基本信息 学科 年级 学期 教材版本
英语 九年级 第二学期 人教版新目标
单元名称 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
单元 组织方式 自然单元 重组单元□
课时信息 序号 课时名称 教学内容 课型
1 Section A ( 1a-2d) What are products made of and Where were they made 听说
2 Section A (3a-4c) The Difficult Search for American Products in the US & Grammar Focus 阅读 语法
3 Section B ( 1a- 1e) The international kite festival 听说
4 Section B (2a-2e) Beauty in Common Things 阅读
5 Section B (3a-3b) & SelfCheck Write a passage about a product. 写作
(一) 课标要求 本单元话题为讨论物品的质地和产地,主要围绕中国传统文化元素展 开,让学生能够感知并能够正确就产品的制作材料、产地等进行简单的交 流。通过学习,学生需要了解中国传统工艺品制造过程并从中感知一般现 在时的被动语态,学会熟练、正确地使用被动语态去描述物品的制造过程。 根据 英语课程标准 要求,从语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略 和文化意识等方面对本单元的课程内容进行分析。 1.语言技能:能够听懂关于产品制作材料和产地的简短对话;能用英 语进行关于产品制作材料和产地的问答;能正确地运用本单元所学的被动 语态,去描述物品的质地、产地及制造过程,从而达到学以致用的目的。 2.语言知识:学习问答产品制作时所涉及到的“silver, glass, cotton, steel ”等材料名词和“be made of, be made in, be made by”等短语;通过 讨论产品用什么制造、在哪里制造,学习和操练一般现在时的被动语态的
重要句型, 如“Are your shirts made of cotton Yes, they are. And they were made in the US. ”“What’s the model plane made of It’s made of used wood and glass. ”“How is tea produced Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. ”学生能正确使用一般现在时的被动语态的结构:am/is/are+及 物动词过去分词。 3. 情感态度:通过对目标语言等知识的学习,学生能阅读相关材料 了解中国制造的形势,谈论中国制造的长处和短处,从而培养学生的民族 自豪感和辩证看待事物的观点,了解中国制造应该努力的方向。 4.学习策略:通过一般现在时的被动语态的学习和练习,从对话中听 取相关信息;并能够通过归类的方法学习和掌握一般现在时被动语态的句 型结构;了解常见的文章结构特点--先总体介绍,后细节描述;在情境中 运用一般现在时的被动语态来谈论中国的传统艺术的制作。 5.文化意识:了解中国的传统文化元素,提升文化自信;了解当今世 界制造业的格局,看到中国在世界经济竞争中的优势和短处,使学生树立 科学的跨文化交际的观念。
(二) 教材分析 1. 单元内容分析 本单元的话题是谈论日常生活用品用什么原材料制造,以及出产地是 什么地方,要求学生学习并掌握一些日常生活用品的名称和制造该用品所 需原材料的基本词汇,在语言学习训练中接触并学习被动语态,同时在语 言学习中渗透对资源的再生利用和环保教育,培养学生的人文情怀。 Section A 部分教学重点是被动语态的结构和用法,教学难点是理解被动 语态的功能和意义,不规则动词的过去分词也是另一难点。Section B 在 Section A 的基础上进一步巩固和加深了本单元的话题内容 (Things made in China) ——重点介绍中国传统文化中具有代表性的风筝、孔明灯、剪 纸和泥塑等,通过介绍传统的中国文化元素,了解与中国传统文化艺术有 关的风俗习惯和文化背景,同时引导学生用英语正确表达中国的传统艺术 和相关名称,进一步巩固本单元目标语言结构——被动语态。在 Section B 的教学中,如何逐步培养学生运用所学的词汇和被动语态简单介绍某一东
西的特点,如制造材料、产地、用途或象征意义,这是本部分教学重点。 被动语态的用法和功能是教学难点。 2. 课时内容分析 本单元一共分为 5 课时完成。这五个课时的教学内容是相辅相成、紧 密相连的。由词汇到句型,由语法到语篇,由大量的语言输入再到语言输 出,学生逐步地掌握了本单元的学习内容。在循序渐进的过程中,学生也 在不断提高他们综合运用语言的能力。 第一课时:Section A (1a-2d) 1. 学习并掌握日常生活用品和制造该用品所需原材料的基本词汇; 2. 理解被动语态的功能和意义,感知和认识一般现在时态下的被动 语态的结构和用法; 3. 通过阅读,了解中国茶叶的种植和生产过程; 第二课时:Section A (3a-4c) 1.阅读短文,了解中国制造业在国际经济竞争中的影响力,并看到自 身的不足之处; 2. 熟练掌握一般现在时的被动语态,并能正确运用。 第三课时:Section B (1a-1e) 1. 了解风筝的制作材料有哪些,并掌握相关单词; 2. 通过听力材料,锻炼听力水平。 第四课时:Section B (2a-2e) 1. 理解并运用所学词汇简单介绍传统艺术的制作材料、用途和象征 意义等; 2. 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生的综合阅读能力。 第五课时:Section B (3a-3b) & Self Check 1. 能灵活运用一般现在时的被动语态; 2. 学会写一篇介绍中国传统手工艺的文章。
(三) 学情分析 九年级的学生掌握了一定的英语语言知识基础,视野也变得更加开阔。 他们对本单元所涉及的传统艺术较为熟悉,对于这些传统艺术的制作材料 以及用途也不陌生。可以引导学生使用目标句型即一般现在时的被动语态 来围绕这一话题展开讨论。本单元可以拓展学生的知识面和提升民族自豪 感,对学生跨文化交际中所需的文化敏感也有潜移默化的作用。
单元学习目标 课时 课时学习目标
1.能够用英语 询问及描述物 品 的 制 作 材 料; 2.正确理解被 动语态的用法 及句子结构; 3.通过了解一 些日常用品的 制作材料,增 加生活常识; 4.学习一些地 方知名产品或 传统艺术品的 制作材料以及 制作过程,并 能用目标语言 进行介绍,提 升民族自豪感 及文化自信。 第一课时 1.学生能正确使用下列词汇和短语:chopsticks, coin, fork, blouse, silver, glass, cotton, steel, fair, grass, leaf, produce, widely, process, be known for 等 ; 能 认 读 下 列 词 汇 : environmental, brand, pack; 2.学生能正确使用 be made of /be made in 来讨论产品用什 么制造,在哪儿制造: It’s made of used wood and glass. It’s made in China. 3. 学生初识一般现在时的被动语态,并尝试运用一般现在 时的被动语态描述茶叶的生产过程。
第二课时 通过归纳总结,系统全面学习一般现在时的被动语态的用 法,包括陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及问答,掌握 被动语态的结构及表意功能。
第三课时 1.学生能正确掌握以下词汇的用法:competitor , international ,make a kite ,fly a kite ,know more about , different kinds of,how to 等等; 2.学生能听懂关于潍坊风筝节的信息,并顺利完成 1b 、1c 和 1d 的任务; 3.学生进一步理解和运用一般现在时的被动语态。
第四课时 1.通过阅读,提高自己概括、找主题句和搜索细节信息的 能力; 2.通过阅读,了解孔明灯、剪纸和陶艺三种传统艺术形式 并能作简单介绍; 3.通过对我国传统艺术品的了解,培养爱国主义情怀。
第五课时 学生学会运用所学词汇和被动语态来介绍某一个物品的特 点,如制造材料、产地、用途或象征意义等。
单元作业目标 课时 课时作业目标
1. 掌 握 本 单 元重点词汇和 短语的用法, 能区别词汇的 词性,可以在 具体语境中学 习 和 使 用 词 汇; 2. 通 过 语 法 练习,帮助学 生理解和巩固 一般现在时的 被动语态的结 构和用法; 3. 检 验 学 生 英语基础知识 的掌握情况以 及综合运用语 言的能力,帮 助学生们形成 阅读策略,提 高他们的阅读 能力; 4. 鼓 励 学 生 们运用所学知 识解决实际问 题,达到学以 致用的目的。 第一课时 1.掌握本课时重点词汇和短语的用法,能区别这些词汇的 词性并熟知其固定搭配,可以在具体语境中学习和使用词 汇; 2.理解并运用一般现在时的被动语态描述茶叶的生产过 程。
第二课时 1.通过梯度的作业设计,帮助学生了解一般现在时的被动 语态的构成、表意功能,使其掌握和巩固一般现在时的被 动语态的相关知识。 2.作为中考的重点和难点,学生能够争取运用被动语态描 述物品的质地、产地等,从而达到学以致用的目的。
第三课时 1.提高学生用英语进行情景交际的能力,将所学语言知识 用于实际生活。 2.能够熟练掌握新词和常用短语的使用,以及加强对一般 现在时的被动语态的理解和运用。 3.加深学生对中国传统文化的认识,为写作作业提供素材。
第四课时 1.学生自测自己英语基础知识的掌握情况以及综合运用语 言的能力。 2.培养学生的细节获取、主旨理解和推理判断等能力, 帮助学生形成阅读策略,提高他们的阅读技能; 3.学生在阅读的过程中感受中国文化元素的魅力,增强他 们的文化自信,激发民族自豪感。
第五课时 1. 使学生能运用被动语态表述风筝的制作过程并感受中 国传统工艺的美。 2. 通过写作训练,促成学生们写作思维的构建和写作技能 的提升。
1.单元作业整体设计思路 根据新课程标准和“双减”政策的相关规定,同时结合学生们的实际情况,通过整合 网络教育资源和教师的原创,共设计了五个课时的作业内容。 各课时的作业内容是基于课本的合理延伸,每课时的作业在内容设计上是融会贯通 的,体现了知识的建构过程和整体性。 作业题型有常见的中考题型,如单选题、单词拼写、完形填空、阅读理解和写作等。 每课时的作业量要保证学生控制在 15 分钟内完成,让学生能有充足的休息时间。 作业的设计体现了梯度性,作业 1 比作业 2 相对简单,学生可根据自身能力进行选择, 作业的设计要满足不同学生的学习需要,力争让每一个学生都能学有所获。 2.单元作业实施思路 每课时作业将会印制成纸质版,在每课时教学任务完成后下发给学生。 作业评价主要采用教师批阅、学生自纠和同伴互评的方式进行。针对作业中错误率比 较高的题目,教师重点讲解。对于基础薄弱、接受能力较差的学生,还可以采取单独辅导 的方式。
第一课时 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section A (1a-2d)
作业 1 1.作业内容 ①短语互译 由...制成 (看得出原材料) 由...制成 (看不出原材料) 在...地方生产/制造 以...而闻名 据某人所知 手 工 采 摘 被 生 产 the art and science fair environmental protection
答案解析: be made of; be made from; be made in; be known/famous for; as far as sb. knows (由 as far as I know 拓展而来); be picked by hand; be produced; 科学艺术展览会;环境保护。 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 说 □读 □看 写
认知水平 记忆 □理解 □应用 □分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 翻译 □填空 □单选 □对话 □阅读 □写作
时间要求 2 分钟
评价设计 □教师评价 学生自评 同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 短语过关为基础题,主要检测学生对第一课时短语的掌握。前 7 个短语为汉译英,需要 学生记忆并巩固;后两个短语为英译汉,学生认读即可。 英汉短语互译,主要检测学生对本课时中重点短语的掌握和记忆。因为是第一课时单元 导入课,所以本题难度设置不大,确保全体学生都能完成自我检测,巩固第一课时所学习 的重点短语。 ②根据句意及首字母提示填写单词: 1.So many foreigners in China are learning to use c as a Chinese does. 2.It is w believed that the Chinese people understand the nature of tea best. 3.The blouse feels soft and comfortable. It’s made of c . 4.We are not used to eating with a knife and f . 5.Fallen l makes my hometown more beautiful in autumn than in any other season. 6.Tea is mainly p in the south of China. 答案解析: chopsticks (chopsticks 为可数名词); widely (It is widely believed that 人们广泛认为, widely 修饰动词 believe) cotton (cotton 为不可数名词) fork (a knife and fork 一副刀叉) leaves (leaf 可数名词, 复数需要变 f 为 ve, 再加 s ) produced (“被生产”,本题考查被动语态中动词的使用,需要使用动词的过去分词: be produced) 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 □说 □读 □看 写
认知水平 记忆 理解 □应用 分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 □翻译 填空 □单选 □对话 □阅读 □写作
时间要求 2 分钟
评价设计 教师评价 □学生自评 □同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 本题型是历年中考必考题型,灵活度大,需要学生灵活掌握单词的词性,并能在语句中 正确使用。这六个题目中考察了四个名词、一个副词和一个动词的用法。其中名词涉及到 名词的单数和复数,可数名词和不可数名词;动词涉及到人称,时态及语态等方面,需要 学生对词汇有较好的驾驭,并能在具体语境中正确使用。 根据句意及首字母填写单词这种题型在安徽省历年中考题中出现的频率较高,题目灵活 度较大,主要考查学生对词汇的驾驭度。故选取了第一课时中的四个名词、一个副词和一 个动词来检测学生对词汇的掌握情况,让学生在具体语境中学习和灵活使用词汇。学生要 了解单词的词性以及一些固定搭配,这些都需要学生在平时的学习中加强积累。 作业 2 1.作业内容 根据图片及括号里所给的单词提示,完成短文。 (
China is tea.Tea (produce)in many different places in China.For example, Anxi and Hangzhou (wide, know)for their tea. As far as we know,tea plants (grow)on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they (pick ) by hand and (send)for processing.Then the tea (pack) and (send) to many different countries and places around China. It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea. Because tea for both health and business. 答案解析: is famous for; is produced; is widely known; are grown; are picked; sent; is packed; sent; is good. 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 □说 □读 看 写
认知水平 □记忆 理解 应用 分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 □翻译 填空 □单选 □对话 □阅读 □写作
时间要求 5 分钟
评价设计 教师评价 □学生自评 同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 第一课时中 2d 对话介绍的是中国茶,此题在 2d 基础上进行拓展延伸,将课文的对话改 成短文,并在使用被动语态的地方设置空格,让学生补充全文,学生进行语言输出,再次 复习巩固被动语态的使用;同时也加深了学生对中国茶的认识,增强他们的文化认同感。 2d 对话话题是茶叶,呈现被动语态在日常交际场景中的真实应用。改动后的短文填空 题属于能力提升题,具有一定难度。被动语态是本单元的重点,也是难点,短文中设置的 填空除去第一空和最后一空,都是在考查被动语态的用法,帮助学生进一步巩固被动语态 的使用,让他们感知被动语态的用法和意义。本练习具有一定梯度,既考虑到整体,同时 也可以满足更高层次学生的能力提升,为本单元后面的学习做铺垫。
第二课时 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section A (3a-4c)
作业 1 1.作业内容 将下列句子由主动语态转变为被动语态。 ① We clean our class every day. ② My father plants many trees.③ Tom buys a blue watch.④ Teenagers invent many useful inventions.⑤ The boss makes Tom work 12 hours a day.
答案解析: ① Our classroom is cleaned by us every day. ② Many trees are planted by my father. ③ A blue watch is bought by Tom. ④ Many useful inventions are invented by teenagers. ⑤ Tom is made to work 12 hours a day by the boss. 2 作业属性:
语言技能 □听 说 □读 □看 写
认知水平 □记忆 理解 □应用 分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 翻译 □填空 □单选 □对话 □阅读 □写作
时间要求 3 分钟
评价设计 教师评价 □学生自评 同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 五个句型转换题,在设计上由易到难,前两题最为简单,全体学生皆可作答,而三四两 题中学生需要使用不规则动词的过去分词,提醒学生复习和巩固本部分知识,最后一题则 考查了使役动词的被动语态。 通过句型转换的形式考查学生对被动语态基本机构的掌握,本部分的设计难度较低,学 生在归纳总结基础上完成本部分,使他们树立学习的自信心,也为接下来的学习奠定基础。 作业 2 1.作业内容 单项选择。 ① The weatherman says a rain shower this afternoon in the south. A. expect B. expected C. is expected D. was expected ② I TV on Sunday. But on weekdays I can’t. A. am allowed watch B. am allowed watching C. am allowed to watch D. allow to watch ③ A baby’s first month birthday is a special event in China and with a special party. A. is celebrated B. was celebrated C. has been celebrated D. will be celebrated ④ If they to the party, they will be happy. A. are inviting B. inviting C. invited D. are invited ⑤ The boy is often in his room in the morning. A. hearing singing B. heard to sing C. heard sing D. heard to singing 答案解析: ①C ②C ③A ④D ⑤B 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 说 □读 □看 写
认知水平 □记忆 理解 □应用 分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 □翻译 □填空 单选 □对话 □阅读 □写作
时间要求 2 分钟
评价设计 教师评价 学生自评 □同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 前三题为经典再现,选自历年中考真题或者模拟题,旨在让生以经典题为例,了解其考 查点,后两题为拓展提升,第四题中生需要注意在条件状语从句中,主将从现,最后一题 考查感官动词的被动语态。 被动语态在安徽省中考中 10 年 7 考且都是出现单项选择题中,因此本部分是设计意义 重大,经典再现部分,学生通过做题感受中考;同时了解其出题的考查如不同时态的被动 语态形式等。拓展提升部分,是对课本知识的补充,以满足更高层次学生的需要。
第三课时 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B (1a-1e)
作业 1 1.作业内容 补全对话。 A: Hello, Li Ming! __ 1 B: I went to an International Kite Festival. A: That sounds interesting.___2_ B: I saw many different kinds of kites at the festival. A: You are so lucky.__3___ B: They were made of bamboo and cloth. And some were painted with different colors. A: 4 __ ___ B: No, I can't. But I want to learn to make it.__5___ A: I can't, either. You can ask Mr. Zhang for help. Maybe he can make it. B: Good idea! A .What's it made of B .Where did you go on vacation C .What about you D .What did you see there E. Can you make the kite F. I want to buy a kite. G. What were they made of
答案解析: 1.B 2.D 3. G 4.E 5.C 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 说 □读 □看 □写
认知水平 □记忆 理解 应用 分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 □翻译 □填空 □单选 对话 □阅读 □写作
时间要求 3 分钟
评价设计 □教师评价 学生自评 同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 补全对话也是常见的英语题型之一,相对简单。它以对话的形式出现,通过设置语言情 景,把语言知识升华到语言技能,旨在通过书面形式考查学生熟练、灵活运用英语口语的 能力。做补全对话题,学生要先通读对话,知道对话的大意,然后根据上下文意思选择合 适的语句补全对话。 通过补全对话练习,一方面可以提高学生灵活运用英语语言进行情景交际的能力;对话 内容是以课本的听力材料改编的,化繁为简,另一方面再次加深了学生对于山东潍坊这个
城市的认识以及风筝制作过程的了解。本课时起着承上启下的过渡作用,作业的设置也应 达到相同效果。风筝是中国民间的传统工艺品之一,对后面的阅读学习起着导向作用,也 为后面的写作练习做好铺垫。 作业 2 1.作业内容 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.他去潍坊度假了。 He has gone to Weifang . 2.潍坊因风筝而著名。 The city kites. 3.Laura 想知道更多关于风筝节的事情。 Laura wants to more the kite festival. 4. 国际风筝节在每年的四月份被举行。 The festival in April every year. 5.你可以在风筝节期间看到许多不同种类的风筝。 You can see many kites at the kite festival. 6.风筝节上的竞赛者来自世界各地。 The at the festival are from . 7.Laura 想要学习怎样放风筝。 Laura wants to learn a kite. 答案解析: 1.on vacation 2. is famous for 3.know about 4. international is held 5. different kinds of 6. competitors all over the world 7. how to fly 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 说 □读 □看 写
认知水平 记忆 □理解 应用 分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 □翻译 填空 □单选 □对话 □阅读 写作
时间要求 3 分钟
评价设计 教师评价 学生自评 □同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 此题实际是在让学生翻译课本上的句子,进一步考查学生的生词和短语掌握情况,以及 对于一般现在时被动语态的使用熟练程度。通过完成句子来检验他们的知识水平,也是在 为后一课时的写作训练做好铺垫。 本课时内容是围绕山东潍坊这座“风筝之都”以及它的国际风筝节的背景展开的,所以 相关作业内容也是围绕此主题设置的,其目的是让学生更好得熟悉课本内容,更加熟练地 掌握新词和常见短语的使用,进一步掌握一般现在时被动语态的结构和用法,也是在为后 一课时的写作训练甚至后两个单元的学习做好铺垫。
第四课时 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B (2a-2e)
作业 1 1.作业内容 完形填空。 How do you 1 cool during summer Air conditioners or electric fans are good tools in modern society. But 2 that, people could only use fans. Over 3,000 years ago, fans began to be used. They were made 3 feathers (羽毛) , bamboo or silk. They came in different 4 , including round and square. Later, with the invention of paper, folding (可折叠的) paper fans became popular during the Song Dynasty. There are usually beautiful 5 on fans. Some are landscapes (风景) . Others are flowers and animals. Moreover, many great people including Su Dongpo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, and Tang Yin, a scholar(学者)and painter of the Ming Dynasty, once painted their masterpieces ( 杰 作 ) on fans. This made fans not only 6 tools in daily life 7 great artworks. So, with 8 value of beauty, people take fans as a symbol of status (地位) . That’s why in old China, emperors and scholars often held fans. Today, fans are also great collections and gifts. On the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, folding fans were 9 to leaders and officials (官 员 ) of other countries. While they were 10 fans to get cool, they were also experiencing Chinese culture.
( ) 1.A. like ( ) 2.A. before ( ) 3.A. with ( ) 4.A. colors ( ) 5.A. plants ( ) 6.A. useful ( ) 7.A. and ( ) 8.A. it’s ( ) 9.A. bought ( ) 10.A. holding B. stop B. after B. in B. sizes B. pictures B. beautiful B. either B. it B. posted B. waving C. make C. from C. from C. shapes C. persons C. careful C. but also C. itself C. given C. playing D. keep D. in D. of D. kinds D. animals D. silent D. also D. its D. received D. taking
答案解析: 1.D 句意:夏天你怎么保持凉爽呢?A.like 喜欢;B.stop 停止;C.make 制作;D.keep 保持。故选 D。 2.A 句意:但在那之前,人们只能使用风扇。A.before 在 … …之前;B.after 在 … … 之后;C.from 来自 … … ;D.in 在 … … 里。 由常识可知,在空调和电扇出现之前,人们只 能用扇子。故选 A
3.D 句意:它们是由羽毛、竹子或丝绸制成的。A.with 用,和 … …一起;B.in 在 … … 里;C.from 来自 … …;D.of… … 的。be made of 由 … …制成 (看出原材料) ;be made from 由 … …制成 (看不出原材料) 。这里表示从扇子的表面能够看出是由羽毛、竹子或丝绸制 成的。故选 D。 4.C 句意:它们形状各异,有圆形的,也有方形的。A.colors 颜色;B.sizes 尺寸, 大小;C.shapes 形状;D.kinds 种类。由句中“including round and square”可知,尺寸是指 扇 子的形状。故选 C。 5.B 句意:扇子上通常有漂亮的图片。A.plants 植物;B.pictures 图片;C.persons 人;D.animals 动物。根据后面句子“Some are landscapes (风景) . Others are flowers and animals...”可知,此处是指扇子上面有各种漂亮的图片。故选 B。 6.A 句意:这使扇子不仅成为日常生活中有用的工具,而且成为伟大的艺术品。 A.useful 有用的;B.beautiful 漂亮的;C.careful 小心的;D.silent 沉默的。由句中“tools in daily life”可知,尺寸是指扇子是日常生活中有用的工具。故选 A。 7.C 句意同上。A.and 和;B.either 两者之一;C.but also 而且;D.also 也。not only...but also 固定短语,意思是“不但 … …而且 … …” 。此处表示扇子不仅是有用的工具,而且还是 伟大的艺术品。故选 C。 8.D 句意:因此,由于扇子具有美得价值,人们把扇子作为地位的象征。A.it's 它 是;B.it 它;C.itself 它自己;D.its 它的。根据空后面名词“value”可知,本空应该是形容 词性物主代词,表示“它的价值” 。故选 D。 9.C 句意:在 2008 年北京奥运会开幕式上,各国领导人和官员被赠送了折扇。 A.bought 买;B.posted 邮寄;C.given 给;D.received 收到。由国际交往关系的常识可知, 此处是指各国领导人和官员被赠送了折扇。故选 C。 10.B 句意:在挥舞扇子乘凉的同时,他们也在体验中国文化。A.holding 握着; B.waving 挥舞;C.playing 玩;D.taking 带走。 由句中“to get cool”可知,此处是指挥舞扇 子以变得凉爽。故选 B。 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 □说 读 □看 □写
认知水平 □记忆 理解 □应用 分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 □翻译 □填空 □单选 □对话 阅读 □写作
时间要求 8 分钟
评价设计 教师评价 □学生自评 □同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 本文主要讲述扇子的历史, 介绍了它的制作材料,外形,用处,以及艺术价值,扇子是 很好的收藏物品和礼物。扇子是我国众多的传统民间工艺品之一,通过此篇短文的阅读, 让学生能够认识更多除课本以外的民间艺术形式,深刻感悟“Beauty in Common Things” 。 这篇阅读材料是基于课本,拓展课外阅读的合理延伸。 扇子作为我们的日常生活用品,学生们非常熟悉,再结合插图,学生能很容易读懂这篇 短文内容,问题设计也较简单,满足了不同水平的学生的阅读需求,增强了他们的阅读自 信心。 完形填空题型让很多学生感到头疼。它的分值较高且难度最大,学生在考试中得分率普 遍较低。完形填空题是对学生英语语言知识与语言运用能力的一种检验,它能够较为准确
地检查学生的各项知识水平和综合运用语言知识的能力。它可以考查出学生阅读理解的能 力,也可以看出他们写作技能的高低。同时又能鉴定出在一定语境下学生对词汇,语法, 固定搭配与习惯表达的掌握情况。当然,由于做完形填空经常要借助上下文的内容进行推 理判断,完形填空也是对学生逻辑推理能力的考查。 作业 2 1.作业内容 阅读理解。 "Made in China" is having its moment now—and it's a fashionable one.The story of Chinese fashion began in 2011 when Feiyue and Huili, the two Chinese sports shoe brands, suddenly got international attention. Their products were seen all over the world. A famous Chinese sportswear brand Li Ning was at the New York Fashion Week in September, 2018. They showed their new designs—sweaters and jackets with Chinese characters. Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group, said that the latest Chinese brands no longer catch customers' eyes by low price. He told CNN, "They are sure that they can go head to head with foreign brands." Maybe it is because China's young people are now more confident about their own culture. Western culture doesn’t have the strong appeal to the young that it once had. "Today's young people in China are excited about Chinese cultural elements (元素)," Jin Qu, the manager of a clothing shopping website, said at a cultural festival in 2018."They like these elements printed on their clothes, even the brand picture of Laoganma in China, which was once seen as outside of fashion. But now young people are proud of these Chinese symbols." In fact, many stars in the West now are interested in Chinese cultural elements in fashion. Rihanna, a US singer, for example, wore a Chinese red dress to the 2015 Met Gala in New York. The dress was designed and made by Chinese designer Guo Pei. "We have to move from making to creating," Chinese-American designer Aric Chen once told The New York Times. "We want to replace the words ‘Made in China' with ‘Designed in China'." ( ) 1.The new designs of Li Ning Company in September, 2018 were ________. A.coats and scarves in Chinese red B.sweaters and jackets with English words C.coats and scarves with American symbols D.sweaters and jackets with Chinese characters ( ) 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage A.Chinese brands don’t catch customers' eyes by low price anymore. B.China's young people are satisfied with their own culture now. C.China's youth in the past liked Chinese cultural elements very much. D.The brand image of laoganma is popular with the young in China now. ( ) 3.What does the underlined word“appeal” mean in Chinese A.影响 B.吸引力 C.干扰 D.认同 ( ) 4. Why does the writer use the example of US singer Rihanna in paragraph 6 A.To show people in the west are fond of Chinese cultural elements. B.To prove Rihanna is a fashionable star.
C.To show many stars in the West like Chinese red. D.To introduce Chinese designer Guo Pei. ( ) 5. What can be the best title for the passage A.Chinese Clothes Brands B.Sports in China C.Chinese Cultural Festival D.Designed in China 答案解析: 1. D. 内容细节题。 由“Chinese sportswear brand Li Ning was at the New York Fashion Week in September, 2018. They showed their new designs~sweaters and jackets with Chinese characters.”可知他们展示了他们的新设计——带有汉字的毛衣和夹克。故选 D。 2. C. 推理判断题。根据“Western culture doesn't have the strong appeal to the young that it once had.” 以 及 “Today's young people in China are excited about Chinese cultural elements.” 由此可以推知,中国的年轻人过去是非常喜欢西方文化的,但现在对中国文化 元素感兴趣。C 选项“过去的中国青年非常喜欢中国的文化元素。”不符合文意,故选 C。 3. B. 猜测词义题。根据上句“Maybe it is because China's young people are now more confident about their own culture.” 可能是因为现在中国的年轻人对自己的文化更有信心。 可推测句意是西方文化不再像过去那样对年轻人有强烈的吸引力。所以 appeal 应是“有吸 引力的” ,故选 B。 4. A. 细节理解题 。根据上句“many stars in the west now have an interest in Chinese cultural elements in fashion.”以及“a US singer, for example, wore a Chinese red dress to the 2015 Met Gala in New York.” ,可知作者在这里以美国歌手蕾哈娜为例,是为了说明西方 人对中国文化元素的喜爱,故选 A。 5. D. 主旨大意题。根据第一段李宁公司展示了他们的新设计以及最后一段美籍华裔 设计师陈国荣曾对《纽约时报》表示:“我们必须从制作转向创造。”纵观全文,目的是传 达这一理念:我们想用“中国设计”取代“中国制造” 。选项 D 最符合文章大意,故选 D。 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 □说 读 □看 □写
认知水平 □记忆 理解 □应用 分析 □评价 □创造
作业题型 □翻译 □填空 □单选 □对话 阅读 □写作
时间要求 8 分钟
评价设计 教师评价 □学生自评 □同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 本文主要报道“中国制造”运动品牌飞跃、回力和李宁很流行和时尚。主要原因也许是 因为中国年轻人对自己的文化更加自信。我们想用“中国设计”取代“中国制造”。 要求生先对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分 析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能 得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据。 阅读理解题型是所有题型中分值最大的。此篇阅读内容的选择,有助于增强学生们的爱 国荣誉感,结合 Section A 3a 的阅读,同时也让学生意识到中国产业发展的一些不足,学 生的历史使命感油然而生;阅读问题的设置也较全面的考察了学生的细节理解能力,主旨 理解能力和推理判断能力。
第五课时 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section B (3a-3b) & Self check
1.作业内容 写作。 假如你是李磊,你所在的英文俱乐部正在举办“我与传统工艺有个约会”的主题活动, 要求每位成员用英语介绍一种传统工艺,请你根据下列提示,用英语写一篇短文,向大家 介绍风筝。 写作要求: 1.包含所给提示信息,可适当发挥; 2.条例清晰,语句通顺,行文连贯,语法正确,书写规范; 3.不少于 80 词。 ______________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _ 审题 话题:传统工艺 时态:一般现在时、一般过去时 人称:第三人称 解题思路: 该篇写作要求学生根据提示,写一篇短文来介绍传统工艺——风筝。写作时可将短文 分成三部分: Beginning:导入话题,引出要介绍的工艺 Body:风筝的制作过程: 第一步:砍竹子,剪纸 (cut);第二步:绘画 (paint);第三步:贴纸,系绳 (glue tie ) Ending:风筝在中国传统文化中的意义。
答案解析: Hello,everyone.I’m Li Hua .Recently,I had a great time in Weifang Shandong.As is known to all,this city is famous for kites so I was attracted deeply by the international kite festival there .I learned more about kites through the experience as well. It is not easy to make a kite.they are usually made of thin bamboo as framework,then pasted with paper.So the first thing people should do is to cut down the bamboos and trees to process further.The main reason why children like it is that the colorful drawings on the kite are noticed .It is important to paint many cute characters.At last,the makers are supposed to glue the paper and tie a long string so that the person on the ground holds the end of string to control the kite steadily. To my surprise ,the kites were invented by the working people in China two thousands years ago.They gradually became a part of Chinese traditional culture.In them,people express good luck and their hopes for a good life.They are also a symbol of the people’s appreciation of beauty and traditional view. 2.作业属性:
语言技能 □听 □说 □读 □看 写
认知水平 □记忆 □理解 应用 □分析 □评价 创造
作业题型 □翻译 □填空 □单选 □对话 □阅读 写作
时间要求 15 分钟
评价设计 教师评价 □学生自评 同伴互评
3.作业分析与设计意图: 本篇写作任务是 section B ( 1a- 1c)拓展与延伸。学生在前一课时谈论了:What does a kite look like What is a kite used for What is the best time for flying a kite What kind of weather is good for flying a kite 了解风筝有关话题的基础上,运用被动语态进一步介绍熟悉的传 统工艺。 本篇写作主要通过介绍传统的中国文化元素,使学生了解中国传统文化艺术的背景,引 导学生用英语正确表达中国的传统艺术,巩固本单元的目标语言——被动语态。
( 一) 单元质量检测作业内容 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of 单元质量检测作业 第一部分 听力 (共四大题) I . 短对话理解 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话对话读两遍。 ( ) 1 What is the coat made of A. Silk B. Cotton C. Wool ( )2. Where did the woman get the tea A. In Anxi B. In Dali C. In Hangzhou ( )3. How are tea leaves picked A. By hand B. By machine C. By head ( )4. Who made the model plane A. Susan B. Susan’s father C. Susan’s mother ( )5. What ’s the ring made of A. Gold B. Silver C. Plastic II . 长对话理解 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出一个最佳选项。每段对话对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话, 完成 6 至 7 小题。 ( )6. Where did Kate return from A. The History Museum. B. The Central Park C. The Science Museum. ( )7. What was the pot used to do in the past A. Cook meal B. Boil water C. Carry food. 听下面一段对话, 完成 8 至 10 小题。 ( )8. What is China known for A. Tea B. Population C. Mountain ( )9. Where is tea produced in China A. In a few places B. In many areas C. Only in Hangzhou ( ) 10. What famous tea does China have A. Longjing and Pu’er B. Pu’er and Tieguanyin C. Longjing, Tieguanyin and Wulong III . 短文理解 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。 ( ) 11. What is Weifang famous for A.The kite B. The plane C. The clock ( ) 12. In which season do people in Weifang like to fly kites A.In spring B. In summer C. In autumn ( ) 13. When people fly kites, what is the sky like A. It ’s like a picture B. It ’s like a garden. C. It ’s like a swimming pool. ( ) 14. Can common people make kites A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t C. We don’t know.
( ) 15. When is the busy kite festival every year A. In March B. In April C. In May IV. 信息转换 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,填写下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。 短文读两遍。 ChinatownIt's a part of a town area with a large number of Chinese people in 16 .________ countries.ShoppingYou can find lots of things there. (
)Most of them are 17. in China.Eating (
)You can enjoy 18.________ Chinese food there.LivingYou can find hospitals, banks, 19 .________ and supermarkets there. Parents want their children to learn more about China and its (
)20. in some Chinese schools.
第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两大题) V. 单项选择 21.The dress is made by ______ hand and it is made of _____ silk. A./; a B. the; a C. /; / D. the; / 22. Each year quite a lot of food_____around the world. It's really time for us to do something. A. was wasted B. is wasted C. wasted D. will be wasted 23.She finds _______ interesting that many foreigners are interested in Chinese. A. it B. this C. that D. one 24.Miss Wang ________ by all of us because her classes are always ______ and interesting. A. loves; lovely B. loves; living C. is loved; lively D. is loved; lovely 25.In those days bikes were not ______ used because few people could afford (负担起) to buy one. A. quickly B .hardly C .widely D .exactly 26. —The tea smells delicious, what’s the name of the tea —It’s Maofeng, a kind of green tea.It in Mount Huang,Anhui. A. is producing B.produces C.produced D.is produced 27. Located in the west of Shandong Province,Weifang is the international kite festival holding in April every year. A. known for B.different from C. the same as D. popular with 28. No matter where you travel,I suggest you try some food,because it can help you learn more about the customs and traditions of the place. A. similar B.local C.foreign D. popular 29. This morning my dad got up at 4:00 to avoid _____the earliest train to Shanghai. A. miss B.to miss C.missing D. missed 30. —What do you think of the art and science fair — ______ ! And I like the model plane best. A. Pretty good B. Just so so C. No problem D. Sounds great
VI. 完形填空 The Chinese high-speed railway is well known all over the world. China’s 31 of building the railway is leading the rest of the world. Traveling by Chinese high-speed train can be very 32 . The trains are clean and the seats are huge. Even the second class seats provide lots of 33 . And the seats between rows are wide enough for people to 34 freely. Traveling by Chinese high-speed train 35 a lot of time. Now it takes only 5 hours from Beijing to Shanghai by high-speed train. You can’t even feel how 36 the train is moving. If there were no windows, you wouldn’t be able to know when it 37 or when it is traveling at 300 km/h. 38 the railway stations are mainly built outside the city center, people can get to the stations easily. The high-speed railway depends less on 39 . Even if there is a rainstorm, the train can run as usual and get into the station 40 . With so many advantages(优点) more and more people choose to take the high-speed train. 31.A.competition B.information C.knowledge D.technology 32.A.expensive B.comfortable C.helpful D.boring 33.A.space B.food C.news D.care 34.A.travel B.talk C.move D.run 35.A.keeps B.takes C.saves D.finds 36.A.often B.long C.soon D.fast 37.A.works B.stops C.returns D.ends 38.A.Though B.If C.Because D.Unless 39.A. water B.temperature C.weather D.air 40.A.in time B.on time C.from time to time D.all the time 第三部分 阅读理解 (共四大题) VII. 补全对话 (有两处多余) A: Hello, Li Tao. B: Hi, Mark. A: Li Tao, I hear that you are from China. 41. B: No problem. Each part of China has its own forms of traditional art, such as sky lanterns, paper cutting, Chinese clay art and so on. A: Oh. 42. Please tell me something about it. B: Chinese clay art is very famous. The pieces are usually cute children from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story. A: 43. Do you know B: The pieces are carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay. 44. A: Oh, wonderful. 45. B: I believe you’ll have a good time there. It ’s worth visiting. A: Really I can ’t wait to visit it.
A.Can you tell me something about traditional Chinese art B.I know Chinese clay art very well. C.I am going on a vacation to China next month. D.How are the pieces made by people E.I’m very interested in Chinese clay art. F.And they show the love that Chinese people have for life and beauty. G.Welcome to China!
VIII. 阅读理解 Welcome to Made-in-China website ! Tea pot Color: White Price: 120 Delivery (递送) time: 10 work days after received 30% payment (付款) . Tea pots with good quality (质量) . And the best gift for your friends or your family.Handbag Color: White Price: 280 ( 520 for two on Women's Day) Delivery time: 7 days after confirmation (认证) We have our own designers. Our new forms may give you a new surprise. 2021 Newly Children Bicycle Color: Blue Price: 240 (20% off on Children's Day) Delivery time: 5 days after confirmation With a basket for children aged from 3-7New Design Fashion Button (纽扣) Color: All kinds of colors Price: 1.00 ( 9 for ten) Delivery time: 3 days after confirmation New and popular designs, you can paint them into different colors if you like.
46. Where can you buy these things according to the ad A .In a shop. B .On the Internet. C .In a mall. D .In a supermarket. 47. From the ad, you can buy the children bicycle for a child of __________. A .2 B .8 C .5 D .10
48. The best birthday gift for your grandpa is __________. A .some buttons B .a handbag C .a tea pot D .a children bicycle 49. My mother ordered some fashion buttons, and she can get them __________ days later. A .ten B .five C .seven D .three 50. If you have 400, you can buy __________. A .500 buttons B .a tea pot and a handbag C .a handbag and a bicycle D .two handbags IX. 任务型阅读 Toys are an important part of traditional folk art.Here is a kind of traditional Chinese toy that is popular throughout the world. Toys that make sounds can bring more fun to kids.The main toys having a pleasant sound in China are whistles (口哨).The whistle is a traditional Chinese folk toy made of porcelain( 陶 瓷 )or pottery( 陶 土).Bird whistles and dog whistles are two kinds of the most common whistles.A bird whistle is shaped like a bird and a dog whistle looks like a dog. These whistles have something in common.They all have a straight tail,and there is a hole on the tail and a hole on the animal's head.If you put water into the whistle from the hole on the head and gently blow the whistle ,it will give a sweet sound similar to bird singing. 51.What's the traditional Chinese toy in this passage?(不超过 5 个词) _________________________________________________________________ 52.How many shapes of the most common whistles are there?(不超过 5 个词) _________________________________________________________________ 53.What do the whistles have in common?(不超过 25 个词) _________________________________________________________________ 54.把下划线的句子翻译成汉语。 _________________________________________________________________ 55.给短文拟标题。 _________________________________________________________________ X. 综合填空, 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文 wish love happy change as make before easy see according
Paper cutting can be 56 in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. People put patterns(花样) on the window, doors or walls for the festival. A thousand years ago, paper cutting was used for decoration( 装饰). 57 to historical books, women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cutting 58 headdress (头饰) . In the Song Dynasty, it helped 59 the gifts more beautiful. What was more, people would feel 60 when they saw paper cutting on windows, doors and walls.Now people use paper-cutting to express their 61 for good luck and a happy new year . Paper cutting is all made by hand. It is 62 to learn. The paper,usually red, is folded 63 it is cut with scissors . Paper cutting are usually beautiful flowers, 64 animals, people in history and characters in classic novels.Nowadays, there are factories making paper cutting in China. Paper cutting has 65 from decoration to a kind of art. At the same time, paper cutting also appears in cartoons, on stages,
in magazines or in TV programs. 56. 57. __________ _________ 61. 62. __________ _________ 58. 59. 60. __________ __________ _________ 63. 64. 65. __________ __________ _________
第四部分 写 (共两大题) XI. 根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 66.When the t_________ light is red, you mustn't walk across the street. 67.These days more and more foreigners want to buy some p________ made in China, for example, Huawei smartphones. 68.Some foreigners find it difficult to learn to use ___________ (筷子). They are used to using knives and forks. 69.The players in the Chinese men's soccer team are paying more attention to their_______ (日常的) training. 70.There is a pair of_________ (剪刀) in the bottom drawer. XII. 书面表达 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友 Tony 对“中国红”一词很感兴趣,想了解“中国红”在中 国人日常生活中的体现,请你根据以下表格信息写一封回信帮助他了解。词数不少于 60。
提示词:婚礼 wedding ,中国结 Chinese Knot ,红包 red packet ,代表 stand for ______________________________________________________________________________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: I-IV. 听力 1—5 ACACA 6— 10 ABABC 11- 15 AABAB 16. foreign 17. made 18. traditional 19. libraries 20. culture V. 单项选择 21—25 CBACC 26—30 DABCA VI. 完形填空 31—35 DBACC 36—40 DBACB VII. 补全对话 41—45 AEDFC
VIII. 阅读理解 46—50 BCCDB IX. 任务型阅读 51.The whistles. 52.Two. 53.They all have a straight tail ,and there is a hole on the tail and a hole on the head. 54. 口哨是一种由陶瓷和陶土制成的传统的中国民间玩具。 55. The whistles./ A kind of traditional Chinese toy with a pleasant sound./ The whistles-a kind of traditional Chinese toy. X. 综合填空, 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文 56.seen 57. According 58. as 59. make 60. happier 61. wishes 62. easy 63. before 64. lively 65.changed XI. 根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 66. traffic 67. products 68. chopsticks 69. everyday 70. scissors XII. 书面表达 Dear Tony, It's great to receive your letter. I'm writing to tell you something about Chinese red. Chinese red, considered as the symbolic color of China, is extremely popular with Chinese people. It usually represents happiness, and we believe that it can bring us good luck. People in our country attach such great importance to Chinese red that they use many red objects in some important events. For instance, in a wedding, you can see that the bride is in a red wedding dress and the wedding room is decorated with red. What's more, the houses are also filled with red paper cuts, lanterns and Chinese Knots during the Spring Festival. Children will get red packets for best wishes as well. Obviously, Chinese red plays a significant role and enjoys the highest popularity in China. I truly hope my letter will help you understand better about Chinese red. Yours, Li Hua 录音文字稿: I . 短对话理解 1. W: Is this coat made of wool or cotton M: It isn’t made of either. It is made of silk. 2. M: I like this kind of tea. Where did you get it In Anxi W: No, In hangzhou. Hangzhou is famous for this kind of tea. 3. M: Tea plants are usually grown on the sides of mountains, aren’t they W: Yes. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. 4. M: Susan, your model planes looks different. What is it made of W: It ’s made of grass and leaves. My mom made it for me. 5. M: Is this a ring Is it made of silver W: Yes, it is a ring. But it’s made of gold. II . 长对话理解 听下面一段对话, 完成 6 至 7 小题。 M:Kate, you look so happy. Is there any good news W: Nothing special. I’ve just returned from the History Museum. And I took some photos there. M: Really Could you show them to me W: Yes, of course Here you are
M: Oh, they’re great. What ’s this on the old table W: It ’s a pot. M: A pot What is it made of W: I don’t know. But I heard people used it to boil water in the past. M: It’s amazing. 听下面一段对话, 完成 8 至 10 小题。 W: Do you know about tea M: Yes. China is famous for tea . It is produced in many areas. W: Yes. There are many kinds of famous tea in China, such as Longjing , Pu’er, Tieguanyin and Wulong. M: How is tea produced W: At first , tea plants are grown. When the tea leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. M: It’s not easy. III . 短文理解 Do you know Weifang, Yeah. this is a small and old city. I was born in the city. Weifang is beautiful. It is famous for kites. Some people in Weifang like coming out to fly kites in spring. All kinds of kites are as beautiful as flowers. When the kites are flying in the sky, the sky is just like a big garden. Most of the kites are made by craftsmen, but common people can make kites, too. For example, a little pupil can make the simplest kite by himself. We have a busy kite festival in April every year. IV. 信息转换 What is a Chinatown Is it a town in China Of course not! Chinatown is a part of a town area with a large number of Chinese people in foreign countries. Chinatowns are throughout the world. The Chinatown in New York is the biggest and it is a good place to go. Shopping in the Chinatown is fun. You can find lots of things there. Most of them are made in China. Mott Street is the best place to shop because things there are not very expensive. The Chinatown has more than 200 restaurants. You can enjoy traditional Chinese food there. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best Chinese restaurants. Living in the Chinatown is comfortable. You can find hospitals, banks, libraries and supermarkets there. In some schools, students must study Chinese. Many overseas Chinese send their children to these schools. They want their children to learn more about China and its culture. (二) 单元质量检测作业属性表一
序号 类型 对应单元 作业目标 对应学 难度 来源 完成 时间
了解 理解 应用
1 听力 1 √ 较易 改编 50 分钟
2 单项选择 1 、2 √ 较易 改编
3 完形填空 3 √ 较易 选编
4 补全对话 3 √ 较易 改编
5 阅读理解 3 √ 较易 选编
6 任务型阅读 3 √ 中等 改编
7 综合填空 1 、2 √ 较难 选编
8 单词拼写 1 √ 中等 改编
9 写作 4 √ 较难 原创