Module 2 Science and technology期末复习重点短语句型翻译练习(含答案)牛津上海版英语八年级上册


名称 Module 2 Science and technology期末复习重点短语句型翻译练习(含答案)牛津上海版英语八年级上册
格式 docx
文件大小 21.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-09 21:26:08



1. 我会在字典中查找这个词的定义。
2. 她正在寻找她丢失的钥匙。
3. 我姐姐在我们不在家时照顾我们的宠物狗。
4. 让我们四处逛逛商场看看有什么东西。
5. 他欣赏地看着美丽的日落。
6. 我期待着周末,因为我们要去旅行。
7. 她往窗外看了一眼,看到树上有只鸟。
8. 看一下这张图片,告诉我你的想法。
9. 一些动物物种濒临灭绝。
10. 他因年老去世了。
11. 今年许多人死于流感。
12. 我亲自面对面地了解了他,因为我们亲自见过面。
13. 他在考试中失败了。
14. 当我累的时候,我总是很快就入睡了。
15. 如果你不学习,你会在班上落后。
16. 小心不要摔倒在楼梯上。
17. 她生病了,不得不请假在家休息。
18. 他一见到她就爱上了她。
19. 他们因误解而争吵了起来。
20. 海滩离我们家很远。
21. 鸟类以蠕虫和昆虫为食。
22. 我想吃比萨饼作为今晚的晚餐。
23. 我需要弄清楚这个问题的答案。
24. 音乐会的门票可以免费获取。
25. 下雨的时候我总是忘记带伞。
26. 她和同学相处得很好。
27. 是时候穿好衣服去上学了。
28. 我需要与我的朋友取得联系制定计划。
29. 我在陌生的城市迷路了,不得不寻求帮助。
30. 让我们各自付款平分账单。
31. 我们需要计算物品的总成本。
32. 老师要求我们做数学计算。
33. 我可以借用你的计算器来做数学考试吗?
34. 他是一个自私计算的人,总是考虑自己的利益。
35. 托马斯·爱迪生发明了电灯泡。
36. 亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔是电话的著名发明者。
37. 互联网的发明改变了通信方式。
38. 公司正在开发新的软件来满足客户需求。
39. 近年来技术有了重大的发展。
40. 发达国家拥有更先进的基础设施。
41. 发展中国家正在努力实现经济增长。
42. 暴风雨中停电了。
43. 超级英雄拥有强大的能力来拯救世界。
44. 他对比赛结果做出了准确的预测。
45. 她准确地称量了食谱中的配料。
46. 我按照说明书组装家具。
47. 接下来的一天,我们进行了一次实地考察。
48. 我需要在截止日期之前解决这个数学问题。
49. 你能提供解决这个问题的方案吗?
50. 智能手机是一种受欢迎的电子设备。
51. 电力驱动我们日常使用的许多电器。
52. 房子里的电气布线需要修理。
1. I will look up the definition of this word in the dictionary.
2. She is looking for her lost keys.
3. My sister looks after our pet dog when we're not home.
4. Let's look around/round/about the mall to see what's available.
5. He looked at the beautiful sunset with admiration.
6. I'm looking forward to the weekend because we're going on a trip.
7. She looked out of the window and saw a bird on the tree.
8. Have a look at this picture and tell me what you think.
9. Some species of animals are in danger of dying out.
10. He died of old age.
11. Many people have died from the flu this year.
12. I know about him face to face because we met in person.
13. He failed in his attempt to pass the exam.
14. I always fall asleep quickly when I'm tired.
15. If you don't study, you will fall behind in class.
16. Be careful not to fall down the stairs.
17. She fell ill and had to stay home from school.
18. He fell in love with her at first sight.
19. They had a fight with each other over a misunderstanding.
20. The beach is far away from our house.
21. Birds feed on worms and insects.
22. I feel like eating pizza for dinner tonight.
23. I need to find out the answer to this question.
24. The concert tickets are available for free.
25. I always forget to bring my umbrella when it rains.
26. She gets along well with her classmates.
27. It's time to get dressed and go to school.
28. I need to get in touch with my friend to make plans.
29. I got lost in the unfamiliar city and had to ask for directions.
30. Let's go Dutch and split the bill.
31. We need to calculate the total cost of the items.
32. The teacher asked us to do a math calculation.
33. Can I borrow your calculator for the math test
34. He is a calculating person who always thinks about his own interests.
35. Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb.
36. Alexander Graham Bell is a famous inventor of the telephone.
37. The invention of the internet has revolutionized communication.
38. The company is developing new software for its customers.
39. There have been significant developments in technology in recent years.
40. The developed countries have more advanced infrastructure.
41. The developing countries are working towards economic growth.
42. The power went out during the storm.
43. The superhero has powerful abilities to save the world.
44. He made accurate predictions about the outcome of the game.
45. She measured the ingredients accurately for the recipe.
46. I followed the instructions to assemble the furniture.
47. The following day, we went on a field trip.
48. I need to solve this math problem before the deadline.
49. Can you provide a solution to this problem
50. The smartphone is a popular electronic device.
51. Electricity powers many of our everyday appliances.
52. The electrical wiring in the house needs to be repaired.