人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit2 Iconic Attractions单元素养评价(含解析,无听力音频有听力原文)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit2 Iconic Attractions单元素养评价(含解析,无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 doc
文件大小 120.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-16 13:43:32



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Which is the quickest way to the airport
A.By taxi. B.By bus. C.By underground.
2.Where are the two speakers
A.In a restaurant. B.In a hotel. C.In the street.
3.What can be concluded about Judy
A.Judy came to the party. B.Judy planned the party. C.Judy hasn't appeared yet.
4.Who will pay for the dinner
A.The woman. B.The man. C.Both of them.
5.What is happening outside
A.It is raining slightly. B.It is raining heavily. C.It is shining.
6.How many bedrooms are there in the flat
A.One. B.Two. C.Four.
7.What will the woman do after the conversation
A.She'll see the flat herself.
B.She'll pay for the flat immediately.
C.She'll have to look for another flat.
8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers
A.Teacher and student. B.Doctor and patient. C.Husband and wife.
9.Why does the woman think she is ill
A.She couldn't sleep at night.
B.She is tired in the daytime.
C.Both A and B.
10.What's the woman worried about
A.Her exams. B.Her work. C.Her mother.
11.What did the man look like when the woman came so late
A.He was calm. B.He was a bit angry. C.He was pitiful.
12.What day was it when the story took place
A.It was Saturday. B.It was Sunday. C.It was Thursday.
13.When should the appointment be
A.More than an hour ago. B.Two hours ago. C.Half an hour ago.
14.What will the girl do during the winter
A.She won't go anywhere for no money.
B.She will have to stay at home to study English.
C.She will go to Egypt.
15.What do you suppose the boy's sister is
A.She is a passenger on the plane.
B.She is a queen.
C.She may be a stewardess.
16.What do you think of the girl's feeling
A.She was hurt by the boy's words.
B.The girl was happy.
C.The girl cared nothing.
17.Where does the speaker give the talk
A.On a bus. B.In a university. C.At Bridgetown Castle.
18.How old is the Grange
A.125 years. B.200 years. C.325 years.
19.How many points of interest has the speaker mentioned
A.2. B.3. C.4.
20.What do we know about Sir Henry
A.He loved his young wife very much.
B.He died before the castle was finished.
C.He had the castle built in England.                                  
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Take a Trip to Alaska's Distant Aleutian Islands
Natural landscapes
Halfway between the United States and Japan is Alaska's Adak Island. It is one of the remote Aleutian islands. It is a place best known for its natural beauty. The coast is home to rich wildlife. Purple lupine flowers can be seen along roads through grassy hills. Hot springs cover the landscape. Snow-topped mountains and the Great Sitkin volcano rise in the distance.
Adak Island is home to the native Aleut people. In town, fewer than 100 people live fulltime in old military houses. These houses sit in mostly empty neighborhoods with other buildings in need of repair.
It is not easy to get to Adak Island. It requires a four-hour plane trip from Anchorage. People visit Adak to hunt, watch birds, climb mountains, or examine one of the many abandoned military bases. People also come to hike. There are many beautiful hikes on the island. One at Finger Bay offers views of the volcano. A hike to Lake Bonnie Rose includes an old abandoned military building built into hills.
At Horseshoe Bay, brave people can climb down a rope to the coast below and nearby hot springs. At Clam Lagoon, people can watch harbor seals and sea lions playing in the water and warming themselves on the rocks.
For bird watchers, the area is wonderful. And Adak's strange “National Forest” is also worth a visit. This is a small collection of evergreen trees in an otherwise nearly treeless landscape.
Charge for 8 days
The single price: $1,400 per person
The group price: $1,200 per person (over 2 persons)
Accommodation and train tickets included
For further information, please call 01223 810080 or visit https: ∥www. /united-states/usa-fall-foliage
21.What can we learn about Alaska's Adak Island
A.Its islanders are all soldiers. B.Its mountains are all volcanoes.
C.It is most famous for its natural scenery. D.It is one of the unknown Aleutian islands.
22.Where can visitors get to the coast by rope
A.At Lake Bonnie Rose. B.At Horseshoe Bay.
C.At Finger Bay. D.At Clam Lagoon.
23.How much does it cost if you and your parents take the trip
A.$1,200. B.$1,400. C.$3,600. D.$4,200.
Richard Proenneke did what most nature lovers can only dream of: At age 51, he quit his job as a mechanic and moved to the Alaskan wilderness to become one with nature.
In 1962,Proenneke encountered the area Twin Lakes, now called Lake Clark National Park and Preserve. Its wild beauty struck a chord with Proenneke. He thought the area was a perfect place to settle. In 1968, he built a small cabin there and remained for the next 30 years.
Going such long periods without companionship would tax many a person. But that was not the case for Proenneke. An obsessive observer and diarist, Proenneke once noted he was so busy with his life that he was never lonely. He spent most of his free time writing about the weather, the environment and the animals, some of which he befriended with regular treats. He hiked thousands of miles per year, becoming quite familiar with the miles of wilderness around his cabin. He caught and ate fish from the lake. Having no refrigerator, he dug into the ground and created a chilly storage box that helped to prolong his fresh foods.
Yet Proenneke wasn't a bitter or angry isolationist (孤立主义者). He happily wrote replies to just about anyone who sent him letters. During the 30 years, Proenneke filled up more than 250 notepads with his diary entries. He also carried a camera to record some of his daily activities. Along with a biography composed by his friend Sam Keith, Proenneke's notepads and camera footage were later turned into a documentary, Alone in the Wilderness.
In his will,Proenneke left behind his Twin Lakes cabin to the park rangers (护林员) as a gift. Actually, he had become such an important part of the park's ecosystem that the rangers had trouble imagining life without him.
24.What made Proenneke different from other nature lovers
A.He loved outdoor activities. B.He built a cabin in the forest.
C.He quit his job in his fifties. D.He settled alone in the wilderness.
25.Which word can best replace the underlined “tax” in Paragraph 3
A.Impress. B. Benefit. C.Defeat. D.Transform.
26.What might Proenneke think of his life in Twin Lakes
A.Bitter but fruitful. B.Lonely but peaceful.
C.Risky but thrilling. D.Simple but fulfilling.
27.What might be a suitable title for the text
A.One Man's “Alaska” B. Gift from a Nature Lover
C.A Volunteer Ranger D. Survival in the Wilderness
More families than ever are taking “edventures”—long-term trips where children learn on the road. Worldschooling, edventuring, life-learning, whatever you call it, more parents are doing it.
Take Jo and Jamie Robins, who are two weeks into a four-month South America trip with their daughters. “We want to take some time to step back from life, the treadmill (枯燥无味的工作) of working hard to pay a mortgage(按揭贷款), not having enough time for family or to follow our interests,” says Jo.
David and Debs Hurst's three-month mission to visit their Facebook friends, with their sons, turned into a campervan (房车) trip across 13 countries. “To our minds, they are learning in a more interesting way,” says David.
Martina and Julian Tyrrell sold their house in Cambridge to sail off into the sunset on a yacht(游艇),with their daughters. Nearly two years on, they are now based by the Guadiana River on the border of Spain and Portugal, while the girls go to a Spanish school, and are wondering where the wind might take them next. “When people asked us how long we would be away, I jokingly said between six months and 60 years. The kids loved the life and I'm not that concerned about school because we always said we would homeschool them. If they get to a point where they want to go to school, I won't stand in their way,” says Martina.
The Department of Education takes a poor view of any time away from school. “Children must receive a suitable education. Even missing a week of school affects children's attainment,” said a spokeswoman.
Most round-the-world family blogs hail (赞扬) the experience as life-changing in the best way possible. Lara Pennington-Ellis, a British single mum based in Barcelona who set off on a round-the-world trip with her eight-year-old son, is one exception. “I'm loving our intense time together but I'm also missing my personal freedom and adult conversation. Worldschooling sounds easygoing but it's actually the hardest hour of the day, to work hard and do maths/Spanish/English/handwriting homework,” she says in one post.
28.Why did Jo go edventuring
A.To find inspiration for her work. B.To enjoy life with her family.
C.To meet her online friends. D.To learn Spanish.
29.What do Martina's words show
A.She is concerned about school education.
B.She has difficulty teaching her kids at home.
C.She will spend less than three months on a trip.
D.She will allow her kids to decide when to attend school.
30.What is the spokeswoman's attitude towards edventures
A.Reserved. B.Supportive. C.Uncaring. D.Critical.
31.What is a disadvantage of edventure for parents according to Lara
A.They fail to find useful guidance from professionals.
B.They have much less time for themselves.
C.They are short of teaching materials.
D.They can hardly afford it.
Today, the original Beetle has largely disappeared from the world's roads since Volkswagen stopped producing it in Germany in 1978. But the instantly recognizable car was once everywhere. From the 1970s to the 1990s, more than 21 million Beetles were produced worldwide. Many adults in their 40s or above have a story about the Beetle, or at least a memory.
Part of its universal appeal is its unique look. There's something about the car that just makes people smile: its happy shape, its cheerful colors, and perhaps its small size. However, the smiles that beetles evoke,__in people are not simply due to their design. It has a character almost. It has a sort of soul in a way. It's beyond a machine. For the better part of a century this car has been a part in people's lives. Seeing these cars on the road is like a time capsule. It opens people to memories and stories that might otherwise go untold. By allowing us to travel back in time, they remind us of what's important. In today's world, this car represents something very basic and earthy and genuine. Exactly the kind of travel we need right now.
“My parents had three, a white one, then a red one, and then an orange one. It was the car I grew up with,” said actor Ewan McGregor. “They would put us in the back of the Beetle in Scotland and drive to France for camping holidays in summer. My first car was a 1978 Beetle and now I own two, parked at my home in Los Angeles.”
McGregor thinks the car's future is electric. He has recently turned his 1978 model into a fully electric car. “Moving forward, maybe we'll just have to think; smaller cars, low emissions (排放), and something that makes us feel happy,” he says.
32.When was the production of Beetles stopped in Germany
A.In the 1990s. B.In the 1980s. C.In the late 1970s. D.In the early 1960s.
33.Which of the following best explains “evoke” underlined in Paragraph 2
A.To keep an unpleasant feeling in one's mind.
B.To find out information about one's character.
C.To bring a feeling or a memory into one's mind.
D.To ask somebody to do something in a rude way.
34.Why does Ewan McGregor own two Beetles
A.He wants to be reminded of his childhood. B.They are used to decorate his new home.
C.He has too many children for just one car. D.His parents have left one of their cars to him.
35.In which section of a newspaper does this text most probably appear
A.Advertisement. B.Lifestyle. C.Environment. D.Economy.
How to start the morning
Shift toward a positive attitude
Before going to bed, think about five things you're grateful for every day. It doesn't matter how big or small they are — it could be something as simple as having a roof over your head. This helps your brain get into a thankful state of mind and you wake up feeling less negative (消极的) about things. __36__
Pick a wake-up time and stick with it
__37__ Feeling rushed is a kind of stress you don't need. It gets in the way of your goals, limiting clear thinking and lowering energy throughout your day.
Get rid of (摆脱) the traditional alarm
Switch your phone alarm to a sunrise alarm clock. These types of alarms are created with your natural circadian rhythm (昼夜生理节奏) in mind and use light to ease you into wake-up mode so that, by the time your alarm goes off, you are feeling ready to get up. I love the Hatch Restore Sleep Sound Machine. At nighttime, it provides a reading light and relaxing sleep sounds. __38__
Take a moment to just be
Take a few minutes when you wake to just be. Do a few breathing exercises, meditate (冥想) or take some time to center yourself before the busy work begins. __39__
Prioritize(优先考虑) your well-being
If you can, try not to jump straight into your daily tasks, or do things for others. __40__ Whether that's a morning workout or a healthy breakfast, any well-being practice will help you start your morning on a positive note and set you up for the day ahead.
A.Every day can bring a new set of challenges.
B.Drink a glass of water or warm water before you eat.
C.It also helps you focus more on the simple pleasures in life.
D.Use your morning time to do one activity that improves your well-being.
E.Get up at the same time every day and get up early to avoid feeling rushed.
F.Learning how to use these types of mindfulness tools can help reduce stress.
G.In the morning, it wakes you up with warm sunlight, even if it's still dark out.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I've just read an interesting article. It says children of __41__ mothers are less likely to stick to traditional roles of male __42__ and female homemakers. Kids whose mothers have jobs __43__ have a better chance of success later in life.
When I was five, illness robbed me of my father. To support my family, my mum__44__ a full-time job, which included long days. She __45__ my two sisters and me on her own. My mum always tells me, “Being __46__ is important. Why Because if you can organize your own life and make your own decisions, you can __47__ almost anything.” At 15, I got my first part-time job; later I __48__ three more. As I got older, I realized the __49__ of depending on myself and the amazing feeling I had when I __50__ to get things I wanted by myself and I didn't have to __51__ other people.
Watching my mother work hard, I gradually developed a__52__ attitude to work. That was why I was able to __53__ myself through four years of college on my own. Luckily I received a full-time job offer __54__ before I got my degree certificate (学位证书). I am __55__ to my mum. She has given me so much love over the years and is the greatest model for me.
41.A.working B.thinkin   C.single  D.reliable
42.A.peacemakers B.breadwinners C.hosts D.successes
43.A.obviously B.constantly C.probably D. fortunately
44.A.landed B.refused C.offered D.abandoned
45.A.dressed B.raised C.educated D.influenced
46.A.independent B.confident C.intelligent D.consistent
47.A.ignore B.bear C.attain D.forget
48.A.got back B.got through C.took over D.took on
49.A.secret B.beauty C.difficulty D.seriousness
50.A.intended B.struggled C.managed D.prepared
51.A.save B.mind C.follow D.bother
52.A.complex B.relaxed C.general D.positive
53.A.walk B.put C.carry D.run
54.A.yet B.still C.even D.again
55.A.faithful B.close C.subject D.grateful
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
With the recent relaxation in travel restrictions, I found myself visiting Innsbruck, the capital city of the state of Tyrol in Western Austria.
This wonderful and underrated destination snuggles (依偎) within snow-capped mountains and 56.________ perfect for a short break. Even the approach to Innsbruck Airport by air is 57.________ breathtaking sight as the plane 58.________ (gentle) moves between the mountains on its journey to the runway.
The city is a 59.________ (combine) of modern architecture and historic buildings, 60.________ (serve) runway both as a booming university town and a popular tourist center. Making my way through streets and intricately designed buildings, I could not help but 61.________ (impress) by this awe-inspiring city.
I learned from my guide-book that Innsbruck was the imperial capital 500 years ago 62.________ the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I lived here, and it still lives up to 63.________ (it) royal connections today with its wonderful architecture.
I wandered round this city which was easy 64.________ (travel) on foot, amazed at the dramatic scenery of the Nordkette mountain range, which offers skiing and hiking.
Of course, no visit 65.________ Innsbruck is complete without tasting traditional Austrian food including my personal favorite—apple strudel with vanilla cream.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
On the Friday after Thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day of the year, I went for breakfast in downtown Little Rock.
Even at 8 a. m. there was a waiting line at the cafe. Customers stood in groups, chatting and rubbing their cold hands together, waiting to share a hot breakfast and more conversation before pouring into the stores for bargains. I could feel the cheery excitement of the holidays, but it was tied with the usual stress that spoils the season with layers of anxiety and tiredness.
Finally, I was seated by a large window. I noticed that it had begun to rain lightly outside. “Oh, no,” I complained. “I'm going to be dashing around in the rain. Shopping will be messy today!” I heard others complaining, too.
Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed an elderly man on the other side of the window, making his way carefully down the sidewalk. He was carrying a black umbrella in his left hand, sheltering himself from the rain, and balancing several brooms (扫帚) on his right shoulder. Beneath a thin gray coat, he was dressed in a brown pants. A striped ski cap protected his head and thick glasses covered his eyes. As I watched, he smiled and stepped politely aside to allow a couple to rush by.
“Who's that?” I asked the waitress.
“That's Melvin. He's been walking these streets for years and years. I've heard he put several orphans through college selling those brooms. He's almost blind in his seventies, but he keeps on keeping on. I don't know how he does it. Everybody buys brooms from him. He lives a poor life but he was a wonderful person. People here have always been good to him.”
Suddenly I was curious. This dear man could hardly see. Selling brooms on the streets could not earn good money. Melvin was the one who needed help! “So how did he help people?” I asked frankly.
Just then Melvin walked slowly into the restaurant.
We chatted over the breakfast.
Text 1
W: How can I get to the airport
M: You can go there by underground,by bus or by taxi. The underground is the quickest,but the bus is the cheapest.
Text 2
W: Front desk. Can I help you
M: Yeah,hi,this is Room 327. Is your dining room still open
Text 3
W: I can't imagine what happened to Judy.
M: Neither can I. I'm sure she planned to come to the party.
Text 4
W: I'm so happy that you enjoyed the food.
M: Actually, you've ordered too much. We can't finish it all.
W: Never mind. This dinner is on me.
Text 5
W: Is it raining outside, Bob
M: Is it raining Can't you see that I'm almost wet to the skin
Text 6
M: Hello.
W: I'm calling to ask if you still have the flat.
M: Yes, we have.
W: That's a two bedroom flat
M: That's right. It has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and the living room can also act as a dining room.
W: How much for a month
M: It's 450 dollars a month.
W: Does that include the heat and electricity
M: No. You have to pay for them yourself.
W: I see. I hope that's the flat I want and I'll come to see the house myself.
Text 7
M: Now what's the matter with you
W: I felt very ill.
M: I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think so
W: I felt tired in the daytime and clear headed at night. And I have no desire to eat, even if the food is delicious.
M: Are you worried about anything
W: Yes, I'm very worried about the coming exams. If I fail, I can't win the scholarship.
M: I see. There's nothing seriously wrong with you. What you should do is not think too much and do more exercise.
W: Should I take some medicine
M: Yes,I'll give you some medicine to help you sleep.
Text 8
W: I'm terribly sorry I am late.
M: Oh, that's all right. It doesn't really matter, does it I haven't got anything better to do, have I
W: Just let me explain,will you
M: I have only been waiting for over an hour. That's all.
W: Yes. I know and I would have...
M: After all,my time isn't really that important, is it
W: Please don't be like that. Just let me explain. I... I tried to get here in time but just after I left home, the car broke down.
M: The car broke down
W: Yes, and... well... luckily... there was a garage near me. And... and it took them a while to repair it.
M: Which garage
W: The one near my flat, you know. Lewis Brothers. Well, let's have something to eat. What about some...
M: I know the garage very well!
W: Yes. Let's see now. Yes. I think I'll have some...
M: A pity. It's Sunday. The garage is closed on Sunday!
Text 9
M: How time flies! The winter holidays are coming next week.
W: Yes,do you have any plans
M: Certainly. I want to go to Egypt. What about you
W: I'm afraid I can go nowhere. I failed my English exam. You know my parents are so strict with me.
M: Bad luck!
W: I say, is Egypt an African country Is it far
M: Yes, it's in Africa and quite far. But it's not only the Pyramids that I want to see but the Aswan Dam.
W: You want to see the Aswan Dam
M: Of course. I'll go there by boat on the Nile.
W: That'll be wonderful and interesting. How will you get there
M: By air—by flight No. CA808. My sister works on it. And then I'll be treated as a king!
W: Don't be so proud. I'll be off now. I wish you a good trip.
M: Oh,sorry. I didn't mean that. I don't want to hurt you...
Text 10
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our tour. Now we're on the way to some points of historical interest in the city. If you look out of the window on your right, you'll see the Grange, one of the oldest buildings in the city. It was built 200 years ago, and still has most of the old furniture. Perhaps the most interesting thing is that every Saturday afternoon, you can come and watch them bake bread the way it was done 200 years ago. On your left is a university building. This university building is just 125 years old. We'll be stopping in a quarter of an hour at Bridgetown Castle. It was built by Sir Henry Pellat for his young wife. He brought almost all of the building materials from England. Notice the beautiful glass windows. Unfortunately, Sir Henry's young wife became ill and died before the castle was completed. Sir Henry became so unhappy that he left the castle and returned to England. No family members have ever lived there.
1~5 CBCAB 6~10 BABCA
11~15 BBABC 16~20 AABBA
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了阿拉斯加Aleutian 岛旅行的一些基本情况。
21.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第一段“It is one of the remote Aleutian islands. It is a place best known for its natural beauty.”可知,Adak岛因其自然美景而闻名于世。
22.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据Activities中“At Horseshoe Bay, brave people can climb down a rope to the coast below and nearby hot springs.”可知,在Horseshoe湾游客可以顺着绳子爬到下面的海岸和附近的温泉。
23.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据Charge for 8 days 中的“The group price: $1,200 per person (over 2 persons)”可知,两人以上的团购价格是每人1 200美元;由此可知,你和父母参加这次旅行,需支付:3×1 200=3 600美元。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了理查德·普伦内克在51岁时辞去机械师的工作,搬到了阿拉斯加的荒野,与自然融为一体。
24.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段“Richard Proenneke did what most nature lovers can only dream of: At age 51, he quit his job as a mechanic and moved to the Alaskan wilderness to become one with nature.”可知,理查德·普伦内克和其他自然爱好者不同的是他独自一人搬到了荒野居住,和大自然融为一体。
25.答案与解析:C 词句猜测题。根据第三段画线词所在句子的前半句话“Going such long periods without companionship (这么长时间没有伴侣)”以及后几句话“But that was not the case for Proenneke. An obsessive observer and diarist, ...some of which he befriended with regular treats.”可知,对于大多数人来说,长时间独居会让人感到劳累,甚至崩溃。但是对于普伦内克来说并非如此。他有很多事情可做,从不感到孤单。由此可知,tax的意思为“挫败”。
26.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第三段中“He spent most of his free time writing about the weather, the environment and the animals, ...he dug into the ground and created a chilly storage box that helped to prolong his fresh foods.”可知,普伦内克独自一人生活在荒野中并不感到孤单,有很多事情可以做,但这些事情多数和自然有关。由此可以推知,他在Twin Lakes的生活既简单又充实。
27.答案与解析:A 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了理查德·普伦内克在51岁时辞去机械师的工作,搬到了阿拉斯加的荒野,与自然融为一体。在那里,他建造了一间小木屋,独自一人生活,但是他从来没有感觉孤独。他写了250多本日记,还携带了一台摄像机来记录他的一些日常活动。最后,他把他的小木屋留给公园流浪者作为礼物。所以“一个人的‘阿拉斯加’”适合作文章的标题。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了不同家长对于带孩子游学的不同观点。
28.答案与解析:B 理解具体信息。根据第二段中的“We want to take some time... for family”可知,Jo带孩子游学是为了有更多的时间与家人享受生活。
29.答案与解析:D 推断。根据倒数第三段中的“If they get to a point where they want to go to school, I won't stand in their way”可知,Martina允许孩子们自己决定什么时候去上学。
30.答案与解析:D 理解观点、态度。根据倒数第二段中的“Children must receive a suitable education. Even missing a week of school affects children's attainment”可知,这位女性发言人对游学持批评的态度。
31.答案与解析:B 理解具体信息。根据最后一段中的“I'm loving our intense time together but I'm also missing my personal freedom and adult conversation”可知,Lara认为带孩子游学的弊端是没有自己的时间。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了曾畅销全球的甲壳虫汽车早已超越了代步的工具,而是升华为几代人情感与记忆的载体。
32.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第一段关键句“Today, the original Beetle has largely disappeared from the world's roads since Volkswagen stopped producing it in Germany in 1978.”可知,大众汽车自1978年停止在德国生产甲壳虫,由此可知,德国在20世纪70年代末停止生产甲壳虫。
33.答案与解析:C 词义猜测题。根据画线单词下文“Seeing these cars on the road is like a time capsule. It opens people to memories and stories that might otherwise go untold.”可知,甲壳虫能够让人们想起之前的记忆和生活中曾发生的故事,由此可知,甲壳虫唤起了人们的记忆,“To bring a feeling or a memory into one's mind”意为“把一种感觉或记忆带入脑海”,选项能够表达画线单词在句中所要表达的意思。
34.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,甲壳虫是伴随伊万·麦格雷戈长大的车,他小时候曾坐在甲壳虫的后座上,和家人一起去度假,由此可知,伊万·麦格雷戈拥有两辆甲壳虫是因为甲壳虫会让他回想起他的童年。
35.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容“McGregor thinks the car's future is electric. He has recently turned his 1978 model into a fully electric car. ‘Moving forward, maybe we'll just have to think; smaller cars, low emissions (排放), and something that makes us feel happy,’ he says.”可知,本文主要介绍了曾畅销全球的甲壳虫汽车是几代人记忆的载体,现在的甲壳虫汽车顺应时代要求,发展成更小、更环保的汽车,这是一种生活方式的变化,由此可知,这篇文章讲述的是人们的生活方式,最可能出现在报纸的生活方式部分。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了打开清晨的几种方式。
36.答案与解析:C 设空处与上文构成递进关系。C项中的simple与上文中的simple构成原词复现关系,C项中的pleasures与上文中的grateful,thankful及less negative为同现关系,且C项中的simple pleasures与上文中的having a roof over your head相呼应。
37.答案与解析:E 设空处承上启下。E项中的Get up at the same time every day与该段小标题Pick a wake-up time and stick with it相呼应,且E项中的feeling rushed与下文中的Feeling rushed构成原词复现关系,引出下文中对stress的补充说明。
38.答案与解析:G 设空处是对上文的补充说明且与上一句在语义上构成对比。G项中的In the morning与上文中的At nighttime构成对比关系,且G项中的warm sunlight与上文中的reading light构成对比关系。
39.答案与解析:F 设空处是对上文的补充说明。F项中的mindfulness与上文中的meditate or take some time to center yourself相呼应,F项道出了冥想的好处,是对上文的补充说明。
40.答案与解析:D 设空处承上启下。D项中的improves your well-being与该段小标题Prioritize your well-being相呼应,且D项中的one activity与下文中的a morning workout及a healthy breakfast为上下义词。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要介绍了作者的妈妈是一名职业女性,在她的影响下,作者形成了积极的人生态度。
41.答案与解析:A 句意:报告称,职业母亲的孩子不太可能坚持男性养家糊口、女性家庭主妇的传统角色。 根据下文“Kids whose mothers have jobs”可知,此处指职业母亲。
42.答案与解析:B 根据语境和常识可知,职业妈妈的孩子坚守男性养家糊口、女性家庭主妇的传统角色的可能性较小。“breadwinners”意思是“挣钱养家的人”。
43.答案与解析:C 句意:母亲有工作的孩子在以后的生活中可能有更好的成功机会。 根据语境以及下文“have a better chance of success later in life”可知,职业妈妈的孩子在以后的生活中成功的“可能性”更大。
44.答案与解析:A 句意:为了养家糊口,我妈妈找到了一份全职工作,其中包括长时间工作。 根据上文“To support my family” 可知,作者的妈妈成功得到了一份全职的工作。
45.答案与解析:B 根据上文“When I was five, illness robbed me of my father.”可知,作者的爸爸在她五岁时因病去世了,所以她的妈妈独自一人抚养她和两个姐姐。
46.答案与解析:A 根据下文“organize your own life and make your own decisions”和“depending on myself”可知,作者的妈妈告诉她,独立很重要。
47.答案与解析:C 句意:因为如果你能组织自己的生活,做出自己的决定,你几乎可以实现任何事情。根据上文“Because if you can organize your own life and make your own decisions”可知,作者的母亲告诉她,如果她能够安排好自己的生活,并自己做决定,那么她就可以获得任何东西。
48.答案与解析:D 根据上文“At 15, I got my first part-time job”可知,作者15岁时,找到了第一份兼职的工作,此处表示后来作者又“做了”三份兼职。
49.答案与解析:B 根据语境可知,作者意识到了独立的美妙之处。
50.答案与解析:C 句意:随着年龄的增长,我意识到依靠自己的美妙之处,以及当我自己设法得到我想要的东西,而不需要麻烦其他人时的奇妙感觉。
51.答案与解析:D 根据上文“get things I wanted by myself”可知,作者靠自己成功获得了想要的东西,而不用去麻烦别人。
52.答案与解析:D 根据上文“Watching my mother work hard”可知,作者看着妈妈努力认真的工作,她也逐渐对工作形成了积极的态度。
53.答案与解析:B 根据语境可知,作者的妈妈教会了她独立,所以这就是为什么作者能够依靠自己完成四年大学学业。put sb. through four years of college 意思是“供某人上了四年大学”。
54.答案与解析:C 根据上文“Luckily I received a full-time job offer”可知,幸运的是,甚至在拿到学位证书之前,作者就得到了一份全职的工作。
55.答案与解析:D 根据下文“She has given me so much love over the years and is the greatest model for me”可知,作者很“感激”自己的妈妈,因为她非常爱她,并且给作者树立了很好的榜样。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者去Innsbruck旅行的所见所闻。
56.答案与解析:is 句意:这个美妙而被低估的目的地依偎在白雪皑皑的山脉中,非常适合短暂的休息。分析可知,空处和上文snuggles并列作谓语,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时,be perfect for“非常适合”是固定短语。
57.答案与解析:a 句意:当飞机在通往跑道的途中在群山之间缓慢移动时,即使是乘坐飞机接近因斯布鲁克机场也是一个令人惊叹的景象。sight“景象”是可数名词,此处是泛指,应用不定冠词修饰,breathtaking的发音是辅音音素开头,故填a。
58.答案与解析:gently 修饰动词moves应用所给词的副词形式作状语。
59.答案与解析:combination 句意:这座城市融合了现代建筑和历史建筑,既是一个蓬勃发展的大学城,也是一个受欢迎的旅游中心。根据冠词a可知空处应填可数名词的单数形式,combine的名词形式是combination。
60.答案与解析:serving 句中已有谓语动词is且无连词,故空处应填非谓语动词,serve和逻辑主语city之间是主动关系,应用现在分词。
61.答案与解析:be impressed 句意:穿过街道和设计复杂的建筑,我不禁对这座令人敬畏的城市印象深刻。由can't help but do“不禁,忍不住……”可知空处应填动词原形,结合句意表达“对……印象深刻”用be impressed by。
62.答案与解析:when 句意:我从导游书中了解到,500年前,神圣罗马帝国皇帝马克西米利安一世居住在这里时,因斯布鲁克是帝国首都,如今,它仍然以其美妙的建筑与皇室关系不相上下。空处引导限制性定语从句,先行词是500 years ago,从句缺少时间状语, 故填when。
63.答案与解析:its 修饰后文名词词组royal connections应用形容词性物主代词。
64.答案与解析:to travel 句意:我在这座很容易徒步旅行的城市漫步,惊叹于诺德凯特山脉的壮观景色,这里提供滑雪和徒步旅行。此处为固定句型:主语+adj.+to do。
65.答案与解析:to 句意:当然,如果不品尝传统的奥地利美食,包括我个人最喜欢的香草奶油苹果馅饼,那么去因斯布鲁克的旅行是不完整的。表达“去……的旅行”用visit to...。
Dear Tim,
I'm very glad that you invited me to visit the Scottish countryside during the summer vacation. I accept your invitation.
Now I am writing to you some details of the travel, such as when we will leave, what I should take with me and what I should pay special attention to while in the Scottish countryside. I've heard that the Scottish countryside is very beautiful and I'd like to see the Bagpipes with my own eyes.
I can't wait to get going.
Li Hua
JustthenMelvinwalkedslowlyintotherestaurant. Waiting customers smiled and cleared the way for him. A few shook his hand. Others patted his shoulder as he moved quietly from table to table, smiling and asking, “Do you need a broom today?” Several frequenters bought from him and rose to pile their new brooms near the doorway. He gestured toward his brooms by the door. “I'm grateful for what you did for me.” At the scene, I was deeply touched by this man and his story. I ordered him a breakfast and asked him to sit next to me.
Wechattedoverthebreakfast. From our interactions, I learned that he always chose the path of gratitude and service, even though there was much he could have complained about, not like the rest of us... well, at least me, who complained just because we had to go shopping in the rain. He also shared that he was earning nearly enough to fund another orphan through college and he was doing his bit to make the world better. He really made me feel humbled, and it was then that I decided to be intentionally positive and become a better person.