Unit 7 第五课时More practice & Culture corner & Study skills课件+单元整体分析+课时教学设计(牛津深圳版九上)


名称 Unit 7 第五课时More practice & Culture corner & Study skills课件+单元整体分析+课时教学设计(牛津深圳版九上)
格式 zip
文件大小 26.8MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-25 14:27:15


单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 九年级上册
使用教材 沪教牛津版(深圳·广州·沈阳)
单元名称 Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
单元主题分析: 本单元的话题是“汤姆·索亚历险记”,以马克·吐温的不同作品为主线。对应课标中的“人与社会”这一主题语境以及“文学、艺术与体育”这一主题群,中外文学史上有代表性的作家和作品。 单元内容分析: 本单元涉及的话题是“汤姆·索亚历险记”,以马克·吐温的不同作品为主线来展开听、说、读、写的训练。共选入5篇关于电视录制的文章,通过多模态形式的语篇,如Reading 板块的主阅读篇章Tom Sawyer paints the fence,讲述了汤姆担心被同伴嘲笑和完不成漆栅栏的任务的双重压力下,设计了一个圈套,既让伙伴们对这项苦差事产生浓厚兴趣,争相用自己的宝贝来交换漆栅栏的机会,从而不露痕迹地完成了自己的任务,还得到了一堆宝贝的故事。Listening板块的听力材料是改编自马克·吐温的成名作短篇小说代表之一——《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》,作者以轻松幽默的笔触反映了淘金时代加州的社会面貌。有人嗜赌如命,连青蛙也用来打赌,自认为赌无不胜,最后却被骗个精光。Crammer板块中练习C要求学生阅读《汤姆·索亚历险记》中的故事——《目睹坟场惨案》的梗概,了解故事的情节和人物关系。More practice板块节选自《汤姆·索亚历险记》的另一则故事——《汤姆和贝奇被困山洞》,讲述了汤姆索亚和他的朋友贝奇误入山洞遇险的故事,体现了汤姆索亚顽皮大胆的性格特征。Culture corner板块介绍了马克·吐温代表作,也是汤姆索亚历险记中的姐妹篇《哈克贝利费恩历险记》。充分展示美国当时的现实生活。 整个单元分为Reading、Listening、Grammar、Speaking、Writing、More practice、Study skills、Culture corner八个部分。每部分的内容都有兼顾学生“听、说、读、看、写”等技能的内容编排,关注语言的理解性技能和表达性技能的协调发展。教材的语言材料涉及的具体语言知识有:(1)阅读一则节选自马克·吐温长篇小说汤姆索亚历险记中的故事——“汤姆漆栅栏”,理解故事的情节发展,了解人物性格,体会马克·吐温作品的幽默。(2)在Listening板块中听马克·吐温的短篇小说《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》简写版,听懂故事的情节发展,理解主要人物和事件。(3)Grammar板块中能辨认出由who、that或which引导的限制性定语,从句并能理解句子的意思。(4)Speaking板块,能口头表达祝贺与同情。以小组为单位讲述自己最喜欢的一则故事。(5)Writing板块学习读书报告的结构,能仿照范文就自己最喜欢的一则故事写一篇读书报告。(7)在More practice板块,通过阅读,进一步了解马克·吐温作品和小说主人公汤姆索亚的性格特征。(8) Study skills板块介绍了一种重要的写作技巧,即通过列提纲来组织文章架构。(9)在Culture corner板块中介绍了马克·吐温的代表作——《哈克·贝利费恩历险记》,通过阅读进一步了解马克·吐温作品和小说主人公汤姆索亚的性格特征。 本单元每个板块内容都围绕着“汤姆·索亚历险记”的话题展开,板块的教学设计环环相扣,以阅读篇章,听力材料语法、语法句型等板块的输入为教学活动中的口头和书面输出做铺垫,达成本单元的学习总目标。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 语篇语篇类型(技能)语篇内容语篇主题 一 Tom Sawyer paints the fence 记叙文(读)Reading板块讲述的是马克·吐温所著的小说汤姆索亚历险记中的一个故事——"汤姆漆栅栏"的简写版。理解汤姆性格特征,体会作者幽默写作风格。 二 A jumping frog 记叙文(听)Listening板块的故事是改编自马克·吐温的成名作短篇小说——《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》。听懂故事情节发展,理解人物和事件。三 The Graveyard Massacre" 记叙文(读)Grammar版块中的故事内容是《汤姆·索亚历险记》中的故事——“目睹坟场惨案”。了解故事梗概,理解情节人物关系,学习语篇中的定语从句。 四 Tom and Becky in the cave 记叙文(综合)More practice中的故事节选自《汤姆·索亚历险记》中的另一则故事——“汤姆和贝奇被困山洞”,讲述了汤姆说要和他的朋友贝奇误入山洞遇险的故事,体现了汤姆说要顽皮大胆的性格特征。进一步了解马克·吐温作品和主人公性格。 五 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 记叙文(综合)Culture corner版块介绍了马克·吐温的代表作,也是《汤姆·索亚历险记》的姐妹篇——《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》。这部小说充分展示了美国当时的现实生活。了解马克·吐温的更多作品及主人公。
表二:单元大观念 核心素养的综合表现: 学习完本单元的内容,学生能读懂节选自长篇小说《汤姆·索亚历险记》中的故事“汤姆·索亚刷栅栏”; 能听懂马克·吐温的短篇小说《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》简写版故事情节的发展,理解主要人物和事件;能口头表达祝贺与同情;能掌握读书报告的结构,仿照范文,就自己最喜欢的一则故事写一篇读书报告。通过了解以马克·吐温为代表的美国现代作家的作品,初步接触英美文学经典;培养良好的阅读习惯,使阅读成为英语学习的重要组成部分。能理解语篇中故事的情节发展,了解人物性格,体会马克·吐温作品中的幽默;能根据语篇推断人物的心理、行为动机等,推断信息之间简单的逻辑关系。尝试阅读马克·吐温的其他作品;运用“理解故事中的对白”的阅读策略理解故事内容;和同学交流各自的阅读习惯,介绍自己最喜欢的故事或作品;学习列写作提纲,利用写作提纲来组织文章结构。
(一)自然情况 本单元围绕“汤姆·索亚历险记”这一话题,开展教学活动,了解马克·吐温的不同代表作品。通过了解马克·吐温为代表的美国当代作家的作品,初步接触英美文学经典;培养良好的阅读习惯,使阅读成为英语学习的重要组成部分,符合Module 4 A taste of literature话题内容探究,以及九年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 (二)已有基础 本单元是九年级上册课程的第七单元。初中阶段的七年级和八年级都学习了人与社会这个主题语境以及文学、艺术与体育的主题群。学生接触过一些中外文学史上有代表性的作家和作品,对于马克·吐温有一定程度的了解。初三学生已经初步掌握表达个人思想的基本词汇,英语听说读写技能也具备了一定的策略和技巧,适合开展以简易小说或儿童文学为文本的阅读教学,由低年级培养语言能力,逐渐地向高年级培养思维品质和文化意识的转变。 (三)存在问题 1.阅读基础有待提高:学生词汇量不足,影响对课文的理解和表达。语法知识不扎实,影响对句子的理解和写作。 2.阅读技巧和方法需要加强:”理解故事中的对白”的阅读策略在本册第2单元已经学习过了,一部分学生不能完整地提取主阅读篇章中的信息并口头对故事中人物的看法。学生的发散思维,逻辑思维批判思维能力,信息提取和整合能力仍需要提升。 3.语言表达能力和写作能力较弱:在语境实际中正确表达个人思想的能力有待提高。在写作方面,学生对于制作蛛网图结合提纲组织文章架构方面,能力稍有欠缺。在撰写读书报告的语法用词要点分析等方面存在一定程度的错误,需要教师提出并提出意见。 (四)解决措施 1.是应该鼓励学生在课堂上积极参加课堂活动,并且踊跃地发言,以学生为主体,引导合理地发表自己的看法。对于学生的想法和具体课堂表现给予公正客观的评价,发现问题及时纠正错误。 2.培养学生通过网络或书籍检索信息,查阅资料的能力。进一步了解马克·吐温更多的作品以及其作品中的主人公。 3.教学过程中创设学习情境,学生在课堂活动中团队成员合作交流,共同探讨问题并得出结论,小组成员一起完成课堂教学中的学习任务。 4.鼓励学生在课后将所学的知识与家长进行深入的交流和分享,为家校合作交流提供有效的途径。
阅读《汤姆索亚历险记》“汤姆漆栅栏”的故事,理解故事的情节发展以及人物性格体会马克·吐温作品中的幽默。 运用理解故事中的对白的阅读策略,体会故事中主要人物的性格特征。听马克·吐温短篇小说《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》的简写版,听懂故事的情节发展,理解其中的主要人物和事件。 能辨认出由who that或which的限制性定语从句,并能理解句子的意思。 能口头表达祝贺与同情,以小组为单位讲述自己最喜欢的一个故事。学习读书报告的结构,能仿照范文就自己最喜欢的一则故事写一篇读书报告。 进一步了解马克·吐温的作品和主人公性格特点。尝试阅读马克·吐温的其他作品。
语篇 课型 第*课时 课时对应的单元教学目标
Reading I 阅读课 第一课时 阅读《汤姆索亚历险记》“汤姆漆栅栏”的故事,理解故事的情节发展以及人物性格体会马克·吐温作品中的幽默。
Reading II & Listening 听力课 阅读课 第二课时 运用理解故事中的对白的阅读策略,体会故事中主要人物的性格特征。听马克·吐温短篇小说《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》的简写版,听懂故事的情节发展,理解其中的主要人物和事件。
Grammar 语法课 第三课时 能辨认出由who that或which的限制性定语从句,并能理解句子的意思。
Speaking & Writing 口语课 写作课 第四课时 能口头表达祝贺与同情,以小组为单位讲述自己最喜欢的一个故事。学习读书报告的结构,能仿照范文就自己最喜欢的一则故事写一篇读书报告。
More practice & Study skills & Culture corner 综合课 第五课时 进一步了解马克·吐温的作品和主人公性格特点。尝试阅读马克·吐温的其他作品。
通过略读、预测等阅读策略,回答问题链,一段主要人物的心理和意图、分析性格特征、精读并且复述主阅读篇章教学策略,学生是否能够掌握写故事中对白的阅读策略、角色扮演和情景对话,评估学生是否能够掌握本课的目标语言就汤姆·索亚这个人物表达自己的观点和意见,是否概括总结和组织语言的能力。 通过了解图片描绘的内容,预测故事的内容和情节发展,学生是否掌握了获取关键信息和短时记忆的听力能力。 通过看图,用正确的关系代词完成句子,短文填空,仿照阅读篇章中的示例,小组合作等教学策略,能否在具体语境中正确地使用由who/ that/which引导的限制性定语从句。评估学生是否能主动探究,善于发现语言的规律能运用规律举一反三。 通过小组朗读对话和这情景用目标语言进行交流,初学生是否掌握了表示祝贺或同情的表达方法。 小组活动进行讨论,开头脑风暴的活动,思考子话题,制作一张蛛网图,并结合提纲撰写一篇读书报告,评价学生是否学会运用蛛网图进行构建写作的思路和内容。
本单元的教学设计在单元主题的指导下,基于话题对教材内容进行整合,将本单元的教学计划共分成5个课时,每节课的设计都体现了情景式教学和任务型教学的理念,教学任务的设计浅出深,层层递进。单元的话题是以“汤姆·索亚历险记”为话题,从各个角度介绍马克·吐温的代表作品以及主人公的性格特征等内容。帮助学生巩固应用推断的阅读策略、发散学生思维,培养逻辑思维能力,锻炼学生概括总结和组织语言的能力,就简单话题表达观点和意见的能力以及参与讨论的能力。考查学生的课外阅读拓展知识和词汇的积累。阅读基础知识和技能都是在平时课内课外一点一滴养成的习惯性阅读。本单元教学设计以发散思维的计划输出为主,同时设计一些创造性的活动,比如:以根据情境编制对话,小组讨论的形式让学生在设定的情境中自然的学习知识和语言技能。 总结来说,本单元的教学设计较为合理,大部分学生能够掌握阅读策略,能够流畅地就简单的问题表达自己的想法和意见。但有少数学生在口语表达和与人沟通方面有一定困难。所以,课堂活动中需要学生合作学习,可以让学生之间交流各自的想法和意见,更加自信且合理地用英语来表达自己的想法,能够与他人的意见达成一致并得出结论。
经过本单元的学习,大部分学生能够熟练地运用单元目标语言表达自己对故事中人物的看法,口头表达祝贺与同情,分析人物的心理和意图。能够在具体语境中使用由who/ that/which的限制性的定语从句。单元的学习围绕以“马克·吐温作品”为主线展开教学活动,完成相关的教学计划。听说读写各个板块之间互相联系,层层递进。本单元是让学生更好地了解马克·吐温作品,拓展学生英美文学著名作品的知识面,因此还是有部分学生对于有关英美文学的课外词汇和短语积累不足,对马克·吐温作品的相关知识了解不全面,在对信息进行理解和整合方面有所欠缺,有待提高。
作业设计 这份作业是在学生学完了Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer布置完成的。在教学过程中,针对此话题对学生进行了听、说、读、看、写五个方面的技能训练,因此这份作业的主要目标是对本单元进行综合复习。通过三项任务,达成复习目标。
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 一套本单元基础知识的试卷。 通过做试卷,掌握本单元的重点单词,短语、句式表达和语法知识。 学生对于所学知识查漏补缺,复习和巩固对本单元基础知识。
提高题: 整理本单元的学习笔记,用思维导图归纳五个课时的和表扬的常用表达方式和重要的语言点。 培养学生的信息整合能力,增强自主学习的能力。 自身对本单元的知识所掌握的程度。根据自己学习的情况,制定学习计划,查漏补缺。
拓展题: 通过网络或者书籍搜索资料,了解马克·吐温更多的作品及其主人公,仿照Culture corner板块的篇章,书面介绍他的著作,并制作成海报。 在情境中更加深入地消化和吸收本单元的主题观念和语言观念。 将本单元的主题观念和语言观念进行迁移创新。
Unit 7 The Adventure of Tom Sawyer
牛津深圳·广州版 七年级上
Period 5 More practice & Culture corner & Study skills
Learning objects
1.了解单词cave, stream, frozen, waterfall, opening, bat, flame, passage和短语put out。
In the classroom of the school, Tom is sharing his weekend adventure with his friends. When Tom mentioned that he had explored a mysterious cave with his friends, Becky's eyes lit up.
The cave Just like in the book
Yes, the cave!Would you like to explore together
Becky hesitated for a moment, then nodded her consent. So they decided to explore the mysterious cave after school.
Lead in
Look at the supplementary story illustrations and read the chapter titles, then use predictive strategies to answer the following questions.
1.Who are the people in the picture
2.Where are they
3.What is the boy holding Why is he holding it
4.How do they probably feel
5.What may happen to them
Tom and Becky.
In a cave.
A candle. He is holding it to light the cave.
They probably feel excited.
They may meet something dangerous.
A Read another story from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and answer the questions below.
Tom and Becky in the cave
Tom and Becky walked into the cave. They held their candles high and saw names and dates which were written on the walls by other people. Suddenly they were in a part of the cave without any writing on the walls. They used candle smoke to write their own names on the rock and then walked on.
cave/ke v/n.洞穴;山洞
A Read another story from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and answer the questions below.
Soon they came to a little stream of water. The cave wall looked like a frozen waterfall. Tom went behind the stone waterfall and found an opening in the rock. They started to walk down into the earth. They went deeper and deeper into the cave. Tom and Becky made many candle smoke marks on the walls to show the way back. It was exciting.
1.stream /stri m/ v.流
2.frozen / fr zn/ adj.结冰的;冰封的
3.waterfall / w t f l/ n.瀑布
4.opening / p n , pn /n.孔;洞
They soon found themselves in a huge open space that was full of bats. There were thousands of them.
The light from their candles woke up the bats, and they flew at the candle flames. Tom knew this was dangerous, so he took Becky’s hand to hurry her away, but one of the bats followed and put out Becky’s candle with its wings. The bats followed them for a long time, but Tom and Becky ran into every new passage that they came to, and at last they got away from the bats.
1.bat /b t/ n.蝙蝠
2.flame/fle m/ n.火焰;火舌
3.put out 扑灭
4.passage / p s d / n.通道;走廊
Do you know the main content of the story
Tom sawyer and his friend Becky
accidentally walked into a cave and faced the danger.
Reading task
Quickly read the text and answer the following questions.
1.The origin:
Skim the story, find the cause, process, and outcome of the story,then
summarize the main idea of each paragraph.
Tom and Becky walked into the cave and they used candle smoke to write their own names on the rock.
main idea:_______________________________________ ________________________________________________
2.The process:
main idea:_______________________________________
They went deeper and deeper into the cave.
3.The end:
main idea:_______________________________________
They were attacked by some bats and
finally got away from the bats.
Reading task
1 What did Tom and Becky see on the cave walls
2 How did Tom and Becky write their names on the rock
3 What did Tom and Becky do in order to find their way back
4 What did one of the bats do to Becky’s candle
5 What did Tom and Becky do to get away from the bats
They saw names and dates which were written on the cave walls by other people.
They used candle smoke to write their own names on the rock.
They made many candle smoke marks on the walls to show the way back.
Read the story and answer the following questions.
Reading task
It put out Becky’s candle with its wings.
They ran into every new passage that they came to.
6 How did other people who came to the cave write their names on the walls
7 Why did the cave wall look like a frozen waterfall
8 Where did Tom find an opening in the rock
9 Why did the bats follow Tom and Becky
Reading task
They used candle smoke to write their names on the walls.
The cave wall had probably been shaped by the running stream over the past years.
He found an opening in the rock behind the stone waterfall.
Because they were flying at the candle flames.
Read the story again and complete the table below.
Place Action
(1)____________________. Tom and Becky held their candles and (2)__________
Behind the stone waterfall. Tom (3)______________________________________.
(4)____________________. Tom and Becky made many candle smoke marks on the walls.
in a huge open space. Tom and Becky (5)_____________________, and at last,they______________________________________.
in the cave
used candle smoke to write their names on rock
found on opening in the rock
Deeper in the cave
were followed by the bats
got way from the bats
Reading task
Retell the entire story according to the table.
Please discuss whether you like Tom Sawyer based on the main reading
and supplementary reading, and state your respective reasons.
I like Tom Sawyer, because he is a smart and adventurous boy.
I don't really like Tom Sawyer because he is always naughty and always comes into danger.
Choose one of the three stories about Tom Sawyer that appears in this unit,
and work in groups to write a script and perform it in different roles.
The story we are going to perform is Tom Sawyer painting the fence.
The story we are going to perform is Tom and Becky in the cave.
B Do you know any other stories by Mark Twain Discuss them with your
Some of Mark Twain’s famous novels
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
《哈克贝利 费恩历险记》
The prince and the Pauper
B Do you know any other stories by Mark Twain Discuss them with your
Some of Mark Twain’s famous short stories
The Million Pound Bank Note
Running for Governor
Read the three steps of making an outline and “Top tip”. Then answer the questions.
Study skills
brainstorm as many sub-topics as you can. You can make a spider gram to help you.
Study skills
1.What is an outline
2.Why is an outline helpful
3.What do you need to do to make a good outline
4.Do we need to use complete sentences in an outline What do we use instead
It is the general plan of an article.
It is helpful in organizing one’s thoughts and makes it much easier to write an article.
First, sum up the topic in one sentence or phrase.
Second, brainstorm as many sub-topics as you can with the help of a spider gram.
Finally, use different series of numbers and letters to organize your ideas.
No, we don’t. Singles words or phrases.
Read the above three steps and the content of the Top Tip section independently, and then answer the following questions.
Study skills
use different series of numbers and letters to organize your ideas.
Study skills
Study skills
Follow the three steps above to make an outline of a report on your favourite character from a story. Then use the outline to write the report.
Study skills
Do you know about the adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Culture corner
Read the article and look at the picture on page 112. Then answer the questions.
Culture corner
1.Who is Huckleberry Finn
2.Who is another important character in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
3.What does the slave usually do in the story
Culture corner
Read the text and answer the following questions.
The main character of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn./Tom Sawyer’s best friend.
A runaway slave.
He tries to find freedom.
Group work, collect other works of Mark Twain, create spider diagrams and writing outlines, and finally introduce Mark Twain and his other works.
Culture corner
The Prince and the Pauper
Author Introduction
Mark Twain
Million Pounds
The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn
Introduce one of the works
Main works
Mark Twain and he's other works
I Introduction to Mark Twain's Personal Profile
A Name ——Mark Twain
B Professional ——a famous American novelist
C Writing style
a Example ① ——unique humorous style
b Example ② ——sharp social criticism
D Achievements
a Example ① ——widely loved by readers around the world
b Example ② ——have become literary classics
E Main works
a Example ① ——The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
b Example ② ——Million Pounds
c Example ③ ——The Prince and the Pauper
Culture corner
Mark Twain and he's other works
II My favorite works and characters ——The Prince and the Pauper,The Prince
III Personal views
A The reason why I like the Prince
a reason ① —— kindness
b reason ② ——sincerity
B What I learn from Mark Twain ——Identity and status do not determine a person's value.
Everyone should cherish their own life, honesty and
kindness are the essence of human beings.
Culture corner
Culture corner
Group discussion, combining the spider gram diagram and the three steps above, introduce Mark Twain, his other works, and any characters you like, and explain your views. Finally, please invite representatives from each group to speak on stage.
The middle school days provide me with enough time to read some fantastic stories. Among them the most unforgettable one is The Cop and the Anthem.
The middle school days provide me with enough time to read some fantastic stories. Among them the most unforgettable one is The Cop and the Anthem. It was written by O Henry, a celebrated American writer. The main characters of the story include Soapy, a cop and a waiter. It tells a story about a homeless boy called Soapy. He develops a lot of actions in order to let the police put him into prison. He fails many times and has to give up. Finally, he decides to be a good boy. Unfortunately, he is caught by the policeman although he does nothing. I like it because it is full of interesting things. The humorous writing style tells us the society in a special way. I laughed and at the same time I felt very sorry about Soapy.
书名 The Cop and the Anthem(警察和赞美诗)
作者 O Henry(美国)
主要角色 Soapy, a cop and a waiter
故事情节 它讲述了一个叫Soapy的无家可归的男孩。当冬天来临,为了进到监狱里过冬,他进饭店吃饭不付钱,打破商店橱窗,偷别人的东西,好似警察没发现他(It seems that…),不得不放弃。最后,他决定做一个好男孩。不幸的是,尽管他什么坏事也没做,他被警察
评价 我非常喜欢这个故事。因为故事语言幽默,寓意深刻……
The middle school days provide me with enough time to read some fantastic stories. Among them the most unforgettable one is The Cop and the Anthem.
The middle school days provide me with enough time to read some fantastic stories. Among them the most unforgettable one is The Cop and the Anthem. It was written by O Henry, a celebrated American writer. The main characters of the story include Soapy, a cop and a waiter. It tells a story about a homeless boy called Soapy. He develops a lot of actions in order to let the police put him into prison. He fails many times and has to give up. Finally, he decides to be a good boy. Unfortunately, he is caught by the policeman although he does nothing. I like it because it is full of interesting things. The humorous writing style tells us the society in a special way. I laughed and at the same time I felt very sorry about Soapy.
The middle school days provide me with enough time to read some fantastic stories. Among them the most unforgettable one is The Cop and the Anthem.
The middle school days provide me with enough time to read some fantastic stories. Among them the most unforgettable one is The Cop and the Anthem.
The middle school days provide me with enough time to read some fantastic stories. Among them the most unforgettable one is The Cop and the Anthem. It was written by O Henry, a celebrated American writer. The main characters of the story include Soapy, a cop and a waiter. It tells a story about a homeless boy called Soapy. He develops a lot of actions in order to let the police put him into prison. He fails many times and has to give up. Finally, he decides to be a good boy. Unfortunately, he is caught by the policeman although he does nothing. I like it because it is full of interesting things. The humorous writing style tells us the society in a special way. I laughed and at the same time I felt very sorry about Soapy.
The middle school days provide me with enough time to read some fantastic stories. Among them the most unforgettable one is The Cop and the Anthem. It was written by O Henry, a celebrated American writer. The main characters of the story include Soapy, a cop and a waiter. It tells a story about a homeless boy called Soapy. He develops a lot of actions in order to let the police put him into prison. He fails many times and has to give up. Finally, he decides to be a good boy. Unfortunately, he is caught by the policeman although he does nothing. I like it because it is full of interesting things. The humorous writing style tells us the society in a special way. I laughed and at the same time I felt very sorry about Soapy.
Don't abandon your dreams. Once you lose your
dream, perhaps you still exist, but you are like a
walking corpse.
1.cave/ke v/ n.洞穴;山洞
2.stream /stri m/ v.流
3.frozen / fr zn/ adj.结冰的;冰封的
4.waterfall / w t f l/ n.瀑布
5.opening / p n , pn / n.孔;洞
6.bat /b t/ n.蝙蝠
7.flame/fle m/ n.火焰;火舌
8.put out 扑灭
9.passage / p s d / n.通道;走廊
Key words and phrases
use...to do sth. 用……来做某事
相当于 use...for doing sth.,其被动形式为be used to do sth.,其中to do sth.表示目的或用途。
Tom used a brush to paint the fence.汤姆用一把刷子刷栅栏。
I use a knife to cut beef. 我用刀来切牛肉。
1.They used candle smoke to write their own names on the rock and then walked on.他们用蜡烛烟在岩石上写上他们自己的名字,然后继续走。
____ your address book _______________ e-mail messages!
While the Chinese rely on chopsticks, westerners prefer to ____ a knife and fork _____ with.
to easily address
to eat
Language points
(1)look like看起来像
The girl looks like her mother.这个女孩看起来像她妈妈。
拓展:look the same看起来一样
Both of them look the same.他们两个看上去一样。
2.The cave wall looked like a frozen waterfall. 山洞的墙看起来像结冰的瀑布。
Language points
1.His arms ________ they might snap under the weight of his gloves.
You ________ a nice upstanding young man.
look like
look like
Language points
(2)frozen [形容词]冰封的;结冰的;冷冻的
Frozen food is bad for our health.. 冷冻食品对我们的健康不好。
拓展①freeze [动词]冻结,结冰
Water freezes at 0℃. 水在零摄氏度时结冰。
②freezing [形容词]冰冻的;冰点以下的,可作定语,修饰名词。
freezing fog 冰雾freezing temperatures冻结温度
1.The _______ (结冰的) river serves as a road throughout the bitter winters.
2.The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage ________ (冻结).
Language points
(1)hurry sb. away 使某人迅速离开
The building would fall down in a few minutes, so the policemen hurried the people away.
拓展:hurry away 匆忙离开
You'll have to excuse me. I shall have to hurry away. 请原谅我,我得赶快走了。
3. ...so he took Becky's hand to hurry her away,but one of the bats followed and put out Becky's candle with its wings.…他便抓住贝奇的手飞快地离开,但是其中一只蝙蝠紧跟着,并用它的翅膀扑灭了贝奇的蜡烛。
I ___________ to the kitchen and turn in the order to Rudy.
hurry away
Language points
(2)put out 扑灭,熄灭
We must put out the fire.
put up搭建;举起 put on 穿上;上演 put off 推迟;延期 put down 放下;写下
passengers please __________ cigarettes before the commencement of the flight.
Before it get dark the camper _________ their tent in a field.
put out
put up
Items great (5 pt.) not bad (3 pt.) try harder(2 pt.)
Use reading strategies to understand the content of the story.
I can follow examples and create a writing outline.
I can write a book report introducing Mark Twain's other works.
I search for information through the internet or books to learn more about Mark Twain's works and his protagonists.
Points (5 pt.)
Self assessment
Self assessment
Checklist Items great (5 pt.) not bad (3 pt.) try harder(2 pt.)
Structure three paragraphs (beginning, body, ending)
Content who (introduction)
why (experiences&contributions)
how (how to learn)
topic sentences
Language so. because, so that...
PS: (作文通用修改符号:优美句子~,漏字︿,错字O,去掉/〉 Points (5 pt.)
Self assessment
问题 是 否 如果为“否”,如何改进?
你是否合理使用了although, but, so…that
Self assessment
问题 得分 评分标准
2= Needs Improvement
短文各段的细节是否足以支撑观点? 短文是否使用了恰当的句型和丰富词语 短文的拼写、语法和标点是否正确 Self-assessment
基础题:1.借助工具书,将文章中的重点单词、短语和句子,整理在笔记本上,并绘制思维导图进行呈现。单词和短:cave,stream,frozen,waterfall,opening,bat,flame,put out, passage。
提高题:2. 仿照Culture corner板块的篇章,搜集马克·吐温的其他著作,并书面介绍他的著作。
拓展题:3. 请根据练习中给出的关于警察和赞美诗的相关内容写一篇演讲稿,介绍作品及作者等信息。
Unit 7 The Adventure of Tom Sawyer课时教学设计
本单元第五课时 More practice & Culture corner & Study skills
这节课是本单元的第五节课,是一堂综合课,补充阅读板块是节选自《汤姆索亚历险记》的另一个故事——“汤姆和贝奇被困山洞”。学习技巧板块介绍了一种重要的写作技巧,即:通过列提纲来组织文章的框架。文化角板块介绍了马克·吐温的代表作——《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》。通过本节课的学习,学会了结合蛛网图和写作提纲来撰写读书报告,对马克·吐温的其他作品有了一定的了解,对跨文化交际有了更深刻的认识。 【what】补充阅读板块中“汤姆和贝奇被困山洞”的故事讲述了汤姆·索亚和她的朋友贝奇误入山洞遇险的故事,体现了汤姆·索亚顽皮、大胆的性格特征。学习技巧板块以介绍马克·吐温作品中最喜爱的一个任务为例,通过三个步骤列出写作提纲。这三个步骤分别是:用一句话或一个短语概括文章的主题;开展“头脑风暴”,思考子话题,并以“蛛网图”的形式呈现;根据“蛛网图”,通过数字和字母分级列提纲。要求学生阅读课文的示例,分析提纲和“蛛网图”之间的关系。要求学生仿照示例,根据三个步骤,就自己最喜欢的一个故事人物列一个写作提纲,然后根据所列提纲撰写一篇读书报告。文化板块介绍了马克·吐温的代表作,是《汤姆·索亚历险记》的姐妹篇——《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》。这部小说充分展现了美国当时的现实生活,语言幽默风趣,被视为美国文学史上具有划时代意义的现实主义杰作。 【why】了解“汤姆和贝奇被困山洞”的故事和《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和并讨论马克·吐温的其他作品,扩大文化视野,提升跨文化交际的意识,通过写作提纲组织文章结构。 【how】在补充阅读板块教学过程中,可以采用与主阅读篇章相似的教学过程,让学生先理解故事的主要内容,把握故事的起因、经过和结果,再理解故事的细节。可以组织学生在课后查阅马克·吐温撰写过的其他的作品,选择阅读长篇小说中的一个章节或一则短篇小说,然后在课堂上复述给其他的同学听。在学习技能板块,可以让学生自主阅读三个步骤以及Top tip部分的内容,然后回答问题。最后,要求学生仿照,根据三个步骤,就自己最喜欢的一个故事人物列一个写作提纲,然后根据所列提纲撰写一篇读书报告。
单元教学目标 课时教学目标
能仿照示例,列一份写作提纲。能就自己最喜欢的一则故事写一篇读书报告。运用略读、预测等阅读策略,初步了解故事的内容。能通过阅读,进一步了解马克·吐温的作品和小说主人公汤姆·索亚的性格特征。通过网络或书籍搜索资料,了解马克·吐温更多的作品及其作品中的主人公。 1.了解单词cave, stream, frozen, waterfall, opening, bat, flame, passage和短语put out。 2.运用略读、预测等阅读策略,初步了解故事的内容。 3.能仿照示例,列一份写作提纲。 4.能通过阅读,进一步了解马克·吐温的作品和小说主人公汤姆·索亚的性格特征。 5.通过网络或书籍搜索资料,了解马克·吐温更多的作品及其作品中的主人公。
教学重点:理解故事的情节,分析人物的性格特征。 教学难点:能根据故事情节分析主人公汤姆·索亚的性格特征。掌握读书报告的文体和结构。
教学目标 教学活动及互动方式(时间) 设计意图 效果评价
了解单词cave, stream, frozen, waterfall, opening, bat, flame, passage和短语put out。运用略读、预测等阅读策略,初步了解故事的内容。(学习理解) 任务一:Lead in 创设情境 在学校的教室里,汤姆正在和他的朋友们分享他的周末冒险经历。当汤姆提到他和朋友们一起探索了一个神秘的洞穴时,贝奇的眼睛亮了起来。 Becky:The cave Just like in the book Tom:Yes, the cave!Would you like to explore together 贝奇犹豫了一下,然后点点头表示同意。所以他们决定放学后去探索这个神秘的洞穴。 任务二:读前活动 观察补充故事插图并阅读篇章标题,然后运用预测策略回答下列问题。 Who are the people in the picture Tom and Becky. 2.Where are they In a cave. 3.What is the boy holding Why is he holding it A candle. He is holding it to light the cave. 4.How do they probably feel They probably feel worried. 5.What may happen to them Possible answer: They may meet something dangerous. 任务三:阅读任务 一、学生运用略读策略,概括故事主要内容和每段的大意。如: 1.Do you know the main content of the story Tom sawyer and his friend Becky accidentally walked into a cave and faced the danger. 2.总结每一段的大意。 二、阅读补充阅读篇章,然后完成练习A和补充问题。 1.How did other people who came to the cave writer their names on the walls They used candle smoke to writer their names on the walls. 2.Why did the cave wall look like a frozen waterfall The cave wall had probably been shaped by the running stream over the past years. 3.Where did Tom find an opening in the rock He found an opening in the rock behind the stone waterfall. 5.Why did the bats follow Tom and Becky Because they were flying at the candle flames. 三、再读一遍故事,完成下表并根据图表复述故事。 任务一:激活学生思维,创设情境导入“汤姆和贝奇被困山洞”的故事,为之后教学做好准备。 任务二:问题链激发思考,引入主题,预测课文内容。 任务三:通过完成阅读任务,训练学生略读策略,帮助学生更好地理解故事细节信息。 通过观察学生在课堂上的表现,教师可以了解学生对导入内容的兴趣和参与度,对课程主题的理解程度。 通过观察学生回答问题的表现及回答的正确度,教师可以了解学生是否能正确地运用预测课文内容,是否能听懂老师讲解的知识。 观察学生在完成阅读任务过程中的参与度和教师的互动,评估学生是否掌握阅读技巧,是否理解故事的内容和细节信息。对于积极参与课堂,分享并有合理观点的学生,加小组考核个人分1分。
能通过阅读,进一步了解马克· 吐温的作品和小说主人公汤姆· 索亚的性格特征。 能仿照示例,列一份写作提纲。 能写一篇关于介绍马克 吐温其他作品的读书报告。(应用实践) 任务四:课堂活动 一、请根据主要阅读篇章和补充阅读,讨论你是否喜欢Tom Sawyer,并说明各自的理由。 A:I like Tom Sawyer, because he is a smart and adventurous boy. B:I don't really like Tom Sawyer because he is always naughty and always comes into danger. 二、从本单元中出现的关于汤姆·索亚的三个故事中选择一个,分组编写剧本,并以不同的角色表演。 三、学生以小组为单位,讨论练习B的问题。教师可适当将马克·吐温的作品介绍给学生。 任务五:学习Study skills板块的内容,掌握列写作提纲的方法,并为有关自己最喜欢的故事人物的汇报列一份写作提纲。 一、学生阅读第110至第111页列写作提纲的三个步骤以及Top tip部分的内容,然后回答下列问题。 1.What is an outline It is the general plan of an article. 2.Why is an outline helpful It is helpful in organizing one’s thoughts and makes it much easier to write an article. 3.What do you need to do to make a good outline First, sum up the topic in one sentence or phrase. Second, brainstorm as many sub-topics as you can with the help of a spidergram. Finally, use different series of numbers and letters to organize your ideas. 4.Do we need to use complete sentence in an outline What do we use instead No, we don’t. Single words or phrases. 二、以“马克 吐温其他作品”为话题,学生开展“头脑风暴”,思考自己最喜欢的一个故事人物。 三、学生仿照步骤二的绘制“蛛网图”。 四、学生仿照步骤三列写作提纲。 五、学生仿照示例,根据三个步骤,就自己最喜欢的一个故事人物列一个写作提纲,然后根据所列提纲撰写一篇读书报告,每组派代表上台演讲。 任务四:通过学习,学生了解 汤姆·索亚的 性格特征,并能够对其发表自己的看法。通过小组合作和角色扮演,训练学生与人合作的能力、口语表达能力。 任务五:通过学习,学生能够列写作提纲,通过写作提纲来组织文章架构。 通过设置问题,进行思维启发式评价,检测学生是否能就课文主人公使用正确的表达方式发表合理地看法。对于积极参与课堂,声音洪亮,且准确地进行表达的同学加小组考核个人分3分,每出现一处错误扣1分。 每组派代表上台演讲,声音洪亮,语音语调正确、没有语法错误的同学加小组考核个人分3分,每出现一处错误扣1分。
能通过阅读,进一步了解马克· 吐温的作品和小说主人公汤姆 ·索亚的性格特征。通过网络或书籍搜索资料,了解马克·吐温更多的作品及其作品中的主人公。(创新迁移) 任务六:学习Culture corner板块的内容。 一、教师播放视频,回答下列问题。 Do you know about the adventures of Huckleberry Finn 二、学生阅读Culture corner板块的图文,然后回答下列问题。 1.Who is Huckleberry Finn The main character of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. / Tom Sawyer’s best friend. 2.Who is another important character in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn A runaway slave. 3.What does the slave usually do in the story He tries to find freedom. 任务七:分组工作,收集马克·吐温的其他作品,制作蛛型图和写作提纲,最后介绍马克·吐温和他的其他作品。 一、蛛网图 二、写作提纲 Mark Twain and he's other works 三、小组讨论,结合蜘蛛图和上面的三个步骤,介绍马克·吐温,他的其他作品,以及你喜欢的任何角色,并解释你的观点。最后,请各组代表上台发言。 四、完成Self-assessment板块关于单元学习情况的自我评价。 任务六:了解阅读马克·吐温的其他的作品。 任务七:能够介绍马克·吐温的其他的作品。通过了解马克·吐温为代表的美国现代作家的作品,初步接触英美文学经典。 通过观察学生回答问题的准确度,对于积极参与课堂,声音洪亮,且准确地进行表达的同学加小组考核个人分3分,每出现一处错误扣1分。 学生进行对话表演的时候,由每组组长担任评委,考评总得分计入小组考核集体分。
【课堂表现自评表】 Itemsgreat (5 pt.)not bad (3 pt.)try harder(2 pt.)Use reading strategies to understand the content of the story.I can follow examples and create a writing outline.I can write a book report introducing Mark Twain's other works.I search for information through the internet or books to learn more about Mark Twain's works and his protagonists.Points (5 pt.)
ChecklistItemsgreat (5 pt.)not bad (3 pt.)try harder(2 pt.)Structurethree paragraphs(beginning, body, ending) Content who (introduction)why (experiences&contributions)how (how to learn)topic sentencesLanguageso. because, so that...PS: (作文通用修改符号:优美句子~,漏字︿,错字O,去掉/)Points (5 pt.)
【作文自评评价表】 问题是否如果为“否”,如何改进?你的卷面是否整洁,是否三段式作文? 内容是否覆盖全部写作要点? 你是否在各分段中提供了重要和充足的细节支撑点? 你是否合理使用了although, but, so…that
【同伴互评作文评价表】 问题得分评分标准短文是否有清晰的开头和结尾? 5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Acceptable 2= Needs Improvement短文各段的细节是否足以支撑观点? 短文是否使用了恰当的句型和丰富词语 短文的拼写、语法和标点是否正确
基础题:1.借助工具书,将文章中的重点单词、短语和句子,整理在笔记本上,并绘制思维导图进行呈现。单词和短:cave,stream,frozen,waterfall,opening,bat,flame,put out, passage。 提高题:2. 仿照Culture corner板块的篇章,搜集马克·吐温的其他著作,并书面介绍他的著作。 拓展题:3. 请根据练习中给出的关于警察和赞美诗的相关内容写一篇演讲稿,介绍作品及作者等信息。 作业目标:能书面介绍马克·吐温的其他著作。
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