人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单词课件(共60张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单词课件(共60张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 18.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-19 18:25:14



选修三第二单元 单词2
1. surgery [ s d ri]: n. 外科手术;外科学(U.)
operation [ p re n]: n.手术(C.)
operate [ p re t]: v. 动手术
operate on/upon…: 给...动手术
It took the surgeon three hours to finish my mother’s lung surgery
2. liberation [ l b re n]: n. 解放; 摆脱
the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) 中国人民解放军
liberate [ l b re t]: v. 解放; 使摆脱约束(或限制)before/after liberation: 解放前/后
liberty n. 自由 liberty of speech 言论自由
1)Great changes have taken place in China since liberation.
2)Before liberation many people could not read or write.
3 shave [ e v]: vi./vt./ n. 剃(须发); 刮脸
shave sb/oneself: 给某人刮胡子;
给某人刮脸; 给某人修面
have a shave: 刮脸
1) He took a bath and shaved before going to bed.
2) She will ask a barber to shave
3) I shave myself to save money.
4. shave off: 剃掉; 刮去
Would you like me to shave off all your hair
5. beard [b d]: n. 胡须; 络腮胡子
moustache /mustache [m stɑ ]:
n. (上唇的)胡子
have/wear/grow a beard: 留有胡子
eg. To join the People’s Liberation Army,
it is required for men to shave off
the beards.
6. disturb [d st b]: vt. 打扰; 搅乱; 使烦恼
disturbed: adj. 不安的; 被打扰的
disturbing [d st b ]: adj. 令人不安的; 引起烦恼的;
disturbance n.干扰;骚乱
Do not disturb! 请勿打扰!
disturb sb 打扰某人
a disturbing piece of news
be disturbed by/about/at 对……感到忧虑 be disturbed to do sth./that......
做 某事/...... 感到不安
1)It was not polite to disturb your
neighbours with loud music last night.
2)I’m sorry to disturb you so early.
3)Don’t disturb Kate. She is studying
for her exams.
4)The accident disturbed the driver.
5)The driver was disturbed
by the accident.
6)The accident was disturbing.
Smoking will surely kill you.
Old Habits Die Hard.
Smoking will make you die young.
7. cigarette/cigaret [ s ɡ ret]: n. 香烟; 卷烟
cigar [s ɡɑ ]: n. 雪茄烟
a packet/pack of cigarettes : 一包香烟
light a cigarette: 点燃一支香烟
light up a cigarette: 开始抽烟
smoke a cigarette: 抽烟
1)It is important to avoid passive cigarette smoking.
2)Cigarette smoking is responsible for
about 90% of deaths from lung cancer.
8. specialist [ spe l st]: n. 专科医生;专家
an eye specialist 眼科医生
a specialist in...: …方面的专家
expert [ eksp t]: n. 专家; 能手; 高手
(an) expert at/in/on……方面的专家/高手
special [ spe l]: adj. 特殊的; 特别的
It will take a nutrition specialist an hour
to make a balanced diet menu for you.
9. consultant [k n s lt nt]:
n. 顾问; 高级顾问医师
a consultant mission 顾问团
consultant service 咨询服务
adviser/advisor [ d va z (r)]: n. 顾问 consult vt. 咨询,查阅
consultation n. 咨询; 磋商; [临床] 会诊 consult with sb about/on sth. 与某人就某事进行磋商;就某事咨询某人
consult sb about sth. 就某事向某人咨
It is useful to turn to a fitness瘦身 consultant for advice.
传统的: 鸦片、吗啡、海洛因、大麻、
新型的: 冰毒、摇头丸、K粉、咖啡因、
10. drug [dr ɡ]: n. 毒品; 药物
medicine [ med sn]:n. 药; 药水; 医学 have/take some medicine: 吃药
take drugs: 吸毒; 服药
This drug is used to lower降低
blood pressure血压.
11. skip [sk p]: vt. 跳过; 不参加; 悄悄溜走 vi. 蹦蹦跳跳地走; 跳绳 n. 蹦跳
go skipping 去跳绳 skip a grade 跳级
skip breakfast 不吃早饭
skip school/class 逃学/逃课
skip over the fence 跳过栅栏
skip over 略过;遗漏
skip over the details 掠过细节
1)It is very harmful to skip跳过breakfast.
2)She has decided to skip不参加
this afternoon’s lecture.
3)They were skipping along the path
when suddenly it began to rain hard.
4)Some girls are skipping (rope)
at the square.
5)The boy gave a skip of joy
as he heard the good news.
12. dizzy [ d zi]: adj. 头晕目眩的
feel dizzy 感觉头晕目眩
the dizzy pace of life 令人目眩的生活节奏
be dizzy with success 被成功冲昏头脑
faint [fe nt]: v./n. 昏倒; 晕厥
eg. I often felt sleepy and dizzy, and lacked passion.
13. flu [flu:]: n. 流感 (常the flu)
have/get (the) flu: 患流感
(英国英语常无 the)
1)Most worrying, though, I got the flu
easily and experienced many
toothaches, too.
2)He is in bed with flu.
3)The whole family has the flu.
4)If you want to avoid the flu, you
should use the new vaccine.
14. stimulate [ st mjule t]:
vt. 激发; 促进; 刺激
stimulate economy/growth/demand:
stimulate sb to do...:
≈encourage/inspire sb to do...:
stimulate one's interested in
stimulation n. 刺激
1) At the end of the camp I heard,
“Change the world by changing
yourself. ” This stimulated my
2) Group discussion can stimulate
students’ interest in English learning.
4) Physical exercises can stimulate
the flow of blood.
5)All countries should work together to
find possible ways to stimulate
the global economy.
15. dentist ['dent st ]: n. 牙科医生
at the dentist’s: 在牙科诊所
at the doctor’s: 在诊所
at the chemist’s: 在药店
at the butcher’s: 在肉店
at the barber’s: 在理发店
16. sugary [ ɡ ri]: adj. 含糖的; 甜的
sugar [ ɡ ]:n. 糖
sour [ sa ]:adj. 酸的; 馊味的
spicy: adj. 辛辣的
salty: adj. 咸的
bitter: adj. 苦的
17. nut [n t]: n. 坚果
peanut: n. 花生
walnut [ w ln t]: n.核桃; 胡桃
18. skateboard [ ske tb d]: n. 滑板
vi. 滑滑板
skate [ske t]: v. 滑冰; 溜冰
go skating: 去滑冰
ski [ski ]:n./v. 滑雪; 滑雪板
go skiing: 去滑雪
19. dynamic [da n m k]: adj.
充满活力的; 精力充沛的; 动态的
a dynamic personality 充满活力的个性
energetic [ en d et k]:
adj. 精力旺盛的/充沛的
be full of energy: 精力充沛的
energy [ en d ]:
n. 精力; 活力; 能源
1)I feel more dynamic and stronger
than ever, in both body and mind.
2)Asia continues to be the most dynamic
economic region in the world.
3)He knew I was dynamic and
would get things done.
4)There is a dynamic ball
in the computer.
20.(be) stressed out: 焦虑不安; 疲惫不堪
≈ (be) stressed
stressful: adj. 令人紧张的; 充满压力的
stress n. 压力;强调;重要性;重音 v. 强调;重读;(使)焦虑不安
lay stress on 强调;重视
stress the importance of ...
1)Those who are stressed out are often
nervous, angry or ill.
2)I’m under a lot of pressure recently.
I’m almost stressed out.
21. (be) worn out: 筋疲力尽的;
心力交瘁; 破烂不堪的
be tired out: 疲惫的; 筋疲力尽的
be tired : 累的; 疲倦的; 厌烦的
(be) exhausted [ ɡ z st d]:
adj.筋疲力尽的; 疲惫不堪的
1)She was really worn out after
working for ten days.
2)The girl’s shoes/clothes are worn out.
play/go bowling
22. bowling [ b l ]: n. 保龄球运动
play/go bowling: 打保龄球
edy [ k m di]: n. 喜剧;
喜剧片; 滑稽节目
comic ['k m k]: n. 连环画杂志;
漫画杂志; 喜剧演员
adj.滑稽的; 使人发笑的
tragedy [ tr d di]: n. 悲剧; 惨案
watch/see a comedy: 看喜剧片
watch/see a film/play: 看电影/戏剧
1)Rock climbing, bowling, watching
comedies, and playing basketball
were the things I thought of doing
2)It is a romantic comedy, well worth
3)I’m watching a comedy
called The Big Bang Theory.
24. monthly [ m nθli]: n. 月刊
adv. /adj. 每月=every month;
weekly: adv. /adj. 每周= every week;
每周一次 n. 周刊
daily: adv. 每天; 天天 = every day
adj. 每天的; 每日的 n. 日报
yearly: adj. 每年的
adv. 每年 = every year
25. enhance [ n hɑ ns][ [ n h ns]:
vt. 提高; 增强; 增进
enhance one's reputation
enhance the image 提升形象
1) It has enhanced the quality of my life, improving my health and increasing my happiness.
2)This is an opportunity to enhance the
reputation of the school.
26. refresh [r fre ]: vt. 使恢复精力;
使凉爽; 刷新
refresh one’s memory:
唤起某人的记忆; 使某人想起
refresh oneself 使恢复精力;清醒头脑
refresh the document 刷新文件
adj. 消除疲劳的; 提神的; 清凉的
refreshed adj. 神清气爽的
fresh: adj. 新鲜的; 新做的; 凉爽的; 淡的
1)I get refreshed through climbing,
2)A good sleep will refresh you.
3)This glass of iced tea will refresh you.
4)Click here to refresh this document.
27. absorb [ b s b] [ b z b]:
vt. 吸引全部注意力;
be absorbed in…: 专心于
“集中注意力于” 的常见表达:concentrate/fix/focus (one’s attention) on
pay attention to
put one’s heart into
be devoted to
lose/bury oneself in
1)I got so absorbed that I played the
games day and night.
2)This work has absorbed him
for several months.
3)Black walls absorb a lot of heat
during/in the day.
28. Aristotle [ r st tl]: 亚里士多德
亚里士多德(公元前384~前322),古代先哲,古希腊人,世界古代史上伟大的哲学家、科学家和教育家之一,堪称希腊哲学的集大成者。作为一位百科全书式的科学家, 他几乎对每个学科都做出了贡献。他的写作涉及伦理学、心理学、经济学、神学、
风俗, 以及雅典法律。亚里士多德的著作构建了西方哲学的第一个广泛系统,包含道德、美学、逻辑和科学、政治和玄学。
The People’s Liberation Army
The People’s Liberation Army
The People’s Liberation Army
The People’s Liberation Army
29. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA):
(The People’s Liberation Army of China)
中国人民解放军的最高军事机关为中央军事委员会,由陆军、海军、空军、火箭军、战略支援部队和联勤保障部队等军兵种组成 。
Lao Zi
30. Lao Zi: 老子(中国古代哲学家)
老子, 姓李名耳, 字聃, 春秋末期人, 生卒年不详。中国古代思想家、哲学家、文学家和史学家, 道家学派创始人和主要代表人物, 与庄子并称“老庄”。后被道教尊为始祖, 称“太上老君”。在唐朝, 被追认为李姓始祖。曾被列为世界文化名人, 世界百位历史名人之一。
老子思想对中国哲学发展具有深刻影响, 其思想核心是朴素的辩证法。老子传世作品《道德经》(又称《老子》),是全球文字出版发行量最大的著作之一。
Thank you!