人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit5 First Aid学案(5份打包,含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit5 First Aid学案(5份打包,含解析)
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文件大小 291.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-16 15:02:40


Heroic Teenager Receives Award
Seventeen-year-old teenager, John Janson, was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards last night in Rivertown for giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a shocking knife attack.
John was presented with his award at a ceremony① which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.
John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.When he and his father rushed outside, a man ran from the scene.They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed② repeatedly with a knife.She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily.Her hands had almost been cut off.
It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade's life.He immediately asked a number of nearby people for bandages③, but when nobody could put their hands on④ any, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house.John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slade's hands.He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.
“I'm proud of what I did but I was just doing what I'd been taught, ” John said.
John had taken part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme (方案) at his high school.When congratulating John, Mr Alan Southerton, Director of the Young Lifesaver Scheme said, “There is no doubt that John's quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade's life.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.”
Before receiving their awards last night, John and the nine other Life Savers attended a special reception⑤ yesterday hosted by the Prime Minister.(选自人教版旧教材必修五 Unit 5)
①ceremony /'ser m n / n.典礼;仪式    ②stab /st b/ vt.&vi.刺;戳;刺伤
③bandage /'b nd d / n.绷带 ④put one's hands on找到
⑤reception /r 'sep n/ n.接待处;招待会
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:If you find someone drowning, knowing some knowledge of first aid can make a big difference.
如果你发现有人溺水, 了解一些急救知识会起到很大的作用。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.Causes of burns.
B.First aid treatment.
C.Characteristics of burns.
D.Burns and first aid treatment.
2.Match the main idea with each part.
Part.1____  A.The three types of burns.
Part.2____ B.First-aid treatment.
Part.3____ C.The functions of the skin.
Part.4____ D.The characteristics of burns.
Part.5____  E.How we get burns.
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
Read the text on Pages 50~51 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.Why should we place burns under cool running water
A.Because if not, the person will cry.
B.Because cool water will prevent the burning process and reduce the pain and swelling.
C.Because the burns are on the face.
D.Because it will make the person feel good.
2.What are the characteristics of first-degree burns
A.Black, white and charred.
B.Rough, red and swollen.
C.Rough, red and dry.
D.Dry, red and mildly swollen.
3.If burns affect all three layers of the skin, any tissue and organs under the skin, what does the man have to do
A.He should be sent to hospital at once.
B.He should be placed on the floor and cool the burns immediately.
C.He should be undressed in order to cover the burned area with a clean, dry bandage.
D.He should be asked not to drink any water.
4.Where is this text taken from
A.A blog post.
B.An experiment report.
C.A short story.
D.A hospital leaflet.
Task 3 文本理解:续写佳句
Read the passage carefully and find the verb chunks used for first-aid treatment.(细读短文并找出用于急救治疗的动词词块)
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①essential adj.基本的;必不可少的
②organ [' ɡ n] n.(人或动植物的)器官
③toxin ['t ks n] n.毒素(尤指细菌产生的致病物质)
④ray [re ] n.光线;光束;(热、电等)射线
⑤prevent...from doing sth. 阻止……做某事
[同义词]stop/keep...from doing sth.阻止……做某事
⑥sense of touch触觉
⑦get burnt被晒伤, 烧伤
⑧lead to导致, 造成;通向
to是介词, 后面跟名词或动词-ing形式作宾语。
⑨give first aid实施急救
[同义词]perform first aid实施急救
⑩a variety of(=varieties of) 各种各样的
radiation [ re di'e n] n.辐射;放射线
acid [' s d] n.酸 adj.酸的;酸性的
chemical n.化学制品, 化学药品 adj.化学的
be divided into被分成……
depth n.深度
at a depth of在……的深处
millimetre ['m li mi t (r)] n.毫米;千分之一米
minor ['ma n (r)] adj.较小的;次要的;轻微的
[反义词]major adj.重要的;主要的
incident n.事件, 事故;插曲
layer ['le (r);'le (r)] n.层;表层;层次
liquid n.液体
electric shock触电;电击
electric [ 'lektr k] adj.电的;用电的;电动的
severe adj.严重的;严厉的;艰难的;苛刻的
severely adv.严重地;严厉地;艰难地;苛刻地
victim ['v kt m] n.受害者;患者
swollen ['sw l n] adj.(身体部位)肿起的;肿胀的
swell [swel]vi.(swelled, swollen)膨胀;肿胀
blister ['bl st (r)] n.(皮肤上因摩擦、烫伤等引起的)水疱;(金属等表面的)气泡、水泡
watery adj.水的;似水的;含水的;水分很多的
underneath [ nd 'ni θ]
prep. &adv.在……底下;隐藏在下面
nerve [n v] n.神经
nervous adj.神经质的;焦虑的
the edges of...……的边缘
process n.过程
in the process of在……过程中
reduce vt.减少;蒸发;节食
reduce to...减少到……
reduce by...减少了……
fabric ['f br k] n.织物;布料;(社会、机构等的)结构
stick to粘在……上
loose [lu s] adj. 松的;未系紧的;宽松的;组织不严密的
loosely adv.宽松地
loosen vt.放松, 松开
apply vt.&vi.申请;涂;敷;应用
apply to适用于
suffer from遭受
urgent [' d nt] adj.紧急的;急迫的;急切的
urgency n.紧急;紧急的事
The skin is an essential① part of your body and is its largest organ②. Your skin acts as a barrier against disease, toxins③, and the sun's rays④. It also helps control your body temperature, prevents your body from⑤ losing too much water, warns you when things are too hot or cold, and gives you your sense of touch⑥.[1]As you can imagine,[2]getting burnt⑦ [3] can lead to⑧ very serious injuries. The first and most important step in the treatment of burns is giving first aid⑨.[4]
[1]本句是一个复合句。在句中helps、 prevents、 warns和gives是and连接的四个并列谓语。“when things are too hot or cold”是when引导的时间状语从句。
[2]此处是关系代词as引导的非限制性定语从句, as在句中作宾语。
You can get burnt by a variety of⑩ things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation , the sun, electricity, acids , or other chemicals .
Burns are divided into three types, depending on the depth of skin damage.[5]
·First-degree burns These affect only the top few millimetres of the skin. These burns are not serious. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by other minor household incidents .[6]
[6]此处是过去分词短语作后置定语, 修饰burns。
·Second-degree burns These go below the top layer of the skin. They are serious and take a few weeks to get better. Examples include burns caused by hot liquids .
·Third-degree burns These affect every layer of the skin, and sometimes the tissue under it. Examples include burns caused by
electric shocks ,burning clothes, or petrol fires. These burns cause very severe internal injuries and the victim must go to the hospital at once.
First-degree burns
·dry, red, and mildly swollen
·mildly painful
·turn white when pressed[7]
[7]此处是状语从句的省略, 补充完整为“when it is pressed”, 其中it指代skin。
Second-degree burns
·red and swollen; blisters ; watery surface
·extremely painful
Third-degree burns
·black and white
·swollen; the tissue underneath can often be seen
·little or no pain if nerves are damaged;[8] may be painful around the edges of the burn
1.Place burns under cool running water, especially within the first ten minutes.[9] The cool water stops the burning process and reduces the pain and swelling.
[9]此处是介词短语作状语, 其中especially表示进一步强调。
2.Dry the burnt area gently with a clean cloth.
3.Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary, unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin.[10]
[10]本句是一个主从复合句。主句中现在分词短语using scissors作方式状语。if necessary可看作状语从句“if (it is) necessary”的省略, unless引导条件状语从句。
4.Cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth. Applying oil to the injured areas is a bad idea, as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.
5.If burns are on the face, make sure the victim can still breathe.
6.If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns, there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once.
皮肤是人体必不可少的一部分, 也是人体最大的器官。皮肤是抵御疾病、毒素和太阳光线的一道屏障。它还有助于控制体温, 防止身体流失过多的水分, 在外物过热或过冷时发出警告, 并使你有触觉。正如你所想的那样, 烧伤会造成非常严重的伤害。治疗烧伤的第一步也是最重要的一步是采取急救措施。
根据皮肤损伤的深度, 烧伤分为三类。
·二度烧伤:伤及最上层皮肤以下的皮肤。此类烧伤较为严重, 需要数周时间才能康复, 如灼热的液体造成的烧伤。
·三度烧伤:伤及每一层皮肤, 有时甚至伤及皮下组织, 如因电击、衣服着火或汽油起火造成的烧伤。此类烧伤会引起非常严重的内部损伤, 伤者必须立即送往医院。
1.将烧伤部位放在流动的冷水下冲洗, 尤其在前十分钟。冷水可阻止烧伤过程, 减轻疼痛和肿胀。
3.如果有必要的话, 用剪刀剪掉烧伤部位的衣服, 除非你看到衣服粘在烧伤的皮肤上。
4.用干净透气的布盖住烧伤部位。把油涂在受伤的地方是一个糟糕的主意, 因为这会阻碍伤口散热, 而且可能引发感染。
5.如果烧伤部位在脸上, 应确保伤者仍可呼吸。
6.如果伤者是二度或三度烧伤, 有必要立即把他/她送往医院。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.first-aid ________ 急救技能
2.________ donation  器官捐赠
3.nuclear ________  核辐射
4.________ soils  酸性土壤
5.the top ________ of the skin 皮肤的表层
6.a ________ of the war  一名战争受害者
7.________ the table  在桌子下面
8.________ the burnt area  包扎烧伤部位
1.________['ma n (r)] adj.较小的;次要的;轻微的→minority n.少数;少数派;少数人;少数民族→(反义词)major adj.主要的;重要的;大的;严重的→majority n.大部分;大多数
2.________[ 'lektr k] adj.电的;用电的;电动的→electricity n.电→electrical adj.电的;与电有关的→electronic adj.电子的
3.________[swel] vi.(swelled, swollen)膨胀;肿胀→swollen adj.(身体部位)肿起的;肿胀的
4.________[n v] n.神经→nervous adj.紧张的
5.________ [lu s] adj.松的;未系紧的;宽松的→loosen v.(使)放松, 变松;解开→loosely adv.宽松地;松散地;不精确地
6.________ [' d nt] adj.紧急的;急迫的;急切的→urge v.敦促;催促;力劝 n.强烈的欲望→urgency n.紧迫;急迫
7.________ [i z] vi.&vt.(使)宽慰;减轻;缓解 n.容易;舒适;自在→easy adj.容易的;简单的→easily adv.容易地
radiate→radiation  n. 辐射
infect→________ n. 感染
imagine→________ n. 想象
associate→________ n. 关联
1.________________  触觉
2.________________ 触电;电击
3.________________ 分成
4.________________ 依靠;依赖
5.________________ 遭受
6.________________ 充当
7.________________ 阻止……免于……
8.________________ 导致
9.________________ 各种各样的
10.________________ 把……运用/涂抹于……
[教材]Examples include mild sunburn and burns __________________________.
[教材]Remove any clothes using scissors ____________, ________________________________________.
如果有必要的话, 用剪刀剪掉烧伤部位的衣服, 除非你看到衣服粘在烧伤的皮肤上。
3.[句型]there is a(n)...need to do sth.
[教材]If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns, ______________________________________.
如果患者是二度或三度烧伤, 急需立即把他/她送到医院。
[教材]______________________ helps because it may reduce swelling and ease discomfort.
在烧伤处涂黄油或食用油会有帮助, 因为它可以消肿和缓解不适。
[教材]____________________, getting burnt can lead to very serious injuries.
可想而知, 烧伤会导致非常严重的伤害。
1.It also helps control your body temperature, prevents your body from losing too much water, warns you when things are too hot or cold, and gives you your sense of touch.
[分析]本句是一个复合句。 helps, prevents, warns和gives为________。when things are too hot or cold为时间状语从句。
2.Applying oil to the injured areas is a bad idea, as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.
[分析]本句是一个复合句。as引导________从句, 主句中Applying oil to the injured areas为动名词短语作________。
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P50)It also helps control your body temperature, prevents your body from losing too much water, warns you when things are too hot or cold, and gives you your sense of touch.
它还有助于控制体温, 防止身体流失过多的水分, 在外物过热或过冷时发出警告, 并使你有触觉。
◎sense of touch 触觉
①a sense of responsibility 责任感
②a sense of direction 方向感
③a sense of joy and happiness
④a sense of achievement 成就感
⑤a sense of belonging 归属感
[佳句] Having heard this satisfactory outcome, Steve felt a sense of joy and happiness crowding in on him.
在听到这个令人满意的结果后, 史蒂夫感到一种喜悦和幸福的感觉涌上心头。
①We all felt ________________ (一种自豪感) for our country's great achievements.
②The social practice can help strengthen our ________________ (责任感).
③This kind of chemical can ________________ (损害你的触觉) when applied to your hand.
2(教材P50)Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by other minor household incidents.
◎minor adj.较小的;次要的;轻微的 v.辅修
(1)minor injury  轻伤
minor in 辅修;兼修
(2)minority n. 少数;少数民族
in a/the minority 占少数
[佳句] Sometimes we don't agree with each other over some minor things.
①Though our school makes it clear that phones are not allowed, a ________ (minor) of students tend to ignore the school rules.
②The minority who attended the meeting yesterday ________ (be) students.
Littering and spitting are also ______________________________.
3(教材P51)Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary, unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin.
如果有必要的话, 用剪刀剪掉烧伤部位的衣服, 除非你看到衣服粘在烧伤的皮肤上。
句中if necessary是if it is necessary的省略;if型省略结构的惯用表达:
if so/not  如果是/不是这样的话
if ever 如果曾经有过的话
if any 如果真有的话;即使有(任何)……
if possible 如果可能的话
[佳句] If necessary, I'll turn to you for help.
如果有必要的话, 我将向你求助。
①如果是这样的话, 请去教学楼二楼的学生会办公室报名。
____________, please go to sign up at the Students' Union office, which is on the second floor of the Teaching Building.(应用文之通知)
②如果可能的话, 你最好骑自行车或者坐公共汽车去上班, 这有利于我们的环境。
____________, you'd better go to work by bike or by bus, which is beneficial to our environment.(应用文之建议信)
③你这个周末忙吗?如果不忙的话, 我们就去野餐吧。
Are you busy this weekend?____________, let's go out for a picnic.
(1)连词unless引导条件状语从句时, 意为“除非……, 如果不……, 除了……”, 多用于引导一个否定意义的条件句, 可与“if...not”互换;
(2)如果主句是一般将来时, 从句常用一般现在时;如果从句动作发生在主句动作之前, 从句可用现在完成时;
(3)若主从句主语一致, 且从句中含有动词be, 则可以省略从句主语和be动词。
[佳句] You will never gain success unless you are fully devoted to your work.
除非你全身心投入工作, 否则你将永远不会获得成功。
④She says that she will have to close the shop ________ business improves.
⑤Unless the weather ________ (get) better, I will stay at home.
众所周知, 如果你不进行有规律的锻炼, 身体就不会保持健康。(应用文之演讲稿)
⑥It is known to all that __________________, you won't keep fit. (unless)
⑦It is known to all that __________________, you won't keep fit.(if)
4(教材P51)If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns, there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once.
如果患者是二度或三度烧伤, 急需立即把他/她送到医院。
◎urgent adj.紧急的;急迫的;急切的
(1)in urgent need of... 急需……
It is urgent that sb. (should) do sth.
(2)urge vt. 竭力主张;大力推荐;敦促
urge sb. to do sth./sb. (should) do sth.
urge sth. on/upon sb. 强烈要求某人某事
(3)urgency n. 紧急;迫切
[佳句] As is known to us, environmental protection has become an urgent issue for human beings.
众所周知, 环保已经变成人类的一个紧迫问题。
①It is ________ (urge) that food and clothes (should) be sent to the sufferers in the area.
②I have an urge ________ (do) some voluntary work for the Chinese painting exhibition.
我们的班主任督促我们学生互相帮助, 以缓解我们沉重的学习压力。
③Our headteacher ____________________________________to each other to ease our heavy study pressure.
④Our headteacher ____________________________________ to each other to ease our heavy study pressure.
◎句型公式:“there is a need to do sth.”意为“有必要做某事”
(1)There is no need to do sth. 没必要做某事
There is no denying that... 不可否认……
There is no doubt that... 毫无疑问……
There is no possibility that... 没有……的可能性
(2)There happen(s) to be... 碰巧有……
There seem(s) to be... 好像有……
[佳句] There is a need to balance your study and life in order to make your life colorful and meaningful.
你有必要平衡你的学习和生活, 以使你的生活丰富而有意义。
⑤There is an urgent need ________ (finish) this project by tomorrow.
⑥There is no possibility ________ Mark will finish the challenging task by himself within two days.
⑦______________________ (不可否认) China is playing an important role on the international political stage.
⑧毫无疑问, 人类通过共同努力一定能够战胜这种疾病。
____________________ human beings are bound to defeat the disease with joint efforts.
5(教材P51)Putting butter or oil on burns helps because it may reduce swelling and ease discomfort.
在烧伤处涂上黄油或油会有帮助, 因为它可以减少肿胀并缓解不适。
◎ease vi.&vt.(使)宽慰;减轻;缓解 n.容易;舒适;自在
(1)ease sb. of sth.  减轻/消除某人的……
(2)with ease(=easily) 轻易地;毫不费力地
at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在
feel at ease 感到心情放松
put sb.at ease 使某人放松
[佳句] [2021·全国乙卷发言稿]Through the Internet, we can obtain a large quantity of learning materials with ease.
①Playing basketball serves as the best way __________(ease) our great study pressure and find some pleasure at the same time.
②When I heard this urgent news, I couldn't feel ________ ease.
③他是那样谦虚, 平易近人, 很快使我们放松下来。
Because he was modest and easy to approach, ________________________________.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Part 1 课前预习设计
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1
Task 2
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D
Task 3
(1)place burns under cool running water
(2)dry the burnt area gently with a clean cloth
(3)remove any clothes
(4)cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth
(5)take sb.to the hospital
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.techniques 2.organ 3.radiation 4.acid 5.layer
6.victim 7.underneath 8.wrap
1.minor 2.electric 3.swell 4.nerve 5.loose 6.urgent
构词规律 infection imagination association
1.sense of touch 2.electric shock 3.divide into 4.depend on/upon 5.suffer from 6.act as 7.prevent...from... 8.lead to 9.a variety of 10.apply...to...
1.caused by other minor household incidents
2.if necessary unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin
3.there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once
4.Putting butter or oil on burns
5.As you can imagine
1.并列谓语 它还有助于控制你的体温, 防止你的身体失去太多的水分, 当东西太热或太冷时给你警告, 还能让你有触觉。
2.原因状语 主语 在受伤的部位涂抹油膏不是个好主意, 因为这会阻止伤口散热, 并可能引发感染。
Part 2 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①a sense of pride ②sense of responsibility ③damage your sense of touch
2.①minority ②were ③the major factors causing environmental problems
3.①If so ②If possible ③If not ④unless ⑤gets ⑥unless you exercise regularly ⑦if you don't exercise regularly
4.①urgent ②to do ③urged us students to give a helping hand ④urged that we students (should) give a helping hand ⑤to finish ⑥that ⑦There is no denying that ⑧There is no doubt that
5.①to ease ②at ③he soon put us at easeSection Ⅱ Learning About Language
每/日/金/句:I hold the firm belief that having a knowledge of first aid is of vital importance.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P53)When he got out of the bathtub, he slipped and fell on the floor.
当他从浴缸里出来时, 他滑倒在地板上。
◎slip vi.滑倒;滑落;溜走 vt.悄悄塞;迅速放置;摆脱 n.滑倒;小错误;纸条
slip away  逃走;悄悄溜走
slip up 疏忽;不小心出差错
slip into 溜进
slip out of 悄悄溜出
[佳句] Seeing an elderly man slip on the ground, I immediately helped him to his feet.
看到一位老人摔倒在地, 我立刻扶他站起来。
①The child ________ (slip) and fell, hitting his head against the door.
②It was such a good chance. How could she let it slip ________?
③就是在他爸爸睡觉的时候, 小男孩溜出了他的房间。
It was while his father was sleeping that the boy ________________.
2(教材P53)After arriving, the ambulance team quickly found Mrs Taylor and without delay gave her oxygen...
救援队到达之后, 很快就发现了泰勒夫人, 然后立刻给她输氧……
◎delay vi.&vt.推迟;延期(做某事) vt.耽误;耽搁 n.延误;耽搁(的时间);推迟
(1)delay doing sth.  推迟做某事
(2)without delay 毫不延迟地, 立即
(3)delayed adj. 延时的, 定时的
[佳句] All of them were amazed, and they wanted to have a try for themselves without delay.
他们非常惊讶, 都毫不犹豫地想亲自尝试一下。
①He delayed ________ (tell) her the bad news, waiting for the right moment.
②When the ________ (delay) flight will take off depends on the weather.
③她立刻跳下车, 毫不耽搁地向萨姆跑去。
Immediately, she jumped out of her car and ran to Sam ________________.
①It also helps control your body temperature, prevents your body from losing too much water, warns you when things are too hot or cold, and gives you your sense of touch.
②As you can imagine, getting burnt can lead to very serious injuries.
③The first and most important step in the treatment of burns is giving first aid.
④Place burns under cool running water, especially within the first ten minutes.
⑤Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary, unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin.
⑥If you see someone choking, first call the emergency services.
时态 语态 意义
一般式 主动式doing 与句子主语之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,与谓语动作同时发生或基本上同时发生
被动式being done 与句子主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且与谓语动作同时发生
完成式 主动式having done 与句子主语之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,且先于谓语动作发生
被动式having been done 与句子主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且先于谓语动作发生
◆The park was full of people, enjoying themselves in the sunshine.
◆Having finished her homework, the little girl began to watch TV.
◆Having been warned by the teacher, the students didn't make such mistakes.
①________ (tell) many times, he still made the same silly mistake.
②________ (do) quite well in the exam, he came back home, relaxed and smiling.
③She is very proud and can't stand________ (look) down upon.
④________ (wait) in the rain for half an hour, the audience began to feel impatient.
◆Hearing the bad news that his father passed away, he burst into tears.
=When he heard the bad news that his father passed away, he burst into tears.
◆Being so excited, he couldn't go to sleep that night.
=As he was so excited, he couldn't go to sleep that night.
◆Not coming on time, he was punished.
=Because he didn't come on time, he was punished.
◆Working hard, you will succeed.
=If you work hard, you will succeed.
◆Not making good use of the time, you'll regret.
=If you don't make good use of the time, you'll regret.
◆The teacher stood there, reading a newspaper.
=The teacher stood there, and read a newspaper.
◆He lay on the grass, staring at the sky for a long time.
=He lay on the grass, and stared at the sky for a long time.
◆The hospital has recently obtained some new medical equipment, allowing more patients to be treated.
=The hospital has recently obtained some new medical equipment, which allows more patients to be treated.
◆Having failed many times, he didn't lose heart.
=Though he had failed many times, he didn't lose heart.
◆Spring coming, the field is full of life.
◆The teacher being ill, the lecture was put off.
高中阶段有一些固定的v.-ing形式,如generally speaking(一般来说)、judging from...(根据……来判断)、considering...(考虑到……)、supposing...(假如……)等,它们的逻辑主语和句子的主语不一致。这类词或短语可以被称之为句子的状语, 也可当作一个插入语。
◆Judging from his accent, he must come from Canada.
◆Considering how poor he was, we decided to let him attend the concert for free.
①When she saw those pictures, she remembered her childhood.
→____________________, she remembered her childhood.
②Because I don't know his address, I can't send this book to him.
→____________________, I can't send this book to him.
③If you use your head, you'll have a good idea.
→____________________, you'll have a good idea.
④The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks and added that he had enjoyed his stay here.
→The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, ____________________________.
⑤A number of new machines were installed in the factory, which resulted in an increase in production.
→A number of new machines were installed in the factory, ______________________________.
◆Reading aloud is a good way to learn a language.
◆Being blamed for the breakdown of the computer made me quite frustrated.
[温馨提示] v.-ing形式在句中作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而把v.-ing形式放在句后。常用句型:It is+no use/no good/fun...+doing sth.。
◆It is no use crying over spilt milk.
◆It's no good playing computer games too much.
①________ (work) with Jane in the same office helped me to get a good understanding of her independent working style.
②It's no use ________ (complain) without taking action.
③________ (invite) to the party was a great honour to the family.
v.-ing形式作表语说明主语的性质特征或具体内容。常见的有moving, interesting, encouraging, exciting, inspiring, boring, surprising, puzzling, amusing, astonishing等。
◆The argument is very convincing.
◆Your speech is very interesting and encouraging.
◆Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible.
=Keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible is her job.
①Going into hospital can be very ________ (frighten) for a child.
②Henry's job is ________ (teach) physics in a local middle school.
③Your task is ________ (clean) the old car over there on your own.
④The trip is very ________ (excite), and we have decided to have a similar one.
v.-ing形式既可作动词宾语, 又可作介词宾语。
◆I hope you will consider travelling to China when you are free.
◆I suggest doing it in a different way.
◆He insisted on settling the conflict in a peaceful way.
◆I am looking forward to being admitted to a key university.
[巧学助记] 口诀记忆只跟v.-ing形式作宾语的动词
喜欢想象禁不住(enjoy、imagine、can't help)
①The key to ________ (solve) the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.
②He devotes himself to ________ (look) into the matter.
③She likes spending much money ________ (buy) clothes for herself.
④Giving up your plan means ________ (lose) a large amount of money.
⑤All of us stopped ________ (talk) when we saw our teacher come in.
v.-ing形式作宾语补足语时, 表示一个正在进行的主动动作或一种状态, 作宾语补足语的v.-ing形式与其前的宾语存在逻辑上的主动关系。
1.表示感觉和心理状态的动词, 即“感官动词(组)”, 常见的有see, hear, feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to等。
◆I saw the little boy crying there.
◆When we returned, we found a stranger standing in front of the house.
当我们回来时, 我们发现一个陌生人正站在房子前面。
[温馨提示] v.-ing形式和不定式作宾语补足语的区别
在see, hear, feel, watch, notice等感官动词后, 既可用v.-ing形式构成复合宾语, 也可用不带to的不定式构成复合宾语, 两者之间有一定的区别。
(1)用v.-ing形式时, 表示动作正在进行
◆He saw a girl getting in the car at that time.
(2)用不带to的不定式时, 表示动作发生了, 即动作的全过程结束了。
◆He saw a girl get in the car.
2.表示“叫、让、使”等指使意义的动词, 即“使役动词”, 常见的有have, set, keep, get, leave等。
◆It's very cold. We should have the fire burning all the time.
◆We can't have the young man speaking to his mother in such a rude manner.
3.用于“with复合结构”中, 其结构和表示意义如下:
with+宾语+to do(表示将来)。
◆With so many people looking at her, she felt nervous.
这么多人看着她, 她感到紧张。
◆With my proposal declined, I was in low spirits.
由于我的提议被拒绝, 我情绪很低落。
◆With so much work to do, he was nearly in despair.
有如此多的工作要做, 他几乎绝望了。
①I felt someone ________ (pat) me on the shoulder.
②When he passed the swimming pool, he saw someone ________ (swim) in it.
③I heard Mary ________ (sing) a song in the next room last night.
④As time passes by, we will have a better and better life.
→____________________, we will have a better and better life.
⑤I stood on the bridge and watched boats were passing by.
→I stood on the bridge and ____________________.
v.-ing形式作后置定语时, 它和被修饰词之间有逻辑上的主动关系, 表示被修饰词所进行的动作, 相当于一个定语从句。
◆In summer I often swim in the swimming pool.(表示用途)
◆She glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away.(表示正在进行)
她瞥了一眼睡着的孩子, 随即匆匆离开了。
v.-ing形式作后置定语时, 相当于一个定语从句, 可以与that,which,who等引导的定语从句转换。
◆The boy playing football on the playground is my younger brother.
=The boy that/who is playing football on the playground is my younger brother.
◆The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ranging from butterflies to elephants.
=The national park has a large collection of wildlife, which ranges from butterflies to elephants.
国家公园有许多的野生动物, 从蝴蝶到大象都有。
◆The meeting being held now is of great significance.
=The meeting which/that is being held now is of great significance.
①The topic ________ (discuss) now has drawn some experts' attention.
②Grandma came into my bedroom with a ________ (walk) stick in her hand.
③Students are not permitted to speak aloud in the room that/which is used for reading.
→Students are not permitted to speak aloud ________________.
④The boys who are gathering at the school gate are my classmates.
→The boys __________________________ are my classmates.
Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
Part 1 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①slipped ②away ③slipped out of his room
2.①telling ②delayed ③without any delay
Part 2 语法专项突破
复习v. ing形式
1.宾语 2.主语 3.表语 4.定语 5.状语 6.宾语补足语
①Having been told ②Having done ③being looked ④Having waited
①Seeing those pictures
②Not knowing his address
③Using your head
④adding that he had enjoyed his stay here
⑤resulting in an increase in production
①Working ②complaining ③Being invited
①frightening ②teaching ③cleaning ④exciting
①solving ②looking ③buying ④losing ⑤talking
①patting ②swimming ③singing ④With time passing by ⑤watched boats passing by
①being discussed
③in the reading room
④gathering at the school gateSection Ⅲ Using Language
每/日/金/句:Learning about first aid is the best way to make sure that we will not have to feel as if we could have done more.
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Read the text on Pages 56~57 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.How an American doctor, Henry Heimlich, created the Heimlich manoeuvre.
B.How to do the Heimlich manoeuvre.
C.We should help each other.
D.Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, did the Heimlich manoeuvre to Zhang Tao and saved his life.
2.What did Chen do to Zhang
A.With the help of Zhang's friends, he was able to help Zhang lay on the ground.
B.Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre without hesitation.
C.Standing in front of Zhang, Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre.
D.With the help of the doctor, Chen rushed Zhang to the hospital at once in an ambulance.
3.What can we know from Paragraphs 4~5
A.If someone is choking, first slap the victim's back.
B.When doing the Heimlich manoeuvre, wrap your arms around the victim's neck.
C.If slapping does not work, do the Heimlich manoeuvre right away.
D.Make a fist with one hand and place it in the lower part of the victim's stomach.
4.From which is the text probably taken
A.A health magazine.
B.A biology textbook.
C.A research paper.
D.A travel brochure.
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①interrupt [ nt 'r pt] vi.&vt.打断;打扰 vt.使暂停;使中断
②scream [skri m] vi.&vt.(因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫 n.尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音
③fellow ['fel ] adj.同类的;同事的;同伴的;同情况的 n.男人;家伙;同事;同辈;同类
④diner ['da n (r)] n.(尤指餐馆的)就餐者
⑤choke [t k] vi.&vt.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽
⑥steak [ste k] n.牛排;肉排
⑦throat [θr t] n.咽喉;喉咙
⑧desperate ['desp r t] adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的
⑨slap [sl p] vt.(用手掌)打、拍 n.(用手掌)打、拍;拍击声
slap sb. on the back
⑩with the help of sb.
help sb. to one's feet 帮助某人站起身来
Heimlich manoeuvre
['ha ml k m nu v (r)] 海姆利希急救法
instantly adv. 立即, 马上
conj. 一……就……
[同义词] immediately adv.立即, 马上
make sure 确保
bite n.(咬下的)一口
collapse [k 'l ps] vi.(突然)倒塌;(因病等)昏倒
practical ['pr kt kl] adj.切实可行的;实际的;实践的
in fact 事实上, 实际上
see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事
obstruction [ b'str k n] n.阻碍;堵塞;阻塞物
fist [f st] n.拳;拳头
grab[ɡr b] vt.(grabbed, grabbed)抓住;攫取 n.抓取;抢夺
tightly ['ta tli] adv.紧紧地;牢固地;紧密地
[反义词]loosely adv.宽松地
tight [ta t] adj.牢固的;紧身的;绷紧的;严密的 adv.紧紧地;牢固地
motion ['m n] n.运动;移动
recommend vt.推荐
face up/down 面朝上(朝下)
count v.有价值;很重要;要紧
Every minute counts.一刻千金/分秒必争。
stand by 袖手旁观;待命行动;支持
justify ['d st fa ] vt.证明……有道理;为……辩护;是……的正当理由
justified adj.有正当理由的;合乎情理的
responsibility n.责任
have a responsibility to do sth.有责任做某事
welfare ['welfe (r)] n.幸福;福祉;安康;福利
Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted① when he heard someone screaming② from another table.[1] A fellow③ diner④ at the restaurant, Zhang Tao, was choking⑤ on some steak⑥. He was now holding his throat⑦ with his face turning red, while his desperate⑧ friends were slapping⑨ him on the back.[2]
[1]本句是一个主从复合句。其中“a high school student in Beijing”作Chen Wei的同位语, have sth. done结构, 意为“让某事被做”, 由过去分词作宾补;when引导的时间状语从句, 其中hear sb. doing sth.意为“听见某人做某事”。
[2]本句是一个并列句, 由while连接, 表示对比, 意为“然而”。在第一个分句中包含with复合结构(with+宾语+现在分词), 在句中作方式状语。
Chen wasted no time. He got up and ran to Zhang's table at once. With the help of⑩ Zhang's
friends, he was able to help Zhang to his feet . Then, standing behind Zhang, [3] Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre . The food was instantly forced out, and Zhang began to breathe again. Ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived. The doctors checked Zhang and made sure that he was fine.[4] They suggested he eat more slowly and take smaller bites before they left.[5]
[3]此处是v.-ing形式作方式状语, Chen与stand之间是主动关系。
[4]此处是宾语从句, 作make sure的宾语。
[5]本句中“he eat more slowly and take smaller bites”是省略了that的宾语从句, suggest表示“建议”, 其中从句的谓语是省略了should的虚拟语气。“before they left”是before引导的时间状语从句。
Choking victims usually have only about four minutes before they collapse and sometimes die, leaving no time for an ambulance to arrive.[6] To solve this problem, [7] in 1974, an American doctor, Henry Heimlich, created the Heimlich manoeuvre, saving thousands of lives around the world. Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre[8] is quick, practical , and easy. It is so easy, in fact , that almost anyone can learn how.[9]
[8]此处是v.-ing形式作主语, 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。
If you see someone choking ,[10] first call the emergency services. Then, make sure that the victim is really choking: A choking person cannot speak. Slapping the victim's back will often force out the obstruction . If this does not work, you can perform the Heimlich manoeuvre by standing behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist.[11] Make a fistB21 with one hand and place it in the upper part of his stomach. GrabbingB22 your fist with your other hand tightlyB23,[12] push up and into his stomach in one motionB24. Continue doing this until the obstruction is forced out.[13]
[11]此处是介词短语作方式状语, 其中and连接两个v.-ing短语作介词by的宾语。
Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child is not recommendedB25, as you may hurt him.[14]Instead, lay the child face downB26 on your lap with the head lower than the rest of his body, and then give firm slaps to his upper back until he can breathe again. [15]
[15]本句中and连接了两个并列的祈使句。在第一个分句中包含with复合结构, 在句中作状语。在第二个分句中包含until引导的时间状语从句。
With choking victims, every minute countsB27. You cannot just stand byB28 and do nothing. Luckily, Chen had learnt how to give first aid in school.[16]Seeing Zhang choking, [17] he remained calm and reacted immediately. Chen later said about the incident, “How could I justifyB29 sitting there and doing nothing?[18] We are all humans and we all have a responsibilityB30 to look after one another's welfareB31.”
[16]此处是“疑问词+不定式”结构, 在句中作learnt的宾语。
北京的高中生陈伟在吃晚餐时突然听到另一桌有人尖叫,就停了下来。餐馆里一个叫张涛的用餐者被牛排噎住了。只见他按着喉咙, 脸涨得通红,而他绝望的几个朋友正拍打他的后背。
如果你发现有人被噎住, 首先拨打急救电话。然后,确定此人是否是被噎住了:人被噎住时是无法说话的。拍打噎食者的后背通常可以将异物排出。如果这个方法不奏效,你可以站在他的身后,用双臂环抱其腰部实施海姆利希急救法。一只手握拳,置于其上腹部,另一只手紧紧握住这个拳头,双手快速用力向上往里推压腹部。重复上述动作,直至异物排出。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.an ________ man living alone  一位独居老人
2.fall onto the ________  掉到地毯上
3.send for an ________  叫一辆救护车来
4.a ________ and thread  一根针和线
5.in a ________  在病房里
6.in a state of ________  处在惊恐状态
7.________ at me  冲着我喊
8.________ to death  窒息而死
9.a social ________ programme  一项社会福利计划
10.________ on the sofa 倒在沙发上
11.live in a wealthy ________ of Chicago
12.get a gym ________ 获得健身房会员资格
1.________[bɑ θ] n.洗澡;浴缸;浴盆 vt.给……洗澡→bathe v.洗澡
2.________[' p re t (r)] n.电话接线员;操作员→operate v.操作;运转;动手术→operation n.操作;手术
3.________[bli d] vi.流血;失血→bleeding n.流血;失血→blood n.血;血液
4.________[ nt 'r pt] vi.&vt.打断;打扰vt.使暂停;使中断→interruption n.打扰;打断
5.________['desp r t] adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的→desperately adv.极其, 非常;绝望地;非常需要地→desperation n.绝望;拼命
6.________['pr kt kl] adj.切实可行的;实际的;实践的→practically adv.实际上;几乎→practice n.练习;实践 v.练习
7.________[ta t] adj.牢固的;紧身的;绷紧的;严密的 adv.紧紧地;牢固地→tightly adv.紧紧地;牢固地;紧密地→tighten v.(使)变紧, 更加牢固;使更加严格;加强
8.________['d st fa ] vt.证明……有道理;为……辩护;是……的正当理由→justice n.公正;正义→justified adj.有合理解释的
9.________['f ɡi] adj.有雾的→fog n.雾
1.________________ 帮助某人站起身来
2.________________ 面朝上(朝下)
3.________________ 健康状况不好
4.________________ 有责任做某事
5.________________ 袖手旁观;无动于衷
6.________________ 全世界
7.________________ 脸涨得通红
8.________________ 拍打某人的后背
9.________________ 吃小口
10.________________ 被牛排噎住
[教材]He was now holding his throat with his face turning red, ________________ were slapping him on the back.
他这会儿正扼住自己的喉咙, 脸涨得通红, 他绝望的朋友们正在拍打他的后背。
[教材]__________________________________, Nancy Jones felt that she was getting out of shape and decided that she needed to get some exercise.
几年来, 南希·琼斯每天都要在办公室里坐很长时间, 她觉得自己的身体状况越来越差, 于是她决定她需要进行锻炼。
3.[句型]have sth. done结构
[教材]Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, ______________________ when he heard someone screaming from another table.
陈伟是北京的一名高中生, 当他听到另一张桌子有人在尖叫时, 他的晚餐被打断了。
探究新知 发展语言知识
(1)drown oneself in 沉溺于;埋头于
drown one's sorrows in... 借……消愁
(2)drowning adj. 溺水的
[佳句] Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.
听到这个消息, 他绝望地借酒消愁。(读后续写心理描写)
①After the man saved two ________(drown) children, he felt extremely exhausted.
②Be careful when crossing the bridge or you will fall into the water and get ________ (drown).
People often ____________________________ when they are in low spirits.
2(教材P55)When listening to instructions in English, you should listen carefully and don't panic.
当听英语指令时, 你应该仔细听,不要惊慌。
◎panic vi.&vt.(panicked; panicked; panicking)(使)惊慌 n.惊恐;恐慌
(1)panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人因惊慌而做某事
(2)in panic 惊慌地
get into a panic 陷入恐慌
[佳句] I got into a panic when I saw smoke coming out of the kitchen.看到厨房冒烟, 我顿时慌了手脚。
①The first time I made a speech in the public, I ________ (panic).
②When people heard the urgent news, they fled the village ________ panic.
③我一看到父亲阴云密布的脸, 就感到恐惧。
The moment I saw my father's cloudy face, ____________.
3(教材P56)Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.
北京的高中生陈伟在吃晚餐时突然听到另一桌有人尖叫, 就停了下来。
◎句型公式:have sth. done结构
have sth.done  使某事被做
can't have sb. doing sth. 不容忍/不允许某人做某事
have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
have sth. to do 有某事要做
[佳句] Actually, I really hope to have my English improved and make some English friends in the summer camp.
事实上, 我真希望在夏令营提升我的英语并结交一些英国朋友。
①There is no need to worry about. I will have Tom ________ (pick) you up at the airport.
②I don't like to wash clothes, so I always have my clothes ________ (wash).
③He can't have the businessman ________ (get) away with cheating people.
④非常抱歉周五下午不能和你一起去书店, 因为我有一个重要的会议要参加。
I'm very sorry for not being able to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon, for I ________________________that afternoon.
◎interrupt vi.&vt.打断;打扰 vt.使暂停;使中断
(1)interrupt sb./sth. (with sth.)
be interrupted by 被……打断
(2)interruption n. 打扰;插嘴;打岔;阻断物
without interruption 连续地;不断地
[佳句] When someone is talking to you, don't interrupt him.
⑤It is bad manners ________ (interrupt) others while they are having a conversation.
⑥He was writing a poem when he ________ (interrupt) by a knock at the door.
⑦To help them better understand our tea-drinking culture, I introduced the history of tea-making to them for several hours without ________(interrupt).
⑧我很抱歉打断会议, 但有一个周先生的紧急长途电话。
________________________, but there is an urgent long-distance call from Mr.Zhou.
◎scream vi. &vt.(因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫 n.尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音
(1)scream for help 大声呼救
(2)let out a scream 发出尖叫
a scream of happiness/pain
[佳句] The children were screaming with excitement on seeing their parents.
⑨He was sure somebody would find he was missing or hear him screaming ________ help.
⑩She had just turned away when she heard a thud and a few ________ (scream).
他用针刺破水疱时, 我疼得尖叫起来。
I __________________when he broke the blister with a needle.
4(教材P56)He was now holding his throat with his face turning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back.
只见他按着喉咙, 脸涨得通红, 而他绝望的几个朋友正拍打他的后背。
◎desperate adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的
(1)be desperate for sth. 极想得到某物;渴望某物
be desperate to do sth. 渴望做某事
(2)desperately adv. 绝望地;拼命地;极严重地;孤注一掷地
[佳句] The only thing she was desperate to do was throw herself onto her little bed and weep wildly!她只想扑在她的小床上痛哭一场!(读后续写情感描写)
①After ten years of hard study, he is desperate ________ (pass) the college entrance examination.
②[2022·浙江1月卷读后续写]Whenever we met, I would try ________(desperate)to get him to take me seriously as a teammate.
看到考试的结果, 我是如此绝望, 以至于我感觉好像被扔进了黑暗的世界。(读后续写之绝望心理描写)
③Seeing the result of the exam, ______________________________________.
④Seeing the result of the exam, ______________________________________.(倒装句)
5(教材P56)Instead, lay the child face down on your lap with the head lower than the rest of his body, and then give firm slaps to his upper back until he can breathe again.
相反, 让孩子脸朝下趴在你的膝盖上, 使其头部低于身体其他部位, 然后用力拍打其上背部, 直至他能再次呼吸。
◎face up/down 面朝上(朝下)
(1)be faced with  面对
face to face 面对面
(2)in (the) face of 面对
lose face 丢面子
save face 保全面子
make faces 做鬼脸
[佳句] What astonished us was that we found him face down on the bedroom floor.
①Talking with friends face ________ face is a good way to reduce the pressure from work and life.
即使面对许多困难, 我也会坚持, 直到我实现我的梦想。
②____________________, I will insist until I accomplish my dream.
③____________________, I will insist until I accomplish my dream.
④____________________, I will insist until I accomplish my dream.
6(教材P58)Nancy Jones felt that she was getting out of shape and decided that she needed to get some exercise.南希·琼斯觉得自己健康状况不好, 决定锻炼身体。
◎out of shape 健康状况不好;变形
(1)in good/bad shape 身体健康/不健康;状态好/不好
keep/stay in shape 保持身材/健康
in the shape of... 以……的形状
(2)be shaped like 形似
[佳句] I hadn't been training for months and was really out of shape. So I had no choice but to take exercise to keep in shape.
我已经好几个月没锻炼了, 身体真的不行了。因此我别无选择只能锻炼身体以保持健康。
①He keeps too many things in his pockets, so his suit looks badly ____________ (变形).
②Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups to ____________ (保持身材).
③It is not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives but what we do consistently.________
④为了我五周岁的生日, 我的妈妈为我烤了一个猴子形状的蛋糕。
For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cake ______________.
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Part 1 课前预习设计
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.elderly 2.carpet 3.ambulance 4.needle 5.ward 
6.panic 7.scream 8.choke 9.welfare 10.collapse 
11.suburb 12.membership
1.bath 2.operator 3.bleed 4.interrupt 5.desperate 
6.practical 7.tight 8.justify 9.foggy
1.help sb. to one's feet
2.face up/down
3.out of shape
4.have a responsibility to do sth.
5.stand by
6.around the world
7.with his face turning red
8.slap sb. on the back
9.take smaller bites
10.choke on some steak
1.while his desperate friends
2.Sitting for long hours every day in an office for several years
3.had his dinner interrupted
Part 2 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①drowning ②drowned ③drown their sorrows in shopping
2.①panicked ②in ③panic seized me
3.①pick ②washed ③getting ④have an important meeting to attend ⑤to interrupt ⑥was interrupted
⑦interruption ⑧I'm sorry to interrupt the meeting ⑨for ⑩screams  let out a scream of pain
4.①to pass ②desperately
③I was so desperate that I felt as if I were thrown into a world of darkness
④so desperate was I that I felt as if I were thrown into a world of darkness
5.①to ②Faced with many difficulties ③Facing many difficulties ④In face of many difficulties
6.①out of shape ②keep in shape ③v.塑造 ④in the shape of a monkeySection Ⅳ Writing——写一篇关于实施急救的短文
写关于实施急救的短文, 属于叙事性文体。在行文时, 其基本结构为:
1.We should check whether he/she is conscious or not.我们应当检查他(她)是否清醒。
2.Don't move him or her—leave him/her where he/she is.不要搬动他(她), 让他(她)待在原地。
3.Be careful not to move the victim violently.
4.If the victim is facing severe condition, it is vital to give him first aid at once.如果患者状况严重, 立刻对他进行急救是至关重要的。
5.Before the ambulance came, the lady performed first aid on the kid.
救护车来之前, 这位女士对这个孩子实施了急救。
6.The story is a good example in which first aid makes a big difference.这个故事是一个很好的例子, 说明急救会产生很大作用。
上周日, 王林和他的朋友们在餐馆吃饭, 这时其中一个朋友陈辉突然因食物噎住而窒息。请你根据以下要点提示用英语写一篇短文来描述此事件, 并发表你的看法。
1.王林懂得一些急救知识, 他让陈辉保持冷静, 同时让李强打电话叫救护车;
2.他用力拍陈辉的背部, 很快陈辉吐出一块未嚼碎的土豆;
3.医生表扬了王林, 并对他的行为给予了高度评价。
2.可以适当增加细节, 使行文连贯。
第一步 布局谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
1.上周日, 王林和他的朋友们正在一家餐馆吃饭。
Last Sunday, Wang Lin and his friends ____________________.
2.突然, 陈辉被食物噎住了, 无法呼吸。
Suddenly, Chen Hui was unable to breathe because he ____________________.
3.幸运的是, 王林懂得一些急救知识。
Luckily, Wang Lin knew ______________________________________________________.
He asked Chen Hui __________________________________________________________.
He asked Li Qiang __________________________________________________________.
He ________ Chen Hui hard ____________.
7.很快, 陈辉吐出了一块没被彻底嚼碎的土豆。
Soon Chen Hui ____________________. It was not chewed up thoroughly.
8.医生表扬了王林, 对他的表现给予了高度评价。
The doctor praised Wang Lin and ____________________.
____________________ can save one's life in an emergency.
第三步 句式升级
第四步 完美成篇
Section Ⅳ Writing——写一篇关于实施急救的短文
1.were eating food in a restaurant
2.choked on some food
3.some knowledge of first aid
4.to keep calm
5.to call for an ambulance
6.slapped on the back
7.threw up a piece of potato
8.thought highly of his performance
9.Having some knowledge of first aid
1.He asked Chen Hui to keep calm and meanwhile, he asked Li Qiang to call for an ambulance.
2.Soon Chen Hui threw up a piece of potato which was not chewed up thoroughly.
Last Sunday, Wang Lin and his friends were eating food in a restaurant. Suddenly, Chen Hui was unable to breathe because he choked on some food.
Luckily, Wang Lin knew some knowledge of first aid. He asked Chen Hui to keep calm and meanwhile, he asked Li Qiang to call for an ambulance. He slapped Chen Hui hard on the back. Soon Chen Hui threw up a piece of potato which was not chewed up thoroughly. The doctor praised Wang Lin and thought highly of his performance.
Having some knowledge of first aid can save one's life in an emergency.单元知识回顾与提升
闪卡展示 快速高效
1.leaflet n.  ________________
2.organ n. ________________
3.ray n.  ________________
4.radiation n. ________________
5.acid n. ________________
adj. ________________
6.millimetre n. ________________
7.layer n. ________________
8.victim n. ________________
9.blister n. ________________
10.underneath prep. &adv.
11.nerve n. ________________
12.paramedic n. ________________
13.swallow vt.&vi. ________________
14.wrap vt. ________________
15.bathtub n. ________________
16.mosquito n. ________________
17.carpet n. ________________
18.needle n. ________________
19.vital sign ________________
20.ward n. ________________
21.sprain vt. ________________
n. ________________
22.ankle n. ________________
23.steak n. ________________
24.slap vt. ________________
n. ________________
25.justify vt. ________________
26.collapse vi. ________________
27.manual n. ________________
adj. ________________
1.________ vi.&vt. (使)宽慰;减轻;缓解
n. 容易;舒适;自在
2.________ n. 洗澡;浴缸;浴盆
   vt. 给……洗澡
3.________ vi. 滑倒;滑落;溜走
n. 滑倒;小错误;纸条
4.________ adj. 年纪较大的;上了年纪的
5.________ n. 救护车
6.________ vi.&vt. 推迟;延期(做某事)
vt. 耽误;耽搁
n. 延误;耽搁(的时间);推迟
7.________ vi.&vt. (使)淹死;溺死;浸泡;淹没
8.________ vi.&vt. (使)惊慌
n. 惊恐;恐慌
9.________ vi.&vt. (因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫
n. 尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音
10.________ adj. 同类的;同事的;同伴的;同情况的
n. 男人;家伙;同事;同辈;同类
11.________ n. (尤指餐馆的)就餐者
12.________ vi.&vt. (使)窒息;(使)哽咽
13.________ n. 咽喉;喉咙
14.________ adj. 绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的
15.________ adj. 切实可行的;实际的;实践的
16.________ n. 拳;拳头
17.________ vt. 抓住;攫取
n. 抓取;抢夺
18.________ n. 幸福;福祉;安康;福利
19.________ n. 郊区;城外
20.________ n. 会员身份;全体会员;会员人数
1.________ adj.较小的;次要的;轻微的→________ n.少数;少数民族
2.________ adj.电的;用电的;电动的→________ n.电
3.________ adj.(身体部位)肿起的;肿胀的→________ vi.(swelled, swollen)膨胀, 肿胀
4.________ adj.松的;未系紧的;宽松的→________ adv.宽松地
5. ________ vt.催促;力劝 n.强烈的欲望→________ adj.紧急的;急迫的;急切的→________ n.紧迫
6. ________ n.电话接线员;操作员→________ vt.操作;运转;动手术→________ n.运转;手术
7.________ n.流血;失血→________ vi.(bled, bled)流血;失血→________ n.血液;血
8.________ vi.&vt.打断;打扰 vt.使暂停;使中断→________ n.打扰;打断
9.________ adj.牢固的;紧身的;绷紧的;严密的 adv.紧紧地;牢固地→________ adv.紧紧地;牢固地;紧密地→________ vt.(使)变紧;(使)加紧
10.________ n.雾→________ adj.有雾的
1.Your skin ____________ (充当) a barrier against disease and the sun's rays.
2.Burns are divided into three types, ____________ (取决于) the depth of skin damage.
3.Your skin is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your ____________ (触觉).
4.The discovery of the new evidence ____________ (导致) the thief's being caught.
5.Teenagers who are addicted to the Internet are more likely to ____________ (患……病) depression.
6.With the help of Tom's friends, he was able to ____________ (帮助汤姆站起身来).
7.He was driving along the road when a boy fell off a school bus, ____________ (面朝下).
8.We can't just ____________ (袖手旁观) and do nothing.
9.John's alarm didn't go off, so he ____________ (睡过头).
10.Nancy Jones felt that she was getting __________________ (健康状况不好) and decided that she needed to get some exercise.
Examples include mild sunburn and burns __________________________.
2.Remove any clothes using scissors __________, ______________________________________ .
如果有必要的话, 用剪刀剪掉烧伤部位的衣服, 除非你看到衣服粘在烧伤的皮肤上。
3.If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns, ____________________________.
如果患者是二度或三度烧伤, 急需立即把他/她送到医院。
4.________________________ helps because it may reduce swelling and ease discomfort.
在烧伤处涂黄油或食用油会有帮助, 因为它可以消肿和缓解不适。
5.__________________, getting burnt can lead to very serious injuries.
可想而知, 烧伤会导致非常严重的伤害。
6.He was now holding his throat ______________________, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back.
他这会儿正扼住自己的喉咙, 脸涨得通红,他绝望的朋友们正在拍打他的后背。
7.______________________________________, Nancy Jones felt that she was getting out of shape and decided that she needed to get some exercise.
几年来, 南希·琼斯每天都要在办公室里坐很长时间,她觉得自己的身体状况越来越差,于是她决定她需要进行锻炼。
8.Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, ________________________ when he heard someone screaming from another table.
1.散页印刷品;传单;小册子 2.(人或动植物的)器官 3.光线;光束;(热 、 电等)射线 4.辐射;放射线 5.酸 酸的;酸性的 6.毫米;千分之一米 7.层;表层;层次 8.受害者;患者 9.(皮肤上因摩擦、 烫伤等引起的)水疱;(金属等表面的)气泡、 水泡 10.在……底下;隐藏在下面  11.神经 12.急救医生;护理人员 13.吞下;咽下 14.包、裹;(用手臂等)围住 15.浴缸;浴盆  16.蚊子 17.地毯 18.针;缝衣针;注射针;指针 19.生命体征 20.病房 21.扭伤(关节)  扭伤
22.踝;踝关节 23.牛排;肉排 24.(用手掌)打、 拍 (用手掌)打、 拍;拍击声 25.证明……有道理;为……辩护;是……的正当理由 26.(突然)倒塌;(因病等)昏倒 27.使用手册;说明书 用手的;手工的;体力的;手控的
1.ease 2.bath  3.slip 4.elderly 5.ambulance 6.delay
7.drown 8.panic 9.scream 10.fellow 11.diner
12.choke 13.throat 14.desperate 15.practical 16.fist 17.grab 18.welfare 19.suburb 20.membership
1.minor minority 2.electric electricity 3.swollen swell
4.loose loosely 5.urge urgent urgency 6.operator operate operation 7.bleeding bleed blood 8.interrupt interruption 9.tight tightly tighten  10.fog foggy
1.acts as 2.depending on 3.sense of touch 4.led to
5.suffer from 6.help Tom to his feet 7.face down 8.stand by 9.slept in 10.out of shape
1.caused by other minor household incidents
2.if necessary unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin
3.there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once
4.Putting butter or oil on burns
5.As you can imagine
6.with his face turning red
7.Sitting for long hours every day in an office for several years
8.had his dinner interrupted