人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future词汇讲解练习(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future词汇讲解练习(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 63.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-03 13:37:47



Unit 2 Look into the Future(词汇讲解) -2023-2024 学年高二年级英语选择性必修一同步
1 .law n. 法律→ n. 律师
2 .assist v. 帮助,协助→ n. 助手,助理,副手
3 .physic n. 医学→ n. 医生
4 .reception n. 接待→ n. 接待员
5 .consult v. 咨询;请教→ n. 顾问
6 .library n. 图书馆→ n. 图书馆管理员
7 .operate v. 操作→ n. 操作员;电话接线员
8 .fascinate vt. 深深吸引,迷住→ adj. 被迷住的,被吸引住的:极感兴趣的
9 .depart v. 离开→ n. (医院、大学、公司、政府的)科,系,处,部; (大商
10 .institute vt. 建立;制定→ n. 机构,团体;制度
11 .administrate vt. 管理→ n. 管理,行政;执行,实施
12 .manage vt. 负责,管理→ n. 经营,管理
13 .rely vi. 依赖,依靠→ adj. 可信赖的,可靠的
14 .impress vt. 使留下深刻印象,使钦佩→ adj. 给人深刻印象的,令人钦佩的
15 .sales(销售)+man(男人)→ n. 男推销员,男售货员
sales(销售)+woman(女人)→ n. 女推销员,女售货员
16 .aptitude n. 天资;天赋→ n. 态度;看法→ n. 海拔→
adj. 有天赋的;有才华的
17 .categorise vt.把……分类(加以归类)→n .类别;种类
18 .participant n .参与者;参加者→ vi.参加;参与→ n .参加;
19 .detective n .侦探;警探→ v .发现;查明→ n .侦察;探
20 .accountant n .会计;会计师→ n .账户;描述 vi.解释;说明;占
21.justice n .公平;公正;合理→ adj.公正的;合理的→ vt.
证明……有道理;为……辩护;是…… 的正当理由
22 .accuse vt. 控告;控诉;谴责→ n .控告;控诉;谴责
23 .greedy adj.贪婪的;贪心的;贪吃的→ n.贪婪;贪心;贪吃
24 .receptionist n .接待员→ n .接待处;欢迎会;招待会;欢迎;反应;反
响→ vt. 收到;受到(某种待遇或伤害);接待
25.socialist adj.社会主义的 n.社会主义者→ n.社会主义→ vi.(和
他人) 交往;交际 → adj.社会的;社交的
26 .dedicate vt. 把……奉献给 → adj.献身的;专心致志的; 一心一意的 →
n .献身;奉献
27 .priority n .优先事项;首要的事;优先→ adj.先前的;优先的
28 .economy n. 经济→ adj 经济(上)的
29 .politics n. 政治,政治学→ adj. 政治的;政府的
30 .elect vt. 选举→ n. 选举
31 .cover vt. 采访,报道→ n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围
32 .avail v. 有帮助;有益;有用→ adj. 可获得的,可用的;有空的
33 .mix v.(使)混合→ n. 混合
34 .precise adj. 精确的→ adv. 确实如此;精确地
35 .complicate v. 使复杂化→ adj. 难懂的;复杂的
36 .critic n. 批评家→ adj. 批评的,批判的
37 .sight n. 视力→ n. 洞察力,顿悟
38 .acquire vt. 获得,得到→ n. 获得,习得
39 .economy n. 经济→ n. 经济学
40 .surround vt. 围绕→ adj. 四周的,附近的
41 .critically adv 危急地;严重地;批评性地→ adv.无鉴别力地,不加批评地
42.judge v. 判断,认为→ n. 判断力;意见,评价;判决
43 .regard n. 注意;关注;关心→ adv. 不管,不顾
44 .city n. 城市→ n. 公民;市民
45 .conclude vt. 断定;推断出;得出结论→ n. 结论
46 . v. 选举→ n.选举
47 . adj.合法的→ adj 不合法的
48 .instant adj.立刻的,马上的;即食的→ adv 立即,马上
49 . v 服从;遵守→disobey v 不服从
50 . adj.逐渐的,逐步的→ adv.逐渐
51. adj 自私的→selfishly adv. 自私地→selfishness n. 自私→ adj.无私的
52 . adj.稳定的→steadily adv 稳定地
53 . v 诱惑,引诱→temptation n.诱惑,引诱
54 .limitless adj. 无限的→ n. 限度;限制;极限 v. 限制;限定→ adj. 有限
的;受( …… 的)限制
55 .regard v. 认为,看作→ prep. 关于;至于→ adv. 不顾;不加理会
56 .regular adj. 频繁的,经常的→ adv. 有规律地;经常
57 .complain v. 抱怨,不满,发牢骚→ n. 抱怨;不满
58 .warning n. 警告,警示,告诫→ v. 警告;告诫
59 .starving adj. 挨饿的,即将饿死的→ v. (使)挨饿;饿死→ n. 饥饿;挨
60 .attract v. 吸引,引起…… 的兴趣→ n. 爱慕;吸引;有吸引力的地方(或事情),
61 .competition n. 比赛,竞赛→ v. 竞争;对抗→ adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的
62 .blog n 博客 vi. 写博客→ n. 博客作者;博主
63 .engine n. 引擎;发动机;火车头→ n. 工程师;工兵→ n. 工
64 .convenient adj. 方便的;近便的→ n. 便利→ adv. 便利地;
65 .benefit n. 益处 vt. 使受益 vi. 得益于→ adj. 有益的;有利的
66 .distance n. 距离→ adj. 遥远的;冷漠的→ adv. 远离地;疏远

67 .inspire vt. 鼓舞;激励;启发思考→ n. 灵感;鼓舞→ adj. 有
灵感的→ adj. 鼓舞人心的
68 .access n. 通道;机会 vt. 进入;使用;获取→ adj. 易接近的;可进入的 69 .confirm vt. 确认;使确信→ n. 确认;证实→ adj. 根深蒂固
70 .account n. 账户;描述→ n. 会计师→ n. 会计,会计学
71 .define vt. 给…… 下定义;界定;解释→ adv. 清楚地,明确地,肯定地→
n. 定义;清晰
72 .prefer vt. 较喜欢→ n. 偏爱;爱好;喜爱→ adj. 更合适的→
adv. 最好是
73 .suit vt. 适合;中 …… 的意 n. 诉讼;讼案;套装, 一套衣服 → adj. 合适的;适
74 .actual adj. 实际的→ adv. 事实上;的确
75 .challenge n. 挑战;艰巨任务 vt. 怀疑;向……挑战→ n. 挑战者→ adj.
76 .confused adj. 糊涂的;迷惑的 → adj. 难以理解的, 令人迷惑的
77 .fluent adj. (尤指外语)流利的;熟练的→ adv. 流利地;熟练地
78 .recommend vt. 建议;推荐;介绍→ n. 推荐;提议;推荐信
79 .advance n. 前进;发展 → adj. 高级的;高等的;先进的→ vi. 前进, 发
展 vt. 发展, 促进
80 .obviously adv. 显然;明显地 → adj. 明显的
81 .behave vi. 表现;运转→ n. 行为;举止
82 .Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the
passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
The Ethical Dilemma of Driverless Cars
In 2014, the first self-driven car was sold by the company Induct Technology. This change has given rise to the concern of the ethical dilemma of driverless cars. Imagine the following scenario: you’re cruising down the highway in a driverless car. Your car is surrounded by a truck in the front, a motorcycle on your right and a SUV on your left. Suddenly the heavy load from the truck falls down. Crash into the fallen load, the motorcycle or the SUV In this scenario, the decision taken would solely be based on the pre-written computer program so any damage can be
looked on as a decision made with predetermination.
To no one’s surprise, the public has consequently spoken out against this controversial engineering marvel. To combat this, companies have integrated systems into their vehicles that
can give more control to human drivers in extreme situations. For example, in 2016, Tesla made a
decision that the car’s automatic system will not stop the driver in turning the car in a direction that the driver desires in an emergency situation, even if it is the one that would cause greater damage. However, this decision was also highly criticized as it endangered the passengers and any surrounding civilians. The official statement given by Tesla stated that they didn’t want to second-guess drivers in emergency situations and by doing so they could effectively tackle any
situation that presents the dilemma.
Tesla’s decision, in fact, directly conflicts with the whole idea behind driverless cars that robots make better drivers than humans. While situations in the dilemma may cause fatalities, it is
nothing compared to the accidents that human drivers cause.
Therefore, the decision made by Tesla is a huge setback for the advancement of society as a whole. Even though a group of people see this dilemma as morally wrong, they should also consider the mass amounts of lives that automatic cars can and have saved. It is reasonable to believe that if manufacturers stick to their “safety-first” motto and keep on improving their models with better technologies and more realistic simulations, there might be a day where the threat to
human life is essentially zero.
83 .阅读下面的材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
续写的词数应为 150 左右。
When a tornado touched down in a small town nearby ,many families were left completely destroyed.Afterward all the local newspapers carried many human-interest stories featuring some
of the families who suffered the hardest.
One Sunday ,a particular picture especially touched me.A young woman stood in front of an entirely shattered mobile home,a depressed expression twisting her features.A young boy,seven
or eight years old,definitely in low spirits,stood at her side,eyes downcast.Clutching(紧握) at her
skirt was a tiny girl who stared into the camera ,eyes wide with confusion and fear.
The article that went with the picture gave the clothing sizes of each family member.With growing interest ,I noticed that their sizes closely matched ours.This would be a good opportunity to teach my children to help those less fortunate than themselves.I taped the picture of the young family to our refrigerator ,explaining their difficulty to my seven-year-old twins ,Brad and Brett,
and to three-year-old Meghan.
“We have so much.And these poor people now have nothing ,” I said.“We'll share what we
have with them ,thus they will smile again.”
I brought three large boxes down from the room upstairs and placed them on the living room floor.Meghan watched seriously ,as the boys and I filled one of the boxes with canned goods and
While I sorted through our clothes,I encouraged the boys to go through their toys and donate some of their less favorite things.Meghan watched quietly as the boys piled up discarded toys and
“I'll help you find something for the little girl when I'm done with this ,” I said.
The boys placed the toys they had chosen to donate into one of the boxes while I filled the third box with clothes.Meghan walked up with Lucy ,her worn ,faded ,much-loved rag doll hugged tightly to her chest.She paused in front of the box that held the toys ,pressed her round little face into Lucy's flat,painted-on-face,gave her a final kiss,then laid her gently on the top of
other toys.
“Oh ,Honey ,” I said.“You don't have to give Lucy.You love her so much.”
Meghan nodded seriously ,eyes glistening with held-back tears.“Lucy makes me happy,
Mommy.Maybe she'll make that other little girl happy ,too.”
Paragraph 1:
The boys ,open-mouthed,had watched their baby sister placed her favorite doll in the box.
Paragraph 2:
Taking the cuefrom my little ones,I removed my old jacket from the box of clothes.
1.lawyer 2.assistant 3.physician 4.receptionist 5.consultant 6.librarian
7 .operator 8 .fascinated 9 .department 10 .institution 11 .administration
12.management 13.reliable 14.impressive 15 . salesman saleswoman
【解析】 1 .law“法律”,名词, “律师” 的英文表达是 lawyer,名词。故答案是 lawyer。 2 .assist“帮助,协助” ,动词,其名词形式是 assistant“助手,助理,副手” ,故答案是
3 .physic“医学”,名词, “ 医生” 的英文表达是 physician,名词,故答案是 physician。
4 .reception“接待”,名词, “接待员” 的英文表达是 receptionist,名词,故答案填
5 .consult“咨询;请教” ,动词,其名词形式是 consultant“顾问” ,故答案填 consultant。 6 .library“图书馆”,名词, “ 图书馆管理员” 的英文表达是 librarian,名词,故答案填
7 .operate“操作” ,动词,其名词形式是 operator“操作员;电话接线员” ,故答案填 operator 。 8 .fascinate“深深吸引,迷住” ,动词,其形容词形式是 fascinated“被迷住的,被吸引住的:
极感兴趣的” ,故答案填 fascinated。
9 .depart“离开” ,动词,其名词形式是 department“(医院、大学、公司、政府的)科,系,
处,部; (大商场的)部” ,故答案填 department。
10 .institute“建立;制定” ,动词,其名词形式是 institution“机构,团体;制度” ,故答案填
11 .administrate“管理” ,动词,其名词形式是 administration“管理,行政;执行,实施” ,故
答案填 administration。
13 .rely“依赖,依靠” ,动词,其形容词形式是 reliable“可信赖的,可靠的” ,故答案填
14.impress“使留下深刻印象, 使钦佩”,动词, 其形容词形式是 impressive“给人深刻印象的,
令人钦佩的” ,故答案填 impressive。
15.sales“销售”,名词, “man 男人”,woman“女人”,均为名词, 可构成合成名词 salesman“男
推销员,男售货员”和 saleswoman“女推销员,女售货员” ,故答案填
16 . attitude altitude gifted/ talented 17 .category 18 . participate
participation 19 . detect detection 20.account 21 . just justify
22 .accusation 23 .greed
socialise social 26 .
24 . reception receipt
dedicated dedication 27 .
25 .
【解析】 16 .“态度;看法”名词形式为 attitude;“海拔”名词形式为 altitude;“有天赋的;有
才华的”形容词形式为 gifted/ talented。故填 attitude 、altitude 和 gifted/ talented。
17 .“类别;种类”名词形式为 category。故填 category。
和 participation。
19 .“发现;查明”动词形式为 detect;“侦察;探测;发现;察觉”名词形式为 detection。故
填 detect 和 detection。
20 .“n .账户;描述 vi.解释;说明;占”名词和动词形式为 account 。故填 account。
21 .“公正的;合理的”形容词形式为just;“证明……有道理;为……辩护;是…… 的正当理
由”动词形式为justify。故填 just 和justify。
22 .“控告;控诉;谴责”名词形式为 accusation。故填 accusation。
23 .“贪婪;贪心;贪吃”名词形式为 greed。故填 greed。
24 .“接待处;欢迎会;招待会;欢迎;反应;反响”名词形式为 reception;“ 收到;受到(某
种待遇或伤害);接待”动词形式为 receipt。故填 reception 和 receipt。
25 .“社会主义”名词形式为 socialism;“(和他人) 交往;交际”动词形式为 socialise;“社会
的;社交的”形容词形式为 social。故填 socialism 、socialise 和 social。
26 .“献身的;专心致志的;一心一意的”形容词形式为 dedicated;“献身;奉献”名词形式为
dedication。故填 dedicated 和 dedication。
27 .“先前的;优先的”形容词形式为 prior。故填 prior。
28 .economic 29 .political 30 .election 31 .coverage 32 .available
33 .mixture 34 .precisely 35 .complicated
【解析】28 .economy “经济” ,名词,其形容词形式是 economic“经济(上)的” 。故填
29 .politics“政治,政治学” ,名词,其形容词形式是 political“ 政治的;政府的” 。故填
30 .elect“选举” ,动词,其名词形式是 election“选举” 。故填 election。
31 .cover“采访,报道” ,动词,其名词形式是 coverage“新闻报道;覆盖范围” 。故填
32 .avail“有帮助;有益;有用” ,动词,其形容词形式是 available“可获得的,可用的;有空
的” 。故填 available。
33 .mix “(使)混合” ,动词,其名词形式是 mixture“混合” 。故填 mixture。
34 .precise“精确的” ,形容词,其副词形式是 precisely“地确实如此;精确地” 。故填
35 .complicate“使复杂化” ,动词,其形容词形式是 complicated“难懂的;复杂的” 。故填
36 .critical 37 .insight 38 .acquisition 39 .economics 40 .surrounding
41 .uncritically 42.judgement 43 .regardless 44 .citizen 45 .conclusion
【解析】36.考查形容词。 critic 的形容词为 critical,意为“批评的, 批判的”。故填 critical。
37 .考查名词。 sight 的另一名词为 insight,意为“洞察力,顿悟” 。故填 insight 。
38 .考查名词。 acquire 的名词为 acquisition,意为“获得,习得” 。故填 acquisition 。 39 .考查名词。 economy 的另一名词为 economics,意为“经济学” 。故填 economics。 40 .考查形容词。 surround 的形容词为 surrounding,意为“ 四周的,附近的” 。故填
41 .考查副词。 critically 的副词否定形式为 uncritically,意为“无鉴别力地,不加批评地”。
故填 uncritically。
42 .考查名词。judge 的名词为judgement,意为“判断力;意见,评价;判决” 。故填
43 .考查副词。 regard 的副词为 regardless,意为“不管,不顾 ” 。故填 regardless。
44 .考查名词。 city 的另一名词为 citizenship,意为“公民;市民” 。故填 citizenship。
45 .考查名词。 conclude 的名词为 conclusion,意为“结论“ 。故填 conclusion。
46 . elect election 47 . legal illegal 48 .instantly 49 .obey
50 . gradual gradually 51 . selfish selfless 52.steady 53.tempt
【解析】46 .考查动词和名词。表示“选举”是 elect,动词,其名词形式是 election “选举”,
故答案是①elect ②election。
47 .考查形容词。表示“合法的”应用形容词 legal,其反义词是 illegal“不合法的” ,故答案是
①legal ②illegal。
48 .考查副词。instant “立刻的,马上的;即食的” ,形容词,其副词形式是 instantly “立即,
马上” ,故答案是 instantly。
49 .考查动词。 disobey “不服从”,动词, 其反义词是“服从;遵守” ,故答案是 obey。
50.考查形容词和副词。表示“逐渐的, 逐步的”是 gradual,形容词, 其副词形式是 gradually
“逐渐” ,故答案是①gradual ②gradually。
51 .考查形容词。 selfishly“自私地” ,副词,其形容词形式是 selfish “自私的” ,selfish 的反
义词是 selfless“无私的” ,故答案是①selfish②selfless。
52 .考查形容词。 steadily“稳定地” ,副词,其形容词形式是 steady“稳定的” ,故答案是
53 .考查动词。temptation “诱惑, 引诱” ,名词, 其动词形式是 tempt“诱惑, 引诱” ,故答案
是 tempt。
54 . limit limited 55 . regarding regardless 56 .regularly
57 .complaint 58 .warn 59 . starve starvation 60 .attraction
61 . compete competitive
【解析】54 .limitless“无限的” ,形容词,其名词和动词形式是 limit“限度;限制;极限;限
定” ,其另一个形容词且为反义词的是 limited“有限的;受( …… 的)限制” ,故空处 1 答案
是 limit,空处 2 答案是 limited。
55 .regard“认为,看作” ,动词,其介词形式为 regarding ,“关于,至于” ,其副词形式为
regardless ,“不顾;不加理会”故空处 1 答案为 regarding,空处 2 答案为 regardless。
56 .regular“频繁的,经常的” ,形容词,其副词形式为 regularly ,“有规律地;经常” ,故答
案为 regularly。
57 .complain“抱怨,不满,发牢骚” ,动词,其名词形式为 complaint ,“抱怨;不满” ,故答
案为 complaint。
58 .warning“警告,警示,告诫” ,名词,其动词形式为 warn ,“警告;告诫” ,故答案为
warn 。
59 .starving“挨饿的,即将饿死的” ,形容词,其动词形式为 starve,“(使)挨饿;饿死” ,其
名词形式为 starvation ,“饥饿;挨饿;饿死” ,故空处 1 答案为 starve ,空处 2 答案为
60 .attract“吸引,引起…… 的兴趣” ,动词,其名词形式为 attraction ,“爱慕;吸引;有吸引
力的地方(或事情),吸引力” ,故答案为 attraction。
61 .competition“比赛,竞赛” ,名词,其动词形式为 compete ,“竞争;对抗” ,其形容词形
式为competitive,“竞争的;有竞争力的” ,故空处 1 答案为compete,空处2 答案为competitive。
62 .blogger conveniently
63 . engineer
65 .beneficial 66 .
inspiring 68 .accessible
engineering distant
69 .
64 . convenience
distantly 67 . inspiration
confirmation confirmed
70 . accountant accounting 71 . definitely definition
【解析】62 .“博客作者;博主” 的名词是 blogger。故答案为 blogger。
63.“工程师;工兵” 的名词是engineer,“工程;工程学” 的名词是engineering。故答案为engineer,
64 .“便利” 的名词是 convenience ,“便利地;合宜地” 的副词是 conveniently。故答案为
convenience ,conveniently。
65 .“有益的;有利的” 的形容词是 beneficial。故答案为 beneficial。
66.“遥远的;冷漠的” 的形容词是distant,“远离地;疏远地” 的副词是distantly。故答案为distant,
67 .“灵感;鼓舞” 的名词是 inspiration ,“有灵感的” 的形容词是 inspired ,“鼓舞人心的” 的形
容词是 inspiring。故答案为 inspiration ,inspired ,inspiring。
68 .“ 易接近的;可进入的” 的形容词是 accessible。故答案为 accessible。
69 .“确认;证实” 的名词是 confirmation ,“根深蒂固的;坚定的” 的形容词是 confirmed。故
答案为 confirmation ,confirmed。
70 .“会计师” 的名词是 accountant ,“会计,会计学” 的名词是 accounting。故答案为
accountant ,accounting。
71 .“清楚地,明确地,肯定地” 的副词是 definitely ,“定义;清晰” 的名词是 definition。故答
案为 definitely ,definition。
72 . preference preferable preferably 73 .suitable 74 .actually
75 . challenger challenging 76 .confusing 77 .fluently
78.recommendation 79 . advanced advance 80.obvious 81.behaviour
【解析】72 .prefer“较喜欢” ,动词,其名词形式是 preference“偏爱;爱好;喜爱” ;形容词
形式是 preferable“更合适的” ;副词形式是 preferably“最好是” 。故答案是 preference;
preferable 和 preferably。
73 .suit“vt. 适合;中…… 的意 n. 诉讼;讼案;套装, 一套衣服” ,名词或动词,其形容词
形式是 suitable“合适的;适用的” ,故答案是 suitable。
74 .actual“实际的” ,形容词,其副词形式是 actually“事实上;的确” ,故答案是 actually。
75 .challenge“n. 挑战;艰巨任务 vt. 怀疑;向……挑战” ,名词或动词,其名词形式是
challenger“挑战者” ,形容词形式是 challenging“挑战性的” 。故答案是 challenger 和
76 .confused“糊涂的;迷惑的” ,形容词,其形容词形式是 confusing“难以理解的,令人迷
惑的” ,故答案是 confusing。
77 .fluent“(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的”,形容词,其副词形式是 fluently“流利地;熟练
地” ,故答案是 fluently。
78 .recommend“建议;推荐;介绍” ,动词,其名词形式是 recommendation“推荐;提议;推
荐信” ,故答案是 recommendation。
79 .advance“前进;发展” ,名词,其形容词形式是 advanced“高级的;高等的;先进的” ,动
词形式是“vi. 前进, 发展 vt. 发展, 促进” 。故答案是 advanced 和 advance。
80 .obviously“显然;明显地” ,副词,其形容词形式是 obvious“明显的” ,故答案是 obvious。
81 .behave“表现;运转” ,动词,其名词形式是 behaviour“行为;举止” ,故答案是
82 .Driverless cars face the ethical dilemma. To handle it, Tesla gives control to human drivers in an emergency, but that causes criticism as it also threatens safety. Actually, Tesla’s decision is bad for social advancement as lives saved by automatic cars can’t be ignored. If companies stick to the
“safety-first” principle and keep improving models, driverless cars can be safe.
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍说无人驾驶汽车面临道德困境。为了解决这个问题, 特斯拉在紧急情况下将控制权交给人类驾驶员,但这也引发了批评,因为它也威胁到安全。 实际上, 特斯拉的决定不利于社会进步, 因为自动驾驶汽车拯救的生命是不可忽视的。如果
公司坚持“安全第一” 的原则,并不断改进车型,无人驾驶汽车是可以安全的。
【详解】1 要点摘录①In 2014, the first self-driven car was sold by the company Induct
Technology. This change has given rise to the concern of the ethical dilemma of driverless cars.
②To no one’s surprise, the public has consequently spoken out against this controversial
engineering marvel.
③Tesla’s decision, in fact, directly conflicts with the whole idea behind driverless cars that robots
make better drivers than humans.
④Therefore, the decision made by Tesla is a huge setback for the advancement of society as a
2.缜密构思将第 1 、3 两个要点进行重组,将第 2 、3 两个要点进行整合。
3.遣词造句 Driverless cars face the ethical dilemma.
To handle it, Tesla gives control to human drivers in an emergency, but that causes criticism as it
also threatens safety.
Actually, Tesla’s decision is bad for social advancement as lives saved by automatic cars can’t be
【点睛】[高分句型 1]:To handle it, Tesla gives control to human drivers in an emergency, but that causes criticism as it also threatens safety. (运用了非谓语动词中的动词不定式作目的状
[高分句型 2]:If companies stick to the “safety-first” principle and keep improving models,
driverless cars can be safe. (运用了连词 If 引导的条件状语从句。)
83 .【参考范文】
Paragraph 1:
The boys ,openmouthed,had watched their baby sister placed her favorite doll in the
box.Without a word ,Brad rose and went to his room and then came back carrying one of his
favorite action figures.He hesitated briefly ,clutching the toy ,then looked over at Meghan and
placed it in the box next to Lucy.A slow smile spread across Brett's face.Then he jumped up ,eyes
twinkling as he ran to his room and fetched some of his prized Matchbox cars.
Paragraph 2:
Taking the cuefrom my little ones,I removed my old jacket from the box of clothes. I
replaced it with the new hunter green jacket that I had found on sale last week.I hoped the young
woman in the picture would love it as much as I did.It's easy to give and donate something that we don't want any more,but harder to let go of things we cherish,isn't it However,the true spirit of
giving is to give with your heart.
【分析】本文讲述了作者在报纸上看到, 在龙卷风侵袭的地区, 孩子们悲伤的表情时, 想要 鼓励自己的孩子们为灾区的儿童送上关怀。当他们准备捐赠的东西时, 作者的小女儿打算把 自己最心爱的玩具捐赠给灾区的小孩子, 并表示希望自己的心爱玩具可以带给灾区的小孩子
【详解】 1.段落续写:
①由第一段首句内容“ 男孩们张大了嘴巴, 看着他们的小妹妹把她最喜欢的洋娃娃放进了盒 子里。 ”可知,第一段可描写男孩们受到妹妹的启发,也把自己的最心爱的玩具送给灾区的
来。 ”可知,第二段可描写作者也受到了孩子们的启发,把自己喜爱的东西捐赠出去,并希 望会给灾区的人带来欢乐, 由此作者感慨, 把自己不想要的东西捐赠出去很容易, 但是捐赠
2.续写线索:准备礼物——得到启示—— 改变礼物——感悟
①.拿 carry/clutch/fetch
①.乐观 A slow smile spread across Brett's face/eyes twinkling
②.给予 let go of things we cherish/the true spirit of giving/give with your heart
【点睛】[高分句型 1].Then he jumped up,eyes twinkling as he ran to his room and fetched some
of his prized Matchbox cars. (非谓语动词作状语)
[高分句型 2].It's easy to give and donate something that we don't want any more,but harder to let
go of things we cherish ,isn't it (that 引导的定语从句)