1. 我听说我们社区有一家新餐厅开业了。
2. 不要把垃圾扔进河里,我们应该保持它的清洁。
3. 让我们从这本书的第一章开始阅读。
4. 如果我们想有所作为,就需要采取行动做一些事情。
5. 使用公共交通比开车对环境更好。
6. 我需要先付钱才能在自助餐厅吃饭。
7. 来自交通的噪音污染可能会令人不安,影响我们的健康。
8. 我们都应该尽自己的一份力量来拯救地球,保护环境。
9. 关心环境可以为我们带来更美好的未来。
10. 由于工业废料,这条河已经严重受到污染。
11. 政府需要制定法律来保护环境。
12. 把垃圾扔进海洋会对海洋生物带来危险。
13. 我迫不及待地想要去度假,放松一下在海滩上。
14. 它们的数量近年来下降了90%以上。
15. 我们可以用木头和钉子建造一个鸟屋。
16. 如果我们不采取行动,情况会变得越来越糟。
17. 而不是扔掉它,我们可以善加利用这些旧家具。
18. 我叔叔开了一家小型手工艺品生意。
19. 她是一个非常与众不同的女性,有着独特的时尚品味。
20. 我们需要采取措施保护濒危物种。
21. 环境指的是我们的自然环境和资源。
1. I heard of a new restaurant that just opened in our neighborhood.
2. It's important not to throw litter into the river. We should keep it clean.
3. Let's begin with the first chapter of the book and read from there.
4. If we want to make a difference, we need to take action and do something.
5. It's better for the environment if we use public transportation instead of driving cars.
6. I need to pay for my lunch at the cafeteria before I can eat.
7. Noise pollution from traffic can be bothersome and affect our well-being.
8. We should all do our part to save the earth and protect the environment.
9. Taking care of the environment can lead to a better future for everyone.
10. The river has become badly polluted due to industrial waste.
11. The government needs to develop laws to protect the environment.
12. Throwing trash into the ocean can bring danger to marine life.
13. I can't wait to go on vacation and relax by the beach.
14. The number of them has fallen by over 90 percent in recent years.
15. We can build a birdhouse out of wood and nails.
16. If we don't take action, the situation will get worse and worse.
17. Instead of throwing it away, let's put this old furniture to good use.
18. My uncle set up a small business selling handmade crafts.
19. She was a most unusual woman with a unique sense of fashion.
20. We need to take measures for the protection of endangered species.
21. The environment refers to the natural surroundings and resources we have.