人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection课时练、教案、学习任务单(10份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection课时练、教案、学习任务单(10份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-22 19:40:31


Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
Listening and Speaking
Teaching Plans
本节课是人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Listening and Speaking的课程。该课程主要通过听力和口语练习,让学生了解到物种正在快速消失的事实和原因,并培养他们保护野生物种的意识和责任感。教材主要包括两个部分:Listening部分和Speaking部分。
1. 学生能够运用听前预测的技巧,准确理解听力文本内容,并完成相应的听力练习。
2. 学生能够了解野生动物正在消失的事实和原因,增强保护野生动物的意识和责任感。
3. 学生能够梳理野生动物濒危的原因,并表达自己对参与野生动物保护的观点。
4. 学生能够用简单的英语与同伴交流野生动物的生存状况和保护措施。
1. 学会运用听前预测的技巧,准确理解听力文本内容。
2. 了解野生动物濒危的事实和原因。
3. 学会用简单的英语表达对保护野生动物的观点和态度。
1. 发展学生的听力技巧,提高听力理解能力。
2. 培养学生运用英语表达观点和态度的能力。
1. 启发式教学策略:通过提问和引导,让学生主动思考和探索野生动物保护的内涵和理由。
2. 合作学习策略:通过小组合作学习和讨论,培养学生的交流能力和团队合作精神。
3. 多媒体教学策略:通过图片、视频等多媒体资源来呈现野生动物保护的内容,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与度。
1. 情境教学法:通过听力材料中的真实情境,让学生更好地理解野生动物濒危的事实和原因。
2. 任务型教学法:通过给学生提供任务,让学生积极参与,完成相应的听力练习和口语练习。
3. 讨论式教学法:通过小组讨论,让学生共同探讨野生动物的生存状况和保护措施,培养他们的表达能力和思维能力。
1. 导入学生对主题的兴趣和了解,展示一些关于野生动物保护的图片或视频,以激发学生的兴趣。
2. 引入新课的话题,提问学生是否关注过野生动物的保护和濒危现象,并请他们分享自己的观点和看法。
3. 向学生介绍本课的听力和口语目标,即学习关于野生动物濒危的现象和保护措施,培养学生对保护野生动物的意识和责任感。
4. 分组播放一段与野生动物保护相关的听力材料,让学生先进行听前预测,猜测可能会听到的信息和内容。
5. 播放听力材料,让学生准确理解文本内容,并完成相应的听力练习,例如填空、选择题等。
6. 让学生与同组同学分享他们的答案,并一起讨论并核对正确答案,以便提高学生的听力理解能力。
7. 给学生呈现关于野生动物濒危的原因,例如环境破坏、非法猎捕和非法贸易等,通过图片或文字进行呈现,并解释每个原因的影响和后果。
8. 鼓励学生就如何参与野生动物保护表达自己的观点和看法,可以组织小组讨论或以小组为单位进行思维导图绘制。
9. 随机抽取学生分享他们的观点和看法,鼓励他们用简单的英语与同伴交流野生动物的生存状况和保护措施,并给予必要的指导和反馈。
10. 小结本节课的学习内容,强调野生动物的重要性以及保护野生动物的责任。
11. 提醒学生在日常生活中可以采取哪些措施来保护野生动物,并展示相关的图片和信息作为结束环节。
1. 根据听力材料,选择正确的答案。
In order to protect wildlife, we should _______.
A. increase hunting activities
B. create more wildlife reserves
C. sell more animal products
D. introduce new species to ecosystems
2. 根据听力材料,判断下列句子是否正确。
(1) We should take immediate action to protect wildlife. _______
(2) Human activities have had no impact on wildlife populations. _______
(1) 正确。根据听力材料,我们了解到应该立即行动起来保护野生动物。
(2) 错误。根据听力材料,我们了解到人类活动对野生动物种群有影响。
3. 根据听力材料,回答问题。
What is the main cause of the decline in wildlife populations
答案与讲解:The main cause of the decline in wildlife populations is human activities.
总的来说,本节课的教学效果还不错,但还有一些需要改进的地方。通过教学反思,我深入分析了问题,并提出了相应的改进方案。在后续的教学中,我将按照改进方案进行调整,进一步提高教学效果。Unit 2 Wildlife protection Listening and Talking
I. 教学目标
1. Students will understand the importance of wildlife conservation and the role they can play in it.
2. Students will be able to discuss and express their opinions on wildlife conservation in English.
3. Students will be able to use the vocabulary and phrases related to wildlife conservation in their daily conversations.
II. 教学重难点
1. The difficulty of understanding the concept of wildlife conservation and its significance.
2. The challenge of expressing opinions in English, especially about sensitive topics like wildlife conservation.
III. 学情分析
Students are at an intermediate level of English proficiency, with a basic understanding of grammar and vocabulary. They are interested in environmental issues but may lack the vocabulary and skills to express their opinions effectively.
IV. 教学过程
1. Warm-up (5 minutes)
- Begin by asking students if they have ever seen any wildlife in their neighbourhood or nearby areas.
- Encourage them to share their experiences and observations.
2. Presentation (15 minutes)
- Introduce the concept of wildlife conservation and its importance. Use visual aids such as videos or images to help students understand the topic better.
- Discuss the various ways in which we can help wildlife, such as not littering, reducing our carbon footprint, and supporting local conservation efforts.
- Introduce some key vocabulary related to wildlife conservation, such as habitat, endangered species, ecosystem, etc.
3. Practice (20 minutes)
- Divide students into groups and give them a scenario where they need to discuss wildlife conservation in English. For example, "What would you do if you found a baby bird that was injured " or "Why is it important to protect the forest from deforestation "
- Encourage students to use the vocabulary and phrases they learned in class to express their opinions and suggestions.
- After each group's discussion, ask for feedback and provide corrections where necessary.
4. Production (15 minutes)
- Have students write a short paragraph about how they can help wildlife in their neighbourhood using the vocabulary and phrases they learned in class. They should also include their personal opinion on why this issue is important to them.
- Ask students to share their paragraphs with the class and provide feedback on their writing skills and expressions.
V. 课后作业
1. Ask students to create a poster or a video explaining how they can help wildlife in their neighbourhood, using the vocabulary and phrases they learned in class.
2. Have students research one endangered species in their region and write a report on its conservation status, including possible solutions for its protection.Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Reading and Thinking
1. Students can understand the content of the text and master the main vocabulary and expressions.
2. Students can read the text to learn about the life and threats of the Tibetan antelope, a wild animal on the Tibetan Plateau.
3. Students can analyze the impact of human activities on the living environment of wildlife and think about the importance of protecting wildlife.
4. Cultivate students' environmental awareness and stimulate their enthusiasm for caring and protecting wild animals.
1. Key points: Understand the content of the text, master the main vocabulary and expressions.
2. Difficulty: Analyze the impact of human activities on the living environment of wild animals, and consider the importance of protecting wild animals.
Step 1: Pre-reading (5分钟)
1. Ask students to read the title and subtitle of the text, "A Day in the Clouds".
2. Discuss what they can already guess about the text based on the title and subtitle.
Step 2: While-reading (15分钟)
1. Have students read the text silently while taking notes on key words and phrases.
2. Stop reading after every few paragraphs for a short discussion or question-and-answer session on the content of the text.
3. Encourage students to ask questions if they encounter any difficulties in understanding the text.
Step 3: Post-reading (10分钟)
1. Review key vocabulary and expressions from the text with the whole class.
2. Ask students to summarize the main points of the text in their own words.
3. Discuss how human activities affect the survival of wildlife, such as hunting and habitat destruction.
4. Emphasize the importance of protecting wildlife and preserving their habitats for future generations.
5. Ask students to reflect on their personal actions that may contribute to wildlife endangerment and suggest ways to change their behavior.
Step 4: Homework (5分钟)
1. Ask students to write a short essay on one of the following topics:
- How can we protect wildlife
- What are some ways we can help preserve natural habitats
- Why is it important to learn to live in harmony with nature
2. Encourage students to use new vocabulary and expressions learned in class in their essays.
3. Check and provide feedback on their essays for improvement.Unit 2Wildlife protection
period 2Reading and thinking教学设计
教材分析 The reading passage, titled A Day in the Clouds, tells of the writer’s own experience in the Changtang Nature Reserve, where the Tibetan antelopes are well kept. The rolling sea of clouds around visitors can easily remind students of how high the plains of Tibet are. However, in such high and barren plains, hopes of rescuing Tibetan antelopes never fade away. The Chinese government has set up the Reserve, devoted to the protection of the Tibetan antelope. Thanks to the effective measures taken by the government and individuals, the antelope population has recovered. Through the writer’s experience, he is trying to convey to students a message that humans should live in harmony with nature.
学情分析 The students are from grade one in senior high school in the first semester.As students of grade one,they may find it a little difficult to learn accept new learning contents.And they have mastered basic reading skills before.So it's more important to foster their thinking quality. Students need to analyze and judge the text information to clarify the author's idea. Students need to understand the main information of reading text, understand the author's views and attitude, cultivate reading strategies to distinguish between literal and implicit meaning and learn new words in the text and express their views on the protection of wild species.
学习 目标与核心素养 Language ability Identify the text type. Summarize the main idea of the text and analyze the structure of the bing the problem chain, understand the situation of the Tibetan antelope, the measures taken by the government and local people, and the achievements. Voice your opinions about protecting the wildlife and how tolive in harmony with nature.
Learning ability
Cultural awareness
Thinking qualities
重点 Use different activities to help students understand and grasp the importance of animal protection.
难点 Cultivate students' skimming, skipping and other reading skills and the ability to use knowledge.
教学方法 PWP mode; The activity-based learning approach to EFL; CAI(Computer Assisted Instruction); Cooperative language learning
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
读前准备及导入新课 Step ILead in Activity 1:Look at the pictures below and watch the videos. What kind of wildlife do you know? What do you think the text is about What do you know about the Tibetan antelope and the Changtang National Nature Reserve Have a free talk and speak out something about tourist attraction inEgypt. Look at the picture and the title, predict what the text will tell them. Arouse their interest in the topic and provide basic information for them.This section is aimed at guiding students to use titles and illustrations to aid reading.
读中环节 Activity1: Read for the main idea of each paragraph and structure. Activity2: Read for details Read for details in each paragraph through questions. Activity3: Read the textagain and answer thequestions. Activity4: The writer says that we must change our way of life and learn to live in harmony with nature in order to save our planet. Do you agree What do you think we should do or change Read the passages quickly and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. Then analyze the structure of the text. Find the answers to the questions. Read the text carefully and identify which is literal meaning or implied. Work in groups and discuss the questions. This part aims to cultivate students' ability to pay attention to the structure of paragraphs and extract the key words of sentences, so as to pave the way for the following details of reading. These activities include factual detail questions, Checking answers help Ss to have a better understanding of the content in the text, which also prepares Ss for the retelling. Have a better understanding of which is literal meaning or implied. Use what they have learnt to express ideas on wildlife protection.
读后环节 Learn about elephants and completing the passage. Underline the sentences on the text, and complete the following questions in groups. Find out the useful expressions in the passage. Use the phrases learnt today to express their ideas on the following questions. Enable the students to think creatively based on the information learnt from the passage. Enable to express their understanding of how to solve problems.
作业 Collect information about one kind of endangered animals and write a passage. Extend the knowledge and skills learned in this class beyond the classroom.Unit 2 课文预习学案
1.What is the main purpose of the passage
A. To describe the beauty of Tibetan antelopes
B.To discuss the dangers faced by Tibetan antelopes
C.To explain the role of the Changtang National Nature Reserve
D.To advocate for changing our way of life to protect wildlife
2.What is the main reason that Tibetan antelopes are hunted
A. Because they are dangerous to other animals.
B. Because their fur is valuable.
C. Because they damage new roads and railways.
D. Because they are are beautiful.
3.Why were new roads and railways a threat to Tibetan antelopes
A.They made it easier for hunters to find them.
B. They caused the population to drop by 50 percent.
C. They decreased the size of their habitats.
D.They prevented the antelopes from moving easily.
4 What is Zhaxi's attitude towards protecting the Tibetan antelopes
A. He sees it as a way to make a profit.
B. He believes it is a sacred duty to protect the wildlife.
C. He is indifferent to the work.
D. He thinks the government should take on the responsibility.
5. Whydoes the government continue to protect the Tibetan antelope
A. Because they are a valuable resource for the economy.
B. Because they are still facing threats to their survival.
C. Because their population has not yet recovered enough.
D. Because they are a symbol of national pride.
6.The author most likely implies that_______
A. The Tibetan antelope is still an endangered species.
B. Wildlife protection is only the responsibility of the governments.
C. Efforts at conservation have been successful, but there is more to be done.
D.Protecting animals has nothing to do withour way of life .
1.rest several times on the short hike from cam
2.snow-covered mountains
3.disappear into clouds
4.almost close enough to touch
5. make out a herd of graceful animals
6.be struck by their beauty
7. be reminded of...
8. a shelter for the animals and plants
9.drop by more than 50 percent
10.shoot antelopes to make profits
11.save this species from extinction
12.place it under national protection
13.watch over the antelopes day and night
14.keep them safe from attacks
15.keep them safe from cars and trains
16. add to bridges and gates
17.be removed from the endangered species list
18.the threats to the Tibetan antelope
19.be a threat to wildlife and to our planet
20.change the way of life
21.exist in harmony with nature
1.To our left, snow-covered mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch.
2.This is why we’re here—to observe Tibetan antelopes.
3.They are being hunted, illegally, for their valuable fur.
4. To Zhaxi, the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life.
5. Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe from cars and trains.
6. The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.
7. Much is being done to protect wildlife, but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life.
8.Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
8.只有学会与大自然和谐相处,我们才不会成为野生动植物和地球的威胁。Unit2 Wildlife Protection
Reading for writing
Motto:When the buying stops, the killing can too. 没有买卖,就没有杀戮。
Ⅰ. learning aims
To know how to write a practical writing.
Improve student’s consciousness of protecting nature.
Ⅱ. learning guidance and tests
Learning guidance Tests
Lead-in What are they _______________________________________________________________________________ What do you think of them _______________________________________________________________________________
22.2. Reading Look at the posters, and answer questions: Task 1 What does each poster use to stir up emotions _______________________________________________________________________________ Who do you think is the intended audience for each poster Why do you think so _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What does each poster want people to do How do you know _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ In your opinion, which poster is more effective Why ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are the contents of the poster _______________________________________________________________________________
Task 2 True or false ( ) 1. Pandas and dolphins belong to cute animals. ( ) 2. Cute animals are more important than ugly animals. ( ) 3. Cute animals are less important than ugly animals. ( ) 4. Human mustn’t cut down trees. ( ) 5. Animals like Koalas are losing their homes, because too many trees are being cut down.
3. Writing Writing contents: Subject line ( two forms of title: ①use “poster”directly;②Write the title according to the content of the poster. Text (body) (The language is vivid and concise, the forms of expression are illustration, art, chart and so on.) Signature of sponsor (State the organizer and date) Attention: A poster should be attractive concise.
Writing steps. Write a title, and then collect the information you need. Write the name of the species. Use a powerful image to attract the readers' attention to the facts and problems. Tell the readers what you want them to think and do.
Useful words and phrases: Sb be welcome to... Ahead of time Expect sb to do sth. When it comes to...
Ⅲ. Consolidation
Level A Translation
Level B Writing
)Reading for writing
I 短语默写
1. 当......的时候 ________________
2. 应该被平等对待 ________________
3. 注意到 ________________
4. 不那么聪明的动物 ________________
5. 正在被砍伐 ________________
6. .....的一部分 ______________
7. 使动物无家可归 ________________
8. 目的是 ________________
9. 激发情感 ________________
10. 目标受众 ________________
II 单句语法填空
1. When it comes to wildlife ___________ (protect), all species---the good, the bad, and the ugly---should be treated ________ (equal).
2. We must pay attention ______ less cute animals, too.
3. So if you want the future _________ (be) beautiful, you have to give ugly _____ chance.
4. Billions of trees _________________________ (cut) down every year __________ (make) paper for humans.
5. Every tree ______ is cut down is a part of the habitat of animals.
6. In this way a lot of animal homes ___________________________ (destroy)!
7. Is it right ___________ (make) animals homeless so _______ humans can have more paper
Unit 2课文复习---Reading for writing答案
I 短语默写
1. 当......的时候 when it comes to
2. 应该被平等对待 should be treated equally
3. 注意到 pay attention to
4. 不那么聪明的动物 less cute animals
5. 正在被砍伐 are being cut down
6. .....的一部分 a part of
7. 使动物无家可归 make animals homeless
8. 目的是 so that
9. 激发情感 stir up emotions
10. 目标受众 the intended audience
II 单句语法填空
1. When it comes to wildlife protection (protect), all species---the good, the bad, and the ugly---should be treated equally (equal).
2. We must pay attention to less cute animals, too.
3. So if you want the future to be (be) beautiful, you have to give ugly a chance.
4. Billions of trees are being cut/are cut (cut) down every year to make (make) paper for humans.
5. Every tree that is cut down is a part of the habitat of animals.
6. In this way a lot of animal homes are being destroyed/are destroyed (destroy)!
7. Is it right to make (make) animals homeless so that humans can have more paper unit2
species n. 物种(单复同形) endangered species
endanger vt. 危害
die out 灭亡;逐渐消失
live v. 生活/life—n. 生活
living adj. 居住的;活的/n. 生活
alive adj. 活着的
extinct adj. 已灭绝的 become/be extinct
extinction n. 灭绝 mass extinction
reduce vt. 减少 be reduced to despair/tears
due adj. 由于;到期的/n. 所得 due to/be due to do sth
mass adj. 大量的;广泛的/n. 堆;群
massive adj. 大规模的;极好的
alarming adj. 惊人的
alarmed adj. 感到惊恐的
alarm vt. 使惊慌/n. 警报
scare vt. 使惊恐/n. 惊恐
scared adj. 感到害怕的
scaring adj. 感到害怕的
scary adj. 骇人的;恐怖的
rate n. 速度;比率/vt. 划分等级 at an alarming rate
rating n. 等级;级别
habitat n. 栖息地 habitat loss/destruction
habit n. 习惯
attack n/v. 攻击;抨击 under attack
aware adj. 知道;发觉 be aware of/that
awareness n. 意识 raise awareness
average n. 平均数/adj. 平均的 on average
concern vt. 涉及;让…担忧 be concerned about sth
concerned adj. 担忧的;挂念的 be concerned with
concerning prep. 关于…
adapt v. 适应 adapt (oneself) to
adaptation n. 改编 adapt…from…
adopt v. 收养;采纳 adopt a cat/a proposal
adjust v. 调整;习惯
measure n. 措施 take measures to do sth
vt. 测量;测量为
authority n. 官方;当权
intend v. 打算 intend to do sth
intention n. 意图 be intended for sb
pressure n. 压力;要求 under pressure
press v. 按压/n. 媒体 press conference
reserve n. 保护区;储藏/vt. 预订 nature reserve
reservation n. 预订
exist vi. 存在 exist in harmony with nature
existence n. 存在
stir vt. 激发 stir up
plain n. 平原/adj. 明了的;直率的;平凡的
observe vt. 观察;遵守
beauty n. 美;美好的事务
beautiful adj. 美丽的
remind vt. 提醒;使想起
remind sb of sth 使某人想起…
shoot-shot-shot v. 射杀;发射
profit n. 利润;利益
effective adj. 有效的
effect n. 效果
affect v. 影响
affection n. 感情
recover v. 恢复;找回
recovery n. 恢复
remove vt. 去除
threat n. 威胁
threaten v. 威胁
harmony n. 和谐;融洽
harmonious adj. 和谐的
illegal adj. 不合法的
illegally adv.
legal adj. 合法的
hunt vi. 打猎;追捕
immediately adv. 立刻
immediate adj.
goods n. 商品;货物
creature n. 生物
shark n. 鲨鱼
deer n. 鹿
kangaroo n. 袋鼠
whale n. 鲸
insect n. 昆虫
net n. 网
neighbourhood n. 社区;街区
search for 搜索;查找
dolphin n. 海豚
emotion n. 情绪
skin n. 皮肤
unusual adj. 不寻常的
abnormal adj. 反常的
prince n. 王子
princess n. 公主
make progress 进步
progress n. 进步;进展
poster n. 海报
make out 看清;听清;分清
on earth (疑问)究竟;到底
watch over 保护;照管;监督
day and night 日日夜夜Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
Post a picture/ poster
Visual feast
Visual effect
Be content with
To one’s heart’s content
Content ourselves with
Illegal hunting
Die out
Die down
At an alarming rate
Go extinct
Mass extinction
Be aware of
Raise one’s awarenss
Above average
On average
An average student
Natural habitats
Be concerned about
Concerning= regarding= about
As far as i am concerned
Be concerned with
A growing concern over
Adapt to
Take measures to do
Some measure of joy
Safety measures
In full measures
Be under pressure
Author- authorize-authority
Stand for
Shoulder responsibility
Take on responsibility
Take responsibility for= be responsible for
Oil reserves
Reserve the right to
It took my last reserves of strength to do
She overcame her natural reserve (shyness)
In reserve
Make a reservation
In the air (There was a sense of excitement in the air)
On air
Walk/float on air
In plain English
In plain clothes
Be plain with sb
Remind sb of sth
Shelter sb from
Make profits
Profit from
Save...from extinction
Keep sb from attack
Recover from(recovery)
Intend to do
Be intended for
Have no intention of
Pose a threat to
Threaten to do
Be struck by
Hunt for
Be in harmony with/ harmonious
Come into existence
A touch of
Get in touch
Put the finishing touches to
Take measure to do
In full measures
A measure of
Be based on
Basic understanding of
On the basis of...
Continue to do/ continuous
Due to
Express his concern over
When it comes to
Pay attention to
Treat A as B
Without variety
Stir up emotions
The intended audience
Carry out
At a loss
Give feedback on
Support his family
Adapt to...
Put up with
Be concerned about
Be aware of
Stir up public interest
Be far from...
In an effort to
Equip sb with
Be worth doing
Be worthy of respect
It is worthwhile to do
Offer to do
Arrange for sb to do sth
Arrange with sb. About sth
Arranged marriage
Make arrangements for
Be similar to...高频单词
1.___________n 物种
2.___________adj 大量的,广泛的n 大量,堆,群
3.___________n 生活环境,栖息地
4.___________vt &vi 射杀,射伤,发射
5.___________n 商品,货物
6.__________n 生物,动物
7.__________n 昆虫
8.__________n 海报__________v 邮寄,贴出,宣告
9.__________adj 不合法的,非法的__________adv不合法地,非法地____________adj 合法的,法定的
10.__________vt&vi打猎,搜寻,追捕_________n 猎人__________n 狩猎
11.__________adv 立刻__________adj 立即的
12.__________adj惊人的,使人惊恐的_________vt 使惊恐,使害怕__________adj 感到惊恐的
13._________n 速度,比率 vt 划分等级__________n 等级,级别
14._________adj 已灭绝的___________ n 灭绝的
15.__________adj 知道的,有…..的意识的_________n 意识,知道,认识
16.__________vt使遭受危险,危害__________adj 有危险的,濒临灭绝的
17.__________vt 涉及,让…..担忧___________adj担心的,关切的___________ prep关于
18.___________adj 居住的,活的,n 生活,生计__________v 活,活着,___________adj 活泼的,活着的
19.__________vi适应 ___________n 改编本,改写本_____________adj能适应的,适合的
20.__________n 压力__________v 按,挤,压,榨出
21.__________n 措施,方法___________adj 可测量的,显著的__________n 尺寸,度量
22.__________n 保护区,储藏 vt 预定,预留, 保留____________adj留作专用的,储备的,预定的____________n 保留,预约,预定
23.__________n 平原 adj 简单明了的,直率的,平凡的__________adv 清楚地,明显地,坦率地
24.__________vt观察,注视,遵守__________n 观察,观察力,观测____________观察者,观测者___________n天文台,瞭望台,气象台
25._________n 美人,美好的东西__________adj 美丽的,漂亮的
26.__________vt提醒,使想起___________n 提醒者,提醒物,令人回忆的东西
27___________n 利润,利益___________adj有利润的,赚钱的,有利益的
28._________n &vi&vt攻击,抨击___________n 抨击者,进攻者
29._________vi恢复,康复 vt 找回,寻回________n 重获,恢复,复苏
30.__________vt移开,去除,脱去___________adj可移动的,可去掉的___________n 移动,搬迁
31.__________vi&vt打算,计划,想要__________n 意图,目的__________ adj企图的,故意的,策划的
32.___________n 威胁__________vt威胁,危及__________adj险恶的,要变坏的
33.__________vi生存,存在__________n 存在,生活,实在___________adj 现存的,现行的
34.___________n 和谐,融洽__________adj和睦的,和谐的,调和的
35.__________vt减少__________n 减少,缩小,消减,下降
36._________n 网 adj 净得的,纯的
37_________n 情感,情绪__________adj情绪的,情感的__________adv在情绪上__________adj不露情感的
38.__________adj特别的,不寻常的_________adj 平常的,惯例的,通常的
39._________adj有效的,生效的_________n 效果,影响
40.authority n_______________
41.fin n____________________
42.sacred adj_________________
43.stir vt_____________________
44.herb n____________________
45.Dolphin n__________________
46.fur n______________________
47.prince n___________________
49.kangaroo n________________
50.due adj__________________
1. 究竟,到底__________________
2. 灭亡,逐渐消失______________
3. 意识到,知道________________
4. 取得进步____________________
5. 看清,听清,分清_____________
6. watch over______________________
7. day and night____________________
8. due to__________________________
9. search for________________________
10. stir up___________________________