人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture 课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture 课件(5份打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-10 13:45:08


Unit 3
Period 2
Discover Useful Structures
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What is the difference between present perfect tense and past perfect tense
1. The concert has started. We have to look for our seats in the dark.
2. They had finished their dinner by the time Sam joined them.
课 堂 学 习
Look at the two pairs of sentences, paying attention to the meaning and use of the past perfect tense and the past perfect passive voice.
1. The chef had set up a farm-to-table restaurant before his new
cookbook was published.
A new farm-to-table restaurant had been set up by the chef
before his new cookbook was published.
2. They had finished their dinner by the time Sam joined them.
Their dinner had been finished by the time Sam joined them.
Compare the meaning
The chef had set up a farm-to-table restaurant before his new cookbook was published.
A new farm-to-table restaurant had been set up by the chef before his new cookbook was published.
They had finished their dinner by the time Sam joined them.
Their dinner had been finished by the time Sam joined them.
Compare the meaning
The chef had set up a farm-to-table restaurant before his new cookbook was published.
They had finished their dinner by the time Sam joined them.
A new farm-to-table restaurant had been set up by the chef before his new cookbook was published.
Their dinner had been finished by the time Sam joined them.
Compare the form
The chef had set up a farm-to-table restaurant before his new cookbook was published.
They had finished their dinner by the time Sam joined them.
The Past Perfect Tense
had + V-ed
A new farm-to-table restaurant had been set up by the chef before his new cookbook was published.
Their dinner had been finished by the time Sam joined them.
The Past Perfect Passive Voice
had been + V-ed
意义:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或事件之前 完成的动作或状态(过去的过去)。
past in the past
Eg: Jane had just left when you rang.
否定句:主语+ had + not +过去分词
Eg: The country had not yet recovered from the effects of the war.
Eg: Had he changed a lot
Eg: The film had begun before we got to the cinema.
结构:had done
Eg: The film had begun before we got to the cinema.
时态 结构 用法
一般过去时 主动:did/was/were 动作发生在过去的某个时间
被动:was/were done
过去完成时 主动:had done 动作发生在过去的某个时间/动作之前
被动:had been done
1. by+过去的时间点
Eg: I had finished reading the novel by nine o’clock last night.
2. by + the end of +过去的时间点
Eg: We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term.
3. before+过去的时间点
Eg: They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday.
1. 用在“It was the +序数词+ time ( that)...””或者It was the +形容词最高级+名词+ (that)...”句型中(从句用过去完成时)。
Eg: It was the first time that he had ever spoke to me in such a tune.
2. hardly… when…; no sooner… than…(主句中用had done)
Eg: He had no sooner left the room than they began to talk about him.
3. 用于wish后的宾语从句中,表示对过去未做成的事情的某种感叹或愿望。
Eg: I wish I had been there at that time.
I wish I had told him about it.
4. 过去完成时常用在引述动词一般过去时后的间接引语中。
Eg: They said that they had planted the trees on the hillside.
5. think, want, hope, plan, intend, mean和suppose等词的过去完成时可以用来表示本来要做而没做或无法做的事,或没有实现的希望或意图。
Eg: I had intended to be there on time.
6.用在"It was+一段时间+ since从句"句型中(从句用过去完成时)
Eg: It was at least three months since I had left Beijing.
Complete the two conversations with the correct forms of the words below using the past perfect tense or the past perfect passive voice.
arrive cancel eat finish get taste tell
1 Carol: ____ you ever _____ any Scottish food before your trip to St
Andrews last year
Paul: No, not really. But I ____________ about haggis many times before
we went there.
Carol: Oh... Did you try it
Paul: Oh, yes! You know what We _______ late for supper that day, and
so we just ate whatever was left in the university canteen. We
__________ our meal before we learnt we ____ just _____, haggis!
Carol: My goodness!
Paul: Well, it was not bad. I have to say ...
had been told
had finished
2 Carol: When I got to the teahouse yesterday, I found nobody there.
______ it ______________
Paul: Oh, I'm so sorry my that forgot to tell you! The get-together was
cancelled yesterday morning because Sally, the hostess,
_________ into a car accident.
Carol: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope Sally recovers soon!
been cancelled
had got
arrive cancel eat finish get taste tell
Work in pairs. Choose one of these three situations, and make as many sentences as you can using the past perfect tense and the past perfect passive voice.
1 When I set off for the
2 Before he went into
the chocolate factory...
3 By the time I arrived
at the "insect" party...
... I had just finished my
... I had ordered a taxi online.
... the windows had been closed.
... the light had been switched
... I had drunk too much soda
... I had eaten too much cake.
... we had been given many
... I had been made very sick.
... the insects had all escaped.
... the insects had scattered
everywhere in the room.
... the insects had all been
collected in a bottle.
... the insects had been fried
up for eating.
Sample Coversation
A: So, how did the insect party go
B: Oh, it was horrible!
A: Why What happened
B: Well, by the time I got there, the insects had all escaped and they had scattered everywhere
in the room!
A: Oh, no! So what did you do
B: We chased the insects down and before long they had all been collected in a bottle.
A: Then you cooked them
B: Yes, before long, they had been fried up for eating. But then we had another a big problem.
A: What
B: Well, after we had rounded up all the insects, we were all so tired and disgusted with
handling them that no one wanted to eat them.
A: So much for the insect party!
B: But it had a happy ending. We ordered out for pizza and then sat down and watched a cool
movie on the computer.
A: Sounds great!
Share the usage of the past perfect tense and the past perfect passive voice.(共26张PPT)
Unit 3
Period 1
Reading and Thinking (1)
Understand the link between food and culture
新 课 导 入
fish and chips
the UK
Do you know where this food comes from
Let’s match together!
课 堂 学 习
Look at the title, and the pictures. What do you think this article is about
It is about various culture and cuisine about a place or some countries.
Before you read, discuss these questions in groups.
1. How many kinds of Chinese cuisine are there, and how can these
cuisines be described
2. What, if anything, do these cuisines tell you about the people who eat
There are at least eight different kinds of Chinese cuisine: Shandong (fresh and salty), Sichuan (hot from chillies and from Sichuan peppercorns), Jiangsu (soft texture, a little sweet), Cantonese (mild and slightly sweet), Fujian (umami taste, light), Zhejiang (fresh flavours, soft texture), Hunan (dry hot), and Anhui (fresh herbs, oily colourful). In addition, there are numerous cooking styles that are associated with ethnic minorities.
The cuisines certainly say something about the kinds of ingredients available to the people, and a lot about the kinds of flavours the people prefer.
The first paragraph has a quote: "You are what you eat." In pairs, discuss what you think this saying means. Then read the article to see if you share the same ideas as the author.
The saying means that the kind of food we eat tells something about our personality, character, and culture.
You are what you eat.
Read and find out the main idea of each paragraph.
you are what you eat.
Chinese food in America has changed to suit American flavor.
what I learn about in Chinese food culture in Shandong Province.
my experience of authentic Chinese food in Beijing.
cuisine in Xinjiang
cuisine in South China
what can various kinds of food tell us.
Read the article quickly, then answer the following questions.
1. Which is the topic paragraph
2. Which is the topic sentence
The last paragraph.
What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine go hand in hand, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other.
Tips: 夹叙夹议类文体的主题段落一般是第一段或者最后一段。主题段落具有概括、点明主题的作用,常用"In short/conclusion,…" "What we can say/conclude is that… "等语篇标记词引导。另外,转折之后(语篇标记词常为but, however, yet, in fact等)的观点往往就是作者的观点。
Use the information from the text to complete the table below.
Place Kind of Chinese food Typical dish People or culture
Northwest China
South China
Central China
Chinese food changed to suit American tastes
General Tso's chicken
Americans love bold, simple flavours, and are not afraid to try new foods.
Sichuan cuisine
dishes with Sichuan peppercorns
People there offered them good friendship.
Shandong cuisine
boiled dumplings served with vinegar; pancake rolls stuffed
with sliced Chinese green onions
Family is important to the people there.
Xinjiang and Inner Mongolian cuisine
boiled or roasted meat, such as lamb kebab
People there traditionally wandered the open range on horses so their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire.
Through food, Chinese people everywhere show friendship and kindness.
Guangdong cuisine
dim sum
Henan cuisine
stewed noodles
Match the causes to the effects below.
1 The flavor preferences of Americans
often differ from those of the Chinese.
2 We had no idea how to order food.
3 These groups traditionally wandered
the open range on horses.
A The chef just began filling our table
with the best food we had ever eaten.
B Their traditional foods are what you
can cook over an open fire.
C Chinese food in America is changed
to suit American tastes.
Understand cause and effect
Sometimes two ideas are related to each other by cause and effect. That is, one thing causes something else to happen. Cause-and-effect relationships can be direct. For example, “It was raining, so I took my umbrella.” However, some cause-and-effect relationships are not direct, and some may also have more than one cause or effect.
Find more examples from the text.
※ Family is important to the people in north China.→ Making dumplings
has always been a family affair with everyone—from the youngest to the
oldest—joining in to help.
※ You experience the food of a culture.→You get to know the people.
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1. Do you think "culture and cuisine go hand in hand" Give your reasons.
2. Imagine that it is true that people's personalities are closely linked to the
foods they eat. What does eating the following foods tell you about a person
spicy food vegetarian food junk food seafood sweets chocolate rice noodles onion garlic bacon ham sausage cabbage mushroom bean curd
Yes, because so much of a culture is based upon food and how it is eaten and served.
Possibly, people who like spicy food love excitement and new experiences. And people who like junk food like to enjoy life without worrying about the future.
人教 选择性必修第二册
Unit 3
( 英语 )
Period 1
Reading and Thinking (2)
Build up your vocabulary
Language points
1.However, Brillat-Savarin was actually referring to our personality, character, and culture.然而,布里亚萨瓦兰实际上指的是我们的个性、性格和文化。
【词汇精讲】refer to 查阅;参考;谈到;涉及;指的是
refer to...as... 把……当作……;称……为……
refer...to... 把……提交给……(以求获得帮助)
reference n.谈及;提及;参考;查阅
【温馨提示】在表示“查阅”之意时,refer to后多接参考资料(词典、书籍等);look up 多接查询的内容。
2.【教材原句】Prior to coming to China, my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America, with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.来中国之前,我只在美国接触过中式烹饪,那里的中国食物已被改变,以适应美国人的口味。
【词汇精讲】prior to 在……之前
priority n. 优先考虑的事;当务之急
senior to… 比……年长的;级别高的
junior to… 比……年轻的
inferior to … 比……差的
superior to… 比……好的
【温馨提示】在prior/previous to 中,to为介词,后接名词(短语)或动名词(短语)。
3.【教材原句】For example, America’s most popular Chinese dish is General Tso’s chicken, which consists of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, flavoured with hot red peppers.例如,在美国最受欢迎的中国菜是“左宗棠鸡”,它在油炸的鸡肉上淋上甜酱,再佐以煸炒过的红辣椒制成。
consist of 由……组成/ 构成(无被动语态和进行时态) = be made up of = be composed of
consist in 在于,存在于
consist with 与……一致
be consistent with ... 与……一致
be consistent in ... 在……方面一致
1. Happiness consists ___ contentment.
2. He is a man whose actions do not consist _____ his promises.
4.【教材原句】On the other hand①,it does tell② us a lot about Americans. 另一方面,它确实告诉了我们很多关于美国人的事情。
①【词汇精讲】on the other hand 另一方面
常与on the one hand 并列使用,意为“一方面……,另一方面……”。
on the other hand 用来说明事物的另一方面。
on the contrary(正相反)用来表示相反的另一种情况。
for one thing...for another...(一则……,再则……)常用于解释原因,表示列举。
只能用来强调谓语动词,若强调主语、宾语、表语、状语等,则应用It is/was...that/who...进行强调。
5.【教材原文】When my family and I had just arrived in China, we went looking for a good place to eat in Beijing. 当我和我的家人刚到中国的时候,我们去北京找一个吃饭的好地方。
【句式剖析】句中不定式to eat作后置定语,修饰名词place。
① 在the first, the second, the last, the next, the only等词和形容词最高级后或被这些词修饰的名词/代词后,常用不定式作定语。
② 在time, way, chance, ability, promise等抽象名词后,常用不定式作定语。
1. The best way _________(travel) is to take a high-speed train.
2. He is the only man ________(know) the truth.
to travel
to know
6.【教材原句】Tired, hungry, and not knowing a word of Chinese, we had no idea how to order, so the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten. 又累又饿,一个汉字也不认识,我们压根儿不知道如何点餐,于是厨师在我们桌上摆满了食物,那是我们吃过的最可口的佳肴。
形容词Tired,hungry和现在分词短语not knowing a word of Chinese在 本句中作状语。
(2)形容词(短语)作状语在句中还可以表示行为方式或伴随状况、原因、 时间或条件等。
7.【教材原句】Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions. 后来我才知道,山东最有名的菜是煎饼卷大葱。
stuff vt. 填满;把……塞进 n. 东西;物品
stuff... into... 把……塞进……
stuff... with... 用……填满……
stuff up 用……堵上
a slice of 一片;一份;一部分
slice...off 切下
slice up 切成片
cut...into slices 把……切成片
8.【教材原句】At a minimum①, the kinds of food local people consume② tell us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like. 至少,当地人吃的食物种类告诉我们,他们在他们的地区种植什么,他们过着什么样的生活,他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。
minimum adj.最低(限度)的;最小的 n. 最小量;最少量
a minimum of 最少……
above the minimum 超过最低限度
at a/the minimum 至少
below the minimum 低于最低限度
down to a minimum 降到最低点
【词汇精讲】consume vt. 吃;喝;饮;消耗
be consumed with 因……而变得憔悴;给……弄得心劳神疲
consume away 消耗掉;憔悴;枯萎凋谢
Find words from the reading passage which have similar meaning to the words in italics.
1 We'll need ten months at least to have the restaurant decorated.
2 Some traditional Chinese dishes from before the Ming Dynasty
are still popular today.
3 My grandpa's breakfast mainly includes wholegrain biscuits and
a glass of milk.
4 People in this area would eat nearly a kilo of cheese per week.
5 We enjoyed a special dinner in a fancy restaurant where the
waiters all wore attractive suits.
6 He prefers this brand of coffee which, as he said, has an
unusually good flavour.
at a minimum
prior to
consists of
Learn more about foods around the world by matching the first and second halves of the following sentences.
1 Italy, Greece, and Spain are famous for
their olives, figs, and other ingredients,
2 She sliced off
3 A traditional Western dinner can consist of
A a piece of sausage for her dinner.
B an appetiser, a main course, soup, and
C which have all contributed to centuries
of cuisine development.
Familiarise yourself with some food idioms by matching the meaning on the right with the coloured words on the left.
1 Public concern for the health of farm animals has mushroomed
in the UK.
2 Anderson may be young but he's certainly rolling in dough!
3 George is a popular lecturer. He often peppers his speech with
4 As the person to bring home the bacon, he needs to find a stable
5 He is often regarded as a ham actor for his overemphasised
facial expressions.
6 The media reported that these companies had treated pollution
as a hot potato.
7 Don't worry about the test tomorrow. It's going to be a piece of
8 It's best to fold the swimming ring when it is as flat as a pancake.
A completely flat B something that is very
easy to do
C an issue that is hard to
deal with
D to include large numbers
of something
E to earn one's living to
support a family
F wealthy
G to rapidly increase in
H an actor who performs
badly, especially by
overemphasising emotions
1 G 2 F 3 D 4 E 5 H 6 C 7 B 8 A
What have you learnt from the lesson today (共28张PPT)
Unit 3
Period 4
Using Language (Ⅱ)
Write about a healthy diet
新 课 导 入
Brainstorm some healthy eating habits.
Eat slowly.
Don’t eat too much fat or sugar.
Eat healthy food.
Have a balanced diet.

课 堂 学 习
Think and share
What do you think makes up a healthy diet
dairy products
low fat food

What are some rules for healthy eating
having meals on time
keeping an eye on calorie intake

Read the passage and then match the subheadings with the paragraphs.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
A Slow Eating is Good
B Reducing Sweets is Key
C The Real Killer is Sugar
D The Way You Look at Food is Most Important
E Keep It Fresh and Balanced
Read the passage and choose the best answers.
1. According to the passage, what is the biggest killer of heart
A. Fatty food. B. Too much sugar.
C. Fruit and vegetables. D. Animals’ meat.
2. What is the main purpose of the passage
A. To introduce a new diet to people.
B. To analyse the composition of food.
C. To explain the effect of sweet on health.
D. To tell readers what is a healthy diet.
3. Where is this text most likely from
A. A novel. B. A guidebook.
C. A diary. D. A magazine.
Study the language and structure.
1. What are the key details that support each point
A The real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar.
B Much of this extra sugar comes from sweets and sweet drinks.
In America, people who receive 25% of their daily calories or more through sugar are twice as likely to die from heart disease than people who receive less than 10% a day.
The average American gets 1/3 of his or her sugar through sweet drinks alone.
C You can keep healthy by consuming different categories of fresh food ...
rather than processed foods.
D A fundamental key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.
① Fruit and vegetables are full of vitamins and fibre.
② Processed foods often contain less nutrition, and have
higher quantities of sugar, salt, and fat than fresh
① People who chew too quickly end up eating too much
food because they still feel hungry.
② Eating slowly also allows your body to digest your food
better, and will allow you to enjoy your food more.
2. Underline the linking words in the passage that introduce another
way of saying what was already mentioned in the previous sentence.
3. Circle the linking words in the passage which show that contrasting
ideas are being introduced.
put more simply, in other words, what this means is that
however, while, rather than, rather
Language points
1.【教材原句】There is much debate nowadays as to what makes up a healthy diet. 当下,何为健康饮食仍众说纷纭。
【词汇精讲】as to 至于,关于
as to 用来引出一个与前文不同的话题,此时as to 可与as for 互换。
as to 后可接名词性从句或“疑问词 + 不定式”结构(有时可省略),而 as for 没有此用法。
e.g. He’s very uncertain as to whether it’s the right job for him.
e.g. Nobody could decide (as to) what to do.
2.【教材原句】 This is true regardless of how healthy the rest of their diet might be. 无论他们饮食的其他方面多么健康,都确实如此。
【词汇精讲】regardless of 不管;不顾
① regardless of cost/expense 不计成本
regardless of the result/consequence 不计后果
regardless of one’s ability 不管能力如何
regardless of one’s race or nationality 不管种族和国籍
② in spite of 尽管
3.【教材原句】Put more simply, while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a killer. 简单地说,当人们还在为高脂肪食物是否有害而争论不休时,我们已经知晓糖分是健康杀手。
【句式分析】本句中while引导时间状语从句,从句中包含了whether 引导的宾语从句,主句中含有that 引导的宾语从句。
【归纳拓展】while conj.
e.g.It began to rain while we were playing on the playground.
e.g.My brother likes football,while I prefer basketball.
e.g.While I am willing to help,I do not have much time available.
【易混辨析】when,while 与 as引导的时间状语从句
(1)when 引导时间状语从句时,从句的动作可与主句的动作同时发生,也可先于主句的动作发生。当表示两个动作同时发生时, when 可与as,while 互换。
e.g.He entered the room when/while/as the meeting was going on.
(2)while 引导时间状语从句时,从句谓语动词用延续性动词,表示主句的动作在从句的动作过程中发生。
e.g.They arrived while we were having dinner.
(3)as 引导时间状语从句时,强调从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生,可译为“正当……时”“一边……一边……”“随着”。
e.g.As she grew older, she became less active.
4.【教材原句】The American Heart Association recommends that we limit ourselves to less than 100-150 calories a day from sugar... 美国心脏协会建议我们将每日糖摄入量限制在100 至150 卡路里以下……
【句式分析】本句中recommend 意为“建议”,后面跟that引导的宾语从句,从句使用了省略should 的虚拟语气。
表示建议、要求、命令等词所跟的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“should+ 动词原形”,should 可以省略。此类词用于主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句时,也要用虚拟语气。
e.g.Our teacher advised that we (should) make good use of our spare time to learn English. (宾语从句)
e.g.It is strongly recommended that measures (should) be taken to control the house prices. (主语从句)
e.g.My suggestion is that you (should) eat junk food as little as possible. (表语从句)
e.g.The manager put forward a suggestion that we (should) have an assistant. (同位语从句)
勿忘:propose,urge 与desire
suggest 作“暗示,表明”讲时,insist 作“坚持说”讲时,其后所接的宾语从句用陈述语气。
It suggests that he isn’t willing to go with us. 那表明他不愿意和我们一起去。
5.【教材原句】In other words, if you want to be healthy, you have to cut down on desserts, and cut out sweet drinks altogether. 换言之,你要想身体健康,就必须少吃甜点,完全禁饮甜饮料。
【词汇精讲】cut down 削减,缩小(+on);砍倒
cut in 插嘴,打断(谈话)
cut across / through 抄近路穿过
cut away 切除;砍掉
cut off 切掉;中断;使……与外界隔绝
cut out 删除;裁剪
cut up 切碎;使伤心……
6.【教材原句】Processed foods often contain less nutrition,and have higher quantities of sugar,salt,and fat than fresh ingredients. 相比新鲜食材,加工食品通常营养成分较低,糖分、盐分和脂肪含量更高。
【词汇精讲】quantity n. 数量;数额
① a quantity of/quantities of  大量
in quantity 大量地
② quality n. 质量
③ 表“大量”的词组
a great many/ a number of +[可数名词]
a great deal of / a large amount of +[不可数名词]
a lot of/ lots of/ a quantity of/ quantities of +[可数名词/不可数名词]
(2)a great/good many 可直接接可数名词复数,但当复数名词前有the,one’s,these,those 等限定词时,则必须先加of,再接名词。
7.【教材原句】There is no one trick to healthy eating. 健康饮食没有诀窍。
【词汇精讲】trick n. 诀窍;计谋;把戏
① play a trick on 搞恶作剧;开玩笑
② trick vt. 欺骗;诈骗
trick sb into doing sth 诱使/骗得某人做某事
trick sb out of sth 从某人处骗走某物
1. It’s acceptable to play ______(trick) on your friends on April 1.
2. The old man was tricked ____ selling his own house.
8.【教材原句】It is up to you to decide how you want to live... 要怎样生活,由你决定……
【词汇精讲】be up to sb. to do sth. 由某人决定做某事
up to 达到,至多(后面常接数字);从事,忙于;(时间上)一直到
up to sb. 由某人决定,由某人负责
up to sth. 胜任某事,适合(做)某事
up to now 到目前为止
up to date 最新的;新式的
Use what you have learnt to write an essay about your own diet.
1. Write down everything you ate and drank over the last three days.
2. Compare what you have had over the last three days with the advice written in the article, and any facts about diet and nutrition that you know to be true.
Make two lists:
A list of your good eating habits
A list of your bad eating habits
3. If you have bad eating habits, make a list of things you can do to get rid of them.
4. Use your notes to write your essay. You can start like this:
Overall, I think I have healthy/unhealthy eating habits. As for the things that I am doing right, ... Still, I should improve my eating habits by...
Exchange your draft with a partner. Use this checklist to help you revise the draft. Then take your draft back and revise it using your partner's comments.
Does the writer use details to support each point
Does the writer use proper linking words to tie the essay together
Has the writer really thought about his or her diet carefully
Does the writer use vivid words to add stress to his or her points
Sample Writing
Overall, I think I have healthy eating habits. As for the things that I am doing right, I am eating a variety of healthy foods and trying to eat fresh food as much as possible.
After noting down what I have eaten over the last three days, I can see lots of healthy and nutritious things on the list, such as fish, eggs, fruit, and salad. Put simply, most of my diet contains food that is good for my body. The fruit and vegetables that I eat are full of vitamins and minerals. And they contain much more nutrition than processed foods. Fresh food is also lower in sugar, salt, and fat.
However, I do have some bad eating habits. There are some foods that I should not eat too much of. For example, rice and bread are healthy, but eating too much can create too much unused energy and cause you to gain weight and feel tired. I also really like eating pre-made steamed buns and tomato soup from the store, but I now know they contain far too much sugar, salt, and fat. Also, some types of meat contain a lot of fat, so I should be careful with how much I consume. The same goes for the pancakes I buy on the street. They are delicious,
but they are by no means healthy, and I should be careful with how often I consume them. In addition to the above, I also sometimes find myself too busy and forget to eat. I also have a hard time refusing sweets from others, even though I know they are bad for me.
I should improve my bad eating habits by always taking the time to eat, even if I'm busy. I should have set times every day when I stop working and just eat. I could prepare some healthy dishes in advance that I can eat when I'm too busy, because this will give me more control over the sorts of things I eat. I should also avoid eating in front of the TV, as it is too easy to eat too much that way. And, of course, I also need to say no to sweets!
After reading the article entitled ‘Healthy Eating”, I now better understand how to eat more healthily and improve my food choices. I hope to follow a balanced diet, without too much or too little of any one thing. I think this is a key tip for healthy eating. And I think healthy eating starts with having a healthy attitude. It is up to me to make the right decisions about my diet, and I have decided to be healthier and happier!
Put up your essay in the classroom or read it to your class.(共15张PPT)
Unit 3
Period 3
Using Language (I)
Order food together with a foreign friend
新 课 导 入
Let’s watch a video…
课 堂 学 习
Match the dishes below to their English names.
A hand-torn cabbage
B bridge tofu
C dry pot duck with golden buns
D steamed fish head covered with chillies
In groups, discuss what you know about these dishes, including what they contain and how they are made.
steamed fish head covered with chillies
As the name suggests, it contains fish head, which is steamed with chillies.
hand-torn cabbage, which is a typical vegetable dish in Hunan cuisine. It tastes crisp, fresh, and a little bit sour and spicy. It is fried over high heat with dried chilli peppers, garlic, and green onion.
dry pot duck with golden buns, which is a popular dish in Sichuan cuisine.
bridge tofu, which is a perfect combination of tofu, egg, and minced meat. Tofu is a smooth food with a cheese-like texture and it has a high nutritional value.
In groups, discuss the menu below.
1. What kind of restaurant is it and what kinds
of food are served
2. Which dishes would you recommend to a
foreigner Why
It is a Hunan restaurant, and it serves somewhat spicy food.
I would recommend the dry pot duck with golden buns and the bridge tofu because they are quite healthy.
Tingting, Anna, and Lisa are at the Hunan Restaurant. Listen to their conversation and tick the dishes that they order in the menu.
Listening is often combined with
some sort of picture or text. If you
preview the picture or text before you listen, it will help you better understand what you hear.
Listen again and answer the questions.
1. How is Hunan cuisine somewhat different from Sichuan cuisine
2. What are the reasons why Hunan people like spicy food
3. Why do so many people love steamed fish head covered with chillies
4. Why does Tingting recommend bridge tofu instead of dry pot duck with golden buns
5. Why is red braised pork the most famous dish
The heat in Sichuan cuisine comes from chillies and Sichuan peppercorns.
Human cuisine is often hotter and the heat comes from just chillies.
Because they are a bold people. But many Chinese people think that hot
food helps them overcome the effects of rainy or wet weather.
People love it because the meat is quite tender and there are very few
small bones.
Because bridge tofu has a lighter taste.
Because Chairman Mao was from Hunan, and this was his favourite food.
In groups of three, discuss what types of restaurant you would like to take a foreign visitor to, and why. Then take turns role-playing taking your foreign guest to the restaurant you have chosen. One of you should act as the foreign guest, one as the Chinese host, and one as the waiter or waitress.You may start like this:
A: I really love spicy food, so what dish would you
B: I suggest Mapo tofu.
A: Really What's that
B: Waiter!
C: May I take your order
Ordering food
Can I help you Are you ready to order, sir/madam
I'll take your order in a minute. What would you like ...
What should I order What would you suggest/recommend
Why don’t you order ... You could order ...
Do you have ... You might like ...
How about ordering ... Why not ...
You should have/try… You'll like it because ...
This restaurant has the best ... Right now. ... is in season.
It will cool you down/warm you up. I’d like .../I'll have ...
Anything else, please Enjoy your meal!
Paying the bill
Can I have the bill, please
Here’s your bill./Here you are.
How will you pay
Do you accept credit cards
I’ll pay in cash/through my mobile phone/by credit card.
Here’s your change. Thank you for your coming. Goodbye.
Sample Coversation
A: I really love spicy food, so what dish would you recommend
B: I suggest Mapo tofu.
A: Really What's that
B: It's tofu served in a spicy bean and chilli sauce with beef or pork. It's quite hot.
A: That sounds OK, except that I don't really like tofu. What else do you recommend
B: You know, this restaurant has the best hot pot. You'll like it because it is really
spicy and you decide what you want to put in it.
A: That sounds great!
B: But then we should order some cold drink as well.
A: Why
B: Well, the food is so spicy that we'll need something to cool us down.
A: That sounds good.
B: Waiter!
C: May I take your order
B: We'd like hot pot for two with a good selection of meat and vegetables.
C: So that's hot pot for two.
B: Oh, and do you have iced tea
C: Yes, we do.
B: Then we'd like two glasses to go with our meal.
C: Thank you very much. I'll have you order to you in just a moment.
Can you use the ordering and paying expressions correctly now (共20张PPT)
Unit 3
Period 5
Assessing Your Progress
新 课 导 入
Say the meaning of these words or phrases as quickly as possible!
slice … off
consist of
regardless of
课 堂 学 习
Choose the suitable words to complete the conversations.
minimum elegant fibre desserts recipe exceptional chef prior to
1 A: Why do you eat so many bananas
B: Because bananas offer an excellent source of ______ and vitamins.
2 A: How do you manage to stay so slim and fit
B: I have brought my consumption of sweets and _______ down to the bare
3 A: How do you like your new cooking classes
B: They're __________! The teacher used to be a famous ______ in a big hotel.
exceptional chef
4 A: What is Jessie busy with in the kitchen
B: She is trying a new ______ for pumpkin pie.
5 A: Why did they refuse the dinner invitation
B: They had to refuse the dinner invitation because of an engagement made _______ it.
6 A: How did you find the restaurant you visited yesterday
B: It was beautiful and ______! We've never been to such an attractive restaurant before.
prior to
Read the conversations which take place in restaurants. Then complete them using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1 A: Could you tell that she ______ (cry)
B: Sure. Her eyes were very red. Maybe she had just had a quarrel with
her brother.
A: But I thought it was because she __________ red curry. (eat)
B: Oh, maybe you're right.
2 A: I wish you ________ me earlier. I know a buffet restaurant nearby
which is really nice. You could have taken your parents there. (tell)
B: What a pity! But I __________________________________ that they
were coming for the weekend. They said they wanted to surprise me.
Anyway, it's very nice of you to offer. (not inform)
had eaten
had told
had not been informed/was not informed
结构:had + 动词的过去分词
结构:had been +动词的过去分词
eg He wanted to know if the result had been announced (宣布).
※ Project: Design your own restaurant
In this project, you are going to make a plan for a new restaurant in your city.
In groups, discuss these questions.
● What kind of restaurant will it be, e.g., fine dining,
casual family, or fast food
● What kind of cuisine will you serve
● Who will be your customers
● How much will you charge
● Where will the restaurant be located
● ...
Divide the following tasks within your group:
● decide on the dishes to be served and the chef to be employed
● design the menu in both English and Chinese
● design the kitchen
● design the dining area and decorations
● give the restaurant a name and design advertising materials for it
● work as a manager to help everyone coordinate their ideas and activities
Now pull everything together to make a presentation to the class, where the key aspects of the restaurant will be explained by the different members of the group.
As a class, vote on the best restaurant.
※ Video Time
What Are You Eating in Australia
Australians love new and exotic food. Watch this video to see a new cuisine that has become popular with some diners there.
Before you watch
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1 There's an unfamiliar cuisine ____________ menus.
2 It's __________ the bravest of diners.
3 A twist of lime and a dash of salt has these crickets __________ the kitchen.
4 Insects remain a hard sell, but bug by bug, that could be ________ change.
5 The unique treat is ________ popular at farmer's markets and trendy
challenging crawling onto flying out of proving starting to
crawling onto
flying out of
starting to
While you watch
1. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1 Insects are ________ in protein, cheaper, and ________ sustainable
than beef.
A lower, less B higher, more C equal, just as
2 More than ________ people worldwide eat insects as a part of their
A two billion B two million C a few billion
3 Insects are a common part of people's diets in parts of Asia, ______
America, and Africa.
A North B Central C Latin
4 Bugs ________ a regular feature on Aussie dinner tables.
A are not yet B are already C will soon be
2. Complete these quotes with the words you hear in the video.
1 Nowshad Alam Rasel, Chef: "... they’re asking ________. Yeah, it
is very ____________.”
2 Skye Blackburn, Entomologist:"... some of them will try edible
________ and some of them won’t, but they'll go away and talk
about ______________...”
3 Guy McEwan: " So I'm going to go ______ gob... Yeah, ________!”
4 Danny Stagnitta: "Sometimes ______________ the packet, it
looks like ____________.”
they're alive
for it
famous here
eating insects
a big
it's great
when you move
After you watch
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1 Has anyone in your group ever eaten an insect What was it like
2 Would you ever eat an insect Why or why not
Yes, I once ate a chocolate-covered grasshopper! It was
crunchy and delicious!
I think I could eat one. I wouldn’t mind the crunchy legs,
but I can’t even imagine the squishy middles.
3 What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten Why was it strange
What makes a food strange
I once ate a fried cockroach. I started to eat the legs and they were OK, but the wings just moved too much when I bit into them. It freaked me out (frightened me)! Strange food has an unusual texture (质感), colour, or taste that not everyone is used to.
What cuisine and/or culture in this unit impressed you most Why
What useful vocabulary or structures did you learn in this unit
Do you think "understanding cause and effect"was a useful strategy
Could you talk with your friends about foods, restaurants, and/or cultures
after doing this unit
What aspect of food and culture would you like to learn more about
Overall, I thought this unit was ◎interesting ◎practical ◎so-so ◎difficult.