Unit 5 Revealing nature
单词 音标 含义 例句
seed /si d/ 种子 The seeds were planted in the ground.
distant / d s.t nt/ 遥远的;远处的 The distant mountains were shrouded in mist.
answer / ɑ .ns / 答案;回答 The answer to the question is still unknown.
disgrace /d ɡre s/ 耻辱;羞辱 The scandal brought disgrace to the family.
be a disgrace /bi d ɡre s/ 是耻辱;是羞辱 The behavior of the students was a disgrace to the school.
geologist /d .l .d st/ 地质学家 The geologist studied the rocks in the area.
sample / s m.p l/ 样本;试样 The scientist took a sample of the water to test.
evolve / v lv/ 进化;演变 The birds evolved from dinosaurs.
finch /f nt / 雀科鸟 The finch is a small songbird.
beak /bi k/ 鸟嘴;喙 The finch's beak is used to crack seeds.
suspect / s s.p kt/ 嫌疑人;怀疑者 The police suspect that the man is the thief.
ancestor / n.ses.t r/ 祖先 The ancestors of the people in this village came from China.
evolution / v l.u n/ 进化;演变 The theory of evolution explains how life on Earth has changed over time.
generate / d en. .re t/ 产生;生成 The power plant generates electricity.
characteristic / k r. kt .r s.t k/ 特征;特性 The characteristic feature of a bird is its feathers.
decline /d kla n/ 下降;衰落 The population of the city is declining.
tortoise / t .t s/ 陆龟 The tortoise is a slow-moving reptile.
blame /ble m/ 责备;归罪于 The teacher blamed the student for the mistake.
goat /ɡ t/ 山羊 The goat is a domesticated animal.
be native to /bi ne .t v tu / 是…的土生土长的 The goat is native to the Middle East.
primitive / pr m. .t v/ 原始的;原始的 The primitive people lived in caves.
worldwide / w l.d.wa d/ 全世界的;世界性的 The company has a worldwide presence.
giant / a . nt/ 巨人的;巨大的 The giant tortoise is the largest tortoise in the world.
mangrove / mɑ .ɡr v/ 红树林 The mangrove is a type of tree that grows in coastal areas.
iguana / gwa .n / 鬣蜥 The iguana is a large lizard.
comb-like / k mb.la k/ 像梳子一样的 The iguana has comb-like spines on its back.
myth /m θ/ 神话 The myth of the unicorn is a popular story.
legend / led . nd/ 传说 The legend of King Arthur is a well-known story.
detect /d tekt/ 发现;侦测 The police detected the presence of drugs in the car.
wasp /w sp/ 黄蜂 The wasp is a stinging insect.
pesticide / pesti.sa d/ 杀虫剂 The farmer used pesticides to kill the insects.
root /ru t/ 根 The tree has deep roots.
chilli / t l.i/ 辣椒 I love eating chilli.
link /l k/ 链接;联系 The two countries are linked by a bridge.
fungus / f .ɡ s/ 真菌 Fungus is a type of plant that does not have leaves or flowers.
fungal / f .ɡ l/ 真菌的 The disease is fungal in origin.
cybercrime / sa .b r.kra m/ 网络犯罪 Cybercrime is a growing problem.
centimetre / senti.mi .t / 厘米 The ruler is 30 centimetres long.
Unit 5 Revealing nature
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/si d/ 种子
/ d s.t nt/ 遥远的;远处的
/ ɑ .ns / 答案;回答
/d ɡre s/ 耻辱;羞辱
/bi d ɡre s/ 是耻辱;是羞辱
/d .l .d st/ 地质学家
/ s m.p l/ 样本;试样
/ v lv/ 进化;演变
/f nt / 雀科鸟
/bi k/ 鸟嘴;喙
/ s s.p kt/ 嫌疑人;怀疑者
/ n.ses.t r/ 祖先
/ v l.u n/ 进化;演变
/ d en. .re t/ 产生;生成
/ k r. kt .r s.t k/ 特征;特性
/d kla n/ 下降;衰落
/ t .t s/ 陆龟
/ble m/ 责备;归罪于
/ɡ t/ 山羊
/bi ne .t v tu / 是…的土生土长的
/ pr m. .t v/ 原始的;原始的
/ w l.d.wa d/ 全世界的;世界性的
/ a . nt/ 巨人的;巨大的
/ mɑ .ɡr v/ 红树林
/ gwa .n / 鬣蜥
/ k mb.la k/ 像梳子一样的
/m θ/ 神话
/ led . nd/ 传说
/d tekt/ 发现;侦测
/w sp/ 黄蜂
/ pesti.sa d/ 杀虫剂
/ru t/ 根
/ t l.i/ 辣椒
/l k/ 链接;联系
/ f .ɡ s/ 真菌
/ f .ɡ l/ 真菌的
/ sa .b r.kra m/ 网络犯罪
/ senti.mi .t / 厘米