人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 5 Languages around the World Words and Expressions 课件 (共43张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 5 Languages around the World Words and Expressions 课件 (共43张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 434.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-15 09:10:08



Unit 5
Words and expressions
1.billion n. 十亿
five billion 50亿
billions of ... 数以亿计的
有相同用法的词:hundred 百;thousand 千;million 百万
2.native adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的
n. 本地人;本国人
① be native to 原产于...
The tiger is native to India.
②a native of...出生于...的人;原产于...的动物或植物
The tiger is a native of India.
(1)She speaks English like a native. (判断词性)
(2)Jack’s uncle is a Shanghai.
(3)The kangaroo is native Australia.
3. attitude n. 态度;看法
①have/take/adopt a good / bad /positive /negative attitude to/towards ...
The headmaster took a friendly attitude to us.
②an attitude of mind 心态问题
(1)As the saying goes, determines altitude. 正如谚语所说,态度决定高度
(2)Only when you take a positive attitude __________ the project will you enjoy the whole process.
(3)I dislike him because he always
(对...有不好的态度)the people around him.
has a bad attitude
4. refer v.--referred--referred--referring--reference n.参考
(1)vi. 提到;参考;查阅
① refer to... 指的是;描述;提到;查阅
② refer to ... as... 称...是.../把...当作...
I always refer to him as a bookworm.
(2)vt. 查询;叫...求助于
① refer...to... 把...提交给...(以求获得帮助)
My doctor referred me to a specialist.
【小试牛刀】(1)The paragraph the events of last year. 这段说的是去年发生的事
(2)She always refers Mary “that nice man”.(3)Write down the phone number of that restaurant for future (refer).
(4)The scientist referred to the discovery ________ the most exciting new development in this field.
refers to
5. despite = in spite of prep.即使;尽管
① despite + n./短语
② despite + doing
Despite applying for hundreds of jobs , he is still out of work .
③ despite + the fact that...
Despite the fact that he has applied for hundreds of jobs , he is still out of work .
① despite + v.-ing(√)
despite + what 从句(√)
despite the fact + that 从句(√)
despite + that 从句(×)
② despite 不与of 连用
③ even if 即使;尽管(连词词组,后加从句)
④ regardless of 不管;不顾(介词短语)
(1)________ their many differences,all human beings share several defining characteristics,such as large brains and the ability to walk upright on two legs.
(2)She was good at physics the fact that she found it boring.
(3) (尽管)all the problems , several of the players produced excellent performances.
In spite of
6. base vt. & n.
(1)vt. 以...为据点;以...为基础
① base... on/upon... =be based on...
② n.—based 以...为基础 的
content—based 以内容为基础的
picture—based 以图片为基础的
(2)n. 底部;根据
① at the base of... 在...底部
② the air base 空军基地
③ have a broad base of the masses 有广泛的群众基础
base (n./v.) → basic (adj.) 基本的;基础的;初级的;必需的 → basically(adv)基本上;从根本上说
(1)A lot of business is still done over the phone,and much of it is based ________ trust and existing relationships.
(2) The research group produced two reports ________(base)on the survey,but neither contained any useful suggestions.
7. date back to 追溯到(=date from=go back to)
(1)date back 后接表示一段时间的名词。date back to 相当于date from后接时间点。
(2)date back to 不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态,但在句中可以用现在分词短语作后置定语。
date n.日期,约会 v. 约会
(1)make a date with sb. 与某人约会
(2)up to date 与拥有(或包含)最新信息的;最新的
(3) be out of date=out of fashion=out of style
7.symbol n. 象征;符号
① a/the symbol of ... ...的象征
White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures .
② symbol (n.) → symbolize (v.) 象征;代表 → symbolically (adv.) 有象征意义地
8.variety (n.) 填空(植物、语言的)变体、异体;多样化;变化
(1)a (great/wide/large) variety of = varieties of = various adj.多种多样的
Varieties of flowers are sold in the market.
a variety of +可数名词复数+V复
varieties of +不可数名词+V单
the variety of+ 可数名词复数 +V单 ...的种类
(1)various (adj.) 各种各样的,各种不同的
(2)vary (v.) 相异,改变
in 在...方面不同
vary with 随...而变化
from ... to ... 从...到...不同
(1)For Chinese people,there ________(be) a variety of activities to celebrate the traditional festivals.
(2)He is always coming late for class for ________(vary) reasons.
(3)The variety of goods in the shop (be) rich.
(4)The price of tomatoes varies
the season.
9.major adj. & v. & n.
(1)adj. 主要的;重要的;大的
(2)v. 主修;专门研究 major in 主修
(3)n. 主修课程;主修学生
major(adj.)较多的 minor (adj.) 较少的
majority(n.) 大多数 minority (n.) 少数
a/the majority of... 大多数......
a/the minority of... 少数......
10.means n. 方式;方法;途径
means 译为“手段、方法”时,单复数同形,谓语动词遵循“主谓一致”。
Every/Each means______(have) been tried out.
All/Some/Several means_______(have)been tried out.
by this means = in this way = with this method
by means of 借助...手段;依靠...方法
by all means 当然行 by no means 绝不
11.regard n. & vt.
(1)n. 尊重,关注,问候(常用复数)
give one's regards to sb 代某人向...问好
have high regard for ... 钦佩...
have no regard for ... 置之度外,不予理会
(2)vt. 将...认为,把...视为,看待
regard ...as... 把...看作...
regarding prep. 关于,至于
be highly regarded by...
12.appreciate vt. 欣赏,重视,感激,领会
appreciate (sb) doing 感激(某人)做某事
I would appreciate it if… 如果...我将不胜感激
We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems.
I’d appreciate it if you could take my suggestions/advice into consideration.
(1)appreciation n.欣赏,感激
(2)appreciative adj.欣赏的,感激的
① Her abilities __________(appreciate)by her employer.
② I appreciate________(give) the chance to work in your company.
③ I'd appreciate____if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.
④We appreciate that______(care) for children is an important job.
are appreciated
13.specific adj. 特定的,明确的,具体的
specifically adv. 特定地,明确地,具体地
(1)to be specific 具体地说
(2)be specific to...为...所特有的 =be unique to
The animal is specific to this area.
①The method is ______ (specific)designed for use in small groups.
②The old woman is in his eighties.__________(具体地说),he is 84 years old.
To be specific
14.struggle n. & vi.
(1)n. 斗争,努力
a struggle between ... and ... ...与...之间的斗争
It is (not) a struggle to do sth. 做...(不)是件难事
(2)vi. 努力,奋斗,斗争
struggle against/with..与 ...作斗争
struggle for..为.... 而斗争
struggle to do sth努力去做某事
struggle to one's feet 艰难地站起来
15. beg vt. 恳求,祈求,哀求
beg for… 请求…
beg (sb) (not) to do
beggar n. 乞讨者
She begged her son (stay) at home.
to stay
16.equal n. & adj. & v.
(1)n. 同等的人,相等物
be without equal = have no equal
He is a player without equal.
Michael is without equal in playing basketball.
be equal to…与...相等;能胜任/应付...
=be fit for=be suitable for
be equal in…在…方面相等
Bill is equal to the challenge.
Not all men are equal in ability.
(3)vt. (大小、数量、价值等)与...相等;
①A equals B in ... A在...方面比得上B
No one equals him in strength.
Four plus three equals seven.
equal n. 同等的人,相等物
unequal adj.不平等的;不相等的
equality n.相等;相同;平等
equally adv.相等地:同样地;平等地
(1)Men and women must be treated
_________ (equal).
(2)I don’t think Jim is equal to ________ (transport) these valuable goods.
(3)They fight for the________(equal).
17.demand n. & v.
(1)n. 需求,要求
satisfy/meet one's demands满足某人的需求
in (great) demand 有(极大的)需求
a demand for…对…有需求
The boss promised to meet the workers’ demands for higher pay.
Soft drinks are in great demand in this season.
(2)v. 强烈要求,需求
demand sth. of sb. 向某人要某物
demand to do sth. 要求做某事
demand +that从句 要求...
It is demanded that ... 要求...
They demand a reasonable explanation of us for the mistake.
She demanded to see the headmaster.
It is demanded that I (should)go with them.
demanding adj.要求高的
① a demanding job高要求的工作
② a demanding boss苛求的老板
③ It’s reported that at present many teachers feel that teaching is really a demanding job , so they have to devote a lot to it.
虚拟语气,谓语动词用(should) do:
一坚持: insist
① He demands that she _______ (tell) everything.
② This summer is unusually hot,and air-conditioners are____great demand.
③ The father found it hard _______(meet)
his son's demands .
to meet
18. description n. 描写(文字);形容
beyond description 无法形容;难以描述
give a detailed /brief description of…
He gave a vivid description of the tour.
describe v. 描述,形容
describe ... as ...把...称为
The man was described as smart and diligent .
sb be described as...
19.relate vt联系,讲述
relate A to B 把A和B联系起来
be related to ... 和...有关
讲述:relate sth. to sb. 向某人讲述某事
① Please relate what you read to what you already know .
② He later related the whole story to me .
related adj.相关的,有联系的
relative adj相对的;相比较的 n.亲戚;亲属
relatively adv. 相对地,相当地
relatively speaking 相对来讲
relationship.n. (人或团体之间的)关系
relation n.(人、团体、国家之间的)联系;(事物之间)关联,联系关系
① It is said that this festival is related_____ a legend.
② The study found a direct_______(relate) between smoking and lung cancer.