人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around课件(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around课件(6份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-12-29 16:15:02


人教 必修第一册
Unit 2
Period 1
Listening and Speaking
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
Look at the opening page and discuss the following questions.
Where do you think the travelers in the photo are
2. Do you like travelling Who do you like to travel with
3. What places have you travelled to What words can you use to describe your trips
They are having a trip in the mountain area.
No – very tiring …
Yes– with friends, parents…
I have been to the Forbidden City in Beijing before. It was amazing because…
课 堂 学 习
Discuss the questions in groups.
1. If you have the chance to travel anywhere in the world, where will you go
get a passport
apply for a visa
book tickets
research the local weather
rent a car
buy a guidebook
book a hotel room
pack some clothes
2.What do we need to do to prepare for the trip
1.apply v申请;请求;应用;涂
for 申请
to sb for sth 向某人申请某物
sth to sth 把某物应用 到某事中
oneself to 致力于
application n.应用
applicant n.申请者
e.g. I have already finished my job application form and personal resume.
Language points
2. pack v. 收拾;包装 n. 大包;纸包
package n. 包裹
backpack n. 背包
e.g. Have you packed your suitcase yet
pack china in newspaper
The climber carried some food in a pack on his back.
1 Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday.
A Germany. B England. C Iceland. D France.
2 How is she going to get there
A By sea. B By air. C By train.
3 How is she planning to get around after she arrives
A By car. B By train. C On foot.
Paul and Meilin are talking about the coming holiday. Listen to the first part of the conversation and choose the correct answers.

Focus on key words
Do not try to catch every word in a conversation. Instead, listen for key words and phrases. You should focus on getting the main idea, not on single words or grammar.
Listen to the second part of the conversation and answer the questions.
1. Where is Paul’s family going over the holiday
2. Why are they going there
Paul’s family is going to Lijiang in Yunnan, China over the holiday.
One of his father’s friends lives there and he invited them to visit.
Listen to the whole conversation again and fill in the table below.
Meilin Paul
Get her passport ________ for her visa ________ air tickets online ________ a car ________ a few light sweaters and a coat
________ a guidebook
Work in pairs. Choose a travel destination and think about what you would do to prepare to travel there. Then share your travel plans with a partner.
Useful phrases and sentences:
apply for a visa
book a hotel
buy a guidebook
I need to get some...
I am going to take...
I am planning to ...
How do you plan on getting there
What are you going to eat
That sounds like a good plan!
A:Hi,Julie! Do you have any plans for the holiday
B:Hi,Wang Lei!Yes,I’m planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou. Actually, I’ve just finished the travel arrangements !
A:Oh,good idea!Jiuzhaigou is an extremely beautiful place.
B:Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing the colourful lakes, amazing waterfalls…
A:How are you getting ready for your trip
Share your travel plans with a partner. Here is an example.
arrangement n. 计划,筹备,准备
arrange v. 安排,计划
e.g. He’ s responsible for all the travel arrangements.
Please make your own arrangements for accommodation.
Key words
extremely adv. 极其地,非常地
extreme adj. 极其的,非常的
e.g. These headaches are extremely common.
Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict.
1.Listen and repeat . Then add more words to each group.
字母 组合 读音 例词 字母 组合 读音 例词
ck /k/ pick back th / / with this
ch /t / cheap touch wh /h/ whole whom
tch /t / match watch wh /w/ white wheel
ph /f/ phone physics ng /η/ sing king
sh / / shirt wash qu /kw/ question quick
th /θ/ thief thin gu /g/ guess guilt
字母 组合 读音 例词 字母 组合 读音 例词
igh /ai/ sigh right c /k/ class color
kn /n/ knock knife g /g/ gift girl
mb /m/ dumb thumb g /d / orange page
wr /r/ wrap wrong x /ks/ box six
c /s/ city centre x /gz/ example exist
2. Listen to the sentences below. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold.
1 A traveller without observation is a bird without wings. (Moslih Eddin Saadi)
2 To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries. (Aldous Huxley)
3 I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it. (Rosalia de Castro)
I plan to take a trip to Guilin. I'm taking a plane there....
Make your own travel plan according to what you have learnt today, and introduce it to your classmates.(共22张PPT)
人教 必修第一册
Unit 2
Period 6
Assessing Your Progress & Project
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
Do you know where it is
Would you like to visit there And why
课 堂 学 习
Complete the postcard with the correct forms of the words below.
destination sight pack credit detail amazing rent admire
in detail
go into detail(s)
in more detail
1. detail n. 细节;详情;细微之处
She recorded ________ detail what task they finished every day.
Please tell him what happened in a few words, don’t go _________ details.
She gave a _________(detail) account of what happened on the terrible night.
Read the conversation and mark the phrases expressing future plans.
Role play
Role-play the conversation with a partner. Pay attention to your stress and intonation.
Generally speaking,
Stress when you want to emphasize the part.
Rise up or low down your intonation when you are asking questions or want to confirm.
My favourite part of this unit was ___________ because __________.
In this unit, I had a hard time with ___________ because __________.
I wish I could learn more about _____________ because __________.
Overall, I thought this unit was cool useful just OK difficult.
Project:Design a travel brochure
Read the posts and find out what each student’s reason is for travelling.
Fraser wants to travel to China because he is very interested in its history and culture.
Anthony wants to travel to China because he wants to see the beautiful scenery.
Anna wants to experience the culture and see the natural beauty there, but also to find out the best university for her to attend.
Find out what each student’s reason is for travelling.
1.Work in pairs. Brainstorm different types of tours and add them to the list below.
2. Work in groups. Choose one person and a tour he/she might like. Work out a week-long travel plan for the tour.
Time Place Activity
Day 1 Hangzhou Visit West lake, Leifeng Pagoda, Three Pools Mirroring the Moon and Hefang Shopping Street
Day 2 Hangzhou Visit Lingyin Temple
Day 3 Hangzhou Visit Xixi National Wetland Park
Day 4 Suzhou Visit Humble Administrator’s Garden and other classic gardens
Day 5 Suzhou Visit Ruiguang Tower, Tiger Hill Pagoda and Suzhou Museum
Day 6 Nanjing Visit Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum
Day 7 Nanjing Visit Xuanwu Lake and Presidential Palace
An example: a history and culture tour for Fraser
On the basis of activity 2, each group designs a travel brochure for the tour. Make your brochure as attractive as possible.
a good brochure
vivid pictures
beautiful design
clear structure
powerful and expressive language
rich content
(number of days, transport, accommodation, activities...)
a clear structure for beautiful writing
Video Time
Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.
Before You Watch
magnetic centre Inca civilisation outside world stalls business and money ruins
1. Machu Picchu was once part of the __________________.
2. For many years, Machu Picchu was lost to the _________________.
3. Machu Picchu is now made up of __________.
4. People believe that Machu Picchu is a(n) _____________, attracting many tourists each year.
5. Apart from being a magical place, Machu Picchu also bring a lot of ________________ to Peru.
6. Local people sell things at __________ to tourists.
outside world
Inca civilisation
magnetic centre
business and money
While You Watch
1. Another name for Machu Picchu is ______.
A. Aguas Calientes
B. one of the magnetic centres of the ancient world
C. the Lost City of the Inca
2. Machu Picchu was built ______.
A. in 1911 B. more than 500 years ago C. 500 years ago
3. Some people worry that too many tourists going to Machu Picchu ______.
A. will be bad for the environment B. will be bad for business
C. will be too noisy
4. The people in the town live completely ______.
A. on the money from tourism B. by selling arts C. by driving buses
5. Machu Picchu may be changed forever by ______.
A. the weather B. poverty C. tourism
Choose the correct answers.
Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
Are there any places like Machu Picchu in China
In what ways are they alike
Should tourism be stopped in places like Machu Picchu
Why or why not
After You Watch
1.We have reviewed the words like detail,credit,amazing, in this unit by finishing the exercises .
2.We have grasp the skills to design a travel brochure.(共24张PPT)
人教 必修第一册
Unit 2
Period 5
Reading for Writing
( 英语)
新 课 导 入
Rouga Mo
Lamb Pao-Mo Soup
Richard is travelling Xi’an over the October holiday.
Do you know anything about the food there
Lead in
新 课 导 入
Xi’an used to be the capital city of China for 13 dynasties(朝代),
so it’s rich in history and culture.
Do you know anything about its history or culture
the Bell Tower
Do you know any famous tourist sites in Xi'an
新 课 导 入
Wild Goose Pagoda
新 课 导 入
the Terracotta Army
Do you know any famous tourist sites in Xi'an
the Xi'an City Wall
Shaanxi History
课 堂 学 习
Read Richard’s email to his friend and brochure that he found.
Yes, I do. I think it is pretty cool to see a large group of statues which were made thousands years ago!
Yes. It sounds very exciting to spend a whole night on a moving train! …
Discuss in groups
Do you think his plan sounds interesting Why
Study the organization and language features.
Summarise the email in the table.
Paragraph Main idea Detail
1 main purpose for the trip
2 other plans for the trip
3 transport
4 final thoughts
seeing the Terracotta Army
visiting several other places in Xi’an
including Shaanxi History Museum
by train
closing the letter and asking for Xiao’s plan
Dear Xiao Li,
My time here in China is going well. I love my new school and classmates. Over the October holiday, my parents and I are planning to go to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Army. I've heard that it is an amazing sight and I can't wait to go. To me, the story of the Terracotta Army is almost unbelievable. It's amazing that there are more than 8,000 statues, and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.
2. Underline the words and phrases used to express emotion in the email.
We’re also planning to visit several other places in Xi’an. My dad and I are both looking forward to going to the Shaanxi History Museum, because my dad loves history and I have heard that this museum is known as “Chinese treasure house”! We're also going to the Xi'an City Wall and a few other famous sights.
How can we express our emotions in English
By verbs.
e.g. I love...; I like...; I enjoy…;
I am looking forward to …
By adjectives. (-ing/-ed)
e.g. It is amazing that …;
I am excited to …;
It is unbelievable that …
It is an amazing sight.
It is _________.
I'm amazed.
...is almost unbelievable I can't believe it.
It's hard___________.
It's an ___________ story.
to believe
Complete the sentences below.
Language points
1. [教材原句] I’ve heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can’t wait to go. 我听说那是一处令人惊叹的景象,我迫不及待地想去看。
sight n.景象;视野;视力
e.g. As soon as you enter the university gate, you will catch sight of many old trees and buildings.
in sight 看得见;在视力范围之内
out of sight 看不见;在视力范围之外
at first sight 初看时;乍一看
at the sight of... 一看见……
catch sight of 看见 lose sight of 看不见;忽视
【易混辨析】view, sight, scenery和scene的用法辨析
view 常指从高处或远处看到的景色。
e.g. You can have a good view of the river from this tower.
sight 指视线范围内的景象或情景,用复数时多指观光的名胜。
e.g. We are going to Paris to see the sights.
scenery 意为“风景;景色”,为集合名词,不是指个别的风景,而是由多个场景构成的总的自然景色或风景。
e.g. The region is well-known for its scenery.
scene 指一眼可见全貌的景色或场面,不限于自然风景,也常指戏剧、电影、小说等场景。
e.g. Their parting was a sad scene.
2. [教材原句] It’s amazing that there are more than 8,000 statues, and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s. 令人惊奇的是,这里有8000多座雕像,直到20世纪70年代,现代才有人知道它们。
【句式分析】本句结构为“It be+形容词+that从句”,其中it为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语。
(1) It be+形容词(obvious, possible, strange, natural, important, amazing...)+that从句
e.g. It's obvious that you need more time to think.
(2) It be+名词短语(a pity, a fact, an honour, no wonder...)+that从句
e.g. It is a pity that we will lose a chance to taste Sichuan cuisine.
(3)It+be+动词的过去分词(said, reported, believed, thought, etc.)+that...
e.g. It's said that the story happened on West Lake.
3. [教材原句] Revise your draft according to your partner’s comments. 根据你搭档的意见修改草稿。
comment n. 议论;评论 vi.&vt. 发表意见;评论
e.g. Don’t offer comments if you can’t understand its real meaning.
No comment! 无可奉告!
make comments/a comment about/on... 对……加以评论
comment on... 对……发表评论
Use the tables we completed before to help you write a travel plan.
1. Pretend you are Xiao Li and reply to Richard’s email.
For starting a letter:
Pay attention to the form when writing a letter.
For closing a letter:
Pretend you are Xiao Li and reply to Richard’s email.
Exchange drafts. Assess each other's work according to the checklist.
√ Is there a clear purpose for the trip
√ Does each paragraph have clear main idea
√ Does the writer use the present continuous tense for future plans
√ Does the writer use commas, stops, and question marks correctly
√ Are all the words spelt correctly
√ Are all the proper nouns capitalised
Revise your draft according to your partner's comments.
Dear Richard,
How is everything going As the October holiday is coming, I will have a four-day trip to Shanghai with my family. Here is my plan.
We are leaving Liling for Shanghai by the high speed railway at around 2:00 p.m. on Oct. 2nd. Upon arriving in Shanghai, we will check in the hotel for a good rest first, which will be booked online in advance, so that we can have enough energy to visit Shanghai. On the second day, we are going to the Disneyland to experience all kinds of recreation facilities, and buy some souvenirs at the same time. On the third day, we will visit Shanghai Science and Technology Museum in the morning.Besides, we will climb the Oriental Pearl Tower in the afternoon, from which we will enjoy the whole view of Shanghai. On Oct.5th, we will take the high speed railway back to Liling.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Xiao Li
comment on sth.
make a comment /make comments on/about
no comment
without comment
(1)I’m not in a position to _______________________
_____________________________the matter.
(2)I won’t comment ________what people say.
(3)After the film, each class is supposed to have a discussion and all the students are welcome to _______________ and express their views about the film.
(4)—Can you say something about the present situation
—Sorry, ___________!
make a comment on(upon)
/make comments on(upon)
make comments
no comment
Language points
Put up your email in the classroom or read it to the class.
1.Know some knowledge about Xi’an.
2.Grasp some rules about how to write an article about travel plan.
3.Grasp some words and expressions in this parts.(共14张PPT)
人教 必修第一册
Unit 2
Period 4
Listening and Talking
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
What reservations do we need to make before or while we travel
课 堂 学 习
When you talk about air ticket reservation, what words and expressions come into your mind
Flight time
pay by credit card
pay by WeChat
pay by cash
one-way ticket
a round-trip ticket
first class
business class
economy class
delay (延误)
cancel (取消)
Make reservations
Listen to the phone call and answer the questions.
(1) What are the two speakers talking about
(2)What is the relationship between the two speakers
Buying/Booking a plane ticket
Customer and airline reservation agent
Listen again and answer the questions.
(1) On what date will Robert Williams travel
(2) Which flights will Robert Williams prefer
(3) What kind of flight class will Robert Williams travel
(4) How will Robert Williams pay his ticket
On the 23rd of December.
The 9:30 flight / the morning flight.
Business class.
By credit card.
Listen again and complete the table with the words you hear.
Opening ______ can I help you __________ to buy a plane ticket...
Talking about time ____________ are you travelling On the 23rd of December
Talking about what you prefer There are two flights... Which ______________ Would ____________ travel business class or economy _______________ book a return flight this time The 9:30 flight, please.
__________ to travel business class.
No, ____________. I’m taking the train back.
Other information ___________ your name, sir Robert Williams.
Payment ____________________________ to pay By credit card.
I’d like to
On what date
do you prefer
you like to
I’d like
Would you like to
thank you
May I have
May I ask how you would like
credit n. 借款,贷款;信用,信任;称赞,赏识;学分
credit card信用卡- debit card储蓄卡
Payment: cash现金-check支票-online payment线上支付
(Ali pay/Wechat pay)
e.g. I can’t take any credit.
gain credits in Math and English
card number
bank name
Key words
Learn useful expressions for booking a hotel room.
What can I do for you
What kind of room would you like
How long are you staying
When are you checking in and checking out
Do you have any special requests
May I have your name
I’d like to book a room.
I’d like to book a room for next Monday.
I’d like a room with two single beds.
What’s the room rate (房价)
Do you have free Internet service
Is breakfast included
Before talking
Imagine you are making plans for the holiday.Choose one of the situations below and role-play a phone call with a partner.
A: Good morning. What can I do for you
B: I’d like to book a room for two days.
A: ......
B: ......
Role-play a phone call to book a hotel room with a partner.
A: Good morning.What can I do for you
B: I’d like to book a room.
A: What kind of room would you prefer Single bed or double bed
B: Double bed.
A: OK. When are you checking in
B: On October 4th.
A: How long are you staying
B: Two days. Do you have free Internet service
A: Yes,we do. Do you have other requests
B: No, thank you.
A: May I have your name, sir
B: Jack Chen.
A: OK, we will have room 706 for you. Goodbye.
Possible dialogue
(1) The teacher sang an English song ________ the request of the students.
(2) The government made an official request that the meeting ______________ (hold).
Important word
1. request n.& v. 请求;要求
(1) make a request for 请求;要求
at the request of sb. 应某人的要求
(2) request sb. to do sth.
request that ... (should) do/be done...
It is requested that ... (should) do/be done
(should) be held
What can I do for you
What kind of room would you like
How long are you staying
When are you checking in and checking out
Do you have any special requests
May I have your name
I’d like to book a room.
I’d like to book a room for next Monday.
I’d like a room with two single beds.
What’s the room rate (房价)
Do you have free Internet service
Is breakfast included
Revise some useful expressions used to make reservations.
for the clerk:
for the customer:(共15张PPT)
人教 必修第一册
Unit 2
Period 3
Discovering Useful Structures
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
Read the following sentences and talk about the use of Present Continuous Tense.
I am having an English class now.
When he is watching TV, his mother
is preparing food.
3. —What is he doing
—He is listening to music.
The Present Continuous Tense tells what happens right now at present and it doesn’t end.
课 堂 学 习
1. I’m travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.
2. We’re renting a car and driving.
3. My parents are taking me to Hong Kong during the October holiday.
Talk about your future plans
What do you think the tense in the sentences expresses
=I will go to Europe for travelling for two weeks with my uncle and aunt.
=My parents will take me to Hong Kong during the October holiday.
=We will rent a car and drive!
Amy: Hello, Jeremy! What are you doing this weekend
Jeremy: Hi, Amy! Some friends and I are going to that new water park on Saturday.
Do you want to join us
Amy: Sure, I’d love to! What time and where
Jeremy: We’re meeting at 10:00 am at the bus stop near our school.
Amy: How about lunch Are you eating there at the water park
Jeremy: Well, I’m bringing my own lunch. I think some of the others are eating at the
park, but the food there is really expensive.
Read the conversation and underline verbs in the present continuous tense. Discuss with your partner when and how these verbs are used.
1.When the Present Continuous Tense is used for the future in the main clause, there is often an indication of time.
2.Verbs that are often used in this way are: go, come, leave, get, arrive, meet, see off, take off, return, start, fly, stay.
3.The action is usually regarded as having been decided upon beforehand.
英语中还可以用现在进行时 (be doing) 表示计划安排好要采取的行动或要做的事情。如:
What are you doing for the National Day holiday
Sam is taking advanced literature next term.
We are spending the Spring Festival in Sanya. My parents have booked the air tickets.
Let’s find
(1) 位移动词的进行时表示将来时
如:come, go off, leave, arrive, fly, start, travel, walk, ride, drive , take off等
When are you going off for your holiday
She is leaving for Singapore tonight.
Her flight is taking off at 7:20.
The young man is meeting his new friend this afternoon.
They are spending their next summer holiday in Guilin.
1. will / shall do 表示单纯的将来时。是对未来发生事情的一种“预见性”。
will用于各种人称,而shall 仅用于第一人称。
Eg: They will be there by one o’clock.
She will be seventeen next year.
We shall celebrate grandpa’s birthday next weekend.
Will you do the dishes
2. be going to do表示
After graduation, they are going to set up a business of their own.
It’s going to be a fine day for surfing tomorrow.
will 表示临时打算。
Jack is ill in hospital.
Oh, I’ll go and see him.
My best friend is to be married in December this year.
You are to be back by seven o’clock.
Your plan is to be a success.
Fish __________ die without water.
3. be to do 表示将来
is to
句式:be about to do … when … “正要做……这时”
The plane is about to take off.
I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.
4. be about to do 表将来
1. I’ve just booked my air ticket! I’ll visit my grandparents in December.
2. Gary might visit China next year, but he’s still not sure.
3. Kate has been invited to a meeting in Iceland. She will apply for a visa soon.
4. Could you help me with this box, please I’m afraid I’m going to drop it.
5. A: Hey, are you free for dinner tonight
B: I’m sorry, no. I’ll have dinner with my cousins tonight.
I am having
I am visiting

is applying for

Read the sentences and tick those that express the future plans. Rewrite them in the present continuous tense.
1. The foreign guests ____________(arrive) in Shanghai tonight.
2. The man who gave a lecture last month _________ (come) to our school tomorrow.
3. He _________ (leave) Beijing for Wuhan. His wife is expecting their next reunion in Beijing.
4. We ______________ (go out) in an hour. Please make sure that everything is ready.
5. Donna ____________ (leave) for Hefei by plane at 2:00 this afternoon.
are arriving
is leaving
are going out
is leaving
is coming
Discuss weekend plans with a partner, based on the weather report below.
A: What are you doing on Saturday morning
B: Well, it’s going to be sunny in the morning and not very windy, so I’m having a picnic with my friends.
人教 必修第一册
Unit 2
Period 2
Reading and Thinking
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
Can you say something about this country
It’s a country with the world’s longest mountain range, largest rainforest, oldest settlements, and great ancient civilisation.
It’s a country with coasts, highlands, and jungles. You can trek(跋涉) through hot, humid jungles one day, and cold dry glaciers the next.
课 堂 学 习
Watch the video Welcome to Peru and answer the questions.
1. What did you see in the video
The Andes Mountains, the Amazon rainforest, Cusco city, Machu Picchu, and Lake Titicaca.
Answer the following questions.
The Andes Mountains
The Amazon rainforest
Lake Titicaca
Machu Picchu
Cusco city
2.What other sources of information can you find about Peru
Travel magazines
Features of different types of text
For encyclopedias, they are:
organized with indexes(索引).
a large amount of information.
reliable sources of information.
mostly contributed by experts.
temporal in nature.
3. What are the main characteristics of the following texts
3. What are the main characteristics of the following texts
For brochures, they are:
making an introduction.
attractive with colorful pictures.
persuasive with compelling texts.
Read the two texts about Peru quickly. Focus more on titles, headers, pictures and charts and then decide what types of text they are: encyclopedia or brochure
basic facts about Peru
An encyclopedia entry
simple language
brief content
objective description
Read the encyclopedia entry carefully and find out following information.
Geographic characteristics (3 main areas)
History in the 1400s and 1500s
from the 1500s to 1821
on the Pacific coast of South America
narrow, dry, flat land running along the coast
the Andes Mountains
the Amazon rainforest
centre of Inca Empire
Spain conquered it
Spanish—the main official language
A travel brochure
vivid pictures
beautiful design
powerful & expressive language
Language points
1. [教材原句] PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas: narrow, dry, flat land running along the coast, the Andes Mountains, and the Amazon rainforest. 秘鲁是南美太平洋沿岸的一个国家,有三大主要区域:狭窄、干燥、平坦的沿海岸线陆地,安第斯山脉和亚马孙雨林。
【句式分析】narrow在句中是形容词,作定语,与dry, flat并列,修饰后面的land。narrow意为“狭窄的”,可指空间、场所、物品或范围的狭窄。用于比喻,可形容人“思路狭窄”“目光短浅”“看问题狭隘”或“有偏见”等。
narrow adj. 狭窄的 vi.&vt. (使)变窄
e.g. In order to widen the road they have to narrow the pavement.
◎ narrow down  (使)变窄;(使)减少;(使)缩小;限制
◎ have a narrow escape 逃过一劫,勉强逃脱
◎ a narrow victory/defeat 险胜/险败
◎ narrowly adv. 狭窄地;勉强地
2. [教材原句] Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821. 西班牙在16世纪控制了秘鲁并统治至1821年。
took control of 为固定词组,表示“控制”。
E.g. We should learn to take control of our emotions.
◎ under control 被控制住
◎ beyond control 无法控制
◎ lose control of 对……失去控制
◎ out of control 失控
◎ under control 受控制
3. [教材原句] It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.正是这个原因使西班牙语成为秘鲁的主要官方语言。
【句式分析】句中It is... that...是一个强调句型。强调的是for this reason这个原因状语。该句中如果去掉强调结构It is...that后,剩下的部分仍能组成一个完整的句子,这是强调句的特征。
It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分.
(4)not... until... 的强调句式:
It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其他成分.
强调句型的基本结构为“It is/was+被强调部分+that+句子其他部分”。强调句型需要注意以下几点:
1) It was in front of the Palace Museum that a lot of people were waiting to buy the tickets.(强调地点状语)
2) It is my mother who/that gives me encouragement when I meet with difficulties.(强调主语)
3) It was a foreigner that/who we met at the school gate.(强调宾语)
4. [教材原句] Recognise text type 识别短文类型
recognise vt. 辨别出;承认;认可
e.g. The little boy recognised his mother in the photo.
◎ recognise one’s voice 辨别出某人的声音
◎ recognise sb to be... 承认某人是……
◎ be recognised as/to be... 被认作……
◎ recognise+that从句 承认……
◎ recognition n. 认出;认识
beyond recognition 无法辨认
5. [教材原句] You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique② to the rainforest①. 在接下来的三天里,您可以在当地导游的陪同下,深入雨林进行探索,欣赏雨林特有的动植物。
①【句式分析】unique to the rainforest是形容词短语,用作定语,修饰the plants and animals。英语中,形容词短语用作定语可以位于被修饰词之后。
e.g. a book interesting to me 一本我觉得有趣的书
② unique adj. 唯一的;独特的;特有的
e.g. The koala is unique to Australia.
◎ be unique to   (某人、地或事物)独具的;特有的
◎ uniquely adv. 独特地;与众不同地
◎ uniqueness n. 独特性;唯一性
6. [教材原句] Especially amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building. 特别令人惊叹的是印加人的干式石头搭砌的建造方法。
①【句式分析】句中的Especially amazing为形容词短语作表语,置于句首引起了完全倒装,正常的语序是The Incas’ dry stone method of building is especially amazing。
e.g. Buried in the sands was an ancient village.
(4)out, in, down, up, here, there, now, then, away等表示方位、地点和时间的副词置于句首,且主语是名词时,句子用完全倒装结构。
1) Into the dark apartment walked my friend, who was quite surprised when everyone shouted “Happy Birthday”.
2) So difficult was the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. 3) Then came the day of his exam.
7. [教材原句] Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones. 印加的建筑工人把石头切割成精确的尺寸,这样就不需要任何东西来把墙连接在一起,除了石头的完美配合。
other than 是“ 除……以外”之意。用法较为正式,常用于表示否定的词之后。此外,other than的作用相当于介词。
e.g. There is nobody here other than the teacher.
◎ 表示“除……之外”的词汇还有except, besides, except for, aside from等。
◎ rather than 而不是
◎ more than 很;非常;超过;不仅仅
◎ less than 少于
【即学即练】选词填空(other than/rather than/more than/less than)
1. She is ___________ a teacher to us;she is our friend.
2. Facing up to your problems ____________ running away from them is the best approach to working things out.
3. For generations, they have known no other mother tongue ___________ the standard Chinese.
4. The game took her      an hour to finish.
more than
rather than
other than
less than
8. [教材原句] Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjoy the excellent local food, and go shopping at the local markets. 住在当地旅馆,参观博物馆,欣赏建筑物,享受当地美食,并且在当地市场购物。
admire vt. 钦佩;赞赏;欣赏
e.g. These admirers admire the famous actor for his excellent performance.
◎ admire sb for (doing) sth  因(做)某事而钦佩某人
◎ admiration n. 钦佩;羡慕
with/in admiration 钦佩地
◎ admirer n.仰慕者
9. [教材原句] Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new highway connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. 您花一天的时间沿着连接库斯科和的的喀喀湖的新公路行驶,同时欣赏美丽的乡村。
e.g. They sang songs as they were doing the farm work.
◎ as引导的方式状语从句,意为“如同;按照”。
◎ as引导的原因状语从句,意为“因为;既然”。
◎ as引导的让步状语从句,意为“尽管”,常用倒装语序,可与though互换。
10. [教材原句] For more brochures about other package tours around Peru, contact us at tourinfo@travelperu.org. 想要获取更多有关秘鲁周边跟团游的手册,请通过tourinfo@travelperu.org联系我们。
contact vt. 联络;联系 n.联系;接触
e.g. If you have any questions, please contact us!
◎ make contact with(=get in/into contact with) 与……取得联系
◎ lose contact with 与……失去联系
◎ keep in contact with 与……保持联系
◎ be in/out of contact with 与……有/没有联系
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the new words from the two texts.
Cusco is a popular d__________ for tourists, because of its u________ place in the history of South America. Cusco was the capital city of the Inca E________ which was the most powerful in South America until the 1500s. There are two especially interesting things to a________ about the Inca civilization. The first is the roads and p______ they built to connect their important cities. These Inca roads were made up of two north-south highways and many small roads crossing the mountains east to west. The roads were for Inca soldiers and their o______. Second, the Incas built wonderful cities full of amazing architecture — but there were no markets in these cities. One of the interesting questions of history is how the Incas lived without shopping.
[教材原句] These Inca roads were made up of two north-south highways and many small roads crossing the mountains east to west. 这些印加的道路由两条南北向的公路和许多东西横穿山脉的小型公路组成。
本句中的make up,表示“构成;形成”,经常用于被动语态。be made up of 意为“由……构成”。make up还可译为“编造;化妆;和解;弥补”。
e.g. They'll have to make up time lost during the strike.
◎ make up for       弥补;补偿
◎ make sth. out of sth. 用某物制造出某物
◎ make sth. into sth. 将某物制成某物
◎ make sb./sth. out 辨认出某人或某物
Language points
Read text 2 and fill in the table. Then discuss the question below with a partner.
Number of days 4 days
Accommodation local home
Activity boating, hiking, exploring nature
4 days
plane and boat
in the middle of the forest
walking in the Mountains, exploring the ancient city
4 days
local hotel
visiting ...
shopping ...
4 days
car, boat
enjoying the beautiful countryside, staying with local family
Which tour(s) would you recommend for people who enjoy history and culture
Suppose you are a travel agent. Four tourists are consulting you about a trip to Peru. Based on what you have learnt, recommend a suitable travel route from activity 4 to them and give the reasons.
Name Personality Travel route
Peter active, crazy about wild animals
Jane fond of architecture and history
Laurie love the countryside and the unique local culture
Anthony an explorer, food lover
Text builder