人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures学案 (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures学案 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 53.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-25 21:44:26



1.Einstein's achievements     (earn) him the praise of the entire scientific community.
2.Many people spend years     (seek) peace of mind, often with little success.
3.We are the products of evolution, and not just evolution that     (occur) billions of years ago.
4.He     (claim) himself to be the owner of the car.
5.Pack a bag, cut a cake, guess which juice     (contain) holds the most liquid, and much more.
6.Their comments have not     (material) affected our plans.
1.He wanted to make a     ,but     ,he failed again and again,so he thought he wasn't     .(fortune)
2.Tom applied for     to the graduate program at Northwestern University but wasn't     into it at last.(admit)
3.He was     as the representative of the company to attend the meeting. The three     presented above are typical examples. (select)
4.I'm looking for something     to wear for the party.I think blue     me so I'll buy that blue dress. (suit)
5.Some people think those     waiting in line     legally should also be respected.(immigrate)
6.You must place these events in their     context.     , there has always been a great deal of rivalry between the two families. (historic)
1.In order to earn ①    living, Mr Black headed ②     California to seek ③     fortune. He did ④     series of jobs apart ⑤    working in a factory.
2.Mary spends much time painting in order to turn ⑥     a painter all year ⑦     and is encouraged to see lots of exhibitions.
1.I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again.(it作形式主语)
2.There are so many beautiful old buildings—many sitting on top of big hills...(独立主格结构)
3.I walked around looking at the street art for a few hours.(现在分词短语作伴随状语)
4.What started as a residential area for Chinese immigrants then turned into a centre for Chinese culture.(what引导主语从句)
Chinatown is an area where Chinese live in cities in other countries. Chinatown was formed because Chinese emigrated overseas and became a local minority. In the face of the new environment, they need to work together and live together in one area. Therefore, most Chinatowns are a witness to the history of overseas Chinese.唐人街是华人在其他国家的城市里聚居的地区。唐人街的形成,是因为华人移居海外,成为当地的少数群体。面对新环境,他们需要同舟共济,便聚居在一个地区。因此大多数的唐人街是华侨历史的一种见证。
The term “hanfu” was created in recent years by Internet users to describe the Han people's clothing during the Han Dynasty. When people talk about hanfu, they usually mean a long flowing robe with loose sleeves and a belt at the waist. However, hanfu is a diverse term including different styles of clothing from different dynasties.“汉服”一词是近年来互联网用户创造的,用来描述汉朝汉族人的服装。当人们谈论汉服时,他们通常指的是有着宽松的袖子和一根腰带的飘逸长袍。然而,汉服是一个多样化的术语,包括不同朝代的不同风格的服装。
1.fortune n.命运;大笔的钱;机会;运气 (fortunate adj.幸运的;运气好的 unfortunately adv.不幸地)
①(2022·新高考Ⅱ)    (fortune) for those in midlife, Levine is finding that even if you haven't been an enthusiastic exerciser, getting in shape now may help improve your aging heart.
make a fortune 发财
seek one's fortune 寻找出路
try one's fortune 碰运气
be fortunate in doing/to do sth 有幸做某事
②    (fortunately) we forgot to weigh them before taking out their insides, but I was determined to prove my point.
→I                to South Africa last month.(fortunate)
→I                to South Africa last month.(fortune)
2.admit vt.& vi.承认 vt.准许进入(或加入) (admission n.准许进入;入场费;承认)
①(2022·浙江1月)She also     (admit) that a relatively small number of women were studied, all of whom were from Sweden, so the results might not be applicable to other groups.
admit doing/having done/that... 承认……
admit sb/sth to be... 承认某人/某物……
It is admitted that... 人们公认……
be admitted to/into 被接纳进入;被录取到……
be/get admitted as 作为……被接受
②If you can be admitted     Fudan University, your parents will surely be proud of you.
③It's said that history is written by the victors, and those victors set the standards for     (admit) to the genius club.
④(2023·江西宜春模拟·写作)The exams are likely to work out as expected and my dream to                        will come true.考试结果可能会如所预料的那样,我被我最喜爱的大学录取的梦想将会实现。
3.occur vi.(occurred; occurred) 发生;出现;被想到 (occurrence n.发生;出现;发生的事情 近义词:happen,appear)
①(2022·北京)Tracking of 150 biochemicals in food has been important in revealing the relationships between calories, sugar, fat and the    (occur) of common diseases.
occur to sb (观念或想法)被想到;出现在脑海中
It occurs to/strikes/hits sb that...某人突然想起……
It occurs to sb to do sth某人突然想起做某事
表示“发生”之意时,occur与happen可以互换;另外,occur、happen、take place、break out等表示“发生;爆发”的词汇不能用于被动语态或进行时态中。
②As they went down, the weather got worse. Then another trouble     (occur).
③It occurred     Elizabeth to adopt all possible means to solve the problem.
④(2023·江西上饶一中月考·写作)Along with your wonderful innovation, you need to hand in a report, explaining how                .除了精彩的创新,你还需要提交一份报告,解释你是如何想到这个主意的。
4.seek vt.& vi.寻找;寻求;探索 (seeker n.寻找者;探求者)
①(2022·浙江1月)In this book, he argues that as we seek     (escape) pain or sorrow, we're weakening ourselves and may lose our adaptability to deal with pain in the future.
seek to do sth 试图做某事
seek for/after... 寻找/追求……
seek out 挑选;找出
seek one's fortune 碰运气;寻找致富之路
表示“寻找”的短语还有look for、search for、hunt for、in search of等。
②We seek     (help) all students make great progress in their English.
③He is the man who is always seeking     truth.
④(2023·辽宁大连24中月考·写作)Helen is busy doing homework,playing sports,making friends,           .海伦一直忙于做作业、做运动、交朋友、追求梦想。
5.earn vt.& vi.挣得;赚得;赢得 (earnings n.所赚的钱;收入)
①(2022·新高考Ⅰ)If it is not turned in by the 4th day after the due date, it     (earn) a zero.
earn one's living = earn/make a living 谋生
earn money = make money 挣钱
earn a good reputation 赢得好名声
②Jennifer Mauer has needed more willpower than the typical college student to pursue her goal of     (earn) a nursing degree.
③He     (earn) a world-wide reputation largely due to his Victorian local-colour novels.
④(2023·湖北荆门模拟·写作)You shouldn't depend on your parents at all. After all, you have been over eighteen;above all                      .你一点都不应该依靠父母了。毕竟,你已经过十八岁了。最重要的是你应该自己挣钱。
6.escape vi.& vt.逃脱;逃走;避开 n.逃跑;逃走
①(2022·全国乙)For them, there's something highly exciting about     (escape) someone else's glance and making oneself unable to be seen.
escape from/out of...从……逃脱
escape (doing) sth 逃避(做)某事
a narrow escape 死里逃生
fire escape 安全梯;安全出口
②Last year Jack had     narrow escape,so he didn't want to risk his life a second time.
③The cinema allowed people to escape     the depressing realities of their lives.
④(2023·福建龙岩模拟·写作)The woman              with her baby, extremely terrified and exhausted.这名妇女带着她的宝宝设法逃离火灾,她极度恐惧,精疲力竭。
7.settle vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.使定居;安排;解决 (settler n.移民;殖民者 settlement n.解决;协议 近义词:solve)
①(2022·全国甲)The disagreement was so sharp that neither he nor I knew how     (settle) it.
settle in/settle into sth 安顿下来;适应(新家、新工作、新环境等)
settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于
settle down to (doing) sth 着手认真做某事
②It is reported that the strikers have reached a     (settle) with the employers.
③Unfortunately, it took the explorers and the     (settle) who followed only a few decades to decimate a large part of these resources.
④(2023·江苏启东中学月考·写作)When you             , you are bound to get good grades.当你开始认真对待你的学习时,你一定可以取得好成绩。
8.bring about引起;导致
bring up抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐
bring down降低;减少
bring in带进来;有收入;赚得;引入
bring out使显现;阐明;出版
bring forward提前
①Recent changes in the Internet will help bring     overall improvements.
②Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought     by her aunt.
③The government is trying to bring     the housing price now.
④(2023·湖北咸宁模拟·写作)On the one hand, computers improve the working efficiency;on the other hand,they also                   .一方面,计算机提高了工作效率;另一方面,它们也带来了一些新的问题。
(P28)There are so many beautiful old buildings—many sitting on top of big hills, offering great views of the city, the ocean, and the Golden Gate Bridge.这里有许多美丽的老建筑,许多坐落在大山的山顶上,从那里可以看到城市、大海和金门大桥的美景。
句中的many sitting...hills为独立主格结构。独立主格结构的逻辑主语与主句的主语不一致,它独立存在。该结构在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随状况等。独立主格结构的常用形式:
①The travel plan successfully     (carry) out, everything worked out perfectly.
②So much work     (do), every clerk has no time to play.
③The boy     (lead) the way, we found his house with no difficulty.
④(2023·贵州毕节模拟·写作)We have three large multi-media classrooms in our school,             the newest computers.我们学校有三个大多媒体教室,每一个(多媒体教室)都配备了最新的电脑。
(P28)Many of the people living here are from Mexico or Central America. 住在这里的许多人来自墨西哥或中美洲。
句中的living here为现在分词短语,在句中作定语,修饰前面的the people。
现在分词(短语)作定语表主动或正在进行;现在分词的被动式being done 表被动、正在进行。
动词不定式to do 作定语表主动、将来;不定式的被动式to be done表被动、将来;过去分词done表被动、完成。
①There are more airplanes     (carry) more people than ever before in the skies.
②Have you got anything     (send) in the express company
③Have you read the novel The Wandering Earth     (write) by Liu Cixin
④(2023·陕西榆林模拟·写作)The temple has a long history                   of the Tang Dynasty.这座寺庙的悠久历史可以追溯到唐朝早期。
维度1 词法强化练
1.(2021·北京)Scientists aren't completely sure, and they have diverse     (idea).
2.(2021·浙江1月)When I went on a youth camp, I was recognized by children I'd never met. The pumpkin also became a     (minority) celebrity.
3.(2021·山东)It offers a wide     (vary) of courses for students, scholars, and professionals.
4.(2021·北京)Please let me know what time     (suit) you best.
5.This sheet     (contain) a list of problems a patient might like to raise with the doctor.
6.He admitted     (take) my book by mistake in the library yesterday.
7.Within one year she could speak English     (fluent) and with almost no accent.
8.     (traditional), the company's main markets have been Britain and the US.
9.The summer house was a simple wooden     (construct).
维度2 写作增分练
There is a small river                    .
Earthquakes              in the last hundred years.
3.阅读非常重要, 这一点我们从小时候就已经知道了。
Reading is very important,               since we were very young.
4.星期五发生了一起火灾,七人被困在里面, 其中四人受了重伤。
Seven people were caught in the fire that broke out on Friday,               were badly injured.
5.他说寒冷的天气让他很难再留在漠河, 他生病了, 对寒冷的天气感到厌倦。
He says the coldness made                in Mohe and he was sick and tired of it.
              the methods have good applied value in teaching.
The book               can move you to tears.
Father is always my close friend; I'm willing to tell him             .
  Use this list of winter festivals to plan your trip or plan around them, as many of these festivals will tie up transport and accommodations and drive up prices. It's all up to you: either plan your travel dates around them, or arrive early enough to jump into the festive atmosphere!
Lighting Festival
A day-trip away from Republic of Korea's capital Seoul, the Garden of Morning Calm is a must-see during the Festival. The lights there cover an area of some 330,000 square meters, using 30,000 colorful LED lights hanging from the trees. Wander around the fairy-like wonderland created by the lights—through such fields like Bonsai Garden, Moonlight Garden, and the Garden of Eden.
·Where: Gapyeong County, Republic of Korea
·When: December-mid-March
Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival
Millions of tourists visit this ice festival every year, drawn by the massive ice sculptures that decorate the fairgrounds next to Songhua River. The sculptures, ice palaces, mazes and slides are simply massive in scale, constructed from some 260,000 cubic yards of ice blocks harvested from the river. They range in size from life-scale carvings of animals and fantastic creatures, to massive 250-foot structures that tower over the crowds.
  ·Where: Harbin, China
·When: January 5-February 5
Sapporo Snow Festival
Japan's biggest winter festival has expanded in size and scope since its first celebration in 1950.The Festival covers two main sites in Sapporo. The centerpiece Odori Park site features some 100 ice sculptures dazzlingly lit up after dark. The Susukino district site features a smaller scale of ice sculptures decorating the district. The sculptures cover animals both real and fantastic, including anime-based creatures like Pokemon. Visitors can also enjoy snow mazes, street food, musical performances and skating on the ice rink near Odori Park.
·Where: Sapporo, Japan
·When: February 4-11
Sky Lantern Festival
The Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in Taiwan, China is Taiwan's most popular lantern festival, lighting the skies with floating lanterns bearing messages for the gods. Its counterpart in the Yangshui District favors a noisier kind of illumination—the Tainan Yanshui Fireworks Display takes place at Tainan's Wumiao Temple, where locals dare to be hit by small fireworks as a test of their strength and to ward off evil.
·Where: Pingxi and Yangshui, Taiwan, China
·When: February
1.Which winter festival has the longest duration
A.Lighting Festival.
B.Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival.
C.Sapporo Snow Festival.
D.Sky Lantern Festival.
2.Which of the following statements is TRUE
A.All of the sculptures in Harbin are massive in size.
B.Sapporo Snow Festival has a history of over 70 years.
C.The sculptures in Sapporo are smaller than those in Harbin.
D.Visitors can enjoy colorful lights in Harbin during Lighting Festival.
3.What is the purpose of the passage
A.To encourage visitors to experience winter festivals.
B.To popularize well-planned visits to potential customers.
C.To promote a better understanding of winter festivals among the public.
D.To offer information to help winter festival enthusiasts make good plans.
(1)accommodation n.       
(2)atmosphere n.       
(3)hang v.       
(4)massive adj.       
(5)fantastic adj.       
(6)float v.       
(1)tower A.v.远远高于;高耸 B.n.塔
They range in size from life-scale carvings of animals and fantastic creatures, to massive 250-foot structures that tower over the crowds.    
(2)feature A.n.特色;特征 B.v.由……主演
The centerpiece Odori Park site features some 100 ice sculptures dazzlingly lit up after dark.    
tie up; up to; take place; light up
(1)The explosions         in shopping centres as crowds of people were shopping for Mother's Day.
(2)Please extinguish (熄灭) your cigarette when the “no smoking” sign            .
(3)They got off their horses,           them and gave them the grain they had brought.
(4)It is         every citizen to protect the environment.
(赏结构)Millions of tourists visit this ice festival every year, drawn by the massive ice sculptures① that decorate the fairgrounds next to Songhua River②.
【赏析】此句是      复合句,①处为过去分词短语作        ,②处为that引导的定语从句,修饰前面的先行词ice sculptures。
                 , Helen has little time to care for her own daughter. Helen致力于教育听障儿童,几乎没有时间照顾自己的女儿。
参考词汇:二十四节气 24 solar terms;立春 Beginning of Spring
Ⅰ.1.earned 2.seeking 3.occurred 4.claimed 5.container
Ⅱ.1.fortune; unfortunately; fortunate 2.admission; admitted
3.selected; selections 4.suitable; suits 5.immigrants; to immigrate 6.historical; Historically
Ⅲ.①a ②to ③his ④a ⑤from ⑥into ⑦round
1.①Fortunately ②Unfortunately ③was fortunate enough to travel;had the good fortune to travel
2.①admitted ②to/into ③admission ④be admitted to/into my favorite university
3.①occurrence ②occurred ③to ④the idea occurred to you
4.①to escape ②to help  ③for/after ④seeking after her dreams
5.①will earn ②earning ③earned ④you should earn money by yourself
6.①escaping ②a ③from ④managed to escape from the fire
7.①to settle ②settlement  ③settlers ④settle down to your study
8.①about ②up ③down ④bring about some new problems
9.①carried ②to do ③leading ④each equipped with
10.①carrying ②to send ③written ④dating back to the early period
1. ideas 2.minor 3.variety 4.suits 5.contains 6.taking/having taken 7.fluently 8.Traditionally 9.construction
1.flowing through the farm 2.have claimed more than 1.6 million lives 3.which we have already known 4.four of whom/of whom four 5.it hard for him to stay  6.It's confirmed that 7.based on a true story 8.what I think about
  语篇解读 文章介绍了几个不同主题的冬季节日。
1.A 细节题。根据Lighting Festival部分中的When: December-mid-March可知,该节日持续的时间为三个半月;根据Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival部分中的When:January 5-February 5可知,该节日持续的时间为1个月;根据Sapporo Snow Festival部分中的When:February 4-11可知,该节日持续的时间为8天;再根据Sky Lantern Festival部分中的When: February可知,持续时间最长的冬季节日是Lighting Festival。
2.B 细节题。根据Sapporo Snow Festival部分中的“Japan's biggest winter festival has expanded in size and scope since its first celebration in 1950.”可知,Sapporo Snow Festival的首次举办时间是1950年,距今有超过70年的历史。
3.D 推断题。根据全文内容可知,作者写作本文的目的是介绍几个冬天的节日,以提供信息帮助冬季节日爱好者做好计划。
1.(1)住处;膳宿 (2)气氛;(围绕地球的)大气 (3)悬挂
(4)大量的;巨大的 (5)极好的;了不起的 (6)浮动;漂浮
2.(1)A (2)C
3.(1)took place (2)lights up (3)tied up (4)up to
1.主从;原因状语;Devoted to teaching the deaf children
Dear Sam,
The opening ceremony of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games filled my heart with so much excitement and pride that I can't wait to share it with you.
The opening ceremony began at the National Stadium in Beijing on February 4, which coincides with the “Beginning of Spring”, the first of the 24 solar terms of the year. By the way, the 24 solar terms guided ancient Chinese people in their agricultural conducts. As the ceremony started, the lights dimmed and a 24-second countdown followed, each paired with a sentence from Chinese poems, which shares the beauty of Chinese traditional culture with the whole world.
I'm here waiting for you to come to China.
Li Hua