2024届高考英语人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1-Unit 5 一轮复习单元词形转换及核心知识过关练 (含答案)


名称 2024届高考英语人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 1-Unit 5 一轮复习单元词形转换及核心知识过关练 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 23.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-01 13:27:04



Unit 1
1.He __________ me on my success and nothing is better than receiving my opponent’s ________.(congratulate)
2.The house is ____________ with many toys and their daughter is satisfied with the __________.(decorate)
3.In the past,our country was an ____________ country and people had many festivals related to ____________.(agriculture)
4.This incident is so ________________ that its ____________ will never fade away.(significant)
5.I have a strong ________________ in you and I ________ that you will never cheat me.(believe)
6.________________,he will show up for special ____________.(occasion)
7.He did many things to ____________ his girlfriend,and he thought it would be a __________ thing if she was __________ with him.(please)
8.Honestly speaking,I am completely __________ by this ____________ boy.(charm)
9.He has a very tolerant attitude towards other __________ and he respects different ________ beliefs.(religion)
10.My ____________ friend has ____________ in me and he can ____________ support me at any time.(faith)
1.I congratulated him ________ winning an award in the talent show.
2.The songs of the virtual choir involved a wide range ________ topics.
3.The doctor tried to figure ________ which treatment could cure the patient of his ache.
4.I am grateful ________ you for giving me an opportunity to try out for the play.
5. Equipment has a ____________(significance) impact on the performance of a band.
6.It’s typical ________ the composer to use stringed instruments.
7.To my satisfaction,he finished the ____________(decorate) of the house in a wonderful way.
8.After getting through with the composition,the band set ________ for the studio to record the new song.
9.The aim of the project is to teach the young to respect scientists ________ their good virtues and diligence.
10.His previous album is a ____________(reflect) on his love for classical music and his satisfaction with his life.
Unit 2
1.Girls who ____________ in English in our department are in the ____________.(major)
2.The resident physician often ____________ about his working conditions and I’m tired of his ____________.(complain)
3.Many people voted for him in the ____________ and eventually he ________________ as president.(elect)
4.Seeing the ____________ wolf,children were very ____________,but some adults managed ____________ the beast off.(scare)
5.Doctors ____________ on the injured person immediately and the ____________ was very successful.(operate)
6.When he needed someone ________________ him,his ____________ came to his __________.(assist)
7.The boy is always ____________.I’m curious to know where his ____________ comes from.(energy)
8.After his ____________,the ____________ resident physician moved to the countryside.(retire)
9.He has been ____________ ¥500 from his income every month and now his ____________ amount to ¥10,000.(save)
10.My suggestion got ________________ and the ____________ made me in low spirits for a long time.(reject)
1.It’s typical of him to respond ________ others’ requests in spite of his own business.
2.The ________(major) of students show great respect for their teachers.
3.His colleagues assisted him ____________(decorate) the house for his wedding.
4.We appointed her ____________(represent) us to send our congratulations at the wedding ceremony.
5.The boys set off firecrackers to scare the monkeys ________ running away.
6.When the boss arrived,the joyful atmosphere was replaced ________ a serious one.
7. After all,it is immoral to take advantage of others’ weaknesses to do harm ________ them.
8.To his surprise,he found a great deal ________ money in the envelope.
9. After all,some festivals are held ________ memory of the ancestors.
10.I have never experienced a __________________(exciting) moment than now.
Unit 3
1.There are ____________ cultures in our country,but it’s the ____________ that makes our motherland wonderful.(diverse)
2.He went to America to seek his ____________ and imagined he would be very ____________,but ____________,he couldn’t even make ends meet.(fortune)
3.He ____________ that he __________________ into a financial school,but he hadn’t received the letter of ____________.(admit)
4.He is very ____________ about books,so he often ____________ some books for his kids to read.Look! Here is a ____________ of his books.(select)
5.The famous ____________ has written many wonderful ____________.(poet)
6.He loves ____________ stamps and he often shows off his ____________ in front of others.(collect)
7.With the problems ____________,they finally reached a new ____________.(settle)
8.The ____________ is very heavy and it ________ a great deal of oil.(contain)
9.He ____________ three thousand dollars and gives most of his __________ to his wife.(earn)
10.I don’t have anything ____________ to wear for the party,so I must buy an evening dress that ____________ me perfectly.(suit)
1.When it comes to a chain of learning methods,I must make a proper ____________(select).
2.Jim was bitten by a dog in the park.____________(fortune),he only got slightly injured.
3.My colleague admitted ________________(complain) a great deal about income.
4.The manager was determined to settle ________ in the countryside to relieve his tension.
5.I bought a ________(collect) of first aid books,which completely suited my taste.
6.The physician wanted to escape ________(take) responsibility for the medical malpractice.
7. Therefore,apart from ________(be) fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.
8.Your jeans are not ________(suit) for such a formal occasion,so you’d better replace it with a suit.
9.The boy tripped over,the container ________(contain) milk crashed,the milk spilt everywhere,and he was so angry that he couldn’t contain himself.
10.It suddenly occurred to me ________ I had missed the appointed time.
1.Artificial ____________ has been used in phones,which makes them seem to be ______.(intelligent)
2.When asked whether he was ____________ to be an astronaut,the boy just looked at me with ____________.(determine)
3.Judging from his ____________ look,his boss was ____________ with his performance.So to his ____________,he didn’t get promoted.(disappoint)
4.Since the country became __________ in 1842,it has played an important role ____________.Gone are the days when it ____________ on others for everything.(depend)
5.A person’s life is ____________ but knowledge is ____________.(limit)
6.An ____________ about whether people should carry on with space exploration took place at the conference and some people ____________ that we should stop wasting time and money on it.(argue)
7.Unsatisfied with the results of the __________,the researchers ____________ the data again.(analyze)
8.A ______________ illness confined him to bed for over a month and doctors couldn’t solve the ____________ of the illness.(mystery)
9.He is healthy ____________ and physically.That is to say,he has ____________ and physical health.(mental)
10.Many parents ______________ great importance to getting a good education at this school ____________ to Peking University.(attach)
1.Mr Smith is ____________(determine) to seek his fortune in the downtown area.
2.The young man had a strong desire ____________ (earn) a living by himself soon after he graduated.
3.He had to seek help from his colleagues for lack ________ experience.
4.Those who ignore the traffic ________(signal) can’t escape being punished.
5.It was wise of him to admit what he had done otherwise he ________________(get) into series of trouble.
6.The diversity between minorities often brings about ____________(argue).
7. Apart from the mild climate,the ethnic music also results ________ the prosperous tourism.
8. Afterwards,he seemed to run out ________ fortune and finally he lost all his possessions.
9.The prince had his servant attach a jade accessory ________ his robe carefully.
10.________________(blame) by my father made me so sad that I hid my face in my hands,tears rolling down my face.
Unit 5
1.He __________ to me for making such a foolish mistake and I willingly accepted his ________.(apologise)
2.As an old saying goes,“Don’t ____________ a book by its cover.” Our ____________ should be based on facts.(judge)
3.The two ____________ carefully ____________ their master and the master was satisfied with their ____________.(serve)
4.As a ____________ and determined teenager,he can do what he desires with __________.(patience)
5.He ____________ to launch a campaign with the ____________ of raising people’s awareness of protecting the environment.(intend)
6.Without the teachers’ ____________,no one is __________ to go into the chemistry lab.(permit)
7.The boy with ____________ shoulders and wide eyes participated in the activity to ____________ his horizons.(broad)
8.____________ on your current English level,you should try your best to increase your __________ knowledge on a daily ____________.(base)
9.I have no ____________ but to give up the service,because it is only ____________ for cellphone users.(option)
10.Not only is he ____________ to help us in our studies but he also ____________ assists us to solve our daily difficulties.So we are grateful for his ____________ to do us a favor.(willing)
1.____________(judge) by sufficient evidence,I could figure out what resulted in the accident.
2.I provided inaccurate data for you and as a result,I must make an ____________(apologise) to you.
3.I determined to study harder in return ________ your regular guidance.
4.What made me disappointed was that I spotted him ____________(play) with his smartphone in class.
5.My money is running out,so I have no option but to postpone ____________(buy) the advanced facilities.
6.I have the intention ____________(live) independently in the hope of developing my independent awareness.
7.Because I lacked experience in making a speech,my teacher offered me some practical tips without ____________(hesitate).
8.As is known to us all,it is bad ____________(manner) to laugh at those with mental illnesses.
9.We don’t permit ____________(launch) a campaign without the government’s ____________(permit).
10.I desire to study English well,so I am willing ____________(spend) much time on it.
1.congratulates;congratulations 2.decorated;decoration 3.agricultural;agriculture 4.significant;significance 5.belief;believe 6.Occasionally;occasions 7.please;pleasant;pleased 8.charmed;charming 9.religions;religious 10.faithful;faith;faithfully
1.on 2.of 3.out 4.to 5.significant 6.of 7.decoration 8.off/out 9.for 10.reflection
1.major;majority 2.complains;complaints 3.election;was elected 4.scary;scared;to scare 5.operated;operation 6.to assist;assistant;assistance 7.energetic;energy
8.retirement;retired 9.saving;savings 10.rejected;rejection
1.to 2.majority 3.to decorate 4.to represent 5.into
6.by/with 7.to 8.of 9.in 10.more exciting
1.diverse;diversity 2.fortune;fortunate;unfortunately 3.admitted;was admitted;admission 4.selective;selects;selection 5.poet;poems 6.collecting;collections 7.settled;settlement 8.container;contains 9.earns;earnings 10.suitable;suits
1.selection 2.Fortunately 3.complaining/having complained 4.down 5.collection 6.taking 7.being 8.suitable 9.containing 10.that
1.intelligence;intelligent 2.determined;determination 3.disappointed;disappointed;disappointment 4.independent;independently;depended 5.limited;limitless/unlimited
6.argument;argued 7.analysis;analyzed 8.mysterious;mystery 9.mentally;mental 10.attach;attached
1.determined 2.to earn 3.of 4.signals 5.would have got 6.arguments 7.in 8.of 9.to 10.Being blamed
1.apologised;apology 2.judge;judgement(s) 3.servants;served;service 4.patient;patience 5.intended;intention 6.permission;permitted 7.broad;broaden
8.Based;basic;basis 9.option;optional 10.willing;willingly;willingness
1.Judging 2.apology 3.for 4.playing 5.buying
6.to live 7.hesitation 8.manners 9.launching;permission 10.to spend