人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Art 课件(5份打包)
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文件大小 137.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-10 13:51:36


Unit 1
Period 2
Discover Useful Structures
新 课 导 入
Read these sentences from the previous text and fill in the blanks using words from the text on page 2 and 3.
1. Perhaps the best _____ to understand Western art is to look at the
development of Western painting over the centuries.
2. During the Middle Ages, the _______ of Western art was to teach people
about Christianity.
3. In this work, Monet’s ____ was to convey the light and movement in the
4. ____________________ was no longer show reality, but instead to ask
the question, “What is art ”
What they attempt to do
Discuss with your partner the function of the italicised infinitives. What are the common points of them
1. Perhaps the best way to understand Western art is at the
development of Western painting over the centuries.
2. During the Middle Ages, the purpose of Western art was people
about Christianity.
3. In this work, Monet’s aim was the light and movement in the
4. What they attempt to do was no longer (to) show reality, but instead to ask
the question, “What is art ?”
to look
to teach
to convey
They all consist of infinitive pattern.
They are all predicative in the sentence.
课 堂 学 习
时态变化 主动式 被动式
不定式的一般式 to do
不定式的进行式 /
不定式的完成式 to have done
to be done
to be doing
to have been done
位置:to do 放在系动词(be动词、感官动词、状态变化或保持的动词)后做表语
The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required.
The purpose of education is to develop a fine personality in children.
That experience was to change his whole life.
You must speak out, if we are to remain friends.
You are to die at ninety eight.
What am I to say if they ask me the question
What am I to do if I have no money
4.用于被动语态,相当于can/could,should,ought to,must,具有情态意义。
You are to be rewarded.
It’s nowhere to be found.
哪儿也找不到它。(can’t be)
These books are not to be sold.
这些书不应该卖掉。(ought not to be)
They are to marry next week.他们将在下周结婚。(安排)
Children are not to smoke.儿童不准吸烟。(禁止)
You must be patient if you are to succeed.
She is to blame. 她应该受到责备。
A great deal is yet to do.还有许多事要做。
Something is still to find out.有些东西还有待查明。
1.Your task will be __________ (examine) the possibility of constructing a new
factory in the United Kingdom.
2.What I wanted was ______(get) the work done as quickly as possible.
3.The first step is ________(check) the victim’s breathing.
4.The best way to accomplish this goal is _______(unite) as many people as possible.
5.I feel it is your husband who is ________(blame) for the spoiled child.
6.My dream is _________(become) an outstanding architect after graduation.
7.His ambition is ______ (set) up schools for children of poor families.
8.The disease seems _____(be) specific to certain types of plant.
to examine  
to get  
to check  
to unite  
to blame  
to become  
to set  
to be  
1. all作主句主语,其后的定语从句中含有实义动词do的某种形式时。
例:All we need to do is live each day with hope.
All he wanted after a tiring day was _________(read) a book alone.
2. what引导的从句作主语,从句中含有实义动词do的某种形式时。
例:What they attempt to do was no longer show reality, but instead to ask the question, “What is art ”.
他们试图不再展示现实,而是提出问题:“什么是艺术 ”
Don’t worry.What you need to do is _______ (have) a good rest.
例:In the evening the only thing he did was _______ the newspaper.
(to) have
(to) read
(to) read
Underline the nouns or clauses used as the subject in each sentence.
1. The young singer said his intention of performing the song was
2. The best way to do business is
3. What the survivors attempted to do was
4. The main purpose of art education in schools is
5. The aim of the two leaders at the conference was
6. For a humble person, one of the hardest things might be
7. When you are faced with a serious decision, my suggestion is
8. The mother believes her duty is
9. All he wanted after a tiring day was
The young singer's intention of performing the song was
The best way to do business is
What the survivors attempted to do was
The main purpose of art education in schools is
The aim of the two leaders at the conference was
For a humble person, one of the hardest things might be
When you are faced with a serious decision,my suggestion is
The mother believes her duty is
All he wanted after a tiring day was
A.to build trust between you and your client.
B.to achieve permanent peace between
their two countries.
C.to build a memorial to the heroes who
saved their lives.
D.to share his love for rock music with his
E.to be left alone.
F.to criticise other people.
G.to inspire students to be creative.
H.to listen to your own inner voice.
I.to raise her son to become a man with a
noble mind and a generous heart.
Match the sentence halves.
Make conversations using the following questions and sentence patterns.
1. What’s your biggest dream/ambition in life
2. How are you going to make your dream
come true
3. How are you going to achieve your goal
4. Do you have any plans
5. What might be difficult for you
6. How are you going to deal with …
A. My biggest dream/ambition in life is to…
B. I think all I have to do is …
C. My plan is to …
D. I think one of the hardest things might be …
E. I guess the best way to … is …
1.The aim of the two leaders at the conference was to achieve permanent peace between their two countries.
permanent adj. 永久的;永恒的;长久的
提示:permanent无比较级形式,其反义词为temporary(暂时的)。※permanently adv. 永久地,持久地
※permanence n. 永久,持久
①She had decided to settle __________ (permanent) in France.
Language points
2. For a humble person, one of the hardest things might be to criticise other people.对于一个谦逊的人来说,最难的事情之一可能就是批评别人。
criticise vi. & vt. 批评;指责;评价
※criticise sb. for sth. 因为某事批评指责某人
※criticism n. 批评;指责;评论
①Don’t criticize others ___ their faults if you are not willing to admit your own.
②My only ________ (criticise) of the house is that it is on a main road.
3.All he wanted after a tiring day was to be left alone.
leave alone 不管;不惹;让……一个人待着,让……单独在一起
It’s not your problem, why don’t you leave it alone
(1)let sb. alone 不打扰
let/leave sth. alone 不碰;不移动
(2)leave behind 留下;遗忘;把……抛在后面
leave out 遗漏;省去;不考虑
leave sth. as it is 听任某事自由发展
leave for 动身到
leave off 停止(做某事)
①He’s busy doing his homework. We’d better leave him ________.
②I think Mike will win the race as he has left most runners _________.
③He left ______ a word in this sentence.
④Last period we left _____ at the end of Unit 1.
4.How are you going to deal with … 你打算如何处理……
deal with 解决;处理;应付; 涉及;论及;关于
(1)deal with意为“处理,对待”时,与do with同义。
(2)deal with中的deal为不及物动词,常与疑问词how连用;而do with中的do为及物动词,常与疑问词what连用。
I wonder what they will do with the used car.
Children must learn how to deal with all the situations in their life.
Introduce your favorite artist to your partner using to do as predicative.(共43张PPT)
Unit 1
Period 1
Reading and Thinking(I)
新 课 导 入
What is art
What do you know about them
Do you know who painted them
课 堂 学 习
Before you read, look at the paintings in this section.
And talk about the following questions in groups:
Impression, Sunrise
Self-Portrait with Shaded Eyes
Claude Monet,
French impressionist painter
Rembrandt van lay, Holland painter
How many periods of the paintings are mentioned in this text What are they
(20th century to today)
The Middle Ages
The Renaissance
Modern Art
(14th to 17th century)
(5th to 15th century AD)
(late 19th to early 20th century)
Time order
Intensive reading
Q: What purpose were the paintings of this period
They were to teach people about Christianity.
Q: Why did the idea change in the 13th century
In the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.
The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages
Representative artist and his achievements:
religious themes; not realistic; primitive and two-dimensional;
more realistic and showed people in a real environment
Giotto di Bondone
Giotto di Bondone 乔托 迪 邦多纳
The Renaissance
1. Painters in Renaissance began to focus on _____.
A. religion B. humans C. nature D. science
2.Which of the following is not the things the rich people paid artists to paint
A. The rich people themselves B. the god
C. beautiful and interesting things D. events and stories
3.What are the two important discoveries in the Renaissance period
A. perspective B. oil paint
C. religious symbols D. impressionist
The Renaissance
Representative artist and his achievements:
more humanistic attitude; realistic
use of perspective; use of oil paints; emphasis shifted to people and the world
Masaccio; Leonardo da Vinci;
Michelangelo; Raphael; Rembrandt
Masaccio (1401-1428) 马萨乔
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) 列奥纳多·达·芬奇
Michelangelo (1475-1564)米开朗基罗
Raphael (1483-1520)拉斐尔
Rembrandt (1606-1669)伦勃朗
The Impressionism
In the mid-19th century, ___________ was invented, and painters had to find a new way of looking at their art. Claude Monet conveyed ______ and _________ in his work—Sunrise.The famous ___________, Renoir, focused on ______, his works are full of _____,________,______ and ______. He sought to show subjects’ inner ________ and _________.
The Impressionism
Representative artist and his achievements:
Subjective impression; not detailed, full of light, shadow, color and life
aimed to convey light and movement;
focused on people, nature and daily life;
showed inner life of the subject
Monet; Renoir
Claude Monet (1840-1926) 克劳德·莫奈
Modern Art
Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F).
1.The Impressionism is the beginning of Modern Art.( )
2.Some modern art is realistic but dream-like quality.( )
3.We can predict that painting styles in the future will be abstract. ( )
Modern Art
Representative artist and his achievements:
realistic but dream-like qualities; abstract
analysed shapes of the natural world in a new way; no longer showed reality
Picasso (1881-1973) 毕加索
To help identify the changes that an article talks about, look for words that express change, such as development, breakthrough, innovation, begin, and shift, and the construction from…to….
Identify change
Could you find out what changes have happened in western paintings
New ideas and values gradually replaced old ones from
the Middle Ages. As a result, painters concentrated less on religious themes. They began to adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. An important breakthrough during this period was the use of perspective by Masaccio (1401-1428). Influential painters such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Michelangelo (1475-1564), and Raphael (1483-1520) built upon Giotto and Masaccio's innovations to produce some of the greatest art that Europe had ever seen.

The Mid Age
Religious theme
more realistic
The Renaissance

humanistic attitude to life
use of perspective and oil paints
Emphasis on
people and the world around us

Subjective impression
inner warmth and humanity

Modern Art
A realistic but dream-like quality
Abstract art
changes in light
analyse the shapes
Read the passage and make flow chart to show the changes in Western painting styles.
Match the paintings below with the correct period of art. Use the information in the reading passage to help you.
The Renaissance
(subjective impression)
Modern Art
(dream-like quality)
Modern Art
1. Which period of Western art do you like most Why are you fond of it
2. How would you answer the question “What is art ”
I like Modern Art most. There are many different styles with this period.
The paintings of Modern Art can mean different things to different people.
Art can take many forms. Sculptures, paintings, cinema films, writing and the human body can all be viewed works of art. The price tag that is put on these items may not be relative to the amount of work that has gone into them, but rather to the originality that they present.
人教 选择性必修第三册
Unit 1
Period 1
Build up your vocabulary(Ⅱ)
( 英语 )
1.While his paintings still had religious themes, they showed real people in a real environment. 尽管他的绘画作品仍有宗教主题,但是它们显示了真实环境中的真人。
(1)You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals. ________
(2)While there is life, there is hope. ________
(3)I am lazy while my sister is hard-working.________
Language points
2. In particular①, his paintings are set apart from② other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact.尤其是他绘画作品中真实的人脸和深刻的情感影响,使他的绘画不同于其他绘画。
①in particular 尤其;特别
※particular adj.特定的;特别的;挑剔的
※be particular about/over 对……讲究/挑剔
※particularly adv.特别地;尤其
(1)She is very particular her appearance.
(2)The dictionary is (particular) useful for beginners.
②set apart from使与众不同;使突出;使优于……
set about doing sth. 开始做某事
set aside 留出;把……置于一旁
set down 写下;记下
set off 出发;引发
set out to do sth. 开始做某事
set up 竖起;建立;安排
(3)Set some time each day to write, even if it is only five minutes.
(4)I don’t want to set a series of facts in a diary as most people do.
(5)We ought to set at 7:00, when the roads are empty.
(6)You’d better set a realistic goal rather than plan to set a large company now.
3.Influential painters such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Michelangelo(1475-1564), and Raphael (1483-1520) built upon Giotto and Masaccio’s innovations to produce some of the greatest art that Europe had ever seen. 一些颇具影响力的画家,例如莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(1452-1519)、米开朗基罗(1475-1564)和拉斐尔(1483-1520),在乔托和马萨乔的创新基础上继续发展,创作出欧洲前所未见的一些最伟大的艺术作品。
influential adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的
※influence n.&vt. 影响
※have an influence on/upon 对……有影响
※under one’s influence 在某人的影响下
(1)She is one of the most ________ figures in local politics.
(2)My physics teacher was my role model, whose ________ on me had a lot to do with my decision.
(3)_______ their influence, he became more interested in stories of travel and adventure.
4.Kings, nobles, and people of high rank wanted to purchase accurate pictures of themselves and the people they loved.国王、贵族,还有地位高的人们想买自己的和爱的人的精致的画像。
rank n.地位;级别;行列 vt.& vi.把……分等级;使排列成行
※the first rank 一流的
※rank...as... 把……评为……
※rank high 名列前茅
(1)It is believed that he is a painter of _____________.
(2)They rank Lang Lang ____ a first-class pianist.
the first rank
5.From this, Impressionism emerged in France.因为这个,印象派在法国出现了。
?emerge vi.& vt.出现;浮现;暴露
※emerge from sth. (从隐蔽处或暗处)出现,浮现,露出
※emerge as...作为……出现
※emergence n.出现,显露
(1)The moon _______ from behind the clouds.
(2)He emerged _____ a key figure in the campaign.
6.In this work, Monet’s aim was to convey the light and movement in the scene...在这幅作品中,莫奈是想表达景色的光线和移动……
convey vt.表达;传递(思想、感情等);传送
※convey...to... 向……传达……
※convey a message 传达信息
(1)If you see James, do ______ my apology ___ him.
7.He sought to show not just the outer image of his subjects, but their inner warmth and humanity as well.他想展示的不仅仅是主题的外部形象,而且还有内在的温暖和人性之美。
※本句中的not just...but...意为“不仅仅是……而且……”相当于not only...but (also)...,连接两个并列主语时,谓语的数遵循“就近原则”,即谓语在数和人称上要与邻近的主语一致。有类似用法的还有:
neither...nor... 既不……也不……
either...or... 要么……要么……
not...but... 不是……而是……
※not only...but(also)...连接两个句子且not only位于句首时,句子用部分倒装结构,but (also)连接的部分不倒装。
(1)Not the driver but the passengers (be) responsible for the accident.
(2)Either you or your sister (be) to blame for the accident.
(3)Not only television appeal to those who can read but to those who can’t.
In groups, brainstorm words and phrases concerning art and then make a mind map to connect them.
fine art
Read the passage about Monet and Impressionism. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.
Unlike the earlier Realists who painted in a _______ style, Impressionist painters focused more on their _________ feelings of things and instant impressions. When Impressionism ________ in France in the late 19th century, artists became more interested in everyday subject matter. They were also fascinated by modern objects.
be fond of emerge influential in particular
purchase realistic subjective theme
As one of the most ________ Impressionist painters, Claude Monet was impressed by the visual effects of the steam engine __________ and he later produced twelve paintings of a train station in Paris. ln 1883, Monet and his large family moved to Giverny, where he ________ a house and some land for his gardens. During his days at Giverny, Monet ___________ painting his own gardens, with the water lilies, the pond, and the arched bridge. From this we can see that there were two clear _______ apparent in his work throughout his career: colours and reflections in water.
in particular
was fond of
be fond of emerge influential in particular
purchase realistic subjective theme
Work in groups. Look up each group of words in the dictionary and discuss their differences. Then create a blank-filling activity based on your understanding of these words.
realistic / practical / actual
You need to have realistic expectations of the returns from investments
The bride appeared five years younger than her actual age.
Mr. Liu has a lot of practical experience in restoring historic buildings
The difference between them is that:
________is expressed or represented as being accurate;
________is existing in act or reality, not just potentially; really acted or acting; occurring in fact;
________is based on practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis.
accurately / precisely / exactly
We should train our students to speak English fluently and __________.
It's not clear _________ how the accident happened.
This one works in ________the same way as the other.
The difference between them is that:
___________is in an accurate manner; exactly; precisely; without error or defect;
___________is (manner) in a precise manner; exactly;
___________is (manner) without approximation; precisely.
rank / grade / degree
Within months she was elevated to ministerial________.
All the materials used were of the highest________.
Her job demands a high________of skill.
The difference between them is that:
________is the position, especially a high position, that sb has in a particular organization, society, etc;
________is a level of ability or rank that sb has in an organization
________is the amount or level of sth.
reputation / fame / popularity
She soon acquired a__________as a first-class cook.
One of the penalties of__________is loss of privacy.
Her__________clearly shows no sign of waning
The difference between them is that:
__________is what somebody is known for;
__________is what is said or reported; gossip, rumor;
__________is the quality or state of being popular; especially, the state of being esteemed by, or of being in favor with, the people at large.
subsequent / later / latter
There have been further developments___________to our meeting.
This is discussed in more detail in a___________chapter.
The___________point is the most important.
The difference between them is that:
___________is following in time; coming or being after something else at any time, indefinitely;
___________is (late);
___________is relating to or being the second of two items.
Retell the development line of western painting to your classmates.(共22张PPT)
Unit 1
Period 4
Using Language (Ⅱ)
Write an art exhibition announcement
新 课 导 入
Have you ever been to a museum Let’s watch the wonderful day in the museum.
课 堂 学 习
Look at the title and picture and predict.
1. What kind of article is this
2.Who are the target readers
A short introduction to ancient Chinese art exhibition.
The text was written for people who are interested in art and art history and who enjoy visiting museums.
Read the passage quickly and sum up the main idea with each part.
___ ________ ____
of the art exhibition
An invitation note
____ _________ of the exhibition
____ _________ of the exhibition
The highlights
__________ of the exhibition
The expectation
To display the chinese artistic genius from ancient times
Items on display
The goal
“From Shang to Qing:Chinese Art Through the Ages”More than ___________ of wonderful art from China on display.
bronze bowls,__________________
ceramic vases,jade sculptures and ink wash paintings
3,000 years
Read Para.1 and fill in the blanks.
You will_________________________
The painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass,by ________
Tang Yin
A collection of nearly 100__________
bronze objects
from the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046BCE)
Many fine examples of__________
Tang Dynasty (618-907)sculptures
explore another time with its amazing collection of works
Read Para.2-5 and fill in the blanks.
Other rules
Opening hours
from ________ to ________,
Museum is closed on________.
No one will be admitted into the exhibition after ________
adults $____ ,students $____ ,
Children under ____ $5,
Children under 5 free.
No______ or food and drink allowed in museum.
November 25
4:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Read Para.6-9 and fill in the blanks.
You are now going to write an announcement for art club members about a trip to see an exhibition.
subject: On ______________, we will go to see __________.
This exhibition is….
What is the exhibition about Where shall you meet
What are the highlights How are you going to get there
When are you going What should you bring
Sample Writing
To: Art Club members
From: J.Turner
Subject: On Marth 15, we will go to see“Making an Impression:the Birth of Impression”
This exhibition is about the beginning of the Impressionist movement.Its highlights are paintings by Monet,Manet,and Renior.We will meet at school at 9 a.m. and take the metro to the museum.Bring your phone to take pictures and a notebook for notes and sketchs.Bring some money for lunch,too.
1.Born during the Ming Dynasty, Tang sought and failed to gain entry into the civil service, so he turned to painting instead. 唐寅出生在明朝,他曾试图考取文官,但失败了,所以他转而从事绘画
entry n. 加入;进入;参与
entrance: 含义广泛,作"进入"解时,可用于许多场合;作"入口"解时,指有门或栏的入口处。
entry: 强调正式地、礼仪地进入。用作"入口"解时,多指房门、院门、门廊等。
admittance: 指许可进入某地或某建筑物。
admission: 指被允许进入某公共场所的权利,也指进入某一组织。
Language points
2.In time, he gained recognition as one of the greatest artists China has ever known.
recognition n. 承认;认出;赞誉
※recognize … as/ to be 把…看做…
※it is recognized that… 人们公认…
※beyond recognition 认不出来
(1)The town has changed _________________ since I was last here.
(2)There are certain symbols which people in very different cultures recognize ____ representing peace.
beyond recognition
3.Though it is over 500 years old, it looks as fresh and full of life as the day it was created.
句中as… as… 的结构是用来比较说明前后两者在某方面相同。
(1)在as… as… 结构中,两个as中间用形容词或副词原级,如与名词连用时,可用“as much/many+n. +as… ”或者“as+adj. +a/an+n. +as… ”结构。
e.g.I can carry as much paper as you can.
(2)as… as… 结构的否定形式为not… so/as… as… 。
(3)副词so,how,too,however等与as用法类似,可构成“so/how/too/however+adj. +a/an+n. ”结构。
4.Even though Buddhism entered China much earlier, it did not② really begin to show expansion① until the seventh century.
①expansion v. 扩张;扩展;
※expand v. 扩张;使膨胀; 发展
※expand… into… 把……扩展/发展成……
※expand into… 发展成/扩大成……
※expand on… 细说(阐述)……
expand 展开,扩大,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大
extend 伸出,延伸,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长
spread 伸开,传播,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病)、散布(信息)等
stretch 伸展,拉长,一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,不是加长
expand, extend, spread, stretch
②句中not… until指的是“直到……才”的意思,until可以作介词也可以作连词。
not until的倒装与强调结构
(1)当Not until位于句首时,句子要倒装,其结构为:Not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词/情态动词/系动词+(主句)主语+谓语+其他。
e.g.Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking.
(2)not until的强调结构为:It is / was not until+从句/表时间的词+that+…
①It was not until I got married _____ I could afford to buy a house of my own.
5.Looking at the faces of the figures in these sculptures, one sees the faces of the past.
该句中的Looking at the faces作sees的伴随状语,状语中动作look at与句子的谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。
He sat at the table reading China Daily.
Being ill, she didn’t go to school as usual today.
Having persuaded him to change his mind, I went on a journey with him.
The mother died,leaving a lot of money for her children.
Turning right, you will find the place you want.
He came running to tell me the good news.
6.We guarantee that “From Shang to Qing: Chinese Art Through the Ages” will transport you to another time with its amazing collection of works.
guarantee vt. 保证;确保;肯定……必然发生 n. 保证;保修单;担保物
※guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事
※be guaranteed to do sth. 肯定会做某事;必定会做某事
※under guarantee在保修期内
※a guarantee of… ……的保障/保证
①The fridge ____________ (guarantee) for one year. It means that the company promises to repair or replace it if it breaks within a year.
②That kind of behaviour is guaranteed _________ (make) him angry.
is guaranteed 
to make (共24张PPT)
Unit 1
Period 3
Using Language (I)
Talk about works of art
新 课 导 入
What kind of film is it
ink wash animation film
The Cowboy’s Flute
课 堂 学 习
1. What do the three pictures have in common
2. What do you know about ink wash painting
3. What is your impression of ink wash animation films
Look at the three pictures on page 6 of the textbook and answer the following questions.
These pictures are representative of ink wash animation films.
The Cowboy’s Flute
Tadpoles Searching for Mother
Feeling from Mountain and Water
课 堂 学 习
Ink wash painting, also known as literati(文人) painting, is an East Asian type of brush painting of Chinese origin that uses black ink—the same as that used in East Asian calligraphy—in various concentrations. For centuries, this form of Chinese art was practised by highly educated scholars or literati. It is recorded that Shanshui style painting existed during China’s Liu Song Dynasty of the fifth century. Ink wash painting developed further during the Tang Dynasty. The 8th-century poet/painter Wang Wei is generally credited as the painter who applied colour to existing ink wash paintings. The art was further developed into a more polished style during the Song Dynasty. It was introduced to Korea shortly after China’s discovery of ink.
ink wash animation film ink wash painting Qi Baishi frame Tadpoles Searching for Mother The Cowboy’s Flute
Feeling from Mountain and Water guqin symphony hand-painted
Discuss the question in groups and use the words and phrases in the box to help you.
1.Have you seen any of them before
2.What do you know about them
This picture is from___________________. I have seen ______________________ before. It has no words but is guided by the music. It is like an ink wash painting coming to life.
ink wash animation film
The Cowboy’s Flute
This picture is from ___________________________.
It was the first __________________ film and was influenced by the work of painter __________.
ink wash animation
Tadpoles Searching for Mother
Qi Baishi
This picture is from ____________________________.
A girl was listening the melodious sound of ______
It was _________ painting.
ink wash
Feeling form Mountain and Water
______ the background of ink wash animation films
______ a short review of the film
______ introduction to the topic of the presentation
______ a description of the story in the film
______ an explanation of the decline in ink wash animation
Listen to the presentation and put the following items in the order that you hear them.
1. Which film does the speaker mainly talk about
2. When were the three ink wash animation films produced
3. Why is the film regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation
4. What is the speaker’s attitude towards the ink wash animation style
5. How do you feel about this kind of film
Listen again and answer the questions.
1. Which film does the speaker mainly talk about
They mainly talks about Feeling from Mountain and Water.
2. When were the three ink wash animation films produced
1960 Tadpoles Searching for Mother
1963 The Cowboy’s Flute
1988 Feeling from Mountain and Water
3. Why is the film regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation
Because it is like a fine ink wash painting brought to life.
4. What is the speaker’s attitude towards the ink wash animation style
The speaker’s attitude towards the style is positive, hoping that new technology will breathe new life into it.
5. How do you feel about this kind of film
I think this kind of film is beautiful and magical to watch. It makes me feel like I am inside a painting!
Signpost makers are phrases and expressions that are used to tell a listener what is going to be talked about next.Speakers used signpost makers when they want to introduce a new topic,to start a new point,to give an example,to summarise,etc.By listening for signposts, you will be able to follow what is being said.
Listen again and tick the signpost words that you hear.
Introducing the topic ( )I’m glad to have this opportunity to ...
( )Today, I’d like to talk/speak (to you) about ...
( )My topic today is ...
( )I’d like to share some thoughts on ...
Starting a point ( )Let me/Let's start by ...
( )First, let me tell you about ...
( )I’ve divided my topic into ... parts: ...
( )Let's turn now to ...

Giving an example ( )For instance, ...
( )For example, ...
( )Take... for example, ...
( )Let me illustrate, ...
( )To illustrate, ...
( )Let me give you an example, ...
Summarising the points ( )In conclusion, ...
( )To conclude, ...
( )In short, ...
( )To sum up, ...
( )All in all, ...
( )In brief, ...

Suppose you have a chance to introduce a work of art you like. Make a presentation to the class.
Introduction Welcome the audience:
Introduce the subject:
Main body Background of the work of art
Description of the work of art
Review of the work of art
Introduction Welcome the audience:
Good morning, everybody. Welcome to our presentation.
Introduce the subject:
I'm very excited to have this opportunity to talk about one of my favourite pieces of art. It is called The Starry Night and was painted by Vincent van Gogh in 1889.
Main body Background of the work of art First, let me tell you about the background to this painting. It shows the French town, Saint-Remy-de-Provence at night. It is based on the view from a window in a hospital where Van Gogh was a patient. Sadly, he suffered from health issues throughout his life, and his work only found fame after his death. Although it shows the view at night, Van Gogh painted it during the day from memory. He also painted other versions at different times of day.
Main body Description of the work of art This is an oil painting on canvas. One can immediately tell from its features that it is a Van Gogh painting. For example, the swirls in the sky show Van Gogh's distinctive painting style. The curled dashes of bold colour can be seen in many of his works. The moon and stars are big and yellow. This was Van Gogh's favourite colour.
Review of the work of art Although Van Gogh did not think the painting was very good, it is considered a masterpiece and is one of the most recognised paintings in the history of Western art. It really captures the viewers’ attention and draws them in. It gives the viewer an idea of the state of mind of Van Gogh at this difficult time in his life.
Conclusion All in all, I think this is a great example of Van Gogh's style. It is a magical painting, and a piece of work of a troubled genius.
1. These pictures are representatives of ink wash animation films.
representative n. 代表
(1)Many representatives of the older generation were there.
※adj. 典型的;有代表性的 (常与of连用 )
(2)The painting is not representative of his work of the period.
Language points
2. an explanation of the decline in ink wash animation 水墨动画衰落的解释
decline n. (数量、价格、质量等的) 减少;下降;衰落
vi.& vt. 减少;下降;衰落;谢绝
※fall into (a) decline 开始衰退/下降
※in decline 在下降/衰退
※economic decline 经济衰退
※decline by 下降了……
※decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事
※decline one’s invitation 拒绝某人的邀请
1) We asked her to the reception, but she _______ _____ ________ (谢绝了这个邀请).
2) He _______ ____ _______ ____ ______ (拒绝讨论他的计划) with us.
3) Thankfully, this is a disease that is now ____ ____ ______ (在衰退中).
on the decline
declined the invitation
declined to discuss his plans
Could you find more information about ink wash animation film (共27张PPT)
Unit 1
Period 5
Assessing Your Progress
3. 通过观看视频,了解《清明上河图》,感受其艺术魅力,理解其历史和艺术价值。
新 课 导 入
Say the meaning of these words or phrases as quickly as possible!
bring…to life
be fond of
set apart from
in particular
课 堂 学 习
1. The first principle for any art collector is to ________ only what you love.
2. If you are not interested in works of art by classical masters, contemporary art by ____________ artists is also worthy of your attention.
3. In the art market, no one can ________ that an artist will be a good __________.
dimension emerge exhibition guarantee investment
purchase recognition representative visual
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
4. The art competition gives young artists a chance to gain ___________ from the most respected art professionals.
5. Different from other ______ art forms, sculpture operates in three
6. The _________ From Rembrandt Vermeer is quite ____________ of the Dutch Golden Age of art.
dimension emerge exhibition guarantee investment
purchase recognition representative visual
Review the function of infinitive as predicative.
4.用于被动语态,相当于can/could, should, ought to, must, 只有情态意义。
1.If you want to learn how to paint, my advice is ___________________.
2.My plan for the holiday is ________________________________.
3.The most challenging thing for me might be ______________________.
4.My ideal job is _______________________.
5.If you want to be successful, the least you could do now is __________.
6.What I want to do this weekend is ________________________.
Use your own ideas to complete the sentences, using infinitives as the predicative.
to join a painting club
to visit some museums or art galleries
how to appreciate a painting
to be a museum introducer
to study hard
to read some painting books
What is the name of the painting
What is the style of the painting Why
Who do you think paint it
The Music(1939, Henri Matisse) is Modern Art. It has bright and vivid colours. The shapes of the women and objects are not realistic. It is a similar style to paintings by other modem artists such as Picasso.
Look at the paintings below and identify each painting style.
The Ballet Class(1871-1874, Edgar Degas) is an Impressionist painting. It shows a moment captured. One can feel the movement before and after. The colours and brush strokes are also a similar style to other works of Impressionism.
What is the name of the painting
What is the style of the painting Why
Who do you think paint it
The Arnolfini Portrait (1434, Jan van Eyck) is a classic portrait and is most likely an example of Renaissance art. The couple were probably wealthy and paid for the portrait.
What is the name of the painting
What is the style of the painting Why
Who do you think paint it
In groups, brainstorm a list of famous artists and their representative works. Here are some ideas.
La Primavera, by Sandro
Botticelli (1445 - 1510)
Le Poete, by Auguste Rodin
(1840 - 1917)
Shrimps, by Qi Baishi
(1864 - 1957)
Crossind Seine on the upper deck,
by Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)
The Harvest (Wheat fields),
by Vincent Van Gogh (1853- 1890)
Imagine you are Talk Show Host.You invite a artist, his mother, his friend, his teacher and the art critic to talk about his painting and life.
Questions for the artist Questions for the family member, the friend and the teacher Question for the art critic
biography of the artist, philosophy towards art, details about his/her most representative works What was the artist like when he/she was a child or growing up What was it like living with the artist What do they think of the artist's talent and work How did they meet the artist What is the artist like as a person What do they think of the artist and his work What was the artist like as a student Could he/she imagine that the artist would grow up to be famous How is the artist’s work critically received
H: Talk Show Host A: Artist (Salvador Dalí) M: Artist's mother
F: Artist's friend T: Artist's teacher C: Art critic
H: Today I am very honoured to welcome the Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dalí to
our studio. First, tell us a little about your life and how you first became an artist.
A: At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my
ambition has been growing steadily ever since. I love art, but painting is really a
small part of who I am.
H: Interesting. Confidence is an important quality for an artist! What is your
philosophy towards art, and which do you think are your most representative works
Sample talk show
A: One should strive for perfection but accept one will never reach it. As for
Surrealism, it is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles
limiting our vision. A key work of mine is The Persistence of Memory. In it, I
challenge the idea that time is a hard and unchanging thing, symbolised by what
some people call my "melting watches".
H: Fascinating. Welcome also to your mother, Felipa. What was Salvador like
growing up
M: He showed a keen interest in art and artistic talent from a young age, so I always
tried to encourage him to pursue art.
H: This is Man Ray, a fellow surrealist artist and long-time friend of Dalí. How did
you first meet Salvador What is he like as a friend
F: We first met in Paris with other surrealist artists. He is a loyal friend and
very committed to his art. He always gets everyone's attention because he is
eccentric in what he wears and does. He is fun to be around.
H: Finally, we welcome the respected art critic and author, Luis Romero. How
is Dalí's work received critically
C: Although his work is often controversial, behind the outrageous images,
there is great artistic skill. He is clearly influenced by Renaissance art styles.
H: Well, thank you all for your time today, and special thanks to Dalí for your
amazing body of work that has inspired and brought wonder to so many
people over the years.
How much do you know about the Chinese painting Qingming Shang He Tu
Who painted it
What can be seen on the painting
Where can we see the painting now
Qingming Shang He Tu
One of the most famous Chinese paintings in the world is the Qingming Shang He Tu or Along the River During the Qingming Festival, by Zhang Zeduan, a court painter for the emperor during the Northern Song Dynasty.
Before You Watch
Read the statements below and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F).
1. Qingming Shang He Tu is no more than 24 cm wide and 520 cm long.
2. The painting was once lost during the Yuan Dynasty and hundreds of copies
were made.
3. It is believed that the version in the Palace Museum is the Song Dynasty
original painting.
4. The painting shows life along the Yellow River during the Qingming
5. The painting scroll also includes a short biography of Zhang Zeduan and
the seals of its previous owners.
While You Watch
Take notes about the details that are displayed in the painting.
Left Right
The city The first city gate The roads leading to the city The Rainbow Bridge The road and the river The countryside
Left Right
The city The first city gate The roads leading to the city The Rainbow Bridge The road and the river The countryside
butcher shops; doctor's clinics; hotels; inns: houses; fabric shops
a line of camels
carrying goods
temples; inns; large houses; people travelling on foot, and in carts and sedan chairs
arching over the river; people selling food and drink on both sides; travellers passing by
packed with
full of boats
a few houses, a few travellers
After You Watch
1. What does the following statement mean: "This painting's great appeal is that it provides us with a look into ordinary people's lives in the Song Dynasty" Who do you think the painting is most appealing to
2. Do you know of any other paintings like this one
This statement means that the reason why the painting is so appealing is because it gives us, in the modern world, a snapshot of an everyday moment in the distant past. I think the painting is most appealing to people interested in our history, society, and culture.
10,000 Miles Along the Yangzi River, created by the artist, Wang Hui, is a similar painting. It is a 53-foot-long scroll showing the length of the Yangzi (Yangtze) River with references to China's culture and traditions.
Language points
1.worthy adj. 值得……的;有价值的
易混词 辨析 例句
worthwhile 可作表语、定语、补语。值得做某事要用it作形式主语,后接不定式或动名词作真正的主语:It’s worthwhile doing sth. /to do sth. I think it’s worthwhile reading/to read the book.
易混词 辨析 例句
worth 一般作表语,后接名词或动名词。“某事值得被做”,用动名词的主动形式表被动意义;表示“很值得做……”,要用副词well修饰;常见结构为be worth+n. ,be worth doing The research is worth the time and effort that we have devoted to it. 这项研究值得我们所投入的时间和努力。
worthy 意思为“值得(或应得)……的”,表示“某事值得被做”,既可接of+动名词的被动式,又可接不定式的被动式;常见结构为be worthy of+n. ;be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done His behaviour is worthy of great praise. 他的行为应该受到大力表扬。
①Seeing the happy smile on Tom’s face, I felt that all my effort was _______ it.
②Is it __________ to drive all the way there for the show
③This is a _______ chance and is _______ to be valued rather than ignored.
④Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something __________ at the same time
What we've learned today
Could you share it with your classmates