Unit 2 Culture shock 第1课时Reading课件+单元整体分析+课时教学设计


名称 Unit 2 Culture shock 第1课时Reading课件+单元整体分析+课时教学设计
格式 zip
文件大小 66.1MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-22 09:33:25


Unit 2 Culture shock课时教学设计
本单元第1课时 Reading 课型 阅读课
What---语篇主题和主要内容 阅读一份演讲稿,了解中国学生Brad在美国教育交流期间的经历,感受中美两国文化的差异。 Why---语篇传递的主题意义 通过本课的学习,让学生掌握演讲稿的特征,同时让学生总结中美文化差异以及中美教育体制的差异,帮助他们理解这些差异存在的原因,从而学会正确处理文化冲击。 How---文体结构、语言特点及功能 本阅读篇章体裁是一份演讲稿,结构清晰,分为三部分:开篇(opening)、正文 (body)、结语(closing),正文部分又以总-分的形式展开。Many things were strange to me: the language, the food and even the school 为总起句,第四、五、六段分别从语言、饮食、学校生活三方面来分述中美文化差异,且每一段分述皆有衔接或连贯结构作为语篇标志,例如 My main problem was...,Another difference was...,...was a big shock too,这些语篇标志能帮助读者快速理解文章结构,厘清行文脉络。
【已知】本节课的话题和八年级上册第五单元“教育交流”的话题相似,学生对教育交流项目的内容有一定的认识和了解。部分学生也曾经参加校内或校外的教育交流活动,有一定的跨文化交际的亲身经历。因此,大部分学生对本课话题有话可说。 【未知】学生对如何正确处理文化冲击需要深入学习和思考。同时,文章没有直接给出如何正确处理文化冲击的建议,学生需要通过深入理解篇章,理解中美文化差异的原因给出准备国际教育交流项目的建议。 【能知】本课时帮助学生了解阅读篇章演讲稿的基本格式、结构及语言特点;理解主旨大意和细节信息;了解中美文化差异;理解文化冲击产生的原因。
通过本课学习,学生能够: 1. 语言能力: (1)抓住语篇标志(如 main problem, another, too等)来分析语篇结构; (2)根据上下文推断词语的意义和语篇中的隐含意义; (3)了解英语演讲稿的基本格式、结构及语言特点,并且能仿照课文撰写一篇相 关话题的英语演讲稿。 2. 学习能力: 运用本课所学知识,在新的文化语境下,恰当地进行跨文化交际。
3. 思维品质: (1)比较中美文化的异同,从中推断产生文化冲击的原因; (2)根据 Brad 参加国际教育交流项目的经历和感受,评价 Brad 是否成功处理文化冲击; (3)针对语篇提供的信息,提出自己对正确处理文化冲击的建议。 4. 文化意识: (1)了解美国的语言、食物、学校、节日等习俗,对比中国的相关习俗,尊重和包容文化的多样性; (2)理解文化冲击产生的原因,判断 Brad 是否成功地处理文化冲击; (3)对即将参加国际教育交流项目的中国学生提出正确处理文化冲击的建议,在跨文化交际中初步体现交际的得体性和有效性; (4)在跨文化交际中进一步坚定文化自信。
教学重点: 掌握本单元中的高频词汇;了解中美文化差异 教学难点: 根据上下文推断词语的意义和语篇中的隐含意义,引导学生从语篇中获取相关 信息来阐述自己的观点,阐明 Brad 是否成功地处理文化冲击。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
学习理解:通过创设情景,引出本单元主题。通过图片视频等,激活学生背景知识,学生能够理解本单元主阅读篇章的题材,感受中美文化的差异。 创设情景:头脑风暴学生分享自己的出国经验,并思考是否有注意到一些国内外的不同之处。 任务一: Lead in 1. 教师引导学生注意中外文化的不同,讲解什么是文化。 2. 教室呈现四幅代表不同国家的图片,并简单描述图片内容,要求学生口头说说各图片具体代表的国家。 3. 教师解释“文化冲击”,激活背景知识。 4. 观看视频,学生认识什么是“文化冲击”。 创设情景:思考如果你参加美国交换生项目,你会在美国经历什么“文化冲击”?引出主阅读篇章。 任务二: Pre-reading 1. 学生阅读主阅读篇章的标题和引言,并观察插图,然后回答问题。 Where was Brad last year Why was he there 2. 要求学生略读主阅读篇章,然后以小组为单位,把文章分为三个部分,并归纳总结各部分的大意,完成连线题。 任务一: 邀请学生进行分享,要求声音洪亮,无发音错误。 任务二: 分析整合信息,学会灵活运用。以个人抢答形式回答问题。以小组形式讨论文章分段。
设计意图 通过导入的内容,引出这节课的学习内容,为后面的教学做铺垫,同时让学生能够对本堂课的教学感兴趣。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
应用实践:通过分段阅读、完成表格、回答问题等一系列的阅读任务,学生能够掌握演讲稿的特征,同时帮助学生理解中美文化差异存在的原因,从而学会正确处理文化冲击。 任务三: Reading 1. 跟读课文录音朗读,并把生字词画起来。 2. 学生运用找读策略,完成关于主阅读篇章的阅读理解题,同时,认读和理解课文的单词。 3. 分段阅读主阅读篇章,阅读文章第1-2段,完成图表。 Main idea : Brad experienced _____________last year. Supporting detail 1: _____________ Supporting detail 2: _____________ Supporting detail 3: _____________ 4. 分段阅读主阅读篇章,阅读文章第2-6段,回答问题并分析演讲稿。 Is there a topic sentence in this part Are there any supporting details If yes, what are they What is the structure of the body Are there any key words to help you work out the structure quickly 5. 教师呈现图表,要求学生阅读第3-4段,然后两人一组,完成图表,分析语言问题的成因。 Cause 1: _________________________ Cause 2: _________________________ Cause 3: _________________________ Effect: My main problem was with ________________. 6. 教师呈现表格,要求学生阅读第5-6段,完成表格。 In the USIn ChinaFoodPeople have _________People have _________School1. Students __________ 2. Some students _____, and some students ____Students ___________
6. 教师呈现表格,要求学生阅读第7-8段,回答问题。 Did Brad overcome the culture shock in the end What can we infer from the last sentence in para8? 任务三: 深入分析文章结构,运用找读策略,深入理解文章细节。以小组形式进行讨论,小组代表回答。
设计意图 通过情景创设出一系列的教学活动,通过分段阅读分析原因以及寻找主题句和支持性细节训练,让学生能够深入理解阅读篇章的内容。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
迁移创新:通过小组讨论、头脑风暴,学生能归纳篇章中的关键信息,同时加深对中美文化差异等信息的理解,能够提供正确处理文化冲击的建议。 任务四: Post reading 1. 小组活动:总结归纳Brad经历到的“文化冲击”。 2. 完成课后的词汇题,巩固主阅读篇章的核心词汇。 3. 头脑风暴:思考Did Brad deal with culture shock in America successfully 并在文章中找出支持你观点的句子。 4. 拓展任务:假如你是Brad,请提供一些正确处理文化冲突的建议。 任务四: 观察、分析与归纳。以小组形式进行讨论,小组代表回答。
设计意图 通过小组活动,能培养学生归纳篇章中的关键信息并参与讨论的能力,同时结合本单元话题,学生能掌握正确处理文化冲击的方法。
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 完成《英语(九年级下) B》第18页和第27页的练习。 掌握最基本的语言知识;培养学生阅读演讲稿的能力。 查漏补缺,复习和巩固本节课所学内容
提高题: 复述Brad在美国的经历。 理解课文内容以及掌握文章结构。 加深对本节课内容的理解和消化
拓展题: 如果你是Brad,你的同学将要去美国参加教育交流项目,请你再写一份演讲稿给出一些关于如何处理文化冲击的建议。 运用演讲稿进一步熟悉文化冲击的成因以及解决的方法。 培养学生的思辨能力,以及在日常情境中的英语思维。
本节阅读课主要引导学生分析演讲稿的文本特征,抓住语篇标志(如 main problem, another, too等)来厘清语篇总-分的结构,在读后任务时,学生能模仿演讲稿的语言特点和语篇总-分的结构来口头创作一篇新的演讲稿,达到学以致用的目标。另外,本节课的文化意识教学没有局限于文化知识的生硬记忆,而是引导学生通过比较、分析来理解中美不同文化内涵和文化异同,阅读的最后任务让学生从文章提供的信息推断Brad 是否成功地处理文化冲击,提高学生跨文化交际的敏感度。读后任务让学生根据本节课习得的文化知识,对即将参加国际教育交流项目的中国学生提出正确处理文化冲击的建议,进一步使学生把跨文化交际能力“外化于行”。此外,本节初三阅读课的教学紧密地跟语篇教学和文化意识教学结合在一起,在语篇教学和文化意识教学的各种活动中,学生发展深层次理解的阅读能力,重点训练根据上下文推断词语的意义和语篇中的隐含意义的阅读技巧。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 九年级下册
使用教材 沪教牛津版(深圳·广州·沈阳) 教材页数 P17-32
单元名称 Culture shock
主题范畴: 人与社会 主题群: 历史、社会与文化 子主题:“跨文化沟通与交流,语言与文化” 和 “身份认同与文化自信” 单元话题: 文化冲击,以中外教育的差异为主线 主题意义:关注中外文化异同,加深对中国文化的理解,并具有初步的国际理解意识。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 语篇语篇类型语篇内容语篇主题意义一 Living in another country演讲稿了解中国学生Brad在美国教育交流期间的经历感受中美两国文化的差异二 A culture quiz智力竞赛一个有关美国文化的小测试,测试自己对美国的了解程度训练短时记忆的能力并巩固捕捉关键信息的听力技能三 Have fun at our summer camp海报谈论夏令营的具体内容能根据海报的内容分角色编制对话四 A thank-you email 感谢信以Brad的身份给寄宿家庭写一封感谢信掌握感谢信的基本格式以及写作内容五 Education in the UK 说明文介绍英国的教育体制对比中英教育体制的异同六 English around the world 说明文介绍世界各地的英语,主要介绍英国英语和美国英语的区别体会英国英语和美国英语的区别
(一)自然情况 本单元围绕“文化冲击”这一话题,以中外教育的差异为主线,开展教学活动,了解中外文化的异同。符合Module 1 Explorations and exchanges这个话题的内容探究,以及九年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 (二)已有基础 本单元的话题和八年级上册第五单元“教育交流”的话题相似,学生对教育交流项目的内容有一定的认识和了解。部分学生也曾经参加校内或校外的教育交流活动,有一定的跨文化交际的亲身经历。因此,大部分学生对本话题有话可说。九年级学生具备一定的逻辑思维能力,能在老师的引导下分析和归纳不同事物的异同,初步掌握推理的阅读策略。 存在问题 但要理解文化冲击存在的原因并思考如何正确处理文化冲击等内容,学生还需要深入学习和思考。对照课程标准阅读理解五级的要求,九年级学生还需进一步加强对篇章的深层理解能力。本单元还涉及到文化之间的对比分析,这部分内容对学生的逻辑思维与批判思维能力要求较高。最终,学生还需要学会辩证地看待事物,客观地分析事物的优劣,部分学生的词汇量与相关表达未能达到表述的要求。 (四)解决措施 鼓励学生在课堂上积极踊跃发言,尊重每个学生的想法,并给予客观公正的评价,而不是期待唯一的标准答案。 培养学生利用现代科学技术检索信息,查阅资料的能力。 在教学过程中,以学生为中心。创设让学生合作交流的学习情境,一起探讨、讨论,共同完成学习任务。并鼓励学生将所学内容与家长进行分享。 教学方式灵活多样,根据学生随堂掌握情况,及时作出调整和改进。 5. 从多角度多维度对学生进行多方位评价。
【单元课标要求】 1. 要求学生理解阅读篇章演讲稿的结构、主旨大意和细节信息;要求学生学习主阅读篇章中的核心词汇。 2. 要求学生提高短时记忆的能力,巩固记录关键信息的听力技能;要求学生掌握谈论相似和差别的表达方法;要求学生能根据海报内容,谈论夏令营的具体内容。 3. 要求学生掌握目的状语从句的结构、含义和用法,并复习初中阶段所学的七种状语从句的相关知识。 4. 要求学生利用提供的框架结构和语言提示,以Brad的身份给曾经招待过他的美国寄宿家庭写一封感谢信。 5. 要求学生了解世界各地英语,特别是英国英语与美国英语之间的差别;了解英国教育的概况,同时帮助学生尝试比较中英两国教育体制的异同。 6. 要求学生以小组合作的形式,通过书籍、网络或其他途径了解某个国家文化、教育等方面的信息, 然后分析去该国进行教育交流学习的优缺点。 【单元学习目标】 学习本单元后,能够: 语言能力:读懂关于参加国际教育交流项目的演讲稿以及关于英国教育体制的说明文;听懂关于美国文化的测试内容;运用恰当的表达方法谈论相似和差别以及谈论夏令营的具体内容;用正确的格式,写一封感谢信。掌握目的状语从句的用法。 学习能力:主动复习并整理和归纳所学的状语从句的内容;在交际中注意到中外交际习俗的差异。 思维品质:比较中美文化的异同,从中推断产生文化冲击的原因;提出自己对正确处理文化冲击的建议;辩证地看待事物,客观地分析事物的优劣。 文化意识:了解英国英语与美国英语的区别;关注中外文化的异同,加深对中国文化的理解,具有初步的国际理解意识。
课时及教材板块 课型 课时对应的单元教学目标 评价的手段与方式
第一课时 Reading 阅读课 帮助学生理解阅读篇章演讲稿的结构、主旨大意和细节信息;帮助学生学习主阅读篇章中的核心词汇。 通过略读回答问题链,精读复述阅读篇章,评价学生能否掌握演讲稿的结构、文章的大意和细节信息;通过补全句子和短文填空,评价学生是否掌握本课目标词汇
第二课时 Listening&Speaking 听力 口语课 训练学生短时记忆的能力,巩固记录关键信息的听力技能;帮助学生掌握谈论相似和差别的表达方法;要求学生能根据海报内容,谈论夏令营的具体内容。 通过朗读对话,填写“文氏图”以及编制对话,评价学生是否掌握谈论相似和差别的相关表达;通过角色扮演、编制对话,评价学生是否能读懂海报内容,考查学生有效地询问信息的口头表达能力。通过听选答案,评价学生是否掌握捕捉关键信息的听力技能。
第三课时 Grammar 语法课 帮助学生掌握目的状语从句的结构、含义和用法,并复习初中阶段所学的七种状语从句的相关知识。 通过编制对话、完成句子等,评价学生能否掌握目的状语从句的结构和用法;通过补全句子,考查学生对于不同状语从句连接词的掌握程度;通过选择恰当的连接词成句,评价学生是否理解状语从句的含义和用法。
第四课时 Writing & Project 写作课 帮助学生利用提供的框架结构和语言提示,以Brad的身份给曾经招待过他的美国寄宿家庭写一封感谢信。 通过根据问题提示写句子,评价学生是否掌握感谢信的写作内容;通过添加连接词连句成段,评价学生是否掌握感谢信的框架结构。
第五课时 More practice & Culture corner 阅读拓展课 帮助学生了解世界各地英语,特别是英国英语与美国英语之间的差别;了解英国教育的概况,同时帮助学生尝试比较中英两国教育体制的异同。 通过回答问题,评价学生是否了解英国教育的概况;通过补全表格,评价学生是否了解中英两国教育体制的异同;通过举例、回答问题,检测学生对文化角板块内容的理解情况。
本单元课主要是基于主题意义进行单元整体教学的设计,以学生对于主题意义的理解和学习能力的发展为主线,设计体现关联性和递进性的学习活动,旨在向学生理解本单元的话题 Culture shock 以及相关背景知识,通过对中美文化在语言、习俗、生活方式和教育方面的介绍,把本单元各板块的学习内容主题引出并串联起来,引起学生学习本单元的兴趣。 本单元教学紧密地跟语篇教学和文化意识教学结合在一起。在“听、说、读、写”的活动中,教师能引导学生逐步从导读、分析到理解文本的内容,并且根据文本内容进行深度思考,思考如何处理文化冲击,实现学生本人与文本的对话。在综合任务中,让学生综合单元所学的语篇知识和文化知识,以小组为单位,搜集某个国家文化、教育等方面的信息,并罗列到该国做交换生的优缺点,最后完成一份书面报告,实现以读促说和写。 在文化意识教学方面,引导学生通过分析、比较来感知和理解中美文化的差异,使文化知识教学不再局限于识记阶段,更着重探究现象背后的原因。再引导学生评价 Brad 是否能成功处理文化冲击来使学生树立正确的跨文化交际观念。最后的综合任务让学生的文化意识“外化于行”,为即将参加教育交流的学生提供处理文化冲击的建议。
Unit 2 Culture shock
Period 1 Reading
牛津深圳·广州版 九年级下
Learning objectives
Lead -in
Learning objects
3. 正确理解和处理文化冲击。
4. 仿照课文撰写一篇如何正确处理文化冲击的英语演讲稿。
After learning this lesson, you can:
Lead in
Have you ever been to a foreign country
What things did you notice that are different
When we go to a foreign country, the main difference might be the culture.
Culture is the language, customs and way of life of the people in a country.
Lead in
Culture is the language, customs and way of life of the people in a country. In which country do you usually see this
Lead in
1. People set off fireworks to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
2. People must take off their shoes when they enter their homes.
In China.
In Japan.
firework n. / fa w k/
3. People like eating fish and chips.
4. The whole family sits around the table and has turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving.
In Britain.
In America.
In which country do you usually see this
Lead in
turkey n. / t ki/
Lead in
culture shock
/ k lt k/
Lead in
If we live in another country or enter another culture, we may probably have culture shock.
Lead in
Let’s watch a video to learn more about culture shock!
Lead in
What is culture shock
Culture shock means the strong feelings of discomfort(不适), fear or anxiety(焦虑), which people may have when they enter another culture.
Lead in
If you visit the US on an educational exchange, what culture shock will you experience
Let’s read Brad Li’s speech.
Brad Li is a junior high school student in China. He visited the US on an international exchange last year, and now he is giving a speech about his experience.
Look at the introduction, the picture and the title. Then answer the questions.
1. Where was Brad last year
2. Why was he there
Brad Li is a junior high school student in China. He visited the US on an international exchange last year, and now he is giving a speech about his experience.
In the US.
He was on an international
exchange visit.
international adj. 国际的
/ nt n n l/
A speech usually contains 3 parts including an opening, a body and a closing. Read the speech and find out the main idea of each part.
Brad introduced the topic of his speech.
Brad talked about the culture shock he experienced in the US.
Brad shared his feelings in the US---exciting and educational.
Paragraph 1
Para 2-6
Para 7-8
in one’s spare time
admit / d m t/ v. 承认 (admitted)
spare /spe (r)/ adj. 空闲的;空余的
admit doing 承认做了某事
Why did the Hursts prepare many activities for Brad Li when he was free
A. To help him spend the time.
B. To teach him some everyday English.
C. To make him not miss home or feel lonely.
D. To let him get used to the school life in the US.
How do you know that Brad had never been to the US before this exchange visit
degree /d ɡri / n. 程度
to be degree 在某种程度上
get used to 习惯于;适应
manage / m n d / v. 完成
idiom / di m / n. 习语;惯用语
fail /fe l/ v. 失败;未能(做到)
under the weather 略有不适
everyday / evride / adj. 每天的
whatever /w t ev (r)/ pron. 任何事物
pink /p k/ adj. 粉色的
purple / p pl/ adj. 紫色的
uniform / ju n f m/ n. 校服
What was Brad Li's biggest problem in the US
A. The food.
B. The language.
C. The school.
D. The clothes.
Brad preferred American food to Chinese food. T / F
anyway / eniwe / adv. 无论如何
especially / spe li/ adv. 尤其;特别
baseball / be sb l/ n. 棒球运动
education / ed u ke n/ n.
What did Brad Li do at Halloween
A. He went to an English club.
B. He had dinner with a turkey.
C. He played baseball with his friends.
D. He dressed as a famous movie character.
What did Brad learn from his experience as an exchange student
He understood more about American culture and thought about his own culture as well.
Read the first part (Para 1-2). Think about the structure of this part.
Main idea
Brad experienced ____________________last year.
culture shock in the US
Supporting detail 1
Supporting detail 3
Supporting detail 2
the food
the language
the school
Is there a topic sentence in this part
Are there any supporting details If yes, what are they
What is the structure of the body
Are there any key words to help you work out the structure quickly
Read the body (Para 2-6). Think about the structure of this part.
I must admit that at first America was a big culture shock for me. Many things were strange to me: the language, the food and even the school.
I stayed with a host family in a small town. My host parents, Mr and Mrs Hurst, were very kind. They organized a lot of activities for me in my spare time so that I wouldn’t miss home or feel lonely.
However, to a certain degree, life in the US was hard to get used to. My main problem was with the language. I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because everyone spoke so fast. Though I soon managed to get used to it, I still had problems because they used a lot of idioms. For example, they often say they are “under the weather” when they are ill. Their everyday English is very different from what we learn in China.
Another difference was the food. My host family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals. I really missed the dumplings, rice and delicious dishes from home.
School was a big shock too. They do not require students to wear uniforms, so students can wear almost whatever they like. Some students have strange hairstyles as well. Some students even have pink or purple hair!
topic sentence
Supporting details
Body of a speech script
Many things were strange to me: the language, the food and even the school.
Supporting detail in Para. 4:
Supporting detail in Para. 5:
Supporting detail in Para. 6:
My main problem was with the language.
Another difference was the food.
School was a big shock too.
Topic sentence:
The language
Their everyday English is very different from what we learn in China.
People in the US used a lot of idioms.
Everyone spoke so fast.
Read Para 3-4. Think about the effect and cause.
However, to a certain degree, life in the US was hard to get used to. My main problem was with the language. I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because everyone spoke so fast. Though I soon managed to get used to it, I still had problems because they used a lot of idioms. For example, they often say they are “under the weather” when they are ill. Their everyday English is very different from what we learn in China.
Cause 1
Cause 2
Cause 3
Another difference was the food. My host family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals. I really missed the dumplings, rice and delicious dishes from home.
School was a big shock too. They do not require students to wear uniforms, so students can wear almost whatever they like. Some students have strange hairstyles as well. Some students even have pink or purple hair!
Read Para 5-6. Find out the differences between America and China.
in the US
in China
bread, potatoes and salad
dumplings, rice and delicious dishes
Students wear almost whatever they like. Some have strange hairstyles.
Students wear school uniforms.
Read Para 7-8. And then answer the questions.
1. Did Brad overcome the culture shock in the end
Yes, he did. Brad overcame the culture shock successfully and enjoyed his exchange student life in the US.
2. What can we infer from the last sentence in para8?
① More and more foreigners are interested in Chinese culture.
② Cultural exchange is a trend in the future.
Post reading
What cultural differences did Brad experience Discuss this with your classmates.
Group work
Post reading
Brad found that the language, the food, the school and the festivals in the United States were different.
Post reading
Brad had difficulty understanding the English that Americans spoke because they spoke fast and used a lot of idioms.
American students are not required to wear uniforms. Some of them have strange hairstyles or hair colours.
Brad’s host family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals but he missed Chinese food from home.
Brad had different but interesting activities at Halloween and Thanksgiving.
C1. The words in italics explain the meanings of some words on page 19. Find these words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary.
The plan was discussed in an ______________ meeting. (connected with or including two or more countries)
In order to do the job well, he went to a training centre in his _______ time. (time when someone is not working)
Tom was not listening carefully, so he _________ to hear what the teacher said. (was not successful)
Jim will have to work alone this week. Are you sure he can _________ (succeed in doing something, especially something difficult)
5 The project was a real ____________ for everyone who took part in it. (an interesting experience that teaches you something)
Post reading
C2. Brad is talking about his stay in the plete his speech with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.
especially in one’s spare time manage get used to international
Although I 1)_______________ American food after a few days, I really missed Chinese food. This was 2)____________ true at dinner time.
One day, Mr Hurst suddenly said to me, “Tomorrow is Saturday. Why don’t you cook a Chinese meal for us ” I agreed.
There was a supermarket in town that had 3)_________________ food. Mr Hurst drove me there, and we 4)____________ to buy what we needed for cooking a Chinese meal.
I cooked some dishes that people often eat in China. Mr and Mrs Hurst enjoyed them very much.
Mr and Mrs Hurst really started to like Chinese food after that, so I cooked for them 5)___________________. That’s one of my favourite memories of my year in the US.
got used to
in my spare time
Post reading
Did Brad deal with culture shock in America successfully Support your opinions with sentences from his speech.
One possible idea:
I think Brad dealt with culture shock in America quite successfully. At first, he had great difficulty with communication, food and school life. But he did not give up and kept a positive attitude towards the culture shock. For example, he took part in the cultural activities. He had a better understanding of his own culture as well. In the end, he got used to the life in the US and had many great memories of the exchange year.
Anyway, I have many great memories of that year, especially playing in the snow in winter, and playing baseball. At Halloween, I went to a party dressed as Harry Potter. At Thanksgiving, we had a big dinner with a huge turkey. (lines 20-23)
This made me think about my own culture as well. (lines 26-27)
Post reading
If you were Brad, could you offer us some ways to deal with culture shock
How to deal with culture shock
1.learn about the culture
2. stay in touch
3. don't be shy
6. be willing to share
5. be positive
4. make new friends
Post reading
How well do you know about this lesson Tick (√)the boxes.
I can understand the new words in this unit. 口 口 口
I can read a speech about a Chinese student’s experience in the US. 口 口 口
I know the structure of a speech. 口 口 口
I know how to deal with culture shock properly. 口 口 口
1. Structure of a speech script
Topic sentence
Supporting detail
Supporting detail
Supporting detail
I’m here today to…
Anyway…; adj.
main …
… too
2. Get inference from sentences in the passage.
3. Set up proper attitudes towards culture shock and dealing with culture shock.
4. Write a speech script on how to deal with culture shock.
完成《英语(九年级下) B》第18页和第27页的练习。