人教版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 课件(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 课件(6份打包)
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文件大小 127.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-08 09:24:20


人教 必修第三册
Unit 2
Period 6
Assessing Your Progress & Project
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
Say the meaning of these words or phrases as quickly as possible!
in memory of
first aid
tend to do sth
课 堂 学 习
Circle the correct word in each sentence.
1. Jack stood in front of the class, completely forgetting /forgotten every word that he had prepared for his speech.
2. Seeing/Seen the tennis star leaving the court, the girl quickly picked up her camera and ran over to him.
3. They were very proud to see their son awarded/awarding the university scholarship.
4. When asking/asked about their work schedules, many people preferred more flexible work hours.
5. John watched the woman talking/talked to the air, thinking/thought that she might be crazy.
6. Impressed/Impressing with her fluent English, the manager offered Julie a job interview.
Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words below. Then answer the question: What is the author’s attitude towards the doctors
clinic complain majority staff response harm physician
According to a recent survey, the ________ of doctors believed their incomes did not match how hard they worked. The survey found that about 50 percent of the doctors were not satisfied with their working conditions, especially those from hospitals in small towns.
A _________ working in a large public hospital often has to see 100 patients per day. The researchers conducting the survey concluded that if hospitals and _______ serving the general public received more support, it would help to keep their medical _____ from leaving the profession, and therefore the public would continue to receive good health services.
In ________ to a question about tensions between doctors and patients, some respondents __________ that misleading media reports about doctors have greatly _______ society, causing the public to distrust medical workers.
What is the author’s attitude towards the doctors
The author seems quite sympathetic and supportive of doctors.
In groups, brainstorm more virtues to add to the list below. Then discuss which of these virtues are most needed in our society today.
※ Project: Make a poster to motivate others to practise virtues
Make a poster to explain what virtue it is and to motivate people to practise it. Divide up the work among your group members.
Step 1. Collect sayings or quotations about the virtue.
Be thankful, because you have more than others! (Indian proverb)
I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet. (Indian proverb)
If you can read this, thank a teacher. (Anonymous)
When eating fruit, think of the person who planted the tree. (Asian proverb)
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. (Oprah Winfrey)
Step 2. Analyse the sayings and group them in a logical way.
Step 3. Look for or draw a picture to illustrate the virtue.
Be thankful, because you have more than others!
Be thankful, because you have been given much!
Be thankful, because it will shaper your whole life!
Thankfulness is realizing and appreciating what you have.
Be thankful, because you have more than others!
Be thankful, because you have more than others! (Indian proverb)
I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet. (Indian proverb)
Be thankful, because you have been given much!
If you can read this, thank a teacher. (Anonymous)
When eating fruit, think of the person who planted the tree. (Asian proverb)
Be thankful, because it will shape your whole life!
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. (Oprah Winfrey)
※ Video Time
Confucius and Ren
The teachings of Confucius, one of the most respected teachers of ancient China, are still known and studied around the world today. Confucius identified the concept ren as the most important principle in life, a principle which is still relevant in modern society.
Complete each sentence with your best guess.
1. The teachings of Confucius have been an important part of Chinese culture for more than ________ years.
2. His teachings are all about the most basic _________ of life.
3. Confucius thought that __________ was the most important moral principle.
4. According to Confucius, this highest principle begins with love for ________.
5. Confucius said, “Whatever you don’t like done to yourself, don’t _________.”
Before You Watch
What do you expect to see in the video clip
While You Watch
1. The teachings of Confucius have been an important part of Chinese
culture for more than ______ years.
2. His teachings are all about the most basic ______ of life.
3. Confucius thought that ____ was the most important moral principle.
4. According to Confucius, this highest principle begins with love for ______.
5. Confucius said, “Whatever you don’t like done to yourself, don’t ____________.”
do it to others
1 Check your answers in Before You Watch.
2 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences below.
1. Confucian thought is still greatly valued in China and in
other East/Southeast Asian countries.
2. If students really understood Confucian ideas, it could change society/their lives.
3. In English, only a few/many different words can be used to translate Confucius’s highest moral principle.
4. Mencius/Zigong explained this principle as “loving one’s parents, loving people, loving everything in the world.”
5. Confucius taught Zigong that the one single concept to take as a guide for all actions in life is happiness/fairness.
After You Watch
1. In what ways do you think Confucian thought still influences education and society in China
Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
Confucian thought has a great influence on Chinese education, because it teaches people to show great respect for teachers and the thinkers of the past. In Chinese society, Confucian thought has kept the family and respect for parents as a focal point.
2. Do you think that your life would change if you understood and practised ren every day
3. How would the Confucian idea of fairness change society around you if everybody started practising fairness in everything
I have been trying to practise the principle of ren, but I’m not sure that my life would change that much.
It would result in a more egalitarian society, where people treated everyone with kindness and respect regardless of status.
◎My favourite story of this unit was _________ because _______.
◎After studying this unit, I think __________ is/are the most important of all virtues.
◎I found it __________ to understand and use the grammar structures in this unit.
◎I had some problems with ______________.
◎I would like to learn more about __________.
◎Over all, I thought this unit was
interesting thought-provoking so-so difficult
人教 必修第三册
Unit 2
Period 4
Listening and Talking
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
Watch the Video and talk about which behavior impress you most.
课 堂 学 习
Discuss in groups and answer the following questions.
1. Do you think we can trust the kindness of strangers
when we need help
2. Do you believe a small act of kindness can make a
big difference
Listen to a radio show and answer these questions.
What is the name of the radio show
What does “paying it forward" mean
What does the guest want the listeners to do
The name of the radio show is “Rush Hour Show”.
“Paying it forward” means when you receive kindness from someone, you go out and show kindness to another person.
The guest wants the audience to join the chain of kindness and “pay it forward”.
Listen again and fill in the blanks to complete the story.
I'm sure you've heard the famous country music song "Chain of Love". The song starts with a man who helps a lady whose car ______________. The lady wants to pay him, but he won't accept payment, instead telling the lady to just ____________ to another person. Later, when the lady stops at a cafe, she notices her waitress is pregnant and _____. When the lady finishes eating, she pays for her meal with a _______________. Then the lady walks out, ______ the change and a note for the waitress. Her note tells the waitress to continue the chain of kindness. The song has a _______ ending. The waitress goes home to her ________, happy because of the kindness the lady showed her. Finally we find out that he is the man who first ______ the chain of kindness!
has broken down
show kindness
hundred-dollar bill
Enjoy the Video of Chain of love
Think of a story of showing or receiving kindness, either your own story or one that you have heard of. Then share it with your group.
Tell a Story
When telling a story, you can start by saying what the story is about. Give the background to the listeners, including when and where it took place. Say what happened step by step and be sure to use correct tenses. Do not forget to use sequencing words or linking words. Finally, finish your story by saying why it is important to you or why you remember it.
once upon a time long ago
first of all then after that
later finally so
however although but
I remember this happened when I was…
I was on my way to …
I was sitting … when …
It was a … day/morning …
There were … on the street …
Here are some words and expressions that may help you.
Telling a story
Could you think of more words and expressions that can be used in story-telling and put them into different groups
first of all, then, after that, later, finally, afterwards, meanwhile, at last, in the end, eventually
next to, far from, on the left, in front of
so, however, although, but, otherwise, nevertheless,
as a result, therefore, furthermore, in addition, as well as
in a word, in short, on the whole, to sum up, in brief, all in all
Introduction (background; when and where the story took place)
Narrative (what happened step by step)
Conclusion (Why it is important or why you remember it)
You can make an outline of what you want to say, and look up key words beforehand.
Once, I did not have money to go to university, and so someone paid my tuition that term. That happened when I was eighteen. My grandmother had just died, and this had caused my family great expense, so we had no extra money at all. I did everything I could to raise the money, but it seemed hopeless. Then the morning that the tuition was due, someone gave my mother an envelope with the money. It wasn’t their money, and they wouldn’t say who it was from. It seems that some stranger had heard about my money problem and decided to help. This meant so much to me, as without it I would not have been able to go to university.
What do you learn from the song “Chain of Love” (共24张PPT)
人教 必修第三册
Unit 2
Period 1
Listening and Speaking
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
Can you list some good Chinese traditional morals and virtues
morals and virtues
课 堂 学 习
Do you know moral dilemmas What is a moral dilemma
Free Talk
A moral dilemma is a situation in which you have two or more difficult choices to make. If you choose one, you might get in trouble for not choosing the other(s).
Before you listen, look at the pictures below. Discuss the questions with your group.
1 What moral dilemma is the boy in the picture facing
The boy sees an old woman who has fallen down on the street. She needs help getting up, but if he stops to help her, he might be late for school and get scolded by his teacher.
2 Have you ever faced a moral dilemma or heard of someone who did Describe it.
Suggested answer: I once saw my friend cheat on a test. I knew that I should report him, but if I did, he would no longer be my friend…
Listen to the conversation and complete the table to describe the moral dilemma that Jane is talking about.
Situations The girl is taking the entrance examination for _______________________ in Beijing. During the exam, the student next to her fainted.
The girl’s choices She can ______________. or She can __________________.
Possible results _____________________________, but ___________________________ ______________________________. _________________________________________________, but __________________________ __________________________.
a famous medical university
finish the exam
stop and help the girl
She will get into medical university
the girl might not get the help she needs
She can put the needs of the other person first
give up her chance to get into the medical university
Listening Tips: Make short notes & write key words.
Listen again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Listen for attitudes
When you listen, you should pay attention not only to the words but also to HOW the speaker is talking. If people strongly disagree with something, they might exaggerate their intonation. If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly, they may be excited or angry. If they speak slowly or stop often, they may be confused or not sure about what they are saying.
1. Jane is eager to share the magazine article with Luke.
2. Luke doubts that young people face moral dilemmas all the time.
3. Jane admires what the girl in the story did.
4. Luke doesn't believe anybody would do what the girl in the story did.
5. Jane wonders how the girl became a doctor later.
Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the questions.
1. What did the girl do to help the student
2. What was the girl's name What was she famous for
3. What did Jane say about the girl's life
She carried the student to a safe place and looked after her. Then she went to the hospital with the student and called her sister.
Her name was Lin Qiaozhi. She later became a great doctor. She was famous for caring for tens of thousands of women and their babies.
Her life was full of hard choices, but she didn’t let them stop her from taking care of people who were in need. She always cared for others more than for herself.
Jane is sharing an article about moral dilemmas with her friend Luke. This article mentions a girl t_____ the entrance exam for a famous medical university in Beijing. During the exam, the student next to her ______. The girl stopped to help the student, t_______ that it was better to p___ the needs of the other person f____. Although the girl l____ the exam that day, she became a great doctor. Her name was Lin Qiaozhi, who was famous for c_____ for tens of thousands of women and their babies in China.
Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.
Think about what you would do if you were ever faced with the same situation as the girl. Then share your thoughts with your group, and explain the reasons for your choice.
A: If I were ever in a situation like the girl faced, I think I would choose to...
B: Why Are you sure
A: Because I think that ... is most important. What about you
B: I think I would ...
Key points
【教材原句】Talk about moral dilemmas 讨论道德困境
moral adj. 道德的;道义上的 n. 品行;道德;寓意
dilemma n. 进退两难的境地;困境
①moral dilemma 道德困境 moral character 品德
moral education 道德教育 moral sense 是非感
moral behavior 道德行为 moral claim 道德要求
moral obligation 道义上的责任
moral appeals 道德诉求;伦理
②in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地
get out of a dilemma 摆脱两难的处境
face a dilemma 面临进退两难的困境  
1. ________________(道德教育) plays a very important part in school teaching.
2. The doctor _________________(感到进退两难) whether he should tell the parents the truth.
was in a dilemma
Moral education
【教材原句】If people strongly disagree with something, they might exaggerate their intonation. 如果人们强烈反对某事,他们可能会夸大他们的语调。
disagree with 不同意,与……有分歧;不一致;不适应
disagree with sb. on/about/over sth. 与某人在某方面有分歧
disagree with sb. (食物或天气)使某人身体不适
in disagreement with 与……不符合;与……不一致
agree with 同意;适应;一致
in agreement with 与……意见一致
1. I disagree ________ you on how to decorate the house.
2. Higher-ups make the final decisions, even if others might _________(agree).
3. Experts disagree _____________ how much the program will cost.
【教材原句】Think about what you would do if you were ever faced with the same situation as the girl. 想想如果你遇到和那个女孩一样的情况,你会怎么做。
be faced with 面临;面对
face the music 勇于承担后果;接受惩罚
in the face of sth. 面对(问题、困难等)
face to face 面对面地 lose face 丢脸,失面子
make faces/a face 做鬼脸 save face 保全面子
look in the face 正视(某人) face north/east 朝北/ 朝东
face the sea 面朝大海 Let’s face it! 面对现实吧!
be faced with不表示被动意义,仅表示主语的一种状态。作状语、定语或补语时,要用过去分词短语faced with。现在分词facing 作状语时,表示“面对,面临”,其后直接跟宾语,不与介词with 连用。
1. To his joy, the problem he was faced ________ was not so challenging.
2. ________ (face) with these pressures, you can watch a comedy to relax.
3. ________ (face) a range of choices, he was at a loss.
【教材原句】 A moral dilemma is a situation in which you have two or more difficult choices to make. 道德困境是指你有两种或更多种困难的选择的情况。
【难句剖析】本句是一个主从复合句,其中in which you have... 是定语从句,修饰先行词a situation。
【学法点拨】当先行词不是地点名词而是一些抽象名词,如situation, case, point, condition, position, stage等时,如果定语从句缺少状语,则需用where 或in which 引导。
Eg. I’ve reached a stage in my life where I’m supposed to make decisions of my own.
The police are looking into a case where the suspect is a teenager.
【误区警示】上述单词后面的定语从句如果缺少主语,则需用that或which引导;如果缺少宾语,则用that, which引导或者省略。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. They are struggling to reach a point ________ anyone enjoys the freedom of religion.
2. To be brief, I don’t want a job ________ I am chained to a desk for 8 hours every day.
3. We use “dilemma” to describe a difficult situation ________ you have to choose between two or more outcomes.
A: You know Angela
B: Yes.
A: You volunteer at the local shelter, don't you
B: Yes. It's a great experience.
A: Did you hear that James helped an old woman who fell down while crossing the street
B: Yes. It was a bit dangerous, but he got all the cars to stop.
A Having more to say.
B Hoping the other person will continue to talk.
C Asking for confirmation
Listen to the conversations and match each rising intonation with its meaning.
Read the conversation and mark in the correct places. Then listen to the recording to check. Notice the meaning of each rising intonation.
Peter: It’s a nice day, isn't it
Nick: Yes. but it looks gloomy to me.
Peter: Why What happened
Nick: You know Tony
Peter: Yes.
Nick: He asked me to write an essay for him. But I don't think it's the right thing to do. Do you
Peter: No, it's not.
Nick: But I'm afraid to lose him as a friend.
Peter: Well. good friends should help each other. But it doesn't mean you should help him cheat! Why not help him with his schoolwork
Nick: Good idea!
用法 例句
1. 一般疑问句中 Have you been to Beijing
Do you like English
2.选择疑问句前升后降 Would you like tea or coffee
3. 置于句首的状语从句或短语 If he comes, please tell me.
On the wall, hangs a picture.
4. 并列句的第一个分句, 表示句子未说完 He studied hard, but he still didn’t pass the exam.
5. 用于呼唤对方 Sir, you are in my way.
See you, Tom.
用法 例句
6.列举事物前升后降 One, two, three and four.
red, blue, white and black.
7.在委婉的祈使句中 Wait a moment.
Don't worry.
8.反义疑问句后半部分,表示不确定的态度或征求对方的看法 You don't speak Chinese, do you
9.高升调High rise, 用于疑问句中,表强烈惊讶或难以置信的情绪 --Sorry, but I lost the keys.
-- What You lost my keys
What have you learned in this class (共26张PPT)
Unit 2
Period 3
Discovering Useful Structures
新 课 导 入
观察下列句子并说出动词-ing 形式在句子中所充当的成分。
1. Working hard at your lessons, you will succeed.
2. They kept us waiting them over two hours yesterday.
object complement(宾语补足语)
课 堂 学 习
Read the sentences below and discuss the function and meaning of each -ing form.
1. ... her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees.
2. Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic.
3. The new People's Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role.
The -ing form as the adverbial.
The -ing form as the adverbial.
The -ing form as the object complement.
Find more examples from the unit which contain the -ing form of the verb and are used as an object complement or adverbial.
1.To a person nothing is more precious than their life, and if they entrust me with that life, how could I refuse that trust, saying I’m cold, hungry, or tired
2. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.…
3. Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known as the "mother of ten thousand babies", having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.
object complement
1. 动词的宾语补足语
① 位于感官动词后:如see, hear,feel,smell,watch,find,listen to, look at, notice, observe 等。
She felt anger arising in her heart.
He observed a stranger hanging around the store.
② 位于其他动词后:如set,keep,have,get,leave,catch 等。
His question has set me thinking.
She kept me waiting for over twenty minutes.
I saw him getting out of the car. 我看见他正下车。
I saw him get out of the car. 我看见他下车了。
2. with 复合结构
在with 复合结构中,如果宾语发出动作,且表示动作持续或进行, 则用现在分词作宾补。
I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.
在with 复合结构中,动词不定式作宾补虽然也表示宾语发出动作, 但是表示动作将要发生。
With so many people to help us, we are sure to finish it in time.
1. 表示时间
Speaking of all the books she has written, I think this is probably the best-known one. (= When I speak of ...)
While seeing the performance, she nodded from time to time.
(= While she was seeing the performance ...)
2. 表示原因 
Being busy, he didn’t go to the concert yesterday.
(= Because he was busy...)
Having lived in Jinan for years, I almost know every place quite well.
(= Because I have lived ...)
Not realizing that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.
(= Since he did not realize that ...)
3. 表示结果
The fire lasted nearly a month, leaving nothing valuable.
(= ... and left nothing valuable)
China has a population of 1.3 billion, making it the largest country in the world by population. (= ... and makes it ...)
4. 表示条件
Opening the window,you will see the garden below.
(= If you open the window)
5. 表示让步
Admitting what you say, I still think you are wrong.
(=Though I admit what you say...)
He was walking along the street, looking this way and that.
他左顾右盼地在街上走着。(= and looked this way and that)
Some girls sat there laughing and chatting. 几个女孩在那边坐着,又说又笑。
He was busy writing a story, only stopping once in a while to smoke a cigarette.他正忙于写故事,只是偶尔停下来抽根烟。
It was freezing/biting cold that day.那天天气很冷。
The weather has been burning/steaming hot this week.
Properly speaking, a whale is not a fish.准确地说,鲸并非鱼类。
Generally speaking, Chinese prefer tea to coffee.
Judging from this fact, he must be an honest man.
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.
feel want face smile return worry hear kock
1.________ that his wife had been injured in an accident, Mr. Johnson hurried to the hospital.
2.During the operation, she sat in the waiting room for over an hour ________ about him.
3.I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not _______ to be heard.
4.He suddenly woke up at midnight when he heard someone ________ at his door.
5. _______ higher import and export costs, the company is looking for ways to survive.
6. _________ from the North Pole, the traveler wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year.
7. The child lay on her mother's lap, _______ sweetly.
8. _______ hurt by the rejection, she bit her lip and quietly walked away.
feel want face smile return worry hear kock
Read the following story and rewrite the underlined parts using the -ing form.
Henry Norman Bethune was a Canadian doctor with a very creative mind and a determination to help people. As a small boy, he became very interested in medicine and decided to become a doctor. After he graduated from medical college in 1916, Bethune worked as a doctor in England, the US, and Canada. He reinvented or redesigned over 10 medical instruments to make them more useful. In 1938, Bethune left for China, after he heard that many people were dying in the war.
, deciding to become a doctor
after hearing that many people were dying in the war
Despite the difficult situation, Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people. He helped to organise hospitals, taught doctors and nurses, and showed people how to give first aid. Sadly. Dr Bethune passed away in November the following year and was buried in Shijiazhuang. After Dr Bethune’s death, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article in memory of him, in which he praised Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.
Helping to organise hospitals, he taught doctors and nurses, and showed people how to give first aid. OR
He helped to organise hospitals, teaching doctors and nurses, and showing people how to give first aid.
praising Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.
Key points
1. operation n. 手术;企业;经营
Eg. The doctor bent over to perform an operation on the patient.
Many private galleries are in operation, with many more opening each year.
① perform an operation (on sb.) (给某人)做手术
in operation 工作中;有效 put sth. into operation 实施
② a rescue operation 营救行动    safe operation 安全操作
③ operate vi. 运转;动手术 vt. 操作  operate on... 给……做手术
operator n. 操作员,经营者    operating adj. 操作的,外科手术的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. The nurse tended the boy so carefully that he recovered from his heart __________(operate) soon.
2. The operation __________ the old man will be carried out on schedule.
3. The new rules will be __________ operation soon.
2. whisper vi. & vt. 悄声说;耳语;低语
n. 耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传
Eg. She is whispering a story to her daughter. 她低声地给女儿讲着故事。
Jane whispered the secret in my ear. 简把秘密悄悄地告诉了我。
It is whispered that he is heavily in debt. 据传闻他负债累累。
They were talking in whispers. 他们在悄悄地谈话。
whisper sth. to sb. 把某事悄悄告诉某人
It is whispered that... 有人私下说……
whisper sth. in one’s ear 在某人耳旁小声说某事
in a whisper/in whispers 低声地
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1.In the wedding ceremony,Jack whispered __________ her so that no one else would hear.
2. It ____________ (whisper) that he shouldn’t serve as an experiment volunteer although he is eager to learn science.
3. The baby is sleeping. You’d better speak __________ a whisper.
is whispered
【句式分析】本句中的had it published是have sth. done 结构,表示 “让某事被做”,过去分词作宾补,宾语和动词之间是被动关系。
have sth. done : 让某事被做(可能是主语自己做,也可能是让别人做);遭遇/ 经历某种不幸的事
e.g. The patient is going to have his temperature taken.
He had his right leg injured during the training.
【教材原句】...the traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year. ……这名旅行者写了一本关于他的经历的书,并在第二年出版。
have sth. done=get sth. done 使某事被做
have sb. do sth.=make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
have sth. to do 有某事要做(动词不定式作后置定语)
have sb. doing sth. 容忍某人做某事(用于否定句中, 多放于won’t, can’t 后)
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. Before driving into the city, you are required to have your car ________(wash).
2. The waitress had the water ________(run) even when she didn’t use it.
3. When passing by the house, he had his leg ________(bite) by a big dog.
①whatever 可以引导名词性从句,即宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句和同位语从句。在句中充当宾语、表语、主语和同位语,相当于anything that。
Eg. Whatever requests you make will be granted.
She applied whatever strength she had left to the task.
【教材原句】 Despite the difficult situation, Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people. 尽管情况困难,但白求恩大夫还是尽其所能帮助中国人民。
【句式分析】despite the difficult situation 是介词短语作状语,whatever he could 是whatever引导的宾语从句。
② whatever 还可以引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。
e.g. Whatever happens, you know that I’ll stand by you.
=No matter what happens, you know that I’ll stand by you.
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. ___________ happens in the future, the sweet memories will never fade away.
2. In order not to waste our precious time, we’ll eat at ____________ restaurant has a free table.
3. ___________ you do it, you will find it a difficult task.
Now, can you tell us the use and function of -ing form as adverbial and object complement (共26张PPT)
人教 必修第三册
Unit 2
Period 5
Reading for Writing
( 英语 )
新 课 导 入
It’s a kind of traditional short story.
It teaches a moral lesson.
It’s usually a story with animals as characters.
These stories are always considered as a group.
For example, Aesop’s Fables.
What is this kind of writing called
fable 寓言
Do you know these fables
新 课 导 入
课 堂 学 习
Read the fable below and answer the questions.
1. What was the king's idea for teaching an important lesson to his people
2. What was the response from most of the people
3. What did the young girl think and do when she saw the coins
Once upon a time there was a king who often thought, "Nothing good can come to a nation whose people only complain and expect others to solve their problems." One day, he had an idea.
Early one morning, the king disguised himself and went to a local village. He placed a large stone in the middle of the main street and hid gold coins under the stone. Then he hid behind a huge maple tree and watched.
The first person down the street was a milkman with his cart. He crashed into the stone, spilling the milk everywhere. "What fool put this stone here he shouted. He picked himself up and angrily went away.
After a while, a group of women came along, each balancing a pot of water on her head. One woman tripped over the stone and her water pot went crashing to the ground. She picked herself up and limped away in tears. Neither she nor her friends thought about moving the stone out of the road.
The king watched all day as many people complained about the stone, but he found nobody making an attempt to move it. The king was in despair. "Is there no one in this village who feels any responsibility to keep their neighbours from harm "
Just then, the king saw a young girl coming along. She was the daughter of a local farmer. She had been working allday and was very tired. But when she saw the stone, she said to herself, "This stone is a danger to anyone who comes down the street after dark. I'll move it out of the way."
The girl pushed the stone with all her might. After a great deal of effort, she finally succeeded in moving it to theside of the street. Imagine her surprise when she saw the gold coins where the stone had been!
Just then, the king stepped out from behind the tree. "Oh sir" the girl said, "does this gold belong to you If not, we surely must find the owner, for he will certainly miss it."
The king said, "My dear, the gold is mine. I put it in the road and moved the stone over it. Now the gold is yours, because you are the only person who has learnt the lesson I wanted to teach my people.
1. What was the king's idea for teaching an important lesson to his people
2. What was the response from most of the people
3. What did the young girl think and do when she saw the coins
He put a huge stone in the middle of a road and hid gold coins under it, and then watched to see if anyone would move it.
Most of the people just got upset that the stone was in their way.
She thought that the money belonged to someone else and that it should be returned.
Read and answer
1.【教材原句】After a while, a group of women came along, each balancing a pot of water on her head. 过了一会儿,一群女人走了过来,每人头上都顶着一罐水。
【句式分析】句中的each balancing a pot of water on her head 是“代词+ v. -ing”构成的独立主格结构。其中each 是逻辑主语,即动作的发出者。
1. 独立主格的构成:名词/ 代词+ 现在分词/ 过去分词/ 不定式/ 形容词/ 副词/ 介词短语。
2. 作用:在句中充当时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随状语。
Key points
e.g.Here are the first three volumes, the fourth one to come out next month.
e.g.So many people absent, the meeting had to be called off.
e.g.The meeting over, they all went home.
e.g.Mary was sitting near the fire, her back towards the door.
e.g.There being no further business, I declare the meeting closed.
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. Time ___________(permit), I’ll assist you in cleaning the kitchen.
2. Her glasses __________(break), she couldn’t see the words on the blackboard.
3. Lots of work ________(do), I have no time to dance.
to do
2.【教材原句】She picked herself up and limped away in tears.
in tears 流着泪;含着泪
burst into tears 突然大哭起来 fight back tears 忍住眼泪
be moved to tears 感动得流泪 tears of joy 欢乐的泪水
be bathed in tears 泪流满面 be close to tears 快流泪了
hold back one’s tears 忍住泪水
tear v. (tore, torn) 撕破;撕掉,拔掉
tear up 撕毁,撕碎(文件等) tear down 拆除,拆掉
tear apart 撕毁;撕碎 tear at 撕开;撕裂
tear oneself away from 依依不舍地离开
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. The boy stood there, looking at his mother ________ tears.
2. It was such a sad film that we were moved ________ tears.
3. He tore ________ the letter angrily and threw it into the waste-paper basket.
3.【教材原句】“Is there no one in this village who feels any responsibility to keep their neighbours from harm ”
harm n. & vt. 伤害;损害
①be of great harm 危害极大的
do harm to sb./sth. (=do sb./sth. harm) 对某人/ 某物有害
mean no harm 没有恶意
There is no harm in (one’s) doing sth. = There is no harm (for sb.) to do sth. (某人)做某事无妨/ 无害。
②harmful adj. 有害的  be harmful to 对……有害
harmless adj. 无害的 be harmless to 对……无害
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. Try to choose products that do the least harm _____ the environment.
2. Staying up too often will be _____ great harm to people’s health.
3. There is no harm _____ eating more fish, which is beneficial to our health.
【词语辨析】harm, injure, hurt 与 wound
① harm 指伤害人的健康、权利、事业等。
② injure 指在事故或打斗中受伤。
③ hurt 指肉体伤害或感情伤害。
④ wound 指用刀、枪等武器伤害。
4.【教材原句】After a great deal of effort, she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street. 费了好大一番功夫,她终于成功地把石头推到了路边。
a great deal (of) 大量
①a great deal of + n.[U] 大量的……
②a great deal 大量,非常(可以单独使用,也可以修饰形容词、副词的比较级)
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. A great deal of attention __________(be) being paid today to children’s education.
2. The little girl knows a good many folk _________(song) by heart.
①修饰可数名词:many, many a, several, a couple of, (a) few, a great/good many, a good/great/large number of
②修饰不可数名词:much, (a) little, a large amount of, amounts of
③既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词:a lot of, lots of, a quantity of, quantities of(谓语用复数), plenty of
This story presented different people’s emotions and responses when they came across the same plete the table according to the story.
Person Experience Emotion Response
milkman crashed into the stone angry went away
women with water
other villiagers
young Girl
tripped over
the stone
limped away in tears
complained about
the stone
nobody made an attempt to move the stone out of the road
succeeded in moving the stone to the side of the street
wanted to find the owner of the gold
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 What do you think this fable is trying to tell us Do you think the king was wise Why or why not
The moral of the story is that we should all take responsibility for our community. I don’t think that the king was very wise, however, because no one learnt anything from his experiment. The milkman, the woman with her water pot, and the other villagers continued on their travels without having changed their attitudes at all. The king did find one responsible young girl, but she was already a responsible person before she encountered the stone in the road.
2 Can you think of times in your own life when you felt and acted like the girl or like the other people in the story Give examples.
There have been times when I have acted responsibly like the girl in the story. For example, I recently saw some children playing on a dangerous balcony, and so I warned them it was dangerous and had them go somewhere else to play. However, often I'm more like the milkman in the story because I'm very busy with my own work and worries.
Write a review of the fable.
Write a review
The main purpose of a review is to give your opinion about a piece of writing. You should first give a short description of the writing, and then clearly state your opinion and your reasons.
Use the outline below to help you.
Paragraph 1: Basic information about the story What is the title of the story
What kind of story is it
What is the main idea of the story
Paragraph 2: Your analysis of the story What is the author’s purpose
Were the details of the story clear
Do you think the story achieved its purpose
Paragraph 3: Your opinion about the story What did you like about the story
What did you not like about the story
Would you recommend this story to others
“The Stone in the Road” is an old fable about a king who thinks his people are lazy, so he puts a large stone in the middle of the road and hides and waits to see if anyone will try to move it.
The author use this story to impress upon readers the need to take personal responsibility for problems in the community. The story was quite successful in achieving its purpose, and I liked it because it had a clear moral. However, while the moral of the story is clear, the actions of the king seemed pointless to me, because none of the characters in the story learnt anything. For this reason, I think there are better stories that can be used to impress upon people the need for personal responsibility.
Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
Does the writer give a short description of the story
Does the description include the most important details of the story
Does the writer give his/her opinion about the characters or their actions
Is the review well-organised
Does the writer use the -ing form as the adverbial in the review
Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors
Get your draft back and revise it. Then put your review up in the classroom.
Do you remember what should be included in the review of a fable (共28张PPT)
Unit 2
Period 2
Reading and Thinking
新 课 导 入
What are some important life choices for you
career / job
新 课 导 入
Important choices
Important choices a person can make in life include decisions on university study, jobs, and marriage partners. These choices are important because they determine our future.
From a wider perspective, however, the most important choices include moral decisions—how we live our lives and treat others. Such choices may not necessarily change our life paths, but they will determine how we are remembered by others, the degree of respect and love we earn, and our own ability to have clean consciences and live with ourselves.
课 堂 学 习
Look at the title and pictures and predict the text.
What do you think the text is about
The text might be about a female doctor who delivered a lot of babies.
Go through the text and answer the following questions.
In time order/chronological order.
1.What kind of text is it
2.How are the events arranged
A brief biography of Lin Qiaozhi.
Read the text about Lin Qiaozhi and complete the timeline about Lin Qiaozhi’s life.
Time Important events
In 1901
In 1906
At age 18
At age 26
Within six months
After a few years
She was born.
Her mother died.
She decided to study medicine.
She graduated from Peking Union Medical College and was hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.
She was named a chief resident physician.
She was sent to study in Europe.
In 1939
In 1941
A few months later
From 1954 to 1983
On 22 April 1983
During her lifetime
She was sent to study in the US
She became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital
Her department in the hospital was closed.
She was elected to the first National People’s Congress and held many important positions.
She died.
She didn’t get married.
Underlined sentence:
At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine;
Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer;
Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic;
She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors.
1. What hard choices was Dr Lin faced with throughout her life Underline the sentences about these choices.
Read the text again and then answer the following questions.
2. What were the results of her choices
She did not get married;
She did not stay in the US;
She opened a private clinic;
She spent her time tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors rather than government work.
3. What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning Dr Lin's life choices
The author wants to illustrate what it means to live a selfless life, caring for others.
Read the text again and answer the questions. Use the facts and details from the text to support your conclusions.
1. What was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life
Dr Lin’s main principle of life was to deny herself, and put others first.
Draw conclusions
As you read, pay attention to facts and details mentioned by the author, and put them together to draw conclusions about the topic.
Evidence 2: Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic. She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
Evidence 1: Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer. She wanted to serve the women and children at home.
Evidence 3: And even as she lay dying, her final thoughts were for others.
2. What kind of person do you think Dr Lin was
1. She is ____________.
2. She is ____________.
3. She is ____________.
Lin Qiaozhi’s qualities
served women and children
tended patients
treated them as sisters
published medical research
trained the next generation of doctors
won the scholarship
rejected the offer
charged low fees
left savings to a kindergarten and a fund for doctors
1.【教材原句】 To a person nothing is more precious than their life...
Key points
any other + 单数名词
(all) the other + 复数名词
anyone else
any of the other + 复数名词
the rest of + 复数名词或不可数名词
形容词/副词 + enough
too + 形容词/副词
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. I enjoyed myself at the party last night because I had never been to a _____________(exciting) one before.
2. Tom is ________________(intelligent) than any other student in his class.
more exciting
more intelligent
2.【教材原句】These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices. 林巧稚这一席话使我们得以窥见这位非凡女性的内心世界,并了解是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生。
carry sb. through sth. 帮助某人渡过难关
carry sth. through 成功完成,顺利实现
carry out 实施;履行;执行 carry on 继续;参与
carry on with sth. 继续做某事 carry away 运走
carry off 赢得;获得;成功对付 carry weight 有影响力;重要;有分量
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1.His determination carried him __________ the hard time.
2. I’d be grateful if you let me carry on __________ my job.
3. Carry ______ until you get to the crossing, and you will see a shop where you can buy envelopes.
① a/the majority of...  大多数……
be in the/a majority 占大部分/大多数
② minority n. 少数
be in the minority 占少数
③ major n.& v. 主修;专业
major in 主修……;以……为专业
①the majority 单独作主语时,如果强调整体,谓语动词用单数形式;如果强调个体,谓语动词用复数形式。
②“the majority of + 复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
③“the majority of + 不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
3.【教材原句】At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine. 在十八岁时她选择了学医而不是像大多数女孩那样走传统的婚姻之路。
majority n. 大部分;大多数
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1.Only a small number of people in that city do not have a car while the people taking subway to work are _____ the majority.
2. The majority of the land _________________(destroy) so far.
3. Some of the plays told sad stories, but the majority of the plays _______(be) really funny.
has been destroyed
①complain about... 抱怨……
complain(to sb.)that... (向某人)抱怨……
complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事
②complaint n. 抱怨  
make a complaint to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事
4.【教材原句】...her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees.
complain vi. & vt. 抱怨;发牢骚
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. Mothers often complain ________ their children ________ wrestling on the bed.
2. Why don’t you make a ____________ (complain) against your noisy neighbors
①respond to...(with sth.) 回答,回复;对…… 做出反应
②response n. 反应;回答;回复
in response to 作为对……的答复/ 反应
make a response (to...)(对……)做出回应/ 反应
5.【教材原句】She responded①, “I’d rather② stay single to study all my life!” 她回答:“我宁愿一辈子不嫁人,也要学医!”
①respond vt. 回答;回复 vi. 做出反应;回应
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. After all, knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly __________ emergencies.
2. He made no __________(respond) to my question, and went on with his movie.
②【句式分析】“would rather + 动词原形/have done”表示“宁愿做某事/ 宁愿做过某事”。
would rather 后接从句时,若表示与现在或将来情况相反,从句用一般过去时;若表示与过去情况相反,从句用过去完成时。
e.g.I’m not free tomorrow. I’d rather you came next weekend.
e.g.I’d rather she had asked me before borrowing the car.
would rather do... than do... = would do... rather than do...
= prefer to do... rather than do... 宁愿做……而不愿做……
【词语辨析】reject 与refuse
①reject vt. 正式用词,“摒弃,不采用,不使用”,不可接不定式作宾语。
②refuse vi. & vt. 普通用词,“拒绝”,可接不定式作宾语。
6.【教材原句】 Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer. 但是,林医生谢绝了邀请。
reject vt. 拒绝接受;不录用;冷落
①reject one’s idea/suggestion/plan
拒绝接受某人的想法/ 建议/ 计划
reject an argument/a decision/an offer
拒绝接受一个论点/ 一个决定/ 一项提议
②rejection n. 拒绝接受;否决  
a rejection letter 一封回绝信
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. He ___________(reject) from the factory because of laziness.
2. Although writing a ___________(reject) letter can be difficult, there are situations where it’s absolutely necessary.
was rejected
7.【教材原句】At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care. 有时,人们甚至会看到她骑着毛驴去偏远的乡村给人看病。
【句式分析】本句是“see+ 宾语+ 现在分词”结构,表示宾语正在做某事,其中宾语与分词之间是主动关系。
e.g. Someone saw her send her son to the kindergarten.
e.g.His colleagues saw him rejected by the boss when he asked for a pay rise.
see sb. do:看到动作全过程或动作经常发生(在被动句中用be seen to do)
see sb. doing:看到动作正在进行
see sb. done:看到某人被……(表示动作完成或一种状态)
8.【教材原句】She was more interested in tending patients...
tend vt. 照顾;照料 vi. 倾向;趋于
①tend(to)sb./sth. 照料/ 护理某人;照管某物
tend to do sth. 易于做某事,往往会发生某事
tend to/towards 倾向于,趋于
②tendency n. 趋势;倾向   
a tendency to do sth. 做某事的倾向
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
1. Typically, people tend ___________(make) mistakes when tired.
2. The modern furniture designs tend ___________ simplicity.
3. I have a tendency ___________(talk)too much when nervous.
to make
to talk
Complete the following sentences using suitable verbs from the text. Be sure to use the correct forms.
1. Many studies have shown that shy, passive children tend to be socially ________ by their classmates.
2. She was so scared during the interview that she completely forgot how she should ________ to the questions.
3. Many Americans __________ about the sharp increase in the cost of health care and health insurance recently.
4. One of the advantages of ______ energetic and positive young people is that they _____ to show interest in their work and they are eager to learn.
5. The student union will hold a special meeting in January to _____ someone to replace the secretary.
Work in pairs. Suppose you are an interviewer, and your partner is Lin Qiaozhi. Make a conversation by asking your partner about the important choices in her life.
Role play
What did you learn from Lin Qiaozhi