1. 上课时要注意听讲才能听明白。
2. 我几乎从不去看电影,因为通常都忙于学习。
3. 当我有问题时,我喜欢和我最好的朋友商量。
4. 为了保持健康,每晚都要获得足够的睡眠。
5. 我的父母不让我在学校晚上外出。
6. 青少年时期会经历许多变化和挑战。
7. 学习基本生活技能,如烹饪和理财,对于独立很重要。
8. 我们不应该同意与网上认识的陌生人见面。
9. 我非常依赖手机进行沟通和娱乐。
10. 在周末,我喜欢和朋友们在公园里闲逛。
11. 有效组织自己的生活和合理安排时间是重要的。
12. 我宁愿去游泳也不愿去慢跑,我更喜欢水上活动。
13. 改变态度对于我们如何应对情况有很大影响。
14. 我们所吃的食物会对我们的整体健康产生影响。
15. 我现在正在备考,所以不能和朋友们出去。
16. 我最好的朋友和我彼此了解得很好。
17. 有时候我入睡困难,因为脑子里总想着各种事情。
18. 十分钟的小睡可以帮助你感到焕然一新,精力充沛。
19. 在所有水果中,苹果的重量最轻。
20. 我想更加有规律地锻炼身体,提高体质。
21. 我为即将到来的考试感到压力,要复习的内容太多了。
22. 当我休息充足、做好准备时,我表现最好。
23. 我们在社交媒体上花费的时间增加了很多。
24. 关于技术对青少年的影响,已经进行了大量的研究。
1. It's important to pay attention in class to understand the lessons.
2. I hardly ever go to the movies because I'm usually busy with schoolwork.
3. When I have problems, I like to talk them over with my best friend.
4. To stay healthy, it's important to get enough sleep every night.
5. My parents don't let me stay out late on school nights.
6. Teenagers go through many changes and challenges during their teenage years.
7. Learning basic life skills, like cooking and managing money, is important for independence.
8. We should never agree to meet strangers we meet online.
9. I depend so much on my phone for communication and entertainment.
10. On weekends, I like to hang out with my friends at the park.
11. It's important to organize your own life and manage your time effectively.
12. I would rather go swimming than go jogging. I enjoy the water more.
13. Changing one's attitude can make a big difference in how they approach situations.
14. The food we eat can have an effect on our overall health.
15. I'm studying for a test at the moment, so I can't go out with friends.
16. My best friend and I understand each other well.
17. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping because I can't stop thinking about things.
18. Taking a ten-minute nap can help you feel refreshed and energized.
19. Among all the fruits, apples weigh the least.
20. I want to exercise more regularly to improve my physical fitness.
21. I'm stressed about the upcoming exams. There's so much to study.
22. When I'm well-rested and prepared, I perform at my best.
23. The amount of time we spend on social media has increased significantly.
24. There has been a large amount of research conducted on the effects of technology on teenagers.