人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists学案 (含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists学案 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 53.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-25 21:56:40



1.Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame     the alarm clock.
2.What she said sounded convincing, but I suspect it     (be) a lie.
3.Slowly he stooped down, grasped the     (handle) on both sides of the box, and gathered all his
strength to lift it.
4.Public attitudes towards marriage     (shift) over the past 50 years.
5.People have been pouring     stadiums since the days of ancient Greece.
6.British     (household) who do not have cars are only in the minority.
1.The reason why they looked     was that the news from their teachers was really     .(frustrate)
2.Tom is an     teacher in the college.He often     the students with their problems and gives     to any student in need.(assist)
3.In time of war, amounts of money were spent on     and many measures were taken     our country from being attacked.(defend)
4.He has a     for music. That is, he is     at music.(gift)
5.He described     what he saw in London, giving us a     picture about people's life there.(vivid)
1.During the Spring Festival in 2020, COVID-19 broke ①    . It was said that it was linked ②     wild bats. Thanks ③     the efforts of Zhong Nanshan and other medical workers, patients were attended ④    and the epidemic was under control. We hope the virus can be defeated once and ⑤     all.
2.The policewoman was ⑥     charge of this theft. She suspected one of the three persons ⑦     stealing the diamond ring, but at first they said they didn't. She thought that ⑧     all, she had to find the evidence. Later, one of them had to admit that he was to blame ⑨     the theft.
1.It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.(have+宾语+宾语补足语)
2.When asked “Can we Chinese possibly make missiles ”, his reply was a determined “Why not We Chinese are able to make the same things that other
people make.”(状语从句的省略)
3.However, what might have made him such an outstanding and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing.(what引导主语从句)
When Premier Wen Jiabao visited Qian Xuesen in 2005, Qian Xuesen asked, “Why can't our schools always cultivate outstanding talents ” “Qian Xuesen's question” is a difficult proposition about the development of China's education, which needs to be solved by the whole educational circles and even all sectors of society. 2005年,温家宝总理在看望钱学森的时候,钱学森发问:“为什么我们的学校总是培养不出杰出的人才 ” “钱学森之问”是关于中国教育事业发展的一道艰深的命题,需要整个教育界乃至社会各界共同破解。
In 1905, Albert Einstein received his doctorate in physics from the University of Zurich, and put forward the photon hypothesis, which successfully explained the photo electric effect. Special relativity was founded in the same year. Einstein founded general relativity in 1915.Because of the photoelectric effect, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦于1905年获得苏黎世大学物理学博士学位,并提出光子假设,成功解释了光电效应,同年创立狭义相对论。爱因斯坦于1915年创立广义相对论。在1921年,他因光电效应获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
1.subscribe vi.认购(股份);定期订购;定期交纳(会费);赞同;捐助 (subscriber n.订阅者;消费者;用户;捐赠者)
①(2020·北京)Lancom is a worldwide language learning app and a leader in the online language learning industry with millions of active     (subscribe).
subscribe to 订阅;同意;捐款
subscribe...to... 在……上签署……;向……捐赠……
②He subscribes     the view that children can benefit from being independent.
③We applied for     (subscribe) to some magazines useful for our work.
④The young generation finds it hard     (subscribe) to the values of an older one, which is called generation gap.
⑤My reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to know about advances in science.
→            New Scientist is to know about advances in science.(定语从句)
2.suspect vt.&vi.怀疑;疑有;不信任 n.犯罪嫌疑人;可疑对象 (suspicion n.怀疑;嫌疑 suspicious adj.感觉可疑的;令人怀疑的)
①(2020·新高考Ⅰ)In Samarkand, Mr Bissell admires the architectural wonders, while on
his way to Bukhara he gets a taste of police methods when     (suspect) of drug dealing.
suspect sb of (doing) sth 怀疑某人(做过)某事
suspect sb/sth to be... 怀疑某人/某物为……
suspect that... 怀疑……
②The police suspect him    having taken the wallet.
③I'm a bit     (suspect) about the package that's been left in the corridor.
④I suspect him to be the thief, as he can't explain the source of his money.
→I suspect         the thief, as he can't explain the source of his money.(宾语从句)
3.blame vt.责怪;指责;把……归咎于 n.责任;责备
①(2021·全国甲)It's the seaside birds that deserve at least part of the blame    getting Nick Burchill blacklisted at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, Canada.
blame sb for (doing) sth为(做)某事责备某人
blame sth on sb把某事归咎于某人
lay/put the blame on...把责任归咎于……
take the blame for 承担……的责任
be to blame for sth意为“应为某事负责或受指责”,其中动词不定式为主动形式表示被动含义。
②No one would admit responsibility. They all tried to lay the blame     someone else.
③I'm not going to sit around and take the blame     the mistake he made.
→Alice was in low spirits because she              the breakdown of the school computer network.
→         the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.(分词短语作状语)
4.link n.联系;纽带 vt.把……连接起来;相关联
①(2021·天津)It is found that people who frequent cultural places or participate in artistic events are more likely to gain good health compared to those who do not; more engagement with the arts is linked     a higher level of people's well-being.
link up (with) 连接;联系
link...with/to... 把……与……连接/联系
②The hearts of the people of all the countries     (link) to each other.
③Is he the man who had different sections of the walls linked    
④(2023·江西抚州月考·写作)According to a recent survey, about four million people die each year from diseases               .根据最近的一项调查,每年约有四百万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。
5.defend vt.保护;保卫;辩解 (defence n.防御;保护;保卫 defender n.防御者 defensive adj.防御的;自我保护的)
①(2021·全国甲)After spending some time looking at all the     (defense) equipment at the wall, we decided it was time for some action and what better than to ride on a piece of history!
defend sb/sth from/against保护某人/某物免受……
defend oneself=in one's defence 为自己辩护;自卫
in defence of...为了保卫……
与defend...from/against用法类似的还有prevent...from、 stop...from、 keep...from、 protect...from/against等。
②When a dog attacked me,I picked up a stick    (defend) myself.
③Humour is a more effective     (defend) than violence.
④(2023·上海长宁模拟·写作)As ginkgoes age,they show no evidence of weakening their ability to              . Other trees that live for a long time may have the same ability.随着银杏年龄的增长,它们没有显示出削弱抵御压力能力的迹象。其他寿命较长的树木可能也有同样的能力。
6.cast vt.投射;向……投以(视线、笑容等);投掷
①(2023·湖南岳阳模拟)Don't let today's disappointment cast a shadow     tomorrow's dreams.
cast a shadow/cloud over/on sth 给……蒙上一层阴影
cast doubt on sth 怀疑某事;不确信某事
cast a look/glance at sb/sth 向……看一眼
cast a vote投票
cast down 使沮丧;使失望
②She cast a glance     the mirror and went out, shutting the door behind her.
③He was cast     by the sad news.
④(2023·江苏苏州模拟·写作)People can             themselves in favor of those they adore.人们可以在网上投票支持他们喜欢的人。
7.above all 最重要的是;尤其是
after all 毕竟;终究
all in all 整体说来;总而言之
in all 全部;合计
(not) at all (否定句)一点也不;(疑问句)到底;究竟
first of all 首先
①     all, not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.
②All     all, I'd like to express my warm welcome to you and your performance.
③(2023·贵州毕节模拟·写作)     , I am good at spoken English, so I have no difficulty in communicating with foreigners.最重要的是,我很擅长英语口语,所以我与外国人交流没有困难。
8.thanks to幸亏;由于
due to 由于;因为  
because of 由于;因为
on account of 由于
owing to 由于;因为
as a result of 由于
①    (thank) to your hard work,we can finish the task ahead of schedule.
②Thanks     modern science and technology,people lead a more and more comfortable life.
③               , I won the first place in the contest.多亏您的指导,我在比赛中获得了第一名。
④               , I have made great progress in English.多亏老师的帮助,我在英语方面取得了很大的进步。
(P2)It seemed that the woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.这个女人似乎非常喜欢饮用水泵里的水,因此她每天都让人送水到她家。
句中的had it delivered...为“have+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,其中过去分词在句中作宾语补足语。类似结构的搭配如下:
have sb do sth让某人做某事
have sb doing sth使某人一直做某事
have sth to do有某事要做(主语自己做)
have sth to be done有某事要做(不是主语自己做)
have sb doing、have sb do和have sth done中的have是使役动词,其中have sth done结构中的宾语与宾语补足语之间是动宾关系;have sth to do中的have是及物动词,表示“有”的含义。
①These include plants that have sensors     (print) onto their leaves to show when they're short of water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in groundwater.
②Uncle Sam won't have my father and me     (return) to the farm too late.
③It was cold, and she had the fire     (burn) day and night.
④Training for the basketball game can strengthen both our body and teamwork.
→Training for the basketball game can                       .(have+宾语+宾语补足语)
维度1 词法强化练
1.(2022·全国乙)By using the latest technologies, drones could also start providing higher-value services for railways, detecting     (fault) in the rail or switches, before they can cause any safety problems.
2.(2021·北京)The     (find) show a critical need to invest in disaster prevention.
3.(2021·天津)When your mind floats away, you simply come back. Don't blame     (you).
4.(2020·天津第一次)No matter how much I had tried     (resist) him, he still influenced me.
5.This is     my father taught me—to always face difficulties bravely and hope for the best.
6.I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph     (take).
7.His words puzzled me so much that I had a hard time trying to make sense     what he really meant.
维度2 写作增分练
1.(2023·湖北黄冈模拟·写作)我充分意识到, 正是在国外的生活经历完全改变了我。
I'm fully aware that it's the experience from my life abroad                    .
According to a survey conducted recently, being addicted to online shopping for too long              to take part in social activities.
All Zhang Guimei has done for the students               .
          , you can find out some information about Australian natives on the Internet.
               most of the students fell asleep.
It was almost midnight that               yesterday.
  Over the last seven years, most states have banned texting by drivers, and public service campaigns have tried a wide range of methods to persuade people to put down their phones when they are behind the wheel.
Yet the problem, by just about any measure, appears to be getting worse.Americans are still texting while driving, as well as using social networks and taking photos.Road accidents, which had fallen for years, are now rising sharply.
That is partly because people are driving more, but Mark Rosekind, the chief of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, said distracted(分心的) driving was “only increasing, unfortunately”.
“Big change requires big ideas,” he said in a speech last month, referring broadly to the need to improve road safety.So to try to change a distinctly modern behavior, lawmakers and public health experts are reaching back to an old approach: They want to treat distracted driving like drunk driving.
  An idea from lawmakers in New York is to give police officers a new device called the Textalyzer.It would work like this: An officer arriving at the scene of a crash could ask for the phones of the drivers and use the Textalyzer to check in the operating system for recent activity.The technology could determine whether a driver had just texted, emailed or done anything else that is not allowed under New York's hands-free driving laws.
“We need something on the books that can change people's behavior,” said Félix W.Ortiz, who pushed for the state's 2001 ban on hand-held devices by drivers.“If the Textalyzer bill becomes law,” he said, “people are going to be more afraid to put their hands on the cell phone.”
1.Which of the following best describes the ban on drivers' texting in the US
2.What can the Textalyzer help a police officer find out
A.Where a driver came from.
B.Whether a driver used their phone.
C.How fast a driver was going.
D.When a driver arrived at the scene.
3.What does the underlined word “something” in the last paragraph refer to
A.Advice. B.Data.
C.Tests. D.Laws.
4.What is a suitable title for the passage
A.To Drive or Not to Drive Think Before You Start
B.Texting and Driving Watch Out for the Textalyzer
C.New York Banning Hand-Held Devices by Drivers
D.The Next Generation Cell Phone: The Textalyzer
(1)texting n.       
(2)network n.       
(3)broadly adv.       
(4)behavior n.       
(5)scene n.       
(6)determine v.       
(1)sharply A.adv.尖刻地 B.adv.严厉地
Road accidents, which had fallen for years, are now rising sharply.    
(2)text A.n.文本 B.n.教科书 C.v.发短信
The technology could determine whether a driver had just texted, emailed or done anything else that is not allowed under New York's hands-free driving laws.    
a wide range of;put down;refer to;check in
(1)If you don't know how to pronounce the word,         the dictionary.
(2)We         our luggage and went through to the departure lounge.
(3)With the stadium set up,         sports events are able to be held.
(4)The policeman         the phone, satisfied with a smile on his face.
(赏结构)An idea from lawmakers in New York is to give police officers a new device① called the Textalyzer②.
【赏析】①处为动词不定式短语作    ,②处为过去分词短语作定语,修饰前面的名词device。
My aim is             and let the world know more about China. I would appreciate it if you could agree to my request.我的目标是让中国走向世界,让世界了解中国。如果你能同意我的请求,我将不胜感激。
有人认为在人类社会中,科学家和工程师做出的贡献要比艺术家和作家的更重要。你同意这种观点吗 请说说你的看法,并用具体事例说明。
Ⅰ.1.on 2.to be 3.handles 4.have shifted 5.into
Ⅱ.1.frustrated; frustrating 2.assistant; assists; assistance 3.defence; to defend 4.gift; gifted 5.vividly; vivid
Ⅲ.①out ②to ③to ④to ⑤for ⑥in ⑦of ⑧above ⑨for
2.当被问到“我们中国人有可能制造导弹吗 ” 他的回答是坚定的,“为什么不能 其他人能造出来的,我们中国人同样能造得出来。”
1.①subscribers ②to ③subscribing ④to subscribe ⑤The reason why I subscribe to
2.①suspected ②of ③suspicious ④that he is
3.①for ②on ③for ④was blamed for;Blamed for
4.①to ②are linked ③up ④linked to smoking
5.①defensive ②to defend ③defence ④defend themselves from stress
6.①on/over ②at ③down ④cast online votes
7.①After ②in ③Above all
8.①Thanks ②to ③Thanks to your guidance ④Thanks to the teacher's help
9.①printed ②return ③burning ④have both our body and teamwork strengthened
1.faults 2.findings 3.yourself 4.to resist 5.what
6.taken 7.of
1.that has totally transformed me 2.will greatly decrease people's desire 3.makes her a respectable and popular teacher 4.If necessary 5.The lecture was so dull that 6.a fire broke out in our neighborhood
  语篇解读 为解决司机在开车时使用手机而引发交通事故的问题,纽约的立法者提出在事故现场使用Textalyzer来检查司机开车时是否使用了手机。
1.A 推断题。根据第1段内容以及第2段中的“Yet the problem, by just about any measure, appears to be getting worse.”可知,大多数州禁止司机在开车时发信息,可是情况却越来越糟糕。由此可知,这种禁令是无效的。ineffective意为“无效的”。
2.B 细节题。根据倒数第2段中的“The technology could determine whether a driver had just texted, emailed or done anything else that is not allowed under New York's hands-free driving laws.”可知,Textalyzer能够确定司机是否使用了手机发短信或邮件,或者做了驾驶法不允许的其他事情。
3.D 细节题。根据画线词所在的句子可知,something所指代的东西能够改变人们的行为。根据下文中的If the Textalyzer bill becomes law以及people are going to be more afraid to put their hands on the cell phone可推知,受到法律的约束和惩罚时,司机们才不会在开车的时候使用手机。故something指代的是法律。
4.B 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文讲述的是为解决司机在开车时使用手机而引发交通事故的问题,纽约的立法者提出在事故现场使用Textalyzer来检查司机开车时是否使用了手机。故B选项最适合作为本文的标题。
1.(1)发送(手机)短信 (2)网状系统;关系网 (3)大体上;基本上 (4)行为;性能 (5)场景;场面 (6)决定;确定
2.(1)C (2)C
3.(1)refer to (2)checked in (3)a wide range of (4)put down
1.表语;to let China go to the world
I think it is wrong to say that the contributions of scientists and engineers are more important in human society than those of artists and writers. In my opinion, their contribution to society is of equal importance.
The efforts of scientists and engineers make society develop faster, enhance national strength and provide convenience for people. Because of their inventions, our country is becoming stronger and stronger. Artists and writers, on the other hand, reflect these noticed as well as unnoticed developments in their works and record them on paper. Many scientists in history were also artists, such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Einstein, who invented many useful things combining their scientific knowledge with their artistic sense.
In a word, I hold the opinion that they play an equally important role in our society.