人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit1 Science and Scientists学案(5份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit1 Science and Scientists学案(5份打包,含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-16 15:07:31


The Value of Science
What is the value of the science I had long devoted myself to—the thing I had loved—when I saw what terrible things it could do
The first way in which science is of value is familiar to everyone: scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds of things. Of course, if we make good things, it is not only to the credit① of science; it is also to the credit of the moral choice which led us to good work.Scientific knowledge is an enabling power to do either good or bad—but it does not carry instructions on how to apply it.Such power has obvious value—even though the power may be negated by what one does with it.
Another value of science is the intellectual② enjoyment it can provide us with.When we look at any question deeply enough, we feel the excitement and mystery coming to us again and again.With more knowledge comes a deeper, more wonderful mystery, inspiring one to look deeper still.Never concerned that the answer may let us down③, with pleasure and confidence we turn over each new stone to find unimagined strangeness leading on to more wonderful questions and mysteries.
I would now like to turn to a third value that science has.The scientist has a lot of experience with ignorance④ and doubt and uncertainty, and this experience is of very great importance.When he has an idea as to⑤ what the result is, he is uncertain.And when he is pretty sure of what the result is going to be, he is still in some doubt.
Now, we scientists take it for granted⑥ that it is perfectly possible to live and not know.But our freedom to doubt was born out of a deep and strong struggle against authority⑦ in the early days of science.In order to progress, we must not forget the importance of this struggle; we must recognize our ignorance and leave room for doubt.Permit us to question—to doubt—to not be sure.
It is our responsibility as scientists, knowing the great progress that is the fruit of freedom of thought, to declare⑧ the value of this freedom; to teach how doubt is not to be feared but to be welcomed and discussed; and to demand this freedom as our duty to all coming generations.
(节选自译林版新教材必修第三册Unit 4)
①credit/'kred t/n.赞扬,认可;信用
②intellectual/ nt 'lekt u l/adj.脑力的;有才智的,智力发达的 n.知识分子,脑力劳动者
③let sb.down使某人失望
④ignorance/' ɡn r ns/n.无知
⑤as to关于;至于
⑥take it for granted/'ɡrɑ nt d/想当然地认为;认为……是理所当然
⑦authority/ 'θ r ti/n.权威,权力;官方
⑧declare/d 'kle (r)/vt.宣称;宣布;申报
Now, we scientists take it for granted that it is perfectly possible to live and not know.
[句式分析] 此句中第一个it是形式宾语,从句that it is perfectly possible to live and not know是真正的宾语。
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:Man's duty is to have the courage to seek truth. 人的职责就是有勇气寻找真理。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What's the main idea of the passage
A.The cause of cholera was polluted water.
B.John Snow was a well-known doctor in London.
C.The source of all drinking water should be examined.
D.John Snow did some research and helped to solve “King Cholera”.
2.Read the text and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1 ________  A.Snow collects information and offers solutions.
Para.2 ________ B.Snow desires to defeat cholera.
Para.3 ________ C.Snow is determined to investigate.
Para.4 ________ D.John Snow is the father of modern epidemiology.
Para.5 ________ E.Snow finds the truth of cholera.
Task 2文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
Read the text on Pages 2~3 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.Which of the following theories did John Snow believe in
A.Bad air caused the disease.
B.People absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals.
C.People got infected with cholera because of cold and hunger.
D.People suffered from cholera because they were not clean.
2.At last, “King Cholera” was controlled by ________.
A.using medicines in hospital
B.driving patients out of the country
C.dealing with the polluted water
D.getting rid of all kinds of pollution
3.What conclusion did John Snow draw according to the evidence
A.Cholera multiplied in the water.
B.Polluted water carried the virus.
C.A cloud of dangerous gas caused cholera.
D.Cholera could never be controlled even though its cause was found.
4.Where does this text probably come from
A.A newspaper. B.A medical report.
C.A book review. D.A TV interview.
Task 3 文本理解:续写佳句
1.Read the passage carefully and find the sentences to describe the mood of sadness.(细读短文并找出描写悲伤心理的句子)
2.Read the passage carefully and find the sentences to show determination.(细读短文并找出表达决心的句子)
Task 4 阅读思维升华:主题实践
1.How did Snow defeat cholera (Divergent Thinking发散性思维)
2.What do John Snow and Zhong Nanshan have in common (Critical Thinking批判性思维)
3.What can we learn from Snow when facing epidemic (Creative Thinking创造性思维)
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①cholera ['k l r ] n.霍乱
②used to do sth.过去常常做某事
③severe [s 'v (r)] adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的
severely adv.严重地;严格地,严厉地
④diarrhoea [ da 'r ] n.腹泻
⑤dehydration [ di ha 'dre n] n.脱水
⑥outbreak n.爆发;突然发生
⑦hit v.攻击;进攻;袭击
⑧frustrated [fr 'stre t d] adj. 懊恼的;沮丧的;失意的
feel frustrated感到沮丧
frustration n.挫折
⑨in time最后;迟早
⑩rise v.变得更加成功(或重要、强大等)
attend to照料
give birth (to)生孩子
once and for all最终地;彻底地
in general通常;一般而言
contradictory [ k ntr 'd kt ri] adj.相互矛盾的;对立的;不一致的
be contradictory to与……相矛盾
contradict v.相抵触,相矛盾;反驳
infection [ n'fek n] n.感染;传染
germ [d m] n.微生物;细菌;病菌
subscribe to同意;赞同
subscribe [s b'skra b] vi.认购(股份);定期订购;定期交纳(会费)
proof [pru f] n.证据;证明;检验
prove v.证明;证明是
consequently adv.因此,所以
investigate v.调查;研究
particular adj.特定的;特别的
be determined to do sth.决心做某事
multiple ['m lt pl] adj.数量多的;多种多样的
multiply v.乘;增加;繁殖
water pump水泵
pump [p mp] n.泵;抽水机;打气筒
household ['ha sh ld] n.一家人;家庭;同住一所(套)房子的人
suspect [s 'spekt] vt.&vi.怀疑;疑有;不信任
['s spekt] n.犯罪嫌疑人;可疑对象
blame [ble m] vt.把……归咎于;责怪;指责 n.责备;指责;过失
be to blame for对……应负责任
what is more更重要的是;而且
as a result of由于(后跟原因)
as a result结果(后跟结果)
accordingly adv.因此;相应地
handle ['h ndl] n.把手;拉手;柄 vt.处理;搬动;操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)
intervention [ nt 'ven n] n.介入;出面;干涉
infect [ n'fekt] vt.使感染;传染
infectious adj.传染性的;感染的(尤指通过呼吸)
link [l ?k] n.联系;纽带 
a link between...and...
be linked to与……连接;与……有关联,与……有联系
raw [r ] adj.未煮的;生的;未经处理的;原始的
raw material原材料
be likely to do sth.有可能做某事
pure [pj (r)] adj.干净的;纯的;纯粹的
pure water纯净水
tireless adj.不知疲倦的
substantial [s b'st n l] adj.大量的;价值巨大的;重大的
decrease ['di kri s] n.减少;降低;减少量
[d 'kri s] vt.&vi.(使大小、数量等)减少;减小;降低
on the decrease在减少,在降低
thanks to幸亏;由于
statistic [st 't st k] n.[pl.] 统计数字;统计资料;统计学
transform [tr ns'f m] vt.使改观;使改变形态 vi.改变;转变
epidemiology [ ep di mi' l d i] n.流行病学
Cholera used to② be one of the most feared diseases in the world, until a British doctor, John Snow, showed how it could be overcome [1]. This illness causes severe③ diarrhoea④, dehydration⑤, and even death. In the early 19th century, when an outbreak⑥ of cholera hit⑦ Europe, millions of people died from the disease. As a young doctor, John Snow became frustrated⑧because no one knew how to prevent or treat cholera [2]. In time⑨, he rose⑩ to become a famous doctor, and even attended to Queen Victoria when she gave birth . However, he never lost his desire to destroy cholera once and for all .
[1]此处是until引导的时间状语从句,其中how it could be overcome是包含在该从句中的宾语从句。
[2]此处是because引导的原因状语从句,其中how to prevent or treat cholera是“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语。
In general , doctors in those days had two contradictory theories to explain how cholera spread [3]. One theory was that bad air caused the disease [4]. The other was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water. Snow subscribed to the second theory. It was correct, but he still needed proof . Consequently ,when an outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854 [5], Snow began to investigate . He discovered that in two particular streets the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. He was determined to find out why.
[4]此处是that引导的表语从句, that在从句中不作成分。
Snow began by marking on a map the exact places where all those who died had lived. There were multiple deaths near the water pump in Broad Street (especially house numbers 16, 37, 38, and 40). However, some households (such as 20 and 21 Broad Street, and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street)had had no deaths. These people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They had been given free beer, and so had not drunk the water from the pump. Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame [6]. What is more , in another part of London, a woman and her daughter had died of cholera after moving away from Broad Street. It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.As a result of this evidence, John Snow was able to announce that the pump water carried cholera germs [7]. Accordingly , he had the handle of the pump removed so that it could not be used [8]. Through this intervention , the disease was stopped in its tracks.
[6]此处是that引导的宾语从句。be to blame意为“负有责任”,不定式to blame用主动形式表示被动含义。
[8]此处使用了“have sth.done”结构,意为“让/请人做某事;使某事/物被做”;so that引导目的状语从句。
The truth was that the water from the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste [9]. Moreover, Snow was later able to show a link between other cases of cholera and the different water companies in London. Some companies sold water from the River Thames that was polluted by raw waste [10]. The people who drank this water [11] were much more likely to get cholera than those who drank pure or boiled water [12].
[11]此处是定语从句,修饰先行词The people。
Through Snow's tireless efforts, water companies began to sell clean water, and the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease . However, cholera is still a problem. Each year, millions of people around the world get cholera and many die from it. Fortunately, we now know how to prevent cholera [13], thanks to the work of John Snow. Moreover, in his use of maps and statistics , Snow transformed the way scientists study diseases [14]. For this reason, Snow is considered the father of modern epidemiology .
[14]此处是省略了引导词that/in which的定语从句,修饰the way。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.two ________ theories 两个相互矛盾的理论
2.an infection from ________ in food
3.need ________ 需要证据
4.cause a ________ traffic accident
5.many poor ________ 许多贫困家庭
6.water ________ 水泵
7.________ the evidence 怀疑这个证据
8.be to ________ 该受责备
9.remove the ________ of the pump
10.________ waste 未经处理的废物
11.a ________ between smoking and lung cancer
12.a substantial ________ 大幅度减少
13.scientific ________ 科学数据
14.________ one's character 改变某人的性格
15.________ to a magazine 订阅杂志
16.________ him of theft 怀疑他有偷窃行为
1.________ [s 'v (r)] adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的→severely adv.严重地;严格地,严厉地
2.________ [fr 'stre t d] adj.懊恼的,沮丧的;失意的→frustrate vt.挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心→frustration n.挫折
3.________ [ n'fek n] n.感染;传染→infect vt.使感染;传染→infectious adj.传染性的;感染的(尤指通过呼吸)
4.________ [pru f] n.证据;证明;检验→prove v.证明;证明是
5.________ ['m lt pl] adj.数量多的;多种多样的→multiply v.乘;增加;繁殖
6.________ [ nt 'ven n] n.介入;出面;干涉→intervene vi.介入;出面;插话
7.________ [pj (r)] adj.干净的;纯的;纯粹的→purify v.净化
8.________ [tr ns'f m] vt.使改观;使改变形态 vi.改变;转变→transformation n.变化;转变;变换
①infect v.→infection n.感染
②select v.→________ n.挑选
③elect v.→________ n.选举
④collect v.→________ n.收集
1.________________ 幸亏;由于
2.________________ 经过一段时间之后;迟早
3.________________ 照顾;护理
4.________________ 总的说来;从总体上看
5.________________ 很可能做某事
6.________________ 死于;因……而死
7.________________ 因此,由于;作为……的结果
8.________________ 开始做事;开始认真考虑某事
9.________________ 最终地;彻底地
10.________________ 同意;赞同
11.________________ 生孩子
12.________________ 孜孜不倦的努力
13.________________ 成为一位著名的医生
[教材]Cholera used to be one of the most feared diseases in the world, ________ a British doctor, John Snow, showed how it could be overcome.
[教材]As a young doctor, John Snow became frustrated because no one knew ________________________.
[教材]Snow began by marking on a map the exact places ____________________________.
4.[句型]“It seemed that...”意为“好像……;似乎……”
“so...that...”意为“如此……以至于 ……”引导结果状语从句
________________ the woman liked the water from the pump ________________ she had it delivered to her house every day.
5.[句型]“have sth.done”意为“让/请人做某事;使某事被做”
[教材]Accordingly, he ________________________________ so that it could not be used.
1.[教材]Cholera used to be one of the most feared diseases in the world, until a British doctor, John Snow, showed how it could be overcome.
[分析]本句是一个复合句。until前面的句子是主句, until引导的是________从句; a British doctor与John Snow是________关系,是从句的主语,从句谓语showed后面是how引导的________从句。
2.[教材]It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.
[分析]本句是一个复合句。主句是“It seemed...”, that引导________从句, so...that...“如此……以至于……”引导________从句,含有“have sb./sth.+done”结构,表示“________________”。
3.[教材]Through Snow's tireless efforts, water companies began to sell clean water, and the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease.
[分析]本句是一个由and连接的________句,在第二个简单句中the threat of cholera around the world作主语, saw是谓语,表“________”,可以理解为一种拟人的修辞手法,使表达既简练又生动。
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P2)Cholera used to be one of the most feared diseases in the world, until a British doctor, John Snow, showed how it could be overcome.
(2)倒装结构:部分倒装“Not until+时间状语从句或短语+谓语助动词+主语+谓语动词”。
(3)强调结构:It is/was not until+时间状语从句或短语+that+主句部分。
[佳句] We kept fighting with the fierce bear until some kind people rushed to help us handle the animal.
①[2022·新课标Ⅰ卷读后续写]The voice became louder and louder ________ David dragged his leg, passing the terminal.
②It was not until I settled down and lived in Beijing ________ I had a chance to pay a visit to the Great Wall.
bad fortune might be the door waiting to be opened.(倒装)
I was aware that bad fortune might be the door waiting to be opened.(强调句型)
2(教材P2)As a young doctor, John Snow became frustrated because no one knew how to prevent or treat cholera.
◎frustrated adj.懊恼的;沮丧的;失意的
(1)feel frustrated at/with 对……感到沮丧/懊恼
(2)frustrate vt. 使懊丧;使懊恼;挫败;阻止;防止
frustrating adj. 令人懊恼的;令人沮丧的 (常形容事物)
frustration n. [U]懊丧;沮丧;挫败
[佳句] Disappointed and frustrated, the poor man made his way back to his family.
①Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and ________ (frustrate) experience.
②When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and ________ (frustrate).
③令他懊恼的是, 他的儿子感染了流感病毒。
________________________ was that his son was infected with the flu virus.
3(教材P2)Snow subscribed to the second theory.
◎subscribe vi.认购(股份);定期订购;定期交纳(会费)
subscribe to 同意;赞同;订购;捐赠
subscribe...to... 在……上签署……;向……捐赠……
[佳句] All of us subscribe to the view that a good parent-children relationship is based on mutual understanding and respect. (应用文之人际关系)
①[2020·新高考全国Ⅰ读后续写]Bernard excitedly subscribed to my idea of making popcorn to earn some money.____________
②It was the outstanding astronomer who always subscribed to our school, to which we were sincerely grateful.____________
③To broaden our horizons and enrich our school life, we students willingly subscribe toChinaDaily.____________
4(教材P2)Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame.
◎suspect vt.&vi.怀疑;疑有;不信任 n.犯罪嫌疑人;可疑对象
(1)suspect sb. to be... 怀疑某人是……
suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做)某事
(2)a murder suspect 杀人嫌疑犯
[佳句] [2020·新高考卷Ⅰ读后续写]At first, Bernard suspected that he couldn't sell his popcorn as planned.
①________ (suspect) of damaging this cultural heritage, he was arrested by the police.
②Two ________ (suspect) in connection with the case are now being questioned.
③The person I respect most is my English teacher, who ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________. (suspect that...)
④The person I respect most is my English teacher, who ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________. (suspect sb.of...)
◎blame vt.把……归咎于;责备;指责 n.责备;指责;过失
(1)blame sb. for (doing) sth.
blame sth. on... 把某事归咎于……
be to blame (for sth.) (对某事)负有责任
(2)take the blame for 对……承担责任
put/lay/place the blame for sth. on...
[佳句] So instead of blaming others, we should communicate more and put ourselves in others' place.
⑤There is no doubt that the terrible earthquake was ________ (blame) for such severe ruins.
⑥The boss didn't blame his assistant ________ the mistake,which was beyond expectations.
=The boss didn't blame the mistake ________ his assistant, which was beyond expectations.
⑦Alice was in low spirits because she was blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network.
Alice was in low spirits. (分词作状语)
[温馨提示] 在be to blame (for sth.)短语中,不定式用主动形式表示被动含义。
5(教材P2)It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.
[佳句] He was so frightened that he stood rooted to the spot.
=So frightened was he that he stood rooted to the spot.
①The brilliant boy made ________ great progress that the teacher praised him.
②My uncle is ________ generous a person that he was highly thought of by the people around.
=My uncle is ________ a generous person that he was highly thought of by the people around.
③He was ________________________ he felt his tongue tied and palms sweating.
④________________________ he felt his tongue tied and palms sweating.(倒装句)
6(教材P2)Accordingly, he had the handle of the pump removed so that it could not be used.
◎句型公式:“have sth.done”意为“让/请人做某事;使某事被做”
(1)have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
(2)have sb./sth. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事或让某事处于某种状态
can't/couldn't have sb. doing sth. 不能容忍某人做某事
(3)have sth. to do 有某事要做
[佳句] If we take a positive attitude and keep on trying, we can have our goals achieved in the end.
①We began to help pick peaches and then had them ________ (deliver) to the farmers' houses.
②Last Sunday our school had us ________ (take) part in a five-kilometer cross-country running race to build up our body.
③We can't have him ________ (get) away with cheating in the exam; otherwise, he won't shoulder the blame.
I am terribly sorry for ________________________________, because ________________________________ just now.
7(教材P3)Moreover, Snow was later able to show a link between other cases of cholera and the different water companies in London.
◎link n.联系;纽带 vt.把……连接起来;相关联
(1)link...to/with... 把……与……连接/联系起来
be linked to/with 与……有联系/关系
(2)a link between...and... ……与……之间的关系/联系
[佳句] In my opinion, there is a close link between teachers and students.
①We should link theory ________ practice when working.
②Your innovations should ________ (link) to our school life and be able to make our life better and more convenient.
Health problems ________________ bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.
[温馨提示] 表示“将……和……连接起来”的短语还有connect...with/to...、 join...to...等。
8(教材P3)Through Snow's tireless efforts, water companies began to sell clean water, and the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease.
◎decrease n.减少;降低;减少量 vt.&vi.(使大小、数量等)减少;减小;降低
(1)on the decrease/increase 正在减少/增加
(2)decrease in... 在……方面减少
decrease to... 减少到……
decrease by... 减少了……
[佳句] The number of new students has decreased from 2,000 to 1,600 in recent two years.
近两年新生人数从2 000减少到1 600人。
①________ (decrease) the amount of rubbish and to protect the environment, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.
②Over the past decades, sea ice has been ________ the decrease in the Arctic as a result of global warming.
③Because of human activities, the number of some rare animals ________________.
④Because of human activities, the number of some rare animals ________________.
9(教材P3)Fortunately, we now know how to prevent cholera, thanks to the work of John Snow.
◎thanks to幸亏;由于
because of (常作状语)
due to (常作状语和表语,作状语时一般不放在句首)
owing to (常作状语和表语)
on account of (常作状语,位置可前可后)
[佳句] It was thanks to your guidance that I won the first place in the contest.
①The coast road is closed due ________ bad weather.
②The President declined to deliver the speech himself, ________ account of a sore throat.
③I hold the strong belief that your current success is ________________________________________ (因为你的努力工作和不知疲倦的努力).
④________________________ (多亏了移动图书馆), these people can still borrow books.
10(教材P3)Moreover, in his use of maps and statistics, Snow transformed the way scientists study diseases.
◎transform vt.使改观;使改变形态 vi.改变;转变
(1)transform...into... 使……转变成……
transform into... 转化成……;改造为……
be transformed from...into...
(2)transformation n. 变化,转变;改观
[佳句] There is no doubt that success and wealth transformed his character.
①Life in Britain ________ (transform) by the appearance of the steam engine in the past.
②The past ten years has witnessed a great ________ (transform) of my hometown.
Your generous help and kindness ________________________________ an unforgettable memory.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Part 1 课前预习设计
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1
Task 2
1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A
Task 3
1.As a young doctor,John Snow became frustrated because no one knew how to prevent or treat cholera.
2.(1)He never lost his desire to destroy cholera once and for all.
(2)He was determined to find out why.
Task 4
1.Firstly, he subscribed to the second theory.
Secondly, he began to investigate to collect proof.
Thirdly, he marked on a map the exact places where people who died had lived.
Fourthly, he looked into the source of the water and found that it came from the polluted river.
Finally, the source of water was examined and cholera was controlled.
2.They are wise and resolute to overcome difficulties by using scientific methods. They treat the sick with love and kindness.
3.When facing an epidemic, we should find the cause of it, cut off the transmission route of the virus, develop vaccines and find the cure for it.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.contradictory 2.germs 3.proof 4.severe 5.households
6.pump 7.suspect 8.blame 9.handle 10.raw 11.link
12.decrease 13.statistics 14.transform 15.subscribe 16.suspect
1.severe 2.frustrated 3.infection 4.proof 5.multiple 6.intervention 7.pure 8.transform
构词规律 1.selection; election; collection
1.thanks to 2.in time 3.attend to 4.in general 5.be likely to do sth. 6.die from 7.as a result of 8.get down to
9.once and for all 10.subscribe to 11.give birth 
12.tireless efforts 13.become a famous doctor
2.how to prevent or treat cholera
3.where all those who died had lived
4.It seemed that; so much that
5.had the handle of the pump removed
1.时间状语 同位语 宾语 霍乱曾经是世界上最为可怕的疾病之一,直到一位英国医生约翰·斯诺展示了如何战胜它。
2.表语 结果状语 让某人/某物被…… 这个女人似乎非常喜欢(饮用)水泵里的水,因此她每天都让人把水送到她家。
3.并列 经历;目睹 经过斯诺不懈的努力,供水公司开始销售纯净水,世界各地的霍乱威胁大幅度减少。
Part 2 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①until ②that ③Not until I experienced the accident was I aware that ④It was not until I experienced the accident that
2.①frustrating ②frustrated ③What made him frustrated
3.①赞成;同意 ②捐助 ③订阅
4.①Suspected ②suspects ③never suspects that we can achieve our dreams ④never suspects us of achieving our dreams ⑤to blame ⑥for; on ⑦Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network
5.①such ②so; such ③so nervous that ④So nervous was he that
6.①delivered ②take ③getting ④having you waiting for me for so long; I had an urgent thing to attend to
7.①with ②be linked ③are closely linked to
8.①To decrease ②on ③is on the decrease ④is decreasing
9.①to ②on ③due to/owing to your hard work and tireless efforts ④Thanks to mobile libraries
10.①was transformed ②transformation ③transformed my first Canada trip intoSection Ⅱ Learning About Language
每/日/金/句:There is no doubt that science and technology can make our life easier and more comfortable.
①One theory was that bad air caused the disease.
②What John Snow showed to the world was how cholera could be overcome.
③It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.
④The truth was that the water from the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste.
⑤What Snow was determined to find out was why the 1854 outbreak of cholera in London could have caused over 500 deaths within ten days.
3.加黑处________、________how, why在句中不仅起连接作用,且分别作________、________状语。
用法:①无意义 ②不充当句子成分 ③不可省略
The trouble is that she doesn't know how to adapt to the new school.
The question is whether your parents will subscribe to your plan to travel to Tibet this summer holiday.
①The problem is who is willing to defend for the suspect in the court.
②With the efforts of local people, the city is no longer what it used to be.
在当地人的努力下, 这个城市不再是过去的样子。
①The problem is how we can transform our initial dream into reality.
②That's where the famous astronomer disagreed.
5.because, as if/as though等引导的表语从句。
①That's because you don't know how to handle this kind of crisis.
②It looks as if the young man is likely to be in charge of the department.
①[2022·全国甲卷书面表达]What is of great importance is ________ we individuals should raise our awareness of environment protection, reducing our footprint and living a green lifestyle.
②[2022·全国新高考Ⅰ应用文]Your taking my invitation into consideration is ________ I expect.
③[2022·新课标全国卷读后续写]The real question is ________ you are going to let those few people stop you from doing something you really want to do.
④[2020·全国Ⅱ卷]The good news is ________ it's simple to learn and can be worth the effort.
⑤As is well-known to all, the Spring Festival is ________ the family are reunited and celebrate the New Year.
That's why... 意为“那是……的原因”,强调结果
That's because... 意为“那是因为……”,强调原因
①I didn't phone her, and that's why she got angry with me.
②I didn't phone her, and that's because I got angry with her.
我没有给她打电话, 那是因为我生她的气了。(强调没打电话的原因)
The reason why the injection needs repeating every year is that the virus changes.
在表语从句中,表示间接的命令、要求、请求、建议、决定等,主句中的主语通常是: advice, suggestion, proposal, request, order, idea等, 从句谓语形式是“should+动词原形”(should可以省略,但不可换成would)。
My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow.
①I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. This is ________ I had a few days off.
②He was late today. This is ________ he got up late.
③[2022·新课标全国卷读后续写]The reason why you should show up is ________ you have made full preparations for this event.
④My proposal is ________ you (should) arrange your assistant to this project.
Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
1.表语 2.① ③ ④ 3.② ⑤ 方式 原因
①that ②what ③whether ④that ⑤when
①why ②because ③that ④thatSection Ⅲ Using Language
每/日/金/句:Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.——William Shakespeare
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Read the text on Pages 7~9 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.Why did Qian Xuesen change his major to aviation
A.Because he was not interested in his former major.
B.Because he could get a well-paid job in the future.
C.Because he felt it his duty to help his homeland.
D.Because the country asked him to do so.
2.What made Qian Xuesen so creative and outstanding according to the text
A.His strong interest in art like music and drawing.
B.His research in the United States.
C.His friends' encouragement.
D.His habit of reading a lot.
3.How long did Qian Xuesen stay in the United States
A.About 15 years. B.About 20 years.
C.About 25 years. D.About 30 years.
4.Which of the following is True about Hawking
A.He was born disabled.
B.He was afraid to admit his faults.
C.He was brave, determined as well as brilliant.
D.He subscribed to the theory holding that the universe has no beginning or end.
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①aerospace ['e r spe s] n.航空航天工业
②have an impact on对……有影响
③patriotic [ pe tri' t k] adj.爱国的
patriot n.爱国者
④devotion n.奉献,献身
⑤well-respected adj.受人尊敬的
⑥attend school上学
⑦mechanical [m 'k n kl] adj.机械的;发动机的;机器的
mechanic [m 'k n k] n.机械师;机械修理工
⑧break out (战争、打斗等不愉快的事情)突然开始;爆发
⑩aviation [ e vi'e n] n.航空制造业;航空;飞行
air force空军
defend [d 'fend] vt.保卫;防守;辩解
defence n.防御;保护;辩护
pursue graduate studies攻读研究生
over the course of在……的过程中
pioneer n.先锋
jet [d et] n.喷气式飞机
assistant [ 's st nt] n.助理;助手
graduate assistant研究生助理
assist vt.帮助;促进
conduct research进行研究
propulsion n.推进
leading adj.最重要的;一流的
space-exploration n.太空探索
overcome difficulties克服困难
in charge of主管;掌管;负责
in the charge of由……掌管;由……负责
missile ['m sa l] n.导弹
undeveloped adj.不发达的
nevertheless adv.然而,不过;尽管如此
discourage sb. from doing sth.阻碍某人做某事
take on承担;呈现
leadership ['li d p] n.领导;领导地位;领导才能
under sb.'s leadership在某人的领导下
launch v.发射;发起,发动
launch its first man-made satellite发射第一颗人造卫星
trace [tre s] vt.追溯;追踪;查出 n.痕迹;遗迹;踪迹
trace back to追溯到
knowledgeable adj.知识渊博的
in the area of frontier science research在前沿科学研究领域
outstanding [a t'st nd ?] adj.优秀的;杰出的;明显的
stand out脱颖而出;突出
appreciation n.欣赏;感谢
inspiration n.灵感;鼓舞
sadden vt.使悲伤(常用于被动语态)
Perhaps no other scientist has had a greater impact on② China's aerospace science than Qian Xuesen. Described by the authors of the StoryofQianXuesen as a man with “great scientific thought and scientific spirit” who was patriotic③ and served his homeland with effort, achievement, and devotion④ [1], Qian was an extremely well-respected⑤ man.
[1]此处过去分词短语“Described by...”作状语,其中包含一个由who引导的定语从句,与介词短语with“great scientific thought and scientific spirit”共同修饰a man。
Born in Shanghai in 1911 [2], Qian attended schools⑥ in Beijing and then entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University to study Railway Mechanical⑦ Engineering. However, after the Songhu Battle broke out⑧ in 1932, Qian made the decision to switch his major to⑨ aviation⑩because he realised that China needed its own powerful air force to protect and defend the country [3].
[3]此处是because引导的原因状语从句,其中包含一个由that引导的宾语从句;to protect and defend the country是动词不定式短语作目的状语。
Qian went to the United States in 1935 to pursue his graduate studies [4]. Over the course of the 1930s and 1940s, Qian became a pioneer in American jet and rocket technology. As a graduate assistant at the California Institute of Technology during the 1930s, Qian helped conduct important research into rocket propulsion , and in the 1940s, he and several other people founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, now one of NASA's leading space-exploration centres [5].
[5]此处作Jet Propulsion Laboratory的同位语。
After overcoming some difficulties during his final few years in the US, Qian returned to China in 1955. He received a hero's welcome from his homeland and was put in charge of not only developing China's rocket science but also its space and missile programme [6]. At that time, China was poor and its rocket science was undeveloped . No institute or university in China offered rocket science as a major, and there were no talents or experts in this field in China. Nevertheless , Qian did not let that discourage him from taking on the challenge. When asked “Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?” [7], his reply was a determined “Why not We Chinese are able to make the same things that other people make.”
[6]此处是not only...but also...连接两个并列成分作介词of的宾语。
Under Qian's leadership , China developed the Dongfeng missiles, followed by the first generation of Long March rockets [8]. In 1970, China successfully launched its first man-made
satellite, Dong Fang Hong Ⅰ, from a Long March rocket. Because much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets can also be traced back to Qian's research [9], Qian earned the name of “the father of China's aerospace”.
Qian read a lot and was extremely knowledgeable , especially in the area of frontier science research . However, what might have made him such an outstanding and creative scientist [10] was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing. His deep appreciation for art often gave him inspiration in his scientific research.
On 31 October 2009, the whole country was saddened by Qian's death, and people honoured and remembered him in different ways.
①gifted ['ɡ ft d] adj.有天赋的;有天才的;天资聪慧的
gift n.天赋;天才
talented adj.有才能的;天才的
②be familiar with熟悉……
be familiar to为……所熟悉
③come down患(病);染上(小病)
④muscle n.肌肉
⑤abstract [' bstr kt]
concrete adj.具体的
⑥achieve fame获得名声;成名
⑦in general总的来说;通常
⑧steady ['stedi] adj.稳定的;平稳的;稳步的
steadily adv.稳定地;稳固地
⑨concept ['k nsept] n.概念;观念
⑩question and answer
stand up站立,站起来
point out指出
correct vt.改正
[ 'str n m (r)] n.
astronomy [ 'str n mi] n.天文学
astronaut n.宇航员
telescope ['tel sk p] n.望远镜
besides [b 'sa dz] prep.除……之外(还) adv.而且;此外
brilliant ['br li nt] adj.聪颖的;绝妙的;明亮的
brilliance n.才华;光辉
be willing to do sth.
[ f 'm (r)] adv.此外;再者
above all最重要的是;尤其是
fault [f lt] n.弱点;过错
find fault with挑剔;批评;抱怨
combination n.结合;联合
characteristic n.特点,特征
Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous and gifted① scientists in physics. Most people are familiar with② images of him in his wheelchair, unable to move and using a computer to talk [1]. Since he came down③ with a disease which caused him to lose the use of most of his muscles④ [2], his world became one of abstract⑤ thought.
[1]此处是现在分词短语与“unable to move”并列作定语,修饰images of him。
[2]此处是since引导的时间状语从句,其中包含一个由which引导的定语从句,修饰a disease。
Hawking first achieved fame⑥when he was still healthy enough to walk [3], as a graduate student in physics at Cambridge University in 1964. In general⑦, there were two main theories on the origin of the universe. The first was the steady⑧ state theory, which holds that the universe has no beginning or end [4]. The other was the big bang theory, which holds that the universe began at a single point in time and space [5]. The biggest champion of the steady state concept⑨ was Fred Hoyle, a professor at Cambridge [6]. During the question and answer period⑩ after one of Hoyle's lectures, Hawking stood up and pointed out that Hoyle had made a mistake in his maths. Once the maths was corrected , it showed that the big bang theory—and not the steady state theory—was true.[7] Hawking's own work on the big bang theory was soon proven by astronomers with telescopes . A star was born.
[4]此处是which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the steady state theory。
[5]此处是which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the big bang theory。
[6]此处作Fred Hoyle的同位语。
[7]本句是一个复合句。“Once the...corrected”是once引导的时间状语从句;“that the...was true”是that引导的宾语从句。
So, what made Stephen Hawking a genius?Besides being brilliant , he was brave, though sometimes careless in what he said or did [8]. He was willing to say what others were afraid to say [9], and to dream of what others were afraid to dream about [10]. Furthermore , he was quite determined. This had helped him as a scientist, and had helped him even more in his fight against his disease. Above all , Hawking was willing to admit his faults . This odd combination of characteristics had made him one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuries.
[8]此处though后省略了he was; what引导宾语从句,作介词in的宾语。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.________ bridge 彩虹桥
2.China's ________ science 中国的航天科学
3.________ youth 爱国青年
4.________ back to Qian's research
5.an ________ and creative scientist
6.________ thought 抽象思考
7.a ________ performance 一场精彩的表演
8.my own ________ 我的过错
9.dramatic ________ 巨大的转变
10.under Qian's ________ 在钱学森的领导下
11.________ down 倾盆而下
12.a ________ explanation 具体的解释
1.________ ['fa nd ?] n.发现;调查结果;(法律)判决→find v.发现→finder n.发现者
2.________ [ 'n l] adj.最初的;开始的;第一的→initially adv.起初
3.________ [m 'k n kl] adj.机械的;发动机的;机器的→mechanic n.机械师;机械修理工
4.________ [d 'fend] vt.保卫;防守;辩解→defence n.防护;辩护
5.________ [ 's st nt] n.助理;助手adj.助理的;副的→assist v.帮助;协助;援助→assistance n.帮助;协助;支持
6.________ ['li d p] n.领导;领导地位;领导才能→lead v.领导;带领→leader n.领导→leading adj.最好的;最重要的
7.________ ['ɡ ft d] adj.有天赋的;有天才的;天资聪慧的→gift n.礼物;天赋
8.________ ['stedi] adj.稳定的;平稳的;稳步的→steadily adv.平稳地;持续地
9.________ [ 'str n m (r)] n.天文学家→astronomy n.天文学
10.________ ['v v d] adj.生动的;鲜明的;丰富的→vividly adv.生动地
1.________________ (战争、打斗等不愉快的事情)突然开始;爆发
2.________________ 主管;掌管
3.________________ 最重要的是;尤其是
4.________________ 改变……到……
5.________________ 患(病);染上(小病)
6.________________ 从事……的研究
7.________________ 阻止某人做某事
8.________________ 追溯到
[教材]Perhaps no other scientist ____________________ China's aerospace science than Qian Xuesen.
2.[句型]not only...but also...
[教材]He received a hero's welcome from his homeland and was put in charge of ________________________________________________ its space and missile programme.他受到了来自祖国的英雄般的欢迎。他不仅被任命负责发展中国的火箭科学,还负责中国的太空和导弹项目。
[教材]Under Qian's leadership, China developed the Dongfeng missiles, ____________________________ of Long March rockets.
[教材]Besides being brilliant, he was brave, though sometimes careless in ________________________.
[教材]However, what might have ________________________________________________ was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing.
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P7)A non-Newtonian fluid is strange because you can pour it like a liquid, but if you put any pressure on it, it suddenly becomes hard as concrete.
◎pour vt.倒出;倾泻;斟(饮料);涌出;(雨)倾盆而下
pour in/into 涌进
pour out 倒出,涌出
pour down (雨)倾盆而下
[佳句]  The Great Wall is such a well-known tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.
①We were about to go out when it suddenly poured ________.
②Letters of complaint continued to pour ________, which made us upset.
The crazy football fans ______________________, cheering wildly.
2(教材P7)However, after the Songhu Battle broke out in 1932, Qian made the decision to switch his major to aviation because he realised that China needed its own powerful air force to protect and defend the country.
◎break out (战争、打斗等不愉快的事情)突然开始;爆发
break away from 脱离/挣脱……
break down 出故障;坏掉;失败;(身体等)垮掉;消除
break in 插话;破门而入
break into 破门而入
break up 打碎;结束;(关系等)破裂
[佳句] I was in charge of putting out the fire that broke out in our office yesterday.
①[2020·浙江卷读后续写]The fierce bear bit the fence and was eager to break ________, so I stood there frozen with terror.
②When the war broke ________, the outstanding mechanic seemed to have become another man, frustrated.
③I am terribly sorry to hear that Sue and Mary have broken ________.
The truck my dad drove often ________________________, which made my dad in trouble.
◎defend vt.保卫;防守;辩解
defend oneself 为自己辩护;自卫
(2)defence n. 防卫;保护;辩护
in defence of 保护;为……辩护
in one's defence 为某人辩护;站在某人一边
[佳句] Mac jumped off the bike, seized the bike and threw it to the wolf with all his strength to defend himself.
⑤She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if ________ defence.
⑥The Great Wall was built from the Qin Dynasty and its purpose was ________ (defend) their own territories from/against the invasion of their enemies.
⑦Seeing the fierce snake, he rushed ________________ like an arrow. (defend vt.)
⑧Seeing the fierce snake, he rushed ________________ like an arrow. (defence n.)
3(教材P8)He received a hero's welcome from his homeland and was put in charge of not only developing China's rocket science but also its space and missile programme.
◎in charge of主管;掌管;负责
(1)in the charge of 由……负责;被……掌管
take charge of 负责/看管(表动作)
free of charge 免费
(2)charge (sb.) for sth. 为……(向某人)收费/要价
charge sb. with (doing) sth.
[佳句] I will be in charge of the English speech competition, which makes me greatly honored.
①The outstanding scientist is in charge of handling the matter.____________
②I will charge you one thousand yuan for curing your severe disease.____________
③Tears of sadness and terror poured down the boy's cheeks, because he was charged with stealing the gold ring without solid proof.____________
④The kind-hearted mechanic helped charge my phone.____________
⑤He rose to his feet, charged through the door and disappeared in the darkness.____________
⑥As chairman of the Student Association, I was appointed ________________________________________ during your stay in Tianjin.
⑦As chairman of the Student Association, I was appointed ________________________________________ during your stay in Tianjin.
◎句型公式:“not only...but also...”意为“不但……而且……”
(1)“not only...but also...”连接两个并列成分,如两个主语、宾语、状语等;
(2)“not only...but also...”连接两个分句,且“not only...”位于句首时,该句要部分倒装;
(3)“not only...but also...”连接两个词作主语时,要根据but also后的名词决定谓语动词的单复数形式,即遵循“就近一致”原则。
[佳句] From this voluntary activity, not only did I broaden my horizons but also I gained valuable experience.
⑧We ___________________________________________________________________
nature from this activity.
from this activity.(倒装)
4(教材P8)However, what might have made him such an outstanding and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing.
[佳句] You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip enjoyable and worthwhile.
①The man made ________ clear that he wouldn't accept the task.
②Though he has often made his little sister ________, today he is made ________ by his little sister. (cry)
I'm not very good at German, but I can ________________________.
5(教材P8)Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous and gifted scientists in physics.
◎gifted adj.有天赋的;有天才的;天资聪慧的
(1)be gifted in/at... 在……方面有天赋
(2)gift/talent n. 礼物;天赋
have a gift/talent for... 有……天赋
[佳句] Brian is gifted in writing music, and he is very likely to be a Beethoven.
①I never doubt that special classes can help the ________ (gift) children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner.
②The musician is a man of many ________ (gift), who had a gift ________ music when he was a child, and now he is ________ (gift) in playing the piano.
The gifted young girl ________________________ was presented with some wonderful gifts by the audience.
6(教材P9)Above all, Hawking was willing to admit his faults.
◎above all最重要的是;尤其是
after all 毕竟;终究
all in all 整体说来;总而言之
in all 全部;合计
at all (否定句)一点也不;(疑问句)到底;究竟
first of all 首先
[佳句] If you want to achieve success, above all, you must be strict with yourself.
①The university I recommend to you is Beijing Language and Culture University. ____________, you'd better learn some basic Chinese before you come. ____________, you will be under completely unfamiliar circumstances. ____________, studying for a degree in a different culture is not easy ____________. (应用文之推荐大学)
____________, ________________________ we devoted ourselves to protecting ocean.
◎fault n.弱点;过错
It is one's fault 是某人的过错。
find fault with 挑剔,挑……的毛病
[佳句] He likes to find fault with other people, which makes them very unhappy.(人物描写)
③He has many ________ (fault), and carelessness is one of them.
To be honest, ________________, but Lily was also to blame—they both said some really mean things.
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Part 1 课前预习设计
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.rainbow 2.aerospace 3.patriotic 4.trace 5.outstanding 6.abstract 7.brilliant 8.fault 9.shift 10.leadership 11.pour 12.concrete
1.finding 2.initial 3.mechanical 4.defend 5.assistant 6.leadership 7.gifted 8.steady 9.astronomer 10.vivid
1.break out 2.in charge of 3.above all 4.switch...to...
5.come down 6.conduct research into/on 7.discourage sb. from doing sth. 8.trace back to
1.has had a greater impact on
2.not only developing China's rocket science but also
3.followed by the first generation
4.what he said or did
5.made him such an outstanding and creative scientist
Part 2 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①down ②in ③poured out of the stadium
2.①in ②out ③up ④broke down on the way ⑤in 
⑥to defend ⑦to defend his son ⑧in defence of his son
3.①负责 ②收费 ③控告 ④(给……)充电 ⑤向……冲去 ⑥to take charge of arranging all the activities ⑦to be in charge of arranging all the activities ⑧not only gained knowledge of gardening but also had a better understanding of ⑨Not only did we gain knowledge of gardening but also had a better understanding of nature
4.①it ②cry; to cry ③make myself understood
5.①gifted ②gifts; for; gifted ③who has a gift for music
6.①First of all; After all; All in all; at all ②All in all; it is high time that ③faults ④it was Tom's faultSection Ⅳ Writing——科学家的优秀品质
单元的写作以“What makes a great scientist”为话题,讲述著名科学家的故事,包括科学家的生平事迹、成就,并概括科学家所具备的优秀品质。其基本结构为:
1.Marie Curie was the first woman scientist to win worldwide reputation and was, indeed, one of the greatest scientists of the twentieth century.
2.Yuan Longping is known to the world as China's “father of hybrid rice”, who worked on the land for several decades.
3.He devoted his life to developing the hybrid rice, paying little attention to fame and money.
4.However, what made him such an outstanding and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing.
5.Not only should we show respect for the great scientists, but also we should learn the scientific spirits from them.
6.It is because of the scientific spirits that the great scientists have made such outstanding achievements.
参考词汇:量子通信quantum communication; 维也纳Vienna
第一步 布局谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
Pan Jianwei ________________ Dongyang, Zhejiang Province in March 1970.
In 1999, he ________________________ in experimental physics from the University of Vienna, Austria.
Professor Pan Jianwei is ________________ the research of quantum communication.
He is an ________________ scientist in this field.
He has achieved a series of ________________________.
He received ________________ “pioneer of reform”.
7.他对世界保持着孩童般的好奇, 一心做研究, 保持与名利的距离。
He keeps childlike curiosity about the world, devotes himself to research, and ________________________ fame and fortune.
8.他站在世界的最前沿, 和宇宙对话, 做前无古人的事业。
He ________________________________, talks to the universe, and does things that no one has done before.
第三步 句式升级
第四步 完美成篇
Section Ⅳ Writing——科学家的优秀品质
1.was born in
2.received his doctor's degree
3.mainly engaged in
4.internationally influential
5.significant research results
6.such titles as
7.keeps his distance from
8.stands in the front row of the world
1.Professor Pan Jianwei is so engaged in the research of quantum communication that he is an internationally influential scientist in this field.
2.He stands in the front row of the world, talking to the universe, and doing things that no one has done before.
Pan Jianwei was born in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province in March 1970. In 1999, he received his doctor's degree in experimental physics from the University of Vienna, Austria. Professor Pan Jianwei is so engaged in the research of quantum communication that he is an internationally influential scientist in this field and has achieved a series of significant research results. He received such titles as “pioneer of reform”. He keeps childlike curiosity about the world, devotes himself to research, and keeps his distance from fame and fortune. He stands in the front row of the world, talking to the universe, and doing things that no one has done before.单元知识回顾与提升
闪卡展示 快速高效
1.cholera n. ________________
2.contradictory adj. ________________
3.germ n. ________________
4.multiple adj. ________________
5.pump n. ________________
6.household n. ________________
7.substantial adj. ________________
8.statistic n.[pl.] ________________
9.microscope n. ________________
10.protein n. ________________
11.cell n. ________________
12.virus n. ________________
13.vaccine n. ________________
14.framework n. ________________
15.concrete n. ________________
    adj. ________________
16.aerospace n. ________________
17.patriotic adj. ________________
18.mechanical adj. ________________
19.mechanic n. ________________
20.aviation n. ________________
21.missile n. ________________
22.abstract adj. ________________
    n. ________________
23.astronomer n. ________________
24.astronomy n. ________________
1.________ vi. 认购(股份);定期订购;定期交纳(会费)
2.________ vt.&vi. 怀疑;疑有;不信任
n. 犯罪嫌疑人;可疑对象
3.________ vt. 把……归咎于;责怪;指责
n. 责备;指责
4.________ n. 把手;拉手;柄
vt. 处理;搬动;操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)
5.________ n. 联系;纽带
vt. 把……连接起来;相关联
6.________ adj. 未煮的;生的;未经处理
7.________ n. 减少;降低;减少量
vt.&vi. (使大小、数量等)减少;减小;降低
8.________ adj. 可靠的;固体的;坚实的
n. 固体
9.________ vt. 投射;向……投以(视线、笑容等);投掷
10.________ n. 阴影;影子;背光处
11.________ n. 彩虹
12.________ vt. 倒出;倾泻;斟(饮料)
13.________ n. 领导;领导地位;领导才能
14.________ vt. 追溯;追踪;查出
n. 痕迹;遗迹;踪迹
15.________ adj. 优秀的;杰出的;明显的
16.________ prep. 除……之外(还)
adv. 而且;此外
17.________ adj. 聪颖的;绝妙的;明亮的
18.________ adv. 此外;再者
19.________ n. 弱点;过错
20.________ n. 改变;转换;轮班
vi.&vt. 转移;挪动;转向
1.________ adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的→________ adv.极为恶劣地;十分严重地;严厉地
2.________ adj.懊恼的;沮丧的;失意的→________ vt.使懊恼;使沮丧→________ n.沮丧;懊恼;挫败
3.________ n.感染;传染→________ vt.使感染;传染→________ adj.感染的;传染的
4.________ n.证据;证明;检验→________ vt.证明 linkv.证明是
5.________ n.介入;出面;干涉→________ vi.干扰;介入
6.________ adj.干净的;纯的;纯粹的→________ adv.完全地;纯粹地→________ vt.净化;使……洁净
7.________ vt.使改观;使改变形态 vi.改变;转变→________ n.转化;转换;变换;变化
8.________ n.思想;思维;见解→________ v.认为;思考
9.________ n.发现;调查结果;(法律)判决→________ v.发现
10.________ adj.最初的;开始的;第一的→________ adv.最初地
11.________ vt.保卫;防守;辩解→________ n.防御;保卫;保护
12.________ n.助理;助手→________ vt.&vi.帮助;协助→________ n.帮助;协助;援助
13.________ adj.有天赋的;有天才的;天资聪慧的→________ n.礼物;天赋
14.________ adj.稳定的;平稳的;稳步的→________ adv.稳定地;持续地
15.________ adj.生动的;鲜明的;丰富的→________ adv.生动地;逼真地;鲜明地
1.Unfortunately, he ____________ (染上) a severe disease and couldn't carry on with the project.
2.The company wanted to appoint an experienced man to be ____________ (主管;掌管) the department.
3.____________ (多亏了) Jack's kindness and generosity, Bernard could make some money by selling popcorn to support his family.
4.As we all know, yellow ____________ (与……有关联) confidence, self-respect and friendliness.
5.The leader ____________ (赞同) his assistant's plan to decrease the economic losses.
6.He couldn't handle the problem ____________ (最终地), which made him quite frustrated.
7.____________ (最重要的是), you should develop a good habit of eating and take exercise regularly.
8.People can't know the exact time when the terrible disease ____________ (爆发) in the world.
1.Cholera used to be one of the most feared diseases in the world, ________________, John Snow, ________________________________.
2.As a young doctor, John Snow became frustrated because no one knew ______________________.
3.Snow began by marking on a map the exact places ________________________________.
4.________________ the woman liked the water from the pump ________________ she had it delivered to her house every day.
5.Accordingly, he ____________________________ so that it could not be used.
6.Perhaps no other scientist ____________________ China's aerospace science than Qian Xuesen.
7.He received a hero's welcome from his homeland and was put in charge of ________________________________________________ its space and missile programme.
8.Besides being brilliant, he was brave, though sometimes careless in ________________.
9.However, what might have ________________________________________________ was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing.
1.霍乱 2.相互矛盾的;对立的;不一致的 3.微生物;细菌;病菌 4.数量多的;多种多样的 5.泵;抽水机;打气筒 
6.一家人;家庭;同住一所(套)房子的人 7.大量的;价值巨大的;重大的 8.统计数字;统计资料;统计学 9.显微镜 10.蛋白质 11.细胞;小房间;单间牢房 12.病毒 13.疫苗
14.框架;结构 15.混凝土 混凝土制的;确实的;具体的 16.航空航天工业 17.爱国的 18.机械的;发动机的;机器的 19.机械师;机械修理工 20.航空制造业;航空;飞行 21.导弹 22.抽象的;理性的 (文献等的)摘要 23.天文学家 24.天文学
1.subscribe 2.suspect 3.blame 4.handle 5.link 6.raw
7.decrease 8.solid 9.cast 10.shadow 11.rainbow 12.pour
13.leadership 14.trace 15.outstanding 16.besides 
17.brilliant 18.furthermore 19.fault 20.shift
1.severe; severely 2.frustrated; frustrate; frustration 
3.infection; infect; infectious 4.proof; prove 5.intervention; intervene 6.pure; purely; purify 7.transform; transformation 8.thinking; think 9.finding; find 10.initial; initially 
11.defend; defense/defence 12.assistant; assist; assistance
13.gifted; gift 14.steady; steadily 15.vivid; vividly
1.came down with  2.in charge of 3.Thanks to
4.is linked to 5.subscribed to 6.once and for all
7.Above all 8.broke out
1.until a British doctor; showed how it could be overcome
2.how to prevent or treat cholera
3.where all those who died had lived
4.It seemed that; so much that
5.had the handle of the pump removed
6.has had a greater impact on
7.not only developing China's rocket science but also
8.what he said or did
9.made him such an outstanding and creative scientist