人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit4 Journey Across a VastLand学案(5份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit4 Journey Across a VastLand学案(5份打包,含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-16 15:09:01


Welcome To Dunhuang!
Dunhuang's long and glorious history represents its significance① as a centre of cultural and commercial exchange.Today,Dunhuang is a world-class tourist destination boasting② sites with UNESCO-protected heritage status③. Now,we are going to enter some of the city's famous caves,of which there are more than 700. Known as the Mogao Grottoes, these ancient caves were carved out of the rock over a period of 1,000 years.If you look up, you can see the paintings and other artworks that are testimony (证据) to how the Silk Road brought East and West together.Look at these statues! You can see elements from Ancient Greece, India and Iran.Now look around the walls of the e a little bit closer so that you can get a better view. Look at them! The murals④ cover an astonishing area of 45,000 square metres.
The subjects of the Dunhuang murals vary from religious stories to scenes of everyday life.But one type of mural that is unique to Dunhuang shows the Apsaras (飞天), or “Flying Immortals”. Representations of these heavenly⑤ musicians, singers and dancers decorate the walls of many caves. Take a look at this mural. The Apsaras are depicted⑥ sailing in the bright blue sky, with their scarves flying, as if they are about to fly down to meet us. And here is another one. Move over here where you can see it in more detail. The Apsaras are holding lotuses⑦, playing musical instruments, dancing and throwing flowers. The painting of Apsaras reached a peak during the Tang Dynasty;these images are full of life, reflecting the confidence and optimism⑧ of people from that time.(节选自外研版新教材选择性必修第四册 Unit 3)
①significance/s g'n f k ns/ n.重要性   ②boast/b st/ vt.自豪地拥有
③statue/'st t u / n.雕像;塑像 ④mural/'mj r l/ n.壁画
⑤heavenly/'hev( )nli/ adj.天国的 ⑥depict/d 'p kt/ vt.描画;描述
⑦lotus/'l t s/ n.荷花 ⑧optimism/' pt m z m/ n.乐观主义;乐观
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
每/日/金/句:With numerous places of interest, Beijing is a city which makes a lasting impression on its visitors.
北京有无数的名胜古迹, 是一个能给游客留下难忘印象的城市。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1 文本整体理解:理清文章架构
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.A trip to Vancouver and the heart of Canada.
B.The weather in Vancouver.
C.The weather in Edmonton.
D.Autumn in Canada.
2.Match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1______  A.The two girls were amazed by the vast lands of Canada.
Para.2______ B.The two girls' stay in Vancouver.
Para.3______ C.Li Daiyu and her cousin were on a trip to Canada.
Para.4______ D.The two girls' visit to Lake Louise.
Para.5______  E.The two girls reached their destination.
Para.6______  F.A short introduction to Edmonton.
Task 2 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节理解
Read the text on Pages 38~39 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.According to the text, which is the route of Li Daiyu and Liu Qian's journey
A.Vancouver→Toronto→Lake Louise→Jasper→Edmonton.
B.Vancouver→Edmonton→Jasper→Lake Louise→Toronto.
C.Vancouver→Lake Louise→Jasper→Edmonton→Toronto.
D.Edmonton→Lake Louise→Jasper→Vancouver→Toronto.
2.Which city produces the most oil in Canada
A.Vancouver.   B.Edmonton.
C.Ontario. D.Toronto.
3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the two girls' journey
A.Beautiful scenery. B.High mountains.
C.Different animals. D.Friendly people.
4.In what season did the two girls take the long trip
A.Spring. B.Summer.
C.Autumn. D.Winter.
Task 3 文本理解:续写佳句
1.Read the passage carefully and find the sentences to describe the mood.(细读短文并找出心理描写的句子)
2.Read the passage carefully and find the sentences to describe the environment.(细读短文并找出环境描写的句子)
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①rather than而不是
rather than连接两个不定式时, 第二个不定式的to可以省略;rather than位于句首时, 跟不带to的不定式。
②airline ['e la n] n.航空公司
③take the train乘火车
④start out出发
⑤typical adj.典型的;有代表性的
be typical of是……的典型;是……的特点
⑥bay [be ] n.(海或湖的)湾
⑦craft [kra ft] n.手艺;工艺;技艺
⑧antique [ n'ti k] n.古物;古董
⑨mild adj.(天气)温和的, 和煦的
⑩pleasant ['pleznt] adj.令人愉快的;友好的
take a hike 徒步旅行
arise[ 'ra z] vi. (arose, arisen)起身;出现;由……引起
arise from/out of 因……产生(=result from)
massive ['m s v] adj.巨大的;非常严重的
literally ['l t r li] adv.字面上;真正地(常用于表达强调或夸张的语气)
take sb.'s breath away 令人惊叹
breath [breθ] n.呼吸的空气
bound [ba nd] adj.准备前往(某地);一定会
be bound to do sth.一定会/很可能会做某事
scenery['si n ri] n.风景;景色
awesome [' s m] adj.令人惊叹的;可怕的;很好的
in addition to除……之外(还)(短语介词, 后接名词、代词或动名词)
spectacular [spek't kj l (r)]adj.壮观的;壮丽的;惊人的
peak [pi k] n.顶峰;山峰;尖形
highlight ['ha la t] n.最好或最精彩的部分 vt.突出;强调;使醒目
goat [ɡ t] n.山羊
grizzly bear [ ɡr zli 'be (r)] n.灰熊
drill [dr l] vi.&vt.钻(孔);打(眼) n.钻(头);训练;演习
freezing ['fri z ?] adj.极冷的;冰冻的
freezing cold极冷的;冻僵的
freeze [fri z]vi.&vt.(froze, frozen)结冰;(使)冻住
be home to 是……的家园, 是……的所在地
mall [m l] n.(also shopping mall)购物商场;购物广场
head vi.朝(某方向)行进
prairie ['pre ri] n.北美草原
anticipate [ n't s pe t] vt.预料;预见;期望
anticipation n.预料;期望
a bunch of一束;一串;一群;大量
bunch [b nt ] n.束;串;捆
eventually adv.最后;终于
thunder ['θ nd (r)] vi.打雷;轰隆隆地响;轰隆隆地快速移动 n.雷声;轰隆声
frost [fr st] n.霜;严寒天气;霜冻 vt.使蒙上霜 vi.结霜
confirm v.(尤指提供证据来)证实, 证明, 确认
curtain ['k tn] n.窗帘
pull back the curtain 拉开窗帘
border ['b d (r)] n. 国界;边界(地区)
on the border在边界上
all in all总的说来;总而言之
duration [dju're n] n.持续时间;期间
Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went to Canada to visit their cousins in Halifax on the Atlantic coast[1]. Rather than① travel by commercial airline② all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train③. For both of them, the thought of crossing the whole country by rail was exciting.
Before starting out④, they spent a couple of days in Vancouver, seeing the sights. During their first day, as is typical⑤ of Vancouver, [2] it rained. Despite the weather, they were able to take a boat ride out into the bay⑥, and later visit an island that had wonderful shops selling crafts⑦ and antiques⑧[3]. The next day was clear and mild⑨, and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over the city. Later, they took a pleasant⑩ hike in a forest just a short distance away.
[3]此处是that引导的定语从句, 修饰先行词an island;其中, 现在分词短语selling crafts and antiques作定语, 修饰shops。
The next morning, the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through the Canadian Rockies. Seen from the train window[4], the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive . When the train arrived at the station, they took a taxi to Lake Louise, where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty. They spent the night, and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper. Looking at the beautiful scenery [5], they both agreed that it was the most awesome journey they had ever taken[6]. In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests, one highlight of their trip was being able to see many different creatures, including deer, mountain goats , and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.
[4]此处是过去分词短语作状语, the mountains and forests of Canada与see之间为被动关系。
[5]此处是现在分词短语作状语, they与look之间为主动关系。
[6]此处是省略了关系词that的定语从句, 修饰先行词journey。
From Jasper, they caught the train towards Toronto. One of the train's first stops was in Edmonton, the provincial capital of Alberta, the centre of Canada's huge oil and gas drilling industry. Edmonton is freezing cold in winter, with daily temperatures averaging -10 ℃.[7] Since it can be too cold to go outdoors,[8] Edmonton is home to many shopping malls . In fact, one of the largest shopping malls in North America is in Edmonton.
From Edmonton, the train headed southeast across the great Canadian Prairie . At school, Daiyu and Liu Qian had learnt that Canada's population is only slightly over thirty-seven million. However, they did not anticipate seeing such an open country, and were truly amazed. They went through two wheat-growing provinces, where they saw a bunch of farms that covered a very large area.
After another day on the train, eventually they were back in an urban area, the city of Winnipeg. From there, they travelled through the night, and woke up in Ontario—a land of forests and lakes. The train thundered on, through the rolling hills. The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold, and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada.[9] Night came again, and the train turned south towards Toronto. When they woke up the next morning and pulled back the curtain , they could see the wide stretch of Lake Huron—one of the four Great Lakes on Ontario's southern border . It was not until 9:30 a.m. that they finally reached the capital of Ontario, Toronto.[10] All in all , their trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken a duration of four days.
[10]此句是一个强调句型, 被强调的部分是时间状语until 9:30 a.m.。
李黛予和表妹刘倩前往加拿大去探望居住在大西洋海岸哈利法克斯市的表兄妹。她们没有一路乘坐商业航班, 而是决定先飞到温哥华, 然后再乘坐火车。一想到可以坐火车横穿整个国家, 姐妹俩就激动不已。
出发前, 她们在温哥华待了两天, 欣赏当地风光。第一天, 温哥华一如往常, 细雨蒙蒙。尽管天气不佳, 她们仍然泛舟驶入海湾, 接着游览了一座岛屿, 岛上有精致的店铺, 出售手工艺品和古董。第二天, 天气晴朗, 温度适宜, 她们看到壮美的群山俯瞰着整座城市, 甚是欣喜。随后, 她们在不远处的森林中徒步旅行, 十分惬意。
次日清晨, 两个女孩早早起床, 登上开往路易斯湖的火车, 穿越加拿大的落基山脉。从车窗往外望去, 加拿大的群山巍峨、森林辽阔。火车抵达后, 她们乘坐出租车来到路易斯湖, 那里湛蓝的湖水异常美丽, 令她们惊叹不已。她们在那里度过了一晚, 然后乘坐长途汽车, 向北穿越加拿大的落基山脉, 来到贾斯珀。望着眼前的美景, 两人一致认为这是她们所经历过的最棒的一次旅行。除了欣赏壮丽的山峰和森林, 旅程的亮点之一是能看到种类繁多的动物, 如鹿、山羊, 甚至还有一只灰熊和一只老鹰。
在贾斯珀, 她们坐上了开往多伦多的火车。列车的头几站中有一站是埃德蒙顿, 这是阿尔伯塔的省会, 也是加拿大巨大的油气开采业中心。埃德蒙顿冬季十分寒冷, 日平均气温为零下10摄氏度。由于天寒地冻,不适合户外活动, 因此埃德蒙顿拥有众多大型购物中心。事实上, 北美最大的购物中心之一就在埃德蒙顿。
列车从埃德蒙顿出发, 朝东南方向一路驶过加拿大大草原。黛予和刘倩在学校学过, 加拿大的人口才刚过3 700万。但两人还是未曾料想能看到如此辽阔的国度, 实在是惊叹不已。在穿越两个种植小麦的省份时, 她们看到了一片片广阔的农场。
她们在火车上又度过了一天, 最终回到了市区——温尼伯市。从该市出发, 她们连夜前行, 从梦乡中醒来时, 火车已抵达森林和湖泊密布的安大略省。火车继续轰隆隆地向前行驶, 穿过绵延的群山。窗外的灌木丛和枫树林呈红色、金色和橘黄色, 地面盖着一层霜, 表明加拿大已进入秋季。夜幕再次降临, 火车转向南行, 开往多伦多。次日清晨, 她们醒来, 拉开车窗窗帘, 辽阔的休伦湖映入眼帘——休伦湖是安大略省南部边境的四大湖之一。直到上午九点半, 她们才终于抵达安大略省的首府多伦多。总的说来, 从温哥华到多伦多, 她们的旅行共历时四天。
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.commercial ________  商业航班
2.sell ________ and ________ 
3.be ________ to succeed  一定会成功
4.enjoy the beautiful ________
5.the most ________ journey
6.________ mountain ________ and forests
7.one ________ of their trip
8.________ a hole  钻孔
9.one of the largest shopping ________
10.be covered with ________
11.draw/pull the ________ 拉上窗帘
12.________ from carelessness
1.________ ['pleznt] adj.令人愉快的;友好的→please v.使高兴→pleasure n.高兴;快乐→pleased adj.感到高兴的
2.________ ['l t r li] adv.字面上;真正地→literal adj.字面上的
3.________ [breθ] n.呼吸的空气→breathless adj.气喘吁吁的→breathe v.呼吸
4.________ ['fri z ?] adj.极冷的;冰冻的→freeze vi.&vt.结冰;(使)冻住→froze(过去式)→frozen(过去分词)
5.________ [ n't s pe t] vt.预料;预见;期望→anticipation n.预料;预见;预期
6.________ [dju're n] n.持续时间;期间→during prep.在……期间
advertise→advertisement   n. 广告
astonish→____________ n. 惊奇
move→____________ n. 运动
develop→____________ n. 发展
employ→____________ n. 雇用
improve→____________ n. 提升
a bunch of      一束; 一串; 一群
a________ of 一堆, 很多
a________ of 几个, 少许
a________ of 一盒
a________ of 一片, 一份
a________ of 一片, 一块
1.________________ 一束;一串;一群;大量
2.________________ 而不是
3.________________ 出发;启程
4.________________ 总的说来, 大体而言;总而言之
5.________________ 除……以外(还)
6.________________ 乘船出行
7.________________ 乘坐长途汽车
8.__________________ 令人惊叹
9.__________________ 预计做某事
10.________________ 一路上;自始至终
11.________________ 两个;一些;几个
12.________________ 进而做(参加)
[教材]The next day was clear and mild, and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains ________________.
第二天天气晴朗、温和, 她们很高兴看到美丽的群山俯瞰城市。
[教材]________________, the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive.
从火车车窗往外看, 加拿大的山脉和森林非常多。
[教材]______________________, they both agreed that it was the most awesome journey they had ever taken.
看着美丽的风景, 她们都认为这是自己经历过的最棒的旅行。
[教材]______________________ they finally reached the capital of Ontario, Toronto.
直到上午9点半, 她们才终于到了安大略省的首府多伦多。
[教材]During their first day, ______________ Vancouver, it rained.
第一天, 温哥华一如往常, 细雨蒙蒙。
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P38)Rather than travel by commercial airline all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train.
她们没有一路乘坐商业航班, 而是决定先飞到温哥华, 然后再乘坐火车。
◎rather than 而不是
other than  不同于;除了……之外
or rather 更确切地说
more than 多于;不仅仅;非常
[佳句] [2022·全国乙卷书面表达]Therefore, students should spare more time for English reading rather than watching movies or listening to music too much.因此, 学生应该花更多的时间阅读英语而不是看电影或听太多音乐。
①Facing up to your problems ____________ pretending not to see them is the best approach to working things out.
②As a matter of fact, I don't know any French people ____________ you.
③I'm ____________ delighted to inform you that this year's music festival will be held shortly.
④毫无疑问, 用自己的双手劳动而不是依靠别人是非常有意义的。
There is no doubt that it is very meaningful to work with our own hands __________________________.
[温馨提示] rather than连接主语及其附属成分时, 谓语动词应与rather than前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。
2(教材P38)During their first day, as is typical of Vancouver, it rained.
第一天, 温哥华一如往常, 细雨蒙蒙。
(1)as引导非限制性定语从句时, 有“正如”之意, 常放在主句之前, 有时也可放在主句之后或主句之中;
(2)as引导限制性定语从句时, 先行词常用such, the same, as, so等修饰。
[佳句] As the famous saying goes, “A good beginning is half the battle.”俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半。”
①________ is the case with language learning, Chinese learning is bound to call for lots of practice.
②[2022·全国乙卷书面表达]________ is shown by the figures of the chart, thanks to modern technology, a wide range of ways are available for students to polish their English.
③________ is mentioned above, what elderly people in the nursing home need is warmth and love.
④按周末的惯例, 只有三个当地记者值班。
____________________, only three local reporters were on duty.
3(教材P38)The next morning, the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through the Canadian Rockies.
次日清晨, 两个女孩早早起床, 登上开往路易斯湖的火车, 穿越加拿大的落基山脉。
◎arisevi.(arose, arisen)起身;出现;由……引起
(1)arise from/out of 由……引起;因……产生
(2)rise vi.  升起;起身, 起床;上升
raise vt.  举起;提高, 增加;饲养, 养育
[佳句] [北京卷满分作文]I didn't expect our tea culture should be so attractive and therefore, a sense of pride in my mind arose.
我没想到我们的茶文化会如此吸引人, 因此, 我心中升起了自豪感。
①A number of high buildings ____________ (arise) where there was nothing but ruins a year ago.
②Seeing her husband pace back and forth, the woman ________ (arise) from the seat and asked him to stop.
休息时, 我们的班主任开始处理他课上出现的问题。
③At break, our headteacher got down to dealing with the matters __________________.(分词短语作定语)
④At break, our headteacher got down to dealing with the matters ________________________.(定语从句)
4(教材P38)When the train arrived at the station, they took a taxi to Lake Louise, where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty.
火车抵达后, 她们乘坐出租车来到路易斯湖, 那里湛蓝的湖水异常美丽, 令她们惊叹不已。
◎breath n.呼吸的空气
(1)take sb's breath away 令人惊叹
hold one's breath 屏住呼吸
out of breath 气喘吁吁
catch one's breath 屏息;歇口气
take a deep breath 深呼吸
(2)breathe v. 呼吸
breathless adj. 气喘吁吁的
[佳句]  He held his breath, not daring to raise his head.
①Take ________ deep breath and relax yourself instead of focusing on what brings you stress, and you will fall asleep soon.
②Regular jogging provides us with a chance ____________ (breathe)the refreshing air.
③Running all the way to school, Ann made it to her classroom, ________(breath). (读后续写动作描写)
④当他们仍旧上气不接下气、心跳飞快时, 他们因此相信刚刚所发生的事是真实的。
As they were still __________________________________, they were consequently convinced that what happened just now was true.
5(教材P38)They spent the night, and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper.
她们在那里度过了一晚, 然后乘坐长途汽车, 向北穿越加拿大的落基山脉, 来到贾斯珀。
◎bound adj.准备前往(某地);一定会
be bound to 一定做……;必然
be bound for 开往, 前往……
[佳句] [2022·全国甲卷书面表达]Hopefully, with our joint efforts, we are bound to build an environmental-friendly society shared by we human being. 希望在我们的共同努力下, 一定能建设一个人类共享的环保社会。
①I firmly believe that the awesome scenery in the harbour is bound ____________ (take) your breath away.
②We were bound ________ the farm where we would pick fruits.
③只要我们相信自己, 努力工作, 我们一定会成功。
As long as we have faith in ourselves and work hard, __________________.
6(教材P38)Edmonton is freezing cold in winter, with daily temperatures averaging -10℃.
埃德蒙顿冬季十分寒冷, 日平均气温为零下10摄氏度。
◎freezing adj.极冷的;冰冻的
(1)freezing point 冰点, 凝固点
freezing cold 非常冷
(2)freeze vt.&vi.(froze, frozen)
n.[C] 冻结
freeze with terror 吓呆
(3)frozen adj. 冷冻的;冰封的;冻僵的
[佳句]  In order to finish the task on time, they braved the freezing environment and worked hard. 为了按时完成任务, 他们冒着严寒努力工作。
①Hearing the unexpected news, he ________(freeze) and couldn't move an inch.(读后续写动作描写)
②It's ________ (freeze) cold outside, so you'd better put on more clothes.
③我吓呆了, 觉得自己好像被扔进了一个黑暗的世界。
____________, feeling as if I had been thrown into a dark world.
7(教材P39)The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold, and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada.
窗外的灌木丛和枫树林呈红色、金色和橘黄色, 地面盖着一层霜, 表明加拿大已进入秋季。
(1)现在分词(短语)作伴随状语可位于句首、句中或句末, 表示与谓语动词的动作同时发生的另一动作;
(2)现在分词(短语)的逻辑主语就是句子的主语, 二者之间为主动关系;
[佳句] Morris lay on the grass, feeling depressed about this whole situation.
=Morris lay on the grass and felt depressed about this whole situation.
莫里斯躺在草地上, 对整个情形感到沮丧。
①When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, ________ (tell) me stories till I fell asleep.
②He got up late and hurried to his office, ________ (leave) the breakfast untouched.
③________ (look) at the beautiful sight, Mom could hardly hold back her excitement.
④听到这个激动人心的消息时, 她的心激动得怦怦跳。
____________________, her heart pounded with excitement.
Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
Part 1 课前预习设计
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Task 1
Task 2
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C
Task 3
1.However, they did not anticipate seeing such an open country, and were truly amazed.
2.(1)During their first day, as is typical of Vancouver, it rained.
(2)The next day was clear and mild, and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over the city.
(3)Seen from the train window, the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive.
(4)When the train arrived at the station, they took a taxi to Lake Louise, where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty.
(5)In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests, one highlight of their trip was being able to see many different creatures.
(6)Edmonton is freezing cold in winter, with daily temperatures averaging 10℃.
(7)The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada.
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.airline 2.crafts antiques 3.bound 4.scenery 
5.awesome 6.spectacular peaks 7.highlight 8.drill 
9.malls 10.frost 11.curtain 12.arise
1.pleasant 2.literally 3.breath 4.freezing 5.anticipate 6.duration
1.astonishment movement development employment improvement
2.pile few box slice piece
1.a bunch of 2.rather than 3.start out 4.all in all 5.in addition to 6.take a boat ride 7.take a coach 8.take sb's breath away 9.anticipate doing sth. 10.all the way 11.a couple of 12.proceed to sth.
1.looking out over the city
2.Seen from the train window
3.Looking at the beautiful scenery
4.It was not until 9:30 a.m.that
5.as is typical of
1.谓语 定语 尽管天气不佳, 她们仍然泛舟驶入海湾, 接着游览了一座岛屿, 岛上有精致的店铺, 出售手工艺品和古董。
2.时间状语 定语 火车抵达后, 她们乘坐出租车来到路易斯湖, 那里湛蓝的湖水异常美丽, 令她们惊叹不已。
3.定语 定语 在穿越两个种植小麦的省份时, 她们看到了一片片广阔的农场。
Part 2 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.①rather than ②other than ③more than ④rather than depend on others
2.①As ②As ③As ④As is typical on weekends
3.①have arisen ②arose ③arising from his class ④which/that arose from his class
4.①a ②to breathe ③breathless ④out of breath and their hearts beat wildly
5.①to take ②for ③we are bound to succeed
6.①froze ②freezing ③I froze with shock
7.①telling ②leaving ③Looking ④Hearing the exciting newsSection Ⅱ Learning About Language
每/日/金/句:Read as many books as you can, and travel as far as you can.
①The next day was clear and mild, and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over the city.
②Seen from the train window, the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive.
③However, they did not anticipate seeing such an open country, and were truly amazed.
④For both of them, the thought of crossing the whole country by rail was exciting.
⑤Before starting out, they spent a couple of days in Vancouver, seeing the sights.
1.句①和句③中, 黑体词都是形容词化的过去分词, 在句中作________, 表示主语的性质或所处的状态。
2.句②中的过去分词短语在句中作________。作状语用的过去分词(短语)和句子的主语之间有逻辑上的动宾关系, 或称为________关系。
1.意义:用在系动词后面, 构成系表结构, 表示主语所处的状态, 此时过去分词大多已变成了形容词。
When we heard of it, we were deeply moved.
当我们听说这件事时, 我们深受感动。
The frightened look on her face suggested that she was frightened by the frightening scene.
2.过去分词作表语表示主语所处的状态。这一结构从形式上与被动语态相同, 但被动语态强调主语所承受的动作。试比较:
The book is well written.
这本书写得好。(作表语, 表示状态)
The book was written by a soldier.
这本书是由一位士兵写的。(被动语态, 强调动作)
英语中有很多与感觉有关的及物动词, 其现在分词表示主动意义, 即“令人有某种感觉的”, 多用来修饰物;其过去分词含有被动意义, 即“人被引起某种感觉的”, 多用来指人、人的声音、笑容或表情等。
We were surprised at what he said at the meeting.
His words were discouraging, which made many people discouraged.
他的话令人泄气, 使得很多人灰心丧气。
①They became so ________ (worry)that they stayed awake all night.
②The situation became so ________ (worry)that something should be done at once.
③When he heard the ________ story, he was deeply ________ (move).
④Tom was more ________ (surprise) than ________ (disappoint) at this news.
⑤We got a little________ (sunburn), but the day had been so relaxing that we didn't mind.
Written in a hurry, this article was not so good.
Deeply moved by the film, the children began to cry.
Asked about his address(=When he was asked about his address), the little boy didn't respond.
Annoyed at the decision(=As he was annoyed at the decision), he refused to attend the meeting.
Given more time(=If they were given more time), the trees could grow taller.
Left (=Although he was left) alone at home, John didn't feel afraid at all.
Followed by a group of students, the teacher entered the classroom.
=The teacher entered the classroom and he was followed by a group of students.
过去分词作状语时,前面有时可以加上when, if, while, though, even if, until, unless等连词, 这种结构可以看作是一种省略的状语从句(省略部分多为“主语+be的多种形式”)。需要注意的是, 省略的主语必须和主句的主语相同或是it。
Even if invited (=Even if I'm invited), I won't take part in the party.
即使受到邀请, 我也不会参加这个聚会的。
[名师提醒] 过去分词(短语)作状语表状态
部分过去分词来源于系表结构, 作状语时不表示“被动关系”, 而是表示状态。这样的过去分词及短语常见的有:lost in(陷入某种状态)、seated(坐着的)、hidden(躲着)、absorbed in(沉溺于)、dressed in(穿着)、tired of(厌烦了)等。
Lost/Absorbed in deep thought, she didn't hear the sound.
由于陷入沉思, 所以她没有听到那个声音。
Dressed in a new dress, she looks very beautiful.
穿着一件新衣服, 她看上去很漂亮。
①Seen from the top of the mountain, the whole town looks more beautiful.
→______________________________, the whole town looks more beautiful.
②The teacher came into the room, and was followed by two students.
→The teacher came into the room, ________________________.
③When they were asked who had broken the vase, the children all kept silent.
→______________________________, the children all kept silent.
过去分词与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系, 即表示被动;现在分词与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系, 即表示主动。
[巧学助记] 分词作状语记忆口诀
主动用-ing, 被动用-ed。
Used for a long time, the book looks old.
Using the book, I find it very useful.
Following the students, the headteacher entered the classroom.
Followed by the students, the headteacher entered the classroom.
①________ (impress) by the beautiful scenery, I forgot to go back home in time.
②________ (look) out of the window, I found many children playing on the playground.
③The old man walked into the room, ________ (support) by his son.
④________ (represent) our school, I am glad to tell you something about these activities.
⑤________ (grow) in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.
Section Ⅱ Learning About Language
1.表语 2.状语 被动 3.表语 4.状语
①worried ②worrying ③moving moved ④surprised disappointed ⑤sunburnt
①When it is seen from the top of the mountain ②followed by two students ③When asked who had broken the vase
①Impressed ②Looking ③supported ④Representing ⑤GrownSection Ⅲ Using Language
每/日/金/句:It's very convenient to get there by taking Buses No.17, 69 or 59 besides Subway Line 2 .
除地铁2号线外, 乘17路、69路或59路公交车去那里也非常方便。
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
Read the text on Pages 44~45 carefully and then choose the best answer.
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.Li Daiyu and her cousin's journey to Halifax.
B.Li Daiyu and her cousin's encounter with Lin Fei.
C.Li Daiyu and her cousin's stay in Montreal.
D.The wonderful sights of Quebec.
2.According to the text, which of the following is NOT true about Toronto
A.It is the biggest and richest city in Canada.
B.There are many tall buildings there.
C.People can enjoy Chinese cuisine there.
D.All the signs and advertisements are in French there.
3.What languages do people speak in Montreal
A.English and Chinese.
B.French and English.
C.English and German.
D.French and German.
4.What is Jean-Philippe's opinion about his city—Montreal
A.It is a city that is well worth visiting.
B.It is the wealthiest city in Canada.
C.It consists of many people coming from China.
D.It is greatly influenced by English culture.
精读课文 疏通理解障碍
①kill v.[熟词生义]消磨, 打发
kill time/kill an hour/a couple of hours (等待时)消磨时间, 打发时光
②proceed [pr 'si d] vi.行进;继续做
proceed to sth.进而做(参加)
③shore [ (r)] n.岸;滨
④in the distance 在远处
⑤astonish [ 'st n ] vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊
astonishing adj.令人惊异的
astonished adj.感到惊异的
⑥misty ['m sti] adj.多雾的;模糊的
mist [m st] n.薄雾;水汽
⑦flow into流入
⑧on one's way to...在去……的路上;即将……
⑨steel [sti l] n.钢;钢铁工业
⑩old-fashioned adj.陈旧的;过时的,不时髦的
roll by 驶过;流逝
available adj.(人)有空的;(东西)可获得的, 可购得的, 可找到的
dusk [d sk] n.黄昏;傍晚
at dusk在黄昏
chat with...与……聊天
all kinds of各种各样的
in contrast to与……相反
[ d'v t sm nt;
NAmE dv r'ta z-]
n.(informal ad)广告;启事
advertise v.(为……)做广告, 登广告;征聘, 公布
accent [' ksent] n.口音
speak English with an accent说英语带有口音
spend time (in) doing sth.花费时间做某事
[f 't ɡr f (r)] n.摄影师;拍照者
owe [ ] vt.欠(账、债、情等)
owe sth. to sb.欠(某人情);把……归功于某人
owe it to yourself/yourselves你(们)应该
overall adv.一般来说;大致上;总体上
toast [t st] n.烤面包片;吐司;干杯
vt. &vi.烤(尤指面包)
speed v.快速前行
dream of梦想;梦见
cobblestone ['k blst n]
After Li Daiyu and her cousin arrived in Toronto, the largest and wealthiest city in Canada, they only had a few hours to kill①[1] before they had to proceed② to the next leg of their trip to Montreal, so they went on a tour of the city.They went up the CN Tower and looked across the shores③ of Lake Ontario. Standing in the distance④,[2] they were astonished⑤to see misty⑥ clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls, [3] which is on the south side of the lake[4]. Water from the lake flows into⑦ the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to⑧ the sea.
[1]此处是“have sth. to do”结构, 表示“有事情要做”。
[4]此处是which引导的定语从句, 修饰先行词Niagara Falls。
The girls saw hundreds of skyscrapers of glass and steel⑨, and old-fashioned⑩ cars rolling by . As they walked north from the harbour area,[5] Li Daiyu said, “Lin Fei, one of my mother's old schoolmates, lives here. I should phone her and see if she's available for dinner.”
They met Lin Fei around dusk over dinner at a restaurant in downtown Chinatown.The cousins chatted with Lin Fei, who had moved to Canada many years earlier[6].
[6]此处是who引导的定语从句, 修饰先行词Lin Fei。
“This is the largest Chinatown in Toronto.We have a few more in the Greater Toronto Area, so you can guess that there are a lot of Chinese people in Canada! Chinese people have been coming here[7] for more than a hundred years.Therefore, we can get all kinds of great food here from all over China, ” Lin Fei told them.
[7]此处是现在完成进行时, 表示动作从某一时间开始, 一直持续到现在, 并且可能仍然要继续下去。
The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal early the next morning.At the station, in contrast to Toronto, they heard people talking[8] in French.They were surprised to see that all the signs and advertisements were in French and many people spoke English with an accent [9].
[8]此处是“hear sb. doing sth.”结构, 表示“听到某人在做某事”。
“We don't leave until this evening, ” said Liu Qian.“Let's go downtown.Old Montreal is close to the water.”
They spent the afternoon in lovely shops and visiting artists in their workplaces along St Paul Street. As they sat in a restaurant alongside the broad St Lawrence River,[10] a young man sat down with them.
[10]此处是as引导的时间状语从句, as意为“在……的时候”。
“Hello, my name is Jean-Philippe.I'm a photographer ,” he said, “and I was wondering where you are from.”
The girls told him they were from China and were on a train trip across Canada. When they told him they had only one day in Montreal, he said, “That's too bad. You owe it to yourselves to stay longer.Overall , Montreal is a city with wonderful sights and sounds.[11] Most of us speak both English and French, and the city has unique Quebec culture and traditions. There are fantastic restaurants and clubs around, too. Here, we love good coffee, toast , and cheese. And good music, of course!”
[11]此处是介词短语作定语, 修饰a city。
That night the train was speeding along the St Lawrence River towards the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the distant east coast towards the province of Nova Scotia and its largest city, Halifax.The cousins dreamt happily of the beautiful cobblestone streets, old brick buildings, and the red maple leaves of Montreal.
女孩们告诉他,她们来自中国,正在乘火车穿越加拿大。当她们告诉他她们在蒙特利尔只待一天的时间时,他说,“那太可惜了。你们应该多待一会儿。总的来说, 蒙特利尔是一个风景和声音都很棒的城市。我们大多数人都说英语和法语,并且这个城市有独特的魁北克文化和传统。周围还有很棒的餐馆和俱乐部。在这里,我们喜欢美味的咖啡、烤面包和奶酪。当然还有好的音乐!”
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.Chinese ________  汉语成语
2.________ to expectations 与预期相反
3.sea ________  海岸
4.be made of ________  钢铁制造
5.at ________  在黄昏
6.speak English with an ________
7.________ her an apology  欠她一个道歉
8.________ to freedom  为自由干杯
1.________ [pr 'si d] vi.行进;继续做→proceedings n.(常用复数)事件;行动;诉讼;(会议)记录
2.________[ 'st n ] vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊→astonishment n.惊讶;令人惊讶的人或事→astonishing adj.令人惊讶的→astonished adj.感到惊讶的
3.________ ['m sti] adj.多雾的;模糊的→mist n.薄雾;水汽
4.________ [ d'v t sm nt] n.广告;启事→advertise v.做广告;登广告→advertising n.广告业
5.________ [f 't ɡr f (r)] n.摄影师;拍照者→photograph n.照片→photography n.摄影业
1.________________ 相反的;相对立的
2.________________ 进而做(参加)
3.________________ 欠(某人情);把……归功于某人
4.________________ 在远处
5.________________ 梦见;梦想
6.________________ 驶过;(时间)流逝
7.________________ 和某人聊天
8.________________ 相比之下
9.________________ 去市区
10.________________ 离……近
[教材]After Li Daiyu and her cousin arrived in Toronto, ____________________________, they only had a few hours to kill before they had to proceed to the next leg of their trip to Montreal, so they went on a tour of the city.
李黛予和表妹来到多伦多这个加拿大最大、最富有的城市后, 离出发到下一站蒙特利尔之前只有几个小时的时间, 她们就在多伦多逛了逛。
[教材]Well, contrary to ________________________________,__there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually.
嗯, 与许多人想的相反, 实际上中国有很多广阔而空旷的地方。
[教材]_______________________, they were astonished to ________________________ the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.
她们站在远处眺望, 看到湖的南边从尼亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾, 感到非常震撼。
探究新知 发展语言知识
1(教材P44)After Li Daiyu and her cousin arrived in Toronto, the largest and wealthiest city in Canada, they only had a few hours to kill before they had to proceed to the next leg of their trip to Montreal, so they went on a tour of the city.
李黛予和表妹来到多伦多这个加拿大最大、最富有的城市后, 离出发到下一站蒙特利尔之前只有几个小时的时间, 她们就在多伦多逛了逛。
本句中the largest and wealthiest city in Canada在句中作同位语, 对Toronto进行进一步解释和说明。同位语的表示方法:
(2)从句作同位语。同位语从句通常跟在某些抽象名词如fact, plan, view, idea, belief, opinion, possibility, thought等后, 用来说明所修饰词的内容。
[佳句] [2022·全国甲卷书面表达]I hold the firm belief that only with joint efforts can we have a better tomorrow. 我坚信, 只有共同努力, 我们才能有一个更美好的明天。
Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. It has developed rapidly in recent years.
→Shanghai, __________________, has developed rapidly in recent years.(名词短语作同位语)
2(教材P43)Well, contrary to what many people believe, there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually.
嗯, 与许多人想的相反, 实际上中国有很多广阔而空旷的地方。
◎contrary adj.相反的;相对立的 n.相反的事实(或事情)
contrary to   相反的;相对立的
on the contrary 与此相反;恰恰相反
[佳句] The final results are contrary to our expectations, and therefore we are considering what to do next.
最终结果与我们的预期正相反, 因此我们正在考虑下一步该做什么。
①__________________________(与我最初的想法相反), I boarded a ship bound for Beijing rather than Shanghai.
②If you associate with positive-thinking people, you are definitely going to achieve success. ____________________ (正相反), the opposite happens.
3(教材P44)At the station, in contrast to Toronto, they heard people talking in French.
与多伦多不同的是, 她们在车站听到人们用法语交谈。
◎contrast n.对比;对照;差异 vt.&vi.(使)形成对比;对照
(1)by/in contrast  相比之下
in contrast with/to 与……形成对比(对照);与……相反
(2)contrast...with... 把……和……相对比
[佳句] By/In contrast, Mrs Yang is much more outspoken.So she is more suitable for the post.
相比之下, 杨女士坦率多了。因此她更适合这个职位。
①__________________ online chatting, I prefer face-to-face communication.
对比网上聊天, 我更喜欢面对面的交流。
②What astonished us most was that his actions ____________________________.
4(教材P44)Standing in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.
她们站在远处眺望, 看到湖的南边从尼亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾, 感到非常震撼。
◎astonish vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊
(1)astonished adj. 感到惊讶的(指人的主观感受)
be astonished at/by sth. 因某事感到惊讶
be astonished to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶
(2)astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的
(3)astonishment n. 惊讶
in astonishment 吃惊地
to one's astonishment=to the astonishment of sb. 让某人惊讶的是
[佳句] At the astonishing news, Mary froze with astonishment, as if rooted to the ground.
①The moment I opened the box, my eyes widened in ________ (astonish). (读后续写情感描写)
②__________ (astonish), Peter sat on the square, tears welling up in his eyes suddenly. (读后续写之情感描写)
③I find life more charming and more ________ (astonish) than I'd ever dreamed.
To my astonishment, she didn't care about my feelings.
④→She didn't care about my feelings, __________________.(定语从句)
⑤→____________________ she didn't care about my feelings.( it作形式主语)
⑥→____________________ she didn't care about my feelings.(what 引导的主语从句)
5(教材P44)You owe it to yourselves to stay longer.
◎owe vt.欠(账、债、情等);把……归功于;应该做;对……负有……的义务
(1)owe sb. an apology  该向某人道歉
owe sb. sth.=owe sth. to sb. 欠某人某物
(2)owe...to... 把……归功于……
owe it to sb. that... 多亏某人……
(3)owing to 因为;由于
[佳句] [2021·北京高考道歉信]I owe an apology to you for failing to go outing with you this Sunday.
本周日我不能和你去郊游, 我得向你道歉。
①He owed his achievement ________ hard work and determination to succeed.
②Wherever we are today, we owe ________ to our parents who have given and taught us so much.
③由于外面有雾, 我们的旅程不如预期的让人愉快。
____________________________, our trip was not as pleasant as we had anticipated.
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Part 1 课前预习设计
自读课文 疏通文脉大意
1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A
自查语基 落实基本知能
1.idiom 2.contrary 3.shore 4.steel 5.dusk 6.accent 7.owe 8.toast
1.proceed 2.astonish 3.misty 4.advertisement 5.photographer
1.contrary to 2.proceed to sth. 3.owe sth.to sb. 4.in the distance 5.dream of 6.roll by 7.chat with sb. 8.in contrast to 9.go downtown 10.be close to
1.the largest and wealthiest city in Canada
2.what many people believe
3.Standing in the distance see misty clouds rising from
Part 2 课堂提升素养
探究新知 发展语言知识
1.one of the biggest cities in China
2.①Contrary to my initial thought
②On/Quite the contrary
3.①In contrast with/to
②contrast sharply with his promises
4.①astonishment ②Astonished ③astonishing ④which astonished me ⑤It was astonishing that ⑥What astonished me was that
5.①to ②it ③Owing to the mist outsideSection Ⅳ Writing——关于旅行经历的电子邮件
写一封关于旅行的邮件, 也就是对一次出行、游览、参观等的记录。
在介绍游览经历时, 一般按游览的先后顺序, 依次记述游览过程中所见到的景物;另外, 要选取印象最深刻的或最有特色的景物, 进行较为详细的描写;最后可以加上游玩的感受, 做到既有所见所闻, 又有所思所感, 深化写作主题。
1.I am glad to hear that you are going to China for a holiday.
听说你要来中国度假, 我很高兴。
2.I'd like to share one of the most fascinating experiences with you.
1.There are many tourist attractions in China.
2.Every tourist attraction has beautiful scenery and is very attractive.
每个景点都风景秀丽, 十分迷人。
3.Jinzhai county, in western Anhui, is one of the places I'd like to introduce you to.
4.It's very convenient to travel to the centre of New York by subway.
5.During the Chinese “Red Culture”, you can visit some museums.
在体验中国的“红色文化”期间, 你可以参观一些博物馆。
6.Standing on the top of the mountain, the building has witnessed many changes in this area.
1.I am looking forward to your coming and it is certain that you won't regret for the trip.
2.It is a place you have to visit and the extraordinary view will make you unwilling to leave.
3.It has been a great trip, filling us with so many happy memories.
参考词汇:大佛(the Giant Stone Buddha)
Dear Tom,
I'm glad to share a fascinating travel experience
with you._________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
第一步 布局谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
1.七月七日, 我乘车去了乐山, 它以大佛而闻名。
On July 7, I took a bus to Leshan, ____________________ the Giant Stone Buddha.
2.当我抬头看到巨大的佛头, 低头看到巨大的佛脚时, 我感受到了自己的渺小。
________________________________ and down at the large feet, I felt I was so small.
3.第二天, 我登上了峨眉山山顶, 山上的美景让我惊叹。
The next day, I climbed to the peak of Mount Emei. The beautiful scenery on the mountain ______________________.
4.在黄昏时刻, 我们返程。
____________, we made our way back.
5.虽然我们都非常累, 但是我们去乐山的旅程真的既难忘又使人愉快。
__________________, our trip to Leshan was really unforgettable and pleasant.
6.如果再给我一次机会, 我一定会再来游览乐山。
Given another chance, ____________________________ Leshan again.
第三步 句式升级
第四步 完美成篇
Section Ⅳ Writing——关于旅行经历的电子邮件
1.which is famous for
2.When I looked up at the large head
3.took my breath away
4.At dusk
5.Though tired
6.I am bound to pay a visit to
1.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet, I felt I was so small.
2.The next day, I climbed to the peak of Mount Emei, where the beautiful scenery took my breath away.
On July 7, I took a bus to Leshan, which is famous for the Giant Stone Buddha. Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet, I felt I was so small. The next day, I climbed to the peak of Mount Emei, where the beautiful scenery took my breath away. At dusk, we made our way back. Though tired, our trip to Leshan was really unforgettable and pleasant. Given another chance, I am bound to pay a visit to Leshan again.
I'm looking forward to going to Leshan with you next time.
闪卡展示 快速高效
1.airline n.  ________________
2.bay n. ________________
3.craft n. ________________
4.antique n. ________________
adj. ________________
5.literally adv. ________________
6.awesome adj. ________________
7.spectacular adj. ________________
   n. ________________
8.peak n. ________________
9.highlight n. ________________
vt. ________________
10.goat n. ________________
11.anticipate vt. ________________
12.duration n. ________________
13.quarry n. ________________
14.alongside prep. ________________
adv. ________________
15.steel n. ________________
1.________ adj. 令人愉快的;友好的
2.________ vi. 起身;出现;由……引起
3.________ adj. 准备前往(某地);一定会
4.________ n. 风景;景色
5.________ vi.&vt. 钻(孔);打(眼)
n. 钻(头);训练;演习
6.________ n. 购物商场;购物广场
7.________ n. 束;串;捆
8.________ vi. 打雷;轰隆隆地响;轰隆隆地快速移动
n. 雷声;轰隆声
9.________ n. 霜;严寒天气;霜冻
   vt. 使蒙上霜
   vi. 结霜
10.________ n. 窗帘
11.________ n. 国界;边界(地区)
12.________ n. (海)港;港口
13.________ vi.&vt. (使)加入;注册;登记
14.________ n. 习语;成语
15.________ adj. 相反的;相对立的
n. 相反的事实(或事情)
16.________ adv. (结束交谈或转换话题时)不过;反正
17.________ vi. 行进;继续做
18.________ n. 岸;滨
19.________ n. 黄昏;傍晚
20.________ n. 口音
21.__________ n. 烤面包片;吐司;干杯
vt. 为……干杯
vi. 烤(尤指面包)
1.________ n.呼吸的空气→________ adj.气喘吁吁的→________ v.呼吸
2.________ n.团;堆;许多;大量→________ adj.巨大的;非常严重的
3.________ vi.&vt.(froze, frozen) 结冰;(使)冻住→________ adj.极冷的;冰冻的→________ adj.结冰的;冻僵的;冷冻的
4.________ vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊→________n.吃惊, 惊讶→________ adj.惊讶的→________ adj.令人惊讶的
5.________ n.薄雾;水汽→________ adj.多雾的;模糊的
6.________ v.做广告;登广告;宣传→________ n.广告;启事→________ n.广告商
7.________ n.照片 vt.给……照相→________ n.摄影师;拍照者→________ n.摄影;摄影术
1.You couldn't imagine how many difficulties I had ____________ (经历) in the past three years.
2.When you visit your Chinese friend, it is appropriate to buy ____________ (一束)flowers.
3.____________ (除了……之外) my studies, I got involved in lots of extra-curricular activities.
4.The valley ____________ (是……的所在地) many protected species of plants including bamboo.
5.At the same time, I made up my mind to study harder ____________ (而不是) waste precious time on those useless things.
6.When the man saw that attractive landscape for the first time, its beauty ____________ (令他惊叹).
7.As has been anticipated, the hard-working worker ____________ (进而做) the next challenging task.
8.____________ (与……相反) his elder brother, he is more pleasant and easy to get along with.
1.The next day was clear and mild, and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains ____________________.
第二天天气晴朗、温和, 她们很高兴看到美丽的群山俯瞰城市。
2.______________________, the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive.
从火车车窗往外看, 加拿大的山脉和森林非常多。
3.______________________, they both agreed that it was the most awesome journey they had ever taken.
看着美丽的风景, 她们都认为这是自己经历过的最棒的旅行。
4.______________________ they finally reached the capital of Ontario, Toronto.
直到上午9点半, 她们才终于到了安大略省的首府多伦多。
5.During their first day,________________ Vancouver, it rained.
第一天, 温哥华一如往常, 细雨蒙蒙。
6.After Li Daiyu and her cousin arrived in Toronto, __________________________________, they only had a few hours to kill before they had to proceed to the next leg of their trip to Montreal, so they went on a tour of the city.
李黛予和表妹来到多伦多这个加拿大最大、最富有的城市后, 离出发到下一站蒙特利尔之前只有几个小时的时间, 她们就在多伦多逛了逛。
7.Well, contrary to ________________________, there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually.
嗯, 与许多人想的相反, 实际上中国有很多广阔而空旷的地方。
8.____________________, they were astonished to ____________________ the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.
她们站在远处眺望, 看到湖的南边从尼亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾, 感到非常震撼。
1.航空公司 2.(海或湖的)湾 3.手艺;工艺;技艺 4.古物;古董 古老的;古董的 5.字面上;真正地 6.令人惊叹的;可怕的;很好的 7.壮观的;壮丽的;惊人的 壮丽的场面;精彩的表演 8.顶峰;山峰;尖形 9.最好或最精彩的部分 突出;强调;使醒目 10.山羊 11.预料;预见;期望  12.持续时间;期间 13.采石场 14.在……旁边;与……一起 在旁边 15.钢;钢铁工业
1.pleasant 2.arise 3.bound 4.scenery 5.drill 6.mall 7.bunch 8.thunder 9.frost 10.curtain 11.border
12.harbour 13.enrol 14.idiom 15.contrary 16.anyhow
17.proceed 18.shore 19.dusk 20.accent 21.toast
1.breath breathless breathe
2.mass massive 
3.freeze freezing frozen
4.astonish astonishment astonished astonishing 
5.mist misty
6.advertise advertisement advertiser
7.photograph photographer photography
1.gone through 2.a bunch of 3.In addition to 4.is home to 5.rather than 6.took his breath away 7.proceeded to 8.In contrast to
1.looking out over the city
2.Seen from the train window
3.Looking at the beautiful scenery
4.It was not until 9:30 a.m.that
5.as is typical of
6.the largest and wealthiest city in Canada
7.what many people believe
8.Standing in the distance see misty clouds rising from