2024届高考英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1-Unit 5 一轮复习单元词形转换及核心知识过关练 (含答案)


名称 2024届高考英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 1-Unit 5 一轮复习单元词形转换及核心知识过关练 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 22.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-01 13:15:05



Unit 1
1.I feel ____________ about the silly mistake I made yesterday and no words can express my ____________.(guilty)
2.Yesterday the employer ____________ his employees to deal with the ____________ matters by Friday.(urge)
3.The ____________ was caused by a leaking gas pipe,which made the boss ____________ with anger.(explode)
4.There is so much __________ on the __________ road that you have to walk on it with caution.(mud)
5.He ____________ that he would put humans on Mars in less than a decade,but his ____________ proved unrealistic.(declare)
6.You can use a ____________ to ____________ the average mark of the class and then your ____________ can be accurate.(calculate)
7.Before the discussion,the boys and the girls have been ____________ and the ____________ is useful for their study.(divide)
8.Tom has been ____________ as chairman of the Students’ Association and I will write a letter to congratulate him on his ____________.(appoint)
1.To my great sorrow,my girlfriend didn’t turn up at the ____________(appoint) time.
2.My mind went blank and I felt ____________(guilt) about not answering the question correctly.
3.The chairwoman has declared that 100 workers ____________________(dismiss) before the deadline—June 10.
4.They recite Tang poems ________ a regular basis and thus,they are good at Chinese.
5.This country declared war ________ four countries at the same time because of complicated political contradictions.
6.He performed perfectly in the speech contest and an ________(explode) of applause came out of the audience.
7.Of the two formats,I think this one is superior ________ the other one.
8.The boy shows no sympathy for other students and often conflicts ________ them.
9.As a science student,I never felt an urge ________(appreciate) any literary works.
10.He picked up a handkerchief ________ random and handed it to this innocent girl to wipe her tears.
Unit 2
1.I am keen on ____________,so I have a good knowledge of ____________ terms.In the future,I desire to be a ____________.(politics)
2.We must oppose __________,because ________ behaviors can have a bad influence on us.(violence)
3.Undoubtedly those who are expert in ________ are called ____________.(biology)
4.He is ____________ of memorizing fifty English words in five minutes,so he has the __________ to understand the difficult English article.(capable)
5.He longed to be ____________ of his responsibilities,and then he had the ____________ to do what he liked.(free)
6.I can certainly tell you the ____________ of the library.It is ____________ in the west of the campus.(locate)
7.The machine broke down with increasing ______,so we must repair it ____________.(frequent)
8.The books in the library are ________________ according to subjects,so you can easily find the book you like based on the ______________.(distribute)
1.I have the capacity ____________(weigh) the pros and cons of the matter and make a proper choice.
2.I urged him to book the hotel __________(locate) in the center of the city.
3.The chairwoman has declared that all the salesmen and saleswomen ________________(entitle) to their pension after they retire.
4.My niece doesn’t have the freedom ____________(choose) what she likes,so she often conflicts with her parents.
5.I have an urge to visit the exhibition ____________(sponsor) by the Society of Culture.
6.____________(distribute) of clothes and blankets has begun by appointment.
7.I have been dismissed due to my __________(violence) behavior and now I am quite guilty.
8.The science fiction writer takes an active part in outdoor activities __________(frequent).
9.My nephew worked here __________(temporary) to test out the levers on the panels.
10.The __________(politics) leader turned out to be a person of integrity and dignity,which was contrary to the rumour.
Unit 3
1.The ____________ had ____________ a novelist before he fled his country.(murder)
2.The brilliant professor is a doctor by ________,so he has much ____________ knowledge in medicine.(profession)
3.He is in ____________ of three villas and he also ____________ three firms.(possession)
4.Facing such an event,I have ____________ emotions.I feel a strange ____________ of excitement and fear.(mix)
5.The ____________ king showed ____________ to the poor,who in turn applauded the king.(mercy)
6.When he entered the hall,he was greeted by thunderous __________.All the fans __________ excitedly.(applaud)
7.The two ____________ were ____________ to each other’s opinions.(oppose)
8.As a journalist,it’s your duty to ________ the fact and you are responsible for your ________.(cover)
1.The straightforward prime minister __________(extend) his hand to the new minister of education at yesterday’s press conference.
2.I take possession ________ three cars and I have the capacity to maintain them on a regular basis.
3.He doesn’t have the freedom to choose what he likes,so I have mercy ________ him.
4.I negotiated ________ other sponsors of the exhibition about how to organize it perfectly.
5.For some reason,I withdrew ________ a handful of grand clubs and I will never join them again.
6.The ________(cover) proved to be out of line with the truth was deleted.
7.He __________(murder) a political leader,so he was put in prison and lost his liberty forever.
8.With some reference books on politics ________ hand,I can refer to them whenever necessary.
9.This creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its ________(mix) of modern and traditional Chinese elements.
10.All the merchants stayed silent,listened to me carefully and gave me a big round of __________(applaud) at the end.
Unit 4
1.We can live a ____________ life because of economic ____________.(stable)
2.I like ____________ apples,so I’m waiting for the apples to ____________.(ripe)
3.The ____________ are often laughed at because of their ____________.(disable)
4.I ____________ with a ____________ about how to run my business well last week.(consult)
5.This is an issue ____________ attention.That is,the issue ____________ paying attention to.(deserve)
6.I am keen on ____________,so I desire to be a ____________ studying ____________ changes.(chemistry)
7.The house gathered too much ____________ and it was so ____________ that we had to give it a thorough cleaning.(dust)
1.I took ________ for granted that he would negotiate with me about what to do next,but he didn’t.
2.After ____________(consult) my uncle who is a psychologist by profession,I know how to keep mentally healthy.
3.From the bottom of my heart,I keep ____________(pray) that he won’t withdraw from the club.
4.I must relay ________ you that my opponent admitted stealing my laptop at the press conference.
5.He often extends his kindness to others and as a consequence,he deserves ________________(applaud).
6.I felt greatly ____________(privilege) to log the great deeds you had done.
7.We should have mercy on the disabled,who ______(be) often looked down on by others.
8.Being back with their family should provide emotional ________(stable) for the children.
9.The man ________ uniform takes possession of three villas,but he still lives a very simple life.
10.We were buying a laptop in a store ________ it began to rain.
Unit 5
1.All the ________________ have ______________ in at least two kinds of activities in the past two weeks and they have benefited from the ____________.(participate)
2.Because of her kindness,the ____________ has ____________ many bunches of flowers so far.(receive)
3.Mr Smith is a famous ____________ in a big company,which ____________ for his high salary.(account)
4.____________ to coming here,I have never joined such clubs,so I have no ____________.(priority)
5.He majors in ____________ and thus,he can skilfully deal with __________ issues.(finance)
6.The ____________ of the firm ____________ 1,000 ____________ last year and created many ____________ opportunities.(employ)
7.Our monitor has great __________ skills and it is easy for him to fit into __________.(society)
8.He was ____________ to the education all his life,so his ____________ won our respect.(dedicate)
9.She finished ____________ school last year and since then,she has been a qualified __________.(law)
1.The famous detective ________________(acquire) much experience by trial and error lately.
2.I pray that my son can attend ________ the accidental matter in a proper manner.
3.After he resigned from the post,he was dedicated to ________(help) the disabled.
4.He is greedy ____________(become) an accountant,so he often consults reference books in the library.
5.I must relay to you that I have come to a reasonable ________(conclude) based on relevant criteria.
6.A teacher of a secondary school was accused ______ treating students unfairly.
7.Lately he has been ________ debt because of gambling,so he doesn’t deserve our sympathy.
8.The government should give top ________(prior) to building a few more secondary high schools.
9.Unexpectedly,the boy was being spied ________,which made him sweat on the forehead.
10.The employer ________________(employ) in signing an important contract with an international firm yesterday.
1.guilty;guilt 2.urged;urgent 3.explosion;explode 4.mud;muddy 5.declared;declaration 6.calculator;calculate;calculation(s) 7.divided;division 8.appointed;appointment
1.appointed 2.guilty 3.will be dismissed 4.on 5.on
6.explosion 7.to 8.with 9.to appreciate 10.at
1.politics;political;politician 2.violence;violent 3.biology;biologists 4.capable;capacity 5.free;freedom 6.location;located 7.frequency;frequently 8.distributed;distribution(s)
1.to weigh 2.located 3.will be entitled 4.to choose 5.sponsored 6.Distribution 7.violent 8.frequently 
9.temporarily 10.political
1.murderer;murdered 2.profession;professional 3.possession;possesses 4.mixed;mixture 5.merciful;mercy 6.applause;applauded 7.opponents;opposed 8.cover;coverage
1.extended 2.of 3.on/upon 4.with 5.from 6.coverage 7.murdered 8.in 9.mixture 10.applause
1.stable;stability 2.ripe;ripen 3.disabled;disabilities 4.consulted;consultant 5.deserving;deserves 6.chemistry;chemist;chemical 7.dust;dusty
1.it 2.consulting 3.praying 4.to 5.applause/applauding/to be applauded 6.privileged 7.are 8.stability 9.in 10.when
1.participants;participated;participation 2.receptionist;received 3.accountant;accounts 4.Prior;priority 5.finance;financial 6.employer;employed;employees;employment 7.social;society 8.dedicated;dedication 9.law;lawyer
1.has acquired 2.to 3.helping 4.to become 5.conclusion 6.of 7.in 8.priority 9.on 10.was employed