Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?单元作业设计(含答案)


名称 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?单元作业设计(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 597.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教新目标(Go for it)版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-11 14:12:48



Unit 5 What are the shirts made of 作业设计
基本信息 学科 年级 学期 教材版本 单元名称
英语 九年级 第一学期 人教版 Go for it Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
单元组织方式 √自然单元 重组单元
课时 信息 序号 教学内容 课型 课时
1 Section A 1a- 1c 听说课 第 1 课时
2 Section A 2a-2d 听说课 第 2 课时
3 Section A 3a-3c 阅读课 第 3 课时
4 Grammar Focus 语法课 第 4 课时
5 Section B 1a- 1e 听说课 第 5 课时
6 Section B 2a-2e 阅读课 第 6 课时
7 Section B 3a-self check 写作课 第 7 课时
(一) Period 1 (Section A 1a-1c)
Talk about what products are made of and where they are made.
Period 1: 作业内容
作业类型 作业内容 作业分析及设计意图
基础型 (10mins) 1. 听说:运用智能学习平 台 (畅言课堂) 跟读 1b 对 话,能够用所学词汇及句型 和他人对话; 2. 运用单词的适当形式完 成句子; 3. 看:预习 2d, 在智能学 习平台 (畅言课堂) 上观看 2d 对话视频, 了解茶的生 长生产等知识; 1. For improving the students’ basic and practical skills in listening, speaking, reading: 在课堂学习理解的基础上,通过课后设置的 常规听说读看写实践活动,让学生再次模仿 操练 (for learning) ;在与他人对话的真实情 境中,促进学生从记忆中提取语言信息,并 与他人进行日常交流 (for using) 。 2. For reinforcement and self-check: 精选习题练习,老师跳进题海,帮助学生 跳出题海,巩固加深所学词汇在语境中的应 用,提高学生学习效率和解决问题的能力。 3. For preview: 通过看对话视频,让学生自 己去观察,去思考,进行自主预习学习,同
时培养学生利用工具进行自主学习的习惯, 提升学生的自主学习能力。在学习和作业完 成过程中,学生在提高知识和技能的同时, 希望学生还能够获得正确的学习方式,能够 计划自己的学习过程。
提升型 (10mins) 英文采访同学一些产品的 原材料以及产地; For using:设置“采访”任务,创设“采访” 语境,通过真实语境,让学生对所学知识进 行迁移运用,帮助学生听说能力和思维能力 的发展。
拓展型 (10mins) 基于采访内容,表达你在购 买产品时,对产品原材料和 产地的看法,思考我们该基 于哪些因素去评判产品的 质量(是以产地还是以其质 量本身) 。 For building up students’ English core competencies: to develop students’ ability in creative thinking, cultural awareness and confident performance. 通过对问题的思考,学生能够形成选择性注 意力(selective attention)--注意产品、原材料和 产地这些关键信息,帮助学生听说能力和思 维能力的发展,对事物做出正确的价值判断。
Period 1: 作业示范
作业类型 作业内容
基础型 (10mins) 1. 运用智能学习平台 (畅言课堂) 跟读 1b 对话,能够用所学词汇及句型 和他人对话;
2. 根据句意或单词的适当形式完成句子; 1 The model plane is made of ____________(钢铁). 2 Linda won the ________(银) medal (奖牌) in the high jump. 3 Is the blouse made of __________(棉花) , silk or wool 4 He is interested in collecting ___________(coin). 5 The shirts _______ _______ _______cotton. (由......制成) 3. 看:预习 2d, 在智能学习平台 (畅言课堂) 上观看 2d 视频, 了解茶的 生长生产等知识; 参考答案: 2. ①steel ②silver ③cotton ④coins ⑤are made of
提升型 (10mins) 采访:英文采访同学一些产品的原材料及产地,可用句型如下;
A: The ... looks nice. Is it made of ... B: Yes, and it was made in .... A: What is/are ... made of B: It is/They are made of ...
拓展型 (10mins) 表达:基于采访内容,表达你在购买产品时,对产品原材料和产地的看法, 思考我们该基于哪些因素去评判产品的质量 (是以产地还是以其质量本 身) 。 People sometimes show cultural bias in the way they judge the quality of products on the market. I think... 可用表达:There is often a tendency to think that... With improved skills and technology all over the world, this is... The quality of things should be judged in its own right and not judged based on the countries of origin。 参考可用对话表述: A: Your coat looks nice. Where did you buy it B: Well, I bought it at a store in our town. A: Oh, it feels soft and comfortable. What is the coat made of B: It’s mainly made from cotton. A: Where was it made B: It was made in Anhui, China. A: Well, it was made in our country. China is good at making products such as clothes, toys and so on. B: Yeah. That’s true. So when you buy products, what will you consider, the place where it is made or the quality A: I think I would consider the quality of the product itself. B: If there are no differences in quality, will you buy products made in our country or things made abroad A: Of course. I will buy things made in China. I am a Chinese. What about you B: Sure, I will. I love our country. I will also support things made in China.
Period 1: 作业评价标准及评价示范
Types (类型) Item (方面) Criteria (标准) Stars (星级) Judge (评价)
提 升 型 基 础 型 Content (内容) Did you follow the tape and read the dialogue Can you talk with others by using the words and sentence (



)structures Did you finish the exercises Did you preview ☆ ☆ ☆ 教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
拓 展 型 Language (语言) Did you interview others √Yes No Did you use the words and sentences √Yes No Did you have good pronunciation √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
3C Did you know how to judge a product √Yes No (


)Did you express your opinions Did you have good performance ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
注:3C 是由 Creative ideas ,Cultural Awareness ,Confident performance 首字 母相同得来,是根据英语课程目标,英语课程核心素养,单元学习目标,单元作 业目标以及本班学生学情自创的一个评价学生思维能力,文化素养,自信表现的 一个方面。Did you know how to judge a product 问题的设置是为了提高学生的 思维能力;Did you express your opinions 问题的设置是为了探索学生内在的文 化素养;Did you have good performance 问题的设置是为了让学生意识到自信表 现的重要性并鼓励学生坚持自信表现。
(二) Period 2 (Section A 2a-2d)
Talk about what products are made of and where they are made.
Period 2: 作业内容
作业类型 作业内容 作业分析及设计意图
基础型 (10mins) 1. 完成智能学习平台上的听力练 习; 2. 运用单词的适当形式完成句子; 3. 预习 Section A 3a ,思考问题: Why is it difficult to search for American products in the US 1. For improving the students’ basic and practical skills in listening: 通过 课后设置的常规听力练习活动,让学 生进行听的输入训练 (for learning) , 提升学生听的能力; 2. For reinforcement and self-check: 精选习题练习,老师跳进题海,帮 助学生跳出题海,巩固加深所学词汇 在语境中的应用,提高学生学习效率 和解决问题的能力。 3. For preview: 通过思考问题,让学 生自己去阅读,去思考,提升学生思 维能力和预习效果,同时培养学生自 主学习的习惯。
提升型 (10mins) 英语趣配音: 在英语趣配音 APP 上,搜索茶艺相 关视频或者茶制作视频,并配音。 For using:设置英语趣配音任务,学 生通过自己的配音,获得更多与所学 内容有关的语言经验以及语言的表 达,帮助学生听说能力和思维能力的 发展,同时培养学生主动学习习惯, 积极使用现代信息技术,以期具备初 步的信息素养。
拓展型 (10mins) 合作探究:网上搜索有关茶工艺的 视频,以小组为单位对茶进行更进 一步的调查研究并用英文向他人 作介绍。 比如:学习如何制作茶 的方法,或亲自制作茶,或品尝茶。 选作:上网搜索关于茶历史文化相 关的知识。 For building up students’ English core competencies: to develop students’ ability in creative thinking, cultural awareness and confident performance. 通过查阅搜索以及小组合作,学生能 够对中国茶有更进一步的了解,培养 学生合作能力;学生通过观看视频, 在制作茶或者简单地品尝茶中,观察 学习,体验感知中国茶文化的博大精 深。
Period 2: 作业示范
作业类型 作业内容
基础型 (10mins) 根据语境,从方框中选择适当的单词填空,注意形式变化。 leaf, widely, produce, fair, be known for,
1 Last year, a book ___________took place in July at our school. 2 September is coming and the __________are starting to fall. 3 The Internet is ____________used around the world. 4 Tea is ____________ in many different places. 5 An Xi and Hangzhou ________ ________ ______ its tea. 3. 预习 Section A 3a 思考问题:Why is it difficult to search for American products in the US 参考答案: ①fair ②leaves ③widely ④produced ⑤are known for
提升型 (10mins) 英语趣配音:
拓展型 (10mins) 合作探究:网上搜索有关茶工艺的视频,以小组为单位对茶进行更进一步 的调查研究,并用英文向他人作介绍。 比如:寻找如何制作茶的方法? 并制作茶,品尝茶。选作:寻找茶其他方面的信息。 可用表达: First of all. We should prepare a set of tea set. Second, we can boil a bottle of drinking water. Next, put the tea leaves into the boiled water for 1 minute to wash the tea leaves and then pour the water. Then, put the boiled water into the tea cup again for several minutes, and then we can enjoy the tea
Period 2: 作业评价标准及作业示范
Types (类型) Item (方面) Criteria (标准) Stars (星级) Judge (评价)
提 升 型 基 础 型 Content (内容) Did you finish the exercises Did you preview 3a √Yes No √Yes No
Can you say anything about the question √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ 教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
拓 展 型 Language (语言) Did you dub the video √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ 教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
3C (


)Did you talk about anything about tea Did you make tea or taste tea Did you introduce anything about tea to others √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
注:3C 是由 Creative ideas,Cultural Awareness,Confident performance 首字母相 同得来,是根据英语课程目标,英语课程核心素养,单元学习目标,单元作业目 标以及本班学生学情自创的一个评价学生思维能力,文化素养,自信表现的一个 方面。
(三) Period 3 (Section A 3a-3c)
China’s growth.
Period 3: 作业内容
作业类型 作业内容 作业分析及设计意图
基础型 (10mins) 1. 运用智能学习平台 (畅言课堂) 跟读 3a 文章第 2 段; 2. 完成单项选择题; 3. 小组合作:预习书本 Grammar Focus 并思考被动语态的意义和构 成。 1. For improving the students’ basic and practical skills in listening, speaking and reading: 通过模仿操练, 重复朗读,积累日常生活中常用的词 语表达,辨识和分析句子的结构特征, 利于习得与建构 (for learning) ; 2. For reinforcement and self-check: 精选习题练习,巩固加深所学词汇 在语境中的应用,提高学生语言能力。 3. For preview: 通过预习,让学生去 观察,去思考,去总结被动语态的构 成及意义,在小组合作中,提升学生 的预习效果。
提升型 (5mins) 运用智能学习平台阅读 Section A 3a 拓展阅读,并完成阅读理解题目 1 篇。 For improving the students’ basic and practical skills in reading: 拓宽学生的 课外阅读,提高学生阅读能力。
拓展型 (15mins) 完成一张海报:小组合作探究,网 上搜索我们国家在制造业方面取 得的成就以及思考我们国家该如 何制造更多更好的高科技产品,打 造国际化高科技民族品牌。 For the students’ future development: 通过小组合作完成一张海报,既有利 于整合碎片化信息,从不同角度完成 图片和文字信息,同时又能培养学生 的沟通与合作能力,促进自身与√队 的共同成长。学生在活动中体验和思 考,赋予作业多感官运用,增加作业 趣味性,形式多样性以及训练多元化, 提升学生思维能力及其未来的或潜在 的发展。
Period 3: 作业示范
作业类型 作业内容
基础型 (10mins) 1. 运用智能学习平台 (畅言课堂) 跟读 3a文章第 2 段; 2. 完成单项选择题 ( )①You can hardly avoid _________ifyou work in the same office. A. hiding B. meeting C. to hide D. to meet ( )②If you go on a short study vacation abroad, it's a good idea to stay with a host family because it will help you experience the_______culture A.same B.local C.ancient D.strange ( )③It's cold outside. You should put on your thick clothes to______ catching a cold. A.avoid B.consider C.refuse D.suggest ( )④---Can you finish the work all by yourself
---Yes. I'll finish it, _________how long it takes. A.as if B.ever since C. no matter D. even though ( )⑤He found ________interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. A. that B. it C. one D. its 3. 小组合作:预习书本 Grammar Focus 并思考被动语态的意义和构成。 参考答案: 2. ①B ②B ③ A ④C ⑤B
提升型 (5mins) 运用智能学习平台阅读 Section A 3a 拓展阅读,并完成阅读理解题目 1 篇。
拓展型 (15mins) 完成一张海报:小组合作探究,网上搜索我们国家在制造业方面取得的成 就以及思考我们国家该如何制造更多更好的高科技产品,打造国际化高科 技民族品牌。可从以下方面进行思考: How to develop the high technology of our country skillful and patriotic talents enough money to support free and tolerant environment close connection with different fields
Period 3: 作业评价标准及评价示范
Types (类型) Item (方面) Criteria (标准) Stars (星级) Judge (评价)
提 升 型 基 础 型 Content (内容) Can you read the passage fluently √Yes No Did you finish the exercises √Yes No Did you know the meaning and the structure of the (

)passive voice ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
拓 展 型 Language (语言) Did you finish the exercises √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ 教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
3C Did you find anything about our country’s achievements √Yes No Did you give any advice on how to improve the technological products in our country √Yes No Did you make a poster √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
注:3C 含义同上。
(四) Period 4 (Section A Grammar Focus)
The passive voice.
Period 4: 作业内容
作业类型 作业内容 作业分析及设计意图
基础型 (10mins) 1. 理解被动语态意义,结构和基本 用法,完成一般现在时的被动语态 语法专题习题; 2. 看视频:上网搜索关于山东潍坊 “风筝之都”以及“国际风筝节” 视频,了解“风筝之都”以及“国 际风筝节”相关信息,并完成思维 导图填空。 For learning the usage of the passive voice: 学生能够在练习巩固中理解所 学。 For preview:通过观看视频,引起学 生学习兴趣,提高学生信息搜索能 力,发展学生信息整合思维,利用思 维导图填空的形式,有效检查学生作 业预习情况。
提升型 (10mins) 掌握重点动词过去分词形式(包括 不规则动词表); For using.
拓展型 (10mins) 合作探究:能够熟练运用被动语态 描述想表达的内容,如使用被动语 态描述风筝,剪纸等传统艺术形式 的制作过程,并以思维导图形式上 交。 For application in the real situations. 用思维导图巩固课本语法基础知识, 提升学生逻辑思维能力。
Period 4: 作业示范
作业类型 作业内容
基础型 (10mins) 1. 理解被动语态意义,结构, 完成一般现在时的被动语态语法专题习题; 2. 看视频:上网搜索关于山东潍坊“国际风筝节”视频,了解“国际风筝 节”相关信息,并完成思维导图填空。 参考答案:
提升型 (10mins) 掌握重点动词过去分词形式(包括不规则动词表);
Verb Past tense Past participle Verb Past tense Past participle
)e lend
)ear let
beat lie
)ecome light
begin (
blow make
break mean
bring meet
build mistake
)urn pay
)uy put
catch read
choose ride
come ring
... ...
拓展型 (10mins) 合作探究:能够熟练运用被动语态描述想表达的内容,如使用被动语态描 述风筝,剪纸等传统艺术形式的制作过程,并以思维导图形式上交。
Period 4: 作业评价标准及评价示范
Types (类型) Item (方面) Criteria (标准) Stars (星级) Judge (评价)
提 升 型 基 础 型 Content (内容) Can you understand the passive voice √Yes No Did you work out the exercises √Yes No Did you watch videos about the International Kite Festival and fill in the mind map √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ 教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
拓 展 型 Language (语言) Did you fill in the blank √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
3C Did you make a mind map √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
注:3C 含义同上。
(五) Period 5 (Section B 1a-1e)
International kite festival.
Period 5: 作业内容
作业类型 作业内容 作业分析及设计意图
基础型 (10mins) 1. 听说:运用智能学习平台 (畅言 课堂) 跟读对话; 2. 阅读课外文章(关于风筝) ,完成 习题。 1. For improving the students’ basic and practical skills in listening, and speaking: 通过多次模仿操练,提升学生识别不 同语调与节奏等语音表达的意义;能 听懂发音清晰、语速较快的简短表达, 获取关键信息 (for learning) ; 2. For self-check and expansion as well as improving the students basic and practical skills in reading: 拓宽学 生的课外阅读,学生能够在阅读中更 深的了解中国文化,扩大知识储备。 本次基础性作业也为提升型作业完成 奠定基础。
提升型 (10mins) 看视频:上网搜索关于风筝历史及 制作过程的视频,并回答以下问 题: 1. What is the history about the kite 2 What is the kite made of For building up students’ English core competencies: to develop students’ ability in cultural awareness and confident performance. 通过观看视频,学生能够对中国传统 文化形式之风筝在历史起源,变化发
3. How is the kite made 4. What is the symbol of the kite 展,制作过程以及文化意义方面有更 进一步的了解,能够更深刻地感受中 华民族文化的博大精深,源远流长及 其国际影响力 (结合课上所学内容即 山东潍坊国际风筝节) ,增强学生文 化自信,激发学生弘扬中华文化的热 情。通过看视频,思考所列问题,也 为拓展型作业完成奠定写作基础。
拓展型 (10mins) 基于对基础性作业的完成以及提 升型作业中问题的回答,写一篇小 作文介绍我国传统文化艺术形式 之风筝。 要点提示: 1. 风筝的历史起源 2. 风筝由什么制作,制作过程 及其所蕴含的文化意义 3. 山东潍坊国际风筝节 注意: 1. 词数 80- 100; 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连 贯; 3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校 名称; 4. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入词 数。 For improving the students’ basic and practical skills in writing: 通过基础型作业中阅读文章,提升型 作业中观看视频并回答问题,学生已 积累写作所需素材。学生通过拓展型 作业能够提高学生写作能力,在写的 过程中,对本单元所学内容进行输出。
Period 5: 作业示范
作业类型 作业内容
基础型 (10mins) 1. 听说:运用智能学习平台 (畅言课堂) 跟读对话 2. 阅读课外文章(关于风筝) ,完成习题。 Kites were once called zhiyuan in North China and yaozi in South China. The name fengzheng came into use during the Five Dynasties. According to a history book, Li Ye, who lived in the Five Dynasties, used to make and fly kites. He once tied a whistle (哨子) made of bamboo to the upper part of his kite so that a zheng sound was made when he was flying the kite. The word for wind is Jeng, so fengzheng came into use. It is widely believed that the earliest kite in the world was made by Mo Di, a famous Chinese philosopher (哲 学家) who lived about 2,400 years ago. Later, he passed on his kite making skills to his student Lu Ban. Lu Ban improved on kite making. He made a kite out of bamboo and it flew into the air for as long as three days. Kite-lying became a kind of recreation (娱乐活动) probably in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, only the royal family( 王室) and people of the highest class flew kites. Later, the paper-made kite was invented. Paper-made kites
were cheaper to make and then spread quickly among the common people. As time went on, kites flew to different countries in the world. A foreign kite specialist ( 专 家 ) said, "The invention of the kite encouraged humans dream to fly and led to the invention of the plane. ( )3. From Paragraph 1, we learn__________. A. who first invented kites B. what kites were mainly made of C. how the name fengzheng came into use D. how kites were made during the Five Dynasties ( )2. Why was kite-flying not popular among the common people at first in the Tang Dynasty A. Because it was difficult to make kites. B. Because they were too busy to fly kites. C. Because it was expensive to make kites. D. Because they were not allowed to fly kites. ( )3. What is the passage mainly about A. The history of kites. B. Different kinds of kites. C. The importance of kites. D. Ideas about the earliest kites. 参考答案:CCA
提升型 (10mins) 看视频:上网搜索关于风筝历史及制作过程的视频,并回答以下问题: 1. What is the history about the kite 2. What is the kite made of 3. How is the kite made 4. What is the symbol of the kite 参考答案: 1. The kite was invented in China 2000 years ago. The earlier kites were made of wood, which were expensive. Kite flying began to spread among ordinary people only after paper was invented and then kite making cost less. 2. The kites are made of bamboo and covered with paper or cloth, which are usually painted with different pictures such as the animals. A foreign kite specialist said, “The invention of the kite encouraged humans dream to fly and led to the invention of the plane.” 3. Weifang City, which is in Shandong Province, is the birthplace of kites. The International Kite Festival is held in this place every year. It's generally held on April 20 to 25. Now kite flying is getting more and more popular. Every year people all over the world come to take part in the International Kite Festival. They can see all kinds of kites in the sky.
拓展型 (10mins) 基于上述观看视频后及对上述问题的回答,写一篇小作文介绍我国传统文 化艺术形式之风筝。
要点提示: 1. 风筝的历史起源 2. 风筝由什么制作,制作过程及其所蕴含的文化意义 3. 山东潍坊国际风筝节 注意: 1. 词数 80- 100; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称; 4. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。 参考答案: Hello,everyone!I'm very glad to tell you something about the kites of our country.The kite was invented in China 2000 years ago. The earlier kites were made of wood, which were expensive. Kite flying began to spread among ordinary people only after paper was invented and then kite making cost less. The kites are made of bamboo and covered with paper or cloth, which are usually painted with different pictures such as the animals. A foreign kite specialist said, “The invention of the kite encouraged humans dream to fly and led to the invention of the plane.” Weifang City, which is in Shandong Province, is the birthplace of kites. The International Kite Festival is held in this place every year. It's generally held on April 20 to 25. Now kite flying is getting more and more popular. Every year people all over the world come to take part in the International Kite Festival. They can see all kinds of kites in the sky.
Period 5: 作业评价标准及评价示范
Types (类型) Item (方面) Criteria (标准) Stars (星级) Judge (评价)
提 升 型 基 础 型 Content (内容) Can you read the dialogue fluently √Yes No Did you finish the exercises √Yes No Did you know the history about the kite √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
拓 展 型 Language (语言) Did you watch the video √Yes No Did you answer the questions √Yes No Did you know the symbol of the kite √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ 教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
3C Did you write the short passage √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
(六) Period 6 (Section B 2a-2e)
Beauty in common things.
Period 6: 作业内容
作业类型 作业内容 作业分析及设计意图
基础型 (10mins) 欣赏中国传统文化: 1. 读:熟读文章; 2. 看:欣赏关于剪纸或孔明灯等关 于中国传统艺术的制作视频; 3. 完成单项选择题; 1. For improving the students’ basic and practical skills in reading: 在课堂 学习理解的基础上,通过熟读课文, 复习所学知识, 积累常用表达。 2. 学生通过观看视频,进行观察学 习,欣赏中国传统文化艺术的美,学 会发现 beauty in common things ,陶 冶情趣,拓展人文视野;帮助学生形 成健康向上的审美情趣和正确的价 值观 ,加深对中国文化的理解和认 同。 3. For reinforcement and self-check: 精选习题练习,巩固加深所学词汇 在语境中的应用,夯实基础。
提升型 (5mins) 介绍中国传统文化: 从 2b 文章中选择一个感兴趣的艺 术形式,用英语向朋友,他人或外 国友人介绍它,并录制视频上交。 For building up students’ English core competencies: to develop students’ ability in creative thinking and cultural awareness and confident performance. 在介绍中国传统文化中,学生能够对 剪纸,孔明灯,泥塑等中国传统文化 制作过程以及文化意义方面有更深 的了解;在活动中感知中华传统文化 之美,坚定文化自信,弘扬中国传统 文化。
拓展型 (15mins) 传播中国传统文化: 小组合作:争做中国文化传播大使 邀请美术老师教授剪纸,或观看视 频学习剪纸,用英语介绍剪纸过程 以及剪纸的美与文化意义,并录制 视频上交;或者学习如何制作孔明 灯,陶泥艺术品,中国结等具有代 表性的中国传统文化中的普通物 件,学会用英语正确表达制作过程 及其文化意义,学会发现,欣赏, 传递普通物件中的美。 For the students’ future development: 该活动赋予作业多感官运用,增加作 业探究性,实践性,跨学科融合性, 培养学生思维品质,文化素养,提升 学生学习能力。学生能够在观察,体 验,思考,总结中感知中华文化之美, 形成健康向上的审美情趣和正确的 价值观,加深对中国文化的理解和认 同,树立国际视野,坚定文化自信, 有利于进一步培养学生成为具有中 国情怀,国际视野和跨文化沟通能力 的社会主义建设者和接班人。
Period 6: 作业示范
作业类型 作业内容
基础型 (10mins) 欣赏中国传统文化: 1. 读:熟读文章; 2. 看:欣赏关于剪纸或孔明灯等关于中国传统艺术的制作视频; 3. 完成单项选择题; ( )①In our mind, pigeons are seen _________the symbol of peace. A. with B. as C. from D. over ( )②I want to cut some flowers, Could you pass me that pair of____ A. shoes B. chopsticks C. scissors D. trousers ( ) ③ Anna is from Germany, but she is interested in Chinese traditional ______like Beijing opera. A. conditions B. forms C. fairs D. objects ( )④Miss King is good at using technology to make her classes interesting (
)and so we love to take her classes. A. common B. meaningless C. serious D. lively ( )⑤---How do you like Mary ---Oh,she is a_______girl and popular with everyone in our class. A. serious B.lively C. strange D. silly ( )⑥The work is so difficult that we can't _______ it in such a short time. We still need one more week to finish it. A. start B.accept C.polish D.complete ( )⑦ _______the rule, students shouldn’t bring their mobiles to school. A. According to B. As for C. Instead of D. In front of ( ) ⑧ ---Could you please help me to look for my lost dog _____name is Gina. A. It B. It's C. Its D.It ( )⑨My father likes many sports, ________swimming and playing football. A. according to B.such as C. for example D.in fact ( )⑩How beautiful the world is ! It________snow and everything is white. A. is covered with B. is put away C. is turned into. D. is picked up 参考答案:①②③④⑤ BCBDB ⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ DACBA
提升型 (5mins) 介绍中国传统文化: 从 2b 文章中选择一个感兴趣的艺术形式,用英语向朋友,他人或外国友 人介绍它,并录制视频上交。
拓展型 (15mins) 传播中国传统文化: 小组合作:争做中国文化传播大使 邀请美术老师教授剪纸,或上网搜索视频学习剪纸,并用英语介绍剪纸过 程,感知剪纸的美,并拍成视频;或者学习如何制作孔明灯,陶泥艺术品, 中国结等具有代表性的中国传统文化中的普通物件,学会用英语正确表达 制作过程,学会发现,欣赏,传递普通物件中的美,录制视频上交。 参考表达: Today, I am going to show how to make the paper cutting “the God of Wealth” . First of all, the red paper should be folded before it is cut. We can draw half of the outline of Cai Shen , who is the God of Wealth in Chinese traditional culture. After drawing, the paper can be cut according to the lines. The cutting paper Cai Shen is usually put on doors or walls during the Spring Festival. They are seen as symbols of wishes for wealth and good fortune.
Period 6: 作业评价标准及评价示范
Types (类型) Item (方面) Criteria (标准) Stars (星级) Judge (评价)
提 升 型 基 础 型 Content (内容) Can you read the passage fluently Did you watch the video Did you finish the exercise √Yes No √Yes No √Yes No
☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
拓 展 型 Language (语言) Do you like Chinese art forms √Yes No Did you introduce one form in English √Yes No Did you introduce it to others √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ 教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
3C Did you enjoy the object Did you learn to make it Will you introduce it to the world √Yes No √Yes No √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
(七) Period 7 (Section B 3a-self check )
Period 7 :作业内容
作业类型 作业内容
提升型 (15mins) 在日常生活中,你最喜欢的物品是什么?它 是由什么做成的?它有什么特别之处?请你 以“My favorite thing”为题,用英语写一篇 短文,谈谈这个问题。 注意:1.语言通顺、流畅,可适当发挥。 1. 词数:80- 100。 For improving the students’ integrated ability, especially the writing ability.
拓展型 (15mins) 争做阜阳市宣传大使: 小组合作,寻找具有阜阳市特色的一些有名 的产品,并拍摄视频,用英语介绍该产品, 争做我市宣传大使。 For building up students’ English core competencies: to develop students’ ability in creative thinking and cultural awareness and confident performance. 在介绍家乡传统文化中,学 生能够对家乡传统文化制 作过程以及文化意义方面 有更深的了解;在活动中感 知家乡文化之美,增强学 生热爱家乡之情。
Period 7: 作业评价标准及评价示范
Types (类型) Item (方面) Criteria (标准) Stars (星级) Judge (评价)
拓 展 型 提 升 型 Language (语言) Did you use the passive voice √Yes No Did you use proper words and expressions √Yes No Did you write your special reasons √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 学生互评
3C Did you find anything special in Fuyang √Yes No Did you introduce it in English √Yes No Did you share it confidently to others √Yes No ☆ ☆ ☆ √教师评价 √学生自评 √学生互评
( 一) 作业内容
(1) 口语测试
口语测试 (满分 15 分)
一、朗读 (满分 3 分)
Paper cutting has been around for over1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do. The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures are flowers, animals, and things about Chinesehistory. During the-spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.
二、综合题 (6 分,每空 1 分)
A. Listen and write. Listen and complete the form with the missing information.
Name Features (特征)
Palm leaf fans 1._________and easy to make
Feather fans (
)Show the owner’s 2. statues
Tuanshan In the shape of a full 3. __________
Zheshan (
)Paint and write 4.
B. Listen and say. Listen to the dialogue again and answer the below question. (2 分) 5.What do you think of these fans
1. cheap 2. high 3. moon 4. poems 5. They are useful and beautiful.
二、综合题 录音材料:
Stories and Art of Chinese Fans
You may think you cannot live through summer without air conditioners. But in ancient China, hand fans were almost the only ones to help people keep cool.
Chinese people started to use hand fans over 2,000 years ago. The fans came in different shapes, such as round and square. They were also made from all kinds of materials. Palm leaf fans were cheap and easy to make. Feather fans (羽毛扇) showed the owner's high status.
Sandalwood (檀香) fans could send out a sweet smell.
Later, hand fans became far more than just something that could cool you down. They developed into artworks, in which tuanshan (round fans) and zheshan ( folded fans) were the most common.
In the shape of a full moon, tuanshan was usually made of silk. They had beautiful birds and flowers on them. Women especially those in the imperial palace (皇宫) ,liked to use them. Meanwhile, men, especially the literati ( 文人) used zheshan. The literati liked them because zheshan were usually made of paper and they could paint and write poems on them. It was a way for them to show off their ability in literature, painting and handwriting. Almost anything can be painted on zheshan.
Today, Chinese people still use these fans, yet not many people write or paint on them. Next time when you are waving a fan, you may think of the stories behind it.
三、综合题 (满分 6 分,每题 2 分)
1. Please name the two kinds of Chinese art forms.
2. Please choose one to introduce in English.
3. Do you like these Chinese art forms Which one do you like better
(2) 单元纸笔测试
单元笔试测试 (满分 120 分)
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
第一部分 听力 (共四大题, 满分 20 分)
Ⅰ. 长对话理解(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的 A 、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
听下面一段对话, 回答第 1 至 2 小题。
( ) 1. Who told Lily about the new library
A. Her grandpa. B. Her cousin. C. Her uncle.
( )2. How did Lily like the new library
A.Modern. B.Bright. C. Huge.
听下面一段对话,回答第 3 至 5 小题。
( )3. Where are the speakers talking
A. In the art club. B. At the museum C. On the phone.
( )4. How long does the show about paper cutting last
A. Four days. B. Five days. C.A week.
( )5. What was John's last show about
A. Butterflies B. Tea C. Flowers
Ⅱ. 短文理解(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、 B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。
( )6. What color does Dan like
A.Brown. B.Black. C.Yellow.
( )7. What was the first thing Dan made for himself
A.Shorts. B. A scarf. C.A T-shirt.
( )8. What was wrong with the jeans
A. The legs were too long. B. The color was too bright
C. The material was too soft.
( )9.How long does it take Dan to finish a jacket now
A. About a week. B. About a month. C. About half a ye
( ) 10.Who is Dan making a shirt for
A. His daughter. B. His wife C His sister.
你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、 B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。
( ) 11. Where are the couple from?
A.France. B. Korea. C. England.
( ) 12. What is the house made of
A.Wood. B. Balloons. C.Glass.
( ) 13. How long did it take the couple to build the house
A. About 7 weeks. B. About 1.5 months. C. About 6 months.
( ) 14. How much is the ticket for the house
A. 3 pounds. B. 10 pounds. C. 13 pounds.
( ) 15. What do the couple prepare for children
A. Delicious food. B. Interesting books. C. Magic shows.
Ⅲ. 信息转换(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一 词。短文读两遍。
A summer holiday activity club
Name Let's Do It!
Ages of kids Between( 16)_______and seventeen
Time to meet On( 17)___________afternoons during the holidays
Next week learn to build a(n)(18) _____________ ▲Fee(费用):( 19)____________ ▲Things needed:(20)_____________
第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两大题, 满分 30 分)
Ⅳ. 单项填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
从每小题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( )21. You can hardly avoid _________ifyou work in the same office.
B. hiding B. meeting C. to hide D. to meet
( )22. If you go on a short study vacation abroad, it's a good idea to stay with a host family because it will help you experience the_______culture
A.same B.local C.ancient D.strange
( )23. It's cold outside. You should put on your thick clothes to______ catching a cold.
A.avoid B.consider C.refuse D.suggest
( )24.---Can you finish the work all by yourself
---Yes. I'll finish it, _________how long it takes.
A.as if B.ever since C. no matter D. even though
( )25. He found ________interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.
A.that B. it C. one D. its
( )26. ---Mary, will you invite your friends to your birthday party
---Yes, Mom. I have_________many invitations to my friends.
A. given back B. taken away C. worked D. sent out
( )27. (2018. 湖北荆州) Dr. Bethune __________still___________in both China and Canada today.
A. is; remembered B. is; remembering
C. will; remember D. has; remember
( )28. Before I decide to live in the hotel,could you tell me________
A.how often is the room cleaned B. how often the room is cleaned
C. how often the room cleaned D. how often the room cleans
( )29.---The sun is important to us. It provides us with light and______. ---I agree with you. Without the sun, there will be no life on the earth. D
A. beauty B.peace C. heat D. truth
( )30. Xie Jun is one of the most famous role models in China. He _______his work on Beidou.
A.is known by B. is known for C. is known as D. is known to ( )31. In our mind, pigeons are seen _________the symbol of peace.
A. with B. as C. from D. over
( )32. I want to cut some flowers, Could you pass me that pair of__________
A. shoes B. chopsticks C. scissors D. trousers
( )33. Anna is from Germany, but she is interested in Chinese traditional _____like Beijing opera.
A. conditions B. forms C. fairs D. objects
( )34. Miss King is good at using technology to make her classes interesting and
)so we love to take her classes.
A. common B. meaningless C. serious D. lively
( )35. ---How do you like Mary
---Oh,she is_______a girl and popular with everyone in our class.
A. serious B.lively C. strange D. silly
( )36. The work is so difficult that we can't _______ it in such a short time. We still need one more week to finish it.
A. start B.accept C.polish D.complete
( )37. _______the rule, students shouldn’t bring their mobiles to school.
A. According to B. As for C. Instead of D. In front of
( )38. ---Could you please help me to look for my lost dog _____name is Gina.
A. It B. It's C. Its D.It
( )39. My father likes many sports, ________swimming and playing football.
A. according to B.such as C. for example D.in fact
( )40. How beautiful the world is ! It________snow and everything is white.
A. is covered with B. is put away
C. is turned into D. is picked up
Ⅴ. 完形填空(2018 · 山东潍坊)(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smart phones are __41__.
But you're not in China--- you're in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see __42__ things in many other cities. Chinese products have been ___43__worldwide. Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time. To __44___ local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the ____45___ .Unlike the Chinese, Australian people don't like to eat meat with the bone ___46___, so Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones,___47____ for fish.
Some Chinese brands(品牌)are also becoming more___48___.In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. And more than half of US-owned drones(无人机)are Chinese models. They're not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the ___49____.
In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed greatly.“Made in China" becomes cool. More and more people __50__ Chinese brands.
( )41. A.for fun B.at work C. on sale D.in use
( )42. A.similar B.different C.common D.unusual
( )43. A. stored B.collected C.received D.accepted
( )44. A.meet B.copy C. spread D.answer
( )45. A.kitchens B.drinks C. dishes D.services
( )46. A.up B.out C. yet D.still
( )47. A.just B. even C.on D.in
( )48. A. traditional B. expensive C. practical D. popular
( )49. A. country B. circle C. field D. town
( )50. A. sell B. trust C. improve D. question
第三部分 阅读理解 (共两大题,满分 45 分)
Ⅵ. 补全对话(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 5 分)
根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为 多余选项。
A: Jenny, do you love handmade things
B: Yeah. I've got many handcrafts (手工艺品).
B: My favorite one is my bamboo handbag.
A: Where did you buy it
B:(52) ____________________________You know there were some people making bamboo handcrafts by the roadside.
B: Yes. They are made out of strips of bamboo(竹条)
B: At least one hour.
B: Yes. It always reminds me of the peaceful and quiet countryside.
A. Where is it made B. Which one do you like best C. My brother bought it for me. D. Are they made of 100% bamboo E. I bought it on a trip to the countryside. F. Is your bamboo handbag special for you G. How long did it take to make a bamboo handbag
Ⅶ. 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所 给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出 一个最佳选项。
This is a list of some Chinese tea.
Green tea Green tea is the oldest and most popular type of tea. It has been enjoyed in China for several thousand years. Green tea is made from the new shoots(新芽) of the tea leaves which are dried and processed. Longjing may be the most well-known brand of green tea.
Black tea In Chinese and languages of neighboring countries,black tea is Black tea known as” red tea". It is made from the new shoots of the tea leaves which are fermented( 发 酵) and dried. It has a lovely red color. Dianhong and Qimen are popular brands of black tea.
Oolong tea Oolong tea,also known as blue tea, is made from a mixture of Oolong green and black tea. It is said that people who drink oolong tea can lose weight. Tieguanyin and Dahongpao are two famous brands of this popular tea.
White tea White tea is unfermented tea that has been quickly dried. It is lighter in color than other types of tea. Popular brands of white tea are White Peony and Silver Needle.
( )56. What kind of tea has the longest history according to the passage
A. Black tea. B. White tea. C. Oolong tea. D. Green tea.
( )57. What kind of tea is also called "red tea”
A. Black tea. B. White tea. C.Oolong tea. D. Green tea.
( )58. Which of the following is NOT true
A. Black tea is a kind of unfermented tea.
B. Oolong tea can help those who want to lose weight.
C. Longjing is a famous brand of green tea.
D. The color of the white tea is lighter than other kinds of tea.
Embroidery( 刺 绣 )is an important art in Chinese culture. In the past, people embroider on handkerchiefs( 手 绢),bed cover, tablecloths and dresses. Girls would embroider on a sachet(香囊) as a gift for their lovers.
The oldest embroidered products in China on record date from the Shang Dynasty. At that time it was a symbol of social status( 地 位 ). As the national economy developed,embroidery entered the lives of the common people. The most famous embroidery styles are Su embroidery from Suzhou, Shu embroidery from Sichuan, Xiang embroidery from Hunan, and Yue embroidery from Guangdong.
Su embroidery is the oldest of the four. It dates back to the Han Dynasty(206 BC~220 AD). It is known for its smooth needle work(针线活) and beautiful colors. People sold it to other countries through the South Silk Road. It used to be a fashion item(物件) in ancient Rome. In the Qing Dynasty, Su embroidery experienced further developments including works of double-sided(双面的) embroidering.
Embroidery takes time and patience. It might take as long as a whole day to finish just 10 cm of embroidery. By the 1970, Sichuan had as many as 5,000 embroiderers. But since modern machines can make cheaper embroidery products today, fewer people buy handmade Shu embroidery products. ________To protect the skill, Shu embroidery was added to China's intangible cultural heritage list(非物质文化遗产名 录) in 2006.
( )59. When did Su embroidery come out
A. In the Shang Dynasty. B. In the Han Dynasty.
C. In the Qing Dynasty. D. At present.
( )60. How can we know Su embroidery was popular in other countries
A. People in ancient Rome regarded it as a fashion item.
B. It was used to symbolize as social status.
C. Girls would embroider on a sachet as a gift for their lovers.
D. It entered the lives of the common people.
( )61.What does the underlined word “it” refer to(指的是)
A. To practice double-sided embroidery.Y
B. To finish only a little embroidery.
C. To sell embroidery to other countries through the South Silk Road.
D. To develop the skills of embroidery.
( )62. Which of the following can be put back into the blank in the last paragraph
A. You're sure to find other embroidery styles in different areas around.
B. People liked to wear clothes which have embroidery.
C. A large number of great embroidery works draw the attention from all over the world.
D. There are also very few young embroiderers,so the skill is in danger of dying out.
Do you know that in some parts of t the world, people build temporary(临时的) hotels made of snow and blocks of ice These are known as ice hotels.
Unlike usual hotels, all the rooms in the ice hotels are made of ice. In some ice
hotels,even the glasses for drinks are made of ice blocks. So they only serve cold drinks. Also, hot food is not served in the ice hotels, but guests can eat hot food at places nearby.
To keep warm,guests sleep in comfortable sleeping bags on ice blocks that are covered by mattresses(床垫) and reindeer (驯鹿) skins.
There are some places in the ice hotels that are heated, such as the bathrooms. This is because,even though it is not as cold in the ice hotels as it is outdoors, indoor temperatures are still very low.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the ice hotels is that they are rebuilt every year. They can be used only during the winter months. The ice hotels melt(融化) away when spring arrives. The ice blocks used to build these hotels are from nearby
rivers. So,when the ice hotels melt away, they melt back into the rivers. ( )63. According to the passage,what are ice hotels
A. They are found everywhere.
B. They do business in summer.
C. They are made of glass.
D. They are made of snow and ice.
( )64. Why are bathrooms heated in the ice hotels
A. Guests want to eat in them.
B. Indoor temperatures are very ow.
C. Guests ask the hotels to do that.
D. It is as cold indoors as it is outdoors.
( )65. What happens to the ice hotels i n spring
A. They melt away.
B. They are rebuilt.
C. They are repaired.
D. They need more ice.
In 2017, when the high speed train-Fuxing, left Beijing for Shanghai at a speed of 350 km/h, it amazed the world. It is China's newest high speed train and also the fastest train in the world.
There were 2,959 high-speed trains running across China by 2016. They make up 60 percent of the world's total high-speed trains. Chinese companies have also built more than 10 high-speed railways in Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. And the high-speed train has become a new name card for China. Besides the high-speed trains, many other innovations have also changed people's lives in China.
For example, though bike sharing is not new itself, China has made it much more convenient and popular. When the Chinese bike sharing companies reached Singapore and Britain months ago, users were excited and couldn't wait to post photos of themselves riding the bikes on social media(媒体).
Cashless payment has become a lifestyle choice in China. It is common that people in China go shopping with no cash( 现金)in pockets. Many people just pay with their mobile phones by scanning a quick response code(QR, 二 维码)from the
seller. Even a person selling vegetables has a QR code.
Many foreigners have experienced lives without carrying any cash in China. They say they can't do it when they are back home in Europe.
China is now in a great time. It has made great achievements in innovation. They are true pictures of national strength. It seems that China is really leading in some ways. Chinese people have every reason to believe in an even brighter future. ( )66. What does the underlined word "innovations” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.改善 B.创新 C.修订 D.重建
( )67. What can't the foreigners do when they're back home in Europe
A. Ride the sharing bike. B. Pay for goods by phones. C.Buy things without carrying cash. D. Take the high-speed train.
( )68. How many examples are mentioned(提及) to show China's achievements in innovation according to the passage
A. One. B.Two. C. Three. D. Four.
Chinese buyers used to prefer foreign brands, thinking that products made by American or European companies are of higher quality( 质量)than Chinese ones.In fact, that's no longer the case.
“Chinese people born before 1985 generally think that foreign brands are better than Chinese ones", billionaire(亿万富翁)William Li told Business Insider during a recent interview on CCTV-9. "But for who were born after 1985, it is a different picture.”
The change in thinking among Chinese buyers is now showing up in many markets in China where Western companies used to control. A study by Credit Suisse published in March found that young Chinese buyers are gradually showing a home brand bias(偏爱).
More than 90% of young Chinese buyers would prefer to buy home appliance(家 用 电 器 ) brands, according to the study. Meanwhile, home companies producing food,drinks,or personal care products increased their share( 份 额 )of the market by 3.3% over the last ten years to nearly 70%.
“Chinese buyers, especially the younger ones, don't just believe that foreign brands are better. Right now,Chinese buyers think China is good and 'Made in China' is not bad at all," Charlie Chen, head of China buyer research at Credit Suisse,told South China Morning Post in March.
The Chinese smartphone market is controlled by home companies--Huawei, Oppo,Vivo,and Xiaomi. Apple is the only foreign brand in the top five, but it has lost large ground to the home brands in recent years. Its market share is believed to be down to 37% from a 2015 high of 54%.
( )69. Which fact best explains "home brand bias"
A. Apple had a market share 8f 54% in 2015.
B. More than 90% of young Chinese buyers prefer home brands.
C. Chinese people born before- 1985 think that foreign brands are better.
D. William Li found a big difference between China and Europe in 1997.
( )70 What can we learn from the passage
A. More and more foreigners go to buy Chinese products.
B. Foreign products are more expensive than Chinese ones.
C. More and more Chinese buyers prefer Chinese products.
D. Older Chinese people don't like foreign products any more
( )71. Who did most of the research for this report
A. Credit Suisse. B.CCTW-9.
C. South China Morning Post. D.Business Insider.
( )72. What's the best title for this passage
A. Chinese Products Get More Popular at Home
B. Young Chinese Are Crazy for Foreign Brands
C. “Made in China" Is Welcomed AM over the World
D. Apple has Lost Large Ground to Huawei in China
阅读下面短文, 并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。
Next time you're in Sweden, you can enjoy a kind of beer made from wastewater. The beer is called PU:REST.
Water treatment experts at the Swedish Environmental Research Institute(研究所) promise that the water has been treated and that the recycled water is as pure and safe as our drinking water.
“The main purpose of the project is to raise people's awareness( 意 识 )of the global water problems," says Filipsson, project manager at IVL.
Water protection has become a very important problem in Sweden as parts of the country are short of fresh water.
Beer requires lots of water to be produced. If you make one liter(公升)of beer, you need between 60 and 180 liters of water. So experts say we must dare to think differently if we want to take care of water.
IVL has been working for years to master( 掌 握 )the technology to recycle wastewater into safe drinking water. The new method could be a solution to the world's problem of clean water shortage(短缺).
Do you dare to drink such a beer made from wastewater
73. What's the difference between PU:REST and ordinary beer (不超过 5 个词)
74. What is the main purpose of IVL (不超过 10 个词)
75. How does the writer like the technology to recycle wastewater into clean water (不超过 15 个词)
第四部分 写 (共两大题, 满分 25 分)
Ⅷ. 单词拼写 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
1. September is coming and the __________ (树叶) are starting to fall.
2. The Internet is ____________ (广泛地) used around the world.
3. An Xi and Hangzhou ________ ________ ______ its tea (以...... 闻名) .
4. ___________(手套) are used for keeping hands warm.
5. The smart phones are ___________(制造) by China and they are becoming more and more popular.
Ⅸ. 书面表达 (共 1 小题;满分 20 分)
X.书面表达(共 1 小题;满分 20 分)
假如你是李华, 来自于景德镇。下午有一个来自美国的游学√要来你校参观访 问, 行程安排中有一项是座谈活动,你将作为代表向他们介绍你们家乡的特色 产品--景德镇瓷器(porcelain)。请你根据下面的信息结构图写一篇短文, 为此次发
产地: 景德镇
历史: 1800 多年
材料: 一种特殊的黏土
用途: 用来装(contain)东西;供人观赏
意义: 中国传统文化的象征
要求:1. 内容须包括图中的要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
2. 语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;
3. 词数 80~ 100, 发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。
Hello, everyone. I'm Li Hua.Today I'd like to introduce my hometown's special product - porcelain to you.
If you are interested in it, you can buy some to take home as gifts for you family and friends.
Li Hua
(二) 参考答案
第一部分 听力
Ⅰ . 1-5 CBCAA Ⅱ . 6- 10 CBABC 11- 15 CBBAC
Ⅲ . 16.ten/ 10 17. Monday 18.bridge 19.free 20.gloves
第二部分 英语知识运用
Ⅳ. 单项填空
21-25 BBACB 26-30 DABCB 31-35 BCBDB 36-40 DACBA
Ⅴ. 完形填空
41-45 CADAC 46-50 DBDAB
第三部分 阅读理解
Ⅵ. 补全对话 51-55 BEDGF
Ⅶ. 阅读理解
56-58 DAA 59-62 BABD 63-65 DBA 66-68 BCC 69-72 BCAA
73. PU:REST is made from waste water.
74. To raise people's awareness of the global water problems.
75. It could be a solution to the world's problem of clean water shortage.
第四部分 写
Ⅷ. 单词拼写
1.leaves 2. widely 3.are known/famous for 4. Gloves 5.made
Ⅸ. 书面表达 One possible version:
Hello, everyone.I'm Li Hua. Today I'd like to introduce my hometown's special product -porcelain to you.
My hometown Jingdezhen is well-known as the capital of porcelain. Its porcelain has been around for over 1,800 years. It is made from a special kind of clay. It's fired at a very high heat. There are all kinds of porcelain in my hometown. The most famous one is the blue and white porcelain. The colors and pictures on it make it lively and beautiful. Porcelain is used for containing my things and also for enjoyment. It is a symbol of for traditional Chinese culture and is loved by people both at home and abroad.
If you are interested in it, you can buy some to take home as gifts for your family and friends.
你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三 个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
听下面一段对话,回答第 1 至 2 小题。
W: Have you visited the new library yet, Nick
M: No,I haven't,Lily !Have you
W: Yes, it opened the day before yesterday when I was at my grandparents' house. My uncle was there too.He told us all about it. So my cousin and I went there together.
M: What was it like
W:The building didn't look very modern or huge, but it was not dark inside like the old one.
听下面一段对话,回答第 3 至 5 小题。
W:Morning! This is the Central Art Museum.How can I help you
M: Morning! I'm phoning to ask whether there is an art show about paper cutting this Tuesday.
W: Yes,the show is from Tuesday to Friday.
M: Good. Thank you. What is at the art museum next week
W: Next week there's a special show of paintings by a local artist, John,on the subject of“Tea from China” .
M: Oh,he is quite well-known now.
W:Yes. We hope this show will be even more popular than his last one on“Butterflies in the Wild". Nex t week we will also have a small show of children's paintings about flowers.
你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。
My name is Dan. I started learning to make clothes three years ago,because I thought that men' s clothes in shops were so boring. The ones you could buy in my town were always brown or black but I liked bright colors such as yellow and orange. The first thing I made for myself was a scarf. It took me half a year. After that I started to make more difficult things for others like a blouse f and shorts. Once I made a mistake when I was making jeans and the legs were too long. I had to change them a few times. I can work faster now,but it still takes me about a month to finish a big thing like a jacket.Now I'm making silk dresses for my wife and daughter. I think they need them for summer. I'm also making a shirt for my sister because she needs one for the interview.
你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。
Cindy and Tony, a young couple from England, spent most of their money building a special house. The house is not made of wood, but made of balloons. Is that amazing It took the couple six weeks to build such an interesting house with 20,000 balloons. The house is colorful and beautiful, so it is welcomed by lots of children. There are forests, schools and parks in the house, and all of them are made of balloons. The ticket for the house is 3 pounds. Each weekend, 1,000 tickets can be sold out. In order to make children happy, the couple also prepare some toys and magic shows for them.
你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅 填一词。短文读两遍。
Now for some news about a summer holiday activity club called Let's Do It! This is a club for kids between the ages of ten and seventeen. So if you're feeling bored and you'd like to be busier this summer, think about going along. This isn't a weekend club. It meets every Monday during the holidays. That's in the afternoon and members will take part in all kinds of fun activities. Next week, you'll learn something about being an engineer because you'll be put into teams and learn to build a bridge! You don't need to pay for the activity and the only thing you need to bring is a pair of gloves! Sounds interesting Call us to find out more. Our phone number is five-three-double six-two-one.
梅德明先生曾说过,教材不是学生的全部世界,世界才是学生的全部教材, 作业应该与世界挂钩,与生活挂钩,把学科逻辑转变为生活逻辑,举一反三,让 学生终身收益。学生不是信息硬盘,而是思想芯片,最重要的是知其道,掌握活 性知识,激发创造力。本次作业设计,基于核心素养,引导学生学科素养转化为 创造力,力争实现全面育人的目标。
在日常教学过程中,我也一直基于核心素养,秉行着学科育人的目标导向。 记得在本单元 Section B 2a-2b 的课堂教学中,我采访了一些学生 Which art form do you think is the most interesting 有个男生回答说:“I like paper cutting. ”我继 续问道 Why 他答: “Because it is beautiful. ”,我感到异常兴奋,立刻表扬了 这个学生,因为他点明了本文的标题---Beauty in common things 与本文主旨---发 现生活中普通物件的美乃至道出编者的意图---对中国优秀传统文化的美之欣赏, 于是我课下就布置了剪纸作业,让学生去体验感知 beauty in common things.
在这次作业设计中,首先,感谢国家互联网信息技术的发展,让我在基层乡 镇学校,也能够获得学习提升自己的机会。通过互联网媒介,我有幸聆听了一些 专家讲座,受益满满;同时,感谢我的学生们,我们一起上好每一堂课,完成好 每一次作业,我们一起努力成长着。其次,感谢我的朋友谢敏,同事陈洪梅等, 在我思想凌乱时,帮助我走出思维困顿。当今世界,科技进步日新月异,网络新 媒体迅速普及,人们生活、学习、工作方式不断改变,儿童青少年成长环境深刻 变化,义务教育阶段英语课程作业设计也应与时俱进,乘着“双减”政策的东风, 聚焦学生发展核心素养,培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人。希望在信息技术时 代,学生们也能够学会利用互联网资源,做到人人皆学,时时能学,处处可学; 最后,祝愿我们国家“双减”政策能够早日实现全面育人的目标。