人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life复习学案 (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life复习学案 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 57.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-25 19:05:39



1.True     (adult) are able to distinguish between what they have to do and what they want to do.
2.I'm so grateful to all those     (volunteer) because they helped carry me through difficult times.
3.She dropped her purse and the     (content) fell out on the floor.
4.I had the operation on the     (recommend) of my doctor.
5.When starting college, most students enjoy a week's stay on campus before classes     (actual) begin.
6.The     (solve), of course, was to plant trees so that the animals could seek shelter during the daytime.
1.He was really     by the     problem which also     other people for a long time.(confuse)
2.The student is a game     ,even though his father has been trying to prevent him from being     to computer games,which are very     .(addict)
3.The     worker kept on studying     technology and made great     .(advance)
4.This kind of feature is normally associated with products     the attention of the customers,producing larger profits due to this     .(attract)
5.I don't have anything that is     to wear for the party because I don't know what     me best. (suit)
6.When talking about my reading     ,I think I     science books.(prefer)
1.Teenage life is full of adventures and challenges. Some teenagers like to do volunteer work and others prefer extra-curricular activities, such as organizing debates, studying literature and dancing, and they are good ①     some of them. But more people sign up ②     advanced courses suitable ③     their taste. They feel there is a generation gap between themselves and adults, so experts are trying to find a suitable solution.
2.Johnson is a freshman. He is so attracted ④     Chinese literature that he has quit his studies in Chicago and come to China. Obviously, with the help of his teacher, his Chinese has improved greatly and he can speak fluent Chinese now. According to the schedule, he will graduate ⑤     the famous university next year. He is focusing ⑥     ancient Chinese literature and is addicted ⑦     Tang poetry. The topic of his research content is “The differences between Eastern and Western literature”. A teacher responsible ⑧     the research has recommended some classical Chinese literature to him.
1.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.(动名词作主语)
2.I'll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.(so that)
3.I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and it'll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.(“It is+adj./n.+to do sth”句型)
  The reason why their friendship has lasted as long as it has is that they respect each other's privacy. A hedge between keeps friendship green.他们的友谊能维持这么长时间,是因为他们尊重彼此的隐私。君子之交淡如水。
  Being a good friend is not pretending that everything your friend is doing is OK. We all make mistakes, and sometimes it is up to our friends to point them out—lovingly, of course.做一个好朋友并不是假装你的朋友所做的一切都是好的。我们都会犯错误,有时要由我们的朋友来指出——当然是充满爱意地指出。
1.prefer vt.(preferred, preferred)更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) (preference n.偏爱;爱好;喜爱)
①(2022·全国甲)Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils, instead     (prefer) to use their hands.
prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth 与……相比更喜欢……
prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做……而不愿做……
prefer (sb) to do sth 宁愿/更喜欢(某人)做某事
have a preference for 对……有偏好
in preference to 先于;在……之前
prefer不用于进行时;prefer相当于like better,所以prefer不可与比较级连用。
②Harry comes from Shanghai, so he prefers rice     noodles.
③A teacher should not show     (prefer) for any one of his pupils.
④(2023·广西南宁三中期末·写作)The reason               is that it always reminds me of the splendid traditional Chinese culture.我更喜欢古典音乐,是因为它总是让我想起灿烂的中国传统文化。
2.challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向……挑战 (challenging adj.具有挑战性的
challenger n.挑战者)
①(2022·全国乙)With busy schedules, squeezing in phone calls can be     challenge. Try to find a time that works for both of you and stick to it.
(be) a challenge to...对……是挑战
face a challenge面对挑战
accept/take up a challenge接受挑战
challenge sb to sth向某人挑战某事
challenge sb to do sth向某人挑战做某事
②On no condition can we give up our dreams; only if we can stick to our dreams will we be able to get over all kinds of     (challenge).
③Teaching young children is a     (challenge) and rewarding job.
④(2023·成都七中月考·写作)No matter what difficulties he meets, he will            .不管遇到什么困难,他都会接受挑战。
3.recommend vt.推荐;建议;介绍;劝告 (recommendation n.推荐;介绍信 近义词:suggest, advise)
①(2021·新高考Ⅰ)If I had to make just one     (recommend) for where to stay in Rome, it would be Yellow Hostel.
recommend doing sth 建议做某事
recommend sb to do sth 建议某人做某事
recommend that sb (should) do sth 建议某人做某事(从句用虚拟语气)
recommend sth to sb 把某物推荐给某人
recommend sb as... 推荐某人为……
doing形式。类似用法的词还有allow、 advise、 forbid、 permit等。
②He doesn't recommend     (go) to central mountains.
③We'd recommend you     (book) your flight early.
④(2023·河北衡水模拟·写作)I hope             will be of great help to you.我希望我向你推荐的东西对你有很大的帮助。
4.advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前 n.前进;进步 (advanced adj.先进的;高级的)
①(2022·北京)In the latest UN report on global food security, the number of undernourished(营养不良)people in the world has been rising, despite great      (advance) in nutrition science.
in advance (=ahead of time)提前;预先
in advance of 在……前面;超过
make an advance in sth 在某方面有进步
②To catch the early flight, we ordered a taxi     advance and got up very early.
③They brought in     (advance) technology to increase their production.
④(2019·全国Ⅲ·写作)I'd appreciate it if you let me know                   .如果您提前告知我您是否有空,我将感激不尽。
5. quit vi.& vt.(quit, quit)停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等) (quitter n.有始无终的人)
①(2021·浙江1月)At first I got jammed just above my eyes and then, as I went on with my task, unwilling     (quit), my nose briefly prevented entry.
quit doing... 停止做……
quit office/one's job 离职
quit school 辍学
②Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people quit     (smoke).
③The way to get started is     (quit) talking and begin doing.
④(2023·河北唐山模拟·写作)            and quitters never win.成功者永不放弃,放弃者永不成功。
6. responsible adj.负责的;有责任的 (responsibility n.责任;职责;义务)
①(2022·全国乙)China has a     (responsible) to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry.
be responsible for 对(某行为)负责;是……的原因
take responsibility for... 对……有责任;对……负责
It is one's responsibility to do sth. 做某事是某人的职责。
a sense of responsibility 责任感
②Dr Lin Qiaozhi once said, “As doctors,we should be responsible     the patients and treat them as our sisters.”
③It is the secretary's responsibility     (make) arrangements for the meeting.
④(2023·陕西宝鸡模拟·写作)What is most important is that                  good use of water. 最重要的是,充分利用水资源是每个人的责任。
7.attract vt.吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣) (attraction n.吸引力;吸引人的事物 attractive adj.有吸引力的;引起注意的)
①(2022·全国甲)On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has its     (attract). I considered this when I met a thoughtful young businessman named Anthony.
attract one's attention 吸引某人的注意力
attract sb to sth 吸引某人关注某事
a tourist attraction 旅游景点
attraction意为“名胜;吸引人的事物”时,为可数名词; 意为“魅力;吸引力”时,为不可数名词。
②One of the main     (attract) of the job is the high salary.
③It's this strange form that makes race walking such an     (attract) activity, however, says Jaclyn Norberg.
④He was attracted by the beauty and he didn't want to leave right now.
→            ,he didn't want to leave right now.(过去分词短语作状语)
8. focus vt.&vi.集中(精力、注意力等);使调节焦距 n.中心;焦点 (focused adj.专注的)
①(2022·浙江)“We focus     urban areas where access to nature is often not that easy,” says Hartley.
focus on/upon 集中(精力、注意力)于
focus one's attention/eyes/energy on...集中注意力/目光/精力于……
the focus of attention/concern 关注的重点
表示“集中注意力于……”的短语还有concentrate one's attention on...、pay attention to...等。
②     (focus) his attention on urgent problems, he hardly has time to play games with you.
③With his attention     (focus) on his homework, he forgot all about what I had told him.
④(2023·武汉三中月考·写作)As is known to us,health and environmental problems                   .众所周知,健康和环境问题已成为关注的焦点。
9.become addicted to 沉迷于……
be/get addicted to... 沉迷于……;迷上……
addict oneself to 沉溺于……
①I took up skiing a couple of years ago and I found it quite     (addict).
②Addicted to     (play) the violin, he didn't notice a man walk into his house.
③(2023·重庆一中模拟·写作)             , the boy didn't want to study.这个男孩沉迷于电脑游戏,不想学习。
10.make it+adj./n.(+for sb)+to do sth
(P18)But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.但是在网上花太多时间是不健康的,而且让人们很难集中精力在生活中的其他事情上。
句中的“makes it...in life”为“make it+adj./n.(+for sb)+to do sth”结构。在此结构中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语在宾补之后。
①People in the Western countries make it a rule     (buy) Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.
②He is stubborn, which makes     no use quarrelling with him about it.
③In his introduction, he             our credits would be hard-earned.在他的介绍中,他明确表示,我们的学分会很难得到。
维度1 词法强化练
1.(2022·全国乙)Because of their lack of self-discipline, they're more easily addicted to     (chat) online or playing games.
2.(2022·新高考Ⅰ)They discovered that the upper and lower front teeth of ancient human     (adult) were aligned(对齐), making it hard to produce labiodentals,which are formed by touching the lower lip to the upper teeth.
3.(2022·全国乙)It is believed that today's children and teenagers are consuming three times the     (recommend) level of sugar, putting them at a higher risk of the disease.
4.(2022· 新高考Ⅱ)Teachers and chaperones should model good     (behave) for the group and remain with students at all times.
5.(2021·全国甲)A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes, the organization of the event, and,     (obvious), how much fun is had.
6.(2021·新高考Ⅰ)Language researchers say pronunciation and     (fluent) are the biggest barriers, followed by grammar, in effective spoken English.
7.My classmates and I usually work as     (volunteer) in the library at weekends.
8.The girl     (attract) to the beauty of nature, so she decided to spend another two days there.
9.Each parent has     (responsible) to bring up and educate their children.
维度2 写作增分练
We had an argument over                   outer space explorations at a class meeting the other day.
After the principal delivered an inspiring speech,we made an oath that we should                  from now on.
             , he doesn't know what it takes to start a business here.
He hurried to the station              the early train.
              rather than sit there doing nothing.
Firstly,because my spoken English is fluent,I think I              .
  By day, Robert Titterton is a lawyer.In his spare time he goes on stage beside pianist Maria Raspopova—not as a musician but as her page turner.“I'm not a trained musician, but I've learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her performance.”
Mr Titterton is chairman of the Omega Ensemble but has been the group's official page turner for the past four years.His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn't have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves.He said he became just as nervous as those playing instruments on stage.
“A lot of skills are needed for the job.You have to make sure you don't turn two pages at once and make sure you find the repeats in the music when you have to go back to the right spot,” Mr Titterton explained.
Being a page turner requires plenty of practice. Some pieces of music can go for 40 minutes and
require up to 50 page turns, including back turns for repeat passages.Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of “nodding” to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.
But like all performances, there are moments when things go wrong.“I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand,” Mr Titterton said. “Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back.”
Most page turners are piano students or up-and-coming concert pianists, although Ms Raspopova has once asked her husband to help her out on stage.
“My husband is the worst page turner,” she laughed.“He's interested in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say: ‘Turn, turn!’ Robert is the best page turner I've had in my entire life.”
1.What should Titterton be able to do to be a page turner
A.Read music.
B.Play the piano.
C.Sing songs.
D.Fix the instruments.
2.Which of the following best describes Titterton's job on stage
A.Boring. B.Well-paid.
C.Demanding. D.Dangerous.
3.What does Titterton need to practise
A.Counting the pages.
B.Recognizing the “nodding”.
C.Catching falling objects.
D.Performing in his own style.
4.Why is Ms Raspopova's husband “the worst page turner”
A.He has very poor eyesight.
B.He ignores the audience.
C.He has no interest in music.
D.He forgets to do his job.
(1)train v.       
(2)performance n.       
(3)instrument n.       
(4)onstage adj.       
(5)key adj.       
(6)indicate v.       
(1)score A.n.乐谱;总谱 B.n.分数
His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn't have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves.    
(2)draft A.n.草稿;草案 B.n.运动员选拔制
I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand...    
(3)note A.n.音符 B.n.便条 C.n.注释
“He's interested in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say:‘Turn, turn!’ Robert is...”    
by day; be interested in; a lot of; up to; help...out
(1)Police           the data that is gathered in the cars of victims and suspects.
(2)HDTV is especially useful if there are           special effects.
(3)All these presents came to more money than I had, and my mother had to     me     .
(4)Signals are made           with flags and by night with lights.
(5)The company says e-Radiators produce heat temperatures of           55℃.
(1)(赏结构)His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn't have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves.
【赏析】此句是由so连接的并列句,前后构成     关系,画线处的动词不定式短语作        。
(2)(赏结构)Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of “nodding” to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.
【赏析】此句是由and连接的    句,画线处为动词不定式短语作    , 其中which 引导        , 修饰a page turn。
Henry attached a few words to the end of the letter,            .亨利在信的末尾附加了几句话,然后把信寄出去了。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation.
  I'd appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.
Li Hua
Ⅰ.1.adults 2.volunteers 3.contents 4.recommendation 5.actually 6.solution
Ⅱ.1.confused; confusing; confused 2.addict; addicted; addictive 3.advanced; advanced; advances 4.attracting; attraction 5.suitable; suits 6.preference; prefer
Ⅲ.①at ②for ③for ④to ⑤from ⑥on ⑦to ⑧for
1.①preferring ②to ③preference ④why I prefer classical music
2.①a ②challenges ③challenging ④accept/take up the challenge
3.①recommendation ②going ③to book ④what I have recommended to you
4.①advances ②in ③advanced ④whether you are available or not in advance/ahead of time
5.①to quit ②smoking ③to quit ④Winners never quit
6.①responsibility ②for ③to make ④it's everyone's responsibility to make
7.①attractions ②attractions ③attractive ④Attracted by the beauty
8.①on/upon ②Focusing ③focused ④have become the focus of attention
9.①addictive ②playing ③Addicted to computer games
10.①to buy ②it ③made it clear that
1.chatting 2.adults 3.recommended 4.behavior  5.obviously
6.fluency 7.volunteers 8.was attracted 9.responsibility
1.whether it is necessary to carry out 2.be responsible for the society as grown-ups 3.As a new graduate 4.so that he could catch 5.I prefer to work 6.am suitable for this job
  语篇解读 文章主要介绍了为钢琴演奏者做翻页工作的Robert Titterton和他的工作情况。
1.A 细节题。根据第1段中的“I'm not a trained musician, but I've learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her performance.”可知,Titterton因为识谱,所以可以在Maria的钢琴表演中为她翻页。
2.C 推断题。根据第3段可知,为钢琴家翻页这项工作需要很多技巧。由此推知,Titterton的工作对人的要求是很高的。
3.B 细节题。根据第4段最后一句可知,Titterton需要和钢琴演奏者练习,以识别他们的“点头”示意,从而知道何时翻页。
4.D 细节题。根据最后一段可知,Ms Raspopova的丈夫因为对音乐感兴趣,所以帮她翻页的时候总是沉浸在音乐中而忘掉自己的工作,她不得不去提醒他。
1.(1)培训;训练 (2)表演;演出 (3)器械;乐器 (4)舞台上的 (5)至关重要的;关键的 (6)示意;表明
2.(1)A (2)C (3)A
3.(1)are interested in (2)a lot of (3)help;out (4)by day (5)up to
1.(1)因果;表语 (2)并列;状语;定语从句;and then he mailed it
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I'm delighted to learn that volunteers are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held. Being a volunteer is my dream, so I'm writing to apply for the position.
The reasons are as follows. First, I can speak English and Chinese fluently. So it is easy for me to communicate with foreigners and Chinese. Second, being a monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help to keep the exhibition in order. Besides, it is my related knowledge that will help serve the visitors better. What's more, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer.
I'd appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.
Li Hua