人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle 课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle 课件(5份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-27 12:35:43


Unit 2
Using Language (I)
Give advice on changing bad habits
Watch a video about habit and learn how to change it.
To learn how to use the habit cycle principle to analyse the formation of bad habits and how to change them by listening
To use some sentence patterns about advice correctly
目标一:To learn how to use the habit cycle principle to analyse the formation of bad habits and how to change them by listening
Activity 1: Before listening.
What’s the person doing
What’s her problem
What’s the possible cause of her bad habits
What advice would you suggest to her
not sleeping enough
Task 1 Look at Picture 1. Answer the following questions.
Suggested Answer:
We know from picture 1 that the person is using her mobile phone in bed. She is yawning too, which shows she's tired. She isn't getting enough sleep. Whatever she's doing with her phone, I think the main cause of her problem is that she allows herself to use her mobile phone in bed. So I would suggest that she switch off her phone before going to bed.
drinking too much coffee
using a phone too much
Task 2 Now talk about Pictures 2~5 in pairs. What choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits
Activity 2: While listening.
Task 1 Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below.
Student 1 Student 2
Has trouble sleeping
Going to bed
Don’t keep the phone in the bedroom at night so you won’t pick it up before bed.
Feels depressed about being a little overweight
Finishing dinner
To change the habit, he should turn off his phone and walk outside for just 5 minutes.
Task 2 Listen again and answer these questions.
1. Why is a good night’s sleep important for the first student
2. Why does the second student never exercise
3. What is the expert’s bad habit Do you think it is a health problem
4. What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit
Suggested Answers:
1. A good night's sleep is important because it will help with their schoolwork.
2. Because he always picks up his phone instead of exercising.
3. The expert drinks too much coffee. It can be a health problem because too
much is bad for the heart and can cause headaches and other problems.
4. I would suggest that the expert change the habit slowly by drinking smaller
cups of weaker coffee, and then try to change coffee for another drink. Later
he should do more exercise as this can stimulate the body like coffee does
but has more positive benefits.
Activity 3: Decide whether these statements from the conversation
are facts (F) or opinions (O). Discuss the opinions with a
partner and see if you agree on them.
1. ____ It was a really interesting talk.
2. ____ It often takes me half an hour to fall asleep at night.
3. ____ You look tired. Not enough sleep, right
4. ____ It is affecting my schoolwork.
5. ____ I failed in all my school subjects this semester.
6. ____ I usually pick up my phone.
7. ____ I think the phone is the problem.
8. ____ A five-minute walk is so easy that it is hard to say no!
Distinguish facts from opinions:
It is important to know whether what the speakers say is a fact or an opinion. An opinion is a subjective statement and a fact is objective. A fact is what really is true, while an opinion is what you believe, often using phrases like “I think/believe”, “in my opinion”, “to me” and so on.
目标二:To use some sentence patterns about advice correctly
Activity 1: Brainstorm to come up with some expressions of “asking
for and giving advice” and “accepting and refusing advice”.
My problem is that I always stay up late.
I think the phone could be the problem.
My problem is… I think/believe you should…
I’m having problems with… So, why don’t you…
I cannot stop… Well, have you thought about…
Please give me some advice about… In my opinion, …
Asking for and giving advice
Sure, I’ll do that. Sorry, but I…
That’s a good idea! I’d like/love to…, but…
That’s just what I need! That’s a good idea, but…
Lovely! Thank you for telling me, but…
Great! It’s a nice thought, but…
Terrific idea! I cannot…. because…
Accepting and refusing advice
Activity 2: Work in pairs. Choose a bad habit below and have a
conversation with your partner about it.
sleeping too much
Internet addict
staying up too late
game addict
TV addict
A: I think I’m watching too much TV.
B: Yeah. Me too.
C: In my opinion, you should spend your time on something
more active instead. For example, try to get more exercise.
B: OK, sure, I’ll try that.
A: That’s a nice thought, but I don’t really enjoy exercising.
C: Hmm. How about reading more books instead
A: All right, maybe I can try that.
Pay attention to:
◎ focus on asking for and giving advice on ONE
bad habit;
◎ include reasonable and helpful suggestions that
suit personal preference;
◎ use proper expressions when asking for and
giving advice;
◎ use proper expressions when accepting and
refusing advice.
Now do you know how to change a bad habit (共14张PPT)
Unit 2
Discover Useful Structures
To understand the function and meaning of infinitives used as subjects
To learn how to use infinitives as subjects in a specific context
目标一:To understand the function and meaning of infinitives used as subjects
Activity 1: Look at the following sentences and pay attention to the
italicised infinitives. In pairs, discuss their functions.
=It’s never easy to change bad habits.
1. To change bad habits is never easy.
2. It took the surgeon (n.外科医生) three hours to finish my mother’s lung surgery (n. 外科手术).
3. To join the People’s Liberation (n. 解放) Army, it is required for men to shave off (剃掉,刮掉) their beards.
4. It was not polite to disturb(v. 打扰) your neighbours with loud music last night.
四个句子中的不定式都充当主语。用形式主语it代替真正的主语to change bad habits符合英语表达习惯,避免句子头重脚轻、结构失衡。如果作者有意将比较长的不定式主语放在句首,那么作者就是想要突出不定式的内容。
Activity 2: Find more infinitives as subjects in the reading passage.
Then discuss their meanings and functions in groups.
1. However, during this period, it can be easy for some of them to
form bad habits.
2. To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenager’s
life is essential.
3. To change bad habits is never easy, even with many attempts.
4. After all, it is not easy to break bad habits.
2. 作主语的动词不定式在句中的位置:
(1) 不定式置于句首。
e.g. To get there by bike will take us half an hour.
To make up for lost time is not possible.
1. 动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语动词常用单数。
e.g. To lean out of the window is dangerous.
To save money now seems impossible.
(2) 用it作形式主语,把真正的主语不定式置于句后,常用于下列
① It+is+n.+to do
e.g. It's our duty to take good care of the old.
② It takes sb.+some time+to do
e.g. How long did it take you to finish the work
③ It+be+adj.+for/of sb.+to do
e.g. It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter
of an hour.
It was careless of you to leave your umbrella on the train.
Think it back:
◎ It+be+adj.+for/of sb.+to do
It is + adj. +for sb. to do sth.常用于表示事物的特征,用于此句型的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult, possible, important, impossible, necessary, good, bad, exciting, interesting, surprising等。
It is+adj.+of sb.+to do sth. 表语常为表示人的性格、品质的形容词,句中用of。如good, kind, nice, foolish, polite, ever, careless等。
3. "疑问词+动词不定式(短语)"结构
动词不定式(短语)可与疑问词when, where, how, what, which, who等组合,在句中作主语。
e.g. Where to hold the meeting is still unknown.
How to solve the problem has not been decided yet.
Activity 3: Find other sentences with infinitives in the reading
passage and sort them.
We make a choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over again.
They must learn to recognise bad habits early and make appropriate changes.
To facilitate a positive change in our bad habits, we must first examine our bad habit cycles and then try to adapt them.(Object)
For example, when we come to an escalator(cue), our normal routine is to ride it, but…
目标二:To learn how to use infinitives as subjects in a specific context
Activity 1: Join the words to make full sentences, and then join the
sentences to make a paragraph. You can add your own
sentences if necessary to make your paragraph more
1. important / avoid / passive cigarette smoking
It is important to avoid passive cigarette smoking.
2. will take / nutrition specialist / a balanced diet menu / make / an hour / for you
3. useful / turn to / fitness consultant / for advice
4. illegal / dangerous / take / drugs
5. harmful / skip breakfast / often
It will take nutrition specialist an hour to make a balanced diet menu for you.
It is useful to turn to fitness consultant for advice.
It is illegal and dangerous to take drugs.
It is harmful to often skip breakfast.
Activity 2: Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the
phrases in the box.
begin with be in control of make a choice
decide on make up one's mind
1 A: Hello, doctor. I want to lose weight, but I just can’t seem to do it.
What can you do to help me
B: Well, first, it’s necessary to _____________ what you eat. Cut out all
fatty food and sugary drinks, and eat more fruit and vegetables.
2 A: I really need to _________ a way to exercise more. I could use a
fitness app, but my phone’s full.
B: So delete a few files. I'm sure the app doesn't take up much space.
decide on
be in control of
3 A: Before exercising, always do a few warm-ups to __________.
B: I know. But then I always feel too tired to continue!
4 A: Should I go for the pizza or the fried chicken I hate
______________ like these. You know what—I'm going to eat both!
B: Wow! Don’t eat too much junk food—you’ll get fat. I’ve actually
________________ to go on a diet, so I’ll just stick to the fruit salad.
making choices
made up my mind
begin with
Let’s summarise the use of infinitive as subjects!(共20张PPT)
Unit 2
Assessing Your Progress
To review the key words, expressions and grammar by doing the exercises
To do a health survey
To learn about the positive effects of laughter on people’s physical and mental health by watching the video
目标一:To review the key words, expressions and grammar by doing the exercises
Activity 1: Review the key words and expressions.
Task 1 Recall the key words and phrases in this unit, and choose a few to share their usages.
tobacco, alcohol, abuse, dominate, psychology, reward, rely, facilitate, examine, negative, pessimistic, discipline, pill, delete, compose, surgeon, surgery, liberation, shave, beard, disturb, cigarette, specialist, consultant, drug, skip, dizzy, flu, stimulate, dentist, nut, skateboard, dynamic, bowling, comedy, monthly, enhance, refresh, absorb
in response to, rely on, straight away, decide on, make up one's mind, be composed of, People's Liberation Army(PLA), shave off, stressed out, worn out
Task 2 Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box.
monthly disturb harmful cigarette surgery consultant
My father used to smoke _________ far too often and was always coughing, which _________ me greatly. One day, I spoke to the health _________ at my school. He said the nicotine in tobacco is _________ and can do great damage to my father's lungs. Then I persuaded my father to see a lung specialist. The specialist said my father should make a ________ plan to smoke less, otherwise he may need ________ in the future. I'm so glad my father agreed to make a plan to break his bad habit!
Summarise the main content of the text.
It’s personal account about the author’s father quit smoking.
Activity 2: Review the grammar.
Task 1 Review the function and meaning of infinitives used as subjects.
(1)It+v.+宾语/表语(+ for sb.)+ to do sth.
当表语为名词或为描述动词不定式(短语)所表示的动作的特征的形容词时,用for引出动词不定式(短语)的逻辑主语。这类形容词有 difficult, easy, hard, important, interesting等。
(2)It+v.+表语+of sb.+ to do sth.(表语常为表示人的性格、品质的形容词,如good, kind, nice, foolish, polite, ever, careless等。)
动词不定式(短语)可与疑问词when, where, how, what, which, who等组合,在句中作主语。
to become
Task 2 There are eight mistakes underlined in the passage. Correct them, read the passage again, and then give a title to it.
It is not easy to manage stress successfully. When you are stressed, every problem you have seems become worse. Serious stress can also lead to health issues, such as dizziness, skin conditions, and breathing problems. So that is best to find a solution as soon as possible. For minor stress, to wash your face with cold water or go for a short walk outside. To fight long-term stress, it is a great idea taken up a new hobby.
How to Manage Stress/Managing Stress
to take
to concentrate on
To absorb
Do something you really like—to ride a skateboard, go bowling, or watch a comedy—whatever stimulates your mind and makes you feel happy. Absorbing stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes your mind off everything else. If you can find something else to concentrate for a while, you will most certainly feel much more refreshed later on. So remember, to free yourself from stress, try and find something positive replace it with. After all, it is far too stressful to stress all the time!
to replace
Activity 3: Reflecting.
◎ Do you know what a healthy lifestyle is after finishing this unit
◎ What is the most useful thing that you have learnt in this unit
◎ How can you use what you have learnt to improve your lifestyle
◎ What new words and expressions have you learnt in this unit
◎ Can you use the infinitive as the subject properly in different situations
◎ Overall, I thought this unit was ○cool ○useful ○just OK ○difficult.
目标二:To do a health survey
Activity 1: How well are your classmates looking after their physical
and mental health Work in groups and make a survey.
Task 1 Make a survey about physical health.
How often do you skip meals
never once a day several times a week others:_____
2. Ask questions about what to do with one's body, such as sitting,
exercise, sleeping, etc.
1. Ask questions about what to eat and drink, such as staple foods,
snacks, drinks, and other substances, etc.
Task 2 Make a survey about mental health.
1. Ask questions about what people do in their spare time, such as
reading, watching TV, using hone/Internet, playing video games, etc.
2. Ask questions about what people do to feel better when they are
stressed, unhappy, or angry.
3. Ask questions about what to do with one's mind, such as learning new
things for fun, doing creative activities, etc.
Each person in your group should help make the survey. Then ask classmates outside your group to take the survey.
Activity 2: Collect and analyse the survey results by creating pie
charts, bar charts, or other ways of summarising data.
Activity 3: Prepare a written or oral report, giving general
recommendations for how to solve the most common
lifestyle problems that you have found among your classmates.
Your survey report should include:
a brief introduction to the survey (its purpose, the number of participants, the overall findings);
description of one of the most common lifestyle problems (what the problem is, how serious the problem is, what the bad consequence of this problem might be);
general recommendations for how to solve the problem.
目标三:To learn about the positive effects of laughter on people’s physical and mental health by watching the video
Activity 1: Before you watch
Task 1 Look at the picture and the title. Know something about “laughter”.
Did Laughter Evolve to Make Us Healthy
Laughter is a natural medicine for preserving our health. It helps us to ease pain, feel good, keep the blood vessels healthy, and is good for our soul and heart.
Task 2 Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.
1. What do you think these people are doing
A Singing. B Practising laughter yoga C Doing belly laughs.
2. Why do you think they are doing this
A To amuse themselves.
B To tell everyone how happy they are.
C To reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.
3. How do you think they feel

I think they feel happy.
Activity 2: While you watch
Task 1 Check the answers in Before You Watch.
Task 2 Answer these questions.
1. What do adults not necessarily remember
2. Aside from making us feel good, what else does laughter do according to research
3. What happens when you have 5-10 minutes of laughter, besides your blood vessels
opening up like you have gone jogging or taken cholesterol medication
4. What does it mean when we say that laughter is contagious
5. What will a mother usually do if she tickles her baby and the baby fusses or cries
6. Which do you think is more important for bringing out the benefits of laughter, the act
of laughing or the social interaction connected to it What are your reasons
Suggested Answers:
1. Adults don't necessarily remember how to have fun.
2. According to research, laughter also has a direct and positive effect on our blood
3. When you have 5-10 minutes of laughter you can burn up to 40 calories.
4. It means that when someone is laughing, we are more likely to laugh too.
5. She will stop doing it.
6. I think that the social interaction connected to laughter is more important for bringing
out its benefits, because laughter is a social thing and happens when people are
communicating with each other. It is harder to laugh and be happy when we are alone.
Activity 3: After you watch
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1. How does laughter make you feel
2. What is your way to make other people laugh Do you think the ability
to create laughter is some kind of talent
1. Laughter makes me feel happy.
2. I like to tell jokes or show people funny pictures or memes. I think
some people certainly have a talent for creating laughter. A comedian
may spend many years developing their skills to make a large crowd
all laugh at the same time.
1. Do you master the key words in this unit now
2. What’s the positive effects of laughter on people’s physical
and mental health (共19张PPT)
Unit 2
Using Language (II)
Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle
Do you live a healthy lifestyle What is your daily routine
To learn how the two readers changed their unhealthy lifestyle, and master the text structure and narrative methods by reading two letters
To write a letter about changing your unhealthy lifestyle
目标一:To learn how the two readers changed their unhealthy lifestyle, and master the text structure and narrative methods by reading two letters
Activity 1: Two students attended the summer camp organised by
the magazine Healthy Life and wrote to the editor. Read
the letters quickly and answer the questions.
If there is a summer camp organised by the magazine Healthy Life, would you like to join Why or why not What do you expect to learn there
Activity 2: Work in pairs. Read the letters and complete the chart.
Task 1 Read the first letter about Wang Lu, then fill in the following chart.
Wang Lu
Problem did not feel ________
felt _______________, lacked _______
got ____________, experienced _______________
Decision to __________________
to ______________
Action stopped buying _________________________________
exercises every day for _________________
Result more ___________________ in ___________________
sleeps _______, no longer _____________________________
feels like _________________________
sleepy and dizzy
the flu easily
many toothaches
eat nothing with sugar
exercise regularly
all the sweets, biscuits and sugary drinks
at least 30 minutes
dynamic and stronger
both body and mind
suffers from a flu virus or toothaches
she is in control of her own life
George Fielding
Problem felt ____________
felt even more _________ after ___________________
Decision to ___________________________________________
Action goes _________________________________________
Result feels much more __________
feels he can _________________________
Task 2 Read the second letter about George Fielding, then fill in the following chart.
stressed out
worm out
playing computer games
take control of his life and find other ways to relax
rock climbing, bowling, watching comedies, and playing basketball
change himself for the better
Activity 3: Analyse the organisation of the letter. Label the paragraphs
using the letters below. Some paragraphs may cover more
than one topic.
Letter 2: George Fielding
Para 1—A
Para 2—A, B
Para 3—B
Para 4—C
Para 5—D
Letter 1: Wang Lu
Para 1—A
Para 2—B
Para 3&4—C
Para 5—D
Activity 4: Identify language points that you want to share with your
partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. This stimulated my motivation. 这激发了我的动力。
stimulate vt. 激发;促进;刺激
※ stimulate sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事
※ stimulating adj. 使人兴奋的
※ stimulation n. 激励;刺激
e.g. An inspiring teacher can stimulate students to succeed.
2. Whenever I went out with friends, I brought snacks from home, things
that didn’t have any added sugar: fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc. 无论什么时候我和朋友出去,我从家里带的都是不含糖的零食:水果、坚果和肉干等等。
※ 本句中的whenever引导让步状语从句,意为:无论何时……,可以与no matter when替换。
【归纳拓展】 no matter常与what/who/when/where/how/which等连用,表示“无论……;不管……”。 “no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,而“wh-ever”不仅可以引导让步状语从句,还可以引导名词性从句(wherever,whenever除外)。
e.g. However/No matter how insignificant the news was, it was never taken lightly.
3. After starting high school, I felt stressed out and always relaxed
by playing computer games. 在上中学之后,我感到焦虑不安,总是通过玩电脑游戏来放松自己。
stress out 疲惫不堪;焦虑不安
【归纳拓展】 stress n. 压力 vt. 强调
under stress 在压力之下
put stress on 让……承受压力
lay stress on 强调……
※ stressed adj. 焦虑不安的
※ stressful adj. 压力重的;紧张的
e.g. Nowadays, a lot of students are under stress.
4. I decided to take control of my life and find other ways to relax. 我
take control of 控制(表动作)
beyond one’s control 某人无法控制
in control of 控制;支配(表状态)
in the control of 由……控制
lose control of 对……失去控制
out of control 不受控制
under the control of 受……控制
e.g. Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of control.
5. I get refreshed through climbing,spend more time with my dad,and
get to meet new friends. 通过攀岩,我精神焕发,和爸爸一起度过更多时间,认识了新朋友。
※ 本句中的get refreshed是get done结构。
refresh vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新
【归纳拓展】 常见的get done结构:
get broken 打破了 get punished 受到惩罚
get hurt 受到伤害 get admitted 被录取
get married 结婚 get annoyed 生气
get excited 激动 get separated 被分开
e.g. If you keep on doing like that, you will get punished.
目标二:To write a letter about changing your unhealthy lifestyle
Activity 1: Write a letter to the editor about one aspect of your own
lifestyle that you would like to change.
Task 1 Brainstorm with your partner.
What lifestyle habit you would like to change
Why you want to change
How you plan to change
What result you hope to see
Task 2 Think about the logic of your letter and then draft your letter to the editor. Use the organisation of the letters above to help you.
Think about what tenses we should use. Then list the structure of the letter.
Suggested Answers:
We should use simple future tense.
The structure of the letter is:
identifying problem(s)
considering what to do
planning the actions to take
the expected results
Activity 2: Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to give
feedback on your partner’s draft.
Does the letter say what the writer’s problem is
Does the letter explain the decisions the writer made to solve the
Does the letter show the ways to change
Are the results included in the letter
Can you see the writer’s attitude and determination in the letter
Is the letter clear and complete
Get your draft back and revise it. Then share your letter with the rest of the class.
Sample writing:
Dear Editor,
I was walking past a shop window the other day when I saw my reflection. At first, I didn't realise it was me. When I saw it was me, I felt sad as I was overweight. I didn't realise how I looked, and now I really want to change. I really like eating, but I realise I eat too much, and I don't eat good things.
I want to change because I want to be able to look at myself and feel happy with how I look. I also want to be healthy.
My plan is to change my diet and exercise regularly. I will stop eating sugar, and only eat at mealtimes rather than eating snacks during the day. I will focus on healthy foods. Then I will exercise every day. I will walk to school and back, and on the weekend, I will go swimming.
I have only been doing my plan for a week, but I'm already starting to feel better. I haven't lost a lot of weight yet, but I feel positive. I feel confident that I will reach my goal!
Yours sincerely,
A. Smith
Retell how two readers changed their unhealthy lifestyles!(共26张PPT)
Unit 2
Reading and Thinking (I)
Learn to develop good health habits
※ How do you think the people feel in the photo
※ Do you think they are all leading a healthy lifestyle
Why or why not
To grasp the structural features of problem-solving expository and strengthen students' ability to summarise the main idea of paragraphs by reading
To use the key words and phrases in the context
目标一:To grasp the structural features of problem-solving expository and strengthen students' ability to summarise the main idea of paragraphs by reading
Activity 1: Find out the new words and phrases. Read the words
and phrases, and say their Chinese meanings loudly.
in response to
straight away
decide on
Activity 2: Before you read, discuss these questions in groups.
1. Are bad habits easy to change Why or why not
2. What habits do you think are unhealthy
3. What can you do to correct these bad habits
not sleeping enough
Activity 3: Fast reading.
Task 1 Read the text and find out what main ideas are included in it. Tick the correct ones.
A How to change a bad habit and create good ones
B The cycle of how habits are formed
C Habits that can help us study better
D Changing habits gradually
E No easy way to change bad habits
F What a habit is
G Why bad teenage habits should be changed

Find the main idea of a paragraph:
The main idea is sometimes stated in either the opening or closing sentence. If not, look for another "standout" sentence, or summarise the paragraph in your mind by asking yourself, "What is it mainly about "
Task 2 Match the sentences with each of the paragraphs. Then refine text structure.
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
How to change a bad habit and create good ones
The cycle of how habits are formed
Changing habits gradually
No easy way to change bad habits
What a habit is
Why bad teenage habits should be changed
Para. 1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para. 5
Para. 6
What a habit is and how to change bad habits
Why bad teenage habits should be changed
No easy way to change bad habits
Activity 4: Read the text carefully and complete the table.
Para. Main idea Supporting details
1 Why bad teenage habits should be changed
2 What a habit is
These bad habits, if unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults.
We make a choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over again. Soon that choice becomes automatic and forms a habit that is much harder to change.
Para. Main idea Supporting details
3 The cycle of how habits are formed
4 How to change a bad habit and create good ones
… we must first learn about the “habit cycle”,…
For example,…
We can do this by combining the information from our habit cycle with our positive ideas.
For example, we could try to replace a negative routine with something more positive.
Para. Main idea Supporting details
5 Changing habits gradually
6 No easy way to change bad habits
In fact, the most successful way to change is not suddenly, but over a period of time.
To reach the goal of change, a person must show some discipline and repeatedly take many small steps.
However, there is no “magic pill” or delete button that will help you; you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some changes.
Activity 5: Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. How can a choice lead to a habit
2. What are the three stages of the habit cycle
3. What should we do to change a bad habit
4. How can a person use discipline to help change a bad habit
5. Will you use the habit cycle to break your bad habits Why or why not
1. We make a choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over
again. Soon that choice becomes automatic and forms a habit that is
much harder to change.
2. Cue, routine, reward.
3. We can do this by combining the information from our habit cycle with
our positive ideas.
4. Repeatedly take many small steps.
5. I will use the habit cycle to break a bad habit of using my phone too
much because I want to spend more time reading books and playing sports.
Activity 6: Work in plete the tasks.
Task 1 Think of one bad habit and write down the cue, routine, and reward. Then come up with an idea of how to break the bad habit.
The habit cycle Bad habit Break the habit
Boredom/Waiting/Being anxious
Chew gum, get a stress ball or fidget spinner to hold, wear gloves or stickers on your nails
Biting nails
Stress relief/Distraction
Task 2 Do you know any alternative ways to better habits Discuss with your partner which way you think is most effective.
Alternative ways to better habits:
Tell someone else what you want to change. Peer pressure from someone else will help.
Fine yourself. Every time you do the bad habit, put a small amount of money in a box.
Make it harder to do the habit. For example, hide your favourite apps on your phone so it is more of a hassle to get to them.
Change your environment. If the habit happens in certain places or with certain people, avoid them!
Unit 2
Reading and Thinking (II)
Build up your vocabulary
目标二:To use the key words and phrases in the context
Activity 1: Identify language points that you want to share with your
partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. For example, some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol
abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems. 例如,他们中的一些人可能会滥用烟草或酒精,这可能会导致身体和心理健康问题。
1) become involved in 卷入,陷入;参与;与……有关联(become 可以用be/get 代替)
e.g. I don’t want to become involved in the arguments about whose fault it is.
involve doing sth. 包括/ 需要做某事
involve sb. in... 使某人参与……
e.g. Running your own firm usually involves working long hours.
Parents should involve themselves in strengthening their children’s education.
2) lead to
① 导致,造成(= result in/contribute to)
e.g. Some people suspect that air pollution has led to this kind of disease.
② 通向,通往
e.g. The path leads to a dairy.
All roads lead to Rome.
lead sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事
lead sb. to some place 领某人到某地
lead/live a...life 过着……的生活
2. Secondly, there is a “routine”, the regular action you take in response
to the cue. 其次,形成“惯例”,即你根据暗示采取的有规律的行动。
in response to 回答;答复
e.g. In response to the residents’ great demand, the initiative will be launched in our community.
respond vi. 回答;做出反应
respond to 回复,回答;对……做出回应/反应(= make a response to)
respond with a smile 报以微笑
e.g. He recalled that she never responded to his letter.
3. Thirdly,there is the “reward”,the good thing or feeling we get from
the routine. 第三,有“奖励”,即我们从惯例中得到的好东西或好感觉。
reward ① n. [C,U]回报;奖励;报酬
in reward(for) 作为(对……的)回报
a reward for(doing) sth. 因(做)某事而获得的奖励
give /offer a reward to sb. for sth. 为某事而给某人奖励
e.g. He received a medal in reward for his findings.
② vt. 奖励;奖赏;给以报酬
reward sb. with sth. 用某物奖励某人
reward sb. for(doing) sth. 因为(做)某事而奖励某人
e.g. The company rewarded the astronomer with a journey to China last year.
【词语辨析】reward,prize 与 award
(1)reward 作名词时,多指对某人的工作或服务的回报、报酬;作动词时,表示“报答,酬谢”。
(2)prize 作名词时,多指在比赛、竞赛或抽奖中获得的奖;作动词时,表示“珍视,高度重视”。
(3)award 作名词时,多指官方颁发的奖品、资金,强调荣誉;作动词时,表示“授予,颁发”。
4. The reward makes us much more likely to continue the cycle, and the bad
habit of relying on unhealthy snacks is formed. 奖励让我们更有可能继续这个循环,依赖不健康零食的坏习惯就形成了。
rely on 依赖;依靠;信赖
rely on sb to do sth. 指望/相信某人会做某事
rely on (doing) sth. 依赖/信任/指望(做)某事
rely on it that ... 相信……;指望…… (=depend on it that…)
reliable adj. 可信赖的;可依赖的;可靠的
e.g. You may rely on it that the work will be finished soon.
Activity 2: Complete the summary using the words from the box below.
alcohol, appropriate, cue, cycle, negative
pill, psychology, reward, tobacco, discipline
Teenagers often have bad habits. Most can be stopped by taking ___________ action. However, habits like _______ and _______ abuse can lead to serious addictions. According to modern __________ to change bad habits, we must first analyse them using the "habit ______”. To fix or improve a bad habit, we must first find out what the ______ is. Then we must change the old _________ routine to something more positive. If successful, we will feel a sense of ________ and our bad habit may disappear. Changing a bad habit is difficult and it is easy to make excuses and give up. We need to make up our minds and show some __________, and make small changes over time. There is no magic ______ to help us, but changing will ensure we have a happy and healthy life!
Activity 3: Find “verb + a habit” collocations from the previous text.
Then make sentences with them.
form a habit
change a habit

prevent a habit
recognise a habit
examine a habit
break a habit
We often form a habit without realising it.
The expert gave us some tips on how to change bad habits.
Of course, it is better to prevent a bad habit than break one!
To recognise a bad habit is the first step.
By examining our habits closely, we can start to understand them.
Be disciplined and don't give up trying to break your bad habit!
Activity 4: Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words
in the box. Add more sentences or paragraphs to the passage
if possible.
examine, dominate, facilitate, rely on
Simply speaking, a healthy lifestyle is about finding the right balance and making good choices. Life is composed of many elements, such as family, friends, study, work, entertainment and so on. If one element __________ our life and the others are ignored, you will lose balance and not feel good.
Carefully __________ your daily activities. Your health _________ what you choose to do in your daily life. A healthy lifestyle is generally a balanced life in which you make wise choices. Neither too much nor too little is good.
Slowly __________ changes in your lifestyle by using a step-by-step process. You do not have to change everything at once. Make small changes each day and your lifestyle will become healthier.
relies on
Find the main idea of each paragraph!
Para. 1 What is a healthy lifestyle
Para. 2 It’s important to balance the elements in life.
Para. 3 Suggestions on how to build a healthy lifestyle.
Let’s retell “Habits for a healthy lifestyle”!
reasons why should we change bad habits
habit cycle
how to change bad habits into good ones
what to do
young people’s power