人教版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money 一轮复习单词复测练习(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money 一轮复习单词复测练习(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 42.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-27 09:28:46



Unit 5 The Value of Money
单词 音标 含义 例句
basis / be .s s/ 基础;根据 The basis of my argument is that the government should provide free education to all children.
on the basis of / n be .s s v/ 基于;根据 The judge ruled in favor of the defendant on the basis of the evidence presented.
loan /l n/ 贷款 The bank gave me a loan to start my own business.
take out a loan /te k a t l n/ 贷款 I took out a loan to pay for my medical bills.
plastic / pl s.t k/ 塑料 Plastic is a versatile material that can be used to make a variety of products, such as bottles, toys, and packaging.
apologise / p l. .d a z/ 道歉 I apologized to my teacher for being late to class.
ignore / ɡn r/ 忽视;无视 I ignored the rude comments of the man on the bus.
in return / n r t n/ 作为回报 I helped her with her homework, and she helped me with my chores in return.
judge /d d / 法官;评判 The judge sentenced the defendant to 10 years in prison.
scene /si n/ 场景;情节 The scene of the crime was a chaotic mess.
narrator / nɑ .r .te .t r/ 叙述者 The narrator of the book was a first-person narrator.
narration / n .r te . n/ 叙述 The narration of the story was very engaging.
bet /bet/ 打赌 I bet that I can beat you in a game of chess.
make a bet /me k bet/ 打赌 I made a bet with my friend that the weather would be sunny tomorrow.
servant / s .v nt/ 仆人 The servant waited on the guests hand and foot.
as a matter of fact / z m .t r v f kt/ 事实上 As a matter of fact, I did see her yesterday.
by accident /ba k .d nt/ 偶然;意外 I met her by accident at the grocery store. I was looking for milk, and she was looking for eggs.
sail /se l/ 航行 The ship sailed across the ocean for two weeks.
spot /sp t/ 地点;斑点 The spot where the accident happened is still cordoned off. It is a large, dark spot on the road.
consulate / k n.s .l t/ 领事馆 We went to the consulate to get a visa. We needed a visa to travel to China.
dare /de / 敢;冒险 I dare you to jump into the pool. I bet you won't do it.
sort /s t/ 种类;分类 There are many sorts of fruit in the market. I like bananas, apples, and oranges.
mining / ma .n / 采矿 The mining industry is important to the economy. It provides jobs and raw materials for other industries.
patience / pe . ns/ 耐心 I need more patience to deal with this situation. I am trying to be patient with my child who is learning to walk.
to be honest /tu bi .n st/ 老实说 To be honest, I don't know the answer. I am not sure what the answer is.
ought to / ɑ t tu / 应该;应当 You ought to apologize to her. You made her feel bad.
be about to do sth /bi ba t tu du s mθ / 即将做某事 The train is about to depart.
indicate / n.d .ke t/ 表示;表明 The sign indicates that the road is closed. The sign says "Road Closed."
beneath /b ni θ/ 在下面 The treasure was buried beneath the ground. The treasure was hidden underground.
postpone /p st.p n/ 推迟;延期 The meeting was postponed until next week. The meeting was rescheduled for next week.
odd / d/ 奇怪的;古怪的 That's an odd thing to say. That's a strange thing to say.
obligation / bl . . n/ 义务;责任 We have an obligation to help those in need. We have a responsibility to help those who are in need.
intention / n ten. n/ 意图;目的 I had no intention of hurting you. I didn't mean to hurt you.
nowhere / n .we / 无处;没有 I could find nowhere to park. I couldn't find a place to park.
in case / n ke s/ 以防;万一 I brought an umbrella in case it rained. I brought an umbrella in case of rain.
extent / st nt/ 范围;程度 To what extent are you willing to help To what degree are you willing to help
to … extent /tu … st nt/ 到……程度 To a certain extent, I agree with you. I agree with you to a certain degree.
opera / .p .r / 歌剧 I love opera. I enjoy watching operas.
musical / mju .z .k l/ 音乐剧 I went to see a musical last night. I saw a musical last night.
dinosaur / da .n .s r/ 恐龙 Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Dinosaurs lived a long time ago.
hug /h ɡ/ 拥抱 I gave her a hug. I hugged her.
pursue /p sju / 追求;追逐 I am pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor. I am working towards my dream of becoming a doctor.
duty / dju .ti/ 职责;义务 It is my duty to help those in need. I am obligated to help those who are in need.
on duty / n dju .ti/ 值班 The police officer was on duty when the crime happened. The police officer was working when the crime happened.
hesitate / he.z .te t/ 犹豫;迟疑 I hesitated before answering the question. I took a moment to think before answering the question.
sequence / si .kw ns/ 顺序;序列 The events happened in a sequence. The events happened one after the other.
eventually / v n.t . .li/ 最终;终于 I eventually got the job I wanted. I finally got the job I wanted.
tailor / te .l / 裁缝 I took my suit to the tailor to be fixed. I took my suit to a tailor to be repaired.
clerk /kl k/ 职员;店员 The clerk at the store was very helpful. The store clerk was very helpful.
manner / m .n / 方式;作风 She spoke in a polite manner. She spoke in a polite way.
in a … manner / n … m .n / 以……方式 He spoke in a confident manner. He spoke with confidence.
downstairs / da n st .z/ 楼下 I went downstairs to get a snack.
stair /ste / 楼梯 The stairs were steep and narrow.
aside / sa d/ 一边;旁边 She sat aside to let others pass.
frown /fra n/ 皱眉 He frowned when he heard the bad news.
in that case / n t ke s/ 在那种情况下 In that case, I'll help you.
option / p. n/ 选择;选项 You have the option of taking the bus or the train.
broad /br d/ 宽阔的;广泛的 The river is broad and deep.
indeed / n di d/ 确实;的确 It is indeed a beautiful day.
normal / n .m l/ 正常的;普通的 It is normal to feel nervous before a big test.
willing / w l. / 愿意;乐意的 I'm willing to help you with your homework.
be willing to do sth /bi w l. tu du s mθ / 愿意做某事 I am willing to help you with your homework if you need it.
element / el. .m nt/ 元素 Oxygen is an element.
plot /pl t/ 情节;阴谋 The plot of the movie is very suspenseful.
ambassador / m b .s .d / 大使 The ambassador from China is visiting the United States.
upper-class / p. kl s/ 上流社会的 The upper-class people live in the most expensive neighborhoods.
upper / p. / 上部的;高级的 The upper class is the richest and most powerful class in society.
the upper class / p. kl s/ 上流社会 The upper class often lives in exclusive neighborhoods.
maintain /me n te n/ 维持;保持 We must maintain peace in the world.
permission /p m . n/ 允许;许可 I need your permission to use your car.
permit / p .m t/ 允许;许可 The permit allows you to park in this area.
saying / se . / 谚语;格言 "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
external / k st n. l/ 外部的;外来的 The external factors affected the decision.
Roderick / r d.r k/ 罗德里克 Roderick is a fictional character in the novel "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Oliver / l. .v / 奥利弗 Oliver is a fictional character in the novel "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens.
Henry Adams / h n.ri d. mz/ 亨利·亚当斯 Henry Adams was an American historian, writer, and diplomat.
The Phantom of the Opera / f n.t m v .p .r / 歌剧魅影 The Phantom of the Opera is a musical about a mysterious phantom who haunts the Paris Opera House.
Reid /ri d/ 里德 Reid is a fictional character in the television series "The Mentalist."
Todd /t d/ 托德 Todd is a fictional character in the television series "Breaking Bad."
Portia Langham / p . l . m/ 波蒂亚·兰哈姆 Portia Langham is a fictional character in the television series "The Office."
Unit 5 The Value of Money
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ be .s s/ 基础;根据
/ n be .s s v/ 基于;根据
/l n/ 贷款
/te k a t l n/ 贷款
/ pl s.t k/ 塑料
/ p l. .d a z/ 道歉
/ ɡn r/ 忽视;无视
/ n r t n/ 作为回报
/d d / 法官;评判
/si n/ 场景;情节
/ nɑ .r .te .t r/ 叙述者
/ n .r te . n/ 叙述
/bet/ 打赌
/me k bet/ 打赌
/ s .v nt/ 仆人
/ z m .t r v f kt/ 事实上
/ba k .d nt/ 偶然;意外
/se l/ 航行
/sp t/ 地点;斑点
/ k n.s .l t/ 领事馆
/de / 敢;冒险
/s t/ 种类;分类
/ ma .n / 采矿
/ pe . ns/ 耐心
/tu bi .n st/ 老实说
/ ɑ t tu / 应该;应当
/bi ba t tu du s mθ / 即将做某事
/ n.d .ke t/ 表示;表明
/b ni θ/ 在下面
/p st.p n/ 推迟;延期
/ d/ 奇怪的;古怪的
/ bl . . n/ 义务;责任
/ n ten. n/ 意图;目的
/ n .we / 无处;没有
/ n ke s/ 以防;万一
/ st nt/ 范围;程度
/tu … st nt/ 到……程度
/ .p .r / 歌剧
/ mju .z .k l/ 音乐剧
/ da .n .s r/ 恐龙
/h ɡ/ 拥抱
/p sju / 追求;追逐
/ dju .ti/ 职责;义务
/ n dju .ti/ 值班
/ he.z .te t/ 犹豫;迟疑
/ si .kw ns/ 顺序;序列
/ v n.t . .li/ 最终;终于
/ te .l / 裁缝
/kl k/ 职员;店员
/ m .n / 方式;作风
/ n … m .n / 以……方式
/ da n st .z/ 楼下
/ste / 楼梯
/ sa d/ 一边;旁边
/fra n/ 皱眉
/ n t ke s/ 在那种情况下
/ p. n/ 选择;选项
/br d/ 宽阔的;广泛的
/ n di d/ 确实;的确
/ n .m l/ 正常的;普通的
/ w l. / 愿意;乐意的
/bi w l. tu du s mθ / 愿意做某事
/ el. .m nt/ 元素
/pl t/ 情节;阴谋
/ m b .s .d / 大使
/ p. kl s/ 上流社会的
/ p. / 上部的;高级的
/ p. kl s/ 上流社会
/me n te n/ 维持;保持
/p m . n/ 允许;许可
/ p .m t/ 允许;许可
/ se . / 谚语;格言
/ k st n. l/ 外部的;外来的
/ r d.r k/ 罗德里克
/ l. .v / 奥利弗
/ h n.ri d. mz/ 亨利·亚当斯
/ f n.t m v .p .r / 歌剧魅影
/ri d/ 里德
/t d/ 托德
/ p . l . m/ 波蒂亚·兰哈姆