2023-2024学年广东省高二上学期期中考试英语试题(1-3班)(原卷版+ 解析版)


名称 2023-2024学年广东省高二上学期期中考试英语试题(1-3班)(原卷版+ 解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 85.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-07 22:12:50


全卷满分130分 考试用时120分钟
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
While attractions like the Shard and the London Eye offer excellent perspectives, they’re always busy and ticket prices are steep. But with a little insider knowledge, you can save your pounds and bag your skyline photos without the crowds through accessing the following viewpoints.
Parliament Hill
London is mostly flat, but if you know where to look there are a few hills that provide natural (and free) high points offering city views with a side order of fresh air.
One of the most central is Parliament Hill on Hampstead Heath——at 98m, one of London’s highest natural viewpoints. From here, on a clear day, you can sit on the park bench that featured in movies like Run Fatboy Run and Notes on a Scandal.
Entry fee: free
The Garden Museum Tower
If you exit left out of Westminster station, battle your way over the bridge and then turn right, past the view of Big Ben and walk along the south side of the Thames, you’ll come to a medieval (中 世纪的) church.
While you might be interested in British garden design, it’s the 14th-Century tower that’s the main attraction for photographers. Climb the 131 steps of the narrow spiral staircase and you’ll emerge onto one of the finest riverside viewpoints in the city——with views across to the Palace of Westminster on the right.
Entry fee: Adult f16, or Tower only 4
The IFS Cloud Cable Car
If you want to soar over London in a glass pod, the obvious place to go is the London Eye. But a cheaper and crowd-free alternative is to ride the IFS Cloud Cable Car.
The views are impressive at any time, but the Cable Car stays open late, so you can even enjoy magnificent sunsets from the west——facing side or admire the twinkling city lights after dark.
Entry fee: E6 one-way
Seabird, Southwark
London has no shortage of rooftop venues (场所) offering knockout cityscape views, so it can be hard to pick just one or two. But for location, angles and a great experience, it doesn’t get much better than Seabird, on the 14th floor of the Hoxton hotel in Southwark with nothing to block views on three sides.
Entry fee: Buy a drink: draught beer costs 6.50 or small glass of wine is 9; a portion of olives costs 5.
1. Where can you go if you want to photograph the 14th-Century tower
A. The London Eye.
B. The south side of the Thames.
C. The rooftop venues.
D. A place near St Paul’s Cathedral.
2. In which viewpoint can you just buy a drink and enjoy free city views
A. Parliament Hill.
B. The Garden Museum Tower.
C. The IFS Cloud Cable Car.
D. Seabird, Southwark.
3. What do the 4 viewpoints have in common
A. They are free.
B. They are well-known.
C. They are not crowded.
D. They are not cheap.
“Why do you have 9,632 emails in your inbox (收件箱) ”
I looked at my husband,“Um...is that a lot How many are in your inbox ”
“About twenty,” he replied. I looked at my inbox. There were emails I had meant to deal with; emails from customers and the kids’ schools with information I needed; there were time-sensitive offers I’d never got around to investigating; endless updates from the social media platforms I subscribed to, and the rest I had kept just in case.
I realized that I had become an email hoarder (囤积者). I clearly had a problem and I needed to act. I paused my work and began to delete unwanted emails. An hour later I made little progress.
“Just delete the whole lot,” my husband strongly suggested.
Could I do that It was appealing. But I paused. I couldn’t. I did have a problem! Then I decided to compromise. I kept the last month’s emails and deleted everything else. I looked at my almost empty inbox. Wow, it felt so good.
To be honest, I feel genuine anxiety about deleting emails, FOMO (错失恐惧症) is a real problem for many people like me with email issues. So many emails are “offers”. What if that amazing offer never comes up again But the fact is that they do...frequently. What’s more,these great offers are often time-sensitive and so we hang on to them “just in case”, then miss the deadline anyway and still don’t delete them.
I found it useful to limit my emails to 50 and I use an email system which ensures all school emails go into a separate inbox, so I can see at a glance when “Dress like a Roman” day or “Bring an onion to school” day (yes really) is coming up! I feel more in control and organized now. I’m on top of my inbox. Now I’m off to handle the cupboard under the stairs!
4. What was the author’s immediate reaction to her husband’s suggestion
A. She approved of it. B. She felt annoyed at it.
C. She hesitated about it. D. She was astonished at it.
5. What led to the author’s anxiety about deleting emails
A. The deadline that she forgot to meet.
B. The fact that she liked keeping emails.
C. The offer that she might never give.
D. The fear that she would miss out something.
6. What does the author do with her inbox at last
A. Adopt an email system to classify all emails.
B. Separate unwanted emails into a new inbox.
C. Reply to school emails as soon as possible.
D. Set a restriction to the number of emails.
7. What is the text mainly about
A. How the author became an email hoarder.
B. How the author takes her inbox in hand.
C. Why FOMO is a real problem.
D. Why emails turned out to be a headache.
People who give, live longer, studies have shown. Now, a new study by University of Michigan shows that why people volunteer—not whether they volunteer—is what really counts.
For the study, Konrath and colleagues analyzed data collected in 2008 and 2012 aiming at the same random samples of 3,376 people. Overall, they found that just 2.3 percent of those who once worked as volunteers had died, compared to 4.3 percent of non-volunteers. They further found that how much people volunteered mattered as well—only 1.8 percent of regular volunteers died, compared with 2.5 percent of occasional volunteers.
But what really made a difference were people’s motives for volunteering. The researchers asked people to rate how important they found various reasons for volunteering, and they found that the more important people rated reasons such as feeling pity for people in need, the more likely they were to be alive. Those who rated motives related to personal benefit as more important were more likely to have died, and just as likely to die as those who didn’t volunteer at all. These reasons included volunteering because they enjoyed the social contact, to escape their own problems, or to explore their own strengths.
Konrath says the current findings suggest it may be a poor idea to encourage people to volunteer because it’s good for them. “Volunteering is increasingly being encouraged in schools and organizations. Some groups say that it’s okay to want benefits for yourself, and encourage people to think of volunteering as an exchange for personal interests. Some groups emphasize the health benefits received through volunteering.” Konrath added, “Of course, it’s reasonable for volunteers to expect benefits for themselves. But the potential health benefits of volunteering are significantly reduced if self-benefit becomes a person’s main motive.”
8. What does the new study mainly find
A. How we volunteer makes sense to others. B. How often we volunteer makes a difference.
C. Whether we volunteer decides our well-being. D. Why we volunteer has an impact on our health.
9. How did the researchers do the study
A. By analyzing statistics. B. By rating volunteers’ performances.
C. By doing lab experiments. D. By grouping participants randomly.
10. Which of the following motives will probably contribute to a longer life
A. To develop abilities. B. To make more friends.
C. To help the poor people. D. To solve personal problems.
11. What is the last paragraph mainly about
A. Practical suggestions on further studies. B. A further explanation of the current findings.
C. Potential applications of the research method. D. A reasonable doubt about the research results.
A small robot that can change its shape and produce heat shows potential in targeting cancer cells and preventing internal bleeding. It can also be used for delivering drugs directly to tumors (肿瘤) or inaccessible areas within the human body.
Researchers, led by Ren Hao Soon at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, developed a centimeter-sized robot inspired by pangolins (穿山甲). It is constructed with soft and magnetic (磁性的) materials, allowing the robot to change its shape. To enable movement, shape shifting, and heat generation, the researchers applied magnetic fields to the robot’s metal parts. By adjusting the frequency of these fields, the robot was able to heat up and give out heat into its surroundings. The team observed that the robot’s body temperature could be over 70℃.
In addition, the researchers used the robot’s heat to deliver substances within a simulated (模拟的) stomach environment. They attached something simulating medicine capsules onto the robot, which dissolved upon heating, thereby releasing the goods. This technique holds promise for targeted drug delivery inside the body.
Soon, his team also tested the robot’s ability to halt bleeding. They created wounds using a dead pig’s stomach. By pumping blood through a small incision using a syringe, they simulated bleeding. Subsequently, the robot extended and covered the area, giving out heat to help stop bleeding.
According to Jake Abbott from the University of Utah, the robot could potentially be employed for targeted destruction of tumor cells, reducing the need for exposing large amounts of tissue to radiation or chemicals. By raising the robot’s temperature to a level unsafe for normal cells and keeping it in place for a few minutes, cancer cells can be killed.
12. What can we know about the small robot from the text
A. It was born out of inspiration from the natural world.
B. It can be applied to targeting cancer cells and goods delivery.
C. It can be used to deliver substances to inaccessible rural areas.
D. It can generate heat constructed with specially-selected materials.
13. How do the researchers make the robot deliver goods
A. By using magnets. B. By using heat.
C. By using radiation. D. By using chemicals.
14. What does the underlined word “halt” in paragraph 5 mean
A. Control. B. Detect. C. Stop. D. Monitor.
15. Which can be the best title for the text
A. Tiny Robots Will Be Used In Medicine.
B. Tiny Robots Will Be Made to Give Out Heat.
C. Small Robots Will Be Made To Deliver Goods.
D Small Robots Have Been Used To Cure Tumors.
第二节 七选五 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)
Digital technologies are taking up too much of our time and attention. Many of us will spend a significant part of our lives staring at screens, missing out on satisfying relationships and feeling more emotional pain. For many years, we’ve been taught that the solution to this potential harm is some form of digital detox (脱瘾), which mainly shows us what not to do after our digital addiction. ____16____ Try the following three steps to achieve balance in your and your family’s digital life:
Determine your problem times
Identify the times and situations when being on screens is making your life worse. It could be when you are streaming a TV series right before bed, feeling depressed afterward and losing hours of sleep. Or you could be getting stuck on your device at the dinner table and end up getting distracted. ____17____ Identify your top two or three problem situations.
Once you identify the pain points, for example, scrolling (滚动浏览) on TikTok for hours keeps you from sleeping and makes you feel depressed afterward), ask yourself: What is screen time replacing and what goals is it serving In other words, what are you actually hungry for You might be endlessly scrolling because you want to feel uplifted at the end of the day. Write down the things you really want.
Try a substitute
____19____ It’s crucial to pick something that consistently makes you feel good. For example if your goal is social connection, make plans for a nice meal with a friend or take that weekly meeting in person rather than via Zoom. If your goal is inspiration, schedule time for oil painting, reading historical fiction or whatever it is that uplifts you. ____20____ And at last, you will become empowered, healthy and wise digital citizens.
A. Identify your true desire.
B. Determine your pain points.
C. Pretty soon these replacements will make you feel more satisfied.
D. But the only way to truly gain control is to take positive steps in advance.
E. Or maybe you are inefficient at work because you’re doing too much online shopping.
F. Ask yourself how you can meet those needs through something other than screen time.
G. If your digital life is out of balance, reducing time on devices is an important first step.
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
I was traveling on an overnight bus in Maharashtra. The bus was more than packed; all 55 seats were ______21______ and there were some 20 people standing in the aisle. The air inside was hot and filled with strange, unpleasant smells. The hot day ______22______ the discomfort of the bumpy, 10-hour journey. Because I was traveling on a student pass, I could not ______23______ a reserved seat. I had no option but to stand — quite ______24______.
After around two long hours, I was beyond exhausted and bored. I kept trying to ______25______ myself, shifting my body weight from one leg to the other to manage the comfort. I suddenly felt a soft hand______26______ my elbow. Turning around, I found a middle-aged man with a kind smile looking up at me. He stood up and said I could take his ______27______ for some time. I was pleasantly surprised and immediately accepted his offer. After 20 minutes, I ______28______ him to take back his space. A man, who was sitting by the window on the other side of the bus, had observed our ______29______.
Just then, something magical happened. Our observer ______30______ stood up and offered his seat to another standing man. This game of seat-sharing ______31______ through the bus and, before long, almost all the standers got a chance to be seated. People even started chatting with each other while exchanging______32______ , and soon began sharing joke s and singing. The rest of the journey was quite enjoyable.
The bus reached its destination in the early morning. The groups quickly ______33______ and went their way. But this ______34______ experience has stayed with me even after all these years. It revealed to me an important fact that we can all ______35______ what we have, including our burdens, and help our co-passengers in this journey called life.
21. A. booked B. offered C. occupied D. used
22. A. added to B. belonged to C. referred to D. turned to
23. A. admit B. complain C. notice D. claim
24. A. freely B. uncomfortably C. pleasantly D. sadly
25. A. enjoy B. promise C. remind D. balance
26. A. tapping B. hitting C. raising D. dropping
27. A. ticket B. seat C. order D. chance
28. A. informed B. instructed C. signaled D. required
29. A. cooperation B. argument C. exchange D. conflict
30. A. occasionally B. especially C. properly D. voluntarily
31. A. extended B. spread C. went D. grew
32. A. numbers B. cards C. positions D. addresses
33. A. separated B. united C. mixed D. rested
34. A. practical B. extraordinary C. common D. unpleasant
35. A. reflect B. treasure C. change D. share
第二节 短文填空 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Sauce-flavored or liquor latte, a new drink___36___(advertise) as containing the Chinese spirit baijiu , exploded on Chinese social media on September 4th.
The co-branded product from Luckin, China’s biggest coffee brand, and Moutai, a renowned baijiu brand, has aroused ___37___(curious) due to its unique combination of coffee and baijiu. Priced at 19 RMB per cup, that’s about $3; it also makes___38___possible for many customers to have their first taste of the luxury Chinese liquor. “It tastes like liquor-flavored chocolate. Yesterday, almost everyone posted their cup of latte on their SNS(社交网络).“I got one today.” “It’s a bit light for me because I’m an alcohol person not a coffee person. But I___39___(definite) wanted to try this, and the combination is good ___40___(try).”
The co-branding marketing campaign has clearly been a success. According to the___41___(late) data from Luckin, it made almost 100 million RMB in revenue (收益);that’s more___42___$13.7 million by selling 5.4 million cups on September 4th alone. But this is not the first time that a Chinese drink brand___43___(team) up with another company. Hey Tea with luxury brand Fendi, Manner Coffee with Louis Vuitton, both triggered(引发) excitement among consumers.
In a highly-competitive market,___44___Chinese customers have plenty of options to choose from, it means drink ____45____ (company) need to continuously find new ways to dominate the beverage(饮料) industry.
第三部分XB2 U1-U4课本知识考查(共三节,满分20分)
46. In general, doctors in those days had two ________(不一致的,对立的) theories to explain how cholera spread. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
47. Students need to generate ideas, offer examples, apply concepts, and raise questions, as well as give ________(报告;陈述). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
48. At a ________ (至少;最小) , the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
49. They didn’t ________ (料到) seeing such an open country and were truly amazed. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
50. There has been a ________ (减少) of about 10% in the number of violent crime this year. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
51. Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with her ________ (适应) to the new culture. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
52. Accidents usually ________ (由……引起) from carelessness, so you should be careful while driving. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
53. For example, America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's chicken, which _______(组成) of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, favoured with hot red peppers. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
54. The visit to Russia gave them ________ (使接触) to the language. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
55. It was correct, but he still needed ________ (验证;证据). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
56. Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I________(leave) my book in the cafe. (所给词的适当形式填空)
57. ________ (lose) in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound. (所给词的适当形式填空)
58. ________ seemed strange before now appears quite normal to her. (用适当的词填空)
59. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was ________ it was rather closely modeled on his own life.
60. With my leg ________ (burn), I won’t be able to go on holiday. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第三节:根据汉语完成下列句子, 每空填一词(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)
61. 我参加过几次类似的活动,那些活动让我具备了相关的经验。
I have ________ ________ several similar activities, which equipped me with relevant experience.
62. 斯诺赞同第二种看法。
Snow ________ ________ the second theory.
63. 我不小心上了一趟开往城市的火车,然后不得不一路赶回郊区。
I accidentally got on a train ________ ________ the city and then had to come all the way back to the suburbs
64. 来中国之前,我只在美国接触过中式烹饪。
_____________ coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America.
65. 他要求和负责人说话。
He asked to speak to the person ________ ________.
第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华,准备参加学校组织的英文诗朗诵比赛。请给外教George写封邮件求助、内容包括:
1. 说明比赛要求;
2. 请他推荐英文诗;
3. 请教朗诵技巧。
1. 词数120左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使内容连贯。
Dear Mr. George,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Missy was absolutely my best friend in the whole world. We had known each other since first grade, and we literally did everything together. We frequently visited each other’s homes, we knew each other’s families like they were our own. The interesting thing about our relationship, however the fact was that the older we got, the more our values seemed to differ. We still enjoyed a lot of the same things, but I was a bit more settled while she loved being associated with popular people and things. Although she was basically a good person, she had no problem with forcing things to go her way.
Perhaps this is why it seemed that her family actually trusted me more than they trusted her. So, on the day when Missy showed up at my house with a huge dent (凹痕) in her father’s car, I knew that we were in for a troublesome time.
She had banged the car into a tree while out that day, and she knew her father was going to have an explanation. So she stopped by my house in order to make up a story that would lessen her father’s rage. Missy decided to tell him that while in a parking lot, someone must have backed into the car and dented it. Looking at the dent with some crashed leaves and bark still sticking there, I attempted to perish (打消) her thought. “I don’t think your father will buy it.” “ Don’t worry,” she insisted,“even if my dad doesn’t trust me, he’ll trust you.” My role was to confirm for her. Now keep in mind that I had strong objections to lying and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with the situation. I loved her parents just like my own, and I did not want to be a party to this lie that Missy was creating. Nevertheless, after much request and a general questioning of my loyalty to our friendship, I decided that the least I could do was to act as a silent witness. That way, I wasn’t actually lying; I just wasn’t telling the full truth.
Paragraph 1: An hour or so later we presented Missy’s father with the car and the inquiry began.
Paragraph 2: Her father looked at me with great disbelief.
全卷满分130分 考试用时120分钟
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
While attractions like the Shard and the London Eye offer excellent perspectives, they’re always busy and ticket prices are steep. But with a little insider knowledge, you can save your pounds and bag your skyline photos without the crowds through accessing the following viewpoints.
Parliament Hill
London is mostly flat, but if you know where to look there are a few hills that provide natural (and free) high points offering city views with a side order of fresh air.
One of the most central is Parliament Hill on Hampstead Heath——at 98m, one of London’s highest natural viewpoints. From here, on a clear day, you can sit on the park bench that featured in movies like Run Fatboy Run and Notes on a Scandal.
Entry fee: free
The Garden Museum Tower
If you exit left out of Westminster station, battle your way over the bridge and then turn right, past the view of Big Ben and walk along the south side of the Thames, you’ll come to a medieval (中 世纪的) church.
While you might be interested in British garden design, it’s the 14th-Century tower that’s the main attraction for photographers. Climb the 131 steps of the narrow spiral staircase and you’ll emerge onto one of the finest riverside viewpoints in the city——with views across to the Palace of Westminster on the right.
Entry fee: Adult f16, or Tower only 4
The IFS Cloud Cable Car
If you want to soar over London in a glass pod, the obvious place to go is the London Eye. But a cheaper and crowd-free alternative is to ride the IFS Cloud Cable Car.
The views are impressive at any time, but the Cable Car stays open late, so you can even enjoy magnificent sunsets from the west——facing side or admire the twinkling city lights after dark.
Entry fee: E6 one-way
Seabird, Southwark
London has no shortage of rooftop venues (场所) offering knockout cityscape views, so it can be hard to pick just one or two. But for location, angles and a great experience, it doesn’t get much better than Seabird, on the 14th floor of the Hoxton hotel in Southwark with nothing to block views on three sides.
Entry fee: Buy a drink: draught beer costs 6.50 or small glass of wine is 9; a portion of olives costs 5.
1. Where can you go if you want to photograph the 14th-Century tower
A. The London Eye.
B. The south side of the Thames.
C. The rooftop venues.
D. A place near St Paul’s Cathedral.
2. In which viewpoint can you just buy a drink and enjoy free city views
A. Parliament Hill.
B. The Garden Museum Tower.
C. The IFS Cloud Cable Car.
D. Seabird, Southwark.
3. What do the 4 viewpoints have in common
A. They are free.
B. They are well-known.
C. They are not crowded.
D. They are not cheap.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
细节理解题。根据“The Garden Museum Tower”部分的句子“If you exit left out of Westminster station, battle your way over the bridge and then turn right, past the view of Big Ben and walk along the south side of the Thames, you’ll come to a medieval (中 世纪的) church. While you might be interested in British garden design, it’s the 14th-Century tower that’s the main attraction for photographers.”(如果你从西敏寺车站左出口,过了桥,然后右转,经过大本钟,沿着泰晤士河南岸走,你就会来到一座中世纪的教堂。虽然你可能对英国花园设计感兴趣,但对摄影师来说,这座14世纪的塔楼才是最吸引人的地方)可知,从泰晤士河南岸,可以拍摄这座14世纪的塔楼。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据“Seabird, Southwark”部分的句子“Entry fee: Buy a drink: draught beer costs 6.50 or small glass of wine is 9; a portion of olives costs 5.”(入场费:购买饮料:生啤酒6.5英镑,小杯葡萄酒9英镑;一份橄榄售价5英镑)可知,进入Seabird, Southwark的入场费是买一杯饮料。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第一段的句子“But with a little insider knowledge, you can save your pounds and bag your skyline photos without the crowds through accessing the following viewpoints.”(但只要掌握一些内幕知识,你就可以在以下没有人群的景点拍足够多的照片)可知,这几处景点的共同之处在于它们都不拥挤。故选C项。
“Why do you have 9,632 emails in your inbox (收件箱) ”
I looked at my husband,“Um...is that a lot How many are in your inbox ”
“About twenty,” he replied. I looked at my inbox. There were emails I had meant to deal with; emails from customers and the kids’ schools with information I needed; there were time-sensitive offers I’d never got around to investigating; endless updates from the social media platforms I subscribed to, and the rest I had kept just in case.
I realized that I had become an email hoarder (囤积者). I clearly had a problem and I needed to act. I paused my work and began to delete unwanted emails. An hour later I made little progress.
“Just delete the whole lot,” my husband strongly suggested.
Could I do that It was appealing. But I paused. I couldn’t. I did have a problem! Then I decided to compromise. I kept the last month’s emails and deleted everything else. I looked at my almost empty inbox. Wow, it felt so good.
To be honest, I feel genuine anxiety about deleting emails, FOMO (错失恐惧症) is a real problem for many people like me with email issues. So many emails are “offers”. What if that amazing offer never comes up again But the fact is that they do...frequently. What’s more,these great offers are often time-sensitive and so we hang on to them “just in case”, then miss the deadline anyway and still don’t delete them.
I found it useful to limit my emails to 50 and I use an email system which ensures all school emails go into a separate inbox, so I can see at a glance when “Dress like a Roman” day or “Bring an onion to school” day (yes really) is coming up! I feel more in control and organized now. I’m on top of my inbox. Now I’m off to handle the cupboard under the stairs!
4 What was the author’s immediate reaction to her husband’s suggestion
A. She approved of it. B. She felt annoyed at it.
C. She hesitated about it. D. She was astonished at it.
5 What led to the author’s anxiety about deleting emails
A. The deadline that she forgot to meet.
B. The fact that she liked keeping emails.
C. The offer that she might never give.
D. The fear that she would miss out something.
6. What does the author do with her inbox at last
A. Adopt an email system to classify all emails.
B. Separate unwanted emails into a new inbox.
C. Reply to school emails as soon as possible.
D. Set a restriction to the number of emails.
7. What is the text mainly about
A. How the author became an email hoarder.
B. How the author takes her inbox in hand.
C. Why FOMO is a real problem.
D. Why emails turned out to be a headache.
【答案】4. C 5. D 6. D 7. B
细节理解题。根据第六段中“Could I do that It was appealing. But I paused. I couldn’t. I did have a problem! Then I decided to compromise. (我可以这样做吗?这很吸引人。但我停顿了一下。我不能。我确实犯难!然后我决定折中)”可知,作者对丈夫建议的第一反应是犹豫不决。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第七段中“To be honest, I feel genuine anxiety about deleting emails, FOMO (错失恐惧症) is a real problem for many people like me with email issues. So many emails are ‘offers’. What if that amazing offer never comes up again (说实话,我真的对删除邮件感到焦虑,对于很多像我这样有邮件问题的人来说,错失恐惧症是一个真正的问题。很多邮件都是‘主动提供的’。如果那个惊人的工作机会再也没有了怎么办?)”可知,作者是害怕会错过一些东西而导致对删除邮件感到焦虑。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中“I found it useful to limit my emails to 50 and I use an email system which ensures all school emails go into a separate inbox, so I can see at a glance when ‘Dress like a Roman’ day or ‘Bring an onion to school’ day (yes really) is coming up! (我发现把我的电子邮件限制在50封很有用,我使用的电子邮件系统可以确保所有学校的电子邮件都放在一个单独的收件箱里,所以我可以一眼看到‘穿得像罗马人’日或‘带洋葱到学校’(是的,真地)即将到来!)”可知,作者最后限制了邮件数量。故选D项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其根据最后一段中“I’m on top of my inbox. (我正在处理并控制我的收件箱)”可知,本文主要讲述可作者是如何处理并控制收件箱的。故选B项。
People who give, live longer, studies have shown. Now, a new study by University of Michigan shows that why people volunteer—not whether they volunteer—is what really counts.
For the study, Konrath and colleagues analyzed data collected in 2008 and 2012 aiming at the same random samples of 3,376 people. Overall, they found that just 2.3 percent of those who once worked as volunteers had died, compared to 4.3 percent of non-volunteers. They further found that how much people volunteered mattered as well—only 1.8 percent of regular volunteers died, compared with 2.5 percent of occasional volunteers.
But what really made a difference were people’s motives for volunteering. The researchers asked people to rate how important they found various reasons for volunteering, and they found that the more important people rated reasons such as feeling pity for people in need, the more likely they were to be alive. Those who rated motives related to personal benefit as more important were more likely to have died, and just as likely to die as those who didn’t volunteer at all. These reasons included volunteering because they enjoyed the social contact, to escape their own problems, or to explore their own strengths.
Konrath says the current findings suggest it may be a poor idea to encourage people to volunteer because it’s good for them. “Volunteering is increasingly being encouraged in schools and organizations. Some groups say that it’s okay to want benefits for yourself, and encourage people to think of volunteering as an exchange for personal interests. Some groups emphasize the health benefits received through volunteering.” Konrath added, “Of course, it’s reasonable for volunteers to expect benefits for themselves. But the potential health benefits of volunteering are significantly reduced if self-benefit becomes a person’s main motive.”
8. What does the new study mainly find
A. How we volunteer makes sense to others. B. How often we volunteer makes a difference.
C. Whether we volunteer decides our well-being. D. Why we volunteer has an impact on our health.
9. How did the researchers do the study
A. By analyzing statistics. B. By rating volunteers’ performances.
C. By doing lab experiments. D. By grouping participants randomly.
10. Which of the following motives will probably contribute to a longer life
A. To develop abilities. B. To make more friends.
C. To help the poor people. D. To solve personal problems.
11. What is the last paragraph mainly about
A. Practical suggestions on further studies. B. A further explanation of the current findings.
C. Potential applications of the research method. D. A reasonable doubt about the research results.
【答案】8. D 9. A 10. C 11. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“People who give, live longer, studies have shown. Now, a new study by University of Michigan shows that why people volunteer—not whether they volunteer—is what really counts.(研究表明,乐于奉献的人寿命更长。现在,密歇根大学的一项新研究表明,真正重要的是人们为什么要做志愿者,而不是他们是否做志愿者)”可知,研究发现人们为什么自愿(做志愿者)、而不是是否做志愿者,才是真正重要的东西;第二段“For the study, Konrath and colleagues analyzed data collected in 2008 and 2012 aiming at the same random samples of 3,376 people. Overall, they found that just 2.3 percent of those who once worked as volunteers had died, compared to 4.3 percent of non-volunteers. They further found that how much people volunteered mattered as well—only 1.8 percent of regular volunteers died, compared with 2.5 percent of occasional volunteers.(在这项研究中,康拉斯和他的同事分析了2008年和2012年收集的数据,这些数据是针对3376人的随机样本。总的来说,他们发现,曾经做过志愿者的人中,只有2.3%的人去世了,而非志愿者的这一比例为4.3%。他们进一步发现,志愿者的数量也很重要——只有1.8%的定期志愿者死亡,而临时志愿者的死亡率为2.5%)”主要说明了志愿者比不做志愿的活得更长;第三段“But what really made a difference were people’s motives for volunteering. The researchers asked people to rate how important they found various reasons for volunteering, and they found that the more important people rated reasons such as feeling pity for people in need, the more likely they were to be alive. Those who rated motives related to personal benefit as more important were more likely to have died, and just as likely to die as those who didn’t volunteer at all. These reasons included volunteering because they enjoyed the social contact, to escape their own problems, or to explore their own strengths.(但真正起作用的是人们志愿服务的动机。研究人员让人们对他们认为的各种志愿活动原因的重要性进行打分,结果发现,那些认为对有需要的人感到同情等原因越重要的人,他们活下来的可能性就越大。那些认为与个人利益相关的动机更重要的人更有可能死亡,而且和那些根本不做志愿者的人一样。这些原因包括志愿活动是因为他们喜欢社会接触,逃避自己的问题,或探索自己的优势)”说明了人们志愿服务的动机影响着死亡率,综合这三段可知人们为什么做志愿者是对自己的健康有影响的。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第二段“For the study, Konrath and colleagues analyzed data collected in 2008 and 2012 aiming at the same random samples of 3,376 people. Overall, they found that just 2.3 percent of those who once worked as volunteers had died, compared to 4.3 percent of non-volunteers. They further found that how much people volunteered mattered as well—only 1.8 percent of regular volunteers died, compared with 2.5 percent of occasional volunteers.(在这项研究中,康拉斯和他的同事分析了2008年和2012年收集的数据,这些数据是针对3376人的随机样本。总的来说,他们发现,曾经做过志愿者的人中,只有2.3%的人去世了,而非志愿者的这一比例为4.3%。他们进一步发现,志愿者的数量也很重要——只有1.8%的定期志愿者死亡,而临时志愿者的死亡率为2.5%)”提到研究人员分析了2008和2012年针对3376人的相同随机样本收集的数据,同时这一段也列举了实验中的诸多数据,比如2.3%、4.3%等等,这就说明研究人员是通过统计分析数据来进行这项研究的。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“Those who rated motives related to personal benefit as more important were more likely to have died, and just as likely to die as those who didn’t volunteer at all.(那些认为与个人利益相关的动机更重要的人更有可能死亡,而且和那些根本不做志愿者的人一样)”可知,如果这个人的志愿服务的动机是为了自己的利益,那么他的死亡率和那些不做志愿的人是一样的,因此我们应该选择“为别人利益”的选项,因此C“帮助穷人”符合这一条件。故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Konrath says the current findings suggest it may be a poor idea to encourage people to volunteer because it’s good for them. “Volunteering is increasingly being encouraged in schools and organizations. Some groups say that it’s okay to want benefits for yourself, and encourage people to think of volunteering as an exchange for personal interests. Some groups emphasize the health benefits received through volunteering.” Konrath added, “Of course, it’s reasonable for volunteers to expect benefits for themselves. But the potential health benefits of volunteering are significantly reduced if self-benefit becomes a person’s main motive.”(康拉斯说,目前的研究结果表明,鼓励人们做志愿者可能不是一个好主意,因为这对他们有好处。“志愿服务在学校和组织中越来越受到鼓励。一些团体认为,为自己谋取利益是可以的,并鼓励人们将志愿服务视为个人利益的交换。一些团体强调通过志愿服务获得的健康益处。”康拉特补充说:“当然,志愿者期望自己得到好处是合理的。但如果一个人的主要动机是自我利益,那么志愿服务的潜在健康益处就会大大降低。”)”可知,最后一段主要讲对当前发现的进一步解释。故选B。
A small robot that can change its shape and produce heat shows potential in targeting cancer cells and preventing internal bleeding. It can also be used for delivering drugs directly to tumors (肿瘤) or inaccessible areas within the human body.
Researchers, led by Ren Hao Soon at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, developed a centimeter-sized robot inspired by pangolins (穿山甲). It is constructed with soft and magnetic (磁性的) materials, allowing the robot to change its shape. To enable movement, shape shifting, and heat generation, the researchers applied magnetic fields to the robot’s metal parts. By adjusting the frequency of these fields, the robot was able to heat up and give out heat into its surroundings. The team observed that the robot’s body temperature could be over 70℃.
In addition, the researchers used the robot’s heat to deliver substances within a simulated (模拟的) stomach environment. They attached something simulating medicine capsules onto the robot, which dissolved upon heating, thereby releasing the goods. This technique holds promise for targeted drug delivery inside the body.
Soon, his team also tested the robot’s ability to halt bleeding. They created wounds using a dead pig’s stomach. By pumping blood through a small incision using a syringe, they simulated bleeding. Subsequently, the robot extended and covered the area, giving out heat to help stop bleeding.
According to Jake Abbott from the University of Utah, the robot could potentially be employed for targeted destruction of tumor cells, reducing the need for exposing large amounts of tissue to radiation or chemicals. By raising the robot’s temperature to a level unsafe for normal cells and keeping it in place for a few minutes, cancer cells can be killed.
12. What can we know about the small robot from the text
A. It was born out of inspiration from the natural world.
B. It can be applied to targeting cancer cells and goods delivery.
C. It can be used to deliver substances to inaccessible rural areas.
D. It can generate heat constructed with specially-selected materials.
13. How do the researchers make the robot deliver goods
A. By using magnets. B. By using heat.
C. By using radiation. D. By using chemicals.
14. What does the underlined word “halt” in paragraph 5 mean
A. Control. B. Detect. C. Stop. D. Monitor.
15. Which can be the best title for the text
A. Tiny Robots Will Be Used In Medicine.
B Tiny Robots Will Be Made to Give Out Heat.
C. Small Robots Will Be Made To Deliver Goods.
D. Small Robots Have Been Used To Cure Tumors.
【答案】12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A
细节理解题。根据第二段“Researchers, led by Ren Hao Soon at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, developed a centimeter-sized robot inspired by pangolins(德国斯图加特马克斯·普朗克智能系统研究所的任浩顺领导的研究人员以穿山甲为灵感,开发了一种厘米大小的机器人)”可知制造机器人是以自然界为灵感,故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“By adjusting the frequency of these fields, the robot was able to heat up and give out heat into its surroundings.(通过调整这些场的频率,机器人能够加热并将热量散发到周围环境中)”以及第三段“In addition, the researchers used the robot’s heat to deliver substances within a simulated (模拟的) stomach environment.(此外,研究人员利用机器人的热量在模拟的胃部环境中输送物质)” 可知,通过加热可以使机器人传送物质,故选B项。
词句猜测题。根据第五段“By pumping blood through a small incision using a syringe, they simulated bleeding. Subsequently, the robot extended and covered the area, giving out heat to help stop bleeding.(他们用注射器通过一个小切口抽血,模拟出血。随后,机器人伸展并覆盖该区域,散发热量帮助止血)”可以推断出研究人员测试了机器人的止血能力,“halt”与后文中的“stop”意思相同,可推理出划线词的含义为“停止”,故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“A small robot that can change its shape and produce heat shows potential in targeting cancer cells and preventing internal bleeding.( 一种可以改变形状并产生热量的小型机器人显示出瞄准癌症细胞和防止内出血的潜力)”以及最后一段“According to Jake Abbott from the University of Utah, the robot could potentially be employed for targeted destruction of tumor cells, reducing the need for exposing large amounts of tissue to radiation or chemicals. By raising the robot’s temperature to a level unsafe for normal cells and keeping it in place for a few minutes, cancer cells can be killed(犹他大学的Jake Abbott表示,该机器人有可能用于靶向破坏肿瘤细胞,从而减少将大量组织暴露在辐射或化学物质中的需要。通过将机器人的温度提高到对正常细胞不安全的水平,并将其保持在原位几分钟,癌症细胞可以被杀死)”本文主要讲的是发明了一种机器人,该机器人有可能用于靶向破坏肿瘤细胞,可以杀死癌细胞,此机器人可用于药学,A项“Tiny Robots Will Be Used In Medicine(微型机器人将用于医学)”表达的含义适合用做本文标题,故选A项。
第二节 七选五 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)
Digital technologies are taking up too much of our time and attention. Many of us will spend a significant part of our lives staring at screens, missing out on satisfying relationships and feeling more emotional pain. For many years, we’ve been taught that the solution to this potential harm is some form of digital detox (脱瘾), which mainly shows us what not to do after our digital addiction. ____16____ Try the following three steps to achieve balance in your and your family’s digital life:
Determine your problem times
Identify the times and situations when being on screens is making your life worse. It could be when you are streaming a TV series right before bed, feeling depressed afterward and losing hours of sleep. Or you could be getting stuck on your device at the dinner table and end up getting distracted. ____17____ Identify your top two or three problem situations.
Once you identify the pain points, for example, scrolling (滚动浏览) on TikTok for hours keeps you from sleeping and makes you feel depressed afterward), ask yourself: What is screen time replacing and what goals is it serving In other words, what are you actually hungry for You might be endlessly scrolling because you want to feel uplifted at the end of the day. Write down the things you really want.
Try a substitute
____19____ It’s crucial to pick something that consistently makes you feel good. For example, if your goal is social connection, make plans for a nice meal with a friend or take that weekly meeting in person rather than via Zoom. If your goal is inspiration, schedule time for oil painting, reading historical fiction or whatever it is that uplifts you. ____20____ And at last, you will become empowered, healthy and wise digital citizens.
A. Identify your true desire.
B. Determine your pain points.
C. Pretty soon, these replacements will make you feel more satisfied.
D. But the only way to truly gain control is to take positive steps in advance.
E. Or maybe you are inefficient at work because you’re doing too much online shopping.
F. Ask yourself how you can meet those needs through something other than screen time.
G. If your digital life is out of balance, reducing time on devices is an important first step.
【答案】16. D 17. E 18. A 19. F 20. C
后文“Try the following three steps to achieve balance in your and your family’s digital life: (尝试以下三个步骤来平衡你和你家人的数字生活:)”作者提出三个具体的步骤解决问题。结合选项,D项“But the only way to truly gain control is to take positive steps in advance. (但真正获得控制的唯一方法是提前采取积极的步骤。)”语意顺承。且同词复现“steps”。故选D。
前文“Or you could be getting stuck on your device at the dinner table and end up getting distracted. (或者你可能会在餐桌上沉迷于你的电子设备,最终分心。)”介绍沉迷电子设备的可能场景或者原因。结合选项,E项“Or maybe you are inefficient at work because you’re doing too much online shopping. (或者你工作效率低下,因为你在网上购物太多了。)”同为介绍介绍沉迷电子设备的可能场景或者原因,语意一致。故选E。
本句应为小标题。下文“In other words, what are you actually hungry for (换句话说,你到底在渴望什么 )”作者建议找到真正的愿望。结合选项,A项“Identify your true desire. (确定你真正的愿望。)”为中心句,总领下文。故选A。
小标题“Try a substitute (试一试替代品)”作者建议找替代品来减少屏幕时间。结合选项,F项“Ask yourself how you can meet those needs through something other than screen time. (问问你自己,如何通过屏幕时间以外的东西来满足这些需求。)”照应小标题,反思自己如何通过屏幕时间以外的东西来满足这些需求。故选F。
前文“If your goal is inspiration, schedule time for oil painting, reading historical fiction or whatever it is that uplifts you. (如果你的目标是灵感,那就安排时间画油画、读历史小说或任何能让你振奋的东西。)”是作者给出的具体建议。结合选项,C项“Pretty soon, these replacements will make you feel more satisfied. (很快,这些替代品会让你感到更满意。)”承接上文,符合逻辑关系。故选C。
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
I was traveling on an overnight bus in Maharashtra. The bus was more than packed; all 55 seats were ______21______ and there were some 20 people standing in the aisle. The air inside was hot and filled with strange, unpleasant smells. The hot day ______22______ the discomfort of the bumpy, 10-hour journey. Because I was traveling on a student pass, I could not ______23______ a reserved seat. I had no option but to stand — quite ______24______.
After around two long hours, I was beyond exhausted and bored. I kept trying to ______25______ myself, shifting my body weight from one leg to the other to manage the comfort. I suddenly felt a soft hand______26______ my elbow. Turning around, I found a middle-aged man with a kind smile looking up at me. He stood up and said I could take his ______27______ for some time. I was pleasantly surprised and immediately accepted his offer. After 20 minutes, I ______28______ him to take back his space. A man, who was sitting by the window on the other side of the bus, had observed our ______29______.
Just then, something magical happened. Our observer ______30______ stood up and offered his seat to another standing man. This game of seat-sharing ______31______ through the bus and, before long, almost all the standers got a chance to be seated. People even started chatting with each other while exchanging______32______ , and soon began sharing joke s and singing. The rest of the journey was quite enjoyable.
The bus reached its destination in the early morning. The groups quickly ______33______ and went their way. But this ______34______ experience has stayed with me even after all these years. It revealed to me an important fact that we can all ______35______ what we have, including our burdens, and help our co-passengers in this journey called life.
21. A. booked B. offered C. occupied D. used
22. A. added to B. belonged to C. referred to D. turned to
23. A. admit B. complain C. notice D. claim
24. A. freely B. uncomfortably C. pleasantly D. sadly
25. A. enjoy B. promise C. remind D. balance
26. A. tapping B. hitting C. raising D. dropping
27. A. ticket B. seat C. order D. chance
28. A. informed B. instructed C. signaled D. required
29. A. cooperation B. argument C. exchange D. conflict
30. A. occasionally B. especially C. properly D. voluntarily
31. A. extended B. spread C. went D. grew
32. A. numbers B. cards C. positions D. addresses
33. A. separated B. united C. mixed D. rested
34. A. practical B. extraordinary C. common D. unpleasant
35. A. reflect B. treasure C. change D. share
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:公共汽车上挤满了人;55个座位都坐满了,有20多人站在过道上。A. booked预订;B. offered提供;C. occupied占据;D. used使用。根据“more than packed”可知,车上的座位都被占据了,没有空位了,故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:炎热的天气增加了10个小时颠簸旅程的不适。A. added to增加;B. belonged to属于;C. referred to提到,参考;D. turned to向……求助。上文“The air inside was hot and filled with strange, unpleasant smells.(里面的空气很热,充满了奇怪的、令人不快的气味)”提到车里很热,味道难闻,此处指炎热的天气使旅途更加不舒服,即增加了旅程的不适,故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为我是用学生通行证旅行的,所以我不能要求预订座位。A. admit承认;B. complain抱怨;C. notice注意到;D. claim要求,声称。根据前文“Because I was traveling on a student pass”可知,作者是用学生证买票,不能要求预留座位,故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我别无选择,只能站着——很不舒服。A. freely自由地;B. uncomfortably不舒服地;C. pleasantly令人愉快地;D. sadly悲伤地。根据上文描述的内容以及空前“I had no option but to stand”可知,天气炎热,车里拥挤不堪,作者只能站着,所以说很不舒服,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一直努力保持平衡,把身体重心从一条腿移到另一条腿上,以保持舒适。A. enjoy喜欢,享受;B. promise承诺;C. remind提醒;D. balance使平衡。根据“shifting my body weight from one leg to the other to manage the comfort”可知,作者两条腿轮流承担身体的重量,保持平衡,来减少不适,故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我突然感到一只柔软的手在拍我的胳膊肘。A. tapping轻拍;B. hitting打,击中;C. raising增加,提高;D. dropping降低,减少。根据空前“a soft hand”及语境可知,那名中年男子是善意地让作者坐一会,故应是轻拍作者的肘部,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他站起来,说我可以坐他的座位一会儿。A. ticket票;B. seat座位;C. order命令;D. chance机会。根据下文“I ______8______ him to take back his space”可知,作者20分钟后把座位还给那名男子,故此处指他让作者坐在他的座位上,下文“offered his seat to another standing man”也描写了另外一位乘客相同的举动,把座位让给别人坐,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:20分钟后,我示意他坐回自己的座位。A. informed通知;B. instructed指示,指导;C. signaled示意;D. required要求,需要。根据空后“him to take back his space”可知,作者示意那名男子坐回座位,故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:坐在汽车另一边靠窗的一个男人看到了我们的交换。A. cooperation合作;B. argument争辩;C. exchange交换,交流;D. conflict冲突。上文提到作者坐了一会就把座位还给那名中年男子,此处指在另一边靠窗坐着的一名男子看到了作者和中年男子交换位置,故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:观察我们那个人自愿站起来,把座位让给另一个站着的人。A. occasionally偶尔;B. especially尤其;C. properly适当地;D. voluntarily自愿地。根据空后“offered his seat to another standing man”可知,这名男子自愿站起来,主动让座,故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种分享座位的游戏在车上蔓延开来,没过多久,几乎所有站着的人都有机会坐上了座位。A. extended延伸,扩展;B. spread传播,扩散;C. went走;D. grew长大。根据下文“before long, almost all the standers got a chance to be seated”可知,大家纷纷模仿这样的行为,故此处指让座的行为传遍了整辆车,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们甚至开始在交换位置时互相聊天,很快就开始分享笑话和唱歌。A. numbers数字;B. cards卡片;C. positions位置;D. addresses地址。根据上文“seat-sharing”可知,人们是交换座位,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:人群很快分开,各奔东西。A. separated分开;B. united联合;C. mixed混合;D. rested休息。根据空后“went their way”可知,车辆到达目的地,人们分开,各自赶路,故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但即使过了这么多年,这段特别的经历也一直伴随着我。A. practical实际的;B. extraordinary特别的,非凡的;C. common普通的;D. unpleasant令人不愉快的。根据“stayed with me even after all these years”可知,作者认为这次经历不同寻常,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:它向我揭示了一个重要的事实:我们都可以分享我们所拥有的,包括我们的负担,并在这段叫做生活的旅程中帮助我们的同伴。A. reflect反映,反思;B. treasure珍藏;C. change改变;D. share分享。根据前文描述的交换位置,分享座位可知,此处指“我们都可以分享我们所拥有的”,故选D。
第二节 短文填空 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Sauce-flavored or liquor latte, a new drink___36___(advertise) as containing the Chinese spirit baijiu , exploded on Chinese social media on September 4th.
The co-branded product from Luckin, China’s biggest coffee brand, and Moutai, a renowned baijiu brand, has aroused ___37___(curious) due to its unique combination of coffee and baijiu. Priced at 19 RMB per cup, that’s about $3; it also makes___38___possible for many customers to have their first taste of the luxury Chinese liquor. “It tastes like liquor-flavored chocolate. Yesterday, almost everyone posted their cup of latte on their SNS(社交网络).“I got one today.” “It’s a bit light for me because I’m an alcohol person not a coffee person. But I___39___(definite) wanted to try this, and the combination is good ___40___(try).”
The co-branding marketing campaign has clearly been a success. According to the___41___(late) data from Luckin, it made almost 100 million RMB in revenue (收益);that’s more___42___$13.7 million by selling 5.4 million cups on September 4th alone. But this is not the first time that a Chinese drink brand___43___(team) up with another company. Hey Tea with luxury brand Fendi, Manner Coffee with Louis Vuitton, both triggered(引发) excitement among consumers.
In a highly-competitive market,___44___Chinese customers have plenty of options to choose from, it means drink ____45____ (company) need to continuously find new ways to dominate the beverage(饮料) industry.
【答案】36. advertised
37. curiosity
38. it 39. definitely
40. to try 41. latest
42. than 43. has teamed
44. where panies
考查it用法。句意:每杯售价19元人民币,约合3美元;这也使许多顾客有可能第一次品尝到这种奢侈的中国白酒。此处为make it adj. for sb. to do sth.,it作形式宾语。故填it。
考查非谓语动词。句意:但我肯定想试试这个,而且这种组合很值得一试。此处为be adj. to do sth.,表示“值得一试”应用be good to try。故填to try。
考查固定短语。句意:根据瑞幸咖啡的最新数据,该公司仅在9月4日一天就卖出了540万杯,收入近1亿元人民币,超过1370万美元。表示“超过”短语为more than。故填than。
考查时态。句意:但这并不是中国饮料品牌第一次与其他公司合作。根据上文this is not the first time that可知从句应用现在完成时,主语为,助动词用has。故填has teamed。
第三部分XB2 U1-U4课本知识考查(共三节,满分20分)
46. In general, doctors in those days had two ________(不一致的,对立的) theories to explain how cholera spread. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
47. Students need to generate ideas, offer examples, apply concepts, and raise questions, as well as give ________(报告;陈述). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
48. At a ________ (至少;最小) , the kinds of food local people consume tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词、固定短语。句意:至少,当地人消费的食物种类告诉我们他们在自己的地区种植了什么,过着什么样的生活,喜欢什么和不喜欢什么。分析句子结构,根据空白处前面的冠词a可知空白处应填名词,根据汉语提示,表示“至少;最小”含义的名词为:minimum,且at a minimum为固定短语,含义为“至少”,符合句意,故填minimum。
49. They didn’t ________ (料到) seeing such an open country and were truly amazed. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
50. There has been a ________ (减少) of about 10% in the number of violent crime this year. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:今年暴力犯罪的数量下降了10% 。“减少”为名词decrease作主语,由a可知,应用单数,故填decrease。
51. Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with her ________ (适应) to the new culture. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:谢蕾选择和寄宿家庭住在一起,寄宿家庭可以帮助她适应新的文化。with her后跟名词作宾语,“适应”的名词是adaptation,是不可数名词。故填adaptation。
52. Accidents usually ________ (由……引起) from carelessness, so you should be careful while driving. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查动词。句意:事故通常是由粗心引起的,所以你开车时要小心。arise from由……引起。根据usually和句意可知,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。故填arise。
53. For example, America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's chicken, which _______(组成) of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, favoured with hot red peppers. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查动词。句意:例如,美国最受欢迎的中国菜是左宗棠鸡,这是一种裹着甜酱的炸鸡,最受欢迎的是红辣椒。根据汉语提示“组成”可知应填动词consist,根据上文is可知为一般现在时;且非限制性定语从句修饰先行词 General Tso's chicken,先行词在从句中作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填consists。
54. The visit to Russia gave them ________ (使接触) to the language. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
55. It was correct, but he still needed ________ (验证;证据). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
56. Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I________(leave) my book in the cafe. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】had left
【详解】考查时态。句意:当我到达学校门口时,我意识到我把书落在咖啡馆了。分析可知,所填动词应是从句“I ________ (leave) my book in the cafe”中的谓语动词,结合语境可知,“leave(落下)”应是在“got(到达)”和“realized(意识到)”之前发生的动作,即,过去的过去,应是过去完成时:had done。故填had left。
57. ________ (lose) in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:陷入了沉思,他没有听到声音。分析句子可知,句中有谓语动词didn’t hear且句中无连词,故空格处应用非谓语动词,“be lost in deep thought”意为“陷入沉思”,故空格处应用“lose”的过去分词“lost”作原因状语,句首单词首字母大写。故填Lost。
58. ________ seemed strange before now appears quite normal to her. (用适当的词填空)
59. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was ________ it was rather closely modeled on his own life.
【详解】考查表语从句。句意:查尔斯·狄更斯喜欢他自己的小说《大卫·科波菲尔》的部分原因是,这部小说非常贴近现实模仿他自己的生活。句中“ it was rather closely modeled on his own life.”是一个表语从句,引导词在从句中不作任何成分,也没有什么实际意义,所以填that。故填that。
60. With my leg ________ (burn), I won’t be able to go on holiday. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第三节:根据汉语完成下列句子, 每空填一词(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)
61. 我参加过几次类似的活动,那些活动让我具备了相关的经验。
I have ________ ________ several similar activities, which equipped me with relevant experience.
【答案】 ①. participated/engaged ②. in
【详解】考查动词短语。根据所给中文句子和英文翻译可知,需翻译部分是“参加”,设空为两个,所以可用固定短语搭配:participate in或者engage in,根据句意描述过去的动作对现在的影响,应用现在完成时,空前已有have,空处填过去分词。故填①participated或者engaged②in。
62. 斯诺赞同第二种看法。
Snow ________ ________ the second theory.
【答案】 ①. subscribed ②. to
【详解】考查动词短语。对比中英文可知,空处表示“赞同”,结合所给空数可知,可用动词短语subscribe to表示“赞同,同意”,且句子描述的应该是过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时,subscribe需用过去式的形式。故填①subscribed;②to。
63. 我不小心上了一趟开往城市的火车,然后不得不一路赶回郊区。
I accidentally got on a train ________ ________ the city and then had to come all the way back to the suburbs.
【答案】 ①. bound ②. for
【详解】考查形容词短语。分析中文句子和英文翻译可知,需翻译部分是“开往”,分析句子结构可知,空处和后文的the city一起作后置定语修饰train,此处可用形容词短语bound for意为“驶往…的”。故填①bound,②for。
64. 来中国之前,我只在美国接触过中式烹饪。
_____________ coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America.
【答案】Prior to/Before
【详解】考查固定短语、介词。表示“在……之前”可用固定短语prior to(相当于介词)或介词before和后文动名词构成介词短语。大写句子首字母,故填Prior to/Before。
65. 他要求和负责人说话。
He asked to speak to the person ________ ________.
【答案】 ①. in ②. charge
【详解】考查介词短语。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作后置定语,表示“负责”含义的介词短语为:in charge,故填in;charge。
第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华,准备参加学校组织的英文诗朗诵比赛。请给外教George写封邮件求助、内容包括:
1. 说明比赛要求;
2. 请他推荐英文诗;
3. 请教朗诵技巧。
1. 词数120左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使内容连贯。
Dear Mr. George,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Mr. George,
I’m writing to ask for your help.
To offer students an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of poems, the English Poetry Recitation Contest is to be held next Friday, in which each participant is required to recite an English poem in five minutes.
However, I have encountered a tricky problem in selecting English poetry, for which I sincerely hope that you could recommend one for me. Besides, I’ve been exerting myself to read poems.Yet I fail to grasp the skills of it. Would you be kind enough to provide me with professional guidance
Your generous assistance and immediate response are enthusiastically expected and truly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,假定你是李华,准备参加学校组织的英文诗朗诵比赛。请给外教George写封邮件求助。内容包括:1. 说明比赛要求;2. 请他推荐英文诗;3. 请教朗诵技巧。
遇到:encounter→come across
此外:besides=in addition
原句:Besides, I’ve been exerting myself to read poems.Yet I fail to grasp the skills of it.
拓展句:Besides, I’ve been exerting myself to read poems, but I fail to grasp the skills of it.
【点睛】[高分句型1] To offer students an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of poems, the English Poetry Recitation Contest is to be held next Friday, in which each participant is required to recite an English poem in five minutes.(运用了不定式作目的状语及in which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] However, I have encountered a tricky problem in selecting English poetry, for which I sincerely hope that you could recommend one for me. (运用了for which引导的非限定性定语从句及that引导的宾语从句)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Missy was absolutely my best friend in the whole world. We had known each other since first grade, and we literally did everything together. We frequently visited each other’s homes, we knew each other’s families like they were our own. The interesting thing about our relationship, however the fact was that the older we got, the more our values seemed to differ. We still enjoyed a lot of the same things, but I was a bit more settled while she loved being associated with popular people and things. Although she was basically a good person, she had no problem with forcing things to go her way.
Perhaps this is why it seemed that her family actually trusted me more than they trusted her. So, on the day when Missy showed up at my house with a huge dent (凹痕) in her father’s car, I knew that we were in for a troublesome time.
She had banged the car into a tree while out that day, and she knew her father was going to have an explanation. So she stopped by my house in order to make up a story that would lessen her father’s rage. Missy decided to tell him that while in a parking lot, someone must have backed into the car and dented it. Looking at the dent with some crashed leaves and bark still sticking there, I attempted to perish (打消) her thought. “I don’t think your father will buy it.” “ Don’t worry,” she insisted,“even if my dad doesn’t trust me, he’ll trust you.” My role was to confirm for her. Now keep in mind that I had strong objections to lying and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with the situation. I loved her parents just like my own, and I did not want to be a party to this lie that Missy was creating. Nevertheless, after much request and a general questioning of my loyalty to our friendship, I decided that the least I could do was to act as a silent witness. That way, I wasn’t actually lying; I just wasn’t telling the full truth.
Paragraph 1: An hour or so later, we presented Missy’s father with the car and the inquiry began.
Paragraph 2: Her father looked at me with great disbelief.
【答案】An hour or so later, we presented Missy’s father with the car and the inquiry began. Under a barrage of inquiries, Missy recapped her concocted story unhurriedly, while I stood there in silent agreement. After Missy finishing her seemingly perfect statement, her father raised his eyebrows and turned to me, waiting for my proof. However, once again, I chose silence under his scrutinizing eyes with my heart pounding violently. Suddenly, he walked over to the dented area for a closer inspection. It was at that point that pieces of bark from the tree that Missy had hit fell out.
Her father looked at me with great disbelief. An enormous sense of guilt rose up in me as his cold eyes seemed to proclaim me as the “guilty” bystander. I was so flustered that I wanted to explain but was interrupted by his harsh words, “You guys really failed me! Especially...” Instead of continuing his reproach, he took a deep breath and turned his back on me. It dawned on me that the precious but fragile trust had been smashed by my silence. In fact, the process of how we apologized to make amends was just a blur, but the bitter lesson of being a silent accomplice was branded on my memory.
①.扼要重述:recapped /recapitulated
②.扬起眉毛:raised his eyebrows / elevated his eyebrows
③.选择沉默:chose silence / remained silent/fell silent
①.内疚:guilt/guiltiness/guilty conscience
②.慌张的:flustered /perturbed/rattled
[高分句型1]. It was at that point that pieces of bark from the tree that Missy had hit fell out.(运用了强调句型以及定语从句)
[高分句型2]. It dawned on me that the precious but fragile trust had been smashed by my silence.(运用了It作形式主语,that引导主语从句以及过去完成时的被动语态)