to have a new owner.” Chloe whispered, her heart heavy but also filled with warmth. Penelope’s eyes lit up with joy, and she hugged the palace tightly. “Thank you. Chloe!” Penelope shouted. With a bittersweet wave to her old toy, Chloe finally realized the value of letting go and the joy of sharing. The simple act of giving and receiving painted a vivid picture of unity and generosity in this neighborhood.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Chloe and Clark和爸爸妈妈一起参加 NEIGHBORHOOD GIVEAWAY的活动,把他们的物品送给有需要的人,Chloe才开始对放弃自己喜爱的物品很不满,在妈妈解释了原因后,Chloe感受到了分享带来的意义。
①由第一段首句内容“突然,他们的邻居鲁比女士和她的女儿佩内洛普走近他们的毯子。”可知,第一段可描写佩内洛普很喜欢mermaid palace,Chloe内心的挣扎并最终决定把自己的玩具送给她。
②由第二段首句内容“克洛伊把自己心爱的mermaid palace交给了佩内洛普”可知,第二段可描写Chloe的感受和Penelope接受礼物后的感激之情。
①.检查:examine /check
③.充满:be filled with/be full of
①.苦乐参半:bittersweet/ happy and sad
②.快乐:joy/happiness/ light up
[高分句型1]. Thinking of the happiness her toy might bring another, Chloe decided it was time to let go of her former treasure(省略that的宾语从句以及非谓语动词thinking作状语)
[高分句型2]. Ms. Ruby noticing her daughter’s interest, told Chloe about how Penelope had always dreamed of having a mermaid palace but never got one(由关系代词how引导的宾语从句)
听力答案:1-5 CABAC 6-10 ABBCA 11-15 ACCBA 16-20 BBCBA重庆市高二英语考试
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2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.
1. What does the woman mean
A. Turn on the fan. B. Go out for fresh air. C. Keep the window closed.
2. What kind of bag does the woman want to take
A. A red one. B. A blue one. C. A yellow one.
3. Why is the woman moving
A. She has bought a new flat.
B. She prefers a quiet environment.
C. She wants to live near the opera house.
4. Where is Mr. Stephen
A. He is in his room. B. He is on the phone. C. He is out.
5. How does the woman feel
A. Disappointed. B. Annoyed. C. Excited.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7题。
6. Who is the woman
A. The man’s former teacher. B. The man’s former classmate. C. The man’s friend.
7. What happened to the man
A. He failed his final test.
B. He was out of work.
C. He gave the students a hard final test.
听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. What is the man going to do this summer
A. Teach a course. B. Work at a hotel C. Repair his house.
9. What will the man use the money to do
A. Hire a gardener. B. Pay for a boat trip. C. Buy books.
听第8段材料,回答第10 至 12题。
10. What did Marine share on the Internet last night
A. A photo of herself. B. Some bad comments. C. A photo of her old clothes.
11. What caused Marine’s appearance anxiety from her words
A. Expecting praise from others. B. Psychological comparison. C. Low self-respect.
12. Who is the man
A. Marine’s doctor. B. Marine’s teacher. C. Marine’s co-worker.
听第9 段材料, 回答第 13 至 16题。
13. What is the main topic of the conversation
A. A special plant. B. A journey. C. A forest.
14. How many kinds of trees are there in one square kilometer
A. About 1,500. B. About 750. C. About 400.
15. What is the woman
A. A hostess. B. A student. C. An actress.
16. What do we know from the conversation
A. Dr. Green knows a little about the forest.
B. There are various living things in the forest.
C. The woman will visit the forest.
听第10段材料, 回答第17 至 20题。
17. When does the man’s wife leave home in the morning
A. At 6:15. B. At 7:00. C. At 7:30.
18. What did the man do four years ago
A. He had a good job on a ship. B. He was a successful salesman. C. He worked for a radio station.
19. How many members are there in the man’s family
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
20. Why does the man’s wife go on working
A. She earns more than the man.
B. Her workplace is farther than the man’s.
C. She can’t do housework.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题2.5 分, 满分 37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Good Literary Podcasts (播客) for Book Lovers
Audio Almanac
The Audio Almanac’s fiction writer Lawson runs this exciting monthly podcast. Here. writers read stories written by other writers. The writers then discuss what they like about the story and what it means to them with Lawson. It is a real treat listening to writers explain their interpretation of the story to us.
Pod Pals
This inspiring podcast invites authors to bring objects that became their source of inspiration in their journey as a writer. They discuss the significance of these objects in their lives. and how it represents their struggles and successes. It is a real treat to listen to good advice from these seasoned guests.
The Starfish Podcast
For all you literary enthusiasts who have ever thought, what makes a writer click Or what was that great moment that changed their lives This podcast is for you. This relatively new podcast hosted by Edward interviews other writers about their deeply transformative experiences. They make suggestions for you to begin writing stories.
Insightful Chronicles
This literary podcast will feel right as rain for those who don’t have the patience for big books and stories. Aldridge, the former host of a popular TV show Rain Reading, thrills his audience with every episode (一集) of short story reading. Authors from all around the world from every literary genre (体裁) penned these short stories.
1. Where can you listen to the stories read by writers
A. From Audio Almanac. B. From Pod Pals.
C. From The Starfish Podcast. D. From Insightful Chronicles.
2. What do Pod Pals and The Starfish Podcast have in common
A They talk about objects in various books. B. They deal with writers’ struggling stories.
C. They offer suggestions for some listeners. D. They are hosted by many famous writers.
3. What is special about Insightful Chronicles
A. It copies a popular TV show. B. It broadcasts pieces from big books.
C. It refers to books on the topic of rain. D. It invites hosts from around the world.
Opening the pages of Liuba Draws Beijing takes you on a fascinating visual journey through the heart of China’s busy capital city. Within its lively watercolors, traditional hutong, the grand Summer Palace, and the contemporary charm of Beijing’s Sanlitun and 798Art District all come alive through the artistic lens of Liuba Vladimirova, more famously known as Liuba Draws.
Vladimirova’s journey from the icy Siberian city of Irkutsk to the vital Beijing started during her college years, when she commenced with an academic exchange program connecting her Russian university with Liaoning University in Shenyang, in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province. It was during this transformative period that she first set foot in Beijing. Since then, her affection for the city has been undeniable.
Vladimirova’s path as an artist was far from linear (直线的). Since childhood Vladimirova has developed a love for drawing and painting. However, she pursued a different academic and professional route, studying Chinese and international trade in college and later working in trade relations between Russia and China, none of which was directly connected to the world of art. Yet, Vladimirova’s inner artist remained alive.
In 2015, Vladimirova began crafting a series of illustrations centered around Beijing, properly named “The Beijing Calendar”. What attracts Vladimirova most is Beijing’s historic hutong. These narrow alleyways, rich in history and culture, serve as a wellspring (源泉) of inspiration for her artistry.
Vladimirova’s ability to catch these hidden small differences likely comes from her unique perspective as an “outsider”—someone who didn’t grow up in Beijing. This fresh perspective allowed her to arrive in the city with fresh eyes and an eager heart, ready to embrace a new culture.
4. What do the underlined words “commenced with” mean in paragraph 2
A. Improved. B. Began. C. Resisted. D. Assessed.
5. What do we know about Vladimirova from paragraph 3
A. She gave up her dream. B. She won many art prizes several years ago.
C. She was hardworking over her childhood. D. She delayed her artistic career.
6. Why does the author mention hutong
A. To praise Beijing’s architecture. B. To show the inspiration of Vladimirova’s art making.
C. To state the main contents of an art book. D. To advise tourists to visit Beijing.
7. Which statement best summarizes Vladimirova’s success
A. Curiosity works wonders. B. Hard work pays off in time.
C. The world is diverse and lively. D. Painting has no national boundaries.
Giant stars may be the ultimate example of “Live fast; die young”. Unlike our own sun, which will shine for billions of years, more huge stars can burn through their fuel in only a few million years before dropping off their outer parts and exploding.
This week NASA published a rare image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) of one such giant—a Wolf-Rayet star in the final stages of its life. Named WR 124, it’s found in Sagitta and lies about 15, 000 light-years away from Earth. The dying star is at least 30times the mass of our sun but is contracting itself quickly as it sends off hot gas into the cold space.
“We’ve caught it early, ” explains Anthony Moffat, a retired astrophysicist, who previously observed WR 124 using the Hubble Space Telescope and was not involved in the recent JWST measurements. Moffat has studied Wolf-Rayet stars for decades. “This is the youngest one I know of, ” he says. The colorful cloud in the image is only a few thousand years old. “Now the nebula is hugging the star, ” he says. But as time flies by, it will bloom outward in expanding shells or rings of gas and dust.
Astrophysicists created the grand image by combining data from two of JWST’s instruments, the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). The Hubble Space Telescope, which mostly gathers light at optical (视觉的) wavelengths, had captured images of WR 124 before, but JWST’s observations show the star’s disappearance in detail.
“Personally, the most exciting part of this image is that we are capturing a rare event—that is, a Wolf-Rayet star—with a level of detail that can only be achieved with JWST. ” says Macarena Garcia Marin, an astrophysicist at the European Space Agency, who works with MIRL
8. What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To lead in the topic of the text. B. To present a common problem.
C. To make the article interesting. D. To introduce a theory.
9. What can we know about WR 124 according to NASA
A. It is 10, 000 light-years away from Earth. B. It takes in cold gas from the space.
C. It is 30 times the size of the Earth. D. It is in the last period of its life.
10. What is Marin’s attitude toward the image
A. Doubtful. B. Negative. C. Satisfied. D. Critical.
11. What is the text mainly about
A. Stars actually will explode rapidly. B. Giant stars will shine for billions of years.
C. NASA has a great effect on studying stars. D. Rare dying star was revealed in new JWST image.
Language function and the psychosocial well-being of patients and their families can be promoted with singing-based rehabilitation (康复). Group intervention provides opportunities for peer support while being simultaneously cost-effective.
Approximately 40% of stroke (中风) survivors experience aphasia (失语症). a difficulty to understand or produce spoken or written language caused by a cerebrovascular (脑血管的) accident. In half of these cases, the language damage still continues one-year post-stroke. Aphasia has wide-ranging effects on the ability to function and quality of life of stroke survivors and easily leads to social loneliness.
According to a recent study conducted at the University of Helsinki, singing-based group rehabilitation can support communication and speech production of patients and increase social activity even at the long-lasting stage of stroke. The hard work experienced among the family caregivers participating in the study also decreased remarkably. “Our study is the first where caregivers participated in rehabilitation and their psychological well-being was evaluated.” says Postdoctoral Researcher Sini-Tuuli Siponkoski.
Previous research has established that the ability to sing can be left even in severe aphasia. “Our study used a wide variety of singing elements, such as singing by a group of singers, melodic intonation treatment and tablet-assisted singing training.” clarifies Doctoral Researcher Anni Pitkǎniemi.
In melodic intonation therapy, speech production is practised gradually by using melody and rhythm to progress from singing towards speech production. In addition to speech treatment, melodic intonation treatment has been used to some extent in aphasia rehabilitation.
According to the researchers, singing-based group rehabilitation should be used in health-care as part of aphasia rehabilitation. “In addition to training in speech production group based rehabilitation provides an excellent opportunity for peer support both for the patients and their families,” says Sini-Tuuli Siponkoski.
12. Which aspect of aphasia caused by stroke is mainly talked about in paragraph 2
A. Its classification. B. Its structure. C. Its impact. D. Its process.
13. What is the finding of the study conducted at the University of Helsinki
A. Speech treatment is more effective for aphasia.
B. Sound can help improve language function in stroke survivors.
C. Social activity has no impact on the recovery of stroke survivors.
D. Singing-based group rehabilitation can reduce caregivers’ stress.
14. What does the author say about using music in aphasia rehabilitation
A. Singing is an ineffective method. B. Music treatment has been widely used.
C. Singing elements can support recovery. D. Singing alone is the only form of treatment.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. Singing-based Rehabilitation B. The Benefits of Group Interventions
C Promoting Social Activity and Well-being D. The Role of Peer Support in Language Recovery
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
You might think that college is just a continuation of high school, but it’s not. ___16___. And college can change you and shape you in ways that you might not imagine.
Become more independent
___17___. But you’re not entirely on your own. College offers students many kinds of help to make this transition, such as giving guidance and academic advice as well as counseling(咨询) and other support.
Explore your options
One of the great things about being able to choose your own courses is that you get the opportunity to explore. You can try classes in a lot of different subjects. ___18___. You may choose to begin training for a career right away. Or you may pick a major after taking some time to check out your options. College offers classes and majors in subjects you’ve studied in high school—plus many more that you haven’t.
Explore outside the classroom
___19___. A campus is its own world, and students have the chance to experience a wide range of activities. They can publish newspapers, play sports or volunteer to improve their communities.
Thanks to all the knowledge。skills and experience you’ll gain in college, you’ll be able to adapt to a greater variety of jobs and careers. Statistics show that a college diploma(毕业文凭) can help you get a job more easily, keep a job and achieve your dream.
A Connect with new friends
B. Unlock more job opportunities
C You’ll encounter new ideas and challenges
D. Or you can get right into a favorite subject
E. College is about much more than just course work
F. College opens doors for you that high school doesn’t
G. College helps students develop into responsible and independent adults
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题1分, 满分 15 分)
Several years ago, Katie Doble was diagnosed with a cancer called ocular melanoma. Doctors gave her 16 months to ____21____ . But her father who was a physician himself, felt ____22____ when he found a clinical trial that could save her life.
So after Christrias, Katie flew to New York to see if she would ____23____ the trial. As she went through a series of tests, she found herself ____24____ her mom. ____25____, she passed away when Katie was a teenager. “On tough days, my mom offered what she called an ‘energy hug’. Those were hugs that she’d ____26____ extra tight and extra long, ”Katie remembered.
As she sat in waiting room, Katie had a ____27____ for one special hug. “I see a girl who looked to be about my age and she has her head ____28____ in her mother’s lap. And her mom was moving her ____29____ gently and pushing it behind her ears. And I was very envious(羡慕的)and missing my mom and her energy hugs, ” she said.
Soon, a ____30____ came out and called the daughter in. The girl ____31____ and I watched her get her echocardiogram(超声心动图). And when I turned my head back around, the mom was ____32____ right in front of me and said to me, “You seem to need a mom’s hug. ”
With tears in her eyes, Katie ____33____ and said yes. “It was just one of those moments in life when somebody ____34____ and gave you something that you needed. ” she recalled.
In this summer, Katie and her family ____35____ her anniversary(周年纪念日) of being cancer free.
A. live B. design C. study D. integrate
A. pain B. disappointment C. doubt D. relief
A. seek B. suit C. admire D. explore
A. saving B. missing C. stopping D. appreciating
A. Naturally B. Immediately C. Unluckily D. Gradually
A. promise B. refuse C. declare D. hold
A. desire B. application C. gift D. complaint
A. washing B. cutting C. resting D. painting
A. hair B. nose C. cheek D. mouth
A. student B. nurse C. customer D. volunteer
A. agreed B. summed C. appeared D. rose
A. begging B. standing C. turning D. weeping
A. nodded B. denied C. waved D. delayed
A. looked up B. passed away C. showed up D. calmed down
A. estimated B. detected C. observed D. expanded
第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5分, 满分 15 分)
Beijing Olympic Forest Park, ____36____ lies on the northern end of Beijing’s north south central meridian (子午线), is the largest public green space ever built in Beijing. ____37____ (establish) as part of the Olympic Green for the 2008 Summer Games, the park is surrounded by an ultra-urban environment of high-density development and high-volume traffic.
The design mixes traditional Chinese landscape arts and principles that emphasize the harmony between humans and nature. At ____38____ same time, modern ecological concepts and techniques were widely employed in the park. This is a focused effort ____39____ (help) achieve goals of zero waste and zero stormwater discharge. Since completion, the park ____40____ (become) an important public green space that provides recreation, educational opportunities, and environmental benefits to Beijing ____41____ (resident) and visitors.
More than 2 million plants were installed in the park, ____42____ (include) more than 100tree species and 80 shrub species, along with grassland and wetland species. They are considered as ____43____ (incredible) important. The park animals are mainly birds, with over 176species of birds in total. What makes people ____44____ (please) is that the population is growing. _____45_____ this sense, for the landscape architects, designers and engineers who worked on the project, it provides an opportunity to renew the endangered habitats and protect local wildlife and its long-term target is to form a sustainable environment and a multi-functional public park.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15 分)
46. 假定你是李华,上周六下午你和交换生 Tom 去市科技馆参观了“中国科技创新成就展”。请你用英语写一篇短文,向校英语报投稿,内容包括:
1. 参观经历(听讲座,看视频等);
2. 你的感想。
1. 写作词数应为80 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
An Unforgettable Visit
第二节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Chloe Chang wasn’t sure about giving up her blue pink, and purple mermaid (美人鱼) palace. Her twin brother Clark had packed a paper bag full of T-shirts and shorts that no longer fit him. “It’s time to go,” called their mother, Mrs. Chang.
The twins raced from their bedroom to the living room. On the floor, they saw a basket full of books and some toys. Clark emptied his bag down while Chloe held on to her mermaid palace. Their dad, Mr. Chang, packed everything into the family’s big-wheeled cart. When he reached for the palace, Chloe put out her hand and insisted on carrying it herself.
As they left their home, Mr. Chang and Mrs. Chang took turns pulling the cart to the park, with Chloe and Clark walking behind. The palace felt heavy in Chloe’s arms, but she refused to put it in the cart. A while later, Clark pointed at a banner (横幅) hanging between two trees that read in big letters: NEIGHBORHOOD GIVEAWAY. “Look! It’s right there!” Clark shouted.
Their neighborhood park was full of bags and boxes. Each family brought gently used items that they no longer needed, and everyone was invited to take what they would like at the monthly gathering. Clark’s eyes grew wide as he watched all the toys resting on picnic blankets (毯子), including baby toys, plastics and buckets, stuffed animals, and 300-piece puzzles. One puzzle showing puppy dogs playing in grass caught Clark’s attention. The dog on the box reminded him of his pet Chewie. However, he put the puzzle down, thinking of the huge number of puzzles he already had. Afterwards Clark happily jumped behind his mom.
Mr. Chang unpacked the items they had brought, placing them on a red blanket. “Why do we have to give away our things ” asked Chloe unhappily. “Honey, I know it’s hard to say goodbye to things you used to play with. But your mom and I want to give away things we don’t need anymore. Our neighbors can use them,” Mr. Chang explained.
1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Suddenly their neighbor Ms. Ruby and her daughter Penelope approached their blanket.
Chloe handed her beloved palace to Penelope.
听力答案:1-5 CABAC 6-10 ABBCA 11-15 ACCBA 16-20 BBCBA