1. 突然之间,天开始下起了大雨。
2. 毫无疑问,她是比赛中最好的歌手。
3. 你能帮我把这句话翻译成西班牙语吗?
4. 社交媒体的流行度近年来有所增加。
5. 花园里的花散发出宜人的香味。
6. 电动汽车是使用电而不是汽油作为动力的。
7. 我很愿意帮你。
8. 他们在野外生火烹饪食物。
9. 他提出了一个很有道理的观点。
10. 今天的温度低于10摄氏度。
11. 我可以给你泡茶吗?
12. 我们花了一些时间决定晚餐去哪家餐厅。
13. 这个事件在历史上具有重要意义。
14. 现如今,越来越多的人使用智能手机。
15. 过度饮酒可能导致健康问题。
16. 厨房地板很硬,容易清洁。
17. 让我们一起合作完成这个项目。
18. 各专业组织合作解决问题。
19. 他们想出了一个很好的学校筹款活动的主意。
20. 老师鼓励学生提问和参与。
21. 我们把任务均匀分配给小组成员。
22. 这本书的价格比我预期的要高。
23. 他们不仅赢得了比赛,还创造了新纪录。
24. 她是一位加拿大公民,会说英语和法语。
1. All of a sudden, it started raining heavily.
2. Without a doubt, she is the best singer in the competition.
3. Can you translate this sentence into Spanish for me
4. The popularity of social media has increased in recent years.
5. The flowers in the garden produce a nice smell.
6. Electric cars run on electricity instead of gasoline.
7. I will help you with pleasure.
8. They cooked the food over an open fire during the camping trip.
9. He made a good argument and had a point.
10. The temperature today is less than 10 degrees Celsius.
11. Would you like me to make tea for you
12. It took us a while to decide on a restaurant for dinner.
13. The event was a significant moment in history.
14. More and more people are using smartphones nowadays.
15. Excessive drinking can lead to health problems.
16. The kitchen has a hard floor that is easy to clean.
17. Let's work together to finish this project.
18. The professional groups collaborated to solve the issue.
19. They came up with a great idea for the school fundraiser.
20. The teacher encourages students to ask questions and participate.
21. Let's divide the tasks evenly among the group members.
22. The book cost more than I expected.
23. Not only did they win the game, but they also set a new record.
24. She is a Canadian citizen and speaks English and French.