1. 在组装家具之前,请仔细阅读说明书。
2. 她在空闲时间喜欢读杂志。
3. 你能告诉我图书馆在哪个方向吗?
4. 是时候用新的灯泡替换旧的了。
5. 春天公园里到处都是五彩缤纷的花朵。
6. 你能借给我你的铅笔一会儿吗?
7. 在未来,技术将继续迅速发展。
8. 一些国家进行贸易以交换商品和服务。
9. 关于事故的消息迅速传遍了整个城镇。
10. 过去十年间,这个城市发生了显著的发展。
11. 他们向慈善机构捐赠了大笔资金。
12. 我们需要在天黑之前搭起帐篷。
13. 现代技术极大地改善了我们的生活。
14. 在做决定之前,我们要比较不同品牌的价格。
15. 他喜欢戴耳机听电子音乐。
16. 音乐会将于下周在体育场举行。
17. 我父母允许我和朋友一起去参加派对。
18. 电话的发明彻底改变了通信方式。
19. 还有其他人能帮我搬这些沉重的箱子吗?
20. 我有时发现数学题很难解决。
21. 吃太多垃圾食品可能不健康。
22. 请不要一次性吃完所有的饼干。
23. 我会浏览书本,找到你需要的信息。
24. 我给姐姐买了一本书作为生日礼物。
1. Before assembling the furniture, make sure to read the instructions carefully.
2. She enjoys reading magazines in her free time.
3. Can you tell me what direction the library is in
4. It's time to replace the old light bulb with a new one.
5. The park is full of colorful flowers in the spring.
6. Can you lend me your pencil for a moment
7. In the future, technology will continue to advance rapidly.
8. Some countries engage in trade to exchange goods and services.
9. News about the accident spread quickly throughout the town.
10. The city has seen significant development in the past decade.
11. They donated a large amount of money to charity.
12. We need to set up the tent before it gets dark.
13. Modern technology has greatly improved our lives.
14. Let's compare the prices of different brands before making a decision.
15. He enjoys listening to electric music on his headphones.
16. The concert will be held in the stadium next week.
17. My parents allow me to go to the party with my friends.
18. The invention of the telephone revolutionized communication.
19. Can someone else help me carry these heavy boxes
20. I find math problems hard to solve sometimes.
21. Eating too much junk food can be unhealthy.
22. Please don't eat all the cookies at once.
23. I'll look through the book to find the information you need.
24. I bought a book as a present for my sister's birthday.