

名称 2023北京三十五中高二(上)期中英语(含答案,无听力音频及材料)
格式 docx
文件大小 63.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-06 07:54:28



英 语
行政班 姓名 学号
试卷说明:试卷分值 140分 ,考试时间 100分钟, I卷第一部分为客观题,I卷第二部分和II卷为主观题。
听力理解 (共三节, 满分30 分)
例:What is the man going to read
A. A newspaper. B. A magazine. C. A book.
1. What will the speakers probably do
A. Buy a road map. B. Drive home. C. Ask for help.
2. Where do the speakers plan to meet
A. Outside the Town Hall. B. In the bank. C. At the cinema.
3. What is the woman planning to do
A. Go to have a coffee. B. Get a haircut. C. Go to the man’s home.
4. What will the weather in Paris be like in the coming week
A. Rainy. B. Warm. C. Sunny.
5. When is the clinic open
A. From Monday to Friday. B. During the whole week. C. At weekends.
6. What is the man’s feeling after his job interview
A. Anxious. B. Desperate. C. Hopeful.
7. How many people were able to go to the second interview
A. Four. B. Twelve. C. Sixteen.
8. Where does this conversation take place
A. At a stadium. B. At an exhibition. C. At a theatre.
9. Why does the man stop the woman
A. Her dog is behaving badly.
B. She has no ticket for her dog.
C. It’s against the rules to bring a dog in.
10. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Family relationships. B. Children’s education. C. Family members.
11. What did the woman do with her father when she was young
A. Went to the park. B. Played basketball. C. Saw movies.
12. What does the woman advise the man to do next weekend
A. Have a barbecue at his home.
B. Visit her house with his children.
C. Go to the park together with his children.
13. Who is the speaker most likely to be
A. An air hostess. B. A security official. C. An airplane passenger.
14. How can people get help
A. By waiting in line.
B. By pushing a button.
C. By phoning an airline worker.
15. What is the speaker doing
A. Telling people how to go through the customs.
B. Advising people not to bring too much money.
C. Making an announcement about how to fill out the form.
(听力理解第三节见试卷第10页; 机读卡所有答案按题号顺序填写,第16—20小题不填)
Ⅱ. 完形填空 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15 分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、B 、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Past the breakers, about 50 feet from shore, two brothers were fighting for their lives. They had been swept out to sea in a strong current, their mouths barely able to stay above the 21 . Thick fog made it difficult for beachgoers to see the guys, but the screams were unmistakable. And every second counted.
22 , four surfers in wet suits were nearby. Narayan Weibel, Spenser Stratton, Adrian York and Taj Ortiz-Beck, all 16, were on their surfboards riding up and down the coast on five-foot waves when they heard the 23 . They turned and saw two bobbing (摆动) heads and four flailing (扑打) arms. “We looked at each other and knew these guys were about to drown (淹死),” Weibel told the reporter.
Weibel, Stratton, and Ortiz-Beck paddled (用桨划) toward the swimmers while York headed to shore to find someone to call 911. He then dived back in to 24 his friends.
As the surfers drew close, the brothers were 25 . Ortiz-Beck pulled up alongside the one brother. Grabbing him under his arms, he pulled him up onto his board. Stratton and Weibel, meanwhile, were trying to help the other. He was large, 250 to 300 pounds, and he was panicked. “Calm down—we 26 you!” Weibel shouted.
York arrived 27 to help get the guy on top of the second board. They then paddled several minutes through a wild current to the medical help waiting onshore. The brothers were scared but 28 .
“When we get a call like this one, it’s usually too 29 by the time we get there,” says Dillon Cleavenger, the lifeguard, “I can’t say enough about what these boys did. They were willing and prepared to 30 their lives.”
21. A. board B. water C. ship D. shore
22. A. Luckily B. Surprisingly C. Surely D. Gradually
23. A. news B. stories C. words D. cries
24. A. invite B. guide C. help D. greet
25. A. striking B. struggling C. strengthening D. stretching
26. A. met B. got C. knew D. followed
27. A. in fear B. in turn C. in time D. in advance
28. A. proud B. strong C. satisfied D. fine
29. A. late B. busy C. far D. difficult
30. A. save B. change C. risk D. share
III. 阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)
Once when I was young and had a loose tooth, I asked my father, a dentist, to look at it. “It needs to be pulled,” he told me. I closed my eyes, scared of the experience. I was still waiting for him to pull it when I heard my father say, “I’m done.” I opened my eyes and saw my tooth in his tissue-covered hand. I hadn’t felt anything, and there was just a bit of blood on the tissues. I thought my father was a magician.
The next day at school I told a friend about my father’s remarkable skills. When I explained that the process hadn’t hurt, my friend called me a liar. He said that when his tooth was pulled, it had hurt a lot. I talked to my father about this and there was not a single mystery left after my father’s explanation. My tooth had been ready to be pulled, while my friend’s had not.
“I’m going to be a dentist,” I declared. I wanted to follow in the professional footsteps of my father, my uncle and grandmother. My father supported my ambition, honoring my interest in his profession even when I was young.
I was the only kid I knew who was excited about going to the dentist. I was amazed as my father operated machines and leaned over patients’ mouths with a tiny mirror fastened on his head. Once, when my dad was cleaning my mother’s teeth, he let me suction the saliva (用管子吸唾液) from her mouth. That was the first time I saw the inside of a human mouth close-up. I stared at the structure of my mom’s teeth, paying close attention and dreaming that one day I would see the same image as a dentist.
Years later, the dream of a child has not decreased but actually grown firmer. As time passed, I realized that hard work and effort are necessary to be a dentist, which made my ambition even stronger.
31. What happened to the writer when his tooth was being pulled
A. His mouth hurt badly. B. He felt no pain.
C. Great courage filled his heart. D. A lot of blood came from his mouth.
32. How did the writer’s father support his ambition
A. His father involved him in dentist work.
B. His father let him pull his mother’s teeth.
C. His father took him to the dentist every day.
D. His father taught him the structure of human teeth.
33. What is the best title for the passage
A. My Father B. Teeth Care C. My Childhood D. Dentist Dream
For decades, common wisdom held that how much we eat and exercise determines our weight. As researchers learned more about the human body, they discovered that what people eat plays an important role in weight gain and loss. This led to a wide range of dietary recommendations (饮食建议). Don’t eat fats. Avoid sugars. Eat protein at every meal.
Now researchers are discovering another factor that influences health and weight gain—when we eat. A growing body of evidence finds that the time of day when we consume calories affects weight gain and overall health.
The most recent study to support this idea was published this summer in the “Journal of Nutrition”. Data from the study came from broad questionnaires that explore the links between lifestyle, diet and disease.
Researchers found that participants who ate three meals a day and snacked between meals tended to gain weight over time, while those who ate one or two meals a day tended to lose weight. What’s more, participants who made breakfast their largest meal were less likely to be overweight compared to those who ate their largest meal at lunch or dinner. Those who ate breakfast were more likely to be a healthy weight compared to those who skipped breakfast.
The evidence on the benefits of having a big breakfast is strong enough that the American Heart Association has announced a statement that planning and timing meals and snacks is a healthier way of eating, and likely reduces the risk factors for heart disease. The statement stressed that eating breakfast is helpful in preventing diabetes (糖尿病).
“Meal timing may affect health due to its effect on the body’s internal clock,” said Marie Pierre St-Onge, Ph.D., an associate professor of nutritional medicine at Columbia University in New York City. She also explained that planning meals and snacks can help prevent emotional eating. “Many people find that emotions can cause desire to eat when they are not hungry, which often leads to eating too many calories from foods that have low nutritional value,” she said.
The take-home message here is pretty clear. Breakfast truly may be the most important meal of the day. Consuming more calories in the morning and fewer as the day goes on is an effective way to keep a healthy weight.
34. The first paragraph suggests that _______.
A. exercise makes us healthy and eat more
B. if we don’t eat sugars, we will lose weight
C. we should avoid eating protein at every meal
D. dietary habits are closely related to our weight
35. Researchers found that_________.
A. having breakfast can cure diabetes
B. meal times may have an effect on health
C. snacking may reduce the risk of heart diseases
D. eating habits can cure your emotional problems
36. What do the underlined words “take-home message” in the last paragraph mean
A. Conclusion. B. Decision. C. Conversation. D. Information.
37. The writer of the passage aims to ________.
A. examine the history of breakfast development
B. stress the benefit of eating dinner and snacks
C. explain the importance of breakfast
D. promote the idea of healthy food
Why teach kids to forgive
It’s been more than four decades, but I still can’t forgive what they did to me that summer afternoon. I was 14, walking in the mall with my two “friends,” Roger and Carson. I had introduced them to each other the week before and now they were chatting back-and-forth, leaving me out.
Forty-two years later, Carson died of injuries caused by a motorcycle crash, the bad blood between us unresolved. Roger I have 4,922 Facebook friends, but he’s not one of them. I delete his every request.
Revenge isn’t so sweet
Revenge (报复) is a powerful emotion; the desire to hurt those who wrong us is a universal quality of human nature. However, research associates not-forgiving with depression, anxiety, and hostility. Multiple studies find a higher rate of heart problems in adults who won’t forgive. On the contrary, children and adults who are able to let go of angry feelings experience greater psychological well-being.
No hard feelings
Despite the evidence that forgiving is good for you, forgiveness has an image problem, originating from a misunderstanding of what forgiveness is and isn’t.
Forgiveness is often thought to be a weak response that minimizes or excuses wrongdoing. These are all misunderstandings, says Loren Toussaint, professor of psychology at Luther College. Forgiveness doesn’t require that the other person apologize. And it doesn’t have to result in reconciliation (和解). Forgiveness simply means you’re letting go of feelings of resentment and revenge. You’re refocusing your thoughts on positive emotions; perhaps even feelings of understanding, empathy, and compassion toward the person who hurt you.
Why it works
When kids are wronged and don’t forgive, they continue to release stress chemicals into their brains, which activate survival emotions such as fear and anger and results in an inhibition (抑制) of the brain’s problem-solving ability, creativity and reasoning.
What happens in the brain when a person forgives is a very different picture. A University of Pisa study found that participants who thought about forgiveness exhibited activation in five brain regions, indicating an increase in positive emotions, understanding of the mental states of others, perception, and control of emotions. “Research supports the connection between forgiveness and improved academic functions,” Toussaint says. “The negative emotions of unforgiveness can be powerful factors that affect children’s attention and focus in the classroom and in their individual studies.”
Okay. I will finally let go of my 50 years of resentment. And I’m moving on. Roger… I accept your FB request… Hi.
38. Why does the writer tell his own story
A. To share his personal experience of forgiveness.
B. To introduce the topic of teaching forgiveness.
C. To show his determination to get revenge.
D. To express his hatred toward two friends.
39. Which of the following statements would Loren Toussaint agree with
A. Forgiving should be based on sincere apology.
B. Forgiveness will result in refreshed friendship.
C. Forgiving people means you are weaker than others.
D. Forgiveness means becoming free from negative emotions.
40. Why should kids be taught to forgive
A. Forgiveness improves academic performance.
B. Forgiveness helps cure psychological diseases.
C. Forgiveness heals hurts and is good for the forgiver.
D. Forgiveness makes the forgiver an intelligent person.
41. The main purpose of the passage is to__________.
A. inform and explain B. argue and discuss
C. examine and assess D. compare and evaluate
Recently the term “climate anxiety” has been used to better describe our growing concerns about climate change. While there is evidence that climate anxiety can be identified and reliably measured, what’s less clear is how it relates to mental illness. Mental health providers across the world are noting the presence of climate anxiety in their patients; however, the degree to which it is influencing mental illness is not yet clear, though evidence addressing this question is slowly growing.
For years now, mental health clinicians have seen climate anxiety influencing presentations of mental illness in a variety of ways, some extreme. Recent studies are starting to look at links between climate anxiety and mental illness in larger samples to help better understand the directionality of their relationship. In a U.S. survey of more than 340 people published in 2018, climate concerns were associated with depressive symptoms (症状). Ecological coping, which includes pro-environmental behaviors such as reducing energy consumption, appeared to be protective against depression, indicating that climate concerns and the poor coping skills used to address them could be causing depressive symptoms.
So who might be more at risk of mental illness secondary to the uncertainties around climate change Unsurprisingly, climate anxiety appears higher in individuals with more concern about environmental issues at baseline and those already experiencing direct effects of climate change. Climatologists also face increased risk given their in-depth knowledge on the issue coupled with the upsetting task of trying to convey it to individuals and governments that often deny or downplay it. People with high levels of neuroticism, a personality trait that increases susceptibility to mental illness, are also likely to be at high risk.
Some individuals report adaptive responses to climate anxiety like adopting pro-environmental behaviors and participating in collective action, while others are unable to respond behaviorally at all. It’s not yet clear how these varying reactions manifest (呈现) on a population level and how they’re influencing humanity’s response to climate change. However, a recent survey of nearly 200 people found that, while climate anxiety was associated with an emotional response to climate change, it was not correlated with a behavioral response.
If this is true for humanity as a whole, we must urgently help motivate the anxious among us. Doing so successfully will require many approaches, such as delivering cognitive-behavioral therapy (认知行为疗法) to the most severely affected and demonstrating to entire populations that change is possible by better publicizing productive efforts by organizations to reduce their carbon footprints. We can’t let climate anxiety stop us from responding to climate change, because now, more than ever, we need action, not inaction.
42. What can be learned from the first two paragraphs
A. Mental illness may increase the risk of climate anxiety.
B. Reducing energy consumption can help treat depression.
C. Failure to handle climate anxiety may cause depressive symptoms.
D. The influence of climate anxiety on mental illness can be measured.
43.The underlined phrase “secondary to” in Paragraph 3 probably means .
A. as a result of B. less important than
C. as serious as D. regardless of
44. Which of the following might be effective in helping the anxious overcome
climate anxiety
A. Publicizing the latest research on climate anxiety.
B. Funding studies into cognitive-behavioral therapies.
C. Delivering speeches to anxious people on a regular basis.
D. Informing the public of practical ways to live a greener life.
45. What is the purpose of this passage
A. To reveal consequences of climate anxiety.
B. To show new findings about climate anxiety.
C. To compare climate anxiety and mental illness.
D. To demand care for those experiencing climate anxiety.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分。共 10 分。请选择正确答案填在机读卡相应的题号处。E=AB, F=AC, G=AD) 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出正确的填入空白处。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Have you ever been labeled a “perfectionist” Or do you consider yourself to be one It’s attractive to see perfectionism as a positive quality—it shows that we pay close attention to detail and get things right! And, it is often viewed as a strength that helps people to produce high-quality work. 46 It can damage self-esteem, cause relationship problems, and, in extreme cases, it may even lead to serious health problems. If you think that you have a problem with perfectionism, the following strategies can help you to lessen its negative effects.
Set realistic goals. 47 Instead, learn to think about your most important life and career goals. Then, break them down into smaller steps. Not only will this make it easier to reach your objectives, but you’ll also experience the thrill of achieving them.
48 If you’re feeling anxious or unhappy about a task, they may be telling you that you’re trying to achieve the impossible. And adjust your targets accordingly! Perfectionists are often likely to start negative self-talk. If you catch yourself doing this, stop! Try using thought awareness to question your negative thoughts and add some positivity!
Focus on the bigger picture. Perfectionism can cause “tunnel vision”—when you focus on one small part of something but ignore the rest. You might, for instance, focus on getting a minor part of a presentation right, like the special effects, instead of concentrating on the meaning that you are trying to deliver. Remember to keep your focus on the bigger picture. 49
Relax and go with the flow. The pursuit of perfection can make it extremely difficult to relax. And perfectionists prefer to maintain focus and to stick to their carefully laid plans. But relaxation isn’t just necessary for a healthy life. It can also improve your productivity and well-being. And you’ll be better at keeping perfectionism under control if you’re feeling rested, clear-headed and happy. 50 Get outside, be open to new experiences and new people, make use of relaxation techniques, and recognize when you need to switch off.
Most of all, don’t allow perfectionism or fear of failure to stop you from experiencing new things. Be open to new ways of thinking, new people, and new experiences. You might just find that letting go actually boosts your well-being, your relationships, and your performance.
A. Listen to your emotions.
B. So, take regular breaks at work.
C. Seek advice from qualified health professionals.
D. Your failings will seem less significant and you’ll reduce the urge to be perfect.
E. However, when perfectionism gets out of control, it can do more harm than good.
F. Perfectionists often set objectives so high that there’s little hope of ever achieving
G. If you’re afraid to make mistakes, it’s difficult to generate new ideas and seize opportunities.
听力理解 第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)
City Bus Tour Booking Form
Number of passengers Two
Passenger name(s) Susan Field and James 16
Telephone number 17
Hotel The 18 Hotel
Bus tour time At 2 pm, 14th 19
Special request(s) Getting off at 20 before returning to the hotel
单词拼写(共25 小题; 每小题 1分, 满分25 分) (答题纸上需拼写完整单词)
He used to explain things which seemed difficult with lots of p__________ examples and in simple language.
Today we’re looking at how English teachers give f__________ to their students and how students feel about it.
Although it is very demanding for my teacher, it is more e_____ than other types of feedback.
She was deeply a________ of her behaviour at the party. She did something wrong.
They say that phones bring people closer together but in r________, my mind is always a million miles away.
Sometimes I set d__________ for myself: I will start doing my homework at 8 pm, and aim to finish in two hours.
By working with others you develop a lot of key skills, c_________, communication, building agreement and others.
For a lot of people, becoming a millionaire is a s________ of success and they set this as their ultimate goal.
C__________ should be judged on their pronunciation, clarity and fluency, and also progression of ideas and audience engagement.
We all want to be part of a group and feel like we b_________ to our community.
I’d prefer to have three or four o________ years of winning stuff than having ten years of being average.”
She has been a volleyball star for more than thirty-five years and has c____________ greatly to the sport, which has made her the most popular figure in China’s volleyball history.
She is loved not only because of her d_________ to her career, but also because of her huge influence on the sport of volleyball.
We definitely need to s___________ to different forms of power as soon as possible.
-Did she say anything about using p____________ bags
-Yes. She talked about how the waste is killing our oceans.
If we don't do something now, there will be no rhinos left in the world in 20 years. That's an incredibly u_________ matter.
It is clear that human activity has negatively a__________all other species on Earth, including animals and plants.
Supermarkets want to make sure that coconut reach the c____________ in the best condition.
Plastic wrapping keeps the fruit clean during the t________________ process.
R________________ exercise also cuts the risk of heart disease by 50%!
Sixteen years ago, Jason was a college professor with a huge six-bedroom house and a f_______ of two million dollars.
For more than 50 years, he has devoted his life to rice p_________.
Lang Ping is one of China’s most r________ athletes.
Over the last d__________, average of 2500 people have died every year in vehicle accidents.
On the other hand, opponents of factory farming say that it is c_________to the animals. For instance, many farm animals are kept in small spaces where they can hardly move.
II.语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分) 在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
We traveled together as far as Chicago, ______ we said goodbye to each other.
Landslides and earthquakes ______ (claim) more than 1.6 million lives in the last hundred years.
______ (know) basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.
_____ is known to all, the compass was first made in China.
She went to a European university to study art. _____ university is really amazing.
There was a terrible noise______ (follow) the sudden burst of light.
The house, ______ roof was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired.
Marty ________ (work) really hard on his book and he thinks he’ll have finished it by Friday.
She _______ (phone) someone, so I nodded to her and went away.
During his stay in Xi’an, Jerry tried almost all the local food his friends_______ (recommend)
假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest)。希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。
Dear Ms. Smith,
Li Hua
6—10 CACCA 11—15 BBABC
16.Carter 17.6295992 18.Sunshine 19.August 20.downtown
21—25 BADCB 26—30 BCDAC
31. B 32. A 33. D 34. D 35. B
36. A 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. C
41. A 42.C 43.A 44. D 45.D
46. E 47. F 48. A 49.D 50. B
单词拼写(共25 小题; 每小题 1分, 满分25 分)
1. practical 2. feedback 3. effective 4. ashamed
5. reality 6.deadline(s) 7.cooperation 8.symbol 9.competitors 10.belong 11.outstanding 12.contributed 13. devotion 14. switch 15. plastic 16.urgent
17.affected 18. consumer/customer(s) 19. transportation 20. regular 21. fortune 22. production 23. recognized 24. decade
25. cruel
语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
where 2. have claimed 3. Knowing
4. As 5. The 6. following
7. whose 8. has been working
9. was phoning 10.had recommended
Dear Ms. Smith,
Li Hua, Chairman of the Students' Union of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 15, at Room 501. It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and Nature”. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions.
I am looking forward to your reply.
With best wishes,
Li Hua