人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career 课件 (5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career 课件 (5份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-27 17:41:40


Unit 5
Reading and Thinking (I)
Get a head start on your future career
视频:What do you want to be
To guide students to objectively understand the significance of career planning, thinking about how to make career plan by reading an introduction of vocational aptitude test
To use the key words and phrases in different situations
目标一:To guide students to objectively understand the significance of career planning, thinking about how to make career plan by reading an introduction of vocational aptitude test
Activity 1: Find out the new words and phrases. Read the words
and phrases, and say their Chinese meanings loudly.
head start
Activity 2: Before you read, discuss these questions in groups.
1. What are some of the ways that can help people decide which career is appropriate for them
2. Is it essential that teenagers decide on a career before they become adults Why
Suggested answers
1. A lot of people use personality tests to see what careers match their personalities, and career aptitude tests to see if it is a job they would enjoy doing and might have an ability at.
2. It depends. For those who are ambitious, it is best to decide and start preparing for that career as early as possible. Others are better off waiting, because they do not really have enough life experience to know what career would be suitable.
Activity 3: Skim the text and find the main advice given to readers.
You should use a career aptitude test to help you determine the career you should take.
Activity 4: Read the text and summarise the main idea of each
Para. Main idea
Taking time to think about dream career is an essential exercise for young people.
Starting to think about dream career at a young age is not easy.
Career aptitude tests can help us to get a head start in considering our future career.
There are many different kinds of career aptitude tests.
One popular test works to indicate the participant's overall work personality.
Career suggestions can also be based on education and experience level.
Career aptitude tests are a very useful tool, but they are only meant for guidance.
Can you divide the text into sections and give each section a general heading
Para. Part Topic

Activity 5: Read the text again and answer these questions.
1. What is one of the most effective ways of helping you see which careers may be right for you
2. What is very important when you are completing the test
3. According to the participant’s work personality code, what careers would you recommend
4. Do you agree with the text when it says “The secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate about” Give your reasons.
Use charts and graphs
Charts and graphs are a great way to convey a wide range of information in a limited space. To understand them, first read the title and then the labels on the edges of the chart (often called the x-axis, y-axis, and the key/legend).
Suggested answers
1. To complete a career aptitude test.
2. It is important to be honest.
3. Director, designer, lawyer, police spy, and engineer...
4. I don’t agree with the idea. For example, a person may be passionate about singing, but lack the talent for it or the ability to turn it into a career. It might be better to find something that he or she is good at and can be successful at, and pursue it instead, as that way he or she can at least earn an income. People can still pursue their passions as hobbies.
Activity 6: Look at these jobs and then decide on which work
personality type they most closely relate to. Add more
jobs to each category.
engineer, mechanic, dentist, biologist, surgeon, astronomer, actor, director, detective, graphic designer, photographer, nurse, teacher, waitress, restaurant manager, estate agent, accountant, police spy, librarian, secretary
Realistic Investigative Artistic
mechanic, accountant, farmer, carpenter,

engineer, biologist, astronomer, detective,
police spy, librarian, lawyer, web developer,

actor, director, graphic, designer, photographer, chef, musician,

Social Enterprising Conventional
dentist, surgeon, nurse, teacher, waitress, firefighter, counsellor,

estate agent, salesman, manager, CEO,

restaurant manager, secretary, human resource administrator,

Activity 7: Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
1. Would you like to take a career aptitude test Why or why not
2. What could be some problems with this sort of test What other things could you do to help you decide on possible future careers
Suggested answers
1. Yes, I would like to take such a test, because I think it might help me understand what kind of career I am suited to.
2. One problem is that it might help me better understand the kinds of things I like doing, but it does not really tell me what kinds of things I am good at, or what kind of job I can best earn a living with. I think another option is to take an internship at a company in a field I think I might like and try the job out to see if it is suitable.
Unit 5
Reading and Thinking (II)
Build up your vocabulary
目标二:To use the key words and phrases in different situations
Activity 1: Identify language points that you want to share with your
partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads. 有些人年轻时就清楚自己想做什么,但更多的人往往是只有一些想法在脑子里晃来晃去。
bounce vi.&vt. (使)弹起;蹦;上下晃动
bounce around 蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去
n. 弹性;弹跳;活力
※ bounce back 恢复健康(或信心等);重整旗鼓
2. You don’t want to look back in years to come① and say, “I wish② I had thought more about what I really wanted to do.”
① in years to come 多年之后,在未来的几年中, to come在名词years之后作定语。
years to come 接下来几年
② wish表愿望,+宾语从句时,从句用虚拟语气。从句的谓语动词的三种情况:
与现在事实相反:过去时(be—were) ;
与过去事实相反:过去完成时(had done);
对未来的希望:would/should/could/might + do。
3. Help and advise people in serious debt.
debt n. 债务;欠款
※ in debt 负债
※ out of debt 不欠债
※ pay off one’s debt 还清某人的欠款或债务
4. However, it is important to remember that they are only meant
for guidance. 然而,重要的是要记住,它们仅供指导之用。
be meant for: to be intended/designed for someone or sth.
※ be meant to do sth. 旨在做某事;注定做某事;应该做某事
※ mean to do sth. 打算做某事
※ mean doing sth. 意味着做某事
※ mean a lot/a great deal to sb. 对某人意义重大
5. police spy
spy n. 密探;间谍
vi. 从事间谍活动
vt. 突然看见;发现
※ spy out sth. 查清楚/搞明白某事
※ spy on sb./sth. 暗中监视某人/某事;侦查某人/某事
Activity 2: Complete these sentences with words from the reading text.
1. The first time I observed the process of water being split into oxygen and _________, I was deeply attracted by the charm of chemistry. So I want to become a chemist in the future.
2. My aunt developed _________ cancer three years ago. Seeing her suffering makes me want to become a doctor to protect people from such diseases.
3. I want to become a _________ because I think fairness and justice is of great importance to society, and I hope I can make some contribution in that respect.
4. I have always been passionate about books, so I want to be a _________. By providing a comfortable reading environment and good books, I hope more people can enjoy reading.
5. I always feel amazed when I see my grandfather's huge medicine chest with countless small _________ that store many herbs. Now I am studying Chinese medicine and I hope I can be an expert in this field, too.
Now write down your own dream career and give reasons.
Activity 3: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words
you have learnt in this unit. Circle the part of speech.
1. Hearing the news that he had made the school team, David joyfully ________ (n., v.) the ball against the wall.
2. The old basketball looked very used and had lost its _______(n., v.).
3. The zoologists set up _______ (n., v.) cameras in the panda reserve.
4. There was a huge debate about whether the reporter should be accused of _______ (n., v.) on the star couple.
Now think of more words that can be used in both noun and verb forms in Reading and Think.
Getting a head start in considering your future career may help you for the rest of your life.
Others focus more on asking you to rate different kinds of work scenarios, like working as a librarian or a lawyer.
One popular test asks the participants to grade their preferences for a variety of work tasks.
Activity 4: Use the words in the box to complete the following excerpt
from a student's speech.
commit bounce around rather than come to a conclusion
define in common radium had a great influence on
Probably everyone dreams of having a great career, but first let's _______ what this means. When thinking about what makes a career great, many ideas may ____________ in your head, such as the desire for money, power. or fame. Different people might have different opinions about this, but wouldn't it be kind of greedy to focus on money and fame _________ on something more meaningful Please close your eyes and think of someone professional and successful. It could be a famous entrepreneur, a great leader, a scientist or an artist, or a teacher who ____________________ you.
bounce around
rather than
had a great influence on
My choice would be Marie Curie, who discovered _______. For me, she is great not just because she was world-famous, but because she made great contributions to mankind. Being a female scientist was much less common in her time, but in spite of this she devoted her life to her career. So I _______________________ that if you want a great career, you need to _______ yourself to something meaningful. I believe all great careers have this __________.
have come to the conclusion
in common
Have you learned how to read chart and graph (共17张PPT)
Unit 5
Using Language (I)
Choose a university major
Think about what you need to focus on when choosing a university major.
To know how high school students from different countries discuss college applications and major choices, and focus on important language expressions by listening
To discuss the choice of college majors and career planning in many ways
目标一:To know how high school students from different countries discuss college applications and major choices, and focus on important language expressions by listening
Activity 1: Look at the pictures below. Discuss in pairs which
university major each picture might show.
Bio-medical engineering ______ Computer game design ______
Cybersecurity ______
Data science ______
Public health ______
Robotics ______
Can you name any more emerging college majors
Genetic engineering (基因工程)
Renewable energy management (可再生能源管理)
Emerging media studies (新兴媒体研究)
Blackchain technology (区块链技术)
Activity 2: Listen to the conversation and tick the chart according to
what is needed to get into a good university in each country.
Requirement China UK USA
Get a good grade
Pass the entrance exam
Write an essay

Activity 3: Listen to the conversation again, and take notes on what
each student would like to study and why.
Student Chosen major Reason
Liu Ming
Computer game design
to design fun games for children to learn with
International business
to find work overseas and see more of the world
interested in futuristic things
Activity 4: Listen again and answer the questions below.
1. What did Liu Ming say about cybersecurity and data science
2. What did Susan say she was told
3. What did Olivia say they need to do to get into good universities
Identify references
When we speak, we often refer to someone else's opinion or what we have heard, read, or been told.
When expressing this in speech, we use phrases such as I heard/ read that …, according to…, I was told that …, etc.
Suggested Answers
1.They're really fascinating subjects if you're good at computer programming.
2.There's no point in choosing a subject that you like but you're not very good at.
3.They need to start studying even harder.
Activity 5: Listen again and fill in the missing information in the
following sentences.
______________ that my future career might depend on what university I end up getting into.
__________________________________, it could help me find work overseas. It would be great to see more of the world!
___________ that they’re really fascinating subjects if you’re good at computer programming.
___________ that there’s no point choosing a subject that you like but you’re not very good at.
My parents said
According to the school’s careers advisor
I read
I was told
目标二:To discuss the choice of college majors and career planning in many ways
Activity 1: Work in groups. Discuss these questions.
1. Do you agree with Olivia's parents when they say that a person's career might depend on what university they get into Why or why not
2. Do you agree that there is no point studying something that you like but you are not very good at Give your reasons.
For Against
A person's career depends on what university they get into
There is no point studying something that you like but you are not very good at
Suggested Answers
1. It depends upon the career. For a few highly specilised careers, getting into the right university is key. For many other careers, it does not matter which university you have been to, or even really what you have studied at university.
2 Yes, because it serves no purpose. I might like listening to the piano and dream of being a concert pianist, but if I lack the talent, what is the point
Activity 2: In pairs, tell each other about the major(s) you would
like to choose. Use the expressions below to help you.
Expressing choices, wishes, intentions, and opinions
I’d choose... because... I plan/hope/wish to...
If possible, I’d really like to... My goal/dream is to...
I'm not sure if that suits you, because... I’ve always wanted to...
I think that is really difficult because...
I think you are really suited to that because...
That’s a good choice, but I think you should...
Are you sure that’s a good choice Have you thought about ...
I'm not sure what I want to study yet, but right now I'm thinking about... because...
Can you categorise these expressions, and add more
Classification More
I plan/hope/wish to...
My goal/dream is to...
I’ve always wanted to...
… is always my first choice.
I prefer… to …
I choose… in preference to…
I give priority to…
I'd choose… because…
If possible, I'd really like to…
I dream of/about …
I simply can’t wait to …
I’m longing to …
I’m eager for …
Classification More
I intend to …
I'd like to … with the intention of ...
I attempt to …
I'm not sure what I want to study yet, but right now I' m thinking about... because …
I'm not sure if that suits you, because ...
I think that is really difficult because …
I think you are really suited to that because ...
That's a good choice, but I think you should ...
Are you sure that's a good choice Have you thought about...
In my opinion, …
From my perspective, …
Personally, …
According to ..., ...
A: What major will you choose in university
B: I'm not really sure yet. My goal is to work at a large company, so I guess Business administration.
A: Are you sure that's a good choice Most of the people I know who are working at large companies majored in something else. And a lot of companies want employees with different education backgrounds, as hey have different skills and points of view.
B: So, what would you suggest
A: Have you thought about history You love that subject.
B: That's a good choice, but I will think I should study something more useful for my future career. What about you What major will you choose
Sample Conversation
A: I plan to study nutrition and child health after I go to medical school.
B: So, you want to be a doctor
A: Yes, if possible, I'd really like to become a pediatrician.
B: Wow! I think that might be quite difficult for you. Your grades in science have been weak so far.
A: That might be true, but it is my dream. I'll study harder when it comes to science from now on.
B: What if it doesn't work out
A: Well, I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it.
Now tell us what major you want to choose and why (共22张PPT)
Unit 5
Using Language (II)
Apply for a summer job
When you want to apply for a summer job, what skills do you think you should have
To master and analyse the basic features and key points of recruitment notices, application letters and CV
To write an application letters and CV
目标一:To master and analyse the basic features and key points of recruitment notices, application letters and CV
Activity 1: Scan the titles and forms of the three texts. Then
finish the following tasks.
Task 1 What type of texts are they
They are a job advertisements, cover letter and CV.
Task 2 Read the first passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1  A. Requirements for the applicants.
Para.2 B. What you should do as a camp helper.
Para.3 C. Camp helpers are wanted at the summer camp.
Para.4 D. Questions to attract your attention.
Task 3 Read the second passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para. 1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para. 5
Para. 6
A. Experience with animals and as a leader.
B. Friendly and welcoming attitude.
C. Good handwriting and passion for Chinese culture.
D. The purpose of the letter.
E. Language level and organisational skills.
F. Look forward to a reply.
Activity 2: Read the texts carefully and then answer the questions below.
1. What kind of person is required for the job
An active and outgoing person who is passionate about Chinese culture and would like to meet and help young people from other countries.
2. What experience does the applicant have with foreign languages How has the applicant displayed her knowledge of Chinese culture
She has travelled to several English speaking countries and her English is at an intermediate level. She has certificate in Chinese Calligraphy and taught after-school classical calligraphy classes.
Activity 3: Find the details of these requirements in the job
advertisement, and report your findings to the class.
※Personality and attitude ※Language skills ※Experience and skills
Personality and attitude: active and outgoing, enthusiastic, friendly, welcoming attitude
Language skills: a good level of English
Experience and skills: good organizational and teamwork skills, a passion for Chinese and international culture, experience with animals, good handwriting
Activity 4: How does the applicant respond to each of the job
requirements Read the cover letter and CV again and
fill out the table.
Job advertisement Application letter CV
A good level of English
Good organisational and teamwork skills
A passion for Chinese and international culture
Experience with animals
A friendly, welcoming attitudes, and good handwriting
Job advertisement Application letter CV
A good level of English
Good organisational and teamwork skills
at an intermediate level
PETS 3 English qualification
Volunteered at local library
Captain of school table tennis team; knew how to lead and decide on priorities
helped organise city tour for visiting students from Canada
Suggested Answers
Job advertisement Application letter CV
A passion for Chinese and international culture
Experience with animals
A friendly, welcoming attitudes, and good handwriting
Excited about the prospect of welcoming exchange students to our country
keen to give them a warm welcome and an experience they will always remember
visited UK on high school exchange programme
Worked during holidays at local pet shop
proficient in Chinese calligraphy
certificate in Chinese calligraphy
Do you think she is a good match for the job Why
Suggested Answers
She speaks intermediate-level English, has proficiency in Chinese calligraphy, helped to organize a three-day tour of her city for visiting exchange students, worked during holidays at local pet shop, and visited UK on high school exchange programme. She seems to be a good match for the job, as she appears to have all the necessary skills and qualifications.
Activity 5: Identify language points that you want to share with your
partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. The Frog & Fox Summer Camp Council is looking for enthusiastic high school students to join our team as camp helpers at our summer camp next year!Frog & Fox夏令营理事会正在寻找热心的高中生加入我们的团队,作为明年夏令营的帮手!
※ 动词不定式to join作后置定语,修饰前面的名词students,表示将来的动作。如果表示将来的被动的动作,则用 to be done形式。动词不定式作后置定语的其他情况还有:
※不定代词something, nothing, anything, little等后常用不定式来修饰。
※抽象名词time, chance, opportunity, way, ability, attempt, courage, wish, promise, right, privilege等后常用不定式修饰。
2. We are building a team of keen young people to help us attend to hundreds of students from all over the world.我们正在组建一支由热心的年轻人组成的团队,来帮助我们照料来自世界各地的数百名学生。
attend to 关怀;照料;处理
※ attend vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加
※ attend (to) sb. 照料/关怀某人
※ attendance n. 出席;参加
※ “照看/照顾某人”的多种表达:
attend (to) sb. /care for sb. /take care of sb. /look after sb.
3. If you were the employer, would you hire your partner?如果你是雇主,你会雇用你的同伴吗?
employer n. 雇主;老板
※ employee n.受雇者;雇工;雇员
※ employment n.职业;工作;使用
※ employ vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等)
※ employ sb. as... 雇用某人作……
※ employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事
※ 从事于/忙于(做)某事的多种表达:
employ oneself in (doing) sth.
be employed in (doing) sth.
目标二:To write an application letters and CV
Activity 1: Think of a job you like. Write an application letter and a
CV. Use the following form to organise your information.
Content Personal information
My skill
My experience
My personality
What special things I can offer or bring to the job
What the job means to you
Activity 2: Summarise some useful sentence patterns according to the
table below.
Letter content Expression
Letter content Expression
I would like to apply for the position of…
Please consider me as an applicant for…
This letter/email is in response to your advertisement in … for…
Please consider me for the position of … in …
I am writing in response/reply to your advertisement in … for…
I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team.
I have experience in…
I have volunteered…
I worked as … before.
With my proficiency in …, I could …
Activity 3: In pairs, read your partner’s application letter and CV.
Use the checklist to help him/her improve them.
Did your partner explain clearly how his/her skills/experience/ personality relate to the job
Did your partner list anything special about himself/herself
If you were the employer, would you hire your partner If not, why
Activity 4: Take back your letter and CV and revise them.
Do you know how to apply for a summer job now (共21张PPT)
Unit 5
Review Useful Structures
To learn to analyse long sentences
To use long sentence knowledge in writing to organize language and enrich sentence patterns
目标一:To learn to analyse long sentences
Activity 1: Work in groups. Observe some sentences of the text, and
fill in the blanks.
1.This, however, is not always easy.
2.So try a few tests online and start thinking about your future career right now!
3.This is because your career is a very important part of who you are.
4.The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participant’s overall work personality.
5.The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school, before you make any choices about your further education.
6.The career you have defines your life, and so taking time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people.
1.以上句子中,句1为 。
2.句2为由and连接的 。
3.句3、句4和句5为 ;在句3中,because引导的是 从句,who引导的是 从句,都是名词性从句;在句4中,that引导的是 __ 从句,修饰先行词code;句5中while引导的是表语从句,而before引导的是 从句。
4.句6为并列复合句,and连接的是并列句,而you have是 _ 从句,修饰先行词the career,引导词为关系代词 ,在从句中作宾语,被省略。
1.以上句子中,句1为 。
2.句2为由and连接的 。
3.句3、句4和句5为 ;在句3中,because引导的是 从句,who引导的是 从句,都是名词性从句;在句4中,that引导的是 _____从句,修饰先行词code;句5中while引导的是表语从句,而before引导的是 从句。
4.句6为并列复合句,and连接的是并列句,而you have是_____从句,修饰先行词the career,引导词为关系代词 ,在从句中作宾语,被省略。
Activity 2: Find the following types of long sentences in the reading text.
A compound sentence
B complex sentence
C compound-complex sentence
Suggested Answers
A compound sentence
There are many free tests online, so give one a try.
So try a few tests online and start thinking about your future career right now!
B complex sentence
As an adult, one of the first questions you are asked when meeting someone new is, "What do you do "
The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while your are still at school, before you make any choices about your further education.
The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participant's overall work personality.
However, it is important to remember that they are only meant for guidance.
The secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate about.
C compound-complex sentence
The career you have defines your life, and so taking time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people.
Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.
The results of the test will tell you about your strengths and interests, and some tests also suggest careers that you may be suited to.
The career suggestions are also based on your education and experience level, but you can look at higher-level careers as well, which is very useful for high school students.
For example, you could look at the basic careers to see what work you might like now, and then look at the more advanced careers so you know what you may like to aim for in the future.
一、简单句(Simple Sentences)
二、并列句(Compound Sentences)
1.并列关系and, not only... but also, neither... nor, both... and, not... but。
2.转折关系but, yet, whereas, nevertheless(但是;然而)。
3.选择关系or, otherwise, or else, either... or。
4.因果关系for, so。
5.对比关系 while。
6.祈使句+and/or +简单句,祈使句表示一个条件,and引导的简单句表示一个承接的结果,or引导的简单句表示一个相反的结果,简单句使用一般将来时态。
三、复合句(Complex Sentences)
四、并列复合句(Compound-Complex Sentences)
并列复合句指并列句、复合句混合在一个句子里,英语叫Compound-Complex Sentences。或者说,一个句子里包含着多种关系:既有并列关系,又有复合关系。
Long Sentences 长句
1. 英语的长句子之所以长,是因为含有较多较长的修饰成分,或是包含多个并列句或从句。长句子的理解与一般句子相似,主要包含句法结构、语义逻辑和语篇功能三个方面。理解长句的基础是厘清句子的结构层次,熟悉了解英语的基本句型,在此基础上抓住长句子的主干,即句子的主语和谓语,然后在逐层梳理分析长句中的其他成分的层次关系。
But by any criteria this work is worth it to us as well, because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability, and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.但以任何标准来看,这项工作对我们都是值得的;因为它表明,我们是关注世界稳定的全球公民,我们对他人负有责任,我们为建立人类命运共同体做好了准备。
2. 有些长句在语篇中与上下文存在较为紧密的衔接连贯关系,尤其是句中有指代词的时候,除了需要厘清句子的结构层次和语义逻辑之外,有时还需要结合句子所在的上下文,分析明确长句中指代词的具体所指。
Koalas spend quite a lot of time eating, sleeping, and hanging onto tree trunks, so interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress. Because of this, the government began to make laws against touching koalas, in the interest of animal protection, as well as public safety. So, if you see one in the wild, you shouldn't approach it to pick it up or even touch it.
目标二:To use long sentence knowledge in writing to organize language and enrich sentence patterns
Activity 1: Change these simple sentences into long sentences. Pay
attention to the connectors you need to use.
1. Career guidance ought to be included at high school. The school should also offer a work experience programme.
2. Dreaming to become somebody great is easy. Working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.
3. You never know where you’ll be working in the future. Learn as much as possible. Study a foreign language. It is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.
4. Social occupations require communicating with people. This often involves helping or providing service to other people.
5. AI is developing rapidly. Lawyers, teachers, librarians, drivers, and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future. Many people believe this to be true.
Suggested Answers
1. Carer guidance ought to be included at high school, and the school should also offer a work experience programme.
2. Dreaming to become somebody great is easy, but working to achieve your dream can be quite hard.
3. You never know where you'll be working in the future, so learn as much as possible and study a foreign language, because it is wise to do these things for the sake of your future.
4. Social occupations which often involve helping or providing service, require communicating with people.
5. Many people believe that since AI is developing rapidly, lawyers, teachers, librarians, drivers, and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by AI in the future.
Activity 2: Complete the sentences using what, which, that, who, and
how. Then put the sentences into the correct order to
make a complete passage.
Advice on Making a Career Plan
_______ A The plan will require you to focus on _______ you want to do and _______ to achieve it.
_______ B A career plan makes you think about your future, including _______ careers interest you most and ____________ skills and trainings you will need to succeed.
_______ C Of course. the CV should be tailored to match the careers in your plan, _______ will leave you well prepared to make the most of all opportunities __________ become available to you.
_______ D Finally, for useful information on _____ to decide on careers and _____ to put in your CV, find some websites _________ specialise in career advice or go to someone ____ can help.
_______ E Along with your career plan, you should also think about a CV, _______ is essential for showing your potential employers your skills and experiences.
_______ F These two things are _______ you should start thinking about right now, as they will safeguard your future, _______ is important to everyone.
Activity 3: Read the two profiles below.Write a paragraph about one
of them or any other person you admire.Try to make the
sentences work together effectively.
Suggested Answers
Karl Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in London in 1883. At university he studied law and philosophy, but he wore many hats in his long career: He was a philosopher and thinker, economist, historian, and sociologist. As a revolutionary socialist, he was the creator of Marxism, the founder of international communism, and the co-writer of The Communist Manifesto.
Zhong Yang, who lived from 1964 to 2017, was a botanist. As a professor at Fudan University, he dedicated his life to research on seeds. Travelling to places which no other botanists had ever ben to. he spent years in remote and primitive areas searching for and collecting seeds.
Do you know how to analyse long sentences now (共24张PPT)
Unit 5
Assessing Your Progress
To review the key words, expressions and grammar by doing the exercises
To make a speech about your future career
To learn about outstanding peers by watching a video about a young polish photographer
目标一:To review the key words, expressions and grammar by doing the exercises
Activity 1: Review the key words and expressions.
bounce, lawyer, drawer, breast, hydrogen, radium, wrist, bridegroom, geometry, debt, profile, detective, estate, spy, justice, accuse, greedy, receptionist, socialist, communist, fox, council, canal, handwriting, disk(disc), parking, camel, fry, purse, sew, wool, priority, cage, collar, finance, receipt, certificate, desert, acquire
bounce around, career aptitude test, be suited to, head start, a chest of drawers, grade one's preferences, generate a list, aim for, graphic designer, complete the test, (real) estate agent, come to a conclusion, spy camera, in common, have a great influence on, bio-medical engineering, public health, data science, camp helper, attend to, help out, apply for, a valuable addition, a team player, decide on priorities, be keen to, flea collar, security guard
Task 1 Recall the key words and phrases in this unit, and choose a few to share their usages.
Task 2 Use the correct forms of the words in the box to complete the following sentences. Then match the sentences with the possible jobs on the right.
estate geometry wrist fry canal council
1. Tom enjoys spending time with middle school students, and he is really interested in ____________.
2. Jane broke her _________ during a competition last week and needed a few months' rest.
3 John prevents uninvited visitors from entering a business _______.
4. In order to turn the desert into green land that is able to produce crops, Dr Zhang designed a 50 km _______.
5. Simon needs to submit his article about the ________ meeting before midnight tonight.
6. Jackson's _____ fish is popular with the restaurant's regular customers.
maths teacher
security guard
maths teacher
security guard
Activity 2: Review the grammar.
Task 1 Review the long sentences.
一、并列句(Compound Sentences)
二、复合句(Complex Sentences)
三、并列复合句(Compound-Complex Sentences)
1. 英语的长句子之所以长,是因为含有较多较长的修饰成分,或是包含多个并列句或从句。长句子的理解与一般句子相似,主要包含句法结构、语义逻辑和语篇功能三个方面。理解长句的基础是厘清句子的结构层次,熟悉了解英语的基本句型,在此基础上抓住长句子的主干,即句子的主语和谓语,然后在逐层梳理分析长句中的其他成分的层次关系。
2. 有些长句在语篇中与上下文存在较为紧密的衔接连贯关系,尤其是句中有指代词的时候,除了需要厘清句子的结构层次和语义逻辑之外,有时还需要结合句子所在的上下文,分析明确长句中指代词的具体所指。
Task 2 The following is a draft of a guide for high school students. Try to improve it and use long sentences where you think they are required.
Make High School Count!
High school may be the most important experience in your life. You are becoming a young adult. You are old enough to take on more responsibilities and make very important choices. Some of these choices could greatly affect your life. Try your best to study hard. It doesn't matter whether you will go to a university or college. It doesn't matter whether you will go to a vocational school or start work. You have to work hard. It doesn't matter what dreams you have for your future. Dreams will not make themselves come true. You need to try your best and prepare. A wise choice is to prepare yourself with a good education. You need to make sure your time and energy are not wasted. Remember, the knowledge you acquire and the diligent attitude you develop in high school will be invaluable in the real world. Time flies like an arrow! Working hard right now will prepare you well for your life in the future.
Sample Writing
Make High School Count!
High school may be the most important experience in your life, as you are becoming a young adult and are old enough to take on more responsibilities and make very important choices. Some of these choices could greatly affect your life, so try your best to study hard. It doesn't matter whether you will go to a university or college, or whether you will go to a vocational school or start work. What you learn today will benefit you in the future. It will make your dream come true, and so you will need to try your best and prepare. A wise choice is to prepare yourself with a good education so that your time and energy are not wasted. Remember, the knowledge you acquire and the diligent attitude you develop in high school will be invaluable in the real world. Time flies like an arrow! Working hard right now will prepare you well for your life in the future.
Activity 3: Reflecting.
◎ How can you use the information from this unit in your life
◎ What other information related to this unit's topic would you like to learn about
◎ What parts of this unit were the most interesting Why
◎ What difficulties did you or your classmates have in studying this unit How did you overcome them What advice or help did you give each other
◎ Overall, I thought this unit was ○interesting ○useful ○so-so
目标二:To make a speech about your future career
Activity 1: Think about six careers and write them in the order of
their importance. Then in groups, report to the others
and explain why.
Career Why the career is important
1 2
Activity 2: Think about three careers that interest you most.
Complete the chart below and then introduce
your careers to your group.
The career that interests me Why I would like this career
1 2
Activity 3: Choose one career from above and prepare an outline of
a speech about how you plan to reach that career goal.
Task 1 Start by completing the mind map below.
& Qualifications
The Career I'd like to have is
Short term
Long term
Task 2 Make an outline of your speech.
Content Dream career
Education, qualification, and skills
Challenges and goals
Activity 4: Use your outline to write a speech. Add some pictures to
help illustrate your writing. Use the following expressions
to help you.
My chosen/dream career is ...
This career is important to me because ...
For this career, I need/must ...
I am suited to this career because ...
Right now, I do not have ..., but I plan to ...
My short-term/long-term goal is ...
I may face some challenges, like ...
If I ..., then I will ...
Activity 5: Read your speeches within the group and vote for the best
one. Then have the winner make the speech to the class.
Content Dream career
Education, qualification, and skills
Challenges and goals
Audience awareness Does he/she use appropriate body language Yes/No
Does he/she present naturally and coherently and use appropriate language Yes/No
目标三:To learn about outstanding peers by watching a video about a young polish photographer
Activity 1: Before you watch
A Teen's Passion for His Work
Photography is a popular hobby today, and has become easier as technology has improved.
However, it takes a great deal of patience and hard work to become a successful photographer. This video shows how passion and enthusiasm helped a young man succeed in bringing his work to an international audience.
Task 1 Look at the picture and the introduction. Know something about photography.
Task 2 Look at the pictures from the video below. In groups, use the following words and any other words you can think of to describe what is happening in the photos.
grass camera hide wait well-disguised
edit a photograph give a presentation smart clothes fame
Suggested Answers
The boy is hiding and waiting in a well-disguised tent in the tall grass with his camera so that he can take photographs of wild animals.
Now he is editing the photo with his computer.
Here, he is wearing smart clothes and standing next to one of his photos, giving a presentation.
There are many people watching his presentation. He is famous!
Activity 2: While you watch
Task 1 Check your responses to Before You Watch.
Task 2 Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. The tent and long grass stop the birds from seeing Mateusz.
2. The Natural History Museum in New York recognised his talent with the award Best Young Wildlife Photographer.
3. He took his award-winning photograph of oyster catchers on a beach in London.
4. Mateusz takes up to 1,000 photographs in each session.
5. His parents buy meat for him because he gets hungry while taking photographs.
Answers: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F
Activity 3: After you watch
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1. Mateusz loves wildlife photography. Which is your favourite type of photography and why
2. Why do you think Mateusz has been so successful at such a young age List three reasons. How could you apply these to yourself to achieve your own goals and dreams
Suggested Answers
1. I love travel photography because I am interested in different places and cultures.
2. Three reasons: he works hard and is willing to endure hardship for his photography; he has great patience and is willing to wait a long time to get the best shot; he has developed the technical skills needed to succeed.
For me, the biggest lessons are the willingness to endure hardship and his patience. Often, I don't like to put myself through difficulty and I like to take the easy way, and I hate waiting!
However, in order to achieve my dreams, I will have to become more patient, and I will have to push myself to do better, even when it is not easy.
1. Have you mastered the important language points in this unit
2. Have you learnt how to make a speech about your future career