Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7单元整体教学设计
单元主题意义 本单元的主题属于“人与社会”范畴。本单元以“在校时光”为话题,旨在通过回忆过去初中生活中的人,事和对未来的期盼,让学生珍惜初中生活的点滴,心怀感恩之情,同时展望未来高中生活以及树立远大人生目标。
单元教学目标 通过本单元的学习,学生能够: 目标a:听懂关于谈论初中生活以及展望未来的简短生活。 目标b:学习谈论初中生活、展望未来以及感恩他人中设计到的单词和语块以及本单元话题紧密相关的功能句。 目标c:让学生积极参加综合运用英语的实践活动,善于对初中阶段美好时光的珍惜之情以及表达自己对师长、朋友的感恩之情,学会感恩;同时,培养学生对高中、未来生活的憧憬,保持良好的人际关系,树立远大人生目标;培养学生要有勇于挑战自己,完善自己的意识。 目标d:将语言学习与实践运用结合起来,辨别文章体裁和明确文章写作目的;通过找押韵词等欣赏诗歌。 目标e:了解国内外毕业生毕业典礼上的发言,通过欣赏品读英语诗歌及毕业典礼发言,了解英语演讲及英文诗歌,培养学生对英语文化的理解和使用,提高审美情趣和艺术感受。 与核心素养的关系: 本单元以 “在校时光”这一大观念为导学,运用目标句型进行交际,能用一般过去时谈论、分享过去的学校生活经历;通过谈论过去的回忆和经历、校园时光和毕业典礼上的演讲,培养学生珍惜过去的时光,从现在时,追求美好未来的意识;能从不同角度解读语篇,推断语篇的深层含义,做出正确的价值判断;能识别文体,根据不同文体实现不同写作的目的,提高阅读效率。
整体教学思路及教学结构图 1.来源& 内容: 本单元是《新目标英语》系列教材之一!第十四单元的内容,其设计目的旨在复习巩固初中学段一些重要语法项目,同时引导学生回顾总结初中三年的美好时光。它围绕“school days”这一话题,引导学生能够运用所学过的 “宾语从句”“一般将来时”“现在进行时”“一般过去时”和“现在完成时”分享过去回忆和经历并展望未来生活。 2.纵向知识关联: 功能: 正确运用现在进行时、现在完成时、宾语从句、一般过去时 话题: 学校时光。 语言知识: 能正确使用下列词汇: survey,standard ,row,keyboard,method,instruction,text,level,degree,manager,gentleman,task,wing,double,shall,overcome,congratulate,caring,senior,thirsty,thankful,separate,ours ,ahead 能正确使用下列常用表达: in a row ,look back at ,make a mess ,keep one’s cool,senior high,go by,believe in,first of all, be thirsty for ,be thankful to sb,ahead of ,along with,be responsible for ,set out ,separate from 能够正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,宾语从句,一般过去时 句型。 珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬,树立韵达人生目标。 3.横向知识关联: (1 )复习八年级的相关词汇; (2 )本单元出现现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,宾语从句,一般过去时句型,为九年级打基础。 教学结构图:
语篇 课型 课时 课时目标 评价任务
Section A 1a-2d 听说课 第一课时 通过听说技能的训练,能用remember doing及一般过去时谈论过去的经历和感受;学生能够珍惜初中生活的点滴,学会感恩。 通过Pair-work的形式对学习方法谈论,评价学生的对目标句型的认知;通过可视化思维工具整理重点学习方法短语,评价学生对课堂内容的理解与整合;通过听力联系,评价学生准确使用本单元功能性语言。
Section A 3a-4c 读写课 第二课时 能用remember doing 结构来回忆过去的人和事;能有感情地朗读诗歌,找出韵脚,感受韵律美,体会诗歌表达的情感;能系统树立初中阶段学过的各种时态,准确运用各种时态回忆过去。 通过读课文找出描述过去的句子,评价学生对目标句型的认知;通过提取描述关于学习障碍的关键信息,并完成问题,评价学生的信息提取和整合能力;在图片和文字提示下,复述课文,评价学生对语言结构和词汇的理解;通过编写对话和角色表演进行口头输出,评价学生的英语思维和语言表达能力。
Section B 1a-1d 听说课 第三课时 通过听说训练,能用一般将来时及hope to do sth/would like to do sth 等相关句型谈论未来的计划、梦想以及如何实现目标和梦想。 通过问题启发式评价引导学生,评价学生对语篇主题的理解;通过个人思考和合作交流,评价学生主动参与到学习中的能力。
Section B 2a-2e 阅读课 第四课时 通过阅读文本,把握演讲稿特点,提高阅读理解能力,体会演讲的语言魅力和表达的真挚情感。 通过问题启发式评价引导学生从整体到具体的认识,并提取关键信息完成思维导图,评价学生对文本第一段的理解和信息提取能力;通过读文章,定位、获取、整合信息,评价学生对文章第二段的理解和信息整合的能力;通过对话编写和角色表演进行口头输出,并通过书面表达的形式,评价学生对句型的掌握
Section B 3a-Self check 写作课 第五课时 能够围绕功能语言项目,运用本单元的目标语言进行词汇,语法和写作练习 。 通过书面表达的形式,评价学生写作的能力。
第4课时 教学设计
课题 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Section B 2a-2e
教材(语篇)分析: 【what】 本节课Section B第二课时,以演讲的方式呈现了一名老师或校长对即将毕业学生的寄语和激励。 【why】 2a-2e的设计从输入到输出,从控制性到开放活动,层层推进,旨在引导学生从整体到细节,分层阅读,提升阅读能力。 【how】 2a引导学生谈论初中三年的教训和收获,是Section B第一课时1e的拓展延申,也是阅读前的热身活动。2b引导学生关注文体和写作目的,理解细节的文体,分析篇章结构,欣赏和积累语言,使学生体会理解细节问题,分析篇章结构,欣赏和积累语言,使学生体会教师对成长中的u下而生所抱有的喜悦和自豪之情,以及对学生在未来人生道路上希望和期望,句句都是肺腑之言,真切感人,打动人心。
学情分析: 自然情况 本节课的文章,学生理解起来并不难。 (二)已有基础 九年级的学生在语言方面已经有了一定的基础。 (三)存在问题
个别同学阅读上有一定的障碍。 (四)解决措施 教师应结合以前学过的类似单词帮助学生归纳和学习,在归纳和学习中,学生的自主学习能力将会有很大提升。
教学目标: 通过本课学习,学生能够: 学生能正确朗读和拼写以下单词及短语:With the teacher’s help,students Will get to understand the meanings of the new words and useful expressions in this period while reading ,and try to use them correctly after reading . (学习理解) 学生能读懂文章,并从文中获取详细信息,完成阅读任务。 (应用实践) 学生能尽力理解中国和国外的毕业典礼。 (迁移创新)
教学重难点 重点: 对校长演讲内容的理解。 难点: 对校长演讲内容的理解。
学习活动设计 教师活动学生活动环节一:Activity 1 教师活动1 Before reading Lead students to look Back at their junior high school life and share their feelings. 学生活动1 Answer the questions and discuss 活动意图说明: 三年时光很短暂,毕业之后,毕业之际,值得回忆的事情太多太多,通过此环节给学生一个释放自我感情的机会,在回顾总结三年中最重要事件与时刻的过程中运用,巩固本单元的目标语言。 环节二:Activity 2 教师活动2 While reading 1.Fast reading :Reading quickly through the text to see what kind of writing it is , who wrote it and why it was written . 学生活动2 Ask and answers 活动意图说明: 引导学生运用scan的阅读策略,辨别文章体裁,明确文章的写作目的。 环节三:Activity 3 教的活动3 Careful reading : Read the passage again and match the main idea of each part . 学的活动3 Discussion . 活动意图说明: 引导学生整体阅读,通过找每段的段落大意,关注文章结构,学习作者是如何进行布局谋篇的。 环节四:Activity 4 教的活动4 While reading Reading for details: Read Para.1 and answer the questions . After that let students read it again and try to retell it . And then encourage students to share the writer’s feelings by reading it again and answering the questions . 学的活动4 细读文章,检查预测 回答问题学的活动3 1. Ss observe the images and understand the situation. 2. Ss complete the questions and answers using past future tense. 活动意图说明: 第一段渗透了教师对成长中的学生饱含的喜悦和自豪之情,通过以上三个问题引导学生对文本进行较深层次的解读,题为作者的感情。 环节五:Activity 5 教的活动5 Careful reading Ask students to read Paragraph 2 carefully and answer: Who should the students thank and why And lead students to think about :Who should you thank most and why Meanwhile the teacher has a summary by saying :Never fail to be thankful to the people around you . 学的活动5 Read aloud . Finish the task . 活动意图说明: 本段教师寄语学生要学会感受,通过阅读引导学生感恩身边对自己有过帮助和支持的人,读后的问题设计贴近学生的生活,能激起学生表达的欲望,产生与作何意图上的共鸣。 环节六:Activity 6 教的活动6 Carefully reading paragraph 3 Ask students to read paragraph 3 carefully and answer the questions . What will senior high be like How should the students deal with the future Meanwhile lead students to share :What advice would you give to students who are just starting junior high school 学的活动6 Answer the questions 活动意图说明: 作者寄语学生在未来的人生道路上该怎么走,句句都是肺腑之言,真切感人,打动人心,通过阅读和回答,引导学生对即将到来的高中生活又充分的心理准备,勇敢地面对困难和挑战,学会从错误中吸取教训,同时引导学生把自己的经验、教训分享给七年级新同学,进一步巩固分享过去回忆和经历的目标语言。 环节七: Activity 7 教的活动7 After reading Activity :Let’s enjoy . Get the students to underline the sentences they like in the passage . Tell their partner what they mean and why they like them . 学的活动7 Discussion 活动意图说明: 阅读是解读文本的过程,是与作者进行“对话”的过程,是语言赏析的过程,同时也是积累地道原因呢的过程。此环节的设计有利用学生语言知识的积累,而且在与同伴交流的过程中体会并尝试表达语言中蕴含的魅力。 环节八: Activity 8 教的活动8 Listen to the tape and try to understand the principle’s happiness , pride , hope .. Learn for using . Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. 学的活动8 Listening and practice . 活动意图说明: 在听的同时品味文章内容,引导学生体验毕业演讲的语言魅力和作者以此为载体所表达的真挚感情。
板书设计 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 . Period 4 Section B 2a-2e You’ll all grown up so much and I’m so proud of you. Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions.
分层作业设计 基础巩固: Listen to 2b .Then read it . 设计意图:熟记本课重点单词和短语。 能力提升: Write about what you have gotten in the junior high school and your plan in the senior high school. 设计意图:复习巩固重点单词及短语。
教学反思与改进 本节课的教学设计遵循总分总的阅读模式,通过设计一系列的活动引导学生读前分享自己的经历和体验,读中运用阅读策略掌握文章大意,对信息进行搜寻、加工和处理,体会作者的感情,读后实现对语言的赏析,积累和运用。但在培养学生的跨文化意识做得不够,在备课中老师还应广泛搜寻与之相关的资源,扩大学生的知识面,拓宽他们的视野。
Unit 14
I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.
SectionB 2a-2e
1. What is the most important thing you have learned in junior high school
2.Why is it the most important
the most important thing
Enjoy looking back at ...
good study habits
how to deal with problems
learn a lesson from
A tip : Quickly read through a text to see what kind of writing it is ,who wrote it and why it was written .
Indentifying Text Type And Purpose
What kind of text is this It it a story ,a speech or a notice
Who wrote it
a speech
The principle or a teacher of No.3 Junior High School
to congratulate the students’ graduation
Why did the writer wrote it
Let’s scan and answer :
Enjoy reading
Enjoy reading
hope for the students
changes in the students
learn to be thankful
Match the main idea of each paragragh
Paragragh 1
Paragragh 2
Paragragh 3
1.What were they like in Grade Seven
Let’s talk.
How have they changed
A speech at
the graduation
Para.1 changes
Para.2 learn to be thankful
Para.3hope for the students
Who should the students thank
1. What will senior high be like
2. How should the students deal with the future
Read paragragh 1 and answer
1.What were the students like in Grade 7
They were all so full of energy
and thirsty for knowledge.
2. How have the students changed
They are now talented young adults
who are full of hope for the future .
They have all grown up.
be thirsty for knowledge
Ladies and ______,
Thank you for coming today to attend the ______
_____ at No.3 Junior High School .____ ____ _____,
I’d like to __________all the students who are here today .
Let's talk
First of all
When they were just starting Grade 7 at this school . Now
They ______all so _______ ____energy and _________ _____knowledge . Some of them were a little difficult ____ _____ _____ But today I see a room ___ ____ ______young adults ____are ___ ____ hope for the future .
They’ve all ___ _____so much and he’s so ____ ____them
Let's talk
to deal with
of talented
full of
grown up
1.Can you tell whether the teacher /pricinpal likes the students from the first paragragh
2.Which sentence made you think so
3.How does the teacher /principle feel about the students
Enjoy thinking
Share the writer's feelings
1. Who should the students thank andwhy
Read paragragh 2 and answer
hey should thank the most important people in their lives---their parents ,teachers and friends .
Because they are the people who have helped and supported them .
Who should you thank most and why
Enjoy thinking
Never fail to
be thankful to
the people around you .
Read paragragh 3 and answer
1. What will senior high be like
Life in senior high school will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them .
2. How should the students deal with the future
1).They should learn from their mistakes and never give up .
2).Choose wisely and be responsible for their decision and actions .
3)They shouldn’t forget where they came from .
Enjoy sharing
my experiences &lessons
In class
What moves you
Underline the sentences you like in the passage. Tell your partner what they mean and why you like them.
Let's enjoy
the writing style
choice of words
Listen and try to understand
the principle's hapiness ,pride ,hope ...
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.
Learning for using
attend; be thirsty for; none; set out; be proud of
1. It’s time to say goodbye, but _______ of us want to leave.
2. It’s always hard to separate from those whom you have
spent so much time with for the past 3 years. However, we
are still excited to__________ on a new journey when we
enter senior high school.
set out
attend; be thirsty for; none; set out; be proud of
3. The teacher can see in our eyes that we ______________
knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings
to fly.
4. We will ___________ the junior high graduation
ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special time for us.
5. Our teacher and parents will _________ us because we
have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves.
are thirsty for
be proud of
Learning for using
You have grown up .You have to go on your separate ways ...
As you set out
on your new journey ...
Choose wisely
Be responsible for your decisions
Learn from mistakes
Face challenges bravely
Please remeber :
My Future’s Not a Dream
I’m working hard all the time.
My future’s not a dream,
My future’s not a dream,
My heart’s beating with hope.
My heart’s beating with hope.
Write about what you have gotten in
the junior high school and your plan in
the senior high school.