2022-2023学年四川省绵阳高二上学期英语期末仿真试题五(原卷版+ 解析版)


名称 2022-2023学年四川省绵阳高二上学期英语期末仿真试题五(原卷版+ 解析版)
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文件大小 75.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-22 17:50:39


第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is seen as a window into the inventions that will change our lives in the years ahead. Here are some of the best inventions making the headlines from this year’s show.
The virtual fence for your wandering dog
This $1,495 GPS-enabled dog collar lets you “draw” a boundary anywhere, including your home, the houses of friends, a campsite or a park. If the dog escapes, the GPS alerts you via a mobile phone app and helps you track and find it, even in remote areas like woodland.
The robot that brings you toilet paper
Consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble’s toilet paper brand, Charmin, has shown a two-wheeled robot designed to save its owner at the most important moment. The “RollBot” is ordered by a smart phone using Bluetooth and uses technology similar to a robot cleaner to navigate to its owner, carrying a precious spare roll.
Wearable camera boosting hearing aids
Hearing aids can struggle to isolate (分离) sounds, often strengthening background noise as well as a person’s voice. The Hear, a wearable camera made by Israeli tech company OrCam, uses artificial intelligence to identify the person who is speaking and then employ lip reading technology to isolate the sound of their voice, making it easier for those with hearing difficulties to understand them.
Solar-powered electric tricycle
French start-up Wello has displayed a vehicle that lies somewhere between an electric car and a bicycle, showing a solar-powered electric tricycle. The vehicle is pedal-assisted, so it doesn’t need a driving license and can travel in bike lanes, but can reach a top speed of 25 miles per hour.
1. How does the dog collar work
A. By limiting your dog to a boundary anywhere.
B. By tracking and finding your dog through an app.
C. By using Bluetooth to find where your dog hides.
D. By providing more information about your dog for the police.
2. What can we know about the Hear
A. It can bring you toilet paper.
B. It appeals to people who are visually challenged.
C. It strengthens background noise as well as a person’s voice.
D. It has an advantage over traditional hearing aids in isolating sounds.
3. What do the four inventions have in common
A. They are all helpful in improving people’s lives.
B. They are all designed for senior people.
C. They are all environment-friendly.
D. They are all solar-powered.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。由文章The virtual fence for your wandering dog部分中“If the dog escapes, the GPS alerts you via a mobile phone app and helps you track and find it, even in remote areas like woodland. (如果狗逃跑了,GPS会通过手机应用程序提醒你,帮助你追踪和找到它,即使是在像林地这样的偏远地区。)”可知,可以通过应用程序追踪并找到你的狗,故选B。
细节理解题。由文章Wearable camera boosting hearing aids部分中“Hearing aids can struggle to isolate (分离) sounds, often strengthening background noise as well as a person’s voice. The Hear, a wearable camera made by Israeli tech company OrCam, uses artificial intelligence to identify the person who is speaking and then employ lip reading technology to isolate the sound of their voice, making it easier for those with hearing difficulties to understand them. (助听器很难隔离声音,往往会加强背景噪音和人的声音。以色列科技公司OrCam生产的可穿戴式相机Hear使用人工智能识别说话人,然后使用唇读技术隔离说话人的声音,让有听力障碍的人更容易理解说话人。)”可知,它在隔离声音方面比传统助听器有优势。故选D。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段“International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is seen as a window into the inventions that will change our lives in the years ahead. Here are some of the best inventions making the headlines from this year’s show. (国际消费电子展(CES)被视为了解将在未来几年改变我们生活的发明的窗口。以下是今年展会上的一些最佳发明。)”可知,这四项发明都有助于改善人们的生活。故选A。
Multiple actions have been taken to fight food waste, but one young man is making a big difference with technology. Liu Jichen, a student from Tsinghua University, has developed a WeChat mini-program called “Clear Your Plate”.
After a meal, users can open the mini-program and take a picture of their empty plates. Once the image is recognized by the AI, students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals donated to children in poor areas.
The idea came from Liu’s experience in a canteen where he found that diners finishing their food could get a card and then small gifts with a certain number of cards collected.
“Technological innovation is a good way to reduce food waste and contribute to global food challenges.” Liu thought. With this in mind, he organized a team of 20 members to work on the project in 2017. To solve the AI’s problem of identifying photos of empty plates, the team spent half a year collecting over 100,000 samples in canteens and restaurants. In 2018, the mini-program was officially put into operation on Oct 16, World Food Day.
This year, the one-month campaign has attracted almost 1.6 million participants and collectively reduced food waste by 862 tons and carbon emissions by 3,337 tons.
“There were so many unknowns in research and development. For us, the biggest psychological challenge was whether we were confident enough to complete it,” Liu said. However, they not only achieved their goal, but now, the mini-program has more than 5 million registered users.
Thanks to his actions concerning social issues, Liu Jichen was inducted into the 2020 Class of Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals in September.
4. What is true about the “Clear Your Plate” mini-program
A. It inspires people to make money. B. It aims to encourage people to treasure food.
C. It has helped reduce food waste by 3,337 tons. D. It offers people cards and small gifts as a reward.
5. What was their biggest psychological challenge during the process
A. They lacked professional technical support. B. They found it tough to promote the campaign.
C. They had difficulty gathering enough samples. D. They felt uncertain about completing the project.
6. Which of the following best describes Liu Jichen
A. Optimistic and cautious. B. Generous and responsible.
C. Talented and humorous. D. Creative and determined.
7 What can be a suitable title for the passage
A. Learn from Liu Jichen B. The Power of AI Technology
C. Clear Your Plate with Technology D. Actions to Fight against Food Waste
【答案】4. B 5. D 6. D 7. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“Multiple actions have been taken to fight food waste, but one young man is making a big difference with technology.(人们已经采取了多种行动来打击食物浪费,但一位年轻人正在利用技术做出重大改变)”以及第二段“After a meal, users can open the mini-program and take a picture of their empty plates. Once the image is recognized by the AI, students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals donated to children in poor areas.(饭后,用户可以打开小程序,给自己的空盘子拍照。一旦图像被人工智能识别,学生们就可以收集积分,用这些积分购买礼物或购买慈善餐,捐赠给贫困地区的儿童)”可知,B选项“它的目的是鼓励人们珍惜食物”正确。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“For us, the biggest psychological challenge was whether we were confident enough to complete it(对我们来说,最大的心理挑战是我们是否有足够的信心去完成它)”可知,柳济琛和他的团队面临的最大挑战是他们不确定是否能完成这个项目。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第四段““Technological innovation is a good way to reduce food waste and contribute to global food challenges.” Liu thought.( “技术创新是减少食物浪费和应对全球粮食挑战的好方法。”刘认为)”以及倒数第二段“However, they not only achieved their goal, but now, the mini-program has more than 5 million registered users.(然而,他们不仅实现了自己的目标,而且现在,这个小程序的注册用户已经超过了500万)”可推知,柳济琛有创造力和决心。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Liu Jichen, a student from Tsinghua University, has developed a WeChat mini-program called “Clear Your Plate”.(来自清华大学的学生柳济琛开发了一个名为“清空你的盘子”的微信小程序)” 以及第二段“After a meal, users can open the mini-program and take a picture of their empty plates. Once the image is recognized by the AI, students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals donated to children in poor areas.(饭后,用户可以打开小程序,给自己的空盘子拍照。一旦图像被人工智能识别,学生们就可以收集积分,用这些积分购买礼物或购买慈善餐,捐赠给贫困地区的儿童)”结合文章主要介绍了清华大学学生柳济琛开发了一个程序来减少食物浪费,鼓励人们珍惜食物。文章解释了他们如何开展活动以及面临的挑战。C选项“用科技清理你的盘子”最符合文章标题。故选C。
WUHAN, China (Reuters) — Large crowds took to the streets at midnight on Friday in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, celebrating the arrival of 2021 after a year scarred by a deadly pandemic (大流行) that killed thousands there and required the city to be locked down between the end of January and early April.
According to the tradition, hundreds gathered in front of the old Hankow Customs House building, one of the city’s most popular New Year’s Eve spots. When the building’s old clock reached midnight many people released balloons into the air, cheered and called out “happy new year” .
“I’m so so so incredibly happy,” said 20-year-old student and tourist Yang Wenxuan. “This is my first time in Wuhan. But it was so amazing.”
“I hope that I can successfully obtain my bachelor degree and I hope I can find a boyfriend,” Yang added.
There was a heavy police presence and strict crowd control. Some security personnel were seen telling several of the few people without masks that they must put one on if they wished to stay. Still, the countdown appeared to proceed peacefully, in a relaxed atmosphere.
The festivities came 12 months after the World Health Organization (WHO) said it first received word of cases of a pneumonia (肺炎) of an unknown cause in Wuhan, which later became known as the world’s first outbreak of COVID-19. A team of WHO experts is scheduled to arrive in China in January 2021 to find out the origins of the pandemic.
Wuhan has been largely virus free for months. But a recent small rise in cases in various Chinese cities, including Beijing, has reminded people in Wuhan that the pandemic is not over yet.
8. What is the passage mainly about
A. A pandemic having killed thousands. B. A college girl looking for a boyfriend.
C. A thrilling new year celebration in Wuhan. D. A lock-down to stop the spreading of the virus.
9. What does the tourist want to convey with the 3 “so”s in Paragraph 3
A. Anxiety. B. Disappointment. C. Regret. D. Excitement.
10. What can we tell from the last 3 paragraphs
A. Security was a big concern among the people.
B. The origin of COVID-19 is yet to be identified.
C. People in Wuhan are no longer bothered by the disease.
D. The pandemic is going back to Wuhan from other parts of China.
11. Where can we most probably read the passage
A. A textbook. B. A newspaper. C. A guidebook. D. A magazine.
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. B 11. B
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Large crowds took to the streets at midnight on Friday in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, celebrating the arrival of 2021 after a year scarred by a deadly pandemic (大流行) that killed thousands there and required the city to be locked down between the end of January and early April. (周五午夜,大批人群走上中国中部城市武汉的街头,庆祝2021年的到来。此前一年,致命的大流行造成数千人死亡,并要求该市在1月底至4月初期间封锁。)”结合文章主要介绍了武汉举行了庆祝活动,根据传统,数百人聚集在汉口海关大楼前,这是该市最受欢迎的除夕地点之一。现场有大量警力,并对人群进行了严格控制。可知,这篇文章主要讲的是武汉激动人心的新年庆祝活动。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段““I’m so so so incredibly happy,” said 20-year-old student and tourist Yang Wenxuan. “This is my first time in Wuhan. But it was so amazing.” (20岁的学生、游客杨文轩说:“我非常非常非常开心。这是我第一次来武汉。但这太神奇了。”)”可推知,第三段中的3个“so”是想表达兴奋。故选D。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The festivities came 12 months after the World Health Organization (WHO) said it first received word of cases of a pneumonia (肺炎) of an unknown cause in Wuhan, which later became known as the world’s first outbreak of COVID-19. A team of WHO experts is scheduled to arrive in China in January 2021 to find out the origins of the pandemic. (在庆祝活动的12个月前,世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,它首次收到武汉出现不明原因肺炎病例的消息,后来被称为世界上第一次COVID-19疫情。世卫组织专家小组计划于2021年1月抵达中国,以查明大流行的起源。)”可知,COVID-19的来源尚未确定。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第一段“WUHAN, China (Reuters) — Large crowds took to the streets at midnight on Friday in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, celebrating the arrival of 2021 after a year scarred by a deadly pandemic (大流行) that killed thousands there and required the city to be locked down between the end of January and early April. (中国武汉(路透社)——周五午夜,大批人群走上中国中部城市武汉的街头,庆祝2021年的到来。此前一年,致命的大流行造成数千人死亡,并要求该市在1月底至4月初期间封锁。)”结合文章主要介绍了武汉举行了庆祝活动,根据传统,数百人聚集在汉口海关大楼前,这是该市最受欢迎的除夕地点之一。现场有大量警力,并对人群进行了严格控制。可推知,文章选自报纸。故选B。
A new study has found that ride-sharing services result in much more air pollution than other kinds of private and public transportation, and they also draw passengers away from more environmentally friendly methods of travel, like public transportation, walking or biking.
Several studies have suggested that ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft can worsen traffic problems in cities. The new study attempts to center on how ride-sharing services affect air pollution. It examined the effects of ride-sharing services on 7 of America’s largest cities. Overall, the researchers reported that ride-sharing trips result in an estimated 69% more air pollution on average than the trips they displace. One of the big reasons is that ride-sharing vehicles are often driven without passengers in. This happens when drivers are either waiting for ride requests or on the way to pick up passengers.
This situation, known as “deadheading”, takes up about 42% of all ride-sharing driving. The researchers said that deadheading results in about 50% more carbon dioxide than one person driving in a private vehicle.
Both Uber and Lyft do offer a choice of a “pooled” ride, which involves drivers picking up additional riders during the same trip. The study urges services like Uber and Lyft to work to increase the number of pooled rides and electric vehicles on the road, and improve connections to public transportation centers.
Uber made no comment on the latest report, but the company said it aims to be part of the solution to address climate change by working directly with cities, adding that it will continue to promote pooled trips and other means of transportation. Lyft said that the study made misleading claims about ride-sharing although it shared the practice of increasing the number of pooled rides and putting more electric vehicles in service.
Both companies have already operated businesses that offer electric scooters and bikes and have begun to include public transportation information in their systems.
12. What’s known about ride-sharing services before the new study
A. They are more popular with passengers than public transportation.
B. They provide a more efficient means of transportation.
C. They waste a lot of time waiting for ride requests.
D. They make traffic problems in cities even worse.
13. How do ride-sharing vehicles cause more air pollution
A. They use too much fuel to operate.
B. They are used by too many people.
C. They are often driven with no passengers.
D. They don’t have public transportation information.
14. What is Lyft’s attitude towards the finding of the new study
A. Negative. B. Positive. C. Approving. D. Indifferent.
15. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Both Uber and Lyft pay little attention to the result of the study.
B. Ride-sharing business will be canceled in more countries.
C. Ride-sharing services will become greener in the future.
D. Riding bikes is the solution to urban traffic problems.
【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. C
推理判断题。由文章第二段中“Several studies have suggested that ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft can worsen traffic problems in cities. (几项研究表明,像优步和Lyft这样的拼车服务可能会加剧城市的交通问题。)”可知,在这项新研究之前,人们已经认识到拼车服务使城市的交通问题更加严重。故选D。
细节理解题。由文章第二段中“Overall, the researchers reported that ride-sharing trips result in an estimated 69% more air pollution on average than the trips they displace. One of the big reasons is that ride-sharing vehicles are often driven without passengers in. This happens when drivers are either waiting for ride requests or on the way to pick up passengers. (总体而言,研究人员报告称,拼车出行造成的空气污染平均比它们取代的出行多69%。其中一个重要原因是,拼车车辆通常在没有乘客的情况下行驶。这种情况发生在司机等待乘车请求或在接乘客的路上。)”可知,司机经常在没有乘客的情况下驾驶,从而造成更多空气污染。故选C。
推理判断题。由文章第五段中“Lyft said that the study made misleading claims about ride-sharing although it shared the practice of increasing the number of pooled rides and putting more electric vehicles in service. (Lyft表示,该研究对拼车服务提出了误导性的说法,尽管它也提出了增加拼车数量和投入更多电动汽车的做法。)”可知,Lyft对这项新研究的发现持否定的态度。故选A。
推理判断题。由文章最后一段“Both companies have already operated businesses that offer electric scooters and bikes and have begun to include public transportation information in their systems. (两家公司都已经开始提供电动滑板车和自行车,并开始将公共交通信息纳入自己的系统。)”可知,两家公司都已经开始采取措施,故拼车服务在未来将变得更加环保。故选C。
第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
It seems that some people were simply born charming. When they enter a room, everyone notices their presence. They are like magnets. _______16_______ The key is to have certain habits that charming people have in common.
Charming People Give You Their Undivided Attention
Stop to think about two or three likable people you know. Do they constantly check their phone while you are talking to them Do they continually redirect conversations to themselves so they can become the center of attention Probably not. They ask you intelligent questions and show a true interest in what’s going on in your life. ______17______
They Follow Through
_____18_____ They are not “all words and no action.” Average people often say “Let me know if you need any help” . However, when it comes to the crunch and you turn to them for help, the answer will often be “I’d really love to help, but…” There’s always a “but.” _______19_______ If they say they will help, they will.
They Take Real Pleasure in Proactively Helping Others
Charming people don’t preach or tell you how to do things, and they certainly don’t brag about their own lives and successes. ______20______ They will likely refuse any “reward” offered as they expect nothing in return. And they are the ones helping you even if you don’t ask for it.
In a word, charming people will always let their actions talk for them instead of words. If we were all wired that way, we would probably become popular too.
A. They always surprise you with something new.
B. You won’t find this with charming people, however.
C. Therefore, don’t make promises that you can not keep.
D. They take delight in giving you a helping hand proactively instead.
E. They focus on being “interested” rather than appearing “interesting.”
F. One common quality of charming people is that they stick to their words.
G. However, we are all born with the ability to attract other people’s interest in us.
【答案】16. G 17. E 18. F 19. B 20. D
由上文“It seems that some people were simply born charming. When they enter a room, everyone notices their presence. They are like magnets. (似乎有些人天生就有魅力。当他们进入房间时,每个人都会注意到他们的存在。它们就像磁铁。)”可知,本空要说跟“像磁铁的表现”有关的话题,故G选项“However, we are all born with the ability to attract other people’s interest in us. (然而,我们生来就有能力吸引别人对我们的兴趣。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选G。
由上文“They ask you intelligent questions and show a true interest in what’s going on in your life. (他们会问你一些聪明的问题,对你的生活表现出真正的兴趣。)”可知,本空要说跟“兴趣”有关的话题,故E选项“They focus on being “interested” rather than appearing “interesting.” (他们关注的是“感兴趣”,而不是看起来“有趣”)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选E。
由本段小标题“They Follow Through (他们坚持到底)”和下文“They are not “all words and no action.” (他们不是“只说不做”)”可知,本空要说跟“坚持到底、说到做到”有关的话题,故F选项“One common quality of charming people is that they stick to their words. (有魅力的人有一个共同的品质,那就是他们信守诺言)”能承上启下,符合题意。故选F。
由上文“Average people often say “Let me know if you need any help” . However, when it comes to the crunch and you turn to them for help, the answer will often be “I’d really love to help, but…” There’s always a “but.” (普通人经常说“如果你需要帮助,请告诉我”。然而,当到了紧要关头,你向他们寻求帮助时,他们的回答往往是“我真的很想帮忙,但是……”)”可知,本空要说跟“只说不做”有关的话题,故B选项“You won’t find this with charming people, however. (然而,你不会在有魅力的人身上发现这一点。)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选B。
由本段小标题“They Take Real Pleasure in Proactively Helping Others (他们从主动帮助别人中获得真正的乐趣)”可知,本空要说跟“帮助别人”有关的话题,故D选项“They take delight in giving you a helping hand proactively instead. (相反,他们乐于主动向你伸出援手。)”符合题意。故选D。
英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D)中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
It’s time to register for tenth grade, but my parents could not pay the tuition. ____21____ I was the top student in my class, I was sent home. This was a ____22____ experience, as I loved being in school and ____23____ wanted to continue my education. I went home and helped my father at his tire - repair shop.
____24____, things took an unexpected turn three days later. One of my classmates ____25____ to tell me to go back to school because my tuition was fully paid. I returned to my classroom, but I kept ____26____who had done this for me. I____27____ the registrar to reveal the donator’s name , only to be told that the donator wanted to keep it a ____28____. Upon my ____29____ and on condition that I didn’t go and thank the person, she ____30____ me that it was my English teacher, Olivia Balian. When Ms. Balian noticed my desk was ____31____, she asked why I was not in school. Learning the reason, she paid my tuition with her salary. The whole year I sat in Ms. Balian’s class, thinking about her ____32____ gesture but unable to express my____33____ .
____34____, I received two master’s degrees. Almost 40 years later, I visited Ms. Balian. She had ____35____ from teaching long ago. She was as ____36____ to see me as I was to see her. I was finally able to thank her. I ____37____ to assist her in any way possible, but she ____38____ all offers.
While this story is about Ms. Olivia Balian, it is also a story that one person can make a great ____39____ to the lives of others. ____40____ her timely assistance, I probably would have spent the rest of my life repairing tires.
A. Even though B. Now that C. If only D. No wonder
A. risk-taking B. face-saving C. heart-breaking D. breath-taking
A. desperately B. exactly C. slightly D. hardly
A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. Moreover D. However
A. came across B. came over C. came out D. came back
A. doubting B. wondering C. talking D. connecting
A. ordered B. persuaded C. begged D. suggested
A. magic B. fact C. duty D. secret
A. insistence B. modesty C. hesitation D. reputation
A. reminded B. informed C. promised D. warned
A. clean B. rough C. lost D. empty
A. amusing B. graceful C. generous D. creative
A. regret B. appreciation C. honesty D. apology
A. Easily B. Obviously C. Eventually D. Definitely
A. retired B. served C. missed D. recovered
A. disappointed B. interested C. thrilled D. embarrassed
A. offered B. managed C. forced D. forgot
A. accepted B. declined C. considered D. returned
A. opportunity B. choice C. decision D. difference
A. Without B. With C. For D. Under
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. A
考查固定短语辨析。句意:尽管我是班上的尖子生,我还是被送回家了。A. Even though尽管;B. Now that既然;C. If only要是……就好了;D. No wonder难怪。根据前文的“my parents could not pay the tuition.”和后文“I was the top student in my class, I was sent home.”可知,“我”的父母付不起学费,我被送回家了,尽管“我”是班上的尖子生。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一次令人心碎的经历,因为我喜欢上学,非常想继续我的教育。A. risk-taking冒险;B. face-saving保全面子的;C. heart-breaking心碎的;D. breath-taking令人叹为观止。根据后文的“as I loved being in school”可知,“我”喜欢上学,故因为付不起学费被送回家是一次令人心碎的经历。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:这是一次令人心碎的经历,因为我喜欢上学,非常想继续我的教育。A. desperately拼命地;B. exactly确切地;C. slightly稍微;D. hardly几乎不。根据前文的“as I loved being in school”和后文“continue my education”可知,“我”喜欢上学,故非常想继续“我”的教育。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,三天后,事情发生了意想不到的转折。A. Otherwise否则;B. Therefore因此;C. Moreover此外;D. However然而。根据后文的“things took an unexpected turn three days later”可知,发生了意想不到的转折,故用表示转折含义的However。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的一个同学过来告诉我回学校去,因为我的学费已经付清了。A. came across碰到;B. came over过来;C. came out出来;D. came back回来。根据前文的“I was sent home”可知,“我”因没钱交学费被送回家了,故同学过来告诉“我”回学校去。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我回到教室,但我一直在想是谁为我做了这一切。A. doubting怀疑;B. wondering想知道;C. talking说话;D. connecting连接。根据前文的“because my tuition was fully paid”和后文“who had done this for me”可知,“我”想知道是谁为“我”做了这一切。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我请求登记员透露捐赠者的名字,却被告知捐赠者想要保密。A. ordered命令;B. persuaded说服;C. begged恳求;D. suggested建议。根据前文的“but I kept 6 who had done this for me.”和后文“the registrar to reveal the donator’s name”可知,“我”想知道是谁为“我”做了这一切,请求登记员透露捐赠者的名字。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我请求登记员透露捐赠者的名字,却被告知捐赠者想要保密。A. magic魔术;B. fact事实;C. duty职责;D. secret秘密。根据前文的“I 7 the registrar to reveal the donator’s name , only to be told that the donator wanted to keep it a”可知,“我”请求登记员透露捐赠者的名字,却被告知捐赠者想要保密。keep it a secret“保密”。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:出于我的坚持,在我不去感谢那个人的条件下,她告知我那是我的英语老师奥利维亚·巴里安。A. insistence坚持;B. modesty谦虚;C. hesitation犹豫;D. reputation名誉。根据后文的“she 10 me that it was my English teacher, Olivia Balian.”可知,她告知“我”是谁帮助了“我”,是出于“我”的坚持。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:出于我的坚持,在我不去感谢那个人的条件下,她告知我那是我的英语老师奥利维亚·巴里安。A. reminded提醒;B. informed告知;C. promised承诺;D. warned警告。根据后文的“me that it was my English teacher, Olivia Balian.”可知,她告知“我”是谁帮助了“我”。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当巴里安老师注意到我的桌子空着时,她问我为什么没来上学。A. clean清洁的;B. rough粗糙的;C. lost丢失的;D. empty空的。根据后文的“she asked why I was not in school.”可知,她问“我”为什么没来上学,因为老师注意到“我”的桌子空着。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:整整一年,我坐在巴里安老师的课堂上,想着她慷慨的举动,却无法表达我的感激之情。A. amusing有趣的;B. graceful优美的;C. generous慷慨的;D. creative创造性的。根据前文的“because my tuition was fully paid”和“she 10 me that it was my English teacher, Olivia Balian.”可知,英语老师帮“我”交了学费,故“我”感谢她慷慨的举动。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:整整一年,我都坐在巴里安老师的课堂上,想着她慷慨的举动,却无法表达我的感激之情。A. regret遗憾;B. appreciation感激;C. honesty诚实;D. apology道歉。根据前文的“because my tuition was fully paid”和“she 10 me that it was my English teacher, Olivia Balian.”可知,英语老师帮“我”交了学费,故“我”对老师有感激之情。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:最终,我获得了两个硕士学位。A. Easily容易地;B. Obviously显然地;C. Eventually最终;D. Definitely肯定。根据后文的“I received two master’s degrees”可知,经过努力学习,最终,“我”获得了两个硕士学位。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:很久以前她从教学岗位上退休。A. retired退休;B. served服务;C. missed错过;D. recovered恢复。根据后文的“from teaching long ago”可知,她从教学岗位上退休了。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她见到我和我见到她一样激动。A. disappointed失望的;B. interested感兴趣的;C. thrilled激动的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据后文的“I was finally able to thank her.”可知,“我”终于能够感谢她了,故“我”很激动,她和“我”一样激动。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我提出尽一切可能帮助她,但她拒绝了所有的帮助。A. offered主动提出;B. managed管理;C. forced强迫;D. forgot忘记。根据前文的“I was finally able to thank her.”可知,“我”终于能够感谢她了,故“我”提出尽一切可能帮助她。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我提出尽一切可能帮助她,但她拒绝了所有的帮助。A. accepted接受;B. declined拒绝;C. considered认为;D. returned返回。根据前文的“I 17 to assist her in any way possible”和空前表示转折的连词but可知,“我”提出帮助她,但她拒绝了所有的帮助。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然这个故事是关于奥利维亚·巴里安女士的,但它也是一个关于一个人可以极大地改变其他人生活的故事。A. opportunity机会;B. choice选择;C. decision决定;D. difference差别。根据前文的“While this story is about Ms. Olivia Balian, it is also a story that one person can make a great”可知,奥利维亚·巴里安女士一个人可以极大地改变“我”的生活。make a difference“有影响”。故选D项。
考查介词词义辨析。句意:如果没有她的及时帮助,我的余生可能都要花在修理轮胎上了。A. Without没有;B. With与;C. For对于;D. Under在下面。根据后文的“her timely assistance, I probably would have spent the rest of my life repairing tires.”可知,如果没有她的及时帮助,“我”的生活会有很大的不同。故选A项。
第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确 形式。
Zhong Nanshan was born in October 1936 in Central Hospital in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Zhong _____41_____ (grow) up in a family of doctors, _____42_____ father was a well-known pediatrician (儿科医生). Following the family tradition, Zhong Nanshan___43___ (admit) to Beijing Medical University in 1955.
Many people know Zhong ____44____ a famous doctor, but few know that he was once an outstanding athlete. ______45______ he didn’t choose to be a professional athlete, his love for sports never reduced. Despite his busy schedule, he works out three or four times every week. Years of physical exercise gave him a healthy body, allowing him _____46_____(continue) marching forward in the medical field.
Zhong’s life has always been _____47_____ (close) linked with his patients and with the development of the nation. During the SARS outbreak, he personally examined the mouth and throat of every seriously ill patient in his hospital, _____48_____ (give) them comfort and _____49_____ (strong) to fight the disease. At the age of 84, Zhong is still fighting on the front-line of the novel coronavirus outbreak. With his professional medical skills and great perseverance, Zhong has become _____50_____ hero at this difficult time.
【答案】41. grew
42. whose 43. was admitted
44. as 45. Although##Though##While
46. to continue
47. closely
48. giving 49. strength
50. a
考查动词语态。句意:按照家庭传统,钟南山于1955年考入北京医科大学。根据时间状语in 1955可知,应用一般过去时,且主语Zhong Nanshan和动词admit“准许……进入”为被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为第三人称单数,be动词用was。故填was admitted。
考查非谓语动词。句意:多年的体育锻炼给了他健康的体魄,使他能够在医学领域继续前进。固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”,动词不定式作宾补。故填to continue。
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 35 分)
第一节 短文改错 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
51. 短文改错
Last Sunday I finished my volunteer work in the wildlife park in my hometown, where was a valuable experience for me.
In park, I did the cleaning for the animals and feed them every day. In addition to, I corrected the translation mistakes on the leaflets which give visitors basic informations about the park. I also worked as a guide tell visitors that they should pay attention to when visiting the park.
I am so happy that I did something useful but meaningful for those wonderfully creatures. I hope more and more people will join me to protect it.
4.考查介词短语。句意:此外,我还纠正了向游客提供公园基本信息的传单上的翻译错误。介词短语in addition“此外”,作状语。in addition to“除……之外(还)” ,后应接宾语,此处应用In addition,作状语。 故删掉to。
5.考查不可数名词。句意:此外,我还纠正了向游客提供公园基本信息的传单上的翻译错误。information“信息”为不可数名词,没有复数形式。 故将informations改为information。
8.考查连词。句意:我很高兴我为这些奇妙的生物做了一些有用和有意义的事情。useful“有用的”与meaningful“有意义的”之间不是转折关系,而是并列关系,应用连词and“和”。 故将but改为and。
9.考查形容词。句意:我很高兴我为这些奇妙的生物做了一些有用和有意义的事情。形容词修饰名词,副词不能修饰名词。分析句子结构可知,本句用形容词wonderful“奇妙的”,作定语,修饰名词creatures。 故将wonderfully改为wonderful。
10.考查代词。句意:我希望越来越多的人和我一起保护它们。结合句意可知,protect后应用代词them“它们”,指代上一句的creatures。 故将it改为them。
第二节 书面表达 (满分 25 分)
52. 假定你李华,你正在进行一项社会实践活动:调查各国中学生阅读习惯。 你为此设计了一份问卷搜集数据。请你给英国笔友Tom写一封邮件,请他填写问卷(questionnaire),内容包括:
1. 词数 100 字左右;
Dear Tom,
How is everything going
【答案】One possible version
Dear Tom,
How is everything going I am doing a survey on students’ reading habits and have prepared a questionnaire to get some data. I’m writing to invite you to fill in the questionnaire.
The questionnaire includes three parts, the first of which requires only your personal information, such as your name and nationality. In the second part, you just choose the best answers to the questions related to reading habits. More importantly, you can give some valuable advice in the last part, which will be of great help to us.
I’d appreciate it if you could send back the questionnaire to me by the end of this week. I’m looking forward to your earliest reply.
Li Hua
得到:get→ obtain
填写:fill→ complete
要求:require→ demand
与……相关:related to→ relevant to
原句:I am doing a survey on students’ reading habits and have prepared a questionnaire to get some data. I’m writing to invite you to fill in the questionnaire.
拓展句:I am doing a survey on students’ reading habits and have prepared a questionnaire to get some data, which I’m writing to invite you to fill in.
【点睛】【高分句型1】The questionnaire includes three parts, the first of which requires only your personal information, such as your name and nationality.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】More importantly, you can give some valuable advice in the last part, which will be of great help to us.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)南山中学2022-2023学年度高二上学期英语期末仿真试题五
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is seen as a window into the inventions that will change our lives in the years ahead. Here are some of the best inventions making the headlines from this year’s show.
The virtual fence for your wandering dog
This $1,495 GPS-enabled dog collar lets you “draw” a boundary anywhere, including your home, the houses of friends, a campsite or a park. If the dog escapes, the GPS alerts you via a mobile phone app and helps you track and find it, even in remote areas like woodland.
The robot that brings you toilet paper
Consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble’s toilet paper brand, Charmin, has shown a two-wheeled robot designed to save its owner at the most important moment. The “RollBot” is ordered by a smart phone using Bluetooth and uses technology similar to a robot cleaner to navigate to its owner, carrying a precious spare roll.
Wearable camera boosting hearing aids
Hearing aids can struggle to isolate (分离) sounds, often strengthening background noise as well as a person’s voice. The Hear, a wearable camera made by Israeli tech company OrCam, uses artificial intelligence to identify the person who is speaking and then employ lip reading technology to isolate the sound of their voice, making it easier for those with hearing difficulties to understand them.
Solar-powered electric tricycle
French start-up Wello has displayed a vehicle that lies somewhere between an electric car and a bicycle, showing a solar-powered electric tricycle. The vehicle is pedal-assisted, so it doesn’t need a driving license and can travel in bike lanes, but can reach a top speed of 25 miles per hour.
1 How does the dog collar work
A. By limiting your dog to a boundary anywhere.
B. By tracking and finding your dog through an app.
C. By using Bluetooth to find where your dog hides.
D. By providing more information about your dog for the police.
2. What can we know about the Hear
A. It can bring you toilet paper.
B. It appeals to people who are visually challenged.
C. It strengthens background noise as well as a person’s voice.
D. It has an advantage over traditional hearing aids in isolating sounds.
3. What do the four inventions have in common
A. They are all helpful in improving people’s lives.
B. They are all designed for senior people.
C. They are all environment-friendly.
D. They are all solar-powered.
Multiple actions have been taken to fight food waste, but one young man is making a big difference with technology. Liu Jichen, a student from Tsinghua University, has developed a WeChat mini-program called “Clear Your Plate”.
After a meal, users can open the mini-program and take a picture of their empty plates. Once the image is recognized by the AI, students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals donated to children in poor areas.
The idea came from Liu’s experience in a canteen where he found that diners finishing their food could get a card and then small gifts with a certain number of cards collected.
“Technological innovation is a good way to reduce food waste and contribute to global food challenges.” Liu thought. With this in mind, he organized a team of 20 members to work on the project in 2017. To solve the AI’s problem of identifying photos of empty plates, the team spent half a year collecting over 100,000 samples in canteens and restaurants. In 2018, the mini-program was officially put into operation on Oct 16, World Food Day.
This year, the one-month campaign has attracted almost 1.6 million participants and collectively reduced food waste by 862 tons and carbon emissions by 3,337 tons.
“There were so many unknowns in research and development. For us, the biggest psychological challenge was whether we were confident enough to complete it,” Liu said. However, they not only achieved their goal, but now, the mini-program has more than 5 million registered users.
Thanks to his actions concerning social issues, Liu Jichen was inducted into the 2020 Class of Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals in September.
4. What is true about the “Clear Your Plate” mini-program
A. It inspires people to make money. B. It aims to encourage people to treasure food.
C. It has helped reduce food waste by 3,337 tons. D. It offers people cards and small gifts as a reward.
5. What was their biggest psychological challenge during the process
A. They lacked professional technical support. B. They found it tough to promote the campaign.
C. They had difficulty gathering enough samples. D. They felt uncertain about completing the project.
6. Which of the following best describes Liu Jichen
A. Optimistic and cautious. B. Generous and responsible.
C. Talented and humorous. D. Creative and determined.
7. What can be a suitable title for the passage
A. Learn from Liu Jichen B. The Power of AI Technology
C. Clear Your Plate with Technology D. Actions to Fight against Food Waste
WUHAN, China (Reuters) — Large crowds took to the streets at midnight on Friday in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, celebrating the arrival of 2021 after a year scarred by a deadly pandemic (大流行) that killed thousands there and required the city to be locked down between the end of January and early April.
According to the tradition, hundreds gathered in front of the old Hankow Customs House building, one of the city’s most popular New Year’s Eve spots. When the building’s old clock reached midnight many people released balloons into the air, cheered and called out “happy new year” .
“I’m so so so incredibly happy,” said 20-year-old student and tourist Yang Wenxuan. “This is my first time in Wuhan. But it was so amazing.”
“I hope that I can successfully obtain my bachelor degree and I hope I can find a boyfriend,” Yang added.
There was a heavy police presence and strict crowd control. Some security personnel were seen telling several of the few people without masks that they must put one on if they wished to stay. Still, the countdown appeared to proceed peacefully, in a relaxed atmosphere.
The festivities came 12 months after the World Health Organization (WHO) said it first received word of cases of a pneumonia (肺炎) of an unknown cause in Wuhan, which later became known as the world’s first outbreak of COVID-19. A team of WHO experts is scheduled to arrive in China in January 2021 to find out the origins of the pandemic.
Wuhan has been largely virus free for months. But a recent small rise in cases in various Chinese cities, including Beijing, has reminded people in Wuhan that the pandemic is not over yet.
8. What is the passage mainly about
A. A pandemic having killed thousands. B. A college girl looking for a boyfriend.
C. A thrilling new year celebration in Wuhan. D. A lock-down to stop the spreading of the virus.
9. What does the tourist want to convey with the 3 “so”s in Paragraph 3
A. Anxiety. B. Disappointment. C. Regret. D. Excitement.
10. What can we tell from the last 3 paragraphs
A. Security was a big concern among the people.
B. The origin of COVID-19 is yet to be identified.
C. People in Wuhan are no longer bothered by the disease.
D. The pandemic is going back to Wuhan from other parts of China.
11. Where can we most probably read the passage
A. A textbook. B. A newspaper. C. A guidebook. D. A magazine.
A new study has found that ride-sharing services result in much more air pollution than other kinds of private and public transportation, and they also draw passengers away from more environmentally friendly methods of travel, like public transportation, walking or biking.
Several studies have suggested that ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft can worsen traffic problems in cities. The new study attempts to center on how ride-sharing services affect air pollution. It examined the effects of ride-sharing services on 7 of America’s largest cities. Overall, the researchers reported that ride-sharing trips result in an estimated 69% more air pollution on average than the trips they displace. One of the big reasons is that ride-sharing vehicles are often driven without passengers in. This happens when drivers are either waiting for ride requests or on the way to pick up passengers.
This situation, known as “deadheading”, takes up about 42% of all ride-sharing driving. The researchers said that deadheading results in about 50% more carbon dioxide than one person driving in a private vehicle.
Both Uber and Lyft do offer a choice of a “pooled” ride, which involves drivers picking up additional riders during the same trip. The study urges services like Uber and Lyft to work to increase the number of pooled rides and electric vehicles on the road, and improve connections to public transportation centers.
Uber made no comment on the latest report, but the company said it aims to be part of the solution to address climate change by working directly with cities, adding that it will continue to promote pooled trips and other means of transportation. Lyft said that the study made misleading claims about ride-sharing although it shared the practice of increasing the number of pooled rides and putting more electric vehicles in service.
Both companies have already operated businesses that offer electric scooters and bikes and have begun to include public transportation information in their systems.
12 What’s known about ride-sharing services before the new study
A. They are more popular with passengers than public transportation.
B. They provide a more efficient means of transportation.
C. They waste a lot of time waiting for ride requests.
D They make traffic problems in cities even worse.
13. How do ride-sharing vehicles cause more air pollution
A. They use too much fuel to operate.
B. They are used by too many people.
C. They are often driven with no passengers.
D. They don’t have public transportation information.
14. What is Lyft’s attitude towards the finding of the new study
A. Negative. B. Positive. C. Approving. D. Indifferent.
15. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Both Uber and Lyft pay little attention to the result of the study.
B. Ride-sharing business will be canceled in more countries.
C. Ride-sharing services will become greener in the future.
D. Riding bikes is the solution to urban traffic problems.
第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
It seems that some people were simply born charming. When they enter a room, everyone notices their presence. They are like magnets. _______16_______ The key is to have certain habits that charming people have in common.
Charming People Give You Their Undivided Attention
Stop to think about two or three likable people you know. Do they constantly check their phone while you are talking to them Do they continually redirect conversations to themselves so they can become the center of attention Probably not. They ask you intelligent questions and show a true interest in what’s going on in your life. ______17______
They Follow Through
_____18_____ They are not “all words and no action.” Average people often say “Let me know if you need any help” . However, when it comes to the crunch and you turn to them for help, the answer will often be “I’d really love to help, but…” There’s always a “but.” _______19_______ If they say they will help, they will.
They Take Real Pleasure in Proactively Helping Others
Charming people don’t preach or tell you how to do things, and they certainly don’t brag about their own lives and successes. ______20______ They will likely refuse any “reward” offered as they expect nothing in return. And they are the ones helping you even if you don’t ask for it.
In a word, charming people will always let their actions talk for them instead of words. If we were all wired that way, we would probably become popular too.
A. They always surprise you with something new.
B. You won’t find this with charming people, however.
C. Therefore, don’t make promises that you can not keep.
D. They take delight in giving you a helping hand proactively instead.
E. They focus on being “interested” rather than appearing “interesting.”
F. One common quality of charming people is that they stick to their words.
G. However, we are all born with the ability to attract other people’s interest in us.
英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D)中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
It’s time to register for tenth grade, but my parents could not pay the tuition. ____21____ I was the top student in my class, I was sent home. This was a ____22____ experience, as I loved being in school and ____23____ wanted to continue my education. I went home and helped my father at his tire - repair shop.
____24____, things took an unexpected turn three days later. One of my classmates ____25____ to tell me to go back to school because my tuition was fully paid. I returned to my classroom, but I kept ____26____who had done this for me. I____27____ the registrar to reveal the donator’s name , only to be told that the donator wanted to keep it a ____28____. Upon my ____29____ and on condition that I didn’t go and thank the person, she ____30____ me that it was my English teacher, Olivia Balian. When Ms. Balian noticed my desk was ____31____, she asked why I was not in school. Learning the reason, she paid my tuition with her salary. The whole year I sat in Ms. Balian’s class, thinking about her ____32____ gesture but unable to express my____33____ .
____34____, I received two master’s degrees. Almost 40 years later, I visited Ms. Balian. She had ____35____ from teaching long ago. She was as ____36____ to see me as I was to see her. I was finally able to thank her. I ____37____ to assist her in any way possible, but she ____38____ all offers.
While this story is about Ms. Olivia Balian, it is also a story that one person can make a great ____39____ to the lives of others. ____40____ her timely assistance, I probably would have spent the rest of my life repairing tires.
A. Even though B. Now that C. If only D. No wonder
A. risk-taking B. face-saving C. heart-breaking D. breath-taking
A. desperately B. exactly C. slightly D. hardly
A Otherwise B. Therefore C. Moreover D. However
A. came across B. came over C. came out D. came back
A. doubting B. wondering C. talking D. connecting
A. ordered B. persuaded C. begged D. suggested
A. magic B. fact C. duty D. secret
A. insistence B. modesty C. hesitation D. reputation
A. reminded B. informed C. promised D. warned
A. clean B. rough C. lost D. empty
A. amusing B. graceful C. generous D. creative
A. regret B. appreciation C. honesty D. apology
A Easily B. Obviously C. Eventually D. Definitely
A. retired B. served C. missed D. recovered
A. disappointed B. interested C. thrilled D. embarrassed
A. offered B. managed C. forced D. forgot
A. accepted B. declined C. considered D. returned
A. opportunity B. choice C. decision D. difference
A. Without B. With C. For D. Under
第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确 形式。
Zhong Nanshan was born in October 1936 in Central Hospital in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Zhong _____41_____ (grow) up in a family of doctors, _____42_____ father was a well-known pediatrician (儿科医生). Following the family tradition, Zhong Nanshan___43___ (admit) to Beijing Medical University in 1955.
Many people know Zhong ____44____ a famous doctor, but few know that he was once an outstanding athlete. ______45______ he didn’t choose to be a professional athlete, his love for sports never reduced. Despite his busy schedule, he works out three or four times every week. Years of physical exercise gave him a healthy body, allowing him _____46_____(continue) marching forward in the medical field.
Zhong’s life has always been _____47_____ (close) linked with his patients and with the development of the nation. During the SARS outbreak, he personally examined the mouth and throat of every seriously ill patient in his hospital, _____48_____ (give) them comfort and _____49_____ (strong) to fight the disease. At the age of 84, Zhong is still fighting on the front-line of the novel coronavirus outbreak. With his professional medical skills and great perseverance, Zhong has become _____50_____ hero at this difficult time.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 35 分)
第一节 短文改错 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
51. 短文改错
Last Sunday I finished my volunteer work in the wildlife park in my hometown, where was a valuable experience for me.
In park, I did the cleaning for the animals and feed them every day. In addition to, I corrected the translation mistakes on the leaflets which give visitors basic informations about the park. I also worked as a guide tell visitors that they should pay attention to when visiting the park.
I am so happy that I did something useful but meaningful for those wonderfully creatures. I hope more and more people will join me to protect it.
第二节 书面表达 (满分 25 分)
52. 假定你是李华,你正在进行一项社会实践活动:调查各国中学生阅读习惯。 你为此设计了一份问卷搜集数据。请你给英国笔友Tom写一封邮件,请他填写问卷(questionnaire),内容包括:
1. 词数 100 字左右;
Dear Tom,
How is everything going