人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit1 Cultural Heritage单词讲解01课件(共41张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit1 Cultural Heritage单词讲解01课件(共41张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 93.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-21 09:36:24



vt. 促进, 推动
The plans are helpful to promote economic growth. 这些计划有助于促进/推动经济增长。
vt. 促销, 推销
The supermarket is promoting its fruit. 这家超市正在促销它的水果。
vt. 提升, 晋升
She worked hard and was soon promoted. 她工作勤奋, 不久就被提升了。
promotion n.
Her job is mainly about sales and promotion. 她的工作主要是关于销售和促销活动。
1. You don’t have to sacrifice(牺牲) envoronmental protection to __________(促进) economic growth.
2. If a company ____________(促销, 推广) a product, it tries to increase the sales or popularity of that product.
The father and son were ____________ a wine.
They used inviting/attractive words ___________(promote) the attraction of this wine.
to promote
give way to
We need to give way to the ambulance. 我们需要给救护车让路。
让步于, 屈服于
给...让路, 让...先行
He refused to give way to his rival. 他拒绝让步/屈服于他的对手。
= give in to
I won’t give in to you. 我不会屈服于你。
Officials say they won't ______________________ the workers’ demands.
give way to/ give in to
balanced adj. 均衡的, 平衡的
n. 均衡; 平衡
a balanced diet 一个均衡的饮食
Try to keep a balance between study and relaxation. 尽量保持学习和休闲均衡。
The pollution damages the balance of nature. 这些污染损害了自然的平衡。
vt. 使...均衡, 使...平衡; 权衡
keep/lose (one's) balance 保持/失去平衡
keep a balance between A and B 在A和B之间保持平衡
balance A against B 权衡A和B, 比较A和B
You’d better balance the advantages against the disadvantages. 你最好权衡利弊。
imbalance n. 不均衡, 不平衡
a healthy and balanced diet 一个健康的和均衡的饮食
1. Her ankle was caught on a root, and she almost __________________(失去平衡).
2. She was holding the rail(栏杆) to ___________________(保持平衡).
3. It makes sense to eat a reasonably ___________(平衡的) diet when slimming.
lost (her) balance
keep (her) balance
vt. (正式) 建议, 提议
proposal n. 建议, 提议
His proposal that the system (should) be changed was rejected. 他提的修改制度的建议被拒绝了。
sb. propose that ... (should) do sth.
It is proposed that ... (should) do sth.
She proposed that the book (should) be published. 她提议这本书应该被出版。
It is proposed that the sports meet (should) be held on time. 运动会被提议准时举行。
make / put forward / come up with a proposal 提出一项提议/建议
propose sth./doing sth.
propose to do sth.
I propose reading/to read more classics to broaden our horizons.
1. I propose that we ______________(read) more classics to broaden our horizons.
2. I made a proposal that we ______________(read) more classics to broaden our horizons.
(should) read
(should) read
孔明 提议/建议 刘备 先夺取荆州。
Kong Ming proposed that Liu Bei __________ take control of Jing Zhou first.
孔明 提议/建议 刘备 先夺取荆州。
Kong Ming made a proposal that Liu Bei __________(take) control of Jing Zhou first.
adj. (很)可能的 = probable
adv. 可能地
“Not likely!” 不可能!/ 绝对不会!
be likely to do sth. 可能做某事
Tickets are likely to be expensive. 票可能会价格高。
Arrive on time for the interview, or you will be likely to lose the opportunity.
it is likely that ... 可能...
It is likely that they haven’t got the news yet. 可能他们还不知道这个消息。
unlikely adj. 不可能的
1. If you turn to your teacher for help, ______________ you can make much more progress. 如果你向老师寻求帮助, 你可能会取得更大的进步。
it is likely that
If you turn to your teacher for help, you __________________ much more progress.
are likely to make
The terracotta warrior is like an archer.
The terracotta warrior is likely to be an archer.
It is likely that the terracotta warrior is an archer. 这个陶土勇士很可能是一个弓箭手。
vt. 建立, 创立, 设立 = set up
The committee was established in 1912. 这个委员会在1912年被设立。
The film established the actor’s reputation(声誉).
establishment n. 建立, 设立
The speaker made the establishment of a new college public.
Traditions(传统) get established over time(随着时间的推移).
establish a free trade zone 设立一个自由贸易区
The school has established a successful relationship with the local community.
well-established 历史悠久的, 久负盛誉的
It is a well-established university. 这是一所历史悠久/久负盛誉的大学。
1. (翻译) A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings.
vt. 阻止 = stop, 防止
The accident could have been prevented. 这场事故本来是可以防止的。
prevent sb./sth. from doing sth. 阻止/防止 某人/某物 做某事
Further treatment will prevent cancer from developing. 进一步的治疗将阻止癌症恶化。
The bad management is preventing the company from attracting new employees. 糟糕的管理正在阻止这家公司吸引新的雇员。
stop sb./sth. from doing sth. 阻止 某人/某物 做某事
keep sb./sth. from (doing) sth. 阻止 某人/某物 做某事
prevention n. 防止
黑豹巴吉拉 阻止 老虎可汗 伤害 莫格利。
The panther Bagheera ____________ the tiger Khan from hurting Mowgli.
黑豹巴吉拉 阻止 莫格利 被 老虎可汗 伤害。
The panther Bagheera ____________ Mowgli from ___________________ by the tiger Khan.
being hurt
1. We should take effective measures to prevent the river from _______________(pollute).
2. We must do our best to __________ these historic sites _______ disappearing.
being polluted
Fortune/Luck contributes to his success. 幸运/运气是他的成功的原因之一。
contribute to 是...的原因之一
vt. 捐献, 捐赠, 捐助; 做贡献
contribute ... to ... 捐...给...; 对...做贡献
We contributed 5000$ to the fund. 我们捐了5000美金给那个基金。
This book contributes much to our understanding of the subject.
vt. 撰稿
She contributed a number of articles to the magazine. 她为这家杂志撰写了大量的文章。
捐赠, 捐助 (不可数名词)
They rely on contribution to survive. 他们依靠捐赠幸存下来。
n. contribution
捐款, 捐资 (可数名词)
All contributions will be greatly appreciated. 将非常感激所有的捐款/捐资。
a contribution 一笔捐款
贡献 (可数名词)
He made a contribution to the success of the project. 他对这个项目的成功做了贡献。
make a contribution to sth./doing sth. 对...做贡献
= make contributions to sth./doing sth.
促成作用; 稿件, 投稿
1. In my view, everyone is supposed to make a contribution to ___________(protect) the environment.
2. It was generous(慷慨的) of her to _____________ much money _______ the charity(慈善机构). 她慷慨捐赠许多钱给那家慈善机构。
3. (翻译) Many people contributed money to the poor boy, which contributed to his return to school. A writer wrote a story about this and contributed it to a press(出版社).
A lot of Chinese ____________ their belongings ____________ the charity.
很多中国人 捐赠 他们的财物 给 这个慈善团体。
Lots of Chinese ____________ ____________ ____________ the career of fighting againse Japanese army.
The little girl was willing to ___________ her cornea to a boy.
The little girl will __________ _________ _____________ to a boy’s life.
Hard work is a major contributor to Tony’s success.
contributor n. 撰稿人, 投稿人; 捐款者, 捐赠者; 作出贡献者; 促成物, (促成)因素