人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Listening and Talking课件(8份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Listening and Talking课件(8份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-22 18:06:19


Unit 2
Listening and Talking
Help the wildlife in your neighbourhood
视频:Bird Protection Reserve
To get the information about bird protection by listening
To express purpose clearly in talking
目标一:To get the information about bird protection by listening
Activity 1: Match the words with the pictures.
1.binoculars _______
2.bird feeder _______
3. bird field guide _______
What’s the function of each item
bird feeder
bird field guide
feeding birds
enough food
providing a safe place
watching birds
not bothering birds
getting information
identifying birds
Activity 2: Listen and answer the questions.
Who are the teenagers
Where are they
What are they doing
Why are they doing it
It’s interesting and you can practise it anywhere.
They’re searching for new wild birds and looking them up in their field guide.
They’re from a birdwatching club.
In the Qinling Mountains.
目标二:To express purpose clearly in talking
Activity 1: Choose the right ending for each sentence.
2.Build bird feeders ______________.
3.Use a bird field guide____________________.
4.Put paper cut-outs on windows_________________.
A. in order to identify birds
B. so that birds do not crash into them
C. to make sure that birds have enough food
D. are used for watching birds from far away
Binoculars are used for watching birds from far away.
2. Build bird feeders ______________.
Build bird feeders for wild birds to make sure that birds have enough food.
Use a bird field guide in order to identify birds.
Put paper cut-outs on windows so that birds do not crash into them.
3.Use a bird field guide____________.
4.Put paper cut-outs on windows_____________.
Do you know how to express purposes in English
Expressing purposes
This is used for …
I did it to / in order to / so as to …
He has done it so that / in order that…
to do sth.
in order to do sth.
so as to do sth.
in order that…
so that…
for sth.
in case+ 从句
for fear + 从句
My father began to study computer so that/in order that he might keep up with times.
My father began to study computer so as to/in order to/to keep up with times.
My father began to study computer in case/for fear that he would be left behind.
Activity 2: Listen again and use the phrases you hear to fill in the blanks.
1.They got up early ________________ search for wild birds.
2.I’ve brought a field guide ____________ we can look up the birds we see.
3.My dad gave me the binoculars _________________ we can see the birds better.
4.Birdwatching clubs clean up habitats, build bird feeders, and put paper cut-outs on windows _______________ protect birds.
so as to
so that
in order that
in order to
Activity 3: Think of other wildlife in your neighbourhood and their needs. Discuss their needs and solutions in groups.
What can you do to care for them
Think about:
What animals
Solutions (benefit)
wild cats
food, shelter…
Put out boxes (shelter when it’s cold or wet outside)
A: I often see wild cats in our neighbourhood. Maybe we should do something to care for them.
B: Should we put out bowls of food for them
C: Sure, and I think we could also put out boxes or other things for them so that they can find shelter when it’s cold or wet outside.
1.Can you tell your experience of helping the wildlife in your neighbourhood
2.Can you use the phrases of expressing purposes (共9张PPT)
Writing:protect animals
假定你是李华,你校英语报即将举行一场主题为”Save Endangered Animals”的海报设计大赛。 请你以学生会主席的身份用英语面向全校学生写一份倡议书(appeal),提醒人们保护扬子鳄(Chinese alligator)。内容包括:
1. 描述现状:过去五十年数量减少了百分之八十
2. 具体原因:栖息地减少;
3. 具体措施:建立自然保护区;
倡议对象:全校学生 Dear schoolmates:
倡议人身份:学生会主席李华 I am the president of students union…
倡议主题:保护扬子鳄 protect Chinese alligator
落款 Thank you!
Step 1
2. 扬子鳄的数量在过去五十年减少了百分之八十
3. 扬子鳄的数量的减少是因为以下的原因
The number of Chinese alligator drop by over the past fifty years
The number of Chinese alligator dropped by 80% over the past fifty years.
population reduction due to following reasons
The reduction of the population of Chinese alligator is due to the following reasons.
1. 扬子鳄正在以惊人的速度灭绝 die out at an alarming rate
Chinese alligator is dying out at an alarming rate.
Step 2
1. 其中一个原因是扬子鳄栖息地的流失 one of the reasons is habitat loss
One of the reasons is the habitat loss.
2. 环境污染是另一个原因 another reason environment pollution
Environment pollution is another reason.
3. 在这些原因中,主要的原因是人类非法猎杀扬子鳄以获取利益
main reason illegal hunting make profits
Among the reasons, the main reason is that people hunt Chinese alligators to make profits.
4. 我们必须采取措施来保护扬子鳄的时代到来了 take measures to do sth
There comes a time that we must take measures to protect Chinese alligator.
Step 3
1. 只有当我们建立了自然保护区,动物才能获得一个安全的环境
Only when… +半倒装 natural reserve safe environment
Only when we establish natural reserve can animal gain a safe environment.
2. 濒危动物提醒我们保护环境刻不容缓
endangered species remind sb to do sth/that immediately
Endangered species reminded us that we must protect the environment immediately.
3. 法律体系必须被建立以防止非法猎杀 law system prevent illegal hunting
Law system must be established to prevent illegal hunting.
Ending: 收尾两句话,请同学们自己思考加上去
Dear schoolmates:
I am Li Hua, the president of school union. Today I’m calling on all the students to protect the endangered species---Chinese alligator.
Chinese alligator is dying out at an alarming rate. The number of Chinese alligator has dropped by 80% over the past fifty years.
The reduction of the population of Chinese alligator is due to the following reasons.
One of the reasons is the habitat loss. Environment pollution is another reason. Among the reasons, the main reason is that people hunt Chinese alligators to make profits. Therefore, there comes a time that we must take measures to protect Chinese alligator.
Only when we establish natural reserve can animals gain a safe environment. At the same time, endangered species remind us that we must protect the environment immediately. Last but not least, law system must be established to prevent illegal hunting.
Thank you!
Chinese alligator whose number has dropped by 80% over the past fifty years is dying out at an alarming rate.
1. 倡议的主题
2. 发出倡议的原因
3. 倡议的主要内容
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
sentence pattern
Learning aims:
1) To learn these sentences pattern usage:
This is why..../This is because/only+时间状语从句
2) To use them freely.
Self-learning guidance 1:(2')
1. learn the three sentences of This/ That is why on P26 “观察思考”.
2. finish the “探究总结”.
3. can do some exercises “应用实践”.
This/That is why... 这就是...的原因, 表语从句, 表示结果
This/That is because... 这是因为... 表语从句, 表示原因
This/That is the reason why 这就是...的原因, why 引导定语从句
The reason why... is that... ...的原因是..., why 引导定语从句,
that 引导表语从句
finish P26 “应用实践”

Tom was late for work. That is because he overslept this morning
The reason why Tom was late for work is that he overslept this morning
Tom overslept this morning. That is the reason why he was late for work.
Self-learning guidance 2:(2')
1. learn the four sentences of only+时间状语从句 on P26 “观察思考”.
2. finish the “探究总结”.
3. can do some exercises “应用实践”.
only +状语从句放在句首, 主句用部分倒装结构(把助动词/ 情态动词/ be动词提到主语前面)
only位于句首修饰做状语的副词/ 介词短语时, 句子要用部分倒装, “只有...才...”
finish P26 “应用实践”

did they walk out of
Only if you study hard will you pass the exam.
can you feel
This/ That is...
This/ That is because
This/ That is why
The reason why ...is that...
only+状语从句, 位于句首
Only 位于句首修饰做状语的副词/ 介词短语时
This/ That is the reason why
1. review what you have learned
2. recited them and dictate them to hand in your group monitor
3.write your mistakes in relevant notebook
4. do all the rest exercises in class
5. do all the exercises in exercise book and if possible review next class(共15张PPT)
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
vocabulary 1
learning aims:
1) To learn these words’ usage: aware / concern/
adapt / measure
2) To use them freely.
Think and study independently(5')
1) To read some sentences in the powerpoint.
2) To find all the knowledge points about aware / concern/ adapt/ measure
3) To find the key and difficult points.
4) To find the points you don't understand.
aware adj. 知道;发觉;有......意识的
make sb aware of 使某人意识到
be / become aware of sth 意识到
be aware that... 意识到......
awareness n.意识
raise sb's awareness of 提高某人的......意识
注意:修饰aware可用well、much、fully, 但不用very
be aware 后一般不接不定式
concern vt.涉及;让......担忧 n. 担心;忧虑;关爱
be concerned about 为......担忧
be concerned with 关心......;与......有关
be concerned in 被卷入/牵涉进......;参与......
as far as I am concerned 依我之见;在我看来
concerning prep. 关于;有关
concerned adj. 担心的;忧虑的
表达“关心”的短语: be concerned about worry about
care about
adapt vi.适应 vt. 使适应;使适合;改编
adapt ( oneself ) to sth (使自己) 适应某事
adapt...from... 根据......改编......
adapt...for... 把......改编成......
adaptation n. 适应;改编本
measure n. 措施;方法;尺寸 vt.测量;度量;估量
take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事
measure up (to) 达到预期的要求;符合标准
beyond measure 极其;非常
Self-learning guidance(5'):
1) To finish the exercises(导学案P28-30).
2) To mark the check points.
3) To check the answers.
task 2
1. of 2. awareness 3. awareness
task 3
Ⅰ、 1. are all concerned in Ⅱ 、 1. about
2. concerning the meeting 2. with
3. As far as I am concerned 3. in
task 4
1. from 2. adaptation 3. to adapt
task 5
1. measures 2. measuring
make sb aware of 使某人意识到
be / become aware of sth 意识到
be aware that... 意识到......
raise sb's awareness of 提高某人的......意识
be concerned about 为......担忧
be concerned with 关心......;与......有关
be concerned in 被卷入/牵涉进......;参与......
as far as I am concerned 依我之见;在我看来
adapt ( oneself ) to sth (使自己) 适应某事
adapt...from... 根据......改编......
adapt...for... 把......改编成......
take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事
measure up (to) 达到预期的要求;符合标准
beyond measure 极其;非常
____________ 使某人意识到
raise sb's awareness of ________________
be concerned about _____________
_________________ 被卷入/牵涉进......;参与......
_____________________ 依我之见;在我看来
adapt...from... ______________
____________ (使自己) 适应某事
adapt...for... ________________
_________________ 采取措施做某事
_____________________ 达到预期的要求;符合标准
beyond measure ______________
1. review what you have learned
2. recited them and dictate them to hand in your group monitor
3.write your mistakes in relevant notebook
4. do all the rest exercises in class
5. do all the exercises in exercise book and if possible review next class(共13张PPT)
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
vocabulary 2
learning aims:
1) To learn these words’ usage: remind/attack/recover/intend
2) To use them freely.
Think and study independently(5')
1) To read some sentences in the powerpoint.
2) To find all the knowledge points about remind/attack/recover/intend
3) To find the key and difficult points.
4) To find the points you don't understand.
remind vt. 提醒,使想起
remind sb to do 提醒某人做某事
remind sb that...提醒某人
remind sb of/about使(某人)想起......
attack n./v.攻击,抨击
heart attack/disease心脏病
under attack 受到攻击
be/get attacked 被攻击,被袭击
recover vi.恢复,康复 vt.找回,寻回
recover from 从......中康复
recover oneself 静下心来,恢复过来
recovery n.康复,恢复
make a full recovery 全面康复
intend vi.&vt. 打算,计划,想要
be intended for 准备给......用的,打算给......用的
intend to do 打算做某事
intend sb to do sth打算让某人做某事
intention n. 打算,意图,目的
intend that(从句谓语动词虚拟语气)+(should)+do
Self-learning guidance(5'):
1) To finish the exercises related to these words.
2) To mark the check points.
3) To check the answers.
task 9 of
task 10 under/ attacks/ being attacked
task 11 from/to recover/recovery
task 12 for/to study/ to come
They intended that the plan (should) be put into practice within this year.
remind sb to do 提醒某人做某事
remind sb that...提醒某人
remind sb of/about使(某人)想起......
heart attack/disease心脏病
under attack 受到攻击
be/get attacked 被攻击,被袭击
recover from 从......中康复
recover oneself 静下心来,恢复过来
recovery n.康复,恢复
make a full recovery 全面康复
be intended for 准备给......用的,打算给......用的
intend to do 打算做某事
intend sb to do sth打算让某人做某事
intention n. 打算,意图,目的
intend that(从句谓语动词虚拟语气)+(should)+do
____________ 使某人想起
under attack ________________
be/get attacked_____________
_________________ 从......中康复
_____________________ 准备给......用
______________ 打算做
1. review what you have learned
2. recited them and dictate them to hand in your group monitor
3.write your mistakes in relevant notebook
4. do all the rest exercises in class
5. do all the exercises in exercise book and if possible review next class(共13张PPT)
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
vocabulary 3
learning aims:
1) To learn these words’ usage: die out / make out/ observe
2) To use them freely.
Think and study independently(5')
1) To read some sentences in the powerpoint.
2) To find all the knowledge points about die out / make out / observe
3) To find the key and difficult points.
4) To find the points you don't understand.
die out 灭亡;逐渐消失
die of 死于(内因)
die from 死于(外因)
die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息;渐弱
die down (慢慢)熄灭;平静下来;逐渐平息
die off 相继死去,先后死去
be dying for sth / to do sth 迫切想要某物 / 做某事
dead adj. 死去的 death n. 死亡
make out 看清;分清;听清;辨认出;理解
make up 组成;编造;化妆;弥补
make of 由......组成(可以看出原材料)
make from 由......组成(看不出原材料)
make it 获得成功;渡过难关;准时到达
make up for 弥补;补偿
observe vt. 观察(到);看到;注意到;注视;遵守;庆祝
observe sb do / doing sth 观察某人做某事
observe the customs 遵守习俗
observe that... 遵守......
observation n. 观察;观察力;监视;评论
make an observation of 对......进行观察
under observation 在监视下;被观察
observer n.观察者; 目击者
observe 表示“注意到;看到”时,后面接复合宾语,用动词不定式和v-ing 形式作宾语补足语。
动词不定式作宾语补足语的时候,省略动词不定式的to,强调动作发生的全过程,但用于被动语态,不定式符号to不可省,v-ing 形式作宾语补足语时,强调动作正在进行。
Self-learning guidance(5'):
1) To finish the exercises(P10-11).
2) To mark the check points.
3) To check the answers.
task 1
1. away 2. from 3. down
完成句子:some species are in danger of dying out.
task 6
1. up 2. from 3. of
task 8
1. hanging 2. to open 3. observation 4. observer
die of 死于(内因)
die from 死于(外因)
die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息;渐弱
die down (慢慢)熄灭;平静下来;逐渐平息
die off 相继死去,先后死去
be dying for sth / to do sth 迫切想要某物 / 做某事
make up 组成;编造;化妆;弥补
make of 由......组成(可以看出原材料)
make from 由......组成(看不出原材料)
make it 获得成功;渡过难关;准时到达
make up for 弥补;补偿
observe sb do / doing sth 观察某人做某事
observe the customs 遵守习俗
observe that... 遵守......
make an observation of 对......进行观察
under observation 在监视下;被观察
____________ (慢慢)熄灭;平静下来;逐渐平息
be dying for sth / to do sth ________________
make up _____________
_________________ 由......组成(可以看出原材料)
_____________________ 获得成功;渡过难关;准时到达
observe sb do / doing sth ______________
1. review what you have learned
2. recited them and dictate them to hand in your group monitor
3.write your mistakes in relevant notebook
4. do all the rest exercises in class
5. do all the exercises in exercise book and if possible review next class(共27张PPT)
Words and Expressions
Unit 02
Wildlife Protection
Part 1
4.________ adj. 惊人的;使人惊恐的
→________ adj. 惊恐的
→______ vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心 n.恐慌;警报;警报器
5._____ n.速度;(比)率 vt.划分等级 ______ n.等级;级别
6._______ adj.已灭绝的 _________ n.灭绝
7.____ vi. 存在;生存 ________ n.存在;生存
existing adj.现存的
1.______ adj.不合法的;非法的
→ _______ adv. 不合法地;非法地
→_____ adj.合法的
→ ___________ adv. 合法地
2.________ vt.&vi. 打猎;搜寻;追捕
→ __________ n. 猎人
3.___________ adv. 立刻
→__________ adj.立刻的
9._________ vt.使遭受危险;危害
__________ adj.濒危的
10.________ vt.涉及;让...担忧 n.担心;关心
_________ adj.担心的;关切的 concerning _________
11.______ vt.使适应;改编 vi.适应
__________ n.适应;改编本
【反】legal adj.法律的;合法的
legally adv. 合法地;法律地
搭配: illegal activities 非法活动
illegal drugs 违禁药品
illegal parking 违章停车
It’s illegal to do... 做某事是违法的。
It's illegal to drive through a red light.
1. illegal adj.不合法的;非法的;违法的
illegally adv.不合法地;非法地
2.hunt [h nt] vt.&vi.打猎;搜寻;追捕
hunter [ h nt ] n.猎人
hunt for 寻找某人/某物
go hunting 去打猎
The hunt for the missing workers will continue.
①Weather permitting, we'll go ________ (hunt) this Sunday
②Mary has been hunting ______ a job since she graduated from college.
3. immediately adv.立刻
=at once/right now/right away 立刻,马上
=as soon as 一……就……
(3)immediate adj. 立即的,当前的
I cannot make my decision immediately, but you will hear from me soon.
It's high time that we should _____________________________ (立即采取措施)
to protect our environment.
②________________________ (他一回到家), he set out to do his homework.
take immediate action/measures
Immediately he got home
=It is high time that immediate measures should be taken to ...
4. on earth 究竟,到底
Why on earth do you need a phone
5. die out 灭亡;逐渐消失
die of (内因) 死于..
die from (外因) 死于...
die off 相继死去
die away (声音、风、光等)慢慢变弱,逐渐消失
be dying for sth 很想要某物
be dying to do sth 渴望做某事
6. alarming adj. 惊人的;使人惊恐的
alarm vt. 使惊恐;使害怕;使担心
n. 恐慌;警报
be alarmed by/at sth. 因……而惊恐
be alarmed to do sth. 做某事感到恐慌
in alarm 惊恐地(常作状语)
give/raise/sound the alarm 发出警报
e.g. The rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.
7. aware adj. 知道; 发觉; 有……的意识的
awareness n. 认识;意识;兴趣
be/ become aware of 意识到;知道
be aware that 意识到
raise awareness of 提高.....认识
8. endanger vt. 危害;使受到危险
endangered adj. 濒危的
danger n. 危险;危险情况;威胁
dangerous adj. 危险的;不安全的
in danger 处于危险当中
out of danger 脱离危险
9. average n.平均数;平均水平;
an average of 平均有(后跟数词)
on (the) average 平均
10. concern vt. 涉及;让...担忧
n. 担心;关心
concerned adj. 担心的;关切的;有关的
be concerned about/for 担心...;关心...
be concerned with 与...有关
as far as I am concerned 在我看来
concerning prep. 关于;就...而言
11. adapt vi. 适应 vt. 使适应; 使适合
adapt(oneself)to doing 适应(做)
be adapted from sth. 改编自
adaptationn. 适应; 改编本
adaptable adj. 有适应能力的;能适应的
12. pressure n. 压力;催促;强迫
press v. 压;压榨;逼迫
n. 按,挤压;出版社;新闻界
under pressure/stress 在压力下,迫不得已
press sb. to do sth. 催促某人做某事
put pressure on sb. 给某人施加压力
blood pressure 血压
13. reserve n. (动植物)保护区;储藏(量)
v. 预定,预约;保留
reservation n. 预定;保护区
a natural reserve/preserve 自然保护区
without reserve 毫无保留
make a reservation 预定
14. observe vt. 观察(到);遵守;庆祝
observation n. 观察
observer n. 观察者
observe/follow the law 遵守法律
observe the National Day 庆祝国庆节
observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事
observe sb. do sth. 注意到某人做了某事
变为被动语态时,不定式要加上 to: sb. be observed to do sth.
observe sb./sth. done 注意到......被做
15. attack n. vi.&vt. 攻击;抨击;病情发作
under attack 遭到攻击
make an attack 攻击
a heart attack 心脏病突发
attack sb. for sth. 由于某事而责难某人
attack sb. with sth. 用……攻击某人
attack on/against 向……攻击
be attacked with(a disease) 患/得(病)
16. recover vi.恢复;康复 vt.找回;寻回
recovery n. 恢复,痊愈;复得,找回
recover from 从……中恢复
recover oneself 镇静下来
make a recovery from 从……中恢复过来
17. intend vi. & vt. 打算;计划; 想要
intention n. 意图;目的
be intended for 专门为...设计;专供...使用
intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事
intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
with the intention of 目的是…
18. threat n. 威胁;恐吓;构成危险的人或事物
threaten vt. 威胁,危及
a threat to... 对...的威胁
under threat from... 受到...的威胁
threaten to do sth 威胁做某事
19. exist vi.存在;生存
There exists... 某地有……;存在……
existence n. 存在;生存
come into existence 产生;成立;开始存在
existing adj. 现存的;现行的
20. harmony n. 和谐;融洽
harmonious adj. 和谐的
in harmony with 与...协调一致/和谐
out of harmony 不协调,不和谐
e.g. All the naitons, powerful or not, should be in harmony with
each other.
Our government is aiming to build a harmonious society.
21. due to 由于,因为,归功于
be due to do sth. 预定/计划(做)某事
due to、 because of、 owing to、thanks to
Book2 Unit2 Homework(1)
1.He ________(使惊恐) his sister with a little snake on purpose.
2.You should (观察) the local customs when you go abroad.
3.Do you believe it is impossible to prove the _______(存在) of UFO
4.As soon as the cake is done,__________(移出) it from the oven.
5.My teacher often _______ (提醒)me to pay attention to my handwriting.
6.We must take preventive_______ (措施)to reduce crime in the area.
7.The police are investigating death_______(威胁) made against the two men.
8.Every year he writes stories to contribute to a newspaper to make a (利润).
9.The old couple________(打算) their son to study abroad,which was unwise in my opinion.
10.To make sure you can fly to Egypt to visit the pyramids,you should_______(预订) the ticket in advance.
11.I needed mother’s love,and the      (emotion) support she was giving me.
12.When it comes to     (protect) environment,waste sorting is a good way.
13.Masses of endangered species are being hunted ________(legal),which has caught the government’s attention.
14.Hearing her mother ___________(attack) with cancer, the girl burst out crying.
15.He (shoot) two goals in the game.
was attacked
1. , those who don't smoke are healthier than those who do.
2. Nowadays more and more people their health.
3. Could you please my pet while I'm out
4. A man who is satisfied with his present life will never
5. We felt puzzled. What did they want to do
on earth; on average;make progress;
be concerned about; adapt to; watch over;
On average
are concerned about
watch over
make progress
on earth
If you go out to the fields at night in spring or summer, you can hear frogs singing 1. (happy) here and there.It seems as if they were performing a field group singing.
The frog is a good and useful creature that benefits human beings.They can catch fast moving 2. (insect).Each frog eats a large number of pests (害虫) that are harmful to crops.This little creature is regarded 3. “the natural enemy of pests”.
But now frogs 4. (get) fewer and fewer.This is because they are killed and put 5. the table as a delicious dish by their chief enemy, human beings.It is a shameless and cruel act, isn't it
are getting
The cause that is 6. (responsibility) for the rapid reduction of frogs is that farmers use insect killer to kill pests and frogs get killed as a result of drinking poisoned water while 7. (eat) poison killed insects.
Something must be done as soon as possible 8. (save) frogs.If we don't punish those 9. sell and kill frogs to make money, then one day all of us 10. (punish) by nature for failing to keep them.
to save
will be punished
The clerks can’t stay in the offices which         .(paint)
At present,lots of food and tents          to the earthquake-stricken areas.(transport)
Don’t go into the room,please. An important meeting           in it.(hold)
are being painted
are being transported
is being held
4.Little Tony           (take) care of by his aunt because his parents are both busy with their work.
I wonder              to help you.(what;do)
is being taken
what is being done
Elephants might be the most well known and well loved animal in African wildlife.But conservation (保护) of the African elephant still faces special difficulties.While the elephant population is half of what it was 40 years ago, some areas of Africa have more elephants than populated areas can support.That's why AWF scientists are studying elephant behavior, protecting habitats and finding ways for humans to live peacefully with elephants in Africa.
Years ago, overhunting and the ivory trade were the biggest threats to elephants' survival.Luckily, ivory bans (禁令), hunting rules and protected areas protect elephants from these dangers today.
1.The first paragraph of the text is mainly to tell readers ________.
The 21st century brings a different challenge to elephant conservation—land use.Elephants walk across borders and outside parks and other protected areas.So they often destroy crops, causing conflicts (冲突) between local farmers and these big animals.
Successful conservation strategies (策略) must allow elephants to walk freely in their natural habitats while reducing conflicts between elephants and local people.
AWF researchers are searching for a way to give both elephants and people the space they need.The AWF is collecting information on elephant habitats and behavior.The information they gather will help to develop the widest possible space for elephants.
The AWF is helping elephants by protecting their habitats.And they also work with local farmers to improve their life in order to encourage them to protect rather than destroy elephants.
2.What is the biggest difficulty in protecting African elephants now ________
3.To protect elephants, the AWF does all the following EXCEPT ________.
4.What is the best title for the text
1.The first paragraph of the text is mainly to tell readers ________.
2.What is the biggest difficulty in protecting African elephants now ________
3.To protect elephants, the AWF does all the following EXCEPT ________.
4.What is the best title for the text ________