人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 4 Sharing 课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 4 Sharing 课件(5份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-11 22:47:00


Unit 4
Period 5
Assessing Your Progress
3. 通过观看视频,了解一个匈牙利志愿者组织的青少年捐助活动,学习非英语国家的社会文化生活。
新 课 导 入
Say the meaning of these words or phrases as quickly as possible!
take for granted
not to mention
课 堂 学 习
Complete a news report using the correct forms of the words in the box. Then make a news headline for it.
contract disability tune input share
mechanic stability criterion consultation
Many of us have worked as volunteers before. Some have experience as __________, repairing and maintaining machines. Others are experienced medical workers who have volunteered to help those with _________. This summer, one Chinese volunteer, Liu Fei, will serve as a management _________ for AIDS projects in an African country. Liu has never been there, and his impression of the country is that it is developing rapidly, but suffers from much __________ and violence. Many people there have __________ AIDS. Liu will work with a local organisation engaging in AIDS prevention.
Liu’s path to Africa was long and bumpy. Although he had met the __________ for the volunteer application, his family was opposed to his choice at first. It took Liu some time to explain the importance of building a ________ future for mankind. Ultimately, his family decided to sing the same ______ as Liu and respected his right to choose his own path. Liu is looking forward to sharing his knowledge and skills with needy communities. He hopes his _______ can make a difference in distant Africa.
contract disability tune input share
mechanic stability criterion consultation
Do you know how to make a news headline
When making a headline for a passage, we should take the following three aspects into account: the main idea of the passage, the writing purpose and the type of the passage.
Suggested headline:
A Chinese Volunteer in Africa
He failed to get the first prize in the match.
在这个句子中the first prize是名词短语,in the match是介词短语。
Expand the following sentences by adding different phrases. Try to make these sentences more vivid.
1. The chemist is doing an experiment.
2. A rat is chasing a cat.
3. A train is crossing a bridge.
The chemist from Harvard University is doing an experiment on lab rats to see their reactions on a sinking ship.
A large and crazy rat is chasing a cat through the house, knocking over furniture.
A train full of passengers bound for Beijing is crossing a beautiful new bridge over a high mountain gorge.
4. Susan placed the cup on the saucer and swallowed the capsule.
5. I drag myself off the bed.
6. A tree shades the farmer.
7. The president is relaying his ambition to the audience.
Susan, quite ill and weak, placed the cup of hot chocolate on the saucer with trembling hands and swallowed the capsule to save her life.
After trying to stand up only to feel myself fall back onto the bed with intense back pain, I dragged myself off the bed and into the chair next to the phone, and then called for help.
An old oak tree shades the farmer sitting down to eat his lunch.
The president of the book club is relaying his ambition to become a famous author not only in his city but across the country to the audience.
Create a poster for volunteer work
Study the posters below.
From what aspects do the posters introduce the volunteer work
What useful expressions are used to introduce each aspect of the volunteer work
Name People’s Shoes China Exchange
Expression used to introduce each aspect of the volunteer work
to create a better world
buying shoes, donating shoes
to help people abroad through exchange with China
employees trade places for a period of time.
70 countries around the world
in Asia, Latin America, and Africa
committed to
donate .. to ...
provide ... to ...
work ... around the world buy...
whose goal is to ...
help ...
work in ...
suggest an exchange that you want to take part in ...
In groups, decide on the volunteer work that you would like to do. Discuss the following questions.
In what way could you help others
How could others participate in your activities
What business could you set up to help others
Create a poster to explain more about your volunteer work, and then present it to the class.
What should be taken into account when designing a poster
In what way does the designer make the posters attractive
What are the functions of the pictures in the posters
Help Build Reading corners
Who we are
We are a volunteer organisation dedicated to hlp solve the problem of building a reading corner for schools in rural areas.
What do we do
We look for schools where they lack reading materials. We collect or donate many types of reading materials for them. We also organise various charity activities where people donate money or offer social services online or offline to provide help for those schools.
Where do we work
We work in Beijing, but we have provided helps for more than 15 schools in Tibet, Gansu, and Guizhou.
How can you help
Join us by donation or being one of our members. You can be a volunteer to read books to the children. Mail your old storybooks or magazines to the address we provided.
Breaking Volunteering Boundaries
Most is a charity run by young people in Budapest, Hungary, a country in Eastern Europe. One group this charity helps is the roma. The Roma (often called “Gypsies”)
are an ethnic group in Europe that is poor and often discriminated against.
Before you watch
What kinds of things do you think Most donates to others Tick the boxes below.
toilet paper

While you watch
1 Check your answers in Before You Watch.
2 Answer these questions.
1. How far is the Roma Community Centre from Budapest
2. How many families will be helped by their donations to the Roma
Community Centre
3. How many members does Most currently have
4. What three things do they plan to do at the refugee centre in Austria
It’s 200 kilometres.
About 30 families will be helped.
It has 20 members.
They plan to run workshops for children, distribute clothes, and spread the message that Hungarians can be keen volunteers as well.
3 Complete the quotes with words you hear in the video.
1. Domonkos Sera: We feel a lot better if we know that we’re not just _________________ we have in Budapest but also _______________ somewhere else in the country.
2. Mark Takats: We feel it’s kind of an obligation to ... to help those
____________________ but that we were.
3. Laci Siroki: it’s good to see youngsters from Budapest that feel an obligation to do something in this country, to __________________.
4. Jihan: I would like to be involved also in most of the activities they do_________________, like going to different __________________
enjoying the good life
doing good things
who are not that lucky
collect donations
outside of the school
smaller towns and villages
After you watch
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1. What motivates these young people to help others
2. How do you think their own lives are changed by helping others
3. In the video, they are helping the Roma and people at a refugee centre. Are there people like this in your city or town who need help What can you do to help them
They feel like they have an obligation to do so, and it also makes them feel better about themselves.
We become more caring and more aware of the needs of others by helping others. This makes us better people.
Yes, there are some poor people in my community who faces a similar struggle in life. I can help them by providing them with food and supplies when they are in need and treating them with dignity and respect.
What kind of volunteer work do you think is suitable for teenagers to participate in (共30张PPT)
Unit 4
Period 1
Reading and Thinking(I)
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1. Why do you think international volunteering activities are necessary and important
2. If you have an opportunity to work as a volunteer and to teach in a foreign country, do you want to go to help other people Why and why not
课 堂 学 习
Look at some pictures in Papua New Guinea.
What can you see in the photos
What kind of life do you think the people live in the photos
Before you read, discuss the question below with your classmates.
A young Australian, Jo, worked for two years as a volunteer teacher in Papua New Guinea. What challenges do you think she might have faced
It would be hard to get used to living without a TV, computer, or other modern conveniences. The food and overall lifestyle might also be a challenge, as it is so different from her country. As a teacher, getting from her country. As a teacher, getting good teaching materials and supplies would also be hard.
Fast reading
Read the blog entries by Jo. As you read, underline the parts of the text you read slowly. Then compare your reading pace with a partner.
Reading strategy: adjust reading speed
When reading a passage, adjust your speed to get the most out of it. If the material is easy or familiar, you can read through it quickly. If it is difficult or contains useful details, read it a bit slower and try to understand more.
Skim the text and complete the main idea.
The type of the text is __________. The text mainly introduces
blog entry
1. What does Jo mainly talk about in her blogs
Her experience of voluntary teaching at a bush school and a visit to a local family, the challenges she met, and the positive aspects of her voluntary work. She also shared her feelings and attitudes to her voluntary work, the people, and the life there.
volunteering in the bush.
2. Where was Jo in her two blogs and what were the places like
At the bush school and the home of one of her students. The classrooms were made of bamboo, with clay floors and roofs of grass. The student’s house was a low, round bamboo but without windows, with a door just big enough to get through, and with grass sticking out of the roof. The house was dark inside, with fresh grass laid on the floor and a platform to sleep on.
Read the text again and fill in the blanks.
Place Experience Feeling and attitude
At school
At a local family
Receive a parcel
Poor teaching facilities
Students’ good spirits
Chemistry class
Surprised, happy
Doubtful, puzzled about her work
First visit to a remote village
Curious about their home and custom;
Feel happy, moved and privileged
Underline the challenges Jo met when volunteering in the bush and circle the positive aspects of Jo’s voluntary work in the bush.
Volunteering in the Bush
Positive aspect
Negative aspect
Able to get mail
Take only a few minutes to walk to school
The students are friendly
Fantastic scenery
Nice people
Interesting culture
No electricity or running water, textbooks, or supplies
The students have no concept of doing experiments
No washroom
The students may not be able to use what they have learnt
Have to walk a long distance to go anywhere
No beds, few possessions
Answer the following questions.
1. What do you think “the bush” mean
2. What has been Jo’s most challenging subject to teach Why
3. What did Jo notice about the homes in the village she visited
4. What did Jo notice after the meal
5. What is Jo’s general impression of the place and people there
A wilderness area.
It’s science, because her students have no concept of doing experiments and there is no equipment.
They were low, round bamboo huts with no windows, with a door just big enough to get through, and with grass sticking out of the roof.
A can standing upside down on the grill over the fire.
She loved being there and felt it was a privilege to have spent a day with them.
Compare our school with the one described in the text, and then fill in the table below.
Aspect The bush school Our school
Teaching building
Dining hall
How do you understand the difference between the schools
Do you think Jo’s volunteer work will make a difference to the students’ lives there at all Why or why not
1. Jo felt it was a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family. If you were Jo, how do you think you would have felt Why
2. What are the differences between the school you go to and the one described in the passage
3. Would you like to be a volunteer teacher Why or why not
If I were Jo, I would have felt privileged as well, as it was a rare chance to glimpse into another culture that most people will never have.
I go to a school that has all the conveniences of modern society, so there is no comparison at all. We have plenty of equipment and supplies, comfortable chairs, air conditioning, computers, etc.
I think it would be interesting to do that for a while. It would be a good opportunity to make a difference to someone else’s life, and also to learn about a new culture.
人教 选择性必修第四册
Unit 4
Period 1
Build up your vocabulary(Ⅱ)
( 英语 )
Language points
1. It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a dusty track covered in weeds. 我只要几分钟就走到学校,路上尘土飞扬,杂草丛生。
dusty adj.布满灰尘的
a dusty answer (对要求的)轻率的回绝;淡然的拒绝
not so dusty 还好;还不坏
dust n.灰尘,尘土 v.将尘土从……抹去或拂去
dust sb. down/off 将尘土从某人身上抹去或拂去
dust sth. off 开始复习某事(尤指一段时间内搁置不用的技艺或语言)
2. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students—few will ever become chemists—and most will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. 有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些学生究竟有多大用处,很少有人会成为化学家,并且他们中的大多数人学完八年级以后就要回到他们的村庄去了。
relevant adj.有关的;切题的
be relevant to 与……有关
relevance n.关联;切题
have (no) relevance to 和……(无)有关
注意:“与……有关”的其他表达形式还有:be related to;be connected with;be associated with等。
I don’t think what he said _ the topic we are discussing.He has missed the point.我觉得他说的和我们正在讨论的话题不相关。他已经跑题了。
is relevant to
3. Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,and then down a shaded path to the valley below.
shade n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分 vt.给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗
in the shade 在阴凉处
under the shade of... 在……的阴凉下
put ...in the shade 使……黯然失色
shade ...from/against ... 给……遮挡……
shade ...with ... 用……遮挡……
I saw that merchant sitting a tree, reading a book.
under the shade of
4. My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home. 我们下山回家往回走的时候,我的肌肉发痛,膝盖发抖。
drag vt.拖;拉;扯vt.& vi.缓慢而费力地移动
drag sb. down 使某人沮丧
drag over 拖过
drag ...out of ... 把……从……中拖出来
drag sb. into (doing) sth. 把某人拖入到(做)某事中
He has nothing to do with the murder case and don’t ____________ trouble.
drag him into
5. It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family. 能与汤贝一家度过一天的时间真是莫大的荣幸。
privilege n.特权;优惠待遇 v.给予特权;特别优待
It is a privilege to do sth. 做某事是一种殊荣。
have the privilege to do/of doing sth. 有特权做某事
privileged adj.有特权的;受特别优待的
be privileged to do sth. 有幸做某事
(1)It’s a privilege __ (meet) you;I’d like to introduce myself.
(2We _____(privilege) to welcome you as our speaker this evening.
to meet
are privileged
6. I’ve been dying to have some of my favorite sweets, and it's always nice to get mail! 我一直非常渴望吃一些我最喜欢的糖果,而且收到邮包总是令人开心不已。
be dying for/ to do sth 极想得到,渴望得到,渴望做某事
long / be eager / desire / aspire/ be anxious to do sth. 渴望做某事
long / be eager / be anxious for sth. 渴望得到某物
7. There’s no electricity or running water and not even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices!这儿没有电,也没有自来水,甚至连课本也没有,更别提笔记本电脑、平板电脑或者别的现代化设备了!
not to mention 更不用说;且不说
mention sb. /sth. to... 向……提起某人/某物
mention doing sth. 提到做某事
mention that 提到……
Don’t mention it. 不客气。
as mentioned above 如上所述
__ mentioned above,the function of the device is wonderful.
8. The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere!不久前的一天,我正给男孩子们演示一个化学实验,我还没有明白怎么回事,混合剂就从试管里冒了出来,溅得到处都是!
be doing...when...正在做……突然……
be about to do...when...正要做……突然……
be on the point of doing...when...正要做……突然……
had (just) done...when...刚做完……这时突然……
We a big noise came from the next room.
were about to leave/were on the point of leaving when
Complete the word puzzle with words from the blog entries. Can you find the hidden message
_ _ S_ R_ _M
P_ R_ _L
FO_E_ _ _D
C_ _C_S
S_C_ _D_ _ _
_ A_L
J _ M
K _ _ _ LE
CO _ _ _ N
T_ _L_T
_ _ BB _ _
C _ _RU_
Hidden message:________________________
Xu Yuan is a volunteer in plete the passage with the words below.
lack secondary housing right drag kettle
Xu Yuan, a 52-year-old Chinese volunteer in Ghana, was interviewed on a TV programme. According to Xu, the _______ conditions in Ghana are not that bad. However, she admitted that she once had a memorable experience plugging holes in her roof in order to keep the rain out. Xu said, “Actually, I don’t really care about my living conditions. The only thing that has made me uncomfortable has been the _____ of hot water.” She regrets not bringing a ______ to Ghana to boil the water she needs.
Some of the medicine she has brought with her works better with hot water. But any discomfort is __________ to helping the needy, she believes. Xu enjoys her volunteer experience and considers it a good opportunity to ____ herself out of her comfort zone and to explore the world. “One of my dreams is to work in Africa and continue to help the disabled after I resign from my job. I think everyone deserves the _____ to be happy,” she said.
lack secondary housing right drag kettle
What does Xu Yuan think of the country and experience
While living in Ghana is not that bad, she thinks that this is a good chance to drag herself out of her comfort zone and to explore the world. She thinks any discomfort is secondary to helping the needy.
Divide the following words into groups. Explain how you have grouped them. Then add more words to the groups.
jam, laptop, knee, bacon, textbook, tablet, paper, rubber, jaw, wrinkle, forehead, saucer, kettle, pan, jar, grill, corn, cup, leftover, pencil, muscle, sweets
jam, bacon, corn, leftover, sweets
potatoes, cabbage, carrot, honey, pork, beef, apple…
laptop, tablet
smartphone, computer, solar power generator, robot, 3D printer, ...
Human body
knee, jaw, wrinkle, forehead, muscle
bone, eye, neck, finger, heart, lung, foot …
School supplies
textbook, paper, rubber, pencil
notebook, pen, crayon, ruler, marker, bookshelf, glue, scissors …
Cooking and eating
saucer, kettle, pan, jar, grill, cup
spoon, fork, chopsticks, knife, bowl, plate …
Imagine you are going to donate three things to poor children in the countryside. What will you donate and why
I would donate more extra-curricular books, as these can be hard to get in poor areas; and cshool supplies, such as pens and paper, because these are another practical things that perhaps they cannot easily afford.
Do you think it is worthy to be a volunteer teacher (共27张PPT)
Unit 4
Period 4
Using Language (Ⅱ)
Make a speech about China’s aid to other countries
新 课 导 入
Why does China offer aids
课 堂 学 习
Do you know what kind of aids does China offer to other countries
Zhan Bingbing is giving a speech on China’s aid to other countries. Could you predict what she might include in her speech
Zhan Bingbing took part in an English speech contest. Read the speech transcript and answer the questions.
1. What are some examples of the work that Chinese people do to help others overseas
2. Why was Bingbing upset when her mother went to Tanzania
They have built roads in the Congo, a port in Pakistan, railways in Panama, an airport in Sri Lanka. Chinese miners, oil workers, agricultural experts, mechanics, and doctors work in nearly every corner of the world.
Her mother cooked her dinner every night and took good care of her. But more importantly, she was her best friend.
3. What are some of the problems people face in Tanzania
4. What are two things that Bingbing's mother is helping with
5. Why is this work worth it
The country has many health problems, and many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted.
She helped build a cardiac hospital and she goes to rural villages to provide medical treatment, help those with disabilities, and provide consultation and training for local doctors.
It is worth it to the lives of the people she is helping, and because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability, and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.
What is the structure of the speech
The structure of the speech
Rhetorical question
Answer to the question
Topic of the speech
Content of the speech
Theme of the speech
rhetorical question: a statement that is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answered.
Structure of the speech Language feature Way of writing Function
Rhetorical question
Study the features of the speech.
What if… What if…
Does it really matter…
Why should…
Description of a familiar phenomenon followed by a question
An attention- grabber, followed by a statement about the topic
To attract attention of the audience to the topic
Structure of the speech Language feature Way of writing Function
Answer to the question
I had the same question myself.
But for me…
You see, …
To be honest,…
But then I began to hear about…
Telling a personal story
Using examples
Citing data
Using citations
To make the speech convincing, informative, and inspiring
Today, I want to relay to you that…
By any criteria this work is worth it to us all, because…
Now that I understand…
In the future, I pray that…
Expressing personal reflection or attitude
Sharing future plans
To reiterate the theme
Rhetorical question:
You don’t expect me to go along with that crazy scheme, do you
Why is the Belt and Road beneficial to the promotion of economy
The amount of plastic in the ocean is rising at a considerable rate. How many efforts will it take you to help reduce this
“O Wind /If winter comes, can Spring be far behind ”
Remember how things used to be 10 years ago
(To engage the audience and to personalise the question. )
(To raise a question.)
( To emphasise a statement and to evoke emotions.)
(To cite a famous poem.)
( To rise interests by making comparison.)
The beginning of your speech
Many of you may ask what the Belt and Road is. Well, to begin with, I want to tell stories behind it.
It’d like to begin by asking you to imagine a world where ...
Let’s start by giving yourselves a round of applause.
As the saying goes “First impressions are lasting; you never get a second chance to create a good first impression.”
( To introduce the background by telling stories.)
(To ask the audience to imagine something different.)
(To begin with complimenting the audience.)
(To cite a famous saying or quote.)
Read the speech transcript again and answer the questions below.
1. What is the key rhetorical question used in this speech
2. What is the answer to this rhetorical question
Is it worth it
Yes, to the lives of the people she is helping, it is worth it. But by any criteria this work is worth it to us as well, because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability, and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind.
3. What does the speaker use to get her message across
a case study a joke
an analysis of the history and causes of the issue
a hypothetical example a personal story
facts and data
4. How did Bingbing's feelings about the topic change, and what caused this change
5. How does the speech end

She was unhappy that her mother had left, but then her feelings changed when she began to see how great help her mother was bringing, and now she is proud of her mother’s work.
This speech ends with an appeal to the audience to consider becoming volunteers
Write a speech about China's aid to other countries.
Role (Who are you ) Audience (Who are you talking to ) Format (What’s the style of your passage ) Topic
(What are you focusing on )
1. In groups, brainstorm a list of possible causes that you could talk about.
2. In pairs, go over the list and discuss these points:
Which, if any, of the causes do you have a personal connection with
What personal story could you tell in relation to that cause
How did that affect your opinions on the issue
What rhetorical question could you use to begin your speech
What is the answer to that rhetorical question
What action do you want people to take as a result of your speech
3. Using what you have discussed, write a short speech.
China’s Aid to Other Countries
Topic of the speech: ________________________________
Rhetorical question: ________________________________
Answer to the question: _______________________________
Ending: _______________________________
Personal connection
A personal story
Your own opinion
Actions to take
Exchange your draft with a partner and revise the draft using your partner’s comments.
My dear fellows,
What is the No. 1 problem in the world today War Maybe. Pollution Kind of. While these are problems, there is another problem that many people don’t know about, which affects about 1.2 billion people now, and 500 million people are approaching this situation. And what is it A lack of water!
I had no idea about this problem myself, until my father volunteered to go to Ghana to dig wells. At first, I was a little upset and worried about his rip. After all, he would be gone for up to two years! Then I began to study up on this issue, and I learnt that what my father did was right. It is thought that as many as 300 million people in Africa are affected by water shortages. Due to the lack of water, farms can not produce enough food and many people go hungry. Since water is scarce, even though the water is harmful, people go ahead and drink the water, which makes them sick.
In addition, people may have to walk many kilometres a day to get enough water for their daily use. The task of getting water usually falls to the female. Women end up not having enough time to work, and girls do not have time to go to school.
Can you imagine what a difference it will make to people there just to have a new well Suddenly, they have all the clean water they need within easy walking distance. They can use this to grow crops, to drink, and to cook with. Now women have time to work and earn extra money for their families, and girls can go to school. When I think about what a difference my father is making to them, my chest swells with pride. Yes, my father did that! He helped those people!
My father is an inspiration to me. I now want to make a difference to this world. It might be here in China, or somewhere else. Would you like to join me
Language points
1. Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania. 很多在中国罕见的疾病在坦桑尼亚是很容易感染的。
contract 感染(疾病),与……订立合同(或契约) n.合同;契约
enter into/make/sign a contract with sb. 与······签订合同
on a contract/under contract 签约
win/be awarded a contract to do sth. 获得做·....... 的合同
contract(sb.)to do sth. 与某人订立做 某事的合同
contract out sth. 把某工作承包出去;把·······外包
contract out of sth. (正式)退出;同意不参加
①The government can contract _______ the management to private companies.
② The company operates schools ______ contract to state education authorities .
2. My mother also does a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment, help those with disabilities, and provide consultation and training for local doctors. 我母亲还到农村巡 回治疗,帮助残疾人,为当地医生提供咨询和 培训。
consultation n. 咨询;咨询会
consult vt.咨询;请教;查阅;商量
consult sb./sth. about/on sth. 关于某事请教(别人);关于某事查阅(资料)
consult with sb about/on sth. 与某人协商 某事
consult the dictionary 查字典
consult....for... 为······查阅(词典、参考书等)
①You should consult with him _______the matter.
②You may consult a dictionary _______the meaning o f the word.
3. And, while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth, many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted, such as … 此外,尽管这个国家风景美丽、物产丰饶,但许多人仍然十分贫穷;我们认为理所当然的东西,在他们的生活中都没有,比如……
take …for granted: 以为……理所当然
take...into consideration把·····考虑在内
take sb. / sth. for granted(习以为常) 不把……当回事
take it for granted+that-clause 认为……理所当然
温馨提示:take it for granted that-clause中, it为形式宾语, 真正的宾语为that-clause。
We all _____________________ they had completed their task.
took it for granted that
4. Today, I want to relay to you that I'm proud of the work my mother has done, and I am now supportive of it.
relay...to someone:向某人传达……
relay sth to sb 传达信息给某人
relay race 接力赛
Instructions ________________(relay) to him by phone.
were relayed
5. Lately,all of us have seen Chinese people on TV in far-off places in the world, helping other countries to develop.最近,我们都在电视上看到中国人在世界遥远的地方帮助其他国家发展。
lately adv.最近;不久前;近来
(1)现在完成时与不明确的过去时间状语副词before, already,yet,ever,recently等连用;
(2)表示包括现在在内的一段时间的状语,如in recent years,in/over the past few years,up to now,so far,these days,for+一段时间,ever since,since+时间状语等,是现在完成时的标志。
①Have you _______(hear) from him yet
6. Now that I understand how important my mother's work is, I've decided to become a volunteer myself to help people in other lands.
既然我明白了我妈妈的工作有多重要,我决定自己 成为一名志愿者,帮助其他国家的人们。
【句式分析】now that是连词词组,表示“既然”,引导表示原因的状语从句,常位于主句前面。now that在口语中that常可省略,而只用now连接从 句,而now在从句中已失去了“现在”的时间概念。
(2) since因为;既然(可与now that互换)
(4) for因为(并列连词,引导一个分句,不能置于句首,表示进一步补充说明)
(5)because of 介词短语,表示“因为,由于”
选词填空:now that,because,since,as,for
① ________________you are busy, let me do it for you.
②It must have rained last night, _________the ground is wet.
③ __________it was late,we came back soon.
④We can't go out_________________ it is too cold.
Now that/Since
Could you summarize the structure about speech (共20张PPT)
Unit 4
Period 3
Using Language (I)
Meet student volunteers
新 课 导 入
课 堂 学 习
Have you or someone you know ever worked as a volunteer Tell your partner about the experience.
What’s the purpose of the volunteer project
Where did you (he or she ) go
What did you (he or she ) do as a volunteer
Purpose Place Activity
To clean the neighbourhood ... In the community ... To pick up rubbish
Listen to the conversation and complete the table below.
Student suggestions for volunteer project donations for__________________________________
helping to ____________________________________
spending time with _____________________________
things such as pens and notebooks
clean up the community, take down ads
from walls and pick up litter
the elderly, play games, sing or chat
Volunteer activities at Tony’s school raise __________________________________
serve _________________________________
go to __________________________________
Final decision for volunteer project ____________________________________________________________________________
money to give to a different charity
food to homeless people
a children’s hospital to cheer up all
the little kids there
contact a children’s hospital and ask how
they could help
Perhaps we could organise donations of things ___________________
_____________________________ for poor students.
Wouldn't it be better if we did something different this year, _______
Every year, our whole school raises money to give a different charity.
________________________ to a medical charity last year, and to an education charity before that.
such as pens and notebooks,
or other school supplies.
like organising
students to volunteer their time
For instance, we donated
Listening strategy: recognise examples
An example is a thing, person, or situation that helps explain or illustrate what one is talking about. An example is nearly always introduced by words such as: like, such as, for example, for instance, to illustrate, and to demonstrate.
1. Why does Tony want to join the meeting for student volunteers
2. What is the objective of the meeting today
3. What kind of volunteer work did the students do last year
4. What kind of volunteer work does Tony's entire school do every year
5. Who suggests going to the children's hospital for this year's volunteer project
He used to volunteer at his high school in America, so he wanted to try it in China.
It is to talk about what kind of volunteer project they should do this term.
They organized donations of school supplies for poor students.
Every year, they raise money to give to a different charity.
Wang Li.
Listen to the conversation again and then answer the following questions.
Think about the following questions and write down your ideas.
1. Do you think students doing volunteer work is of any use Why or why not
Yes, it is of great use. While it is true that often they may be making only a small, temporary difference to the lives of others, the overall effect of a society helping each other can be quite great. volunteering also makes a difference to volunteers, making them more aware of the needs of others.
2. In your opinion, which is better, giving people things, time, or money Why do you think so
I think all three are important. People should give what they have. Not everyone has money, but they may have time. On the other hand, some people have a lot of money to give, but are quite busy. Giving people things may not always be the best, as so often money is more useful – with money people can easily buy things they need. However, if the things are given with love and the person receiving that gift can feel that love, then it is a good gift.
In groups, talk about ways to help others.
1. What kinds of help do you think people need How do you think volunteers could help
Place What are the needs How could volunteers help
There are many elderly people in my neighbourhood who are living alone.
Volunteers could visit the elderly, make sure they are OK, and provide companionship and support.
The school owns some land not being used.
Volunteers could clean it, plant grass, and put a fence around it so that it can be used by students.
Place What are the needs How could volunteers help
City/ Town
We live in a scenic area, but there is a bad issue of litter on empty plots of land.
Volunteers can go out and pick up the litter. They can also install public rubbish bins along the streets.
There are some poor people in rural areas who do not have access to many of the things people living in the city take for granted.
Volunteers could join or help the poverty alleviation programmes to revitalize the poor areas, send money, or provide trainings and support to the needy.
2. What kinds of skills and qualities could you offer as a volunteer
Skill Quality
Speaking English fluently, communicating with others in a polite way, organising activities in an orderly and efficiently way, using computers, first aid, ...
kind, determined, considerate, optimistic, extrovert, responsible, persistent, ...
3. Discuss where and how you can help
Where would it be possible for you and your classmates to volunteer
What kind of volunteer work could you and your classmates do, based on your group’s skills and qualities
Skill & quality
Making suggestions
We might try… Couldn’t you/ we…
Perhaps we could… May I suggest that…
Would you consider… My advice would be to …
Wouldn’t it be better if … If I may suggest an idea, …
It might be a good idea to…
I’d like to suggest/ recommend that …
How does the idea of … appeal to you
A: So, what kind of volunteer project should we do this term
B: There are many elderly people living in my neighbourhood. Perhaps we could go visit them and see how we can help them.
C: Well, that’s true of your neighbourhood, but it isn’t true of mine.
D: It isn’t true of mine either.
C: You know, there are a lot of empty plots of land in our city that are full of rubbish. We might try cleaning them up.
D: The problem is that there are only a few of us. We don’t have enough people to do all that work.
A: Well, my advice would be to start a public campaign to get others involved.
B: That’s a great idea! I volunteer at a local radio station. I could appeal for help.
A: And I love to write. I could write the text for those posters.
C: Wonderful! So we’re all set
B: It looks like we are.
Listen to the conversation below. Decide which type of stress the words in bold show. Then practise it with a partner.
strong emotion;
emphasis of important information;
correction of a mistake;
contrast or comparison.
Jessie: Hi, Susan! Did you see the animal shelter advertisement I think it'd be
great for our volunteering project!
Susan: Hello, Jessie. Yes, I did see it. I'd love to help out in a shelter. Think of
all those cute, little animals!
Jessie: Exactly, and it would also look great on our CVs. But maybe it's too
good to be true...
Susan: Yeah, what if we have to clean out the smelly cages I'd hate that!
Jessie: Well, we can ask for gloves. How about you clean the outside of the
cages, and I'll clean the inside
Susan: Thanks, Jessie, you're a true friend! Anyway, we should check the
timing. Did the ad say Saturday afternoons I'm usually busy on Saturday afternoons
Jessie: No, it said on Sundays, and in the mornings. So let's not just talk
about it– let's do it! It's so exciting– do you like cats best, or dogs
Susan: Oh, hey wait, Jessie, do you think it matters that I'm allergic to cats
And what if there are snakes
strong emotion: great; love; hate; snakes
emphasis of important information: did; Saturday afternoons
correction of a mistake: Sundays; mornings
contrast or comparison: outside; inside; talk; do; cats; dogs
Suggested Answers:
Try to retell the value of volunteer work.(共17张PPT)
Unit 4
Period 2
Review Useful Structures
新 课 导 入
1.I’ve been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it’s always nice to get mail!
2.The mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere!
3. Later,I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill over the fire.
4.Tombe’s father,Mukap,a man with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead,led us to his house.
课 堂 学 习
Review of phrases
He failed to get the first prize in the match.
在这个句子中the first prize是名词短语,in the match是介词短语。
一、 名词短语 (noun phrases,简称NP)
其一是限定词,用来限定名词所指的范围,对名词起泛指或特指、定量或不定量等的限定修饰作用。比如冠词(a、an、the)和物主代词(my ...)。
①These red roses are for you. (   )
②I have three close friends. (   )
③He is my best friend. (   )
二、动词短语 (verb phrases,简称VP)
Tom likes playing football.
Listen! Someone is singing a popular song.
Mum often encourages me to study hard.
He sings well.
三、 副词短语 (adverbial phrases,简称AdvP)
She types quickly and correctly.
He writes slowly but well.
He runs very/extremely fast.
四、 形容词短语 (adjective phrases,简称AdjP)
①Anxious for a quick decision, our leader called for a vote. (   )
②She looks beautiful and smart. (   )
③You have a small but beautiful room. (   )
五、介词短语 (prepositional phrases,简称PrepP)
The man in the room is Li Ming’s uncle.
He didn’t feel at ease.
I saw George at work.
Identify the phrases in the following sentences and state their functions. Mark noun phrases as NP, verb phrases VP, adverbial phrases AdvP, adjective phrases AdjP, and prepositional phrases PrepP.
My secondary school is a bush school.
NP (subject) NP (predicative)
Let’s discuss the function of the tense.
Let’s discuss the function of the phrases.
1. I’ve been dying to have some of my favourite sweets, and it’s always nice to get mail!
2. The mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere!
3. Tombe’s father, Mukap, a man with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead, led us to his house.
VP (predicate)
NP (object)
AdjP (predicative)
VP (predicate)
NP (object)
AdvP (adverbial)
NP (subject)
VP(real subject)
NP (subject)
NP (appositive)
PrepP (attributive)
VP (predicate)
PrepP (adverbial)
4. He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau (sweet potato), ripe corn, and greens.
5. Later, I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill over the fire.
6. My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home.
NP (object)
PrepP (adverbial)
PrepP (adverbial)
NP (object)
AdvP (adverbial)
PrepP (adverbial)
PrepP (adverbial)
NP (object)
VP (predicate)
NP (object)
VP (predicate)
AdvP (adverbial)
PrepP (adverbial)
Complete the passage with the phrases below in their proper forms.
beautiful modern road, a chorus of, dusty track,
straight towards, a large amount of investment,
with dangerous disease
China has offered ________________________ to many countries in its Belt and Road Initiative. In the Congo, many ___________ have been transformed into ________________since then. Trains run ____________ Europe from China, and to China from Europe, bringing new jobs and opportunities to both ends. Chinese healthcare workers have also been sent to provide aid to places ______________________. Despite all the difficulties involved in this project, these efforts have been greeted with __________ support from the locals.
a large amount of investment
dusty tracks
beautiful modern roads
straight towards
with dangerous diseases
a chorus of
Imagine you are an editor of a volunteer website. Add phrases to the following advertisement to make it more exciting.
In order to ease suffering in Guinea, volunteers are needed to provide healthcare information. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for organising lectures, preparing posters, and visiting schools and families. There is no doubt that these activities will leave you with unforgettable memories. The program will last for one year or more, depending on your performance.
You need to be over 18 and be able to communicate in English. You don’t need to have overseas experience, but you should be friendly and outgoing.
If you are interested in volunteering, please speak to our representative online.
Improving Health in Guinea
Guinea is a country with a population of 12.4 million people (2019, est.). It is on Africa’s west coast. French is its official language.
What phrases can you add to describe the situation in Guinea
What phrases can you add to stress the importance of volunteers and the activities
What phrases can you add to arouse the emotion of the intended readers
Improving Health in Guinea
In order to ease suffering in Guinea from a lack of doctors and good healthcare advice, volunteers with a heart to help others are needed to provide healthcare information to people in rural villages. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for organising lectures, preparing posters, and visiting schools and families throughout the southern part of the nation. There is no doubt that these activities will leave you with unforgettable memories for the rest of your life. The program will last for one year or more, depending on your performance.
You need to be over 18 and be able to communicate well both in spoken and written English (or in French). You don’t need to have overseas experience, but you should be friendly and outgoing with a wonderful smile.
Suggested answer:
Summarize the usage of the phrases.