人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction 课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Science Fiction 课件(5份打包)
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文件大小 210.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-27 17:46:01


Unit 1
Review Useful Structures
To review and consolidate the passive voice of verbs
To use passive voice appropriately in a text
目标一:To review and consolidate the passive voice of verbs
Activity 1: Scan the reading text and underline all the verbs in the
passive voice.
was going to be tested out; to be harmed; was
being looked after; was being offered; was not
allowed; was being treated badly; to be discovered by her; was being completely transformed
Activity 2: Observe the following sentences, and then finish the
two tasks.
Task 1 Change the passive voice into the active voice.
① It was going to be tested out by Larry's wife, Claire.
② Now she was being looked after by a robot that looked so human, and it was disturbing.
③ Claire thought it was ridiculous that she was being offered sympathy by a robot, but she
gradually admired his wisdom and integrity and began to trust him.
④ As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of things that he would need for his work on the house.
① Larry's wife, Claire was going to test out it.
② A robot that looked so human was looking after her, and it was disturbing.
③ Claire thought it was ridiculous that a robot was offering sympathy to her, but she
gradually admired his wisdom and integrity and began to trust him.
④ As she didn’t allow him to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of things that he would need for his work on the house.
Task 2 Work in pairs. Discuss with a partner why the passive voice is used.
The passive voice is used to focus on the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. It is used when we don't know the performer, or the performer is unimportant (and therefore omitted), or the performer is to be highlighted (and therefore placed toward the end).
The Passive Voice 被动语态
1. 语态是动词的一种形式,表示主语和动词之间的关系。
2. 英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。
Some trees are planted by us every year.
3. 被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,一般说来,只有需要动作对象
We plant these trees.
These trees are planted by us.
时态 被动语态的构成
一般式 一般现在时 be(am, is, are) told
一般过去时 be (was, were) told
一般将来时 shall/will be told
过去将来时 should/would be told
进行式 现在进行时 be (am, is, are) being told
过去进行时 be (was, were) being told
完成式 现在完成时 have/has been told
过去完成时 had been told
(1) 双宾动词的被动结构
双宾动词变为被动结构时, 一般将主动结构中的间接宾语变为被动结构中的主语, 直接宾语不变。如将主动结构中的直接宾语变为被动结构中的主语, 间接宾语之前则应加介词to或for。
e.g. He gave her some money.
She was given some money.
Some money was given to her.
(2) 带复合宾语的动词的被动结构
带复合宾语的动词变被动语态时, 一般将主动结构中的宾语变为被动结构中的主语, 而将宾语补足语保留不动(这时的宾语补足语为主语补足语)。
e.g. His father called him Jack.
He was called Jack by his father.
(3) 带情态动词的被动语态,由“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。
e.g. The problem may be solved in a number of different ways.
In our school, library books must be returned in two weeks.
e.g. He is reported to have broken a world record.
She is said to know three languages.
(5) “it + be +过去分词+从句”式的被动结构
e.g. It’s said that she has some supernatural powers.
It’s reported that they have discovered a new star.
It is known that... 众所周知
It is suggested that... 有人建议
It is believed that... 人们相信
(6) “get+done”构成被动语态
用来表示状态或情况, 常考的形式如:
get married 结婚
get engaged 订婚
get hurt/wounded 受伤
get lost 迷路
get drunk 喝醉了
get caught/stuck/trapped 被困
get dressed 穿好衣服
get run over 被(车)轧
1) 有些不及物动词主动形式可表被动意义。
a. 某些连系动词,如feel, look, prove, smell, sound, taste 等。
e.g. The food tasted better than it looked.
b. 某些与can’t, won’t 等连用的不及物动词,如move, lock, shut, open等。
e.g. It can't move.
The door won't shut.
c. 某些可与well, easily 等副词连用的不及物动词,如read, write, wash 等。
e.g. My new pen writes well.
The cloth doesn’t wash easily.
2) 非谓语动词的某些主动形式表示被动意义
a. 在“be + 形容词+ 不定式”结构中,不定式表示的动作与句子主语之间是逻辑上的动宾关系时,用主动形式表示被动意义。常见形容词有:cheap, easy, comfortable, difficult, hard, light, heavy, expensive, pleasant, interesting, fit 等。
e.g. The question is difficult to answer.
Volleyball is very interesting to watch.
b. 在be worth doing 和be to blame 结构中,动词-ing 形式或动词不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。
e.g. The film is well worth seeing.
The policy is partly to blame for causing the worst unemployment in Europe.
c. 当want, need, require 表示“需要”时,其宾语可用动词-ing 形式的主动形式表示被动意义。
e.g. The carpet really wants cleaning (= to be cleaned).
Most house plants require watering (= to be watered).
1) 谓语是及物动词leave, enter, reach, suit, benefit, lack等。
2) 谓语是不可拆开的take place, consist of, lose heart, belong to等短语动词。
3) 宾语是无实意的代词it。
4) 宾语是表示身体的某一部分的名词。
5) 宾语是某些抽象名词。
6) have在任何情况下都不能用于被动语态。
7) 一般来说,当动词的宾语是动词-ing形式或者是不定式时不能变成被动语态。
8) 将来进行时和完成进行时没有被动语态。如果遇到这种情况时,可以用一般将来时和现在完成时的被动语态来代替。
目标二:To use passive voice appropriately in a text
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with appropriate forms of the
verbs in brackets.
1. What is done cannot ___________. (undo)
2. Janet __________ chairwoman of the student union last month. (elect)
3. Two hundred grammes of flour should _________ to the cake mix. (add)
4. A 3,000-seat venue ___________________ for the circus performance in November. (build)
be undone
was elected
be added
was built/will be built
5. Working efficiency ________________ since this new software was adopted. (improve)
6. Only one piece of carry-on luggage __________ for each economy class passenger. (allow)
7. It is a great honour for me to __________ to address this international AI conference. (invite)
8. When I entered the room, I found that the salesman's salary __________________ at the meeting. (discuss)
9. With exams being adapted into Braille, a blind senior high school student scored 630 points out of 650 in the College Entrance Examination. He is expected to ___________ to a top university. (admit)
has been improved
is allowed
be invited
was being discussed
be admitted
Now try to translate these sentences into Chinese.
1. 覆水难收。
2. 珍妮特上个月被选为学生会主席。
3. 蛋糕料里需要加入200克面粉。
4. 十一月将建成一个可容纳三千人的马戏团表演场地。
5. 由于采用了这种新软件,工作效率得到了提高。
6. 每位经济舱乘客只能随身携带一件行李。
7. 我很荣幸能被邀请在这个国际人工智能大会上发言。
8. 我进入会议室时候发现正在讨论销售员的工资问题。
9. 随着盲文考试的实施,一位高中的视障学生在高考中获得了630分(满分650分)。他有望被一所顶尖大学录取。
Activity 2: Read the introduction to a science fiction novel and
complete the passage using the correct forms of the
words in the box.
explore translate discover regard represent
set up recruit write get caught up connect
Science fiction _____________ by many people as a mirror through which our future can be freely imagined and _________. The Three-Body Problem, _______ by Chinese writer Liu Cixin, is one of those astonishing predictions about the future. The work was first published in a Chinese sci-fi magazine in 2006 and printed as a three-volume book in 2008. When the first volume _____________ into English by Chinese-American author Ken Liu, it attracted attention around the world, becoming the first Asian winner of the Hugo Award for Best Novel. The book ____________ many themes such as space exploration, alien contact, AI, and the future of humans.
is regarded
was translated
The Three-Body Problem begins with the stories of two unrelated people, Ye Wenjie and Wang Miao. Ye ____________ to join a secret project in a remote area of China, which ________________ to contact alien life forms. In the other story, set 20 years later, Wang Miao ________________ in a popular online game called "Three Body", in which people live on an unknown planet with three suns. But Wang discovers it is more than a game — it uncovers a great danger threatening human existence. How are these two people's stories ____________ And how will their behaviour change Earth's future and the civilisations of other planets Answers to all these questions are waiting to ________________ when you go on reading.
is recruited
has been set up
gets caught up
be discovered
Have you mastered the usage of the passive voice in a specific context (共18张PPT)
Unit 1
Using Language (I)
Voice your opinions on robots and AI
视频:Robots and AI
To learn to use discourse markers to sort out the logical order of the dialogue by listening to an interview
To express your views on the development direction of robots and AI, as well as its pros and cons
目标一:To learn to use discourse markers to sort out the logical order of the dialogue by listening to an interview
Activity 1: Look at the pictures and discuss the questions in pairs.
1. What jobs are these robots doing
What are the pros and cons of
robots doing these jobs
2. What kinds of robots or AI
developments do you hope for
Suggested Answers
1. Left: Two robots are serving food at a café; Pros: May be cheaper and faster, Cons: Communications difficulties; No human touch.
Top centre: A robot is playing the piano; Pros: The robot can play anything perfectly; Cons: No creativity or emotion involved.
Bottom centre: A robotic arm works at a factory; Pros: Simple, repetitive tasks are done at higher speeds more cheaply and accurately; Cons: Humans end up out of work; No added skill or creativity.
Top right: A robot band is performing; Pros: More live music will be available more cheaply; Playlists will be limitless; Cons: It really isn't live music; It is more like listening to a record, without any of the excitement and emotion of watching humans perform.
Bottom right: Several robots are playing soccer; Pros: Promotes learning and enjoyment of AI and robotics to a wider audience; Cons: The robot players don't even know they are in a contest and have no desire to win or lose, so there is no emotional content to the match; no physical skill or talent is involved either.
2. I hope for an educating robot because I can ask any questions when I have troubles in learning.
Activity 3: Listen to the interview again and write down the discourse
markers that you hear. Make a note of how each discourse
marker is used in the interview.
Listen for discourse markers
Discourse markers are used to organise a text by marking sequence, contrast, opinion, purpose, and so on. Listening for discourse markers can help you understand a text more easily. For example, first, however, above all, in order to, etc.
Suggested Answers
just now; so; well; but; however, above all
Activity 2: Listen to an interview and put these statements in the
correct order.
______ The host introduces the guest, a sci-fi expert.
______ The expert has robots in his home.
______ As robots become more intelligent, they may also become more dangerous.
______ The host mentions Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.
______ The expert says robots will have occupations such as teaching and nursing.
______ The line between humans and robots will be more blurred in the future.
______ The host asks about benefits and problems.
______ The host asks if there are robots in the expert's home.
______ In sci-fi stories, robots often become superior and take over.
Activity 4: Work in bine the function sentences of changing
the topic, and then summarise the functions of discourse
markers and typical expressions.
Changing the topic
Oh, by the way, … Oh, I remember, … I nearly forgot! …
What I meant to tell/ask you is … …, but (perhaps) that's beside the point.
That reminds me of … The next item on the agenda is …
I think we ought to move on to …
On the one hand … On the other hand…
Oh, there was something I meant to tell you.
Could I change the subject
Function Discourse marker
to start or end conversations now, so, right, in general, to sum up, for a start, …
to change topics what's more, well, but, however, anyway, …
to order or sequence first (of all), above all, next, …
to show interest/surprise/sympathy sure, good, quite, wonderful, exactly, absolutely, certainly, definitely, I see, (all) right, That's great/interesting/amazing/awful …
Function Discourse marker
to rephrase or change what we say well, in other words, the thing is, I mean, you know what I mean, what I mean is …
to mark the old, shared, or expected knowledge and new knowledge just now, you know, see, you see, the thing is …
to mark attitude or point of view in speaking or writing honestly, basically, predictably, no doubt, to tell you the truth, I think, I'm afraid, of course I must admit, if you ask me, I must say …
not to sound too direct or forceful like, just, maybe, apparently, sort of, kind of, perhaps, roughly, arguably, presumably …
目标二:To express your views on the development direction of robots and AI, as well as its pros and cons
Activity 1: In groups, discuss what the expert thinks of the
questions and exchange your own views.
1. What do you know about robot technology What can robots do
2. What benefits do you think robots or AI will bring Do you think
they will cause problems as well
3. Do you know anything about Isaac Asimov and his famous
Three Laws of Robotics What do you think of these laws
Changing the topic
Oh, by the way, … Oh, I remember, … I nearly forgot! …
What I meant to tell/ask you is … …, but (perhaps) that's beside the point.
That reminds me of … The next item on the agenda is …
I think we ought to move on to …
On the one hand … On the other hand…
Oh, there was something I meant to tell you.
Could I change the subject
You may use the following expressions to help you.
A: Oh, by the way, I saw a programme about robot doctors last night. It was
very interesting. Do you think robots will do more of these important
jobs in the future
B: Certainly. They will probably do most of our labour for us.
C: Maybe, but that's beside the point. In my opinion, robots are dangerous!
They are much stronger than we are and may be superior to us in the future.

Suggested Dialogue
A: Oh, by the way, I saw a programme about robot doctors last night. It was very
interesting. Do you think robots will do more of these important jobs in the future
B: Certainly. They will probably do most of our labour for us.
C: Maybe, but that's beside the point. In my opinion, robots are dangerous! They are much
stronger than we are and may be superior to us in the future.
A: I think we ought to move on to the topic of robot technology. I know the idea of it has
been around forever. The ancient Greeks and Chinese both made clever devices that
weren't much different than some of the robots we have today.
B: Yes, but the modern idea of intelligent robots that look like humans is only about 100
years old.
C: I think we had better move onto what robots can do. Let's see … there are simple
repetitive tasks like factory work and housework.
A: Yes, and I think there will be more complex jobs in the future like in healthcare,
education, or entertainment.
C: Oh, there is something else I meant to ask you—does anyone know who even came
up with the word "robot"
B: Wasn't it Isaac Asimov He was that scientist who wrote a lot of science fiction stories.
A: No … the word robot was coined much earlier, I think.
C: But that's beside the point. I think we ought to move onto the benefits and dangers of
AI to humans and our society …
A: Oh, I nearly forgot why Asimov's writing was so important—he created the Three
Laws of Robotics. Law 1, robots can't injure humans or allow them to come to harm;
Law 2, a robot must obey any order a human gives it as long as it doesn't conflict with
the first law; and Law 3, a robot must protect itself as long as the act of doing so
doesn't break the first or second laws!
B: But this is where the real danger lies.Those laws are not real laws—they are guidelines
that hopefully humans remember when they programme the robots. How can we trust
our safety if the robots are programmed by people who don't keep those rules
C: …
Now can you voice your opinions fluently on robots and AI (共26张PPT)
Unit 1
Assessing Your Progress
To review the key words, expressions and grammar by doing the exercises
To design a robot or an AI device
To learn about the strange phenomenon and people's speculation by watching a video about the "mysterious crop circles" in the UK
目标一:To review the key words, expressions and grammar by doing the exercises
fiction, bonus, integrity, dignity, salary, appointment, nail, saleswoman, guilty, suspend, dismiss, declare, weekly, calculate, chairwoman, gramme(gram), flour, venue, salesman, superior, labour, leather, panel, inch, backwards(backward), niece, fetch, handkerchief, lamp, pace, division, urge, random, maximum, explode, mud
science fiction, test out, more like, set up, get caught up, on a ... basis, pros and cons, superior to, take over, conflict with, turn out, fall away, have an urge to do, switch off
Activity 1: Review the key words and expressions.
Task 1 Recall the key words and phrases in this unit, and choose a few to share their usages.
Task 2 Complete the following sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.
fetch superior to calculate have an urge to
suspend dismiss explode pace
1. Batteries are not allowed by airlines in checked luggage, as they might __________ due to overheating.
2. The new generation of smartphones is greatly _____________ older version.
3. Since I don’t have much time, I need to __________ how long it will take me to do the task.
superior to
4. Ordered by its master, the AI dog _________ the book from the bookshelf.
5. I was so pleased to hear the bell ring and our teacher announce, “Class is __________.”
6. The company has to __________ the space exploration project due to financial problems.
7. City people are experiencing increasing psychological pressure as a result of a faster _______ of life and rising competition.
8. At one time or another, each of us probably _____________ break the routine of daily life and try something new.
has an urge to
Activity 2: Review the grammar.
Task 1 Review the passive voice.
1. 不知道谁是动作的执行者, 或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者。
2. 强调动作的承受者。
1. 含双宾语的主动结构变为被动结构时, 有两种方法:
(1) 间接宾语变为主语, 直接宾语不变;
(2) 直接宾语变为主语, 间接宾语用介词to或for引导。
2. 动词短语视为一个整体, 其后的介词或副词不能省去。
3. 复合句通常将宾语变为被动句的主语, 而宾语补足语就成为主
语补足语。注意: 省略to的不定式作宾语补足语时, 不定式符号
1. 有些动词(cut, sell, read, write, fill, cook, lock, wash, drive,
2. 在某些形容词(hard, difficult, easy, heavy, fit, good, comfortable,
convenient, impossible, cheap, expensive等)后的不
3. “半系动词+形容词”结构, look, smell, taste, sound, feel, prove,
turn out等。
4. need, want, require, deserve, be worth后面接动词的-ing形式, 主
Task 2 Read and complete the following sentences with appropriate forms of the words in brackets. Then think about why the passive voice is used in these sentences.
1. Mobile phones must ______________ during the concert. (switch off)
2. When I came here at this time last year, the conference hall ______________. (build)
3. Topics like life in the future, AI development, and aliens _____________ in sci-fi. (often found).
4. Do you know which country ___________ by Italy, Austria, Germany, and France (border)
be switched off
was being built
are often found
is bordered
5. Continuous research _________________ on smart schools, smart homes, and smart cities. (conduct)
6. It should ________ that the result of your examinations will not ____________. (note; publicise)
7. It ___________ that more species will become extinct if we continue to destroy the ecosystem. (assume)
8. All members of the audience should __________ smartly, and the wearing of slippers _____________ in the concert hall. (dress; not allow)
has been conducted
be publicised
is assumed
be dressed
be noted
is not allowed
Activity 3: Reflecting.
◎ What interesting things about science fiction did you learn in this unit
◎ What new vocabulary and structures did you learn in this unit How
well can you use them
◎ Do you think comparing and contrasting, and listening for discourse
markers were useful strategies for you to understand the texts
◎ What problems did you have with this unit How did you solve them
◎ Overall, I thought this unit was ○inspiring ○useful ○so-so
目标二:To design a robot or an AI device
Activity 1: In groups, do some research about robots or AI devices in
sci-fi films and novels, and write a list of as many robot
characters or AI devices as you can think of. Use the Internet
to help you.
the Star Wars movies Wall·E Big Hero Six
the Transformers movies Pacific Rim the Foundation Series
Activity 2: Make a table like the one below and fill in the parts for
different robot characters and AI devices on your list.
Movie/Novel Name Characteristic Function/ Ability Unique quality
Star Wars R2-D2 Brave, funny, mischievous Co-pilot, hack computers He speaks in beeps and whistles.
Activity 3: Create your own robot character or AI device. Consider
the following questions and make notes.
1. What is your robot or AI device called Why
2. What does it look like Why
3. What can your robot or AI device do Why and how
4. Does it have a personality or specific function If so, what is it like
5. What makes your robot or AI device unique
Activity 4: Prepare your design for submission to a science fair
using the following guidelines.
Step 1 Design a poster or slide presentation showing your creation,
including a name, title, and pictures of your robot or AI device.
Step 2 Write a description of the robot or AI device.
Step 3 Make a presentation using your poster or slides.
Suggested Answer
Our robot is called "Bug-Eye" because it looks like a small bunny rabbit with big eyes. We choose this idea because many children cannot have pets, but every child can have a small robot in their house.
Bug-Eye is small enough that it can even fit in a schoolbag. And since it does not eat or drink anything it is easy to take care of.
Bug-Eye plays and does funny things. For example, if it hears a loud noise it makes a squeal and jumps in the air. Then when you pet it, it snuggles up to you and falls asleep.
What makes our robot unique is that—apart from being a toy—it can also keep young children safe. For example, if anyone tries to hurt their owner, it will bite them. One of its big eyes is a camera which is connected by the internet to a computer. That way the child's parents can see what the child is doing. And with the built-in positioning system, they can also keep track of where their child is.
Both children and their parents will love Bug-Eye. Children will love it because it is cuddly and does tricks, and parents will love it because it helps them protect their child.
目标三:To learn about the strange phenomenon and people's speculation by watching a video about the "mysterious crop circles" in the UK
Activity 1: Before you watch
Mysterious Crop Circles
This video examines a strange phenomenon that has taken place in the English countryside for many decades. From time to time, crop circle patterns have appeared, with people debating for years their possible causes and meanings.
Task 1 Look at the picture and the title. Know something about Mysterious Crop Circles.
Task 2 Look at the photos from the video and discuss the questions in groups.
1. What do you think these patterns
2. Who or what do you think made
these patterns and how
1. I don't think these patterns represent anything. They just
look like nice designs.
2. I think they were made by people as a practical joke.
Activity 2: While you watch
Answer these questions.
1. Who do some people think the circles are made by
2. Why did Mr Presley decide to find out more about the circles
3. Where were other types of circles found
4. Why do Matthew and his team like making crop circles
5. What does Matthew think some people use the crop circles for
Suggested Answers
1. Some people suggest that different cultures may have constructed
them as ways of communicating with aliens. Others say that ancient
peoples must have created them to please the gods.
2. He loves puzzles.
3. In a forest near Vancouver, a body of water while the area around it
remains frozen.
4. Because they think that crop circle design is actually a creative art
done by human beings, and the teams sometimes challenge each
other to amaze the public by showing what they can do in an evening.
5. He thinks that some people are using the circles to push their own
unusual theories.
Activity 3: After you watch
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1. Do you believe crop circles are all made by humans or by aliens
What do you think the crop circles represent
2. What kind of crop circle would you create Discuss and decide on
its appearance and meaning. Draw it on a large sheet of paper.
Then present it to the rest of the class.
Suggested Answers
1. I think they are made by humans. I just have trouble believing that
aliens would travel millions of kilometres through space just to leave
circles on the ground. In my opinion, these circles only represent human
being's interests about attracting others attention, including aliens.
2. I would make a crop circle of the comic character Monkey King,
because it looks like it would be a challenge and because it would be
fun to confuse people who thought all crop circles are made by aliens.
1. Have you mastered the important language points in this unit
2. Have you learnt how to design a robot or an AI device (共27张PPT)
Unit 1
Reading and Thinking (I)
Explore the relationship between humans and robots
To analyse the story development plot and narrative clues in the work and learn to preliminarily discuss the relationship between humans and robots by reading a piece of science fiction
To use and summarise the key words and phrases in different situations
目标一:To analyze the story development plot and narrative clues in the work and learn to preliminarily discuss the relationship between humans and robots by reading a piece of science fiction
Activity 1: Find out the new words and phrases. Read the words
and phrases, and say their Chinese meanings loudly.
test out
more like
science fiction
on a ... basis
Activity 2: Look at the following pictures, and then discuss these
How do robots already help humans in their lives today
What do you think a domestic robot could do for a family
in the future
Task 1 Skim and match the main idea with each part.
Para 1-2:
C Larry persuaded Clair to accept the robot that
would be tested out.
B The result of Clair living with the robot.
A The process of the robot helping Clair.
Para 3-8:
Para 9:
Activity 3: Fast-reading. Read the story, which was originally
written by famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.
Task 2 Take notes on who these people are and their relationships to each other.
Characters Who are they
Larry Belmont
Gladys Claffern
worked for a company that makes robots
Larry’s wife, a housewife
a household robot to be tested out
a woman that Claire envies
A couple
A robot
test out
work on
Activity 4: How do you think this story will end Work in groups
and come up with an ending. Then listen to the rest of
the story. How different is it from your ending
Sample Ending
The moment Larry came home and saw his wife's crying face, he was surprised and a little sad, because he didn't foresee that Claire would fall in love with a robot. He got close to Claire, hugged her tightly, patting her head,“my dear, Tony is just a machine, let's forget it. All would be better!”
At that moment, the door bell rang, Larry went to open it. There stood Tony! The company decided to give Tony to him as a bonus. Larry was dumb!
Activity 5: Claire’s feelings towards Tony changed as the story
developed. Read and complete the chart.
Occasions Claire…
1 Before he arrived disliked him
2 was alarmed
3 felt embarrassed
4 admired him
When he offered to help her dress
When he offered sympathy to her
When he arrived
Occasions Claire…
5 called him a dear
6 felt his warmth
7 felt being envied
8 cried all night
after the ladies saw Tony holding her and speaking to her lovingly through the window
after she remembered he was just a machine and shouted, “Leave me alone!”
When she fell and Tony caught and held her
When he helped her talk to the saleswoman
Activity 6: Complete the diagram with the similarities and differences
between Tony and a human being. Then use the words in
the boxes to describe the similarities and differences.
Comparison the same as similar to similarly more like just as in comparison in the same way
Contrast different from but while whereas although however on the other hand
in contrast
Compare and contrast
Some words and phrases are often used to compare and contrast information. It is easier to understand two separate things by describing their similarities and differences.
Human being
facial expression never changes
facial expression changes often
smooth hair
Example: A Human being’s facial expression changes often, whereas Tony’s never changes.
offers sympathy; treats people kindly; warm body
programmed to appear sensitive and caring; always the same
can show true sensitivity and care; emotions can change
Activity 7: Discuss the questions in pairs.
1. Do you think it is possible for a person to love a robot Why
2. What relationship do you think will develop between humans and
robots in the future
Relationship with Robots: Good or Bad for Humans
3.发言构成:Opening statement、Position(观
Sample Speech
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. A great philosopher Emil Cioran once said: "A man is a robot with defect."
We believe that it will be good and important to have robots help humans.
From one perspective, …
In addition, …
Lastly, …
In conclusion, …
Unit 1
Reading and Thinking (II)
Build up your vocabulary
目标二:To use and summarise the key words and phrases in different situations
Activity 1: Identify language points that you want to share with your
partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. Claire thought it was ridiculous that she was being offered sympathy by
a robot, but she gradually admired his wisdom and integrity and began to trust him. 克莱尔觉得机器人对她表示同情很可笑, 但她渐渐欣赏他的智慧和正直, 并开始信任他。
【句型剖析】“It be+adj. +that从句”是固定句式, 其中it是形式主语, 真正的主语是that引导的从句。
※ It be+形容词(obvious, possible, strange, natural, important…)+that从句
※ It be+名词短语(a pity, a fact, a wonder, a shame, no wonder…)+that从句
※ It be+过去分词(said, thought, believed, supposed, reported…) + that从句
※ It+不及物动词(seem, occur, happen… ) + that从句
2. So Claire borrowed some library books for him to read, or rather, scan.
所以, 克莱尔借了一些图书馆的书让他读, 或者更确切地说, 去扫描。
or rather 更确切地说(插入语)
=more specifically  更确切地说(插入语)
※ rather=on the contrary 相反的
※ rather than(先后连接形式一致, to可省略) 而不是
e.g. Some also blame their parents—their genes. But unfortunately, the parents are wronged because they are normal in shape, or rather, slim.
3. She has an appointment to paint her nails, then she went into an
expensive clothes shop. 她约好涂指甲,然后走进一家高档服装店。
appointment n. 约会;预约;委任
※ have/make an appoint with sb. to do sth. 和某人约好做某事
※ appoint vt. 任命;委派;指定;预约
appoint sb. (as) sth. 委任某人……职位
appoint sb. to do sth. 指定某人做某事
e.g. I have an appointment with Dr. Smith, but I have to change it.
4. She heard him declare that he did not want to leave her the next day.
declare vt. 表明;宣称;公布
※ declare war on         向……宣战
declare independence/bankrupt 宣布独立/破产
declare sb. /sth. (to be/as) sth. 宣布……成为……
declare for/against 表示赞成/反对
※ declaration n. 声称; 声明
e.g. In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.
5. Money paid for work or services, typically on a daily or weekly basis
on a… basis 根据;以……的方式(基准)
※ on a daily/weekly basis   每天/每周
on a regular basis 有规律的
※ base vt. 以……为根据
n. 基部;基地;基础
base… on… 以……为根据/基础
be based on/upon 以……为基础/依据
Activity 2: Replace the underlined parts with words of similar meanings
from the text. Rewrite the sentences if necessary.
1. We believe he is a man of absolute honesty, and trust his words completely.
2. Henry told me that he was in a hurry as he had arranged to see the dentist at 10:00 a.m.
3. Rumours are like sharp knives, cutting one's self-respect into pieces. We should be aware of this and not spread unkind news around.
4. Because of the holiday, the students were allowed to go home early.
5. Whoever is charged with a crime should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.
had an appointment with
were dismissed
not guilty
Activity 3: Match each word with the proper definition below.
A money that someone is paid regularly, usually monthly, by the organisation he or she is working for
B money given for work done, goods received, etc.
C money paid for work or services, typically on a daily or weekly basis
D extra amount of money added to somebody's wages as a reward for hard
work or good performance
E money received from work, investments and so on
F money paid to a professional person or organisation for advice or services
G money paid for a journey on public transport, such as the bus, train, or taxi
H money saved for a special purpose
1 income
2 fee
3 fare
4 payment
5 salary
6 bonus
7 saving
8 wage
Can you tell them apart
Tourism is critical to the area, for it is a major source of income.
According to the latest policy, children and senior citizens travel at half fare.
Working at the coal mine, he received his wage on Fridays.
At the end of year, you are to receive a Christmas bonus ranging from $50 to $100.
Activity 4: Complete the passage using the correct forms of the
words in the box. Then in pairs share your opinion on
AI development.
fascinating test out dismiss science fiction more like dignity intelligent
It would not be surprising if we found it difficult to distinguish between reality and ______________ in the future. For example, robots first appeared in sci-fi novels, but now robot soldiers have already been ____________ in war. Robot experts have also built robots that can see, talk, and do other things like humans. Although a robot that looks __________ a human than a machine could make many people a bit uncomfortable, we have to admit that it is a _____________ possibility.
science fiction
tested out
more like
Sophia, currently said to be the most advanced AI robot in the world, is a great example. She has been interviewed many times, appeared on the covers of magazines, and become the first non-human in the world to be given citizenship by a country. When it comes to games, 2017 became a year in which AI defeated humans in so many games that AI researchers say that it will not be long before AI can win at almost everything. So, have we lost the __________ of being the most intelligent creature Maybe in the future, as AI becomes even more ____________; it will become a major threat to humans. However, some people __________ this fear. They believe if AI can handle tasks like calculating and driving for us, we will have more time for creating, thinking, and “being human”.
How do people feel about AI robots looking more like a human than a machine
What are people’s attitudes towards more and more intelligent robots
Do you agree that Sophia should be given citizenship Why or why not
Now do you think humans and robots can get along well with each other (共20张PPT)
Unit 1
Using Language (II)
Write a sci-fi short story
To understand the meaning of "time travel" in science fiction works and analyse the rhetorical and linguistic features of the text by reading The Time Machine
To imagine boldly and write a logical sci-fi story
目标一:To understand the meaning of "time travel" in science fiction works and analyse the rhetorical and linguistic features of the text by reading The Time Machine
Activity 1: Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
Do you know the man
What does the time machine look like
Activity 2: The Time Machine was written in 1895 by famous science
fiction writer H.G. Wells. Read an extract from this story,
and find out how many times the Time Traveller started
the machine.
2 times
I pushed the starting lever on the main panel forwards an inch then immediately backwards again.
I drew a breath, gripped the lever and pushed it forwards.
I pushed the lever further.
I pulled the lever backwards hard.
Activity 3: Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. How does the Time Traveler first know he has travelled through time
2. How does the Time Traveler feel when travelling through time What rhetorical devices does the writer use to describe his feelings
3. Why is the Time Traveler worried about stopping the machine
4. Where does the Time Machine arrive when the man finally stops it
Suggested Answers
1. He saw the clock move forwards.
2. It felt strange and unpleasant. He uses the simile: "It felt like I was
being driven fast on a winding road."
3. If he stopped and the same space was being occupied by something
else, they would be forced together and explode like a bomb.
4. In some mud in the rain.
Activity 4: Work in groups. Discuss what might happen next in the story.
What date do you think it is when the Time Traveller finally stops
What do you think is different about that time from the time he left
Who or what do you think the Time Traveler will meet
What adventures do you think he will have in the future
Do you think he will ever return to his own time
Step 1: Use the following questions to help you and make brief notes.
Step 2: Refer to the mind map below for additional information.
Time Travel
How do we feel to time travel (rhetorical devices like metaphors, similes and overstatements)
How to prove we have actually time travelled (evidence like clock or people)
What are the problems caused by time travel (any worry or danger)
The destination of the time travel (when and where)
How to operate the machine
The problem of coming back (challenges)
Encounters in the new world (people, things, adventures)
The difference between now and then (rhetorical devices like compare and contrast)
Suggested Answer
The Time Traveller stops in the year 802701. The whole earth looks like a garden with beautiful, happy people called Eloi who play all the time, but this hides a horrible truth; there is a whole world of people called Morlocks who live underground in a dark, mechanised society who use the Eloi as a source of food. The Time Traveller meets an Eloi woman and falls in love with her. The Time Traveller and the Eloi woman are attacked by Morlocks. He is able to escape, but he loses contact with the woman and perhaps she is killed. The Morlocks then steal the Time Machine and use it as bait to capture and kill the Time Traveller. However, once he is in the Time Machine, he pulls the lever and begins to travel in time again and is able to make his escape. He travels 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet. He then travels back to the time from where he started out, only to find that three hours have passed.
Activity 5: Identify language points that you want to share with your
partner. Discuss in groups and then share with the class.
1. It was at ten o’clock today that the first of all Time Machines began its career. 就是在今天十点钟, 第一台时间机器开始了它的工作。
强调句结构:It is/was + 被强调部分+ that/who+其他.
注意: 1. 强调句中去掉it is和that之后, 句子仍然成立且完整。
2. 被强调成分不管是人还是物, 单数还是复数, be动词均用is/was。强调人用who/that,其余用that。
3. 被强调成分为主语时, 仍然保持主格形式。
e.g. It was because of the heavy rain that he came late.
It is Tom who/that is in charge of the class.
2. I had a strong urge to look at the random things that were being
flashed before my eyes! 我迫切想看在我眼前一闪而过的这些东西!
urge n. 强烈的欲望; 冲动 vt. 催促; 力劝; 大力推荐
※ have an urge to do sth.      迫切想做某事
※ urge sth./sb. on 催促某物/某人前进
urge sb. to do/into doing sth. 催促某人做某事
urge that… (should) do sth. 极力主张; 强调……
It is urged that… (should) do sth. 坚决要求……
※ urgent adj. 紧急的; 迫切的
※ urgency n. 紧急情况
目标二:To imagine boldly and write a logical sci-fi story
Activity 1: Imagine and write your own story about a time machine
you will invent, and your journey through time.
1. Think about what your machine will look like. Is it a vehicle or a machine
2. How does your time machine work What do you have to do to make it work
3. What period in time do you want to travel to Think about interesting things and people you would like to see there.
4. Imagine what it might feel like to travel through time. Think of words to describe this and make your story as vivid as possible.
5. Include rhetorical devices in your story, like metaphors, similes, overstatements, etc.
Step 1: Use the story and the guide below to help you.
Step 2: Clarify the structure of the story you are creating.
_________ (Title)
Content Rhetorical device
Activity 2: Exchange your draft with a partner and revise the draft
using your partner's comments.
Sample writing:
I thought this summer vacation at Aunt Jenny's would go as interesting as watching paint dry. Hers was an old house, built before time began, it seemed. One hundred years ago it was often filled with people coming to stay for the summer—it was such large, grand house that there would be thirty or forty guests at a time, and the host barely knew who some of them were. Then there was the host himself—my great grandfather. He was widely thought of as the smartest, funniest man of his age, and people would come from all over the world to see him.
But that was all in the past. Now the only person who lived here was Aunt Jenny, who lived in one small part of the house and kept the rest closed up.Then I caught the sun shining in my eyes from a tall mirror in the hallway.
"How pretty! It must be a hundred years old. If only I could go back and see my great grandfather!" I said, cleaning the dirt off the mirror with my hand. Suddenly, the shiny mirror became a sea of clouds and I felt myself being pulled inside it. The world began to spin, and I felt confused.
Then, just like that, everything stopped. I looked around, and there I was with the mirror and in the same hall, but things were different. The family photos on the wall were now replaced by paintings of people I did not recognise. The furniture all looked new but old-fashioned at the same time. "I must be one hundred years into the past!" I thought to myself. Then a woman wearing old-fashioned clothing came down the hall. Drawing near, she frowned and said, "Oh, that won't do! The party starts in twenty minutes and you are still in casual clothes! What You didn't bring anything I've got a lovely dress you can borrow. I think it will just fit."She led me away to her room and helped me get dressed like I was an old friend, and then together we went down to the parlour, which was filled with people dressed in fine clothes gathering around my great grandfather, listening to every word he said.
I spent the summer there, pretending to be a distant cousin from the city who was there on holiday. No one seemed to mind or care, as my great grandfather was quite wealthy and always had lots of guests. I tried to spend as much time as possible with my great grandfather and his friends, and it was the most wonderful time of my life.
Then when the end of summer drew near, I went back to the mirror and rubbed it with my hand again. I found myself back in the same hall, but in modern time. Not a minute had passed. Then I realised that I still had a full summer ahead at boring Aunt Jenny's.
"Now what am I going to do " I asked myself.
Now share your story with the rest of the class.