Unit 6 Earth First
单词 音标 含义 例句
shark / ɑ k/ 鲨鱼 The shark is a predator.
scare /sk / 吓唬;惊吓 The shark scare caused people to stay out of the water.
due to /du tu / 由于;因为 The shark scare was due to a recent attack.
fin /f n/ 鳍 The shark has fins on its back.
dive /da v/ 潜水 The shark dove into the water.
target / tɑ r.ɡ t/ 目标;靶子 The shark targeted the swimmer.
fortunately / f .t .n. .t.li/ 幸运的是 Fortunately, the swimmer escaped.
extinction / k st n.k n/ 灭绝 The shark is facing extinction.
attitude / t. .tju d/ 态度;心态 The shark's attitude is aggressive.
devote /d v t/ 奉献;致力于 The shark devotes its life to hunting.
ocean / o . n/ 海洋 The shark lives in the ocean.
highlight / ha .la t/ 强调;突出 The shark's fins are a highlight of its appearance.
cruelty / kru . l.ti/ 残忍 The shark hunting is cruel.
hunting / h n.t / 狩猎 The shark is hunted for its fins.
presentation /p sen.te . n/ 演示;陈述 The shark presentation was informative.
reserve /r z v/ 保留;储备 The shark is a protected species.
staff /sta f/ 员工;职员 The shark staff are experts in their field.
establish / st b.l / 建立;创立 The shark reserve was established to protect the species.
damage / d m. d / 损坏;伤害 The shark attack caused damage to the boat.
drought /dra t/ 干旱 The drought caused the shark population to decline.
flood /fl d/ 洪水 The flood killed many sharks.
affect / fekt/ 影响;作用 The shark population is affected by climate change.
supply /s pla / 供应;提供 The shark supply is threatened by overfishing.
restore /r st / 恢复;修复 The shark population needs to be restored.
adopt / d pt/ 采用;采纳 The government should adopt sustainable practices to protect sharks.
sustainable /s ste .n .b l/ 可持续的 Sustainable practices can help protect sharks.
bulb /b lb/ 灯泡 The light bulb can help reduce energy consumption.
renewable / r nju . .b l/ 可再生的 Renewable energy sources can help reduce carbon emissions.
carbon / kɑ b n/ 碳 Carbon emissions are a major cause of climate change.
greenhouse / ɡri n.ha s/ 温室 Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, causing climate change.
reusable / r .ju . .s .b l/ 可重复使用的 Reusable products can help reduce waste.
brochure / br . / 小册子 The brochure provides information about sustainable practices.
reduce /r dju s/ 减少;缩小 The government has taken steps to reduce pollution.
solar / s .l / 太阳能的 Solar energy is a renewable source of energy.
release /r li s/ 释放;发放 The government has released a report on climate change.
smog /sm ɡ/ 烟雾 The smog in the city is very bad.
fog /f ɡ/ 雾 The fog is so thick that I can't see anything.
severe /s v / 严重的;剧烈的 The weather is severe, with strong winds and heavy rain.
infection / n fek n/ 感染 The infection is spreading rapidly.
lecture / lek.t / 讲座 The lecture was very informative.
permission /p m . n/ 允许;许可 I need your permission to use your car.
slide /sla d/ 滑动;滑梯 The slide is a popular attraction at the park.
majority /m r. .ti/ 多数;大多数 The majority of people support the new law.
false /f ls/ 虚假的;错误的 The information in the article is false.
amount / ma nt/ 数量;金额 The amount of pollution is increasing.
device /d va s/ 设备;装置 The device is used to measure air quality.
stand-by / st nd.ba / 待机 The computer is in stand-by mode.
mode /m d/ 模式;方式 The car is in automatic mode.
electricity / lek.tr .s ti/ 电 Electricity is a form of energy.
leak /li k/ 漏水;泄露 There is a leak in the roof.
appliance / pla ns/ 电器 The appliance is broken.
remove /r mu v/ 移除;取下 Please remove your shoes before entering the house.
plug /pl ɡ/ 插头 The plug is not properly inserted.
take … into account /te k ntu ka nt/ 考虑;将…纳入考量 We need to take the environment into account when making decisions.
litre / l .t / 升 A litre of water is equal to 1.0567 quarts.
campaign /k m pe n/ 运动;竞选 The government is launching a campaign to raise awareness of climate change.
urge / d / 敦促;促使 The scientists urge governments to take action on climate change.
canteen /k n ti n/ 食堂 The canteen serves a variety of food.
concerned /k n s nd/ 关心的;担心的 I am concerned about the environment.
contribute /k n tr .bju t/ 贡献;捐赠 We can all contribute to reducing pollution.
average / v. r. d / 平均的;一般的 The average temperature in January is 10 degrees Celsius.
Unit 6 Earth First
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ ɑ k/ 鲨鱼
/sk / 吓唬;惊吓
/du tu / 由于;因为
/f n/ 鳍
/da v/ 潜水
/ tɑ r.ɡ t/ 目标;靶子
/ f .t .n. .t.li/ 幸运的是
/ k st n.k n/ 灭绝
/ t. .tju d/ 态度;心态
/d v t/ 奉献;致力于
/ o . n/ 海洋
/ ha .la t/ 强调;突出
/ kru . l.ti/ 残忍
/ h n.t / 狩猎
/p sen.te . n/ 演示;陈述
/r z v/ 保留;储备
/sta f/ 员工;职员
/ st b.l / 建立;创立
/ d m. d / 损坏;伤害
/dra t/ 干旱
/fl d/ 洪水
/ fekt/ 影响;作用
/s pla / 供应;提供
/r st / 恢复;修复
/ d pt/ 采用;采纳
/s ste .n .b l/ 可持续的
/b lb/ 灯泡
/ r nju . .b l/ 可再生的
/ kɑ b n/ 碳
/ ɡri n.ha s/ 温室
/ r .ju . .s .b l/ 可重复使用的
/ br . / 小册子
/r dju s/ 减少;缩小
/ s .l / 太阳能的
/r li s/ 释放;发放
/sm ɡ/ 烟雾
/f ɡ/ 雾
/s v / 严重的;剧烈的
/ n fek n/ 感染
/ lek.t / 讲座
/p m . n/ 允许;许可
/sla d/ 滑动;滑梯
/m r. .ti/ 多数;大多数
/f ls/ 虚假的;错误的
/ ma nt/ 数量;金额
/d va s/ 设备;装置
/ st nd.ba / 待机
/m d/ 模式;方式
/ lek.tr .s ti/ 电
/li k/ 漏水;泄露
/ pla ns/ 电器
/r mu v/ 移除;取下
/pl ɡ/ 插头
/te k ntu ka nt/ 考虑;将…纳入考量
/ l .t / 升
/k m pe n/ 运动;竞选
/ d / 敦促;促使
/k n ti n/ 食堂
/k n s nd/ 关心的;担心的
/k n tr .bju t/ 贡献;捐赠
/ v. r. d / 平均的;一般的