人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 5 Music学案 (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 5 Music学案 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 55.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-25 21:32:12



1.Many bad habits can be especially difficult     (cure).
2.The boy sat beside the window,     (absorb) in a novel.
3.Parents often bring up a child     the aim of turning the child into a genius.
4.To learn English well, we should find     (opportunity) to speak English as much as we can.
5.Wilson received several international     (award) for his great contributions.
6.The result of the experiment is adequate     (prove) his findings right.
1.To the     of the boss, customers are     with his product.(satisfy)
2.The famous    is said to have     a humorous     at yesterday's evening party,which leaves a deep impression on the audience.(perform)
3.As is known to all, education is a     progress, and people are     aware of its importance.(gradual)
4.Our school offers good     and you will be well     with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip)
5.The library has moved from its     place into another building, but we still go to that library to read to know about its     . (origin)
1.Bell fell in love ①     football when he was a child. He had been dreaming of being a football coach. After he graduated ②     university his dream came true. Later, he led his team to join ③     many competitions. Football had an important impact ④     his life and became part of his life.
2.There is going to be a music festival next month in our school, which will raise money for those in need. Students have great interest ⑤     it. Some volunteer would like to set ⑥     equipment. Others want to try ⑦     as performers. They would like to help those in need to get ⑧     the hard times.
1.As one virtual choir member said, “Music helps me to...forget my problems.With music, I become someone else.”(as引导非限制性定语从句)
2.Moved by this music, he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.”(过去分词短语作状语)
3.It's an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life.(It's an honour to do...)
4.Two years ago, I was told I had a serious disease which was difficult to cure.(主语+be+adj.+to do)
Hua Zhibing, China's first virtual student enabled by the country's largest pre-trained model, made its debut on June 1, 2021. Hua, a “woman”, is able to compose poetry and music and has some ability in reasoning and emotional interaction.2021年6月1日,中国第一个由国内最大人工智能模型创造的虚拟学生华智冰首次亮相。华智冰是一名女同学,她可以作诗、写歌,具有一定的推理和情感互动能力。
Many people like listening to music, but how does everyone listen to music At present, online broadcasting may be the most popular way, but at the same time, some nostalgic technologies have become popular again, such as ordinary tapes.很多人都喜欢听音乐,但大家都是怎么听音乐的 当下,在线播放可能是最流行的方式,但与此同时,一些怀旧科技却重新流行了起来,比如,普通的磁带。
1.perform vi.& vt.履行;执行;演出;(机器) 运转;表现 (performance n.执行;表演;履行 performer n.执行者;表演者)
①(2022·全国乙)    (perform) these tasks, drones for rail don't need to be flying overhead. Engineers are now working on a new concept: the rail drones of the future.
perform a(n)...role in 在……中起……作用
perform an operation 进行手术
perform well/poorly/badly表现或运转得好/差
put on/give a performance 呈现一场表演
②While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted, Henry did his best     (perform) his duty.
③No matter how frequently     (perform), the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world.
④(2023·江西师大附中模拟·写作)The generation born in the 00s took the spotlight             at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.00后因在北京冬季奥运会上表现突出而成为人们关注的焦点。
2.relief n.(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻;缓和;消除;(不快过后的)宽慰或轻松 (relieve v.减轻 relieved adj.感到宽慰的;放心的)
①(2020·天津)I'm relieved     (know) that “cool” has a much broader definition than what I used to think.
in/with relief 如释重负;松了口气
to one's relief 令某人欣慰的是
get relief (from/of...) (痛苦、压力、焦虑等)减轻
What a relief! 让人放心了!
relieve...of... 使……免于……
②     our relief, most children in rural areas have access to good education.
③Listening to music is a good way to help us get some relief     study pressure.
④(2023·内蒙古包头模拟·写作)        , my younger brother was eventually admitted to a key school.令我欣慰的是,我的弟弟最终被一所重点学校录取了。
3.cure vt.治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题) n.治愈;治疗;药物;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施 (近义词:treat)
①(2020·江苏)Feb 18: The daily number of newly     (cure) and discharged(出院) patients exceeded that of the newly confirmed cases.
cure sb of sth 治愈某人的疾病;消除某人的忧虑
a cure for... ……的治疗方法;……的解决方法
与cure结构相似的词汇:rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物;inform sb of sth 通知某人某事;remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事;rid sb of sth 使某人摆脱某物。
②The destruction of such species could prevent researchers from finding cures     certain diseases.
③Doctors are now able to cure people     many diseases which would have killed them in former times.
④(2023·桂林三中月考·写作)With the help of my parents and teachers, I                   and made progress in my study.在父母和老师的帮助下,我纠正了一些不好的学习习惯并在学习上取得了进步。
4.aim n.目标;目的 vi.& vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力 (aimless adj.无目的的 aimlessly adv.漫无目的地)
①(2021·山东听力)We aim    helping people improve their language ability in several languages.
aim to do sth 旨在做某事
aim at/for sth 力求达到;力争做到
aim at doing sth/be aimed at 目的是;旨在;力求达到
take aim at... 向……瞄准
with the aim of 以……为目标
在take aim at中,aim前不能加冠词,即使aim前有形容词,也不可加冠词。
②This activity aims at     (improve) students' ability of listening and speaking.
③She started the organization     the aim of helping local people.
④(2022·全国甲·写作)World Ocean Day, falling on June 8th,               of ocean conservation. 6月8日的世界海洋日旨在增强人们保护海洋的意识。
5.assume vt.假定;设想;承担;认为 (assumption n.假定;设想;担任;采取)
①(2023·山东济南模拟)It is quite reasonable    (assume) that modern science and technology will continue to advance.
assume sb/sth to be... 认为某人(事)……
assuming (that)... 假设……(引导条件状语从句)
It is assumed that... 人们认为……
make an assumption 认为;假定
on the assumption that... 假定……
②He made an     (assume) that he would win the case.
③It     (assume) that mental health is related to physical health.
④If I am chosen to be a volunteer at Paris 2024 Olympic Games, I will serve the people heart and soul.(词汇升级)
→         I am chosen to be a volunteer at Paris 2024 Olympic Games, I will serve the people heart and soul.
6.satisfaction n.满足;满意;欣慰 (satisfy vt.使满意;使满足 satisfied adj.满意的;满足的 satisfying adj.令人满意的 satisfactory adj.满意的;符合要求的)
①(2022·浙江1月)I actually wanted to drop the class at one point,but stopped short because I didn't want to give him the     (satisfy) of my chickening out.
with satisfaction 满意地
to sb's satisfaction 令某人满意的是
be satisfied with... 对……感到满意
②Every time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full     (satisfy).
③When finishing her meal, she gave a     (satisfy) smile.
④(2020·全国Ⅱ·写作)When we saw our fruits of labor were loaded onto the truck, we all felt         .当我们看到自己的劳动果实被装上卡车时,我们都感到既满意又兴奋。
7.various adj.各种不同的;各种各样的 (variety n.变化;多样性;种类 vary v.改变;使多样化;变化)
①(2022·全国甲)Some of these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem random and strange, but they are important in     (vary) countries.
for various reasons 由于种种原因
a variety of=varieties of 种类繁多的
vary from...to... 从……到……不等
 vary in 在……方面有差异
表示“各种各样的”的短语还有all kinds/sorts/types of。
②Other     (vary) of multi-generational family are more common.
③Rainbow fish are small but breathtaking in colour,     (vary) from a single vivid colour to a spectrum(光谱).
④(2023·江西宜春模拟·写作)Our school has built a new stadium, which              .我们学校新建了一个体育场,里面有各种各样的设施。
8.in addition 除此之外;另外
in addition=besides/furthermore/what's more 另外;而且
in addition to=besides/apart from/as well as除……之外还……
addition n.添加;添加物
additional adj.附加的;额外的
additionally adv.此外;另外;在更大程度上
in addition常放在句首,也可放在句中、句尾,用逗号隔开;in addition to中的to为介词,后接名词或动名词。
①    (additional), it is important to relax our body. We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day.
②Working out in the morning provides     (addition) benefits beyond being physically fit.
③In addition to     (read) for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration.
④Apart from the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.(词汇升级)
→            , the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.
9.get through设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过;熬过(困难时期)
get across 被理解;使人了解
get away 离开;外出度假
get away with 被放过;逃脱惩罚
get down to doing sth 着手做某事
get in 收获
get on 进展;进步
get over 克服
常考的“动词+through”短语:①go through检查/经历;②look through浏览/仔细查看;③break through突破(障碍);④pass through穿过/通过。
①We hope to get     to Paris for a few days.
②She worked from morning till night and got     the final examination at last.
③As long as we have a strong will, we'll be able to get     any difficulty.
④(2023·青海西宁模拟·写作)I rang you several times but couldn't         .我给你打了几次电话,但没打通。
(P52)As one virtual choir member said, “Music helps me to...forget my problems. With music, I become someone else.”正如一位虚拟合唱团成员所说:“音乐帮助我……忘记我的问题。有了音乐,我变成了另一个人。”
as引导限制性定语从句时,先行词常被the same、such、as、so等修饰。
①He is such a lazy man    nobody wants to work with.
②     is always the case with language learning, Mandarin learning also calls for lots of practice.
③(2019·全国Ⅰ·写作)I can introduce Chinese painting skills to visitors,            know more about Chinese culture.我可以向游客介绍中国绘画技巧,这可以帮助他们更多地了解中国文化。
④          , “A good beginning is half the battle.” 常言道:“良好的开端是成功的一半。”
维度1 词法强化练
1.(2022·浙江1月)By providing long-distance communication and     (energetic), electricity created the modern world.
2.(2022·北京)From observing his mum and from his desire to give kids better drink options, he came up with his     (origin) model for the Fun Bottle.
3.(2022·北京)But     some researchers find,the food system is not an equal one.
4.(2021·新高考Ⅰ)I'm not a trained musician, but I've learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her     (perform).
5.(2021·全国乙)If you're faced     an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment(赞扬).
6.He received a special award     his contribution to the country's independence.
7.Her parents'     (react) to the news was surprisingly calm.
8.Lightning is one of the natural    (phenomenon), so you needn't be afraid of it.
9.We have reached a stage     we must take effective measures to protect the environment from being polluted.
10.Having seen the patient come back to life, Doctor Li nodded his head     relief.
维度2 写作增分练
The air quality in the city,                  , has improved over the past two months.
The company provides cheap Internet access.          , it makes shareware freely available.
With your help, we have had a better command of English than before and             in recent examinations.
I'm sure             your favorite music.
He achieved great success in literature, which             the Nobel Prize.
The headmaster            .
                 to speak here.
            eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect us against serious illnesses.
  When Dr Gullickson was assigning project mates for his psychology class, I secretly hoped he would pair me with my best friend or at least a classmate I could have some fun with. Above all, I hoped he wouldn't assign me to work with the fiercely competitive, and extremely serious fellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match. As fate(命运) would have it, Dr Gullickson very deliberately matched everyone in class and
announced that I would be working with the one person in class I wanted to avoid.
I went up to my new teammate and introduced myself. He looked at me as though I weren't there. I felt he treated me as though I would hold him back and probably make him fail to get an A in the course. He wasn't mean or abusive. He just gave me the impression he could do whatever project we dreamed up better if he did it alone.
  Needless to say, I didn't look forward to an entire term of being brushed off, but I tried to make the best of it and didn't say anything for fear that I would make things worse.
The project required each team to develop a hypothesis(假说), set up an experiment to test the hypothesis,do the statistical analysis and present the findings. Whatever grade the team received would be shared by both students.
When my teammate and I met to discuss our project,
I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student who had a reputation for single-mindedness and good grades—the exact opposite of me. I actually wanted to drop the class at one point,but stopped short because I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of my chickening out. I decided to stick to it no matter what.
After long discussions,we somehow agreed to do a study on the psychological well-being of teenagers. I wasn't sure what it meant exactly,but at least we had a topic.
(1)fiercely adv.       
(2)competitive adj.       
(3)deliberately adv.       
(4)abusive adj.        
(5)analysis n.       
(6)challenging adj.        
(7)experiment n.       
(1)assign A.v.指定 B.v.分配(某物)
Above all, I hoped he wouldn't assign me to work with the fiercely competitive, and extremely serious fellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match.    
(2)present A.v.赠送 B.v.提交 C.adj.出席的
The project required each team to develop a hypothesis, set up an experiment to test the hypothesis,do the statistical analysis and present the findings.    
above all;go up to;make the best of;as though
(1)The temperature in Chongqing sometimes         forty degrees centigrade.
(2)The injured man acted         nothing had happened to him.
(3)His advice was to stay at home and            things.
(4)Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and         variety.
(赏结构)When Dr Gullickson was assigning project mates for his psychology class①, I secretly hoped he would pair me with my best friend or at least a classmate② I could have some fun with③.
【赏析】本句为    复合句,主干为I secretly hoped,①处为When引导的           。②处为省略了that的宾语从句,③处为省略了关系代词that/whom/who的定语从句,修饰先行词a classmate。
                   , we can gain an authentic and meaningful friendship.当我们更好地相互了解对方时,我们才能获得一份真挚和有意义的友谊。
We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.

  One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.
Ⅰ.1.to cure 2.absorbed 3.with 4.opportunities 5.awards
6.to prove
Ⅱ.1.satisfaction; satisfied 2.performer; performed; performance
3.gradual; gradually 4.equipment; equipped 5.original; origin
Ⅲ.①with ②from ③in ④on ⑤in ⑥up ⑦out ⑧through
1.①To perform ②to perform ③performed ④because of their outstanding performances
2.①to know ②To ③from/of ④To my relief
3.①cured ②for ③of ④cured myself of some bad learning habits
4.①at ②improving ③with ④is aimed at raising awareness
5.①to assume ②assumption ③is assumed ④Assuming (that)
6.①satisfaction ②satisfaction ③satisfied ④satisfied and excited
7.①various ②varieties ③varying ④has various/varieties of/a variety of well-equipped facilities
8.①Additionally ②additional ③reading ④In addition to the school
9.①away  ②through ③over ④get through
10.①as ②As ③which can help them ④As the saying goes
1.energy 2.original 3.as 4.performance 5.with 6.for 7.reaction 8.phenomena 9.where 10.with/in
1.as is shown in the report 2.In addition 3.have achieved satisfactory results 4.it is a good chance/opportunity to perform 5.enabled him to win 6.awarded the winner a gold medal/awarded a gold medal to the winner 7.It's my honour to have been invited 8.It has been proved that
1.(1)猛烈地 (2)竞争的 (3)故意地 (4)辱骂的;侮辱的 (5)(对物质的)分析 (6)具有挑战性的 (7)实验
2.(1)A (2)B
3.(1)goes up to (2)as though (3)made the best of
(4)above all
1.主从;时间状语从句; When we get a better understanding of each other
We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans. At first, we only discussed the project. But slowly, we shifted our subject to daily life stories and studies. To my surprise, he was talkative when mentioning studies. Serious as he was, he showed enough patience to explain his hypothesis. As time went by, I was attracted by his single-mindedness and intelligence. More importantly, busying himself testing the hypothesis, he always forgot the meal time. That inspired me a lot. Unwilling to fall behind, I tried my best to help with the experiment.
One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. His going to stay in hospital for three months urged me to visit him immediately. In the hospital, his pale face reminded me of his competitive personality. Determination to gift him an excellent grade was made. Back in the lab, I recalled his words and continued the project day and night. Two months' effort was eventually replaced by a grade A. As I shared him with the good news, he beamed with satisfaction. “Actually, I believed in you whatever the result would be!” Receiving his approval, I grinned.