人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection课件(5份打包)
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文件大小 78.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-22 19:13:48


Unit2 Wildlife Protection
-- discovering useful structures
What are they doing
The hunters are killing animals.
Many people are killing whales.
The police is feeding wild animals.
The man is saving a baby monkey.
present continuous tense
Make a comparison
We clean the classroom every day.
The classroom is cleaned by us every day.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Passive Voice
African elephants are being hunted.
What is being done to help them
What measures are being taken to help them
They are being hunted, illegaly, for their fur. (para.2)
Much is being done to protect wildlife. (para.7)
Present Continuous Passive Voice
Discover the structure
African elephants are being hunted.
What measures are being taken to help them
They are being hunted, illegaly, for their fur.
Much is being done to protect wildlife.
be+being done
Present Continuous Passive Voice
am/is/are(not)+ being done
Verb forms Structure
肯定形式 am/is/are + being done
否定形式 am/is/are + not being done
疑问形式 Am/Is/Are +主语+being done
African elephants are being hunted.
What measures are being taken to help them
They are being hunted, illegaly, for their fur.
Much is being done to protect wildlife.
Change the sentences
People are hunting African elephants.
What measures are people taking to help them
People are hunting them, illegaly, for their fur.
People are doing much to protect wildlife.
The hunters are killing animals.
Many people are killing whales.
The police is feeding wild animals.
The man is saving a baby monkey.
The animals are being killed by the hunters.
The whales are being killed by many people.
Wild animals are being fed by the police.
A baby monkey is being saved by the man.
Search some information to write an article about the current situation of wildlife, using the present continuous passive voice, no less than 120 words.(共17张PPT)
Unit 2
Listening and Speaking
Talk about saving endangered wildlife
When the buying stops, the killing can too.
What does this saying tell us
Business is one of the reasons for killing wildlife. When there is no needs in buying wildlife products, the killing can stop.
WildAid's mission is to be an ambassador for wildlife rescue and habitation across the world. This is a non-profit, non-governmental organization.The motto of WildAid is protecting wildlife, reducing demand.
视频:Blue Whale
To predict what you will hear before listening by looking at pictures, charts, videos and other visuals
To get the information about the situation of wildlife and the problems wildlife faces
To talk about the endangered animals and their protection
目标一:To predict what will you hear before listening by looking at pictures, chars, videos and other visuals
Activity 1: Look through page 14 and page 15, find out the new words and phrases, read them in pairs. Then read together as a whole and share their usage.
poster, average, concerned, living,
adapt, measure, authority, pressure, whale
Activity 2: Before you listen, discuss these questions in pairs.
1. What message do these posters share
2.Which one moves you the most Why
Endangered animals
Humans’ behaviour
Limited time: urgency
2.The second poster moves me the most because it is very bad that whole species are being lost, and the image of animals falling through an hourglass shows how serious it is and how time is running out to protect these species …
Activity 3: Look at the picture and the titile, predict what the passage is about.
This paragraph is about the situation of wildlife animals.
Use visuals to predict content:
Before you listen, look at pictures, charts, videos, and other visuals to help you predict what you will hear.
目标二:To get the information about the situation of wildlife
and the problems wildlife faces
Our planet’s ____________ is dying out at an alarming rate. Between 150 and 200 species are becoming extinct every day.
This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat _________, and pollution. We must make people aware of the problem and help ___________ the endangered wildlife before it's too late!
Activity 1: Listen to the first part and fill in the blanks.
Activity 2: Listen to the first part and answer the questions.
1.How many elephants are killed on average every day
2.What did Prince William say about China
A.China has made a lot of progress.
B.China can become a global leader in wildlife protection.
C.China preserves its natural habitats well.

Activity 3: Discuss the following questions in groups.
1.What does “Change begins with you” mean Please discuss in groups.
Everyone is responsible to make small changes to protect wildlife.
One small step can lead to big change.
Everyone can begin to protect wildlife from now.
2.What other factors do you think have caused the mass extinction
Wildlife business (clothes, catering); agriculture; loss of habitat…
3.How can we make people aware of the problems
By making posters, recording videos, establishing policies...
4.How will you change to protect wildlife
I am going to be a volunteer to advocate protecting wildlife.
I will ask my family do not buy any products made by the fur of wildlife animals.
目标三:To talk about the endangered animals and their protection
Activity 1: In pairs, discuss the questions, role-play the example, and then talk about one of the animals in the photos below.
1.What do you know about the animals in the photos
2.What is being done to help them
Think about the their habitat, diet. Are they endangered or not …
Think about nature reserve, official or non-official organisations, policies…
A: I’m concerned about the African elephants. What do you know about them
B: Well, I know that they’re being hunted and their habitat is getting smaller, so they’re in danger of extinction. Elephants need large living spaces, so it’s difficult for them to adapt to the changes.
A: That’s terrible. What measures are being taken to help them
B: The authorities are under pressure to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products.
Activity 1: Work in pairs. Read the words aloud to each other, and put them into the correct groups. and stand for stressed syllables ( for primary stress, and for secondary stress), and for unstressed syllable.
alarming announcement authority architecture civilization
competition contribution electricity investigate literary
recommend responsibility vocabulary volunteer refrigerator
EXAMPLE: __________ __________
2. Check your answers with another pair. Then listen and repeat.
3. Listen to the conversation in Activity 5, paying attention to the stress patterns of the polysyllabic words and repeat them.
1.What can we look at to predict content before listening
2.Do you know other endangered wildlife What are they (共15张PPT)
Unit 2
Listening and Talking
Help the wildlife in your neighbourhood
视频:Bird Protection Reserve
To get the information about bird protection by listening
To express purpose clearly in talking
目标一:To get the information about bird protection by listening
Activity 1: Match the words with the pictures.
1.binoculars _______
2.bird feeder _______
3. bird field guide _______
What’s the function of each item
bird feeder
bird field guide
feeding birds
enough food
providing a safe place
watching birds
not bothering birds
getting information
identifying birds
Activity 2: Listen and answer the questions.
Who are the teenagers
Where are they
What are they doing
Why are they doing it
It’s interesting and you can practise it anywhere.
They’re searching for new wild birds and looking them up in their field guide.
They’re from a birdwatching club.
In the Qinling Mountains.
目标二:To express purpose clearly in talking
Activity 1: Choose the right ending for each sentence.
2.Build bird feeders ______________.
3.Use a bird field guide____________________.
4.Put paper cut-outs on windows_________________.
A. in order to identify birds
B. so that birds do not crash into them
C. to make sure that birds have enough food
D. are used for watching birds from far away
Binoculars are used for watching birds from far away.
2. Build bird feeders ______________.
Build bird feeders for wild birds to make sure that birds have enough food.
Use a bird field guide in order to identify birds.
Put paper cut-outs on windows so that birds do not crash into them.
3.Use a bird field guide____________.
4.Put paper cut-outs on windows_____________.
Do you know how to express purposes in English
Expressing purposes
This is used for …
I did it to / in order to / so as to …
He has done it so that / in order that…
to do sth.
in order to do sth.
so as to do sth.
in order that…
so that…
for sth.
in case+ 从句
for fear + 从句
My father began to study computer so that/in order that he might keep up with times.
My father began to study computer so as to/in order to/to keep up with times.
My father began to study computer in case/for fear that he would be left behind.
Activity 2: Listen again and use the phrases you hear to fill in the blanks.
1.They got up early ________________ search for wild birds.
2.I’ve brought a field guide ____________ we can look up the birds we see.
3.My dad gave me the binoculars _________________ we can see the birds better.
4.Birdwatching clubs clean up habitats, build bird feeders, and put paper cut-outs on windows _______________ protect birds.
so as to
so that
in order that
in order to
Activity 3: Think of other wildlife in your neighbourhood and their needs. Discuss their needs and solutions in groups.
What can you do to care for them
Think about:
What animals
Solutions (benefit)
wild cats
food, shelter…
Put out boxes (shelter when it’s cold or wet outside)
A: I often see wild cats in our neighbourhood. Maybe we should do something to care for them.
B: Should we put out bowls of food for them
C: Sure, and I think we could also put out boxes or other things for them so that they can find shelter when it’s cold or wet outside.
1.Can you tell your experience of helping the wildlife in your neighbourhood
2.Can you use the phrases of expressing purposes (共9张PPT)
Writing:protect animals
假定你是李华,你校英语报即将举行一场主题为”Save Endangered Animals”的海报设计大赛。 请你以学生会主席的身份用英语面向全校学生写一份倡议书(appeal),提醒人们保护扬子鳄(Chinese alligator)。内容包括:
1. 描述现状:过去五十年数量减少了百分之八十
2. 具体原因:栖息地减少;
3. 具体措施:建立自然保护区;
倡议对象:全校学生 Dear schoolmates:
倡议人身份:学生会主席李华 I am the president of students union…
倡议主题:保护扬子鳄 protect Chinese alligator
落款 Thank you!
Step 1
2. 扬子鳄的数量在过去五十年减少了百分之八十
3. 扬子鳄的数量的减少是因为以下的原因
The number of Chinese alligator drop by over the past fifty years
The number of Chinese alligator dropped by 80% over the past fifty years.
population reduction due to following reasons
The reduction of the population of Chinese alligator is due to the following reasons.
1. 扬子鳄正在以惊人的速度灭绝 die out at an alarming rate
Chinese alligator is dying out at an alarming rate.
Step 2
1. 其中一个原因是扬子鳄栖息地的流失 one of the reasons is habitat loss
One of the reasons is the habitat loss.
2. 环境污染是另一个原因 another reason environment pollution
Environment pollution is another reason.
3. 在这些原因中,主要的原因是人类非法猎杀扬子鳄以获取利益
main reason illegal hunting make profits
Among the reasons, the main reason is that people hunt Chinese alligators to make profits.
4. 我们必须采取措施来保护扬子鳄的时代到来了 take measures to do sth
There comes a time that we must take measures to protect Chinese alligator.
Step 3
1. 只有当我们建立了自然保护区,动物才能获得一个安全的环境
Only when… +半倒装 natural reserve safe environment
Only when we establish natural reserve can animal gain a safe environment.
2. 濒危动物提醒我们保护环境刻不容缓
endangered species remind sb to do sth/that immediately
Endangered species reminded us that we must protect the environment immediately.
3. 法律体系必须被建立以防止非法猎杀 law system prevent illegal hunting
Law system must be established to prevent illegal hunting.
Ending: 收尾两句话,请同学们自己思考加上去
Dear schoolmates:
I am Li Hua, the president of school union. Today I’m calling on all the students to protect the endangered species---Chinese alligator.
Chinese alligator is dying out at an alarming rate. The number of Chinese alligator has dropped by 80% over the past fifty years.
The reduction of the population of Chinese alligator is due to the following reasons.
One of the reasons is the habitat loss. Environment pollution is another reason. Among the reasons, the main reason is that people hunt Chinese alligators to make profits. Therefore, there comes a time that we must take measures to protect Chinese alligator.
Only when we establish natural reserve can animals gain a safe environment. At the same time, endangered species remind us that we must protect the environment immediately. Last but not least, law system must be established to prevent illegal hunting.
Thank you!
Chinese alligator whose number has dropped by 80% over the past fifty years is dying out at an alarming rate.
1. 倡议的主题
2. 发出倡议的原因
3. 倡议的主要内容
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
sentence pattern
Learning aims:
1) To learn these sentences pattern usage:
This is why..../This is because/only+时间状语从句
2) To use them freely.
Self-learning guidance 1:(2')
1. learn the three sentences of This/ That is why on P26 “观察思考”.
2. finish the “探究总结”.
3. can do some exercises “应用实践”.
This/That is why... 这就是...的原因, 表语从句, 表示结果
This/That is because... 这是因为... 表语从句, 表示原因
This/That is the reason why 这就是...的原因, why 引导定语从句
The reason why... is that... ...的原因是..., why 引导定语从句,
that 引导表语从句
finish P26 “应用实践”

Tom was late for work. That is because he overslept this morning
The reason why Tom was late for work is that he overslept this morning
Tom overslept this morning. That is the reason why he was late for work.
Self-learning guidance 2:(2')
1. learn the four sentences of only+时间状语从句 on P26 “观察思考”.
2. finish the “探究总结”.
3. can do some exercises “应用实践”.
only +状语从句放在句首, 主句用部分倒装结构(把助动词/ 情态动词/ be动词提到主语前面)
only位于句首修饰做状语的副词/ 介词短语时, 句子要用部分倒装, “只有...才...”
finish P26 “应用实践”

did they walk out of
Only if you study hard will you pass the exam.
can you feel
This/ That is...
This/ That is because
This/ That is why
The reason why ...is that...
only+状语从句, 位于句首
Only 位于句首修饰做状语的副词/ 介词短语时
This/ That is the reason why
1. review what you have learned
2. recited them and dictate them to hand in your group monitor
3.write your mistakes in relevant notebook
4. do all the rest exercises in class
5. do all the exercises in exercise book and if possible review next class