人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 课件(5份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-27 17:40:26


Unit 2
Review Useful Structures
To review and summarise the syntactic functions of past participles
To master the use of past participle in the specific context
目标一:To review and summarise the syntactic functions of past participles
Activity 1: Look at the sentence and say the function of the past
participle and why the past participle is used.
Located to the south of the equator, below many other countries on the globe, it is often informally referred to as “down under”.
Activity 2: Work in groups and read the text again to find as
many examples of past participles as possible.
I’m more interested in meeting people ...
... like the Chinese-inspired dim sim.
Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground ... called the didgeridoo.
A skilled player can play for a long time ...
... but after trying for hours, I was convinced that I could never make a musical sound with this instrument!
... my biggest impression is the complicated mix of peoples and cultures ...
... with many of the new cultural influences contributed by immigrants.
... nearly half of all Australian citizens were either born overseas or have parents who were born overseas.
object complement
Then discuss whether each past participle functions as an attribute, adverbial, predicative, or object complement.
The Past Participle 过去分词
1. 过去分词不能单独用作谓语,但可用于完成时态(have/had +动词过去分词)和被动语态(be+动词过去分词)中构成谓语。
2. 过去分词是非谓语动词(或称非限定动词)的一种。过去分词保留着动词的部分特性,有完成或被动含义,可带状语构成过去分词短语。在句法功能上,过去分词(短语)与形容词或副词作用类似,在句子中可充当定语、状语、宾补、表语等成分。
e.g. The injured workers are now being taken good care of in the hospital.
The players selected from the whole country are expected to bring us honour in this summer’s games.
e.g. United we stand, divided we fall.
Seen from the top of the Tiger Hill, the city of Suzhou was very beautiful.
作宾补时,过去分词常用于使役动词have, get, make, keep和感官动词see, watch, hear等动词的宾语后面,表达谓语动词引起的宾语的变化,或补充说明宾语的性状。
e.g. Owen got his nose hurt when he played football with his teammates.
I heard the door pulled open.
作表语时,过去分词在be, become, get, feel, look, seem等系动词之后,表示主语的特征或性状。
e.g. She is married.
The other children looked neglected.
The quarrel the night before seemed forgotten.
1. 完全形容词化了的动词-ed形式可以被very等副词修饰,可以有比
较级等级形式。常见的有:bored, disappointed, excited, frightened,
interested, pleased, puzzled, satisfied, surprised, tired, worried 等。
2. 有的动词-ed形式可以被副词well修饰,如:built, cooked, done,
dressed, known, prepared, written等。
3. 其它副词也可以修饰动词-ed形式,如:deeply moved, highly
developed, heavily populated等。
4. 动词-ed形式作表语时,其后可以接介词短语、不定式短语及that
目标二:To master the use of past participle in the specific context
Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with the help of the beginning letters.
Then rewrite the sentences without using past participles
and recognise the difference.
1. D______ into 32 counties, Ireland brings in hundreds of thousands of
visitors each year due to its golf tourism.
2. Cuba is just south of America, s_________ from it only by the Straits
of Florida. It is a country k_______ for its exciting music and dancing.
3. With many parts of the world not m______ yet, researchers have begun
a project that involves travelling around the world and taking sample
4. I__________ by the first European settlers to Australia, the Sunday
roast is now considered typical Australian food.
5. E________ to the freezing weather, many brave tourists and scientists
still choose to visit Antarctica.
6. I_________ by Chinese culture, many capital cities now have
Chinatown which are in themselves popular tourist attractions.
Suggested Answers
1. Since it is divided into 32 counties, Ireland brings in hundreds of thousands of
visitors each year due to its golf tourism.
2. Cuba is just south of America and is separated from it only by the Straits of
Florida. It is a country famous for its exciting music and dancing.
3. Because many parts of the world have not mapped, researchers have begun a
project that involves travelling around the world and taking sample photographs.
4. Though it was introduced by the first European settlers to Australia, the Sunday
roast is now considered typical Australian food.
5. Though they will be exposed to the freezing weather, many brave tourists and
scientists still choose to visit Antarctica.
6. Because they are influenced by Chinese culture, many capital cities now have
Chinatown which are in themselves popular tourist attractions.
Activity 2: Below is a passage about the history of the Eiffel Tower
before it was considered an iconic attraction. The text
contains quite a few verb form mistakes. Correct the mistakes
on your own. Then compare your corrections with a partner.
The Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark in France, and one of the most visiting monuments in the world. But it wasn't always so popular. In fact, in 1886, just after its construction was first propose, many were strongly against it. At that time, it would have been the tallest building in the world, and many claim it would destroy the skyline of Paris, or perhaps even destroy some historic landmarks.
The chief engineer, Gustave Eiffel, replied say that such a large monument was necessary to symbolise the great efforts of the French people as well as the great advancements in modern engineering, industry, and science. The next year, Eiffel gains approval and the tower was built in time to celebrate the 1889 World Fair in Paris.If you look carefully at the tower, you can still see the names of the 72 scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who help in its construction. Originally, the tower was planned to be taken down after 20 years, but it proved to be too useful as a communications tower, not to mention a giant advertisement board, before finally becomes the iconic attraction that we all know today.
Have you mastered the syntactic functions of past participles (共22张PPT)
Unit 2
Using Language (II)
Describe an iconic animal
视频:Some animals of Australia
To analyse popular science expository texts in the form of new media texts and understand the writing characteristics of the text type
To describe an iconic animal by using vivid language structure and rhetorical devices
目标一:To analyse popular science expository texts in the form of new media texts and understand the writing characteristics of the text type
Activity 1: Look at the pictures. Then read the passage and
match the main idea of each part.
Part 1  A.The duck-billed platypus of Australia.
Part 2 B.The kangaroos of Australia.
Part 3 C.The koalas of Australia.
Part 4 D.The Tasmanian devils of Australia.
Activity 2: Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. When do baby kangaroos begin to spend less time with their mothers
2. Why shouldn't you try to pet a wild kangaroo
3. What do koalas spend most of their time doing
4. Why has the government made it against the law to handle koalas
5. What two things about Tasmanian devils can bother people most
6. What do Tasmanian devils like to eat
7. What makes the way duck-billed platypuses give birth so different from
other mammals
8. What is the unique way used by duck-billed platypuses to find food
1. After they are about seven or eight months old and when they begin to jump.
2. They can hit and kick very hard.
3. They spend quite a lot of time eating, sleeping, and hanging onto tree trunks.
4. Interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress.
5. The noise they make could wake the dead and they have a terrible smell.
6. Their diet is mostly dead animals.
7. It lays eggs in a nest like a bird.
8. It finds food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill.
Activity 3: Make a mind map to show how the author describes the
uniqueness of four different animals.
Features: look cute, _____________________
Babies: weigh 2g at birth, ________________
Uniqueness: ___________________________
Relationship with humans: _______________
Activity 4: Read the text again. How does the writer describe these
animals Find at least three rhetorical devices the
writer uses to arouse the readers' interest.
Suggested answers
This expresses the strength and resolve of the Australians as individuals and as a nation.(metaphor)
They are about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats.
The noise they make could wake the dead.(hyperbole)
While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird, it's really a primitive mammal,
with a unique biology. (simile)
Can you name more rhetorical devices
euphemism 委婉语
irony 反语
pun 双关
rhetorical question 反问
repetition 重复
alliteration 头韵
simile 明喻
metaphor 暗喻
metonymy 借喻
allusion 引喻
personification 拟人
hyperbole 夸张
Rhetorical devices
Activity 5: Identify language points that you want to share with your
partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. They are really quite cute, but the truth is, koalas are very sensitive creatures who can easily panic because of even small changes in their environment. 它们真的很可爱,但事实是,考拉是非常敏感的生物,它们很容易因为环境的微小变化而惊慌。
【句式剖析】They are...和koalas are...是并列句,the truth is是插入语,who引导的是定语从句,because of是复合介词短语,意为“因为”,后接名词或代词在句中作原因状语。
2. If you want to hold a koala,you have to go to certain licensed zoos ... 如果你想抱一只考拉,你必须去某些有执照的动物园……
licensed adj. 得到正式许可的
※ license vt. 批准;许可 n.(= licence)许可证;执照
※ under license 获得许可
※ be licensed to do sth 获准做某事
e.g. After graduation, she is licensed to practice nursing.
3. It has a capacity to find food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill. 它有通过使用在喙中的电子传感器在水中找到食物的能力。
capacity n.能力;容量
※ have a capacity of 可容纳……
※ have a capacity for 有……的能力
※ have the capacity to do 有做……的能力
※ within/beyond one's capacity 在某人能力之内/超出某人的能力
e.g. She has an enormous capacity for hard work.
目标二:To describe an iconic animal by using vivid language structure and rhetorical devices
Activity 1: Write a description of an iconic animal in China.
Step 1 In groups, brainstorm a list of four iconic animals in China.
giant panda
Chinese sturgeon
golden monkey
Tibetan antelope
Step 2 Do some research and make notes.
For example:
where they live
what they eat
what they look like
how they are different from other animals
how they interact with people
any other unusual or interesting facts about them
habitat: in Sichuan
food: bamboo
appearance: black and white; cute
difference from others: mainly live on bamboo; a very low birth rate …
interaction with people: …
other unusual or interesting facts: …
Take pandas for example
Step 3 Using your notes, write a description of one of these animals. Remember to use some rhetorical devices to make your writing vivid and interesting.
Activity 2: Exchange your draft with a partner. See whether the writer
does a good job of describing the animal. Take your draft
back and revise it using your partner’s comments.
Sample writing:
The most iconic animal of China by far is the panda. In fact, many people would say that the panda is a symbol of China. These cuddly creatures with their black and white markings almost look more like stuffed toys than real animals. Nearly everyone sees pandas as cute.
This feeling is enhanced by the way the animals clumsily move about, which is sometimes humorous and cartoon-like. However, pandas are not toys-they are in fact live animals. They live mostly in remote nature reserves in Sichuan, China. Most people don't realise that pandas-like all bears-are technically carnivores, and long ago perhaps they mostly ate meat.
However, while pandas today can and do eat almost anything, their preferred food in their wild forest habitat is bamboo. As this food does not give them much nutrition, they have to eat almost constantly, and unlike most bears they do not hibernate in the winter. Pandas are generally quite shy and are seldom seen by people in the wild.
Despite this, they have been known to attack people. While this is a very rare occurrence, it is a useful reminder that pandas are not cuddly toys but are wild animals and should not be approached in the wild. Until recently, pandas were considered endangered. However, with successful breeding and conservation programmes, their numbers have increased, and they are no longer on the endangered species list. Having said that, they are still considered vulnerable, and so more work is needed to protect this magnificent animal.
Have you learnt how to describe an iconic animal (共29张PPT)
Unit 2
Reading and Thinking (I)
Experience the iconic features of Australia
To know about Australian customs and learn to capture key information in shorthand
To recognise and expand lexical usage, especially with homonyms
目标一:To know about Australian customs and learn to capture key information in shorthand
Activity 1: Find out the new words and phrases. Read the words
and phrases, and say their Chinese meanings loudly.
Activity 2: Look at the following pictures. Work in groups and
discuss the questions.
1. What is the first thing you think of when you think about Australia
2. What is your impression of Australia based on your experience
and/or what you have seen in the media
Suggested answers
1. The first things that I think of are kangaroos, beaches, and deserts.
2. My impression is that it is a very dry place that is subject to
wildfires. At the same time, it is the smallest continent but a very
big country.
Activity 3: Skim the text.
Task 1 Predict what type of text this is. How do you judge that
a blog
with four entries
Task 2 Match the blog entries to the subheadings. Write the blog entry numbers in the blanks. Two are extra.
________ The foundation of Australia
________ Reflections on multiculturalism
________ Political divisions
________ First impressions
________ Preparing to travel
________ Aborigines and the didgeridoo
25 Sep
1 Oct
3 Oct
6 Oct
Activity 4: Detailed reading.
Task 1 Read the text again and take notes.
1. Read the first blog entry and take some notes. Think of the following questions:
By preparing to travel to Australia, what information has the writer got
What is the writer interested in and why
Location of AU
many countries
down under
koalas &kangaroos
iconic sites and animals
my interest
meeting people
experiencing culture, food & way of life
major in social studies
1) Use the title to predict the main idea;
2) Write down the important facts, using key words;
3) Keep your notes short, using abbreviation and symbols creatively;
4) Organise the notes, using different forms
Take notes
When you read a passage, sometimes it helps to take notes so that you can better remember and understand what you have learnt. When you take notes, it is good to write down the important facts just using key words and ignore many of the small words. You can also use abbreviations, such as “Aus” for “Australia” and “N” for “north”, and use symbols such as “&” for “and”.
2. Read the strategy tips, and then summarise the steps for note-taking.
Can you list more shorthand symbols
Abbreviation Symbol
pare ∴ therefore
c. about / approximately ∵ because
imp. important / importance ≠ differs from, is the opposite of
tho though = is/are/have/has/equals
Task 2 Use your notes to answer the following questions.
1. What does “down under” mean
2. How has Australian cuisine been influenced by different cultures
Give two examples.
3. What is the main theme reflected in Aboriginal music and why
4. What are the writer's first and biggest impressions of Australia
Suggested Answers
1. Australia.
2. A lot of typical Australian food, such as the Sunday roast, is originally
British. The influence of Asian cultures, on the other hand, led to the
introduction of bean curd and Asian herbs, along with Australian versions of
foods like the Chinese-inspired dim sim.
3. It celebrates the natural world and the spiritual word around them, because
to survive in the vast land, the Aborigines had to be in close contact with
4. Her first impressions of Australia have been all about food, because her
friend shared many different but yummy meals with her. Her biggest
impression is the complicated mix of people and cultures that make up the
nation. She feels this perhaps because of the many different kinds of people
she met.
Activity 5: Work in groups. Discuss what iconic Chinese attractions
you would like to introduce to a foreigner and explain why.
Where it is;
When it was established;
What is special for it/ What features it has;
Tourist sites: The Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City, because these are iconic places that tell a lot about the Chinese culture.
Food and drinks: Jiaozi, because it is the most representative food for many Chinese people, especially in the north. Tea, as an old Chinese saying goes, “Firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and the tea the seven necessities to begin a day.”
Ethnic minority groups: The Miao people love singing their life aloud; the Dong people live with their traditional wind and rain bridges that give people shelter when it rains. I really enjoyed staying among them and learning about their culture.
Musical instruments: The pipa is one of the most popular Chinese instruments with over two thousand years of history. It can make very beautiful music and it has enlightenment on similar instruments in Japan and Korea.
Clothes: The qipao, because it is such a beautiful dress, and so representative of the Chinese culture as a whole.
Suggested Answers
Unit 1
Reading and Thinking (II)
Build up your vocabulary
目标二:To recognise and expand lexical usage, especially with homonyms
Activity 1: Identify language points that you want to share with your
partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. Located① to the south of the equator,② below many other countries on
the globe, it’s often informally referred to as “down under”. 它(澳大利亚)位于赤道以南,并在地球上许多其他国家的下方,通常被非正式地称为“down under”。
① located adj.处于,位于;坐落的
※ be located in/on/at 位于;坐落于
※ locate vt.找出……的位置;把……设置(在);使……坐落(于)
② Located to the south of the equator是过去分词作状语,表示原因,其中 locate与主句主语it 之间是被动关系。
e.g. All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs.
2. Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground, among which there is an amazing instrument called the didgeridoo.他们绝大多数的乐器其实就是地上找到的树枝,其中就有一种令人惊叹的乐器叫作迪吉里杜管。
【句型剖析】该句为复合句。主干部分是Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground,为主系表结构;found on the ground为过去分词短语作定语,修饰sticks;among which there is...为“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,which代指前面的musical instruments;定语从句里面又含有一个there be句型,其中的called the didgeridoo为过去分词短语作定语,修饰instrument。
3. It is said that now nearly half of all Australian citizens were either born
overseas or have parents who were born overseas. 据说,现在近一半的澳大利亚公民要么是在海外出生的,要么父母是在海外出生的。
【句型剖析】It is said that ...“据说……”。在此句型中it为形式主语,that引导的句子是真正的主语。常用于这种结构的形容词有:strange,certain,important,possible,natural,surprising,interesting,likely,unusual等。
4. Personally speaking, what I like most about Australia is the people
themselves. 就我个人而言,我最喜欢的是澳大利亚人。
Activity 2: Write down the word that matches each definition. Make a
sentence with each word.
1. ____________ an imaginary line around the earth at an equal distance from the
North and South Poles
2. ____________ an outdoor meal with food cooked on a metal frame over a fire
3. ____________ a plant that is used to improve the taste of food, or to make medicine
4. ____________ someone who owns or works in a shop that sells meat
5. ____________ the establishing of a new institution or organisation
The equator divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres.
During the summer, we have a barbecue on weekends.
Various herbs were used to make the meat taste better.
We had trouble finding duck, so we asked the butcher if he could order us some.
The school has served the local community since its foundation in 1902.
Activity 3: Read the following pairs of sentences and find out which
underlined word has the same meaning as the one used in
the reading text.
1. A The partners agreed to make a joint effort to meet the project deadlines.
B There are many burger joints in Bondi Beach, one of Australia’s most
famous tourist spots.
2. A The premier of the Australian government is called the Prime Minister.
B The Sydney Opera House is a performing arts centre in Sydney. It is
one of the 20th century’s premier buildings.
3. A Australian English is particularly different from other types of
English in its pronunciation, so it is rather straightforward to
recognise an Australian accent.
B Many Australians have a straightforward approach to life.
4. A A minority of frogs in the forest are poisonous, and locals extract the
poison to use in the tips of their arrows.
B Ethnic minority groups in China are often entitled to special funds
from the government to help protect their cultural heritage.
Activity 4: Read an advertisement on Thailand’s iconic attractions. Fill
in the blanks using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
Thailand is a premier holiday destination, attracting tourists from all over the world. Consisting of 76 provinces that _________ (stretch) all the way down to Malaysia in the south, the country has a lot to offer and is a great getaway. A major attraction of Thailand is its amazing selection of islands, each with long sandy beaches and clear blue water. Visitors to the beaches can enjoy many activities, _________ (include) diving, kayaking, and rock climbing. Finding the islands is not ____________ (complicate), and there are a variety islands to suit all tastes.
Be careful, however, not to go to popular islands during peak season, unless you want to _______ (wrestle) with other tourists! Many tourists also enjoy visiting Chiang Mai to see the beautiful elephants, the national animal and proud ____ (iconic) of Thailand. Unfortunately, elephants are ___________ (endanger) in Thailand, but special parks have been set up to protect their safety and freedom. Visitors can see these ________ (amaze) creatures in their natural domain, and also sponsor an elephant to preserve its health and liberty.
Let's look back on some of Australia's iconic features together!(共16张PPT)
Unit 2
Using Language (I)
Discuss what best represents a place
What do you think can best represent a place
the iconic attraction
the famous people
local legend
local arts and snacks
famous events that happened here
native language
To learn about New Zealand by listening to a radio interview about its iconic landscapes and customs
To learn and use key sentence patterns to choose and introduce Chinese iconic attraction
目标一:To learn about New Zealand by listening to a radio interview about its iconic landscapes and customs
Activity 1: Look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs.
What do you know about New Zealand
Which attracts you the most
Which picture would you like to know more about
1 the Bay of Islands
One of New Zealand's favourite travel destinations
plenty to see and do: cruises, sailing, swimming, diving, deep sea fishing, hiking, camping
variety of marine life, including dolphins, whales, and penguins
early European settlement and Maori culture
2 the haka
A ceremonial dance performed by the Maori people
can be performed by both men and women
to get ready for war and to develop team spirit
3 a kiwi bird
An icon of New Zealand
nearly blind, flightless bird
usually comes out only at night
endangered species, vulnerable and threatened
4 a geyser
A natural hot spring
forms when pressure builds up beneath the ground, causing an eruption of hot water and steam
known as a geothermal system (near volcanoes)
5 a sulphuric pool
Sometimes found in the same area as geysers
a landscape bathed in steam, with powerful geysers shooting steam into the air, vividly coloured sulphuric pools, and bubbling mud
6 manuka honey
Made from the manuka plant
quite thick and dark, and slightly bitter
7 bungee jumping
Originated with an ancient adult initiation ceremony
people jumped off a high platform with vines attached to their feet as a test for their courage and passage into manhood.
8 a flock of sheep
First introduced to New Zealand in the late 18th century
sheep farming became the main industry in New Zealand.
Activity 2: Listen to a radio programme called Amazing New Zealand.
Three speakers are talking about what they believe to best
represent New Zealand. Match the speakers with their
jobs and their choices.
Dave Edmonds
Felicity James
Jane Smith
writer of the Fantastic Life blog
business journalist
editor of World Nature magazine
the geothermal parks
the New Zealand experience
the Bay of Islands
Activity 3: Listen again and take notes. List the reasons given by the
speakers why these three things best represent New Zealand.
the Bay of Islands:
the geothermal parks:
the New Zealand experience:
Suggested Answers
the Bay of Islands: one of the most beautiful places in New Zealand; has boat cruises, hiking tours, tours to observe and experience Maori culture; beaches and water activities; plenty of great wildlife—penguins, whales, dolphins.
the geothermal parks: hot springs, geysers, bubbling mud, and sulphuric pools make that area one of the most amazing places.
the New Zealand experience: a kiwi bird, a flock of sheep, manuka honey, the haka, bungee jumping; experience its culture.
on the whole, as a whole, briefly, in brief, in a word, in conclusion, in my view, as far as I’m concerned, as I have said above …
Activity 4: How do the speakers sum up their opinions Complete their
sentences with the words you hear.
1 ________, the Bay of Islands is really what best represents
New Zealand.
2 _____________, the places that best represent New Zealand
are the geothermal parks.
3 ________, I would like to suggest that tourists not just visit iconic
places in New Zealand—they should experience its culture.
All in all
In my opinion
In short
Sum up
When people talk about the same subject for a long time, they often end by stating the main point of their talk. Such summaries often begin with phrases such as In summary, To sum up, All in all, In short, and so on.
Can you list more summative phrases
目标二:To learn and use key sentence patterns to choose and introduce Chinese iconic attraction
Activity 1: In groups, discuss what best represents China. Brainstorm
the following topics and take notes.
the cultural centre
the centre(s) of various cuisines
the best place to see nature
the most diverse region
the economic centre
the music centre
the best place to experience history
the place with the best quality of life
Activity 2: Choose one place to give a presentation on. Use the
expression below to help you.
Describing special features of a place
It's a leading ... It's home to/of ... It's famous/well-known for ...
It has/features ... It's a ______ centre. It's the centre of ...
You can visit/see/enjoy ... Some of its attractions include ...
It's one of the top/best ... in the world. ... allows people to ...
It's celebrated around the world for ...
Sample Writing
Today, I’d like to introduce you to Beijing, which is a leading cultural, economic, and historical centre in China. Some of its attractions include the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, and of course, the Great Wall. Beijing is celebrated around the world for the Peking Opera, and one of China’s most iconic foods, Peking Duck. It features many old neighbourhoods, called hutongs, where you can see how people have lived for hundreds of years. Of course, you can also enjoy modern architecture, such as the “Bird’s Nest”. All in all, if you can only visit one place in China, Beijing is the place to go.
Have you learnt how to introduce Chinese iconic attraction (共22张PPT)
Unit 2
Assessing Your Progress
To review the key words, expressions and grammar by doing the exercises
To introduce an iconic attraction in your city or town
To learn about the cultural activities and traditions of different Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal from the Australia’s desert centre by watching the video
目标一:To review the key words, expressions and grammar by doing the exercises
Activity 1: Review the key words and expressions.
foundation, political, equator, barbecue, bakery, joint, butcher, premier, herb, straightforward, minister, frog, arrow, entitle, dive, freedom, domain, sponsor, liberty, golf, strait, sample, distribution, temporary, phrase, trunk, license, session, frequency, violence, nest, biology, hatch, capacity, fence, prison, grand
make an impression, major in, make a joint effort, prime minister, be entitled to, peak season, exposed to, a flock of, home to/of, public safety, in a good state, have a capacity to do sth, a handful of, a remarkable example of, a UNESCO heritage site
Task 1 Recall the key words and phrases in this unit, and choose a few to share their usages.
Task 2 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.
distribution violence frequency herb hatch capacity
1. The iconic Beijing National Stadium, also known as the “Bird Nest”, has a ________ of 80,000.
2. Special tiger reserves with fences have greatly improved the _________ of the wild tiger population across India, and local police are now entitled to give longer prison sentences to hunters.
3. The ___________ of the boat trips between the islands falls greatly in bad weather when stormy waves make such journeys especially difficult.
4. The largest native bird of Australia is the emu. Male emus are good fathers —after their babies are ________, they take care of them until they are nine months old.
5. ______ are an essential component of traditional Chinese medicine.
6. _______ tornado storms have been known to cause severe damage in America's famous “Tornado Alley” area.
Activity 2: Review the grammar.
Task 1 Review the past participle.
1. 完全形容词化了的动词-ed形式可以被very等副词修饰,可以有比
较级等级形式。常见的有:bored, disappointed, excited, frightened,
interested, pleased, puzzled, satisfied, surprised, tired, worried 等。
2. 有的动词-ed形式可以被副词well修饰,如:built, cooked, done,
dressed, known, prepared, written等。
3. 其它副词也可以修饰动词-ed形式,如:deeply moved, highly
developed, heavily populated等。
4. 动词-ed形式作表语时,其后可以接介词短语、不定式短语及that
Task 2 Fill in the blanks using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets. Then reorder these sentences to make a passage. Find out the link between the Grand Bazaar and the Silk Road.
Read and analyse the sentences to find out the part of speech that the given words take.
Check your spelling, especially the past participle forms.
A ___________ (construct) as part of a larger political plan, the market was established to improve the city's overall economy and prosperity.
B By the 17th century, the two markets and their surrounding areas had joined together to create a giant market that became an important part of the Silk Road, ________ (link) Europe to Asia.
C As for the future, _________ (inspire) by its own history, the Grand Bazaar (大巴扎集市) is still growing, with many shops opening nearby, offering cheaper prices that attract even the locals.
D Today, the Grand Bazaar is extremely iconic, _________ (mix) Turkey's glorious trade history with its special brand of modern cultural tourism.
E At first, the Grand Bazaar ______ (sell) mostly textiles, but it soon expanded into selling books, jewellery, furniture, food, and a lot more.
F The market that was originally built was quite small in comparison to today's Grand Bazaar. Some years later, another market ______________ (open) nearby.
G The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, Turkey, has a long history _______ (date) back to 1455.
(was) opened
Activity 3: Reflecting.
◎ Which iconic attractions in this unit have you heard about before
Which are new to you Which impressed you the most
◎ Do you think you are becoming more confident in dealing with longer
reading and listening passages by learning to take notes
◎ What do you think you are supposed to share when asked to describe a
place you know well
◎ What rhetorical devices did you learn to use in your writing
◎ Overall, I thought this unit was ○interesting ○useful ○so-so
legend, fairy story, iconic animals, special plants, special songs or dances
目标二:To introduce an iconic attraction in your city or town
Activity 1: In groups, brainstorm the kinds of things that people would
most like to experience when they travel to a new place.
Examples include:
scenic views
Apart from these, what other kinds of things can you think of
Activity 2: Do some research and come up with three iconic
attractions that may best represent your city or town.
Think about what people can experience there.
Where it is
How it is
What people do there on that day
How significant it is
Activity 3: In groups, compare your lists. Discuss which attractions
are the most impressive and representative, and come up
with a final list of the top three.
Check your sentence structures.
Make your sentences more impressive by using clauses or advanced vocabulary.
Activity 4: Each of you should write about one attraction from the
list and explain why it is worth visiting.
Originally constructed around 256 BCE by the State of Qin as an irrigation and flood control system, Dujiangyan is a remarkable example of ancient engineering skill and is still in use today. During the Warring States period, people who lived along the banks of the Min River were troubled by annual flooding. Qin governor and irrigation engineer Li Bing investigated the problem thoroughly. He led a team to construct a levee to redirect a portion of the river's flow. Then they cut a channel through Mount Yulei to discharge the excess water. After the system was finished, no more floods occurred.
What's more, it made Sichuan one of the most productive agricultural regions in China because the redirected water from the Min River could be used for irrigation. If you visit Dujiangyan, you will see an unusual construction that resembles a fish's mouth. This famous attraction, Yuzui, together with two other important parts, namely, Feishayan and Baopingkou, were scientifically designed to control the water flow throughout the year. Recognised as a UNESCO heritage site, Dujiangyan has irrigated farms while preventing floods for over 2,000 years.
Give a presentation in class to introduce the city or town. You could even include a video of the attraction.
目标三:To learn about the cultural activities and traditions of different Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal from the Australia’s desert centre by watching the video
Activity 1: Before you watch
The Mbantua Festival
Mbantua means "awakening the desert". The Mbantua Festival brings together hundreds of Aboriginal performers from across central Australia to celebrate their ceremonies, culture, and music through theatre, events, workshops, art, and film screenings.
Task 1 Look at the picture and the title. Know something about The Mbantua Festival.
Task 2 Match the following things.
1 Aborigines
2 an Aboriginal group in Alice Springs
3 good food
4 what the women are carrying on their
heads in the race
5 what a tourist decides to name her
animal sculpture
6 white people
A "Alice"
B good tucker
C billy cans
D indigenous groups
E non-indigenous people
F the Aranda people
Activity 2: While you watch
Task 1 Check your answers in Before You Watch.
Task 2 Circle the best words to complete the sentences below.
1. Independent/Indigenous groups from across Australia's desert centre have come to share
with one another on the sacred/secret grounds of the Aranda people in Alice Springs.
2. They might be using billy cans instead of wooden bones/bowls but the activities are
helping keep alive traditions which might otherwise be skipping/slipping.
3. It's presenting an alternative picture of a national history/story which can look very
apparent/different for black and white Australians.
4. That's what we are trying to do with this festival—bring non-indigenous people to us,
hear/share our culture with them, and our history, in the hope that they feel like that part
of the nation's history is part of their own dignity/identity.
5. As night falls in the small object/pocket in the heart of Australia, people have been
brought closer together, at least for a few days/in a few ways.
Activity 3: After you watch
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1. Why do you think this festival is important to Aborigines
What about non-indigenous people
2. What interested you most in the video Why
3. What opportunities do you have to experience and learn about
different cultures in China
Suggested Answers
1. It is important to the Aborigines because until very recently they were very much an oppressed group, and this festival allows them to celebrate and show off their culture. It is important to the non-indigenous people because it gives them a rare chance to meet and learn about the Aboriginal people of Australia.
2. I am interested in the food because I like to eat. I wish that the video had showed more about it.
3. There are many opportunities. For example, you can go to the Longji Rice Terraces in northern Guangxi, and share in the lives of the Zhuang and Yao ethnic groups. Or, you can go to Lijiang in Yunan and learn about the Naxi.
1. Have you mastered the important language points in this unit
2. Have you learnt how to introduce an iconic attraction in your
city or town