人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world重点词汇短语句型任务单


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world重点词汇短语句型任务单
格式 docx
文件大小 26.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-03 09:55:53



Unit 5 Languages around the world
1.found vt.建立;建设
2.peaceful adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的→peace n.和平
3.active adj.积极的;活跃的→actively adv.积极地→activity n.活动
4.devote vt.(与to连用)献身;专心于→devoted adj.忠实的,深爱的→devotion n.奉献
5.violence n.暴力;暴行→violent adj.猛烈的,凶暴的
6.equal adj.相等的,平等的→equally adv.相等地→equality n.同等,平等
7.legal adj.法律的;依照法律的→illegal(反义词)
8.hopeful adj.怀有希望的;有希望的→hopeless(反义词)→hope n. & v.希望
9.youth n.青年;青年时期--young
10.relative n.亲戚;亲属→relation n.关系→relationship n.关系
11.terror n.恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动→terrorism n.恐怖主义→terrorist n.恐怖分子
12.generous adj.慷慨的;大方的→generously adv.慷慨地;宽大地;丰盛地→generosity n.慷慨;大方;宽宏大量
13.self n.自我;自身→selfish adj.自私的→selfless adj.无私的;忘我的→selflessly adv.无私地;忘我地
14.guide n.指南;向导;导游 vt.引导;带领→guidance n.指导;领导
15.legal adj.法律的;依照法律的→illegal adj.非法的;违法的
16.equal adj.相等的;平等的→equally adv.相等地;平等地;公平地→equality n.平等;相等
18.educate vt.教育;训练→educated adj.受过教育的;有教养的→education n.教育
19.will n.意志;决心;意愿;遗嘱→willing adj.乐意的;自愿的→unwilling adj.不愿意的;不情愿的
20.cruel adj.残酷的;残忍的→cruelly adv.残酷地→cruelty n.残忍;残酷
1.说本族言的人 a native speaker
2.对…采取积极的态度 take a positive/negative attitude towards/to…
3.指的是;查阅;提到 refer to…
4.尽管…这一事实despite the fact that 从句
5.浮沉;兴衰;荣辱ups and downs
6.以…为基础,为根据 be based on…
7.追溯到… date back (to ...)
8.成为…的象征 become a symbol of…
9.将符号刻在骨头和贝壳上 carve symbols on the bones and shells
10.商朝 the Shang Dynasty
11.各种各样 a variety of…/ varieties of…
12.主修;专门研究…major in…
13.不论…;不管… no matter where, who, what…
14.沟通手段/交通工具a means of communication/transport
用这个方法 by this means
15.被视为….; 被看成… be regarded as…
关于;有关… with regard to…/ regarding…
16.汉字 Chinese characters
17.学习中国书法 learn Chinese calligraphy
18.全球事务 global affairs
19.如果你能…我将感激不尽 I’d appreciate it if you could…
20.奋力做某事 struggle to do sth
努力争取… struggle for…
依某人看来 from one’s point of view
in one’s opinion/ view
as far as one is concerned
22. 在上/本/下学期 last/this/next semester
23.恳求某人做… beg sb to do sth
24.等于;胜任 be equal to…
25.消除(…与…之间的)差距 bridge the gap (between… and …)
26.要求做某事 demand to do sth
…demand that从句(should) do
27.增加你的词汇量increase your vocabulary
28.对…作详细的/简要说明give a full/brief description of…
29.与…有关; 涉及relate to…
U5 Languages Around the World
China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into modern times, despite the many ups and downs in its history.
Every day a number of tourists take pictures in front of the tower, which_dates_back_to as early as 800 years ago.
3.Our school has built a new stadium. It has all kinds of well equipped facilities.
→Our school has built a new stadium, which_has_various/varieties_of/a_variety_of_ well equipped facilities. (升级加黑词; 升级为定语从句)
I'd_appreciate_it_if you can give me a reply as soon as possible.
5.即使在今天,无论中国人住在哪里,说什么方言,他们仍然可以用书面交流。(No matter how/what/when…,引导让步状语从句)
Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate in writing.
When I met her for the first time,she told me she was born in a small town where many roses were planted.
Material collecting took us a whole week,during which we interviewed our teachers and took pictures of every aspect of school life.
I really can’t understand the reason why she tells lies to me, whom I always have confidence in.
As time goes by,I have become more and more interested in the English newspaper Youth.
(1)In_my_opinion/view,_you can have a better understanding of the Spring Festival through the activities.
(2)As_far_as_I'm_concerned,_you can have a better understanding of the Spring Festival through the activities.
(3)From_my_point_of_view,_you can have a better understanding of the Spring Festival through the activities.
1. ________vt.建立;建设
2._________ adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的→ n.__________和平
3.__________ adj.积极的;活跃的________ adv.积极地→__________ n.活动
4.__________ vt.(与to连用)献身;专心于→________adj.忠实的,深爱的→_______ n.奉献
5._________ n.暴力;暴行→__________ adj.猛烈的,凶暴的
6._______ adj.相等的,平等的→_______ adv.相等地→________ n.同等,平等
7.________ adj.法律的;依照法律的→___________(反义词)
8._________adj.怀有希望的;有希望的→_______(反义词)→_____ n. & v.希望
9.________ n.青年;青年时期__________年轻的
10.________ n.亲戚;亲属→_________ n.关系→___________n.关系
11._________ n.恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动→____________
n.恐怖主义→___________ n.恐怖分子
12.__________ adj.慷慨的;大方的→__________ adv.慷慨地;宽大地;丰盛地→_________ n.慷慨;大方;宽宏大量
13._______ n.自我;自身→_________adj.自私的→________adj.无私的;忘我的→___________ adv.无私地;忘我地
14.__________ n.指南;向导;导游 vt.引导;带领→________ n.指导;领导
15.__________ adj.法律的;依照法律的→___________adj.非法的;违法的
16._________ adj.相等的;平等的→_______ adv.相等地;平等地;公平地→__________ n.平等;相等
17.________ adj.乐意的;自愿的
18._________ vt.教育;训练→________ adj.受过教育的;有教养的→_________n.教育
19._________ n.意志;决心;意愿;遗嘱→________ adj.乐意的;自愿的→_________ adj.不愿意的;不情愿的
20.________adj.残酷的;残忍的→________ adv.残酷地→_____ n.残忍;残酷
1.说本族言的人 ________________2.对…采取积极的态度 _________________
3.指的是;查阅;提到 __________4.尽管…这一事实______________________
5.浮沉;兴衰;荣辱_____________ 6.以…为基础,为根据 ________________
7.追溯到… ___________________ 8.成为…的象征 ___________________
9.将符号刻在骨头和贝壳上____________10.宋朝 ________________
11.各种各样 ________________________12.主修;专门研究…_____________
13.不论…;不管… ________________14.沟通手段/交通工具_____________ 用这个方法__________________________15.被视为….; 被看成… __________ 关于;有关… ____________________ 16.汉字 ________________________
17.学习中国书法 __________________ 18.全球事务 ________________
19.如果你能…我将感激不尽 _________________20.奋力做某事 ___________ 努力争取… ___________________ 21.依某人看来 ________________________
_____________________________ 22. 在上/本/下学期________________
恳求某人做… _________________ 24.等于;胜任 ______________________
消除(…与…之间的)差距 ______________26.要求做某事 ______________…demand that从句(should) do
27.增加你的词汇量__________________28.对…作详细的/简要说明_________________ 29.与…有关; 涉及____________
U5 Languages Around the World
China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into modern times,
Every day a number of tourists take pictures in front of the tower,
as early as 800 years ago.
3.Our school has built a new stadium. It has all kinds of well equipped facilities.
→Our school has built a new stadium, well equipped facilities. (升级加黑词; 升级为定语从句)
if you can give me a reply as soon as possible.
5.即使在今天,无论中国人住在哪里,说什么方言,他们仍然可以用书面交流。(No matter how/what/when…,引导让步状语从句)
Even today, they can all still communicate in writing.
When I met her for the first time,she told me she was born in a small town
Material collecting took us a whole week,
I really can’t understand the reason , whom I always have confidence in.
,I have become more and more interested in the English newspaper Youth.
(1) ,you can have a better understanding of the Spring Festival through the activities.
(2) ,you can have a better understanding of the Spring Festival through the activities.
(3) ,you can have a better understanding of the Spring Festival through the activities.
Unit 5
China's ancient civilisation has continued into modern times, despite the many ups and downs in its history.One of the main factors 1. (be) the Chinese writing system.
2. (date) back several thousand years to the use of longgu, written Chinese was a picturebased language.At that time, people carved some 3. ______(symbol) on animal bones and shells.By the Shang Dynasty, it had been already a 4. (high) developed system.Later, there was a time 5. the Chinese people were divided geographically, leading to many varieties of dialects and characters.Chinese writing system was fixed from the Qin Dynasty, when Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country.
The writing system is not only of great 6. ________(important) in uniting the Chinese people and culture, but also an important means 7. which China's present is connected with its past.Today, we can read the classic works which 8. (write) by Chinese in ancient times.Now, Chinese calligraphy, as 9. art form, has become an important part of Chinese culture.
With China playing a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to learn Chinese 10. (appreciate) China's culture and history.