Day 59
produce vt. 生产;制造;引起;出示
词性转化:producer n.生产者;制片人
product n. 产品,制品
词性转化:productive adj.多产的;富有成效的
production n.生产;制造;产量
profession n.(需要有高等教育学位的)职业(如医生或律师)
词性转化:professional adj.专业的;职业的
professor n. 教授
proficiency n.熟练;娴熟
profile n.轮廓;人物简介;概述 v.扼要介绍;写简介
profit n. 利润,收益
词性转化:profitable adj.盈利的
profound adj.巨大的;强烈的;(意义)深远的
programme (美program) n. 节目;项目
词性转化:programmer n.编程人员
progress n.进步,上进 vi.进展,进行
固定搭配:make progress 取得进步
prohibit v. 禁止
词性转化:prohibition n.禁止;禁令
固定搭配:prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事
project n. 工程
promise n.& vi. 答应,允诺
固定搭配:promise to do sth.承诺做某事
词性转化:promising adj.有希望的;有前途的
promote v.促进;推动;促销;晋升
词性转化:promotion n.晋升;促销
pronounce vt. 发音
词性转化:pronunciation n. 发音
proof n.证明;证据
proper adj. 恰当的,合适的(反:improper)
词性转化:properly adv. 适当地
property n.所有物;财产;资产 ;性质;性能
proportion n.比例;部分;份额
propose v.提出;建议
词性转化:proposal n.建议;提议
固定搭配:propose doing sth.建议做某事
propose that ...(should) do sth.建议......做某事
prospect n.景象;景色;可能性;设想
protect vt. 保护
词性转化:protection n. 保护
protective adj.给予保护的;保护的
protein n.蛋白质
protest v.抗议;反对 n.抗议;反对
proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的
词性转化:proudly adv.自豪地;骄傲地
pride n.骄傲;自豪
固定搭配:be proud of 对......感到自豪
prove vt. 证明
固定搭配:it is proved that...经证明......
prove sth. to sb. 向某人证明某事
provide vt. 提供
固定搭配:provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. to/for sb.给某人提供某物
词性转化:provided conj.只要;假若
province n. 省
词性转化:provincial adj.省的
psychology n. 心理学
pub n. 酒店,酒吧
public adj.公共,公众的 n. 公众
固定搭配:in public 当众;公开地
词性转化:publicly adv. 当众;公开地
publish v. 出版,发行
词性转化:publication n.出版;出版物
publisher n.出版商
pudding n.布丁;甜食
pull 拉,拖 n. 拉力,引力
固定搭配:pull away 驶离;离开
pull in/into 进站;靠边停车
pull off 驶离大道;成功完成
pull up 使停下
punish v. 惩罚,处罚
词性转化:punishment n.惩罚;处罚
一. 翻译下列句中划横线的单词或词组
1. Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requirement.
2. The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week.
3. It's a quite profound story, with powerful religious overtones.
4. Half of the north-west's timber land is public property.
5. A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals.
6. I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.
7. Provided that she were sincere with me, I should forgive her a lot.
8.She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone.
1. 熟练2.简介3.深远的4.财产 5.部分
6.驶离 7.只要 8.场景
1. I've always kept my private and _______(profession) life separate.
2. These wells continue to provide us____ enough water for our flocks.
3. Use of the drug has not declined since its ______(prohibit).
4. We can't promise ______(publish) a reply as space is limited.
5. The company _____(proud) announced the launch of its new range of cars.
6. She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for_____( promote).
7. By-laws are to make it illegal to smoke _____ public.
8. More _______(product) farmers have been able to provide cheaper food.
9. Your arms and legs need ______(protect) from light bouncing off glass.
10.The president was in full agreement with the _____(propose).
1.professional 2.with 3.prohibition 4.to publish
5.proudly 6.promotion 7.in 8.productive
9.protection 10.proposal