人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration 一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration 一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 45.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-27 09:39:30



Unit 4 Space Exploration
单词 音标 含义 例句
astronaut / st n t/ 宇航员 The astronaut is preparing for the launch.
procedure /pr si .d / 程序;手续 The procedure for applying for a visa is as follows.
mental / men.t l/ 心理的;精神的 Mental health is an important issue.
centimetre / sen.t .mi .t r/ 厘米 The length of the ruler is 30 centimetres.
intelligent / n tel.i. nt/ 聪明的;智能的 The intelligent robot can understand and respond to human commands.
rocket / r .k t/ 火箭 The rocket is used to launch satellites into space.
gravity / ɡr v. .ti/ 引力 Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward each other.
frontier / fr n.t . / 边界;前沿 Space exploration is the frontier of human knowledge.
vehicle / vi . .k.l/ 交通工具;车辆 The vehicle is used to transport people and goods.
universe / ju .n .v s/ 宇宙 The universe is vast and mysterious.
determined /d t .m .n d/ 坚定的;决心的 The determined astronaut was determined to reach the moon.
determine /d t .m n/ 决定;确定 The scientists determined that the planet was habitable.
satellite / s t. .la t/ 卫星 The satellite is used to transmit data from space.
launch /l n / 发射 The rocket launched the satellite into space.
orbit / .b t/ 轨道 The planet orbits the sun.
giant / d a . nt/ 巨人的;巨大的 The giant panda is a giant panda.
leap /li p/ 跳跃 The astronaut leaped into space.
mankind / m n.ka nd/ 人类 Mankind has made great progress in space exploration.
agency / e .d n.si/ 机构 The space agency is responsible for space exploration.
transmit /tr n s .t/ 传输;发送 The satellite transmits data back to Earth.
data / de .t / 数据 The data from the satellite is used to study the climate.
disappointed /d s. p n.t. d/ 失望的 The astronaut was disappointed that he could not reach the moon.
desire /d za . / 欲望;渴望 The astronaut desired to explore space.
carry on / k .ri n/ 继续;坚持 The astronaut carried on with his mission.
ongoing / n.ɡ . / 正在进行的;持续的 The ongoing space exploration is a testament to human ingenuity.
on board / n b d/ 在船上;在飞机上 The astronaut was on board the rocket.
independently / n. d .pen.d nt.li/ 独立地;自主地 The astronaut worked independently to complete his mission.
independent / n. d .pen.d nt/ 独立的;自主的 The independent astronaut was not affiliated with any government.
spacecraft / spe s.kr ft/ 航天器 The spacecraft is used to travel in space.
spacewalk / spe s.w k/ 太空行走 The astronaut went on a spacewalk to repair the satellite.
jade / d e d/ 玉 The jade rabbit is a symbol of good luck.
dock /d k/ 码头;对接 The spacecraft docked with the space station.
signal / s ɡ.n l/ 信号 The astronaut sent a signal to Earth.
in the hope of doing sth / n h p v du s mθ / 希望做某事 The astronaut went on a spacewalk in the hope of repairing the satellite.
so as to /s z tu / 为了 The astronaut went on a spacewalk so as to repair the satellite.
recycle / ri .sa .kl/ 回收 The astronaut recycled the materials from the spacewalk.
muscle / m s. l/ 肌肉 The astronaut used his muscles to move around in space.
lack /l k/ 缺乏 The astronaut lacked oxygen during the spacewalk.
float /fl t/ 漂浮 The astronaut floated in space.
otherwise / n. .w z/ 否则 The astronaut would have died if he had not been rescued.
beyond /b j nd/ 超越;以外 The universe is beyond our comprehension.
solar / s .l / 太阳的;太阳系的 The solar system is made up of the sun and its planets.
current / k .r nt/ 电流;当前的 The current astronaut is on board the International Space Station.
figure out / f ɡ. a t/ 弄清楚;解决 The astronaut figured out how to repair the satellite.
sufficient /s f . nt/ 足够的 The astronaut had sufficient oxygen to complete the spacewalk.
soap /s p/ 肥皂 The astronaut used soap to wash his hands.
towel / ta . l/ 毛巾 The astronaut used a towel to dry his hands.
microwave / ma .kr .we v/ 微波炉 The astronaut used a microwave to heat up food.
tissue / t .u / 纸巾 The astronaut used a tissue to blow his nose.
facility /f sil. .ti/ 设施;设备 The space station has many facilities, including a gym and a restaurant.
keen /ki n/ 热心的;兴趣浓厚的 The astronaut was keen to explore space.
globe /ɡl b/ 地球仪 The astronaut looked at the globe to find his location.
argue / ɑ .ɡju / 争论;辩论 The astronauts argued about the best way to repair the satellite.
argument / ɑ .ɡju .m nt/ 争论;辩论 The argument between the astronauts delayed the repair of the satellite.
fatal / fe .t l/ 致命的 The astronaut's lack of oxygen was fatal.
shallow / .lo / 浅的 The astronaut's spacesuit was too shallow for him to move around in space.
result in /r z lt n/ 导致;造成 The astronaut's lack of oxygen resulted in his death.
pattern / p t. .n/ 模式;图案 The astronaut saw a pattern in the data from the satellite.
analysis / n .l .s s/ 分析 The scientists analyzed the data from the satellite to learn more about the universe.
as a result / z r z lt/ 因此 As a result of the astronaut's death, space exploration was delayed.
high-end /ha end/ 高端的 The International Space Station is a high-end facility.
monitor / m n. .t / 监控;观察 The astronauts monitored the satellite from the space station.
regularly / reg.ju.l .li/ 经常地;定期地 The astronauts regularly monitored the satellite.
regular / reg.ju.l / 经常的;定期的 The astronaut had regular check-ups to monitor his health.
foam /f m/ 泡沫 The astronaut used foam to insulate his spacesuit.
pillow / p l. / 枕头 The astronaut used a pillow to sleep in his spacesuit.
smartphone / smɑ t.f n/ 智能手机 The astronaut used a smartphone to communicate with Earth.
resource / r .s s/ 资源 The astronauts used the resources on the space station to survive.
limited / l m. .t d/ 有限的 The astronauts had limited resources on the space station.
provide for sb /pr va d f (s m.b di )/ 为某人提供 The astronauts provided for each other's needs.
closing / kl z. / 结束;结尾 The closing ceremony of the space station was a moving event.
in closing / n kl z. / 最后 In closing, I would like to thank you all for your support.
mystery / m s.t r.i/ 谜;秘密 The disappearance of the astronaut is a mystery.
run out /r n a t/ 用完;耗尽 The astronaut ran out of oxygen during the spacewalk.
attach / t t / 附加;连接 The astronaut attached a new part to the satellite.
oxygen / k.s .d n/ 氧气 The astronaut needed oxygen to survive in space.
Sputnik / spu.tn k/ 人造卫星 Sputnik was the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth.
the USSR / ju .es.es. r/ 苏联 The USSR launched Sputnik in 1957.
Yuri Gagarin / ju .ri ɡ .gɑ .r n/ 尤里·加加林 Yuri Gagarin was the first person to travel into space.
Neil Armstrong /ni l ɑ m.str / 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗 Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon.
NASA / n .s / 美国国家航空航天局 NASA is responsible for the exploration of space.
Voyager 1 / v . .d w n/ 旅行者1号 Voyager 1 is a space probe that is currently exploring the outer solar system.
Soyuz 11 / s .ju z l.t n/ 联盟11号 Soyuz 11 was a Soviet spacecraft that crashed in 1971, killing all three astronauts on board.
Challenger / t l. n. / 挑战者号 Challenger was a US space shuttle that exploded in 1986, killing all seven astronauts on board.
the International Space Station / n.t n . n. l spe s st . n/ 国际空间站 The International Space Station is a collaborative project of many countries.
Jade Rabbit / d e .d r b. t/ 玉兔号 Jade Rabbit is a Chinese lunar rover that landed on the moon in 2013.
Mars /mɑ z/ 火星 Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.
Jupiter / d u .p .t r/ 木星 Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
Typhoon Goni / ta .fu n ɡ .ni/ 台风戈尼 Typhoon Goni was a powerful storm that hit the Philippines in 2022.
GPS /d i pi es/ 全球定位系统 GPS is a system of satellites that can be used to determine your location.
Unit 4 Space Exploration
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ st n t/ 宇航员
/pr si .d / 程序;手续
/ men.t l/ 心理的;精神的
/ sen.t .mi .t r/ 厘米
/ n tel.i. nt/ 聪明的;智能的
/ r .k t/ 火箭
/ ɡr v. .ti/ 引力
/ fr n.t . / 边界;前沿
/ vi . .k.l/ 交通工具;车辆
/ ju .n .v s/ 宇宙
/d t .m .n d/ 坚定的;决心的
/d t .m n/ 决定;确定
/ s t. .la t/ 卫星
/l n / 发射
/ .b t/ 轨道
/ d a . nt/ 巨人的;巨大的
/li p/ 跳跃
/ m n.ka nd/ 人类
/ e .d n.si/ 机构
/tr n s .t/ 传输;发送
/ de .t / 数据
/d s. p n.t. d/ 失望的
/d za . / 欲望;渴望
/ k .ri n/ 继续;坚持
/ n.ɡ . / 正在进行的;持续的
/ n b d/ 在船上;在飞机上
/ n. d .pen.d nt.li/ 独立地;自主地
/ n. d .pen.d nt/ 独立的;自主的
/ spe s.kr ft/ 航天器
/ spe s.w k/ 太空行走
/ d e d/ 玉
/d k/ 码头;对接
/ s ɡ.n l/ 信号
/ n h p v du s mθ / 希望做某事
/s z tu / 为了
/ ri .sa .kl/ 回收
/ m s. l/ 肌肉
/l k/ 缺乏
/fl t/ 漂浮
/ n. .w z/ 否则
/b j nd/ 超越;以外
/ s .l / 太阳的;太阳系的
/ k .r nt/ 电流;当前的
/ f ɡ. a t/ 弄清楚;解决
/s f . nt/ 足够的
/s p/ 肥皂
/ ta . l/ 毛巾
/ ma .kr .we v/ 微波炉
/ t .u / 纸巾
/f sil. .ti/ 设施;设备
/ki n/ 热心的;兴趣浓厚的
/ɡl b/ 地球仪
/ ɑ .ɡju / 争论;辩论
/ ɑ .ɡju .m nt/ 争论;辩论
/ fe .t l/ 致命的
/ .lo / 浅的
/r z lt n/ 导致;造成
/ p t. .n/ 模式;图案
/ n .l .s s/ 分析
/ z r z lt/ 因此
/ha end/ 高端的
/ m n. .t / 监控;观察
/ reg.ju.l .li/ 经常地;定期地
/ reg.ju.l / 经常的;定期的
/f m/ 泡沫
/ p l. / 枕头
/ smɑ t.f n/ 智能手机
/ r .s s/ 资源
/ l m. .t d/ 有限的
/pr va d f (s m.b di )/ 为某人提供
/ kl z. / 结束;结尾
/ n kl z. / 最后
/ m s.t r.i/ 谜;秘密
/r n a t/ 用完;耗尽
/ t t / 附加;连接
/ k.s .d n/ 氧气
/ spu.tn k/ 人造卫星
/ ju .es.es. r/ 苏联
/ ju .ri ɡ .gɑ .r n/ 尤里·加加林
/ni l ɑ m.str / 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗
/ n .s / 美国国家航空航天局
/ v . .d w n/ 旅行者1号
/ s .ju z l.t n/ 联盟11号
/ t l. n. / 挑战者号
/ n.t n . n. l spe s st . n/ 国际空间站
/ d e .d r b. t/ 玉兔号
/mɑ z/ 火星
/ d u .p .t r/ 木星
/ ta .fu n ɡ .ni/ 台风戈尼
/d i pi es/ 全球定位系统