人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet 学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet 学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 46.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-25 21:32:51



1.Not only am I interested in photography, but also I took an amateur course at university     (update) my skills.
2.It has been     (confirm) that the 2024 Olympic Games will take place in Paris.
3.My father opposes     (chat) online and thinks it a waste of time.
4.Any public space has been carefully designed by an artistic mind to be both     (function) and beautiful.
5.In some     (case) people have to wait several weeks for an appointment.
6.Cattle tend to be kept in remote places and their value has risen, making them appealing     (target).
1.It is     to use WeChat nowadays, so we almost can't live without it. I stick to it for its great     .(convenient)
2.Listening to his     speech, we were     to make great efforts. It gave us not only hope but also    .(inspire)
3.Free Internet     at home is a huge step in making
online education     to everyone.(access)
4.As we all know, fresh air is     to our health and the new park     us all, so we should keep it clean.(benefit)
5.It was     of you to injure his pride last night, so you must offer him an apology for your     .(rude)
1.Jan Tchamani was out ①     work at age 50 because of a serious disease. She only stayed at home with the computer to keep ②     company. After a while, she discovered the Internet was ③     benefit to her, which helped her feel less lonely and bored. She also joined an online group, where she could talk about what she had gone ④    , but no one made fun ⑤     her. Jan was pleased that her life has been greatly improved by the Internet.
2.Nowadays, many people have access ⑥     the Internet. We can keep track ⑦     the events at home and aboard. We can also download some apps to help us to get ⑧     shape, rent bikes, or study. In a word, the Internet has brought great convenience to us. Meanwhile, keep it ⑨     mind that staying safe online is extremely important.
1.At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company.(find +宾语+宾语补足语)
2.She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people
how to use computers and the Internet.(so...that...)
3.No matter how small a town is, everyone should be able to join the global network and access the world of the Internet!(no matter+特殊疑问词)
A vlog is a portmanteau of the word “video” and “blog”. As the name suggests, a vlog records a person's thoughts, opinions, and interests typically for publication on the Internet.视频博客是“视频”和“博客”的合成词。顾名思义,视频博客记录一个人的想法、观点和兴趣,通常是为了在互联网上发布。
The number of Internet audio-and-video users in China reached 901 million as of June, covering 95.8 percent of all Internet users in the country, according to a new report. 根据一份新的报告,截至6月,中国互联网音频和视频用户数量达到9.01亿,占全国互联网用户总数的95.8%。
1.convenient adj.方便的;便利的;近便的 (convenience n.方便;便利 inconvenience n.不方便;不便 inconvenient adj.不方便的)
①(2021·全国乙)Generation Xers with young families, like my wife and I, can still find it convenient     (have) a home phone rather than providing a mobile phone for every family member.
It is convenient for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事是方便的
for convenience 为了方便起见
at one's convenience 在某人方便的时候
②Would it be convenient for you     (leave) tomorrow
③I keep my reference books near my desk for     (convenient).
④(2020·全国Ⅲ·写作)Could we meet in our school art hall at 8:00 am this Sunday               如果您方便的话,我们可以在本周日早上8点在我们学校的艺术大厅见面吗
2.benefit n.好处;利益;优势;救济金 vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益 (beneficial adj.有益的;有利的)
①(2022·新高考Ⅰ)Over time, both of you     (benefit)—your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit.
benefit from/by... 从……中获益;得益于
for the benefit of sb= for one's benefit 为了某人的利益
be beneficial to...=be of benefit to... 对……有益
benefit作及物动词时,其宾语是“受益者”,而不是所受的“益处”。要表示“受益于某事(物)”,英语习惯上用benefit by/from sth。
②China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals     the benefit of all its citizens.
③As everyone knows, sports are     (benefit) to building up our bodies.
④(2020·全国Ⅱ·写作)This fruit-picking experience          and taught us the importance of working. 这次采摘水果的经历让我们受益匪浅,也让我们懂得了劳动的重要性。
3.distance n.距离 [distant adj.遥远的;(关系)疏远的;冷淡的]
①(2020·浙江)Polar bears—like all wild animals—should be photographed from a safe    (distant).
in the distance 在远方;在远处
at a distance 稍远处;隔开一段距离
at a distance of 在距……远的地方
②The beach is within walking     (distant) of my house.
③It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone     a distance.
④(2023·哈尔滨六中月考·写作)Much to our delight,              caught our attention and led us to the river bank.让我们高兴的是,远处的水声引起了我们的注意,把我们带到了河边。
4.access n.(接近的)方法;通道;可接近性;权利 v.进入;获取 (accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的)
①(2021·天津第一次)All applicants must have a driver's license and access     a car.
access to...……的通道;……的权利
have/get/obtain access to有……的权利或机会
be accessible to易接近的;能进入的
access作名词时,其前通常不加冠词;在access to中,介词to后可接名词或代词,一般不接doing。
②We     (access) the wall through the South Gate. The wall is 12 meters high and from here you can see streams of people moving inside and outside the City Wall.
③He usually puts the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it will not be     (access) to the kids.
④(2023·沈阳二中·写作)Not only                    , but our school also holds various kinds of sports competitions.我们不仅有机会免费学篮球课程,而且我们学校也会举办各种各样的体育比赛。
5.account vi.& vt.认为;说明;占(一定数量或比例) n.描述;账户 (accountant n.会计;会计师)
①(2020·浙江)The results held true even after the scientists accounted     the participants' overall health status.
account for 说明;做出解释;(数量上、比例上)占……
on account of 由于;因为
on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子部分倒装)
 take account of=take...into account/consideration 考虑到……;把……考虑在内
on no account意为“决不”,位于句首时,句子用部分倒装,有类似用法的短语还有by no means、in no way、in no case、on no condition、under no circumstances、at no time等。
②I prefer Western painting. There are several reasons     (account) for my preference.
③We had to put off the sports meeting     account of the heavy rain.
④(2022·全国乙·写作)However, those choosing reading English books and visiting English learning websites                .然而,选择阅读英语书籍和访问英语学习网站的人(的数量)仅占18%和12%。
6.upset vt.(upset, upset, upsetting) 使不安;使心烦 adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的
①(2022·全国乙)However, some high sugar brands, like Classic Coca Cola, have accepted the sugar tax and are refusing to change for fear of     (upset) consumers.
be upset about/over/at sth 为某事心烦
be upset to do sth 对做某事感到不安
It upsets sb to do sth/that... 让某人心烦的是……
upset oneself about sth 使某人为某事烦恼
②    upsets me to think of my mother all alone in that big house.
③She was upset     (know) that her application for the position was refused.
④I don't know enough words and my grammar is also poor, which upsets me.
→             I don't know enough words and my grammar is also poor.(it作形式主语)
→             I don't know enough words and my grammar is also poor.(what引导主语从句)
7.case n.情况;病例;案例
①(2022·浙江1月)The world won't come to an end in most     (case) just because you left a few things undone.
in case 假使;如果;以防万一
in case of 假使;以防
in any case 无论如何;总之
in no case 决不(置于句首时,句子要部分倒装)
as is often the case 这是常有的事
in case后常常接句子;in case of后常常接名词。
②In addition,please pack a pair of comfortable shoes     case of the city walk.
③     is often the case, the boy was late for class, which made his teacher very angry.
④(2019·江苏·写作)The doctor shares his phone number with the patients                 .这个医生和病人分享他的电话号码,以备他们需要医疗帮助。
8.go through 经历;经受;仔细检查;(法律、协议等)被通过
go along 继续;进展;发展
go ahead向前;继续前进
go by (时间)流逝
go in for参加(考试或比赛);爱好
go against违背;违反
go on继续;进行;发生
go out出去;熄灭
go over复习;仔细检查
①“I was simply going     a terrible experience,” Ms Burdeyney said at her home in Toronto.
②Our teacher chose many important exercises for us, and I also went     the language points at the same time.
③(2020·全国Ⅲ·写作)We'd appreciate it if you could spare some time                 .如果您能抽点时间查看一下我们的改编本,我们将非常感激。
9.keep track of 掌握……的最新消息;了解……的动态
lose track of 不了解……的情况/动态;与……失去联系
on the track of 正在追踪
track down 追踪;追查
①But unlike most collectors, Zac tracks     the medals' rightful owners, and returns them.
②    (track) of 150 biochemicals in food has been important in revealing the relationships between calories, sugar, fat and the occurrence of common diseases.
③To solve the problem, parents should keep track     children's use of social media.
④I regret to say that I have lost touch with four or five friends.(词汇升级)
→I regret to say that I have           four or five friends.
(P32)However, the more polite you are, the less likely it is you will be attacked.然而,你越有礼貌,你被攻击的可能性就越小。
句中的the more polite...the less likely...为“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,意为“越……就越……”。比较级的其他常见结构:
“比较级+and+比较级”/“more and more+原级”表示“越来越……”
“the+比较级+of the two...”表示“两者中较……的那一个”
倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+than... 二评多向评价(练用法/写美句)
①The more a person reads, the     (wise) he will become.
②She likes nothing     (good) than a travel in summer.
③(2023·四川绵阳中学月考·写作)The more you know about our traditional culture,                .你对我们的传统文化了解得越多,你就对它越感兴趣。
维度1 词法强化练
1.(2022·全国甲)Don't get caught making an     (embarrass) mistake at a restaurant.
2.(2021·北京)Their faces were     powerful in sending a message of their despair(绝望) and need that I joined this project without hesitation.
3.(2021·北京)If it's     (convenience) for you, let's meet at the school gate at 9:00. Please let me know what time suits you best.
4.(2021·浙江)The admiration and respect his uncle earned     (inspire) Nielsen to make a career (职业) in acting.
5.As a matter of fact, music education is     (benefit) and important for all the students.
6.The salesgirl pretended not to hear me and went on     (chat) with a lady in blue.
7.There are many students     (stand) in a line to welcome the old soldier.
8.These bags differ in size, but not     shape.
9.When I reached the station, the tickets     (sell) out.
维度2 写作增分练
              on my shoulder, I stayed up innumerable nights to run tests and analyze statistics.
For one thing, I                  , for my father is a painter.
In no case                   that goes against the interests of people.
As we all know, having a balanced diet              to us.
Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area, the children here               education.
  We journalists live in a new age of storytelling, with many new multimedia tools. Many young people don't even realize it's new. For them, it's just normal.
This hit home for me as I was sitting with my 2-year-old grandson on a sofa over the Spring Festival holiday. I had brought a children's book to read. It had simple words and colorful pictures—a perfect match for his age.
Picture this: my grandson sitting on my lap as I hold the book in front so he can see the pictures. As I read, he reaches out and pokes(戳) the page with his finger.
What's up with that He just likes the pictures, I thought. Then I turned the page and continued. He poked the page even harder. I nearly dropped the book. I was confused: Is there something wrong with this kid
Then I realized what was happening. He was actually a stranger to books. His father frequently amused
the boy with a tablet computer which was loaded with colorful pictures that come alive when you poke them. He thought my storybook was like that.
Sorry, kid. This book is not part of your high-tech world. It's an outdated, lifeless thing. An antique, like your grandfather. Well, I may be old, but I'm not hopelessly challenged, digitally speaking. I edit video and produce audio. I use mobile payment. I've even built websites.
There's one notable gap in my new-media experience, however: I've spent little time in front of a camera, since I have a face made for radio. But that didn't stop China Daily from asking me last week to share a personal story for a video project about the integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province.
Anyway, grandpa is now an Internet star—two minutes of fame! I promise not to let it go to my head. But I will make sure my 2-year-old grandson sees it on his tablet.
1.What do the underlined words “hit home for me” mean in Paragraph 2
A.Provided shelter for me.
B.Became very clear to me.
C.Took the pressure off me.
D.Worked quite well on me.
2.Why did the kid poke the storybook
A.He took it for a tablet computer.
B.He disliked the colorful pictures.
C.He was angry with his grandpa.
D.He wanted to read it by himself.
3.What does the author think of himself
A.Socially ambitious.
B.Physically attractive.
C.Financially independent.
D.Digitally competent.
4.What can we learn about the author as a journalist
A.He lacks experience in his job.
B.He seldom appears on television.
C.He manages a video department.
D.He often interviews Internet stars.
(1)multimedia n.       
(2)normal adj.       
(3)lap n.       
(4)amuse vt.       
(5)outdated adj.       
(6)lifeless adj.       
(1)match A.n.相配的人(或物) B.n.火柴
It had simple words and colorful pictures—a perfect match for his age.    
(2)produce A.vt.生产;制造 B.vt.制作
Well, I may be old, but I'm not hopelessly challenged, digitally speaking. I edit video and produce audio.    
reach out; be loaded with; let it go; make sure
(1)They         vitamins and nutrients that you can't get in most foods.
(2)The book that enables you to be touched by is likely to be a book that you could not bear to finish it or         .
(3)         you don't park your car at the entrance.
(4)He         his hand and said, “Can you help me I'm looking for my dad.”
(1)(赏结构)His father frequently amused the boy with a tablet computer which was loaded with colorful pictures① that come alive when you poke them②.
【赏析】①处为which引导的      ,修饰先行词a tablet computer;②处为that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词pictures,其中含有一个when引导的时间状语从句。
There are many serious health problems              .有很多严重的健康问题与吸烟有关。
(2) (赏意境) Sorry, kid. This book is not part of your high-tech world. It's an outdated, lifeless thing. An antique, like your grandfather.
【赏析】句中用not part of your high-tech world和an outdated, lifeless thing表明作者和孩子之间存在较大的隔阂。精练的语言具有很强的画面感,显示孩子已经融入高科技时代,而作者还停留在过去的纸质媒体时代。故事环环相扣,引人深思。
My Opinions on Online Learning
In recent years, with the development of Internet and education mode, online learning has become increasingly common.
Ⅰ.1.to update 2.confirmed 3.chatting 4.functional 5.cases 6.targets
Ⅱ.1.convenient; convenience 2.inspiring; inspired; inspiration 3.access; accessible 4.beneficial; benefits 5.rude; rudeness
Ⅲ.①of ②her ③of ④through ⑤of ⑥to ⑦of ⑧in ⑨in
1.①to have ②to leave ③convenience ④if it is convenient for you
2.①will benefit ②for ③beneficial ④benefited us a lot
3.①distance ②distance ③at ④the sound of water in the distance
4.①to ②accessed ③accessible ④do we have free access to basketball courses
5.①for ②accounting ③on ④only account for 18% and 12%
6.①upsetting ②It ③to know ④It upsets me that;What upsets me is that
7.①cases ②in ③As ④in case they need medical assistance
8.①through ②over ③to go through our adaptation
9.①down ②Tracking ③of ④lost track of
10.①wiser ②better  ③the more you are interested in it
1.embarrassing 2.so 3.convenient 4.inspired 5.beneficial
6.chatting 7.standing 8.in 9.had been sold
1.Now that the hard project was falling 2.am quite familiar with Chinese painting 3.should we do anything 4.is very beneficial/is of great benefit 5.had no access to
  语篇解读 作者曾经是一名记者,在春节期间,作者给孙子拿了一本儿童读物,孙子却以为是平板电脑,不停地戳书。
1.B 词义推断题。根据第1段内容可知,作者是记者,生活在一个讲故事的新时代,有许多新的多媒体工具。许多年轻人甚至没有意识到它是新的。对他们来说,这很正常。而在春节假期,当和两岁的孙子坐在沙发上时,作者尤其清楚地认识到了这一点。故画线部分的意思是“我很清楚”。
2.A 细节题。根据第5段中的“He was actually a stranger to books. His father frequently amused the boy with a tablet computer which was loaded with colorful pictures that come alive when you poke them. He thought my storybook was like that.”可知,那孩子戳故事书是因为他把它当成了平板电脑。
3.D 细节题。根据倒数第3段中的“Well, I may be old, but I'm not hopelessly challenged, digitally speaking. I edit video and produce audio. I use mobile payment. I've even built websites.”可知,作者认为自己懂数码技术。
4.B 细节题。根据倒数第2段中的“There's one notable gap in my new-media experience, however: I've spent little time in front of a camera, since I have a face made for radio.”可知,作者虽是一名记者却很少上电视。
1.(1)多媒体 (2)典型的;正常的 (3)(坐着时的)大腿部 (4)(使)娱乐;逗乐 (5)过时的 (6)枯燥的;缺乏生气的
2.(1)A (2)B
3.(1)are loaded with (2)let it go (3)Make sure (4)reached out
1.定语从句;which are related to smoking
My Opinions on Online Learning
In recent years, with the development of Internet and education mode, online learning has become increasingly common.
It is widely acknowledged that online learning has its apparent advantages. Firstly, shared resources online which cost a little are accessible to all people. Secondly, online learning makes it a reality that one is able to study at the best pace suitable for him according to his own schedule. Meanwhile, there is no denying that online learning also has disadvantages that cannot be ignored. For people who are poor at self-discipline, learning online at home will be a less effective way since they are easier to be distracted by other things.
As for me, I do prefer in-person learning, not only for its tradition, but for its being able to communicate in person with classmates and teachers in class.